Is The USA In Bible Prophecy? | Full Movie | Jimmy DeYoung | Rick DeYoung

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very interesting signs and a protest site right here on Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the White House it's a number of interesting ideas as to how to have peace in this world how to live together some great editorial comment there on the sides as I said I'm here in front of the White House which is the nerve center for all political activity in this world a person who lives in that White House is the most powerful leader in all of the world on this documentary we're going to answer two questions first of all is the United States in Bible prophecy and secondly should the question be has the Lord brought the United States into existence for the purpose of facilitating setting the stage around the world for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled hope you can stay with us through this program as we look at these things that are unfolding for example we showed you the activities in Europe and the problem with the Islamic immigration into the land the problems they're causing as they do not want to integrate with the European Union people's but instead to set up their own Islamic strongholds all across the 28 nations of the European Union the having problems with the financial operation of the EU that would be the eurozone and of course they're talking about NATO the presence of the United States funding NATO and leading the operation of NATO which was actually brought into existence for the purpose of protecting European Union member states from Russia many leaders in the European Union are suggesting that the EU needs to have their own military and set aside NATO and then we went into the Middle East we saw all the activities that are unfold their nation against nation Kingdom against Kingdom by the way Jesus mentioned that 2,000 years ago in the Olivet discourse chapter 24 nation rising against nation Kingdom against Kingdom it's so prevalent in the Middle East you have the Islamic infighting between the different Islamic countries the Sunnis against the Shiites and what they're doing there different countries vying for the leadership of the Islamic world for example Saudi Arabia has the two key sacred locations for the Islamic world Mecca and Medina meanwhile the ayatollahs and the Supreme Council in Iran want to have that claim to being the headquarters for the Islamic world they have a desire to develop a nuclear weapon of mass destruction which many of the Arab and Islamic nations in the Middle East fear if they should attain that possibility of a nuclear weapon of mass destruction United States is concerned because the ayatollahs threatened the United States and Israel the big Satan and the little Satan and they say they're in Iran they're going to wipe out Israel as if they have never been a nation in their name will be forgotten forever at Psalm chapter 83 and verse 4 but we see the conflicts going on across the world and at the same time in Israel there's a lot of things happening Hamas in the south and Hezbollah and the Islamic activities of the radicals there alongside the Gaza Strip and the location of Hamas in the middle part of the state in Samaria that of course everything north of Jerusalem of Samaria south would be Judah but they're in Ramallah the Palestinian Authority the legislative body for the Palestinian people trying to do away with the Jewish state of Israel and establish their state of Palestine and then you have the president coming on along with his peace plan that may divide the city of Jerusalem as the capital city for Israel the Jewish people and the capital city at the same time for Palestine and the Palestinian people the Israelis say no way that will happen because Jerusalem in their opinion is not only the political capital of the Jewish state of Israel it's the spiritual capital and it is the eternal capital of the Jewish people as well these are events unfolding and may I just mention the most dynamic indicator that we're living in the last days would be the Jewish people the religious Jews preparing to build a temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem with that background we're going to now stay here in Washington visit different locations talk with very interesting people and try to gather more information so we can answer those two questions as the United States and Bible prophecy or has God brought America and their governmental operation onto the world scene for the purpose of facilitating setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled I have a very good friend who used to play NFL football Paul Blair who played with his Chicago Bears he's up in Plymouth Massachusetts that's where the Pilgrims landed in 1620 and from that point in time they brought the Plymouth Plantation as an example of how government from a biblical perspective should operate that was the creation of the government for the United States of America going to go up and meet with Paul he's going to explain how Plymouth and the plantation there along with the Pilgrims and William Bradford as their leader did establish a governmental operation based upon biblical principles we'll be coming back to Washington for the purpose of seeing how that is being played out today and ultimately end up in New York City there's some prophecy teachers that believe Wall Street in New York City is actually the biblical Babel has talked about in the book of Revelation chapter 18 I'd like for you to come along with me as we head north east up to Plymouth Massachusetts what a beautiful sight here in Plymouth Bay to the south of a landfall over there you have Cape Cod the land of a rich and the famous and the very powerful political leaders of this nation pleasure boats out here in Plymouth Bay would indicate a great summer vacation area but I've got to tell you this is not how it looked 400 years ago when the Mayflower we come into this Harbor make landfall right here with the opportunity of delivering a group of Christians who had decided they wanted to come to the new world to find religious freedom for the purpose of being able to establish a body politic based upon their understanding of the Bible itself there was almost 400 years ago when the pilgrims came in Plymouth Bay now they went to the end of Cape Cod and they temporarily were located there but they realized that was not the best spot geographically for them to set up their community based upon biblical principles as they established a government a self-government this is a very historic spot and in fact all the entire areas so his story that we thought we would come here to try to answer those two important questions in our quest to understand is America in Bible prophecy or has God and will God use America to set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled of a good friend who knows everything that happened in this location like the back of his hand come along with men we'll meet my friend I wanted to talk to Paul Blair because he is an authority figure as released to this section of the world and how God did use his people and his word to set up the establishment of the government of the United States of America but Paul actually this experiment in human government which a lord of course established back in Genesis 9 and verse 6 and it was based all upon biblical concepts that are so key for us understanding how a government should operate it actually did not start here at Plymouth anyplace in America was not the foundation of the opportunity to see America fit into God's plan for a political operation or a governmental human government operation which we get from the book of Genesis chapter 9 and verse 6 but this whole experiment in human government actually did not start here started in Europe absolutely actually in screwby England and it all came about because the Church of England decided to publish the Bible in English and when they did that they found out that Englishmen could actually read the Bible for themselves they didn't have to trust what the Pope's and potentates were telling them and as the Englishmen began reading the Bible for themselves one of the groups that came out of this was a group called the separatists and they realized that the Church of England is not following the Bible in many areas and the only thing we can do is separate from it and start our own local New Testament congregations and one of the things that they did this being in scrooby England at the home of William Brewster they elected a pastor named John Robinson of course in the New Testament we see that each community of congregants would lay hands and select a a chief elder or a pastor to be the Shepherd of the flock and and then ordained deacons to serve in the capacity of oversight of the flock and that's how that church originated and after they left England because of persecution they spent some time in Holland & Holland just wasn't working out for them for a number of reasons they ultimately decided to come to the new world and they came and wound up landing here you know you talk about God's hand in history there is no accident that the Pilgrims landed here and we can talk about that later but it was amazing they solicit landed some several hundred miles off course but the design that they had used to establish their church government is also the same design that they used to establish their local civil government which was unlike anything in Europe right let me talk about that journey it had a pretty tough beginning and throughout the entire journey from Europe all the way over here to the newfound country America it was pretty tough wasn't it those guys had so many things go against them we would have quit long before they did you know they got betrayed several times wound up in prison time and again got to Holland that didn't work out they got betrayed in a negotiation to come to the new world they wound up having to borrow money as well as they sold everything they had then they left Plymouth old Plymouth England and they got about three days out and one of their two ships was leaking so they had to turn around and go back you would think at that point in time they've and I said well God's will must not be in this let's quit but they didn't they persisted and they they cut their numbers down and wound up with a hundred and two and they weren't all from the separatist congregation but a good number of them were and they were below deck on this small ship sailing way too late normally you didn't sail the North Atlantic in the winter months but they were determined to get here and by the time they took off they were going through storms and you can just imagine 102 people living together in a space that was about 65 feet by 25 feet by 5 feet and they were basically under deck with the ship rocking and rolling for some 66 days no privacy no place to go to the bathroom no place to cook food and it was amazing that throughout their account the history that Bradford reported they were a joyful people in fact some of the sailors made fun of them for the fact that they were always singing Psalms and but they were a joyful people thankful that God was guiding them and then again as we're talking about earlier they were supposed to land down at the Hudson River well if they had landed at the Hudson River the chances are they would have been wiped out by hostile Indians but by God's providence they got blown off-course to this beautiful Cape and after they got here they recognized that they were off course and they tried several times to sail south but the winds were contrary as they record it and they figured well this must be God's will they laid anchor out there in Provincetown they spent about a month surveying this whole Cape and finally discovered this place here that's called Plymouth now just while they were still at sea they did something that is so key to the establishment of a body politic here but to the existence of this entire group whoever was left after the journey across the sea that was the Mayflower Compact the Mayflower Compact was a first of a kind and it was really what our Constitution and all the state constitutions were modeled after you know in Europe there was always the aristocracy of the lords and the nobles and then the commoners down here and there had been agreements between Kings and the Kings subjects for example the Magna Carta but there had never been an agreement by equals creating a government and then pledging to be governed by that government that they created and that's what they did when they got blown off-course the Charter was no good here the Charter was for the what we've known as New York area in the Hudson at the mouth of the Hudson River but bling blown off course they didn't have anything by which they were held to be governed so truly they were in a state of anarchy and there were some of the members of this congregation that weren't part of the separatist they were just some Puritans that decided that they were going to go off on their own and of course they knew that that was not wise in order for them to be successful any chance of success they had to stay together so they covenant 'add together a body of equals created a system of government by which they themselves would be bind they delegated limited authority to that governing power and then they all signed it pledging to be governed by the government that they created never before had that happened and it was that event that literally changed the course of Plymouth and changed the future for the United States of America it was just that sort of governing document a constitution that they used to form their church and spooby and they followed the same plan to form their civil government here once they arrived in New Plymouth again a biblical principles as the basis for everything they were going to do even the Mayflower Compact which is similar to the Constitution as well a biblical basis for that Constitution right the North Area the anglo are the not the Anglicans course the Anglicans the the Church of England you had aristocracy that was ensconced in it you had the lords and nobles and you had the commoners but the Pilgrims and the Puritans didn't have that viewpoint they believe that all men were created equal and we're all equal at the foot of the cross so as such who has a right to rule over another man well none of us do therefore the only way that we can create a government is if we the people constitute and create that limited government yep that's where the word came from delegate few and define powers the government doesn't have unlimited authority they have a limited responsibilities fact the Bible talks about that there's responsibility for self-government there's responsibility for family government there's responsibility for church government and then there's limited responsibility for the civil government and the pilgrims understood that they had a pure or a fairly pure biblical worldview as they establish this and they created this document by which they would be government just a moment ago I was over at Plymouth Rock itself 1620 gives us the date and I mentioned the fact that it was almost a sacred piece of real estate very historic but it was amazing that even that piece of real estate and what we know is Plymouth Plantation was god-given tell us how that all came together well we mentioned a moment ago how God's providence steered them north if they had landed at the Hudson where they were aiming for they would have likely been wiped out they missed their target tried to sail south couldn't finally determine that this must be God's will here they searched the entire Cape determined that this was an ideal spot they came across an area here where he had four freshwater springs 20 acres of land that had already been cleared and cultivated and it had been uninhabited and claimed by no one the