How can a photon have momentum?

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Many of you who watch this channel actually know   quite a bit about physics, which makes sense  of course, because, well, you’re smart and   that whole “physics is everything” thing. And  you ask questions about things that don’t make   sense to you. A super common question is “how  can a photon, which has no mass, have momentum?”   That’s a good question, with a lot of complexity  in the answer. So, let’s dive into it. (intro music) Before I begin, I guess I should apologize.  This video has more math in it than most.   That’s because the reason that people ask  the question of how photons can have momentum   is that they learned about momentum  in a physics class and they learned   the equation for momentum. So I have to build the  explanation around that equation. This equation   says that momentum, which is written as p,  is equal to an object’s mass, written as m,   times its velocity, which is written as  v. “p equals m v” that’s the equation. And you immediately see the problem. While a  photon of light travels at the speed of light,   which is written as c by the way, its mass   is zero. And zero times a number is zero. So  the momentum of a photon should be zero. Right? I mean, it’s a really good question. Yet  physicists are certain that photons have momentum.   So let me start with explaining this in terms  of equations, then go to a more intuitive   explanation, although even that really isn’t  so intuitive. It’s going to be pretty cool,   but you should expect that your brain cells  are going to get a real serious workout here. First, let me remind you of equations that you  would have encountered in any introductory physics   class. I already reminded you of the momentum one.  There’s also another equation that connects mass,   velocity and kinetic energy. This is the kinetic  energy, which is written as KE, equals one half   times the mass m times the velocity v squared.  So we say that KE equals one half m v squared. You probably remember all that. Now let me show  you how kinetic energy and momentum are related.   Let’s start with the momentum  equation, p equals m v.   Now square both sides. You get p squared  equals m squared, v squared. So far, so good? Now divide both sides by  m. On the right hand side,   the bottom m cancels one of the top m’s. And you  get p squared divided by m equals m v squared,   which should remind you of something,  specifically the kinetic energy equation. You can replace the m times v squared  in the kinetic energy equation   with this p squared over m thing and  what you find is that the kinetic energy   equals the momentum squared divided by twice  the mass. KE equals p squared divided by 2 m. Okay, the first conclusion to draw here is that  in classical physics – and I remind you that these   equations were devised back in Newton’s time when  they didn't worry about things moving near the   speed of light – but even back then we can see  that kinetic energy and momentum are related.   We have an equation with energy on  one side and momentum on the other.   And this kind of means that anything with  kinetic energy must also have momentum.   Of course, we still have that m kicking  around, which is zero for photons,   so I haven’t really answered the question.  And I didn’t intend to at this point. I   just wanted to show you that kinetic energy  and momentum are related, even classically. Okay- now to get into something you might  not have known. Let’s move into this new   material. And I want to tell you something and  that’s these equations aren’t completely true. That’s right. You’ve been lied to! Wake  up sheeple! The man is lying to you! Man, I have always wanted to  say that in a video. Why should   others have all the fun? Of course, like a lot of  times when people toss around the word sheeple,   what I just said was a little misleading  and the real story is a bit complicated.   The real truth is that those equations are  special cases that only work for objects   with mass that is moving at slow speeds. And,  of course, I should be up front that when they   say “the man,” the man is someone like me,  so I guess you have to decide whether to   believe me or not. But you should. ‘Cause,  you know- I know stuff. And it’s way cool. Now comes the next surprise and that  surprise involves Einstein. Of course,   Einstein was all about moving at super fast  speeds, speeds near the speed of light, so you   know that he’s going to pop up in any discussion  involving photons and momentum. And, when you   think about Einstein, you almost always think  of his famous equation, E equals m c squared. And, guess what? That equation’s wrong too!   Come on, sheeple! Wake up! How  long are you going to stay fooled? Okay- I promise that’s the last rant. But the rant  has a super-tiny kernel of truth. E equals m c   squared is also an approximate equation and  one that only works for objects with mass   that are stationary. It’s not a general equation  and it doesn’t work for massless objects, nor   objects that are moving. In fact, I made a  whole video just digging into the limitations   of this equation. The link is down there in the  description. Watch it later, if you’re interested. So now we’re ready to get to the truth. I  put the three equations I’ve mentioned so far   here. E equals m c squared, p equals m v and KE  equals p squared divided by 2 m. And all of these   equations are just fine and correct – but they’re  all equations that only describe objects with mass   that move slowly. Those equations fail in other  situations. It turns out that there is a more   general equation that works for all situations and  it looks kind of like Einstein’s famous equation. This equation is energy squared equals  the momentum times the speed of light   squared plus the mass of the object times  the speed of light squared, all squared.   