Preparing To Live Off The Grid by Carter Conlon

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is to be here you forget if you're getting a little older like i am you forget you're old when you're in a sanctuary full of young people and you saw this wonderful orchestra today that how much they love god and how much they're growing in the grace and knowledge of our lord and savior jesus christ and i thank god for you today that have taken the time to to join us in this prayer meeting uh this evening and we are now in receiving prayer requests from up to 210 different countries and dependencies we're only 26 countries short now of this prayer meeting actually being completely worldwide and that's something really to celebrate so you pray with me that whoever those people are in those 26 countries or dependencies that are left will start texting in their prayer requests and we will be the first ever in history worldwide prayer meeting it's amazing what god's doing at this time there is a move of god afoot in this world no matter how dark it looks the lord is doing something and it shouldn't surprise us this is the lord's doing and is it marvelous in our eyes what god is doing and i'm going to believe god for you today those that are listening online are going to believe god as these young people are and our staff here at our bible school we're believing for god to do the miraculous in your life and through your life so father i do pray god with all my heart today for miracles we heard about a lady who was just at a communion altar and somebody put their hand on her and she was set free from cancer and healed we heard a testimony of a young lady who's received the healing touch of god a young man who was delivered from sexual addiction father we thank you lord that another young man sorrow could have overwhelmed him and the circumstances could have literally buried him but god almighty here he is studying your word and preparing to make a difference everywhere in anywhere you choose to send him and so lord we thank you that you truly are the one who takes beauty out of ashes you give joy out of sorrow you give purpose lord when our world has gone dark your world never goes dark you are the light of the world lord jesus christ thank you god would you help people tonight who are listening to this online who just have not yet seen who you are they don't yet fully understand what you can do god help them to get up out of their place of struggle or trial or difficulty or sorrow and to recognize you as the healer the savior the deliverer you're the beginning you're the ending of all things you make all things new that's what your word says about you and that's what we've come to experience and so lord we're fighting tonight for those online who just don't believe for themselves we will believe for them and we ask you god to stretch your hand out through the internet and do the miraculous do it with power do it with grace and do it in such a way that only your name could be glorified and father we thank you god would you help me today to speak these words into people's lives and to help us to prepare for the days that are just ahead of us give us the grace to pray and to believe you and in the belief of what you speak to our hearts to stand o god and to go forward and make a difference in our time and god we thank you and praise you in jesus name i'd like to speak to you today for a few moments just before we go to the communion table so we always have communion on tuesday night together so if you're at home uh take a moment to get some bread or crackers or juice of any kind and then we're going to partake together and celebrate this incredible victory that belongs to us through our lord and savior jesus christ i want to talk to you about preparing to live off the grid preparing to live off the grid first john chapter 5 beginning at verse 11. that's first john chapter 5 beginning at verse 11. now here's what the bible says and this is the testimony that god has given us eternal life and this life is in his son he who has the son has life he who does not have the son of god does not have life these things i have written to you who believe in the name of the son of god that you may know that you have eternal life and that you may continue to believe in the name of the son of god now this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us and if we know that he hears us whatever we ask we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of him now i want to talk to you first before we get into the scripture about this this principle of preparing to live off of the grid now essentially that means coming to a place where people literally disengage or at least prepare to power their homes by another supply in the event that the power supply of this world fails now even our military generals are very very concerned about this in america today we are very vulnerable when it comes to this world's power grid if there was some kind of an attack whether it's it comes through the internet comes through computer or whether it's uh some kind of a a space explosion or whatever whatever can be produced by another nation we are extremely vulnerable as a matter of fact our power could literally go out in in a moment of time and everything would shut down we're we are very very dependent as a country on the power supply of this world but it's become fashionable in the last several years maybe the last couple of decades that there are people who believe that a better way to live is to get off of the power grid so they have they have established solar panels wind turbines all kinds of different things uh preparing in a sense that if the power grid of this world ever does fail that they can be self-sufficient and uh all the more to them i i applaud them for their efforts now we all know that the alternate and ever reliable energy source in this world is the sun as a matter of fact the sun has a proven track record of reliability you might have noticed it comes up at almost the same time every morning depending on the season of course and goes down the same time at night the sun has reliably as long as history is recorded caused things to grow the sun causes the vapors on the earth to ascend up into the heavens and forms and causes the clouds to be formed the clouds travel over dry or barren land and rains on the land so the the sun really is is the most reliable thing i think that you and i might be aware of and a lot of people in this world are actually turning to the sun for their energy supply if the energy of this world fails now others are also turning to the wind as their source of energy and security so i thank god for that we're seeing it in some places where we travel even in the summertime there these wind turbines are all over the place now and uh providing power uh that this in k in the event in a sense that this world's power supply starts to diminish now in luke chapter 16 i wanted to share with you a story jesus talked about he talked about a person who uh recognized that they were in trouble and this this person lived was a person that lived outside in a sense of the