former tribe that used to live in this area the Patuxent had died of a plague around 3 or 4 years earlier the other tribes considered this as cursed land so they didn't want any part of it so the pilgrims show up here and nobody was claiming this land it was ideal for them and if this beautiful Cape perfect location nobody wanted it so they staked a claim and took ownership of and of course those Indians would later be the reason for preservation for these colonists who had come to America here at Plymouth were they not it's amazing that's another piece of evidence that's overwhelming to prove God's providence in the Plymouth and the Plymouth Plantation with the pilgrims coming here to the new world that first winter was was rocky but they get here and it's mid-november so it's the middle of winter here in Massachusetts so it was a horrible time of year to be trying to establish a new stake in the ground and and they got off the ship and of course waded through the water in in trying to build the first common house and everything and and over the course of that December they had a number of the the the the settlers died and then in January had more in February more in March more you get through that first winter and you wound up seeing 47 of the hundred and two dying here once they get to the new world and once again you might think well god you're just not blessing us you're just not in this no that wasn't the attitude they had they were grateful for how God had cared for them and the Mayflower had stayed with them through that first winter and now the captain was finally ready to head back to England he offered them all free passage come back to with me you're gonna die if you stay here they said absolutely not not a single one of the pilgrims went back to England with them and as the Mayflower sailed off into the horizon gone it was just within a couple of days still in the middle of camp an english-speaking Indian comes walking into the middle of the camp and happens to like white people Bradford and the pilgrims considered this a gift from God and of course Samoset was the first he introduced them to Squanto who basically took them under his wing taught them how to fish taught them how to plant literally taught them how to live here in the new world and if it hadn't been for Squanto they no doubt would have not survived that first year you talked to us about the Mayflower just a moment ago and that basically was actually the foundation for the Constitution of the United States before their constitution here how do they start to put together the capability of being able to govern each other as equals well again as we think of elections in the United States of America you know unfortunately over time we have just considered politics as being a dirty business at one time it wasn't it wasn't thought of that way as a matter of fact at one time in America pastors were considered experts in politics reason being as you said a moment ago God is to establish civil government so if God established several government he must have a an idea of how it should function and if pastors are supposed to be experts on the things of God and spend a lot of time in the Bible then logically you would conclude that pastors should have good guidance on God's design for civil government so that's the way the founding era saw it all the way up through our war for independence but originally the idea of serving in public office was a very pure role and this person just as we saw in Exodus when Moses was told to choose out from among you capable men that feared God love truth and hated covetousness and teach them the law and have them be governors over tens fifties hundreds and thousands so too did the early inhabitants of North America here have the same concept in fact that's where the term election comes from because from the Bible we think of the elect as being those that are the redeemed those that have professed faith in Jesus Christ and and and have become holy because of the blood of Christ well the governor or the person that was chosen by a ballot to serve as the chief Shepherd for the that community for the next year was elected to office as he was considered the most trustworthy the most honest the most honorable man that they could put in charge of overseeing the well-being of the community how we have fallen from such a lofty perch and then let's think about you know that was 1620 up to 1630 the first 10 years they had some struggles real problems but then in 1630 this same experiment but at least the pattern of it would be transferred up to Boston where the pilgrims would go up and assist the Puritans and establishing human govern and self-governing people as well right well as we said a little while ago when the Church of England was oppressing the Englishmen and the Englishman was now able to read the Bible and see the errors of the ways of the Church of England we mentioned the separatists while ago but there was actually another group there was another group that was called the Puritans and they sought to purify the Church of England from within the separatist said we've just got to get out of it start our own local congregations but the Puritans tried to stay inside the body of the organisation of the Church of England but to purify it well after King James had died and King Charles became the sovereign of England they began feeling a lot of pressure and in 1625 they began migrating over here as well and what was known as the great Puritan migration and they first came up to Salem and then to the Charleston area and and then finally they settled in Boston as well and you're right there were some ten twenty thousand that that came over in a period of about ten years and they coming out of the Anglican Church brought with them originally some of this idea of aristocracy and a nobility and then the commoners but it was the influence of the pilgrims that went and befriended them and quite frankly in England they weren't necessarily friends I mean there were two different denominations basically but as the pilgrims came and befriended them and welcomed them into the new world they also shared with them their principles of government which were adopted by Winthrop and the others so this idea of a local Congregational Church government and also the local constitutional form of government was birthed here but was adopted across Massachusetts you know I think having come to this spot in our narrative of how God would use this region of the world to brain America into existence and their way of governing we should move from Plymouth here up to Boston I think we got to go up to Boston and continue this journey the quest for understanding how God made a foundation for accomplishing his will in the nation of the United States Paul we're here we came up to Boston in to the Boston Commons behind us you see the new Statehouse for the state of Massachusetts now that's a relative term and I say new Paul Revere who is the one who laid actually the foundation for that building we're gonna talk about the Boston Commons and how the Puritans came out of Europe here to the newfound world America but I think we are to define once again the terms Puritan and pilgrim we've been using those terms let's gate make sure that our people understand the terms well subtle difference been important when Henry the eighth broke from the Church of Catholicism and established the Church of England and made himself the head of it his advisers recommended that they print the Bible in English to complete this separation and when they did Englishmen started reading the Bible for themselves and when Englishman reading the Bible they discovered there were a lot of things that were going on in the Church of England that weren't actually according to Scripture so there were two primary groups that sought to do something about it one group was the Puritans they attempted to stay within the Church of England organization wise but purify it from within hence the name Puritan another group said there's no such thing as purifying it it's wrong we just need to get out of it they were called the separatists they just literally started their ocol own local congregations which were against the English law but one of those groups very famously was the congregation in scrooby and it was that group that wound up going to Holland and eventually boarded the Mayflower and landing here in Plymouth in 1620 and they were the pilgrims basically under the leadership of William Bradford and there in 1620 they established this pattern experiment from a biblical basis on how to put human government together now we're 10 years later and we come here to the Boston Commons because that's where the Puritans will ultimately come out of Europe in 1630 and why do we call this the Boston Common well it's very interesting the first Englishman that actually called this home was a pastor by the name of William Blackstone interestingly enough a distant relative of Blackstone's was the famous pastor William Blackstone from the 1800's that led in the Zionist movement and helped America get in line and supporting the rebirth of Israel so many many years before that dr. Blackstone you had this settler here and he was a loner he loved being by himself fact he left Plymouth because it was too crowded came up here was all by himself and then and the Puritans had settled across the river in in Charleston but they didn't have an abundant supply of fresh water so he invited them to move over here which they did and again it became so crowded that he was ready to leave once again moved to Rhode Island but this was at one time black stones lamb and he sold it back to the Puritan and this was Boston and ever since then in the city of Boston this area of greenery here has beautiful area they're standing in has been the Boston Commons and they've never actually developed this but at one time this was black stones private property that human government established there at Plymouth basically was expanding here to the Boston Commons area and the Puritans here but they needed help in developing the government so they had some of the Pilgrims come up and help them was the new idea it was biblical whereas all men are created equal and there was no originally there was no king in Israel they were instructed to choose out from among them capable men that feared God loved truth and hated covetousness and rule according to the law well the the Puritans actually stayed within the top down hierarchy of the Church of England so you had bishops appointing pastors of local parishes but the church and Plymouth was completely different it was just a body of individuals that elected their pastor to be the chief Shepherd of their congregation well they use that same form of what was their church government in their civil government as well and then the pilgrims made friendships and helped with these Puritans that had come to the new world and actually they needed help because they were fresh year the pilgrims have been here for a decade dr. fuller and others came down here and spent time with the the band of Puritans and incorporated into them these principles of from the people up self government of by and for the people which we have enjoyed and we see the fruit of and our Declaration of Independence and eventually in our United States Constitution and that biblical pattern for human government was it not as pure here and as it was back there with the pilgrims but God was going to at least continue the pattern putting in in place in this new world so they could establish the United States of America well there is a an old term called American exceptionalism and we haven't been exceptional because we're Caucasian or because we're tall or this or that the reason America was exceptional is to cause the the the early immigrants the Pilgrims and the Puritans were such devoted Christians and devoted followers of the book and John Palfrey a famous historian that wrote the history of New England said that the pilgrims in the Puritan searched the pages of Scripture for principles that they could incorporate into their self-government that's why we're different and that of course came from the preaching and the emptying of the passages oh the pastor's well these these colonies up here are what were originally colonies were founded by pastors of course Massachusetts was nothing more than churches relocating to the new world then you had some of the settlers here from Massachusetts you had pastor Roger Williams go down in found Rhode Island you had pastor Thomas Hooker leave Boston and eventually go down and found Connecticut so all of these state governments were founded in a biblical worldview and their religious viewpoint and their civil viewpoint all were governed by the pastoral influence and a solid biblical worldview and one of these pastors was a man named John Harford sounds familiar because he established Harvard College ultimately Harvard University he was a major player do you not think that be the case a preacher's college it was important for us to be self-governing we had to be a moral people so the role of the church was critical I think we're on a visit Harvard let's do it Paul in 1630 they established the pilgrimage of both the Pilgrims and the Puritans there in Boston but now in 1636 they came here to this piece of real estate to establish Harvard University which was actually established by a man named John Harvard the entrance to the main campus behind us here the Johnston gate but that particular gate has an insignia on the gate that is so beautiful as it relates to the purpose of the beginning of this school Harvard well their primary reason for being was to make sure they had a literate clergy as that first generation would die off they were preparing for the future and as you said this was originally Canberra jazz Risley called new town and then this was the college and one of the benefactor John Harvard ID and they renamed it after him and the seal on the front gates over here which we'll have a chance to look at in a moment says Veritas truth in Latin and then it's also got Christos and ekklesia so you've got the truth in Christ and His Church now that's the foundation that's where this all began and their whole reason for being now as we've so-called progressed through the years they have done away with the Christ part and they've done away with the church part and they just focus on truth but Jimmy how can there be no truth without Christ and who is supposed to be the promoters of the truth except his called out assembly the church so there is no they've abandoned the truth of their logo they actually have and this would be the training center for preacher men who would build their congregations on the Word of God and continue that self-governing which was biblical as we go back to the location in Plymouth they're literally the center of every community was the church so it was important that you had a literate Orthodox clergy so as the first generation died off these men were making preparations for their children and their children's children and they wanted to establish that foundation right here this was the very first college the very first preachers college here in the new world and it was amazing the product that they had at the beginning but it's also sad to see just how far they've fallen from what their origin was and that of course would bring in the Great Awakening we'll have to go back to Boston Common to talk about that and some of the fathers of the Great Awakening but you told me about an insignia on this gate which is so important to understand the true foundation of Harvard I want to go over there and look at that with you that's dope okay well this is the Johnston entrance to the main campus of Harvard University and you were talking about an insignia at this gate that really gave us the foundational understanding of why John Harvard really