How Einstein saved magnet theory

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Magnets can seem pretty mysterious.  Their  behavior is explained by Maxwell’s equations.    However, it’s easy to convince yourself that  Maxwell’s equations prove that magnets don’t   work.  That’s the hook – if you’re not careful,  you can easily convince yourself that magnet   theory is wrong.  However, obviously, magnets do  work, so what’s going on?  And how does Einstein   save the day?  Let’s dig into it.    (intro music) As you know, magnets are typically little chunks  of metal that can pick up certain other metals.    The details of how the magnets that hold  children’s art to the refrigerator work   can be kind of complicated, but luckily we  can also make magnets using electricity,   and the theory describing those magnets is much  easier to work with.  We call magnets made this   way electromagnets and they prove a weird and  completely non-intuitive prediction of Einstein’s   theory of special relativity.    Electricity and magnetism are related  phenomena, but different.  Electric force   can be made by taking two electrically charged  objects and bringing them near one another.    Depending on the charges, the  objects will either be attracted   or repelled.    Magnets are different.  Magnetic forces are  only felt between moving electric charges.    If the charges are stationary, nothing happens.   However, if one charge is moving and generates a   magnetic force, a second moving charge will feel  it.  But that’s the key point – for magnetism,   both charges need to be moving.    This effect can be seen most simply when we  put two parallel wires near one another.    If we run an electric current through the bottom  one, it sets up a magnetic field around it.    If we also run a current through the top wire  in the same direction, it feels a force that   pulls the wires together.  If, instead, we run the  current in the top wire in the opposite direction,   the two wires are repelled.     Now, I don’t want to describe magnetism the way  you might have learned in physics class.  That’s   all very cool stuff, and you might have sprained  your wrist doing all that right-hand rule jazz,   with this right-hand rule or this one or this  one. But that’s not the point of this video.    If you never took physics, or you’ve forgotten   all of it, I put links to some other videos on how  magnetism in wires works in the description below.    Mind you, I didn’t make those videos.   But some of you might welcome a refresher.    On the other hand, you don’t need to   know all the math and whatnot.  What you need to  know is that moving charges are needed to make a   magnetic force and that if the motion is the same  in the same direction, they attract.  If they are   in the opposite direction, they repel.    Now, it turns out that if I were to  try to explain the problem using wires,   it gets super complicated very fast and highly  mathematical, so let’s use a simplified example   that tells you what's going on.  And, in the  end, I’ll tell you all about where to find a   more detailed explanation.    So, okay, instead of two parallel wires, let’s  have one wire that is carrying a current and a   single positive charge moving either in the  direction of the current or against it.    If the wire has no current, but the charge  is moving, there's no magnetic force.  If the   wire has a current, and the charge isn’t moving,  there is no magnetic force.  However, if there is   a current and a moving charge, there is a magnetic  force and it's the same basic idea as wires – same   direction, attract, opposite direction, repel.    Everything I just told you is right, and I’ve  taught it dozens of times in introductory physics   classes.    However, now let’s think like Einstein.  I mean,  sure, we can say that the charge is moving, but   from the charge’s point of view, it’s not moving.   It’s stationary and the world is moving.  Since   we need a moving charge to feel a magnetic force,  this means that the charge should feel no magnetic   force – at least in its own reference frame.    So that makes absolutely no sense at all.  We, in  our frame, think the charge should feel a force,   but the charge, in its frame, thinks it  shouldn’t.  And that, as they say, is a paradox.    Relativity does weird things, but two observers  should agree if the charge moves toward or away   from the wire.    So that’s how you can convince yourself that  magnet theory is wrong.  Yet smart people believe   in magnet theory.  So how is it saved?    Well, to do that, we need to think about what’s  really going on in the wire.  In the wire,   there are positive and negative charges.   The wire itself is electrically neutral,   but in standard electricity theory, we say that  the positive charges are moving and the negative   ones are stationary.  Yes, there are issues with  that, I’ll get back to that.  But let’s stick with   the traditional ideas.    So, an outside observer will see stationary  negative charges and moving positive ones   in the wire, and a moving charge above  the wire.  