M2 iPad Air VS iPad - DON'T BE FOOLED!

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there's been a big question floating around on whether or not you should buy the new iPad Pro or an iPad Air however I think the real competition isn't the air against the pro it's actually against this Apple's regular iPad which at this event didn't even get an update but it's got something more important a price cut down to an incredibly affordable $350 and with both the iPad and the iPad air coming in a very similar form factor and targeting a very similar audience you may think either iPad will provide the same experience however don't be fooled because there are some really important differences between this iPad and this iPad Air that you need to know about and hopefully we don't drop them anymore during this video now generally I don't like to make videos about products that I haven't used yet but when we look at the iPad Air it already has Technologies in it that I have used it has the same design as the last Model the same display the same camera same USBC port and really the only big difference is they switch the camera orientation from portrait to now landscape and they added the M2 Chip which is new but I've already had an experience using an M2 Chip not only in the Mac but on an iPad as well so I think I can make a lot of fair assumptions here on what the experience of using this iPad Air will be like compared to this regular iPad so let's take a look at the iPad verse the iPad Air and see which one is right for you because there's actually a lot of things you need to be made aware of before purchasing one of these devices all right the first thing we're going to go over is design because apple is being a little deceptive this year with their advertising of the iPad Air because if you look at all the marketing materials they say the display is an 11-in display and you look at this regular iPad and you see how it's marketed it's marketed as coming with a smaller 10.9 in display so now naturally you'd assume the air has a little bit bigger display than the regular iPad and maybe that would make you lean towards picking up the air but despite Apple's claims that the air has an 11-in display it's actually the same exact size as the regular iPad if you look closely at Apple's website and read the fine material here you'll see in the marketing that the iPad Air is only Market it as 11 in but the actual screen measurement is 10.86 in now for marketing Simplicity sake that also gets rounded up to 10.9 in so they're just rounding up even further on the iPad Air but for some reason uh Apple's not applying that to this regular iPad they're still calling it 10.9 in however despite the screen size being the same there's some noticeable differences between the dimensions of these iPads and the screen quality themselves first of all this iPad weighs a little more at 477 G versus 462 G and it is thicker it's 7 mm against 6.1 mm even though that doesn't appear like a big deal I will say that I do notice the extra thickness on the regular iPad and it feels a tad more chunky and more Hollow than the air because of all that extra on you space however I would wager that this thicker design is probably a little bit more durable too right but the air does feel slightly more premium than this regular iPad however let's give it to the regular iPad here which in my opinion has the better exclusive color selection here with its bright vibrant colors of blue pink and of course yellow the iPad Air's blue and purple colors look really muted uh but if you like black it does have a space gray model and you know silver is available on both models if you're boring like me well actually I got a yellow one so I'm not that boring give give a point to Me overall not the biggest deal in the world but you know there's some bigger deals out there the display itself now despite having the same screen size and both of these displays using LCD technology the iPad Air has a lot of benefits to its display first of all it has a P3 wide color display letting it show more colors for a more accurate picture and a more pleasing picture and it has an anti-reflective coating that helps eliminate glares the display also is directly laminated against the glass further reducing flections and air gaps despite those differences though there's actually a lot of similarities with these designs both iPads have the same Touch ID sensor in the power button both the air and the regular iPad appear to have the same cameras with the same exact specs and yes both the iPad and now iPad Air both have the camera in the landscape orientation which works better when you're using the device in landscape mode or when it's attached to a keyboard they even both have the same speakers and microphones however there are a few more additional benefits to the air first of all the air gets Wi-Fi 6E networking while the regular just gets Wi-Fi 6 the air also gets support for the new Apple pencil Pro with its new squeeze features and power roll features while the iPad is only compatible with either the first gen apple pencil the one with the lightning port or that new USBC apple pencil it does not support the apple pencil 2 and it does not support the apple pencil Pro and one of the biggest differences between these iPads is actually keyboard selection the iPad Air gets the magic keyboard which comes with a really nice floating design where you can easily attach the iPad onto the back with the magnetic connectors while the regular iPad has those connectors on the side and therefore gets a completely different magic keyboard folio that uses a kickstand instead of this floating design but there's actually a lot of benefits to this iPad keyboard first of all you can detach the iPad from the keyboard while still keeping the back case attached for additional protection and you can use the kickstand to prop up the iPad without the keyboard attach second the iPad magic keyboard folio has a row of function keys on the top for quick actions like changing the brightness or playing and pausing media the magic keyboard on the iPad Air doesn't have a function key row and it's actually funny because the function key row was touted as a new feature for the exclusive magic keyboard that just came out for the new iPad pros and this is just something the regular