in 1636 established this campus for the purpose as we've already said of teaching preacher men to build their congregation in the biblical foundation of the Word of God yes you know Jimmy it's so important that we remember where we came from God told Joshua to leave twelve stones once they crossed the Jordan so that the children would ask their fathers dad what are these stones mean and be able to tell them who their God was and who they were as a people and why they were who they were well what we're doing here in Boston and now in Cambridge and here at Harvard is so important because when we think of Harvard we think of a secular University a godless University and that's what we've become actually but you see the logo over here the insignia it says Veritas which is Latin for truth Christo's Latin for Christ and ekklesia Latin for the called out assembly the Turks so the whole foundation with the birth of this in 1636 and of course renaming it after the V of John Harvard the famous pastor of that area that had died and left his estate here the foundation of truth was Christ and the church now they are trying to teach future generations truth without Christ and without the church Jimmy that's impossible no foundation there is no foundation you can't practice or preach the truth or teach the truth without recognizing who the truth is and you mentioned that phrase here at the gate show me that's right over here so here at the top of this column we see the insignia for Harvard we see in the center of the word Veritas which is Latin for truth and then up in the upper left you see Christo's which is Latin for Christ in the upper right you see ekklesia Latin the Church of the called out assembly so the whole basis the whole foundation is of truth is Christ in His Church even in the ornamental iron above this front gate you see the cross of Christ emblazoned right there proudly so the whole foundation which our forefathers the Puritans built this institution of higher learning to protect the future generations was the fundamental truth of the Bible and Christianity you know it's like the forefathers of Israel as they crossed over into the promised land they were told by Josh would it take 12 stones from the Jordan and erect a stone marker in the promised land well for what purpose so the future generations the children would be able to come to their fathers and say dead dead one of these stones all about and their dads would be able to tell them who they were as the people who God was as their God and what made them different so the whole foundation upon which our country was built and the whole foundation upon which our founders intended for it to be built was the truth of Christ the truth of Christ and His Church so it is from these roots that they intended us to to grow in to prosper now some 400 years later we still have Harvard they've kept Veritas but they were removed Christ and they've removed the church Jimmy there is no truth without Christ and that's why we're wandering in a day and age where morality is relative and we see all the insanity of our country and from that point 16:36 up until about 60 years later seventeen thirty in that area of time really what started here with an excitement to teach men to preach and teach their congregations the doctrines of the Word of God it almost disappeared and we come then to the time of the Great Awakening now maybe some of those preachers lay the foundation for that Great Awakening but really it wasn't there I think we're gonna have to go back over to the Boston Commons and understand how this Great Awakening came about it may have started with the preaching trained here at Harvard but it culminated with the Great Awakening and a man like George Whitfield the famous field preacher who preached his last great public message there at Boston Commons well we're back from Harvard here in the Boston Commons once again what an important visit to Harvard to understand the teaching of men to be preachers and teach the Word of God helping to establish this as the foundation for the United States of America well they believed in the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ they believed that we had to be a moral people if we were going to be a self-governing people and they were very Orthodox in their Christianity they did their very best but you consider what Harvard once was and how solid they were doctrinally at the outset they attempted at least to make sure that those standards stayed firm and this foundation of America well Paul it was that not also setting the foundation for what would ultimately be referred to as the Great Awakening which was so key in the Christian life and experience of these Puritans and pilgrims you know Jimmy it's amazing whether we're studying about Israel in the book of Judges or even our own history when times are tough we get real close to God we get on our knees and and we repent we're asking for help when things are going well we have a tendency of drifting a little bit well America's history is much the same way in the late 1600s we began to drift and become more secular and churches were more conforming and then that set the stage for the Great Awakening will preacher named Jonathan Edwards out in Northampton Massachusetts began preaching sermons like sinners in the hands of an angry god and then the great revivalist George Whitfield came to America from England and literally took the country by storm preaching the important message you must be born again doesn't matter what denomination you remember of you must be born again absolutely and you know we're in the shadow of the Park Street Church that really dates back to the early 1800s and at that time they were somewhat of a fundamentalist church weren't they yes after the war for independence France had had some influence on us and we began thinking of these Enlightenment ideas like Unitarianism well this was a church that was built in 1809 to stick to orthodoxy and combat that that heretical a teaching of Unitarianism now you spoke just a moment ago of George Whitfield it was here in Boston Commons where George preached he was the famous build preacher yeah preached to 80,000 people at one time without a microphone system just his voice and it was here in this Boston Commons area where he actually taught and preached his last public message Whitfield was so important to the birth of our country because literally we went from being 13 very divided established state churches in different colonies to being Christian people United in a love for Christ and part of the family of God and Whitfield over his ministry approximately 35 years roughly 1735 till 1770 he literally United America and was a huge fan of our country as a matter of fact Whitfield came over in 1764 to warn the pastor's of New England of the plot by the King to re-establish the Church of England over the colonies and that's not taught in their history books much anymore but it wasn't just about taxes it was about spiritual liberty religious freedom that led our forefathers to finally declare their independence and sever their ties from the king of England and that field preaching of George Whitfield started in Georgia came up the coast line all the way here into New England his last field preaching experiment here with the people in the Boston Commons but he had one more time that he was going to speak and he went up the road a bit on the coastline to a location called Newburyport I've had the opportunity to be there and then the Congregational Church there very interesting event happened Whitfield was preaching in this church it was one of those whisper balcony churches that had been built by the ship captains whisper balcony means you stand in this corner whispering he heard over in this corner he preached his last sermon in that location there was a group that were coming down from Maine Portland Maine who wanted to hear him they got there too late so there was a prophet chamber in the back of the church went out knocked on the door and dr. Whitfield came to answer the door they said sir we have come all the way from Portland we wanted to hear you preach will you preached just a little bit for us he went over and got his Bible picked up his candle his nightlight walked over and he said to the people there I tell you what I'll preach into this candle goes out he preached a little while the candle flickered out he told him goodnight lay down in his bed and went to heaven he literally preached to the candle went out but Paul I'll have to believe that it was the great preaching during this time of the Great Awakening that was preparing these Puritans in these pilgrims this new group of self governed people to go for the war of independence the Revolutionary War it was the pastors of the Great Awakening that really unified these thirteen very separate colonies into becoming one people unified together with a common enemy the tyranny of England and not only was the king breaking all sorts of laws economically fiscally but he was also imposing on their spiritual liberty and that was just simply a step too far and that next generation of pastors they were all very savvy and we've Thomas talked about Thomas Hooker and Winthrop in and and Bradford and the influence of Christianity and the founding of the of the civil systems here in America well the pastors of the founding era got it and they recognized the end result of tyranny was the loss of all Liberty civil liberty and religious liberty and these guys taught their people in the pulpits and not only did they teach them intellectually they practiced it so you had these pastors that taught the people on Sunday then went out and drilled in the common greens so they could defend themselves and defend their liberties on Sunday afternoon literally the local Minutemen militias were little more than local New Testament church congregations fact one of the most famous ones not too far from here just about 16 miles Jimmy let's go to Lexington Paul as we come here to Lexington I think that signs says it all Hancock Clark parsonage 1737 Lexington the destination of Paul Revere and William Dawes April 18 1775 anybody that knows anything about the Revolutionary War knows the name Paul Revere well everybody's familiar with the famous midnight ride of Paul Revere but nobody's ever told where in fact he was headed you know we talked while ago about the Great Awakening in the pastures and the rebirth and the unity of our country and Christianity and then we talked about the Patriot pastures the black road regiment this was the epitome of what the pastor of that day and a was Jonas Clarke was not only a minister of the gospel but he believed in practicing what he preached and he trained the members of his congregation in biblical principles and also the importance of defending Liberty and these pastors men like Samuel Cooper in Boston trained the heroes of our founding era healed men like John Adams and Sam Adams and in John Hancock and others they were groomed and trained in biblical values by these pastors Paul Revere took off to alert Lexington and Concord that the British were on the march they were coming for two reasons they were coming to take away the arms the military right of self-defense from these Patriots and they were also coming to arrest two particular whom the British called rebels John Hancock and Sam Adams well just so happens that John Hancock and Santa Adams were staying right here that night at the home of pastor Jonas Clarke now history tells us that as Revere rode up and said the regulars are coming they're out there on the march that John Hancock turned to pastor Clarke and said these famous words he said pastor will your men stand and fight - which Jonas Clarke replied I have trained them for this very hour they will fight and if need be die in the shadow of the cross and of course the alarm bells were rung and the members of the local militia gathered together in the green and real early in the morning actually early in the wee hours late April 18th early April 19th and then over the course of that day early in the morning around dawn has when the British came marching into town down at Lexington green we ought to go down there and see where the next events took place we're standing here in front of the statue that depicts the shot that was heard around the world but remember at Boston Commons where George whitfill had preached his last public message there in a location that was really helping the Christian community of the world and the new governments to take a stand against the King of England and declare their own independence that's just prior to when we hear this shot fired around the world and it was fired by a man who was a church member right well actually a church was right in the middle of all this and you know you're right Jimmy the Great Awakening is well there was the birth of the or the rebirth of America and the unity of Christianity between the thirteen very divided colonies but that next generation those pastors understood that that Liberty was something that was not freely given you know the type of government that God established in the Bible was against the nature of man man desires to rule over and oppress other people and they were trying to fight and defend their civil liberties and their religious liberties and and they understood the connection between the two and these pastors these men from the Great Awakening up through what history calls the black-robed regiment because they would ascend to their pulpits every Sunday morning and they're black clerical robes and stir the people's hearts toward Liberty but they didn't just talk about it they practiced it and most of these communities obviously you had members of the community that made up the local militias and most of the local militias were made up of local church congregations so what we call the Minutemen of old were actually local congregations from Lexington and Concord and and all the communities of Massachusetts that were prepared and drilled to defend their communities against any kind of an outside attack and once the British were on the march and were informed of course we talked about Paul Revere and William Dawes riding up to to Jonas Clarke's house and his statement that I have trained my congregation for this very hour they will fight and if need be died in the shadow of the cross well later on that morning in the early hours of the morning of April 19th on this hallowed ground that shot heard around the world the first shots for American liberty were fired right here in fact the birthplace of American liberty was really right here on the hallowed ground of Lexington Greene who is the one who fired that first shot well it's rumor the history doesn't know for sure but they they say it was a a pistol shot and the only ones that carried pistols on the field would have been a British officer now the Americans realized that they were greatly outnumbered it was a much larger group of regulars or the British redcoats than what they had anticipated and there were only about 77 militiamen here against estimates of up to 700 British regulars so after the show of force that America was here and not just going to be walked on actually John Parker who was a deacon under Jonas Clarke and was a veteran of the French and Indian Wars he was basically in charge of leading the drilling and training of their their congregation he was going to pull back and go join the other groups at Concord where they had greater numbers but somehow again different stories disagree there was a shot fired and then more shots fired and then there was a volley fired from the British a few sporadic shots fired back from the American group and literally what took place and just it was just a squirmish took place in the madeleine matter of minutes but we had eight dead americans and ten injured americans in this first conflict the first actual arms