E squared equals p c squared  plus m c squared, all squared. Now this equation works for everything – massive  objects, massless objects, things moving near the   speed of light, things moving at the speed of  light, and things that are stationary. And we   can look at the special cases. For instance, let’s  see how it works in the special case of a photon.   Since the photon has zero mass, this second  term on the right hand side goes to zero,   and we have that energy equals  momentum times the speed of light.   So here we see that energy and momentum  are equal except for a constant. And, if an object isn’t moving, then its  momentum is zero, which means that p is zero,   which gets you back to Einstein’s  equation E equals m c squared. So, I guess the first lesson is  that when you learn an equation,   it’s super important to understand  if it’s a special case or not,   and, if it’s a special case, when  it applies and when it doesn’t. The bottom line is that the familiar equation  p equals m v just doesn’t apply for massless   photons and the question of photon  momentum, while completely sensible,   arises from using an equation in a  situation where it was never intended to be. I could spend a long time showing you how  you can manipulate this general equation that   equates energy, momentum, and mass, but I will  leave that to you to play around if you want.   And I put a link in the description to  a couple websites that do a lot of the   heavy lifting for you. By the way, let me  tantalize you a bit – that one half m v   squared thing is itself only an approximation for  kinetic energy that works at very low velocities.   There are more precise approximations.  There are endless levels of complexity. So that’s the equation-y way of thinking about  this. The equations very clearly show that energy   and momentum are related and an object that has  energy also has momentum, even if it has no mass. But maybe you’re looking for something deeper –  something more intuitive. You think that perhaps   mass is somehow special. Well  let me disappoint you there too.   To first approximation, modern physics has proven  that mass is an illusion. There is no mass. Now I made an entire video on this topic  and I put a link in the description for   you to watch. It’s one of my favorite videos  and definitely one of the most mind-blowing,   but let me sketch it here for you. Just expect  that everything you think you know about mass   is about to be upended. And watch  that video to get the whole story. You are made of mass, which is true  of anything that is made of atoms.   The mass of objects made of atoms is found in  the atom’s protons and neutrons. The electrons   pretty much don’t matter. But protons and neutrons  are made of smaller objects which have very little   mass – nearly none. So where does the mass of  protons and neutrons come from? Those objects   are orbiting around each other at crazy fast  speeds. You can think of protons and neutrons as   tiny subatomic tornadoes – vortices of motion and  energy. And that’s all they are. If you look at   them, there is nearly no mass in the way that we  intuitively think about mass. Mass is just energy. So, assuming that you’re willing to accept  that – and you really should watch that video,   because it shows this idea in far more detail  – then moving mass is just moving energy. And,   of course, a photon is moving energy.  So, when you get right down to it,   a moving photon or a moving proton are not  so different. Both are nothing more than   moving energy. So, if a moving proton  has momentum, so does a moving photon.   And that’s really all there is to it. On the other  hand, I predict that this whole topic has made you   think very differently about mass and energy and  how they aren’t really all that different. The   more you learn about the subatomic world, the more  you learn that it’s some crazy stuff down there. Okay- so this concludes our very quick  tour through a very complicated topic.   If you learned something from the video, you  know the drill – like, subscribe, and share.   While the first message is that photons certainly  do carry momentum, I think the most important   message is to always remember that equations  only apply in certain situations and if you   try to use them incorrectly, you’re going to get  confused. And this leads me to my final message,   which is that as you study physics at a  deeper and deeper level, there’s always   more to appreciate and, the more you appreciate,  the more you realize that physics is everything. (outro music)
Channel: Fermilab
Views: 278,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fermilab, Physics, Momentum, photon, Einstein, E=mc2, inertia, physics, introductory physics, kinetic energy, energy, Don Lincoln, Ian Krass, E = mc2, special relativity, Einstein’s theory of special relativity, matter, misused equations, E=mc², theory, science, explained, learn, equals, equation, famous, best, scientist, physicist, explains, gamma, relativistic, mass, graph, chart, γ, speed, of, light, momentum, shirley temple, series, episode, meaning, class, smart, genius, particle, faster than light
Id: V_fKYrrsVT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 01 2022
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