Is The Restrainer Removed? by Carter Conlon

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praise god i just thank god for their worship service today for the team that's here for young people that are here from all over the country and various parts of the world and it just so gladdens my heart to be part of this and to just feel the energy that's in this room of young people who are alive in christ and realistically this is my hope and it's your hope for the future now you and i both know we all know today is is a pivotal day for this nation this is our election day here in america and i don't know if i've ever thought in my lifetime i would see an election time where in major cities they have to board up stores close windows bring down shutters because of the fear of unrest and violence in our cities and our society and this is a crucial time it it's a time that the bible speaks about in some measure in the book of thessalonians and i want to share with you this evening a message just i've given the title is the restrainer removed is the restrainer removed and it's from 2 thessalonians chapter 2 if you have a bible at home or a phone or a device where you can follow along with me so father in jesus name god first of all tonight we want to lift up our nation and thank you lord jesus christ that you were the cornerstone of the founding of of this society and there is a lawlessness that wants to remove that cornerstone and bring us into a place of darkness that is deeper than any of us can understand there's only one remedy there is only one testimony that can restrain it and it's your power your presence inside the lives of your people on this earth and so lord jesus christ i'm asking you for a fresh empowerment of the holy spirit to come upon my life the lives of these young people in this sanctuary everyone who's listening online no matter our circumstance or station in life oh god we need your holy spirit now we need you to be god in us we need you to be god through us we need you lord to push back the darkness through our lives and in our lives my god help us as your people to make a difference in this generation have mercy lord on our society god help the people who can still hear you to be able to hear as we heard this evening whoever calls on the name of the lord shall be saved but paul also says how shall they call on him of whom they've never heard so god help us to be a vibrant testimony help us to truly be a light set upon a hill that cannot be hidden give us that life give us that light give us that strength lord i i don't want to take another step without your holy spirit i don't want to speak without the empowerment of the holy spirit what is the point it's just empty clatter and noise god unless you empower it and so i'm asking lord for the empowerment of your spirit raise up people tonight that are listening at home raise up people that are addicted and afflicted and help them o god to escape their entrapments and to become the people that you have destined them to be oh jesus may we not be a whimper in the dust in this last hour of time but may we be a warrior church yielding the sword of your holy spirit and your word my god in this generation give us oil in our lamps lord so we can show people in darkness the way to eternal life raise up this testimony of god that you have established visit this vine that your hand has planted lord and give us the strength to bear fruit for your kingdom's sake and for your name's sake and we thank you for it in jesus name amen second thessalonians chapter two beginning at verse seven now paul is writing about a time of lawlessness in the world it's season of lawlessness it's always always been at work but it's going to culminate in the last days in an unspeakable lawlessness now we've seen it periodically throughout history we saw it in rwanda for example in africa when lawlessness broke out and neighbors started killing neighbor indiscriminately and some even sad to say thought they were doing it in the name of god we've seen it in world war ii we've seen it in various places when they were when the restraint against lawlessness is removed it is in the heart of all of humanity to do evil even your life and my life the only thing that restrains us is the power of god's holy spirit the truth of god's word the redemption that we have through god's son is the only thing that restrains us from doing that which our sin nature would like to do paul says in chapter 2 verse 7 the mystery of lawlessness is already at work only he who now restrains will do so until he has taken out of the way and then the lawless one will be revealed whom the lord will consume with his breath of his mouth and destroy with the brightness of his coming now i want to read you uh from the full life study bible commentary just to comment on this particular passage of scripture particularly verse 7 when it says this mystery of lawlessness is already at work the mystery of iniquity or spirit of rebellion operates behind the scenes throughout the course of human history preparing the way for the rebellion and the man of lawlessness also known as the antichrist for those who study these things it is an insidious process that entraps unbelievers and prepares many within the church to turn from true faith and to accept the lie emboldened in the apostate church it involves a spirit or movement against true biblical faith and divine law it seeks freedom from moral restraint and it takes pleasure in sin though this spirit existed already in paul's day it will increase on an accelerated scale and it be