between the colonists and the mother country and that was the shot that was heard around the world now behind this statue of john parker is the church from which he would have just departed a few moments earlier before all that paul has just explained to us would have taken place let's go over to the spot where the church would have been located now we're talking about the church Paul that would have actually been at the centre of town here on Lexington green well there's so much history right here Jimmy of course this is an indication of the community I mean literally the center of town the heart of the community was the church and in the center of every town you had the meeting house which is where they had their church services and then you'd have the town green where they'd have all sorts of anything from military training to picnics and you name it and this was the center of Lexington and this marker actually marks where the original meeting house would have been so the church would have stood here and then we see on this front marker some of the names of these pastors incidentally all graduates of Harvard but some of these names jump out at us you see the second pastor of this church is John Hancock well he was a Harvard graduate and wound up being the great-grandfather of the John Hancock that we know that was a signer of the Declaration of Independence and then of course following him was Jonas Clark and we were just at Pastor Clark's house and we've already talked about his importance but think about that some 200 plus years ago literally on this very green about 200 yards down there there's another stone marker which depicts where the Americans would have been standing those 77 Patriots facing overwhelming odds some maybe 700 British redcoats across the field the most powerful military in the world and you had these 77 mostly members of this congregation just family men lined up there with their pastor Jonas Clark and the Deacon of the church John Parker and Parker made this statement to his men he said don't fire unless fired upon but if they want war let it begin here and of course we know the rest of the story that unexplained pistol shot and then a spattering a fire than a volley and then eight dead the first bloodshed for the United States of America right here on this hallowed ground Paul I have to thank you for the opportunity of having you come up and joined with me on this quest to answer the two questions which are basic in the production of this DVD documentary the United States and Bible prophecy two questions is the United States and Bible prophecy in the future but also we must ask the question has the United States and understanding everything we've talked about has the United States been brought into existence by the Lord Himself for the purpose of setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled just a precious precious thought about God's Word and his direction of human government this Revolutionary War was key to braiding these people who had established human government in Plymouth based upon biblical principle God brought to you Ben government into existence and throughout all the history we've been talking about from this New England region we see that God has used the United States of America to set prophecy in place remember we have two questions in this quest to understand what God's Word is towing this is the United States and Bible prophecy or should the question be and answered as we continue this documentary has the United States and or will the United States play a key role in the establishing of the prophetic scenario that's going to be found in God's Word and thus the fulfillment of Bible prophecy you [Music] I'm here in front of one of the most recognizable locations in all of Washington DC it's the United States Capitol building on one side the chamber for the United States Senate on the other side the House of Representatives I came here to rehearse the fact that a man who is now the leader of the Israeli government of the State of Israel of Israel itself Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the joint houses of Congress and the Senate in this building can you believe for 2,000 years that would have not been possible but then the Prime Minister of Israel invited by the President to come here and speak to the joint sessions of Congress that was tangible evidence that God has done something in this world as it relates to the Jewish people and I bring that to your attention because you must remember the focus of all Bible prophecy would be the Jewish people God reached into the location there in the Middle East called her of the Cal V's he took a Gentile named Abram he brought him up over the Fertile Crescent down into the Land of Israel to a location called Heffron that was the original home site for the Jewish people as Abraham went there and God then made him the father of the Jewish people and called him Abraham instead of Abram Abraham had a son his name was Isaac and Isaac had a son that he had two of them one was named Esau he was the firstborn but out of the tradition of God's people with the firstborn being the one to get the blessing from his father and carry on the heritage of the Jewish people Isaac selected Jacob to be the father of the Jewish people and to bring about the twelve tribe of Israel the Jewish people of today well that's the focus of Bible prophecy those are the patriarchs Abraham Isaac and Jacob there were three kings that played a key role in the life of the Jewish people the focus of Bible prophecy Saul David and Solomon there were four covenants that God gave the Jewish people the Abrahamic covenant Genesis chapter 15 which was a promise to the Jewish people that they would be a nation forever into the future in fact into eternity future and then there was the land covenant deuteronomy chapter 30 where the Lord promised to give the Jewish people ten times what they have today in the modern day State of Israel you have the Davidic covenant that was second Samuel Chapter seven for God promised David King David at the time that he would have the City of Jerusalem for one of his sons to sit on the throne in a temple in that Eternal City the city of Jerusalem and finally in Jeremiah chapter 31 verse 31 where God gave the new covenant to Judah and Israel that this is the basis for the Jewish people who indeed are that focus of Bible prophecy we come for about 1500 years into the future from the time of King David to that son who will ultimately one day sit on the throne in the temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and that of course is Jesus Christ the Messiah you can look in God's Word you can see in the New Testament the birth the life the miracles that he performed proving he was truly the Son of God the Messiah and then his death burial and resurrection his resurrection would guarantee he was who he said he was he can do what he said he would do we see from that point in time God took Jesus his son into the heavenlies and the two men and white Parel standing there on the mount of olives said as he is gone so he is going to come again one day Jesus in the element discourse at that time in history had told the Jews that they would be dispersed to the four corners of the earth now that did happen according to the prophecy of Deuteronomy chapter 28 in 70 AD when general Titus destroyed the city of Jerusalem devastated the temple and dispersed the Jews to the four corners of the earth that's the focus of all of Bible prophecy the Jewish people in God's plan for the Jewish people Deuteronomy chapter 7 verses six seven and eight say that God chose the Jewish people he made him a peculiar treasure he made him a kingdom of priests and he made him his chosen people for the purpose of allowing the Jews to be a witness to the rest of the world for what he has planned for this time in history the Tribulation Period and into eternity future well as I said a moment ago in Deuteronomy chapter 28 the prophet Moses predicted that the Jews would be scattered to the four corners of the earth if they did not obey what God had told them to do they did not obey they were dispersed to the four corners of the earth we refer to that as the diaspora the dispersed ones well for about two thousand years they have indeed been dispersed across the world there's been some very important times in history that would mark a spot in time when God would be again dealing with the Jewish people for example the Spanish Inquisition that took place 1492 when a Jewish man named Christopher Columbus came over to the new world and into America well that was a part of the Portuguese Inquisition as well just about 25 or 30 years later we jump quickly over history up until the time of World or one and at the end of that time all the political decisions made in this city washington DC by a president that was living in that White House the nerve center for all of the rest of the world decisions were being made in World War one by Woodrow Wilson and in World War two by Franklin Roosevelt that would set up a time for the Holocaust the Bible tells us in Deuteronomy 28 that would happen and history tells us one third of the entire Jewish population six million out of eighteen million Jews were killed during that dastardly time there in Europe the time of the Holocaust again America and the leadership of America set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled but at that same time many things politically were happening in Europe and even in the United States to brain about the rebirth after 2,000 years of the Jewish nation of Israel and again presidents will play a key role in those political decisions to send prophecy in place we're here on the edge of the tidal basin in Washington DC across the water from where I'm standing right now is the Jefferson Memorial it's a memorial to the third President of the United States Thomas Jefferson was the major author of the Declaration of Independence signed by the leaders of this new nation America in 1776 but Thomas Jefferson was also the champion of the Jewish people those Jews who had made their way out of the Diaspora here to America had a champion in the White House he stood for civil rights and for religious rights for the Jewish people that made him a hero to the Jewish people who during the time later on there would be a rebirth of the Jewish nation there's a lot of political activities that took place here in America and as well in Europe that were actually setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled and the rebirth of a Jewish nation Wiki when we're talking about the rebirth of the Jewish nation there were basically three aspects of all of that what happened in Great Britain the Arab world and the Jewish people themselves meanwhile in America there was diplomatic activity that was taking place as well talk to us about how all of these political leaders had a key role in the rebirth of the Jewish state of Israel well that triangle is probably at the beginning all through the establishment period before 1948 and up until today of course Great Britain was entrusted with a mandate by the League of Nations which was the United Nations of the day back in 1922 and they were the ones who had to reconstitute the Jewish National home as the mandate decision was made very quickly though because of Arab pressure and especially a very horrific type of terror campaign starting in 20s north of the 30s British began to retreat from their actual attempt to comply with the League of Nations their diplomacy became more and more anti Zionist immigration was reduced and by 1939 they had basically reneged completely on the whole idea of the mandate and said no we're just going to establish a state of Palestine and it could be our but could be Jewish we're not good exactly sure the United States of course have been interested already in the 17th century and onwards in the idea that the Jews had to be restored in their national homeland and at the beginning while not a part of the League of Nations President Wilson and then later presidents and Congress itself passed resolutions and made agreements with Great Britain to be part of this establishment this reconstitution process and of course by the time World War two ended the picture had completely altered it wasn't a question of here and there Jewish persecution on the one hand and an attempted reestablishment of Jewish people in the Land of Israel but because of the Holocaust it became a very very urgent demand and then I bring come back to the Arabs here the era to come very important because during the war years the mufti was sitting in Berlin and was an ally of Hitler and the Nazis and then so when the 1948 war broke out Britain became neutral if not anti United States became very very of course pro-zionist and establishment to the state and the Arabs launched the war the United States was very important to the establishment to the State of Israel not only in that period of say 45 to 48 when Britain was really very sort of either anti because of the resistance campaign launched by Hagana ear goon and the Stern group against the British rule what because already in 1936 three senators had come during that summer to visit the Land of Israel there were Jews coming back and forth from the United States to then Palestine and of course the whole idea that America was recognizance of the fact that the Jews had to go back to the Land of Israel so they were very Pro so all this of course went into the ingredients should we say these were the ingredients that dictated by the end of 1947 1948 a very pro-american policy despite the fact though all during the 30s and the 40s the State Department was very heavily stacked against the idea of an independent Jewish state because of relations with the Arab world xx often we take our people to Independence Hall when we brain a tour group over here to the land of the Bible Independence Hall over in Tel Aviv is a very historic site that I love to be able to teach our people that are traveling with us through the land of the Bible how Israel became a nation on that afternoon of the 14th of May 1948 talk to me about that I was only one year old so I can't have personal memories and I wasn't here but I've spoken to people who were here the vast majority of course we're listening to the radio because of the time difference on the vote taking scribbling the who's against who is for who was not gonna vote absentee and stuff like that and when it came clear that we had him in what the majority that we needed if you look at the clips or what we call we didn't have television then but the movie cameras that were taking shots of the people poured into the streets and began dancing singing in all almost all night long there were some people who said it's too small a state we're not dancing we're not happy we're not that happy late at this point we'll wait for a while bored already by the next morning people woke up to the fact they were shooting by Arabs on Jewish neighborhoods like shimon hatzadik not Shimon and war a war of aggression the United Nations in fact called upon them to stop it didn't work arms poured in from neighbouring Arab States troops came in what we call a regulars and that led eventually to a full-blown invasion of May 15 1948 when the state of visit was officially declared of course after that pronouncement to the world by David ben-gurion that the Jewish nation of Israel once again was the nation among the nations of the world America had a response and in particular Harry Truman president of the United States United Nations United Nations was presented by a United States plan that they called trusty ship something in between let's stop everything and the Zionists here and the Zionist supporters in the United States appealed to Truman and there were some negotiations even a old time friend of his way back from Missouri came and talked with him