Is the NEW iPad Pro worth it?

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hello and welcome to this is iPads they just killed what did they kill one of their products what the ninth gen iPad no no you cannot leave with the ninth gen iPad there's a brand new Apple event that just wrapped up this morning a bunch of new stuff including the new iPad Pros an update to the iPad Air surprise announcement of the Apple M4 and zero to do with the mini the best iPad I dear viewer use my iPad Mini to make notes with the apple pencil you know as a reasonable human being Matt over here is flexing your immense wealth and riches with all your iPads do you want take a guess at how many iPads I own six six it is six is it really I have six iPads wow rich boy over here well time to go buy yourself a brand new iPad Pro why don't we quickly break down what they announce and then we'll talk about our thoughts because I have a lot of thoughts first and I actually I would even though I was trolling with you earlier kind of agree that the most important iPad here was actually the iPad 10th gen now if you remember it really was this came out I think last year and it was a all screen like newer design that was meant to be sort of a replacement for the ninth gy which has been sticking sticking around forever it's up to date besides like the apple pencil being weird but they slash the price from $450 to $350 and I will say that if you're looking for an iPad you should probably just buy the 10 gen now unless you're being a big iPad Pro boy like Matt over here and you need OLED and M4 and everything the iPad 10th gen it's a solid device in $350 is I would argue almost a little bit of a no-brainer that's a really good deal it's a really good iPad for for 350 bucks first of I want to dispute something real quick about me being like a rich IP Bo you just started this video by saying you own six iPads one of which is exclusively for the toilet I I do have one in the bathroom I told you see I knew it you didn't tell me that I knew that that was the answer I just imagine that yeah you instead of light switches you just put iPads there and all they do is just us a light switch button that is that is accurate I've had this 2018 one I've want to up upgrade uh upgrade it but I haven't been able to justify it because let's run through what the new iPad Pro has has sure iPad Pro is quote impossibly thin so the 11 in is 5.3 mm and the 13 is 5.1 these are the thinnest iOS iPad devices that probably have ever shipped now they were very specific to say that is just as strong as the last one now the second that Zach gets his hands on these things is going to snap like a paper bag I'm very excited to see that they didn't specifically say it but the Bezos looked smaller it was kind of hard to tell because they were mixing between the 11 and the 13 the webcam much like on the iPad Air has been move to the side they've also surprisingly removed a camera from the iPad Pro that got rid of the ultra wide because that makes sense cuz why would you need the ultra wide like that was DB to begin with and instead now it has an upgraded flash which is designed for documents you're not at the the concert just we have one camera for that you just don't need two anymore well what if I want to take multiple angles we use this super cool new Final Cut camera feature to like record and live stream or whatever and I also will say that I like the colors that they got rid of space gray which was not a color and they replace it with space black which is a cool color uh it's the absence of color by definition it's a really good upgrade it is it is a really good spec bum but that was never the problem with an iPad I want to come back to why I have this 2018 I have never felt the need to upgrade this because up until recently this started not doing the things that I wanted it to do so the Pro apps that are available on iPad now only work with the uh with like an apple silicon one but if you want to do like the more Pro stuff which obviously if you want to you need to get the pro you need the higher performance the more RAM like that's fair enough but one of the things here that is a little bit interesting with this new iPad Pro is that it is using the M4 now if you remember the Apple M3 just came out in what September October something like that so we're like maybe 6 months out and it's interesting that they put it on the iPad Pro first I'll give you the specs so it is using a second generation 39m process it actually has additional CPU cores as well bigger GPU and important they really emphasize the neural processor neural engine whatever it's an npu which is whatever calls it so it is now up to if I check my notes Here 16 cores 38 tops and if you're unfamiliar with tops I would highly recommend to get acquainted with this metric tops are really used for AI tasks now right now in your device it's limitedly used for like camera and like some smaller thing they show logic which you could do like stem removal and stuff but like that's all stuff that you can kind of do already but the tops I think are going to be much more important because the more time tops you have the