especially prevalent in the world and in religion at the end of the age not only in the world but in a religion that is part of this this fallen condition uh in the world at the end of the age paul the apostle calls it a perilous time in second timothy chapter three a time when people will be lovers of themselves lovers of money boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents that means they despise all authority they want no authority over them they want their own no boundaries no borders they will be blasphemers against god unthankful unholy unloving unforgiving slanderers without self-control brutal despisers of good traitors heady head strong haughty lovers of pleasure more than lovers of god and on top of all this they have a form of godliness but deny its power from such people turn away for this sort are those who creep into households and take captive gullible women loaded down with sins and led away by various lusts always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth just as janice and jamers resisted moses these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds disapproved concerning the faith but they will progress no farther for their folly will be manifested to all as there also was and so here we have a situation evolving paul says in the last days when there will be corruption in the name of god corruption in the house of god there will be a generation arise who don't they don't esteem the word of god they they have their own thoughts they have their own ways of of of perceiving truth and they will bring this into the house of god they will make a boast of their study but their study will never bring them to the place where god would have them to be or to become the people that god would have them to become you know when we look at this passage of scripture and it says that these things will happen on the earth this mystery of lawlessness will continue to work until that which holds it back will be taken out of the way now when you study this and you look at some of the commentaries some believe that these are some believers one angel some believe it's four angels some believe it's the rapture of the christian church when the the people of god are physically taken from from this earth my personal viewpoint on this verse of scripture is the restrainer is the presence of god's holy spirit within his church on the earth it is it is you and i that god uses to hold back this darkness that would swallow our entire society it would swallow up uh goodness it would swallow up our families it would swallow up civility it would it would destroy our society and when the when the work of god's holy spirit inside of a people is taken out of the way now how does that happen in the christian church how how is it possible that this restraining power of god's holy spirit can actually be taken out of the way allowing evil to progress you see it's important to understand this because you and i are the only ones that have the power to stand against this lawlessness we are the only ones who can push it back actually the bible tells us that when we pray we can command mountains to be cast into the sea and they will obey us there are incredible promises that god gives to his people of things that he will do in unison with us when we walk with him in truth in righteousness and with faith at the center core of our hearts now first of all the restrainer is taken out of the way when the word of god is no longer the guide of the thoughts and actions of god's people this is what paul says is going to happen in the last days there'll be people who are studying this book but they choose what to believe and choose what not to believe they make excuses for example not to forgive those that have wronged them they'll make excuses not to be under proper godly authority they they will make excuses for everything they'll pick and choose what they want to believe they're always learning but the restraining power of god will not be working through them as a matter of fact they will be so assimilated into their society that they will look remarkably like it they will think like it they will speak like it their speech does not restrain evil their their behavior does not restrain evil their presence does not restrain evil matter of fact they become actually partakers of it according to the apostle paul and cover it all up with christian talk and learning and such like now psalm 1 19 105 the psalmist says your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path when i came to christ i don't know about you tonight but when i came to christ i submitted my thoughts to the word of god you know remember he says himself your thoughts are not my thoughts my thoughts are higher than your thoughts my ways are higher than your ways so i i submitted willfully my thoughts to the word of god if i thought something was right and god said it was wrong that it became wrong it's really that simple it's it's that's how the restraining power of god begins to work through somebody's life is when you and i are a people of the word of god the word of god becomes our guide the word of god we don't try to push away certain parts of the word of god and embrace other parts that we like and push away the hard parts or agree with the parts that make us that kind of conform our worldview and then push away those parts that don't know the word of god actually becomes the source of our thinking that's why we become new creations in christ jesus the old things are passed away and all things become new the promise of god in the old testament to those who belong