Weitzman met him and Truman said that's it the United States is going forward on a Jewish state in Palestine for the Jewish people and I think it was maybe 11 minutes after he got the telegram the State of Israel has been declared by the provisional government United States de facto recognises that statement speaking of presidents that make political decisions that set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled Franklin Roosevelt who was the president during World War two played a terrible role in causing the Jews to have to go to the Holocaust because of his lack of decisions to assist the Jewish people that were there in Europe and under the threat of being killed Franklin Roosevelt could almost be recognized as the reason for the Holocaust actually taking place if you're referring to a political leader that made certain decisions harmful to the Jewish people although Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected basically for economic reasons because of the Great Depression and he managed to get the United States to pull itself out of a severe economic crisis he was also part of an establishment that and I will be careful here my words did not view with favor not only the idea of an independent Jewish state at that time but the Jewish people too we now know through his Diaries and other evidence that historical historians have come across that while the Jews gave him maybe 90 plus percent of the vote in all four elections he wasn't the person that we needed as a president to deal with the question of the threat of Hitler in Europe he closed the doors of the United States even before doing anything he could have saved tens of thousands of Jews with the existing immigration visas that were available he did not do that there was a nevian conference back in 1938 which United States wasn't very enthused about there was a Bermuda conference in 1943 sending Jews to the Dominican Republic or to Madagascar all sorts of crazy ideas and basically while the Holocaust is going on from the 1938 period when Kristallnacht happened and everybody knew what then what was in store for the Jews the United States under Roosevelt was not the Haven of Refuge which we think it should have been and could have been without even changing in a favorable fashion any laws which he certainly could have done it was left to independent Christian philo Semite lower-level State Department diplomats who fudged the laws and managed to save Jews and pull them out of Europe passing amount to Spain moving them on to Portugal getting him out to England all sorts of other places and some of them even were punished by the State Department for taking advantage of loopholes in order to get used to be saved for the Nazi Holocaust of course political leaders in the White House change every four years or every eight years well that was the case after Franklin Roosevelt had three terms his vice president Harry Truman came to power as the president the superpower of the world the United States had the most powerful man in the world Harry Truman respond to the announcement of that Israel was once again a nation among the nations of the world I'd like for you to explain to those watching this how that all happened the fact that Roosevelt died unexpectedly I think it was in April of 1945 and Truman was an intervention in history and I would like to think that God was looking favorably at us at that time and said enough is enough let's get someone else in charge of the greatest power at the world of this time so the Jewish people and its Jewish state will be treated with a favorable mean in your opinion Winkie how key was that statement by Harry Truman to the world that the United States would recognize this Jewish state Harry Truman was seen to be a simple man he wasn't part of the Washington establishment he came from the Midwest he took a long walks he had to sign on his desk if I'm not mistaken the buck stops here he was a man of moral principles and what is doing right not getting involved in all sorts of mashing Nations and Paula Dick's and stuff like that he was the person I think that serves as an example of what United States needs needs as a president and what is good for the world and part of that world of course very specifically is the Jews returning to its national home in the Land of Israel Winky do you believe that the United States even prior to the announcement of the new Jewish state in 1948 that America had played a role politically or diplomatically in bringing this all about the role the United States played as a result of President Truman's policies and its recognition was such because it gave us on something on which to lean don't forget the Jewish people in Europe is decimated communism has taken half of Europe away it's not like we know what today Wall sorts of countries like Yugoslavia and Poland and croushore existing these were all under the Russian communists thumb Germany was under occupation by the four powers England was not very favorable inclined because of the activities of the resistance here in Palestine in forty five six seven and eight the United States was basically the sole power with economy and diplomacy and and and stature that also in a way negotiated a lot of the Latin American votes in the United Nations on behalf of partition because a lot of Latin American countries were Catholic and they weren't predisposed to us because of the Catholic inability to accept a renewed Jewish people in the Land of Israel and so with the United States intervention all these different levels also being the largest Jewish community at the time from which we could gain help materially and otherwise so the role the United States was critical and crucial at that moment of time since Harry Truman was president living there in the White House the nerve center for the entire world made his announcement of approving the establishment of the Jewish state there have been many presidents over the last 50 years and even longer that have made political decisions a setting Bible prophecy in place to be fulfilled can you talk about how the presidents in the White House have made those decisions and how key it has been to the Jewish nation of Israel relationship between Israel sian ISM and United States as as everywhere else is up and down we had a president by name of Dwight Eisenhower who was fairly uninvolved until 1956 57 with the Suez campaign and when Russia threatened he knuckled under and told Israel you have to retreat from the Sinai and Gaza which we took as a result of our aggression then it was President Kennedy who actually gave us the first advanced military advantage in terms of missiles on the other hand you had a president like Nixon who while he was favorable at one small point of time he knuckled under to a Jew if I may point it out Henry Kissinger who said let's withhold resupply in Israel during the Yom Kippur War in his famous or infamous phrase let Israel bleed a little bit the presidents had appointed United Nations ambassadors who were very favorable to us one who fought very strongly against the designers of the racism resolution nikki Haley just recently and then you had Jimmy Carter who pressured Israel in the first Camp David there was President Clinton who tried but was unsuccessful to pressure us in the second Camp David President Obama was not favorably inclined to the idea the Jewish people in its independent state his infamous Cairo speech in 2009 basically said we're only here because of the Holocaust not because of the Bible not because of our history not because of everything else that we know is in history and now we have a president who recognized the fact that Jerusalem is indeed the capital of the state of is or something very plain something very obvious something that needs no further justification and so now we are able to reap the benefits of a very pro-israel Pro sinus Pro Jewish American president and for that we're grateful as for other presidents who have been partners with us in reestablishing the jewish national homeland the Trump administration though many people like him in American a lot of people don't like him has made some very interesting decisions one of the most profound decisions and announcements that's ever been made in the history of mankind was when in December of 2017 Donald Trump proclaimed that Jerusalem was the political capital of the Jewish people in addition to that he's made other political decisions to set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled on the background of the pluses and minuses the ups and downs of various United States presidents even those in fact like John Adams who declared I view with favor the return of Jews to Judea he didn't even call it Palestine he knew what the real name was this current president Donald Trump I think has a deep understanding and an identification with the Jewish national idea you could see by his appointments the ambassador David Friedman the former ambassador of the to the United Nations nikki Haley his decision to recognize Israel as the true capital of the State of Israel against Obama giving a abstention from that infamous United Nations of Security Council votes as if Jerusalem entirely does not believe and belong to the Jewish people forget about recognizing it as a capital instead of maybe Tel Aviv Oh Pfeiffer so obviously he is motivated I think he's very knowledgeable we know he's had relations with the Jewish people in the United States for decades he's not some off the bench replacement here he's comes from a very good background I hope that he stays with this policy he recognizes to correct one to do on the background of what everything else that happens in this area including in the United States diplomats getting thrown eggs at them in Bethlehem in Ramallah and other places so I think he knows where United States belongs it belongs with Israel and what Israel stands for as we look back at the re-establishment of the Jewish people into the land that God had set in place for the Jewish people to occupy throughout their history would you say America has played a key role in helping to bring all of this about and those prophecies either to be fulfilled or the stage being set for these prophecies to be fulfilled sometimes when talking about the relationship between United States and Israel I try to point out from sort of a backwards view take a look what extreme Islamism is dealing with and how it looks at the relationship we're little Satan United States is big Satan so even if nothing happens and Isis is still not favorably viewed upon in many corners of the Arab world the United States as a country built on the Bible the Bible generated and and energized the founding fathers and that points to relationship with the Jews and their existence as a sovereign power in the Land of Israel the Holy Land so if the United States wants to be on the right side of history on the right side of morals on the right side of religious and cultural understanding of 3,000 years of history if the United States wants to lead the world if the United States wants to be a paragon of what political virtue should be on a grand stair grant on a grand scale it should be together with Israel it should be together with Zionism should to be gathered with the Land of Israel and all these together I think has been proven over the past 70 or more years improves both the United States and Israel it's good if you draw up a sheet of of income and and and and and everything else that you would do if you were a commercial person you say hey the profits are all plus when the United States and Israel are closer together so let's close it all up together and set a vision for the future Israel together with the United States being helped by ten states marching towards the future I'm standing here behind me as the Holocaust Museum where I meet my good friend and longtime buddy Bob McGinnis broadcast partner with us on prophecy today radio for a number of years Bob McGinnis a retired colonel from the United States Army and works at the Pentagon I should say his day job is at the Pentagon and he works there in the area of strategic planning also teaches at the Carlisle barracks in Carlisle Pennsylvania which is the War College and travels the entire world bringing together these armies and the military operations from around the world that actually need to coordinate what's going on between the United States militarily and these nations Bob it's kind of cold this afternoon but we're having a very important time talking about a cold subject as it relates to the United States and Bible prophecy I know you've just recently written a book the deeper state I want to know what the premise of that is and why do you call it the deeper State well Jimmy I explain in the deeper State there are layers to the reality of government you have the elected class that to the Congress and the president then you have you know the administrative people that are really the bureaucracy some of which I'm embedded with at the Pentagon but in State Department and so forth then you have the influencers the outside people and you know those are the lobbyists and then thousands here in Washington the think tanks I used to work for one and I'm still associated with a Family Research Council and then of course you have rich people that are donating money for campaign basically buying info movies then of course the media as part of that so you have the influence class and the third one which a lot of people deny is what I call really the the spiritual dimension there this is a dark City and I know given my own background because my mother used to worked the White House not far from where we're standing and her house was a block away from the White House and that house belongs to Jean Dixon the psychic but he need to have access to the White House all the time and so as a direct result of that I met a lot of dark people here in the city and became persuaded that our government is influenced by it an unseen element the unseen realm which is very serious and I don't think a lot of Americans understand that dimension that is a very key dimension and if especially I'm glad you brought it up because of the premise of our entire documentary how the governmental operations of this world are basically key operators in setting up the world for a prophetic scenario to be played out and one of the things that came of great interest to me in the book and I read your book the deeper state was the entrance of two presidents of the United States Woodrow Wilson during World War one and Franklin D Roosevelt during World War two and at that time in history they seemed to want to change the direction of the government here in the United States and they were talking about it moving towards globalism now first define globalism your definition of it and how did they change the direction or did they really change the direction of America globalism really tracks itself to the progressive movement yeah and of course friedrich hegel a german professor of philosophy who believed insight Geist in other words he believed in what darwin talked about what marx talked about it was the elite would rule and over time man would become better yeah a notion that is not supported obviously in Scripture but a notion that they embraced now they were very influential to vote President Wilson who was a college professor for six different universities and only after he was at Princeton was the elected governor of New Jersey and then quickly became the president United States he believed not only in progressivism but globalist globalism basically it's one world government globalism is about in know borders you know no personal privacy no sovereignty you know big ideas which I see war in the deeper state Wilson went on as the president a man that has was a bigot a man that was intolerant of women intolerance of people of college skin he was a man that believed