kingdom of god that it was not a person who was in right relationship with god and it's called he was called an unjust steward but what he did is he made provision for his own coming hard times he he used the wisdom he had to kind of create an alternate source of supply may i put it that way because he was about to be cut off from heaven supply so he reached out to people around him and in verse 8 jesus after giving this parable he makes a statement he said for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light and he's using the illustration of an unsaved man per se reaching out and kind of cultivating a power supply for himself a supply through his own his own wit and intellect and then he makes the statement the children of this world the children in the sense of who are dependent on this world for their life and their their sense of well-being sometimes are wiser than the children of light which brings me to a question what provision have you made for the difficult days that might be just ahead of us and i think i think you're aware that some difficult days are coming i have had a warning in my heart for the last three or four years that i've been speaking at times square church in new york city that i believe this world is is mounting its last offensive against the lordship of jesus christ i believe the scriptures that we see about these days are going to be fulfilled possibly in our time we are seeing an increasing lawlessness all over the world it's an anti-christ spirit seems to be uh gripping societies all over the place even ones that formerly knew or understood the life in the light of god jesus said in luke chapter 21 that men's hearts are going to fail them for fear and the expectation of those things that are coming on the earth not not just the things that are happening but their fear of the things that they know are going to happen so it's not only from from from the things that that will be obvious that are happening in the world and and this this obvious understanding that something is happening to everything around us that we once trusted in but also in their heart the expectancy i i think many are listening to me tonight and those that are in this sanctuary you have that same expectancy in your heart as well there's a deep sense of foreboding in the hearts of those who have reasoning minds those who are part of the kingdom of god as well and we we sense that some very difficult days are ahead of us like we're like rowers in a storm in a sense we we know the storm is about to get worse and so the question is how do i prepare for these coming days because jesus in matthew 25 speaks to those who made no preparation and when the day got dark they realized they had no light they they had nothing in them to to get to where god was or to point anybody else in that direction and there was a suddenness of this darkness it it it didn't come without warning but the the peak of the darkness when it came they found out they had made no preparation so so how do i prepare to get off this world's power supply you know we're talking about those maybe who trust in you trust in everything physical around you you trust in your trust is more in the news than it is in the word of god you know there's a there's kind of this mixture you're getting a lot of your sense of well-being from everything this world offers it's it's comforts maybe it's assurances of the future maybe maybe your your guy or your girl won the political election and your guy or your girl lost whatever the case is but your the world is giving you your sense of stability your sense of well-being that everything will be all right tomorrow but those that are wise those who belong to god i think it's time to prepare to get off of this world's power supply i think it's time to make the shift of focus in first john chapter 5 and verse 11 it says and this is the testimony that god has given us eternal life and this life is in his son remember there are people of this world that are turning to the sun for their source of supply i think in the kingdom of god we would be very wise to start shifting all of our trust to the sun all of our focus upon the son of god because he is the faithful one who has always been there in the beginning he is he was there when all things were created listen to john chapter 1. it says in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god he was in the beginning with god all things were made by him and without him nothing was made that was made in him was life and the life was the light of men and the light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it now the scripture tells us clearly that people of this world who are are looking to the things that are not in a sense coming from the hand of god to give them life and to give them light are going to be utterly disappointed but those who look to the son of god the bible promises that in him is life and this life is light and let me remind you let me remind you that the son of god has always been a reliable power supply always always you shall receive power when the spirit of god comes upon you you shall be witnesses of the reality of god where you are where you will be and where god will send you eventually if you trust in him if your focus is on the son of god you will find that he will never fail you he will never forsake you he will never make promises to you that he doesn't fulfill he is reliable the prophet ezekiel in the old testament he turned you know we talk about others are turning to the wind and and at ezekiel chapter 37 it was a dry time and everybody's altars had failed them and they were they felt like bones in the dust they didn't know where to go they didn't know where they're going to find their life source and the lord spoke to ezekiel and he said prophesy to the breath in other words speak the word of god to the breath of god because it is it is god by his speech that creates life son of man and say to the breath thus says the lord god come from the four winds o breath and breathe on these slain that they may live so i prophesied as he commanded and breath came into them and they lived and stood upon their feet an exceeding great army you see the son of god has always been our faithful source of supply the word of god has always been our stability and our promise and our hope for the future and to those that are listening online tonight the spirit of god the breath of god that which god has promised is always backed by his power when when he speaks he puts things into motion when he speaks the scripture tells us that the things that are are not become things that are he doesn't actually need anything to create something just by the words of his mouth he can lift you out of your depression by the words of his mouth he can take you and make you into the kind of a person that will stand in the storm that we're all going to have to face by the words of his mouth by the power of his spirit by the beauty of his son you could have a future you can have a song that this world can't take away from you you can have a stability that cannot be found in anything of this world this world's power supply