For illustration purposes,   we’ll say they're moving to the right.  The  positive ones set up the magnetic field and   there we are.    If we ask what the positive charge on the top sees  in the reference frame in which it's stationary,   the negative charges are moving to the left.   The positive charges are probably still moving   to the right, but slower than they appear to  someone who is stationary compared to the wire.    And this is where relativity comes   in and the magic happens.  Remember that special  relativity says that not only do moving observers   have clocks tick more slowly, it’s also true that  moving objects get shorter.  This is called length   contraction, and I made a video about that, which  you can watch.  The link is in the description.    Thus, according to the charge outside   the wire, it sees the negative charges in the wire  moving fast, and the positive ones moving slower.    Because the negative charges in the wire are  moving faster according to the outside charge,   the spacing between the negative charges is  contracted more than the positive ones.  I’ll   even stop the animation so you can see the effect.    This means that the negative charges  are more concentrated than the positive   ones.  And that means that the wire now  has a net negative electric charge.    Since we know that opposites attract, what  happens is that while the now-stationary top   charge doesn’t feel a magnetic force downward,  it feels an electric force downward.  What   once was magnetism is now electricity,  but either way, the force is downward.    What happens if we look   at the case where the charge outside the wire is  moving in the direction opposite the current – at   least from our point of view?  Well, we do the  same thing.  Since we see the negative charges   in the wire to be stationary and the positive  ones to be moving, in the frame of the charge   outside the wire, it sees the positive charges in  the wire moving faster than the negative ones.    This means that the charge outside the wire sees  more concentrated positive charge than negative.    Since the top charge is positive and same sign  electric charges repel, the charge outside the   wire feels a repulsive force and is pushed away  from the wire.  Again, the outside observer and   the charge outside the wire disagree on magnetism  and electricity, but they both agree that the   charge is pushed away from the wire.    So let’s recap.  Moving charges make and feel  magnetic forces.  If charges aren’t moving,   they neither make, nor feel, magnetic forces.   And, depending on the reference frame, the charges   could be either moving or not.  Luckily, special  relativity saves the day and converts magnetism   into electricity and vice versa.    Okay, so this is all very cool, what about  the caveats?  Well, to begin with, this is all   very hand-wavy.  If you want to see how it’s done  with math and equations and whatnot, it was first   written down in a book by Edward Purcell back in  the 1960s.  The book was revised and re-released   back in 2013 and the reference is in the  description, plus there are some online resources   that go through the argument more simply.    Some of you will also note that we  know in a real wire that it’s the   negative electrons that are moving, not the  imaginary positive ones.  Yep.  That’s true,   but it doesn’t really change anything.  If  you think it through, you get the same result.    The absolutely key point here is that the   experiment I have described here absolutely proves  that Einstein’s length contraction is a real   phenomenon.  Magnets wouldn’t work otherwise.   And, another thing is amazing – in the wire, the   electrons are moving much less than a millimeter  per second.  While most relativistic effects need   you to be moving at a substantial fraction of  the speed of light, for magnetism, the speeds are   tiny, and yet relativity theory really matters.     This is some really weird stuff, but it’s  true.  Magnetism proves Einstein’s theory of   relativity and the crazy-sounding idea of Lorentz  contraction.  And now you know something you   didn’t know this morning.  You’re welcome.    (phasing sound) Okay, like I said- this is a crazy thing, but it’s  absolutely true, even if it’s a bit mind-blowing.    If you like getting your mind blown, I sure  hope you’ll like and subscribe and share.    And I hope you’ll return for future videos  where we’ll visit other physics topics and,   when you watch those topics, I hope you’ll agree  with me that physics – especially the mind-blowing   stuff – is everything.   (outro music)
Channel: Fermilab
Views: 207,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fermilab, Physics, Magnetism, Einstein, Albert Einstein, special relativity, special theory of relativity, Lorentz contraction, physics, magnetic forces, electric forces, Don Lincoln, Ian Krass
Id: d29cETVUk-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2023
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