to god is a new heart a new mind and a new spirit we become brand new in christ jesus and and by virtue of that we become part of this this force of god on the earth that restrains this lawlessness that would literally destroy our societies our cities our homes our our marriages our families our children our grandchildren we become that that voice through whom god can speak we become that life through whom god can be made manifest every where we walk every room we go into every conversation we enter we become that restrainer as it is pushing back putting forth the thoughts of god's the presence of god the anointing of god walks with us and goes into every room and we become of those who can open prison doors and set captives free and help to heal those that have been bruised in heart it's through our lives that those who are poor in their own resources come to understand there's a treasure of heaven available to them through jesus christ through his word through the power of god's indwelling holy spirit this is who we are on the earth this is our purpose on the earth i remember several years ago being in in nigeria and just nigeria in the middle of a civil war and god sends this little crew in from times square church to do a three-night evangelistic service and we saw a civil war in which 6 000 people had been recently killed we saw a civil war actually come to an end by the presence and power of god the restrainer had come and and pushed back that form of darkness that was causing people to kill each other and burn each other's homes and places of worship and suddenly there was forgiveness on both sides it was truly amazing the governor of nigeria wasn't there when this particular crusade happened and he was so moved so moved by what had happened when he came back that there was peace in a war-torn area of nigeria that he flew with an entirez to new york city came to my office and looked me in the eye and said would you put your hands on me that i could too become a follower of jesus christ he didn't understand it was by faith i had to explain it to him he thought it was imparted but whatever it was that he saw it had so restrained evil that he wanted that presence of god in his life this is the purpose of the church this is what ministry is all about this is what you and i are called to do psalm 119 again verse 11 the psalmist says i've hidden your word in my heart that i might not sin against you in other words i it doesn't say i've hidden it in my head i've hidden it in my heart i i made the transition from from reading it and memorizing it to to embracing it to say this is my value system this is the course of my life this is what i'm going to do this is where i'm going to go this is what i'm going to be and by grace this is what god is going to accomplish through my life thy word have i hid in my heart you see when we don't esteem the word of god when we don't let the word of god govern our thinking and govern our lives we are literally taken out of the way we become a religious noise in an ever degenerating society we become a powerless soldier trying to stop an army and all we have is a cardboard sword in our hand we have no power there's no anointing there's no authority there's nothing in us because we have chosen not to yield to the thought of god that is so clearly revealed for us in his word we're also taking out of the way when we cease to pray it's really that simple pastor tim basically said something to this effect on sunday in an incredible message that he spoke actually on the same topic about the church when he said whose side are you on when we cease to pray a prayerless church is a powerless church a prayerless church is a church that is making a declaration we don't need the presence of god we we don't we're not yielded to you lord we don't want your will we don't want your way we don't want your word we want heaven and we want to live life our way on the earth and when god's people cease to pray the promises of 2nd chronicles 7 14 just simply fall through their fingers and into the sand remember he said if my people are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face in other words our prayer is leading us to a true relationship with god that's what it's all about that's what my prayer is about i'm 67 years old now i've walked a long way in this walk with god but i'm praying now god put your spirit upon me again in a new way that i've never known give me the courage to fight for this generation help me god not to surrender the little children in our homes our societies our streets to the godless agendas in our schools and in our society that wants to swallow them in confusion help me lord to stand give me the courage my god if it costs me for the sake of others help me not to draw back you see living for the benefit of others is more than just a slogan on a wall at this school it is the actual pathway that leads to you and i being vessels in the hand of god to push back this power of hell that wants to swallow this generation he says if you'll seek my face and turn from your wicked way seek the face of god and when he says something is good declare it to be good and when he says it is evil declare it to be evil don't compromise with it do it the way god says if you will seek my face if you'll humble yourself pray seek my face and turn from your wicked ways turn from the things that you would want to actually put the word of god in subjection to don't let your thoughts override the thoughts of god submit your thoughts to the ways of god isaiah chapter 59 now of course in second chronicles chapter 