larger AI models that you can run on device so what you may find is that on these M4 iPads I'm sure like mac and whatever they put it in you'll be able to do say super smart Siri versus like dumb Siri or whatever like that extra performance will be helpful in speeding up tasks and more AI related do we want to talk about the era really quick cuz I feel like no one cares but like it did see a 13in version which is nice it is a massive price jump to go from the air to the pro I recently did a video talking about how complete disaster level the iPad lineup was thankfully they've cleaned that up by getting rid of the ninth gen and sort of moving stuff around it's now a clear progression you know you spend another couple hundred doar you're going to get the next tier up like that makes sense the problem is is that I still kind of argue for most people $350 for that bass iPad going up to $700 $1,000 plus you're not getting that much more you're getting a better screen and more performance but like is there really going to be that much of a meaningful difference in I don't I don't think it is yeah like once you're getting to that point an artist is like should get this yes procreate dreams is is uh is massive with this you could do that an existing iPad though but like once you're getting to these price points it's like I feel like just makes a lot more sense to just get like MacBook Air they have a new keyboard which looks fantastic it basically just turns your iPad Pro into a MacBook Air they basically said it was a a much more MacBook style experience it's good but like again it just like that adds up quickly and then we also have the new pencil can I show you a graph oh God so here are the list of the existing Apple pencils and all of them have different function ities oh my God that's too many things man that's too many things the stuff they showed off with the pencil the uh pencil Pro was nice cuz they had a gyroscope in there so you can rotate your brush sizes but they also had a squeeze function to bring up menus but like I'm curious to see how that's going to work in practice cuz like if I'm drawing and I'm trying to do like a fine line I tend to to squeeze harder firmly grasp well I I would kind of expect that you probably learn after a little bit like you know you're not going to like pinch it too hard like look the pencil is a little bit more of a precise input method for typing for sort of like swiping and stuff like but the real star of the show here is the brand new iPad Pro which is way thinner it's a th000 knit OLED or 1,600 knit so it's basically the same spec as the xdr displays I am actually excited to try these displays cuz I'm sure they're going to be very very nice and importantly it's the same on both the 11 and the 13 because on the pros you used to be able to get the nice super cool mini LED display on the 13 but the 11 had the older display so now it's going to be the same across the board on top of that Apple M4 chip with a decent bumped performance and then there's some other stuff they announced updates to both Final Cut as well as logic they called it Final Cut 2 we went from 7 to 10 to 10 years later we went to two it's nice to see them paying attention to Final Cut though yes hey edit team surprise announcement we're taking all the MacBooks and we throw them in the garbage everyone's getting iPads iPads we're all on Final Cut two yay oh God wait Matt I just realized these are on the store now I'm going to try to build build a an iPad to see how expensive I can get it so I speced out the one I would get personally oh wait wait don't don't spoil me I really want to go through this myself so we're going to start out with the 11 or the 13 so the 13 starts at $1,300 silver because of course gross $1,300 for $56 but I can go all the way up to 2 tab for $2300 yep so in addition to the standard glass you've also got the Nano texture as an option but it only is available on the one or 2 tab so that brings up to 2,400 and obviously I'm spend this much money I want cellular so that's going to be another $200 so at 26 $100 you know what I want an apple pencil can you give me a apple pencil Pro yes please and then we're also going to want a keyboard cuz obviously I need a keyboard bringing me to a total of $3,077 yeah yeah the engraving sounds like a steal at that price well it's okay I'll Finance it on my Apple card for the same price as a car payment so it's more expensive than a times more than the 10 so I'm actually going to really quickly build the actual iPad that I would get I would get an 11 Pro just with cellular and silver and one with the keyboard which is a still very expensive $1,500 but that's a way more reasonable build than the $33,000 plus if you Max the whole thing out I'm personally fine with low storage on my iPad I have a lot of cloud storage between different things I don't have any of my own music on the device between streaming services and then uh if I'm getting cellular 1,200 bucks is still a lot and then again that's not including like the keyboard and whatnot you need the keyboard like look if you're buying an iPad Pro you should buy the keyboard it's almost as bad as with