can be taken out in less than an hour as a matter of fact the prophet isaiah says in one hour your judgment has come this world can lose all of its false comforts all of its its bravado all of its assurances of the future it can all be taken away in a moment of time but the son of god is eternal and everlasting and forever he made all things he was there in the beginning he will be here when it's all over and those who have turned to him he promises that you are placed in the hand of god almighty and nothing can take you out of that hand he promises to give you a power supply that will cause you to rise above your circumstances in life to be a voice and a force for good to be a herald with la with light and oil in his lamp or her lamp that can call people to the throne of god in a season of incredible darkness i want to challenge you tonight it's time to pull the plug where everywhere where you are are i'm not suggesting you turn the lights out in your house i'm suggesting you pull the plug on wherever your trust is that is not founded or found in the son of god turn from the power supply of this world and turn to the son of god he is faithful his promises are faithful he still calls people out of the grave he still heals he still delivers he still gives sight to those who can't see a way forward he is still the treasure of heaven being given to you and i for strength and stability and security in our future he's the one who can save your family to the uttermost he's the one who can do things exceedingly above and beyond all that you can even ask or think that's why he says in first john i've given thee i've written to you who believe in the name of the son of god that you may know you have eternal life and continue to believe in the son of god in other words you you will be attached to a power supply that this world has nothing knows nothing about you will not go down if the ship's going down you're not going down you're going to go up praise god if the world turns dark your light which comes from the power source of god will shine even brighter than any false hope that this world has to offer those who have their confidence in him and in verse 14 of chapter five where we started in first john john says this is the confidence that we have in him that we if we ask anything according to his will he hears us do you hear me tonight this is the confidence we have in him this is the confidence that if we ask anything according to his will anything he hears us and if we know that he hears us whatever we ask we know that we have the petitions we have asked of him that's why i've been going out on the radio and out in this prayer meeting for years now saying it's time to pray it's time to pray it's time to ask god through his son jesus christ for what only god can give to you the power the security the stability the new mind the assurance of a future the strength to stand when the waves start roaring and the land starts shaking and societies start dissolving and the rage of the ungodly starts screaming in our streets god says i will give you a source of life that this world cannot put it out can't extinguish it anymore then they can put out the light of god almighty himself oh yes let everyone in our streets and our societies let kings on their thrones let them stand outside and rage against the sun all they want it will still come up in the morning it will still go down at night and they can rage against the son of god all they want but he is still the alpha he is still the omega he is still god and there's nothing they can do to change that and he's willing to share his strength he's willing to give stability in our troubled times he's willing to carry us through our storms he's willing to make us into what only he can he's willing to give us such a source of life that the apostle peter said be ready to give an answer for everyone who asks a reason for the hope that is in you this world is very quickly losing its hope it's it's becoming almost pandemic as much as the coronavirus is causing fear in societies the loss of hope for the future is also becoming an epidemic in our generation but god has a power supply that people can still tap into through his son jesus christ how do i do this you say admit that you can't live life your own way admit that your everything you've tried has failed admit that you've sinned against a holy god that means that he has a prescribed way that the word of god says you should live but you chose to live another way you chose to try to be your own god and it's all blown up in your face hasn't it i don't have to convince you tonight that are listening to me online you already know it you know the whole thing is blown up and you know the power source that you're plugged into has failed you now you have an invitation from the son of god to admit that you need a savior it's simply just bending your knee to god say i can't do this on my own i can't make it through by my own strength and whatever i have trusted in the lights have gone out the power source has diminished it it might have given you comfort at one time but it doesn't comfort you anymore and believe that god sent his son to die on a cross 2000 years ago and suffer a horrible death for you because he loves you because he longs to have you back again to himself as his son or as his daughter he longs to give you of his holy spirit and give you a new life that only god can give you a new source of strength that can only come from him a purpose not just in time but for eternity forever he longs to bring you home one day to where he is that you may dwell with him forever as the scripture says and the scripture tells us also that we we need to confess with our mouth we believe in our heart that jesus is the son of god who died for us and that god raised him from the dead on the third day to show us that as if we trust in him we too will be raised out of death out of powerlessness and brought into this new life that can be ours in jesus christ and we believe in our heart and confess with our mouth you know you don't even have to have anybody in the room with you tonight you can be all alone in your living room and you can just say jesus you are my lord from this day forward he hears you he will receive you thank you for dying for me thank you for giving your life for me as a matter of fact before we go to the communion table i'd like you to pray that with me right now sir have courage tonight ma'am have courage pray this prayer with me lord jesus christ thank you for loving me seeing me in my misery and my failure yet you still love me and you still want me so i open my heart to you and i ask you to come into my life and save me and be my lord and be my god from this day forward i'm going to put my confidence in you and i'm going to trust you for everything that i need i am now a follower
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Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Carter Conlon
Id: h4HmBfIH1KU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 49sec (1429 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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