7 14 the promise of god if we will do this he says we will i will hear i'll forgive your sin and i'll be healing into your land you see when we're willing to do these things we become the restrainer again the power of god begins to operate in us and the supernatural comes back to the fore again i don't know about you but i don't want to just talk about what happened to next in the book of acts i want to live it i heard it said in this sanctuary and among the students in this bible school that somebody prayed sometime i i just heard it second hand that you said we want to be the people the next generation talks about or writes about that's an admirable admirable goal but to be that people you got to go you've got to go for the whole thing you got to go the whole way with god you got to cast aside your fears and cast aside your thoughts about what your life should be embrace god's plan for your life and then you watch what god will begin to do in your life isaiah chapter 59 verse 19 says so shall they fear the name of the lord from the west and his glory from the rising of the sun when the enemy comes in like a flood the spirit of the lord will lift up a standard against him when the enemy comes in our society and our cities like a flood the spirit of the lord will lift up a standard it doesn't mean that the spirit of god is going to put up a flagpole on the hill somewhere you are the standard you are the one you you are the gathering place of truth you are that that center where god is willing to demonstrate his power the spirit of the lord will raise up a standard it is the church of jesus christ that through whom god will push back the darkness in our generation and the redeemer will come to zion unto those who turn from transgression and jacob says the lord as for me says the lord this is my covenant with them my spirit was upon you and my words which i put in your mouth shall not depart from your mouth nor from the mouth of your descendants nor from the mouth of your descendants descendants says the lord from this time and for evermore what an incredible promise he says to those who will go with god and say god raise me up to make a difference in my generation to those who turn from transgression to those who seek god and say god i want your ways to become my ways i want your words to be my words i want your thoughts to be my thoughts i want your pathway to be my pathway i don't want one ounce of my own energy my own thought my my own reasonings i don't want any of this left in my life i want you to be the consuming fire of my life i want you to take me where i can't go i want you to make me into what i could never hope to be in my own strength i want you to give me what i could never possess i want you to be glorified through my life oh god even if it means the loss of my freedom at the end of my days i don't care as long as you are glorified and evil is pushed back and freedom comes to others who are destined for an eternal hell if there's no divine intervention in their life this is my covenant he says and i made it to his people israel but it applies to us today my spirit who is upon you and my words that i put in your mouth will not depart from your mouth nor from the mouth of your descendants nor from the mouth of your descendants descendants says the lord from this time for evermore and what it means is when you and i turn to god with all of our heart god promises the spirit that i put upon you and the words that i put into your mouth will be in the mouths of your children will be in the mouths of your grandchildren there will be an inheritance because you chose to rise up and become the restrainer in your home you let the spirit of god come upon you and god began to push back through you the evil that wants to devour your children and your grandchildren i want you to listen to me especially those that are online tonight you see you're called to be more than just depressed you're called to be more than just a drug addict or an alcoholic or maybe somebody that's got a sickness or a sore in your body or whatever your situation is whatever you're asking for you see you're called to be more than that you're called to be the restrainer in your home the restrainer and quite often it's as we saw in in in our offering video it was the town drunk that's become the restrainer in his in his town when when the holy spirit got a hold of him and he went back even a secular mayor recognized the presence of god and entrusted the mayoralty to him for one month knowing that this man had the wisdom of god the power of god and the ability of god to keep everything in order while he recovered from his illness the restrainer the restrainer the restrainer you see you're called to be more than what you think you are you we have so many prayer requests tonight that have come in and and the families are being destroyed and children are being addicted and it's just awful when you read it the numbers of homes that that are being destroyed has it occurred to some at least i know it has occurred to a few but to others as it occurred to you that it's you that god is calling to stand up and make a difference the enemy has come into your home like a flood but you are the standard that god is going to raise against it you are the standard that's going to push back the darkness in the minds of your children in the minds of your grandchildren in the minds of of of your extended family you are the restrainer that is going to push back or or hold back and push back the evil that would destroy your family and once you begin to know the power of god