Is the weak nuclear force really a force?

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Recently, I made a video about whether gravity  was a force.  I was scrolling through the   comments – always an eye-opening experience – and  I noticed one question in a specific comment.    This individual asked if the weak nuclear force  was a force in the usual sense of the word.    It turns out that this is a common question, with  some interesting surprises, and that means you   should sit back, because I have a story to tell.    (intro music) To determine whether something is a force, you  first need to know what it means to be a force.    While there are technical definitions, for this  video I want to use a common sense one.  A force   is something that either causes an object to move  or would cause something to move if it wasn’t held   in place.    There are several known fundamental forces.   While the question of how many forces exist is   more subtle than you’d think, it is common to say  that scientists know of four forces.  They are,   gravity, electromagnetism, the strong  nuclear force, and the weak nuclear force.    Gravity, of course, holds us here on Earth.    It’s a force, because if a cat misses a jump, it  falls.  Gravity satisfies the simple definition   and brings us thousands of funny cat videos.    Electromagnetism is also a  force.  After all, a magnet,   which is part of electromagnetism,  can pick up small metal objects.  So,   it’s a force too.    The strong nuclear force holds the nucleus  of atoms together.  We know this because,   a nucleus usually contains several protons, all  of which have a positive electrical charge.    In electromagnetism, when you have two charges  with the same sign, they push away from one   another, which would blow the nucleus apart.   Therefore, nuclei wouldn’t exist if there wasn’t   a stronger force holding the nucleus together.    So that’s three of the four forces.  However,  when scientists like me talk about the weak   nuclear force, we usually just say “and the weak  nuclear force is responsible for some forms of   radioactivity.”    And that’s completely true, but causing things to  decay doesn’t seem to be satisfy the simple force   definition we’re using here.    So that’s the origin of that YouTube comment that  made me decide to do this video.  Does the weak   nuclear force cause something to move?    Well, to begin with, let’s talk about how the  weak nuclear force works at the quantum level.    Like all quantum forces, the weak force  occurs when a matter particle emits a   force particle that then flies off to  another matter particle that absorbs it.    In the weak nuclear force,   there are actually two carrying particles.   There is the electrically neutral Z boson and   the electrically charged W boson.     In the case of a weak nuclear force interaction,  some subatomic particle – say a quark – can emit   a Z boson.  The Z boson then zooms over to another  quark, which absorbs it.  That’s at least one way   the weak nuclear force is transmitted.    So now let’s get down to brass tacks.  When the  quark emits the Z boson, the quark will recoil.    If it’s initially stationary, it will move in the  direction opposite the motion of the Z boson.    It’s not very different from when you’re in a boat  and throw a heavy sack off one side.  If you do,   the boat moves.    And when the other quark absorbs the Z boson,  it also recoils, not so different from someone   catching that sack tossed from a boat.    So, if a Z boson is exchanged between two quarks,  the two quarks can move away from one another and,   therefore the weak nuclear force definitely  satisfies the classical, intuitive, definition   of a force.  That’s the basic answer.    However, the weak nuclear interaction is much  more interesting than just being a force.    For one thing both the W and Z bosons are very  heavy.  They are in the ballpark of a hundred   times heavier than a proton.     It turns out that the mass of the W and Z  bosons is why the weak force is so weak.    It’s weak because weak force interactions are  rare, not because it only pushes a little.    To see that, let’s dig a bit into this.    And, I should warn you, there’s some quantum  stuff involved.  It’s all kinda mind-blowing.    Let’s take the W boson as   an example.  If you look up the mass of W boson,  you’ll see that it is 80.35 GeV or just shy of 86   times as heavy as a proton.    But when you’re talking about quantum particles,  stating the mass is only part of the story.  In   reality, every subatomic particle has a range of  masses – with some having a large range and some   having a small one.  In the case of the W boson,  the range is generally between 78.3 and 82.4 GeV.    If you find a W boson, there’s a good chance  that it will have a mass in that range.    You can see here a curve which kind of  demonstrates this.  Where the curve is high,   it’s likely the mass you find is there, where  it’s low, it’s unlikely that you can find a W   boson with that mass.    However, the numbers I mentioned just gives the  typical range.  Other masses are possible with   rapidly decreasing probability    In the kinds of radioactivity that involves the  W boson, what’s needed isn’t a W boson with a   mass of about 80 GeV.  What’s needed is a  W boson with a mass more like 0.001 GeV.    And, as we can see from the graph here, that’s  in “you gotta be kidding me” territory.    W bosons with that mass are crazy rare.    So, this explains why the weak force is  weak.  It’s just that W bosons with the   required mass are super rare.  If a rare  weak force interaction actually happens,   it isn’t really all that weak – it has a similar  effect as the other known quantum interactions.    Since I’m talking about the weak force,   I should probably tell you something that is  unique about it.  It turns out that the weak   force is the only one that can change a particle’s  identity.  For example, when the top quark decays,   it does so via the weak nuclear force.  What  happens is the top quark emits a W boson and,   when it does, it turns into a bottom quark.  When  the bottom quark decays, it also spits out another   W boson and becomes a charm quark.    This identity changing behavior is usually  what scientists talk about when they discuss   the weak force.  It’s not that the weak  force doesn’t push particles around like   all the forces do – it’s that only the weak  force can change particles’ identities – so   that’s the thing that we mention. 'Cause- come  one- that’s just kinda awesome, you know?     So, what’s the bottom line?    The weak force can push particles around, so it’s  definitely a force like the others are.  It’s also   not really weak, so much as it’s rare.  And it’s  also the only force that can change a particle’s   identity when it decays.  When you get right down  to it, the weak force is just very, very, cool. (phasing sound effect) Okay- that was an interesting topic.  It’s  easy for non-experts to get the wrong idea   about various particle physics concepts.  After  all, when guys like me make science videos,   we sometimes cut corners and don’t always say  everything we know.  If you liked this deeper   dive into the nature of the weak force, please  like the video and smash that subscribe button   down there.  And come back often to hear  more about the mysteries of physics – which   makes good sense to me because, as I think  you’ll all agree, physics is everything. (outro music)
Channel: Fermilab
Views: 189,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fermilab, Physics, Weak force, weak nuclear force, radioactivity, quantum force, particle physics, quantum forces, subatomic forces, w boson, Z boson, Don Lincoln, Ian Krass
Id: RvH0hLaBOTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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