in public / private property he believed in a malleable Constitution he wanted to change the constant Constitution he says it was a living document therefore we need to change it and he was against a lot of the civil liberties that I certainly think this nation is great today or has been and embraced but he was against that what concerns me about Wiltse is you know in his fantasy with the League of Nations that tracks back to when he got us into World War one which happened to the of five months after the election of 1916 1916 he ran as a candidate opposed to war and so what does he do five months after being reelected he goes to Congress that says please declare war against the Germans well we got into that war and of course it cost us the world nineteen million lives the bloodiest war in human history but then at the same time he took us into a war with Russia and a lot of Americans don't understand that in July of 1918 he decided that he was going to put a blockade against the Russians and he was going to send our troops to align with British and French troops in the west of russia and in the east of russia so we sent thousands of our people there now why did we do that well all you have to do is look at what the Secretary of State at the time mr. Robert Lansing said and it was that we were afraid of immigration from there we were afraid they were going to spawn a revolution in our country so what we did we align ourselves with the white Russians the monarchy fighting against the red Russians the Bolsheviks led by Vladimir Lenin hmm it's called the Wilson's midnight war a secret war that was never declared and some of the historians that look back say you know the reason why Wilson did that is because he was anti-semitic he was against immigrants he was against minorities and he believed as xenophobic as he was that all of the problems in Russia would come to this country well so we had a war over but we didn't publicize that so Wilson then after World War one had this idea of the League of Nations he took a whole cadre of progressive people mostly out of Harvard over to Paris and they had this giant meeting and it was the beginning of the Council for Foreign Relations in all reality which formed up a couple of years later so he went to Paris and they tried to get the League of Nations stood up to be basically the end of all wars not was that for all yeah what war one is called the war to end all wars and of course that never happened right now but he went into Paris they established the League of Nations came back the United States and he couldn't sell the idea because Republicans on the Senate said no we don't embrace it because it robs us of our sovereignty and it promotes an idea of one-world government which we approach and so Wilson was probably I would argue the worst president we've ever until I would argue after y'all came along yes and didn't you even everything well and he really did FDR made plenty of speeches in support of Wilson's League of Nations there's no question about that that's that's in the public record and so Rosa that comes into office and he's all about expanding government he's all about you know the New Deal which was you know the TVA it stood up you know all sorts of big government activities he used the military to seize land he incarcerated all the japanese-americans against what the Pentagon said or the War Department said at the time that's unnecessary they they aren't going to stand up and fight against us in spite of what was going on in Tokyo so you really had a crisis that was generated by a man who was progressive in his thoughts who like Wilson believed in the manipulation of the Constitution like Wilson believed in public / private land and he was just as bigoted against Jews and minorities as was Wilson and we saw that played in spades during his administration you know it's interesting I've heard many Israeli leaders make this statement that World War one was preparing a land for a people and world war two was preparing a people for that land and so God was even using these negative approaches in the world and the government of the world to bring about ultimately what was going to happen now during the time of FDR and I think I've gotten better insight from what you just told us of why FDR made so many decisions against the Jewish people the Holocaust was coming after Kristallnacht there in 1938 and from that moment most of the Jews would agree it was the beginning of a Holocaust FDR was making political decisions here in Washington DC to actually keep the Jews from being able to escape Hitler and you come to a murky shutdown the visa operation talk to me why did in the world did he do that was it his philosophy his antics what brought that on I think it was about his his background his the socialization to his education and the like you know keep in mind he was influenced by the Rockefellers he was influenced by the Council of Foreign Relations and they're incredibly progressive and not very sympathetic to Jews much less to sovereign you know preserving countrymen in this country you know in 1933 when the Germans began to kill the innocent especially the handicapped you know the word was getting into this country in 1936 FDR said go ahead to the Olympics and so of course we know about Jesse Owens old mountain which was really a slam against Adolf Hitler but at the same time there was we knew in this country that they were doing to the Jewish population you mentioned Kristallnacht you know then you had the German troops that were going into the east and they were massacring and million Jews along as they went to the Soviet Union incident after incident there's no question within history that we knew in this country and yet you know on the first year of his administration Roosevelt had 82 press conferences only one of those press conferences even mentioned the Jewish plight in Germany and yet Roosevelt said oh I tell you what give that to the State Department he didn't even want to answer that question and then Oh Kristallnacht you know when he was asked about that he said oh it was a tragedy but then he said go to the State Department I don't have anything else to say he wanted to wipe his hands of what was clearly demonstrated by hundreds of witnesses in all the intelligence we were gathering that this was a Holocaust that was taking place and yet they turned a blind eye to it and I think what's disturbing to me because I served a long time in uniform is that a lot of the propagandists that came to this country from this Nazi regime we welcomed with open arms you know they Adolf Hitler in 1933 235 sent two frigates German frigates and they visited ports of call around the United States and Hawaii they were welcomed with open arms they were celebrating the American flag next to the Nazi flag I mean a lot of things were taking place that were just contrary to you know what was happening over there we did not pay attention and yet as a direct result I think a lot of Americans you know shut out the truth of what was happening to the Jewish population and well the Nazis were doing to the rest of Europe so those are disturbing and and yet FDR oversaw it and I think the thing that shows his true colors is that during the war FDR hosted a bunch of his council for Foreign Relations people at the State Department they were a secret cabal to put together the future United Nations what Wilson failed in the early 20s to produce no rules without had every intention of producing and he did he wanted to in fact resign as president and he wanted to become the secretary-general of the first United Nations and so you know this guy had grandiose globalist news he wanted to be in charge as best as he could be he wanted the u.s. to be diminished and it's in his stature so there are a lot of issues with FDR and of course they love books written about it but I think a lot of a miss his critical role especially when it comes to the Jewish population over there turning away votes full of Jewish citizens that ended up being in the Holocaust and being put to death I've studied American history not intently but I've been able to recognize that prior to Wilson and FDR there were many presidents that were supportive of the Jewish people and since FDR there have been many presidents supportive of the Jewish people that was what people think about America America was brought into existence to ultimately protect the Jews and to stand with them right you think that's still happening today after Wilson and FDR well I am concerned that we had the likes of Barack Obama of a very progressive man one that believed in open borders and I think one that you know was not terribly a good friend of Israel given his behavior especially his blind support of the Palestinian agendas so you know we have had other presidents I think obviously the current President President Trump is very favorably disposed not just because he has feeling members that are judgment but his evidence of moving the capital or our embassy to Jerusalem as the capital his evidence of supporting the Jewish nation you know against the likes of the Iranians against what's going in Syria the Saudis and the rest of the world so it's been waxing and waning through the years we've had many presidents that have been incredibly supportive and some that have been incredibly unhelpful with your amazing background Bob and I know you're not a prophet nor the son of a prophet but I would like with your vast experience and background for you to look ahead into the future now we don't know how long we have into the future before the rapture of the church takes place which could happen of course at any moment but do you see America its government and its leadership its presidents being able to stand with Israel support Israel protect Israel in the days ahead well I am concerned about that Jimmy have a new book Alliance of evil where I talk about this new dual Cold War and the adversaries of China and Russia and how those leaders Vladimir Putin and president cheat are really using us as an example as to why they don't want to become like the West we're an amoral country we have lost our way and unfortunately we have a lot of leaders in our country fortunately not the one in the White House right now but a lot of other leaders that would have us go in that direction that very progressive direction that ruins our sovereignty that compromises our history that really doesn't have a biblical view of the world as some have in the past and much less doesn't support Israel so I suspect that you have given the tenor of our debate in this country in the divisions that are very sharp in our country that unless there is a radical turn around we're going to continue in the same unfortunate direction that we have gone in and I think it's very very possible that we become a footnote in history god bless this nation in standing it up gave us wise founders that gave us a constitution and the declaration of independence and he blessed us over the years but in the last century plus we have had leaders and we have had a change in the culture in a way that is not helpful that I think would have embarrassed and really would have been rejected by our founders I've got to thank you so much for being a part of this documentary first of all but secondly for your experience your work today in this strategic planning area of our military here in America which of course plays a key role across the entire world I'm grateful to know their men who are in the Pentagon women I'm sure as well who do know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and are making decisions based upon biblical principle that's what we need to do isn't it well it really is and you know I used to be the chief ER leadership and ethics at the Army's infantry school we emphasize ethical behavior you know we couldn't keep difficult but you know I see that the two coming together and yet today you know we're seeing at the highest levels of government behavior that is not becoming of a great nation and that's why you know it's it's easy to become somewhat skeptical about the future you know I don't know if America is going to be around the Lord returns I don't think so what role will we play in and setting the stage for those in times that's that's the 2048 thousand dollar question and I'm concerned though as I see in firsthand and as I pointed out earlier in the deeper state the evil that's in this show I see dark clouds yes I don't like to come down here because I have some very tough memories of working in this city and they're mostly spiritually tough so we need to pray for our nation we need to pray for our leaders we need to recognize who we are as Christians in this darkened world and we need to be outspoken about Christ and about the salvation that he offers as we continue to examine the question of America's role in Bible prophecy we have the chance to speak with Dave Kessler he's from an organization called hope to the hill David's ministry focuses on ministering to elected officials and leaders in Washington they've and I discuss how the United States political leaders in the last 100 years have made decisions that have affected Bible prophecy David with your study of history and as a preacher man you have to be a student of world history of the entire history from the beginning in Genesis even into the book of Revelation which is pre written history actually I want to ask you about the effect that the United States and its leadership had and for example World War one talk to me about that well of course as you well know in the early 1900's we had a president by the name of Woodrow Wilson that really advanced the United States of America forward and wanted really to have a globalist type emphasis and unlike any president before him his influence directed us that way of course now we have a president who has a strong nationalist but the globalist emphasis in the United States of America pushed us forward miles down the road under the presidency of Woodrow Wilson and then ultimately set up a man who was president for four terms and that was Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his imprint on the Middle East could have been profound had it not been from men he chose as vice president and that was of course harry truman the buck stops here harry truman custon harry truman some would would say but he is commitment his commitment to the nation of israel dr. jimmy changed everything absolutely it did then they go back just a little bit to franklin roosevelt those four terms he served and during that time he advanced globalization which Woodrow Wilson had been responsible for originating but at the same time in World War two he got into the battle and that made an impact on the entire world as well you see all of these shots with the three famous world leaders and there was Franklin Delano Roosevelt yeah there were a lot of things obviously we would not agree with as far as the policies advanced by Roosevelt but he was a pivotal figure and what's amazing to me dr. Jimmy is you see God's imprint all across the city of Washington DC on that building right there the United States Supreme Court you also see God's imprint using men like Roosevelt whose policies we would not necessarily agree with but God was using him in the grand scheme of things to advance literally a prophetic scheme a prophetic scheme for sure Deuteronomy chapter 28 warns the Jewish people if they're not obedient to what God tells them to do they're going to be scattered all over the world which happened in 70 AD but by the time we get to World War 2 the Holocaust Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime are wanting to rid the world of Jews and the President of the United States Franklin Roosevelt he played a key role in not assisting in doing that I mean again a president making a political decision to bring prophecy to fulfillment but not to the wishes