then you start looking outside the confines of even just your own home and you begin to realize that god what you did in my home you can do for my street and then when after you move down your street you begin to realize what you did on my street you can do in my community then you begin to realize what you did in my community you can do in my state and you begin to realize what you did in my state you can do in my country god again is looking for the restrainer and so the question comes back in the beginning have you been taken out of the way have you lost your purpose have you forgotten who you are have you never even considered who you are have you ever considered the mercy of god as as pastor ryan said today nobody out there has done anything worse than killing the son of god so you have the right don't let the devil tell you you don't have the right you have the right to call out to god you have the right to receive the salvation that he stretched his arms out on a cross 2000 years ago to freely give you just admit you're a sinner believe that jesus christ took your place on that cross to pay the debt for your sin that you have committed and confess him confess him with your mouth the scripture tells us with the the heart you believe in with the mouth confession is made and your salvation in christ is secured then the holy spirit comes and takes up his residence his dwelling place inside your physical body he guides you into the word of god you're given a new mind a new heart a new life a new purpose a new direction and it's all about other people because that's what the cross is all about it's not about you and me being happy it's it's good if we are thank god but you know our value system changes it's not about just being disease free and debt free and all the rest of that it's really about the freedom of others you know if we live our lives for ourselves we end up learning and never coming to the knowledge of the truth and paul said in the last days the very first sign of this apostate church is that they're lovers of themselves then you go right down to the bottom of his description says they're always studying the bible basically and never coming anywhere near where that knowledge should have taken them to be yielded for the sake of others for the sake of christ to be used by god to push back evil you see there is no other hope for america tonight but the church of jesus christ we can elect people into public office and they can in measure hold back some of the darkness but this is a spiritual battle it's not a political one it never was it's a spiritual struggle america is in for its very soul the only restrainer is the church of jesus christ and so let it begin in your home tonight those that are hearing me online from all around the world let it begin in your home stand up for heaven's sake stand up for your children's sake stand up for your marriage's sake for your community's sake for your sake for god's sake stand up stand up and just say enough of living in mediocrity and enough of just being beaten up every day and every week and every month and every year and focusing on my own self enough of this i am getting up and i'm going to start going with god and you become the restrainer don't be taken out of the way and let the devil ransack your house jesus said if the goodman had known what hour the thief was going to come he would he would have secured he would have prepared his house or her house sir i don't care tonight if you're a drunk i don't care you have an invitation to come to christ you have an invitation to stand up and be a new man ma'am if you're drug addicted i don't care if you're drug addicted you have an invitation to be free you have an invitation to stand up and take charge in your house and push the devil out of your house i'll finish with a story a young lady called heather o'driscoll in newfoundland canada was part of this permitting still is actually and started being part of this prayer meeting several years ago her husband gary for 38 years was a hopeless drug addict he would sit in their home and he would sit in this particular wooden chair and he would shoot himself up with drugs and do all all the paraphernalia and all the drugs he was just a hopeless drug addict he'd been in all kinds of different programs and to no avail so one night she was part of this prayer meeting and she started listening to what was being said started listening to the stories about the power of god she started responding to the challenge and what she did was rather unorthodox but it worked she went in her basement she got an axe and she chopped his chair into pieces in that living room and she said devil no more this enough you can't have my husband anymore my husband doesn't belong to you she took authority she became the restrainer in her house her husband had already moved out he was already with another woman he came home to get his clothes one night it was a tuesday night the prayer meeting was on i was reading her prayer request pointed into the screen called the man's name and said gary you are not a drug addict you're called to be an evangelist he was and he was shocked he had just walked in to get some clothes and there's this man in new york pointing his finger at him through the screen in the living room he was so mad he said how dare this man do this who does he think he is and does he know what he's doing and who he's he's speaking to he went in the car he told me he said i i gripped that wheel and he says thank god you were nowhere near me said you would have been in real physical trouble if i could