like the surface right where it's like no one's going to buy a surface without the keyboard if you're buying an iPad Pro and you don't buy the keyboard I just question what you're doing here's the biggest question out of all of this which all right I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt because WWDC is a month-ish away they talked almost zero about software almost zero about iPad OS realistically like Hardware is great whatever cool but again it's been great for a long time I guarantee that like if if I gave you this iPad versus the one that comes out that just came out you wouldn't be able to tell the difference in most cases and I would I also argue that the 10th gen iPad $350 is going to give you 90% the same experience for one1 the price of the maxed out iPad Pro feel weird to like have this event yeah and not just like include this with wwtc cuz you know they're going to talk about AI stuff at at the conference it's just a very it feels like a very weird timing it is weird this is not advice to anyone who's watching this obviously you make your decisions buy 10 iPad or I don't know go enjoy a lollipop or something but Matt are you buying any of the new iPads as of today no so Matt I got to be real with you I'm struggling a little bit because I've always been drawn in by the idea of the iPad and you know using it the iPad's nice when it works but it's terrible and it doesn't work there's so often I'm just wrestling with the iPad when I'm trying to use it like a laptop and it's not doing the things that I could do on a Windows device or a Mac or something I'm really tempted to pick up an M4 iPad to do a video on it to try to use it for you know a week or two and see but the thing is I know in my head that until we see significant software updates which is likely going to come you know a few weeks after it's not going to do it for me I'm I'm torn I don't know if I should get one and try it or maybe wait till WWDC and see if they can compense me like I really don't know man let mean here's someone who loves his iPad we can see yeah let me put it in a different argument for you I I can't believe I'm going to be the windows Fanboy on this one how long have I been wrestling with whether I should get a zephyr G14 you've been talking about it for like four months no you bought one and your credit card company denied you my i b i I did I bought one and my credit card's like you know what this seems like fraud I can't imagine him buying a Windows computer but what look at the value proposition for that yeah you don't need another iPad just buy the G14 it's a way easier to be like I'm going to buy this iPad when it's you know 350 like yes I agree honestly the 10th gen is the move now if you're a big old rich boy like Matt and you want to add another iPad to your Fleet then the iPad Pro there's no questioning that this thing looks dope right the probably the most encouraging part of this whole thing is that this is the first time we've seen the iPad come out with the tech first pretty much ever you know that when they're on stage WWDC when they show off all the most Cutting Edge AI featur features it's going to be running on the iPad with the M4 because that's the only device that has M4 right like it's nice to see that Apple really putting the iPad first after over a year of pretty much no updates in fact almost a year and a half of no updates but the question here is do you believe in the vision I want to believe I've wanted to love the iPad forever cuz I like I see glimpses but then I'm like oh wait a minute but this little iPad the mini which is more constrained but I think a better experience and I could just use the pencil and everything like that like I think this is what I'm going to stick with I think where this is really cool and with this has some really interesting implications in the future it's about as thin as a MacBook Pro screen right now there's no way the screen on the MacBook is 5 mm thick no shot I said slightly like by it's like twice as thick okay that's still pretty thin okay you know what you're just used to a couple extra millimeters making a big difference Matt um some would say that's too much well some would say that you should subscribe to the channel and Ringling the dingling button for lots more exciting iPad news like will Matt buy the iPad will Austin Buy the iPad will we clickbait you with a video about how Jerry R everything snapped an iPad in a half in two weeks make sure to subscribe otherwise you'll miss out on such high quality content such as two nerds talking about whether they should give Timmy cook a whole pile of money for a flashy new tablet I did like new Tim [Music]
Channel: This Is
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Keywords: this is, austin evans, matt ansini, test drivers, the test drivers, facebook, tech, technology, amazon, google, sony, playstation, ps5, xbox, apple, meta, gaming, consoles, pcmr, laptops, gpu, rtx, psready, denki, xboxready, superswitchgo
Id: yFpEnITOx54
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Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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