of the Jewish people no he did not in fact we could talk I'm sure in great depth with respect to decisions that Roosevelt made that were not conducive to the Jewish people what to me is interesting is he chose a vice president not not the only vice president he had during his four turns but he chose a man who had a background in Harry Truman a Sunday school background that later caused him when he came to the presidency ascended to the presidency because Roosevelt was sons unable to fulfill because of his death his final term and God used that in a powerful way for his glory as well for that Friday afternoon in the announcement there in Tel Aviv by David ben-gurion that throw was going to be a nation among the nations of the world I understand it was about seven minutes no more than ten exactly and that was key for the rest of the world grabbing a hold of that idea and if you understand the background leading up to it obviously Truman loved the nation of Israel he had teaching as a young man that that followed in the rest of his life and then within ten minutes of ben-gurion --zz announcement the first world leader to recognize the new State of Israel May 14 1948 was harry s truman dr. jimmy there's another component that i want to share with you that i'm sure many of our viewers will not be familiar with in this city for years there was a college called the Washington Bible College and they had a seminary called Capitol seminary in 1945 46 47 48 the president of the Washington Bible College was a gentleman named dr. George Myles he was a prophetic scholar in fact a mutual friend you and I have dr. Garry dole went to that Bible College many years later but he knew well and knows well the story of dr. Myles at the White House one mile from where we're standing anytime a decision was going to be made with respect to Israel Harry Truman would call dr. Myles and say can you come to the White House want to talk to you and he would just basically say what does the scripture say with respect to the nation of Israel in the decision that I'm gonna have to make inductor miles would tell him not one time did Harry Truman make a decision that was going to be in some way not conducive to the success of the Jewish people and ultimately to the success of the new nation of Israel that came about in 1948 so God put a man in place sovereignly directly to support the nation of which i believe is one of the reasons God brought the United States into existence is to support his chosen people you know I had forgotten that story but dr. Myles reminded me of that when I spoke at Washington Bible College a number of years ago but I'm so glad you brought that in this is key again we're seeing presidents making political decisions to set prophecy in place politicians on this hill become very arrogant as you well know Jimmy and they think they're the ones making decisions what they don't really fully understand is behind their decisions is a God in heaven who sets up takes down he governs in the affairs of men and even to this day we're watching that take place in Revelation chapter 17 verse 17 is an absolute to that fact the Lord says I will put into the minds of political leaders to accomplish my will indeed [Music] as we continue to examine the question of America's role in Bible prophecy we had the chance to speak with Dave Kessler he's from an organization called hope to the hill david's ministry focuses on ministering to elected officials and leaders in Washington they've and I discuss how the United States political leaders in the last 100 years have made decisions that have affected Bible prophecy David we've been talking about presidents and governments making political decisions to set the prophetic scenario found in God's Word in place for future fulfillment president Donald Trump I believe made some very important decisions along many lines his withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear deal his meeting with the president of North Korea his activities that he in the first trip that he made internationally over to Saudi Arabia and bringing all the Islamic leaders for a meeting into that location to talk about peace now in light of that I would believe there's been no political leader in all of history that has made a more profound announcement than the one he made in December of 2017 when from the White House he said America is now going to recognize Jerusalem as the political capital of the Jewish people yes sir an amazing statement indeed and by the way he campaigned on that and what's amazing dr. Jimmy is and I'm just gonna say this Trump during the primary season was not my first big second third fourth pick but he was God's pick yes and when he started talking about recognizing Jerusalem as the political capital and then in addition to that moving our embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and did both things to me that is absolutely astounding and dr. Jimmy I think there's a parallel in the Book of Isaiah 45 verses 1 through 6 God says of Cyrus who was a pagan King the most pagan he said you're my anointed I've chosen you to put up Kings set down Kings basically for the protection of the nation of Israel and twice in those six verses in Isaiah 45 first 6 verses God says and you don't even know me and the Hebrew term is you won't even acknowledge my existence but I've chosen you and I think in like fashion God has chosen Donald Trump in many ways the least likely candidate but God's chosen him and he has been unequivocal in the decisions he's made to support the nation of Israel [Music] very interesting there's a street preacher a female type street preacher singing and giving the gospel there in front of the White House it's what we've been doing here on this documentary and answering the question is the United States in Bible prophecy well actually we've told the story thus far here in Washington there are some who believe that New York City Wall Street area would be the location of biblical Babylon talked about there in the book of Revelation chapter 18 I believe we need to move from Washington down to New York City to continue our thinking and answering the two questions is the United States and Bible prophecy or is the United States been brought into existence for facilitating this world setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled well we've arrived from Washington DC here to New York City they're very recognizable landmark it was the location of the twin towers here in lower Manhattan over to my left would be the pool where the Tower number one the North Tower was standing and then to my right your left would be the pool for the area of where the South Tower was located gutless radical Islamists took these buildings down within a very few moments back on September the 11th 2001 of course the tower behind the Freedom Tower is the tallest building in the United States and the sixth tallest building in the entire world a purpose for being here in New York City is to relate to you what some prophecy teachers claim that this area in New York City would be the Babylon that is talked about in Revelation chapter 18 they believe because of the financial connection and when we go by the Statue of Liberty I'll explain the other reason that is their basic premise upon which they say this is Babylon as talked about in the Bible and in Bible prophecy I want to tell you out front I disagree that their assumption this is biblical Babylon is not right and I'll show you from the Word of God why that is the case I wanted you to recognize we're here in New York City the most recognizable landmark probably in all of the world today because of what took place here a number of years ago September the 11th 2001 [Music] behind me is the Federal Hall it's the location where George Washington statue of first President of the United States was sworn in as president there wasn't a white house in washington d.c them but the united states was headquartered here in new york city actually on wall street and in fact in front of the new york stock exchange you know we're talking about how presidents make political decisions to set prophecy in place for those political decisions at the beginning of the United States government which of course was established back at Plymouth Plantation when William Bradford put together the biblical approach to God's plan for human government and we now see that it begins with George Washington to go through the next amount of presidents that sit in the White House in Washington where we were earlier and they at that time will make political decisions that set prophecy in place a part of what we're thinking about here on this documentary you know I can't believe I'm standing here in front of the New York Stock Exchange I do own a couple of stocks Facebook for example I bought it when they went public it goes up and down and I was wanting to go into the New York Stock Exchange and see how it was doing but instead I want to introduce to you this is Wall Street right here I'm standing on Wall Street broad that way down the way about eight blocks is Broadway Wall Street actually runs from all the way there down to Broadway it blocks away to the East River this eight block area is actually the intersection of all financial activity in this world in fact it's key to understand this is a part of every government every nation every decision politically that's made in the world I come to Wall Street for the purpose of letting you realize that there are those profits and I mentioned it over at World Trade Center one that believed that this area is actually literal Babylon as recorded in the book of Revelation chapter 18 I'm going to conclude when we get finished here in the Wall Street area after taking a ride on the Staten Island Ferry that is not correct I take the Bible literally and I believe Babylon in Revelation 18 is literal Babylon on the shores of the Afriqiyah river about fifty eight miles downtown from all the way out to Babylon in Baghdad Iraq but false prophecy teachers I believe say this is biblical Babylon and it is the location that's going to be destroyed in one hour when you go to Revelation chapter 18 you'll see that the merchants wax rich and they do that incorporation with Antichrist who is actually going to set up a one-world economic political governmental system in Babylon I believe in modern-day Iraq not here in New York City but those merchants will wax rich it tells us in chapter 18 even what they will merchandise to the rest of the world and you go back to Revelation chapter 13 to come to the conclusion that anybody that is alive in that time that would be the Tribulation Period in order to be able to buy or sell to sustain life will have to have a mark on their forehead or on the back of their hand it talks about 666 we don't know if that's the number of that's the mark it will be some type of an identification mark that will allow the Antichrist and the merchants working with him to be able to sell something to them they'll be able to buy and sell provide for their family and that's why these false teachers that say Wall Street here in New York City the economic capital of the world is the Babylon talked about in Revelation 18 a few moments will stop and find a more quiet place to explain how Babylon the literal Babylon was going to be what will be destroyed but again I bring this to your attention because of the fact that there are many people that want to say the United States is in Bible prophecy again we're chasing the answers to those two questions is the United States and Bible prophecy or is America simply facilitating the rest of the world to fulfill the prophetic scenario that's found in God's Word I'll tell you this much now this is not biblical babble or explanation in just a few moments a famous statue of liberty right here in the New York Harbor it's to welcome all the immigrants from around the world as they come here to America the melting pot of the entire world there's a very interesting controversy that's going on as it relates to the Statue of Liberty and it plays a role in what we're talking about is America in Bible prophecy as we think about the fact that is Manhattan and Wall Street that financial district really what it's talking about there in the book of Revelation chapter 18 well the Statue of Liberty plays a role in the evidence that these false teachers bring into the equation to determine is indeed the financial area New York City the biblical Babylon that's found in Revelation chapter 18 as you can see the base are you have a picture of the Statue of Liberty that was the base for that power that was built book of Genesis chapter 11 and verse 4 let us build of the tower whose top they reached into heaven of course Nimrod did that building and he had a wife named Semiramis they had a son named hammers they were known as the mother son cult the harlot it's talked about there in Revelation chapter 18 verse 5 now Samir Amos was later known as the Queen of Heaven Jeremiah chapter 7 chapter 44 and in Acts chapter 19 in the times of the Apostle Paul he established a church there in Ephesus his main problem in Ephesus was dealing with the goddess Diana a multi breasted God Semiramis Queen of Heaven Diana and the sculptor who put this beautiful Statue of Liberty in operation to be given to someone connected with free masonry and because of the fact that that dates back through Nimrod then had a change of heart and mind and opportunity to give this Statue of Liberty to the United States of America thus to be placed right here in the New York Harbor they believe those who are false teachers teach that New York City is the biblical Babylon of Revelation chapter 18 coupled together Wall Street and the lower part of Manhattan they're in front of the New York Stock Exchange where we were and this Statue of Liberty to gain the information their foundation for saying that New York is indeed biblical Babylon of Revelation chapter 18 you can even throw wins the United Nations headquarters Midtown Manhattan and you realize that there's a governmental economical political power base that gives them a basis upon which they can claim that the United States is in Bible prophecy because the United Nations Wall Street and the Statue of Liberty are the facts that prove America's in Bible prophecy and this is biblical babbles here we are back on land we're actually still in New York City there are five boroughs in New York City Manhattan Queens Brooklyn and then the Bronx this is an area that many of the prophecy teachers who are actually false teachers have said is the Babylon of Revelation chapter 18 remember in lower Manhattan we were there in front of the New York Stock Exchange that is the intersection of the financial economic world and the powers that deal through the businesses there in that particular location and then on the Staten Island ferry ride we went by the Statue of Liberty very controversial as many say those who I believe false teachers that the Statue of Liberty dates back to Genesis chapter 11 and verse 4 let us build us a tower whose top may reach into heaven we're talking about the time of Nimrod great-grandson of Noah and his wife Semiramis and Tammuz their son and that then would bring about and that false religion the mother-son cult well here behind me behind me actually is the East River and behind that Manhattan midtown Manhattan and you can see in the background the building for the United Nations a bit to my right your left would be the Empire State Building and then farther south would be the Freedom Tower from the area of the World Trade Center and of course the horrific attack of 9/11 I wanted to come and conclude our study as we look at two questions that we've been chasing down through the entire documentary is the United States and Bible prophecy or has God brought about America to facilitate setting the world stage to fulfill Bible prophecy as written by