have got a hold of you i was so mad drove back to his girlfriend's house got out of his car walked into the house had an asthma attack couldn't breathe in the house stepped back out on the porch his breathing was fine he said oh that must have just been a coincidence step back in the house had another asthma attack couldn't breathe the interesting thing is he doesn't have asthma went back into his car and the fear of the lord came upon him he went back home gave his life to christ and has been studying for the ministry and he's an evangelist the restrainer had come the restrainer the restrainer that which pushes back evil he was delivered from 38 years of addiction with no withdrawal when he came to christ you understand the restrainer had come now this hopeless 38-year drug addict is out on the streets telling others about jesus christ in his community telling people about who god is what god did for him and what god could do for them and it all started when his wife took an ax to his chair and said no more in the name of jesus no more drugs in this house no more devil you can't have my husband anymore the restrainer had come the restrainer had come there's power in the name of jesus we sang it tonight there's power wonder working power in the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah praise be to god praise be to god we're going to go to the communion table tonight and as we do i'm going to ask you to get some bread or crackers at home and some juice we're going to partake together and we're going to we're going to believe god we're just going to believe god that you're going to be raised up by the strength of what jesus christ did for you by the power of his holy spirit you're going to be raised up i'm just done at looking through you and looking at you through this camera i want you to understand that i'm just absolutely done with it i've had it i'm tired of looking at you sitting on your couch and in your kitchen i'm tired of after this perimeter you go to your closet and pull out that bottle one more time i'm tired of it it's time for you to rise up it's time for you to take authority in your home it's time for you to get your kids back from the devil it's time it's time to put the drugs away it's time to get to say listen i'm not going to sit here depressed i've got a new mind this is my promise of god i've got a new mind i've got a new purpose in life get up because the only hope for this world is the church of jesus christ and god help us if we allow ourselves to be taken out of the way and so father tonight as we prepare to come to this table i ask you father in jesus name put fire in people's hearts tonight put fire and raise up the army you always have the army of misfits and addicts and the army of the the poor and the uneducated and the army of uh of those that nobody wants and they have no image of themselves but god you have always loved them and always used them that's why you chose me oh jesus oh jesus oh jesus reach your hand out through the screen tonight reach your hand into living rooms reach your hand into sickened bodies reach your hand into depressed minds reach reach your hand lord and open prison doors and set people free reach your hand out god and teach mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters how to fortify their house and push back the darkness that would swallow their families god i'm asking you tonight in jesus name to do the work that only you can do and let the restraining power of the holy spirit one more time i'm asking you tonight lord for a great awakening a great awakening in every heart that's listening tonight a great awakening in every home i'm asking for a spiritual awakening in america i'm asking for an awakening in the church of jesus christ i'm asking you god without reservation to do what only you can do oh god you can raise these bones again you did it one day before and you can do it again you can raise up your church again forgive us lord for what we've done forgive us god for being taken out of the way forgive us lord for allowing evil to prosper in our streets and our schools our homes but oh god judgment belongs to us but mercy belongs to you and one more time one more time almighty god one more time one more time before you come one more time before this world implodes one more time send a spiritual awakening oh god and bring so many people into your kingdom they can't be counted oh jesus jesus jesus son of god hear the cry of this man on the side of the road and stop and ask me what i want oh god as you've always done throughout history send an awakening lord send an awakening and to this purpose i yield my life i yield my freedom i yield my health i yield my future i yield everything i've got left for this purpose don't let this generation die in their sin no god don't let them die don't let our children be taken captive by evil [Music] oh god don't even let our enemies perish lord jesus christ have mercy god have mercy god have mercy god have mercy god have mercy god have mercy god have mercy let our communion tonight not be just a meaningless ritual o god but let it remind us of our position that you've given us in christ and the promise of a new life and father we thank you and we praise you for this in jesus name amen
Views: 72,129
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Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, carter conlon
Id: n0jJ4bGT9bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 1sec (2221 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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