the ancient Jewish prophets I have a little simple illustration that I want to use to help you understand how the book of Revelation deals through the end times from three main events that will happen in the 22 chapters of the book of Revelation I'm leanin here on a potted plant actually three of them in a row here and I want to use these three items to teach you the book of Revelation very quickly revelation in chapters 1 2 & 3 present the person the power of Jesus Christ and then it talks about in chapters 2 and 3 how there's letters that the Lord wrote to the churches churches of Asia Minor in 95 AD but are applicable for today in chapter 4 and verse 1 I'm gonna let this potted plant represent chapter 4 and verse 1 where the text says John hearing a as it were a trumpet sounding and talking to him actually saying come up hither now that's referring to the rapture of the church the next event on God's calendar of activities there's actually no prophecy that has to be fulfilled before the rapture when you look at 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 verses 13 and 18 it describes that time of the rapture when Jesus shouts the Archangel shouts and the Trump of God sounds and those of us who know Christ as Lord and Savior are caught up to be with him in the air well this is Revelation chapter 4 and verse 1 and then you see the space between the potted plant there's actually going to be a seven-year period of time Jesus Christ referred to that as the Tribulation Period that's Matthew chapter 24 and verse 29 and so we see the period here between the two potted plants representing that seven-year period of time this particular prodded plant would represent the return of Jesus Christ now this would be the rapture this would be the seven-year period of time and this would be the return when Jesus Christ comes back to the Mount of Olives in the city of Jerusalem that's Zechariah chapter 14 and verse 4 you'll notice the space now between the 2nd and the 3rd potted plant this is the thousand year millennial kingdom it's talked about in Revelation chapter 20 verses 1 to 6 the first three verses talking about Satan being bound in the bottomless pit for a thousand year period of time and then Revelation chapter 20 verses four five and six which is describing the thousand-year Kingdom period of time the Millennium this final potted plant out here is the representation of the great white throne judgment Revelation chapter 20 verses 11 to 15 we're at a time in history in the future all of those who do not receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior will stand here to be judged ultimately judged along with Satan for eternity in the lake of fire and so we have the three main points of the book of Revelation the rapture then the tribulation the space in between we have after that the return of Jesus Christ back to the earth thousand year period of time which I'm standing in front of and here the great white throne judgment the time of judgment for eternity now let me go back to these first two events that are related to us revealed in the book of Revelation by John the Revelator John talks about the rapture of the church the seven-year period of time by the way this is chapter 4 and verse 1 and then 16 chapters of detailed information describing that judgment period the tribulation chapter 4 verse 2 through chapter 19 verse 11 chapter 19 verse 11 and following talking about the return of Jesus Christ want to remind you that when you're reading or studying in particular if you're teaching the book of Revelation you cannot teach it numerically chapters 1 to 22 you need to teach it chronologically how the book unfolds how the narrative moves through the 22 chapters let me remind you chapter 4 verse 1 the rapture and then into the Tribulation Period so where do you go from chapter 4 verse 1 to chapter 17 and following that chapter 18 those are two special chapters in the book of Revelation that described this seven-year period of time chapter 17 describes the first three and a half years of the tribulation period the word Babylon in that portion of Scripture is used one time chapter 17 verse 5 Babylon the mother of all harlots chapter 18 the last half of this period of time the seven years the space between the rapture and the return that is going to be Babel in the city chapter 17 Babel in the church chapter 18 Babel in the city the word city is used six times in chapter 18 and the word great eight times we're talking about Babylon which is used three times in chapter 18 referring to the great city of Babylon in our quest in this documentary to find out the answer to two questions is the United States and Bible prophecy or the other question is America a nation that the Lord brought into existence a governmental operation to actually facilitate as the world stage is set for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled now we talked about what many prophecy teachers claim is babylon revelation 18 as here in new york city the financial district the Statue of Liberty and the United Nations the economic power the religious power and the of course the governmental power I submit that as you take the Word of God literally from Genesis chapter one to Revelation 22:20 one you'll have to come to the conclusion that Babylon is literal it's not New York City but instead Babylon literal Babylon located on the shores of the affray T's River about 58 miles out of downtown Baghdad when you go and study Babylon in itself it starts in Genesis chapter 11 verse 4 where Nimrod great-grandson of Noah says let us build us a great city now he was in Babylon that later on in the Bible is referred to as babylon babylon the literal city three hundred and fifty times in god's word babylon is mentioned and as you study through those different passages of scripture you have to conclude Babylon is literal in the book of Genesis as well as in the book of Revelation you might remember babblin was a key location for the Babylonian Empire and Nebuchadnezzar taking the Jewish people into the Babylonian captivity later on ezra lived in Babylon as he would make his weight back into Jerusalem and in fact Alexander the Great came to power in the Grecian Empire in the city of Babylon many many years later as recorded in first Peter chapter 5 and verse 13 Peter did not go to Rome but instead went to Babylon and established a church my wife and I moved in to Jerusalem back in 1991 January of 1991 and you may remember that was the time of the beginning of the Gulf crisis and Babylon of course was in focus Babylon according to the Word of God according to the ancient prophets Isaiah Isaiah chapter 13 and 14 and Jeremiah Jeremiah 50 and 51 has to be destroyed never to be rebuilt again when Saddam Hussein was in charge of Iraq at that point in time he spent millions of dollars refurbishing trying to bring back to power the city of babylon babylon has never been destroyed the Bible tells us that will happen in Revelation chapter 18 verses 10 17 and 19 it says that Babylon will be destroyed in one hour the way that happens is foretold back in Revelation chapter 16 verses 17 and following the greatest earthquake to ever hit the face of the world will happen in Babylon will be divided and then later on in that passage it talks about hailstones weighing about seventy-five pounds of peace that will pound the earth where Babylon is and completely destroy this city and it's the literal city of Babylon not New York City you see I wanted to tell you about that false teaching and then come back and show you what the literal word of God says about Babylon many say that the United States is in Bible prophecy here in Babylon New York City I say that Babylon is in the Middle East on the shores of the afraid teased River that's our key to understanding that the United States is not in Bible prophecy but instead it is facilitating the entire world as the stage is being set for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled well we've made a full circle from the day we began our search for the answers to two questions is the United States and Bible prophecy or did God bring America into existence in order to be able to facilitate the setting of the stage in this world to fulfill the prophetic plan he lays out two the ancient Jewish prophets remember we started here in front of the White House which I explained how current events around the world was exactly in line with what God's prophetic word said would happen at the end of the times we brought those ideas and those events to year thinking as we were going in our trip from up in Plymouth Plantation in Massachusetts and then here to Washington DC to see how the government was operating were they still in line with what William Bradford and the pilgrims established from a biblical perspective human government in order for God to accomplish his plan through political leaders today like presidents who made political decisions to set prophecy in place then we went to New York City and we talked about possibly the United States in Bible prophecy as it relates to the city of Babylon which is referred to there in Revelation chapter 18 well we told you what some preachers are talking about these prophecy teachers out of line with what God's Word says and we corrected what they say with what the truth says there in Revelation chapter 18 we're back here to Washington DC to conclude everything and to take a reality check what do you think is the United States in Bible prophecy that is referred to there in Zechariah chapter 14 in verse 2 when it said all the nations of the world will gather in Jerusalem but here we've been able to explain to you that a nation a United States of America who is on the slippery slopes of moral decay educational decay military decay and the activities of our government today not quite in line with what God's Word called for some 4,500 years ago we have to conclude that possibility that America could be at the end of the Tribulation Period they're gathered around the city of Jerusalem my guess is that America will not be there therefore the United States is not in Bible prophecy but instead God raised up America to facilitate the setting of the stage across the entire world to accomplish his activities called for by the ancient Jewish prophets in the prophetic scenario in the many passages prophetic passages of God's Word now let me then take that a step farther as it relates to you and to me we saw that the next step on God's calendar of activities is the rapture of the church the rapture of the church is for the purpose of taking those who know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior out of this world into the heavenlies and that a seven-year period of time the Tribulation Period a time of a judgment on the earth for the activities to unfold where many many witnesses will go forth to give the gospel so that people could come to know Christ as Lord and Savior but is that gospel 1st Corinthians chapter 15 in verses 1 to 5 explains the gospel it's the death the burial and the resurrection the gospel is given as the power of God for us to gain salvation Romans chapter 1 this is a great promise to any and all of us we must come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior somebody said well how involved is that how detailed must I get within what God's word has to say about coming to know Christ as Savior my friend let me tell you that as simple as ABC hey you must do admit you're a sinner you don't have to admit that to me because I'm a sinner as well you admit that to a pure perfect holy God who set the standard for each and every one of us to be able to go and live with him forever now he set the standard which none of us are going to be able to keep but not only did he set the standard he sent the Savior to this world he lived a perfect life for 33 years performed many miracles which would give evidence that he was truly the Son of God the Savior the coming Messiah he died he died a deadly death at the hands of the Romans by the way crucifixion was a way that the Roman people would punish those who were criminals or who were making statements and going against the state itself so the resurrection ultimately following that crucifixion took place three days after he was crucified on a cross there in Jerusalem three days three nights in the grave he came out of the grave and by coming out of that grave he proved that he was the one who was qualified to be that Savior the ones who could take away our sin in the background there in front of the white house we see a sub-type of a street preacher giving the gospel out maybe you can hear that in the background along with the sounds of Washington DC the sirens on the street and the tourists coming in traveling in around the White House and the other different locations but as you've been watching this documentary unfold with our questions of is the United States and Bible prophecy or did God bring America into existence for facilitating what was going to happen in this world prophetically that aligns itself with God's Word as you've been thinking through that with me you've got to make sure that you're prepared for the next event you admit your Center you believe in the death bell and resurrection of Jesus Christ and open Romans chapter 10 and verse 13 it says whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be safe that's how you prepare for that next event the rapture of a church and after making preparation each and every one of us should endeavor to live a Pure Life first John chapter 3 says those that have this hope within them purify themselves this is so special as it relates to how our lives should be played out after we make preparation come to know Christ as our Lord and Savior and in addition to that we must be productive we must go forth I can tell you for sure America was established to be the launch pad for world evangelization a manpower the materials the monies to reach out to this world have come out of the United States of America you want to be a part of that once you're prepared knowing Christ as Savior and living pure so you can teach and preach the Word of God and be productive until the rapture does happen let me remind you once again that the purpose for this documentary was to respond to the most asked question in any puppeted Q&A but I may hold as I travel across the United States and around the world teaching the prophetic word of God that question is the United States in Bible prophecy again I would say that the United States is not in Bible prophecy it is in the business of getting the gospel out to the world we can say for sure America was brought into existence to be the launch pad for world evangelization the manpower the money and the materials have come out of America to alert the world of a soon-coming Jesus Christ and tell them how to bake preparation to be pure and live productive until it does happen I pray that that will be the result of your watching of this documentary and you will go forth prepared for that next event the rapture of the church living pure and being productive in light of what is going to be the next event making preparation for that to happen and as you and I both watch what's unfolding in our world see God's prophetic scenario coming better into focus all I would have to say at that point is let's keep looking up unto [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Christian Movies
Views: 14,340
Rating: 4.78157 out of 5
Keywords: Films, Movies, Entertainment, christian movies, christian films, faith based films, new religious movies, religious movies, Feature Films, Jimmy DeYoung, Rick DeYoung, Is The USA In Bible Prophecy?, Is The USA In Bible Prophecy? - Full Movie, New Israel, Bible, Scriptures
Id: 8zKCQxR-K0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 37sec (9037 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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