iPad has at the lower price point and yeah that's another thing the iPad's magic keyboard is a lower price point uh the magic keyboard for the iPad Air cost $300 to $350 depending on which size you get but the magic keyboard folio for the iPad is $100 cheaper although one weakness on this keyboard folio design is it does not get the additional USBC Port which is nice for charging speaking of USBC it's actually a big weakness on this iPad in general because the USBC port on here maxes out at USB 2.0 speeds at 480 megabits per second while the iPad Air gets a USB 3.1 port with speeds of 10 gbits per second so if you want to attach things like external storage or you just require more data throughput for accessories the iPad Air is the clear winner here but overall a pretty similar experience but there is a pretty big difference between these iPads and that is the chip the iPad Air ships with an extremely powerful and capable M2 Chip while the iPad is actually using an older A14 chip that's the same one that was on the iPhone 12 let me just be frank here theoretically there is a huge difference between the M2 and A14 chip in terms of total performance and capabilities however let me make another thing clear that might not matter depending on what you're using your iPad for because this iPad with the A14 chip still extremely capable and if you're using your iPad for Less demanding tasks like browsing the web watching video social media you know playing casual games emailing word processing taking notes editing simple photos and videos or even some simple drawing and sketching without too many layers The Experience on both of these iPads is going to feel very similar you might not even notice that much of a difference however that doesn't mean there aren't users who can take advantage of all the power of an M2 Chip inside of the iPad Air and it is better for users that not only want to get faster performance but more stable performance as well for more demanding applications not just because of the increased CPU and GPU power but also because of the additional memory of 8 GB while the iPad only has 4 GB so for users who are editing multiple streams of 4K video working with lots of tracks in logic using Photoshop or Affinity photo with a lot of layers or using drawing applications like proc crate or 3D modeling applications right the M2 Chip is going to give you a much better experience and in fact there's some exclusive applications that will only run on iPads with an M series chip Final Cut Pro and logic will not run on the regular iPad so if you have aspirations of editing video or making music with these Pro applications well trust me you're going to want to go for the iPad Air there's also some exclusive games that only run on the M series chips AAA level games like Resident Evil 4 remake Resident Evil Village and death stranding all require an M series chip to run so if you think you'll be playing some games on your iPad some of those more demanding games it is worth stepping up to the air the iPad Air is also the better choice if you want to use some more advanced features like connecting it to an external monitor or using Apple stage manager feature which lets you use your iPad with windowed applications rather than than the more simplified split screen multitasking setup the air is also better if you need more storage not only does the base model have double the starting storage at 128 GB but it can also be upgraded to 256 GB 52 GB or even one terab of storage for those that need more storage on their iPad the regular iPad is very simple it only has two storage options a 64 GB option at $350 and then a 250 56 GB option at 500 which is quite a jump up in pricing and in storage if you need more storage than 64 GB also while we mainly Focus this video on the smaller iPad Air Model another valid reason to go for the air is because it now comes in two sizes so if you want a bigger iPad you can get the 13in iPad Air at $799 this iPad is ideal for anyone who wants a bigger screen device with a slightly brighter 600 nit display yes it has a brighter display even over the 11-in air and those who want to use this air as more of a full-fledged laptop replacement with more screen area to utilize professional applications or just a little more extra room to multitask with so what's the verdict here should you get an iPad or an iPad Air well like most decisions there's no onesze fits-all solution and no right or wrong answers there's just the best answer for you and if I had to it up I would say that people should buy the $350 iPad if they want that traditional iPad experience these are users that primarily want a tablet to browse the web watch video view photos or even users that want a cheaper laptop alternative where they can use a keyboard with it or users that want to use an apple pencil for jotting down notes and sketching the iPad is a great value at $350 it might might be the best value in Apple's entire lineup and one of the best deals in Tech period it gets you 90% maybe 95% of the features that other iPads have it is a great device but despite it being a great device and a great value it still may not be the best choice for you because if you want an iPad that you're going to treat more like a laptop replacement and you plan to use it for either more demanding workloads or to play higher end games or even utilize some of the exclusive features that are on the M2 Chip that's when you should step up to the iPad Air and it's especially a great iPad for anyone that needs to use it for work or school and it is worth the increased price tag for those that plan to do a little more with their iPad all right I hope this video helped you out in deciding between the iPad and the iPad Air and please let me know which one do you plan on purchasing if you want to support the channel don't forget to check out my affiliate links where you can buy one of these iPads and as always don't forget to give me a like subscribe to see my full review of the new iPad Air 2 and iPad Pro coming very very soon and as always thank you for watching I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: GregsGadgets
Views: 206,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iPad, iPad Air 6, iPad 10th gen, iPad Air 6 vs iPad 10th gen, iPad Air 6 vs iPad 10, iPad vs iPad Air, iPad Air m2 vs iPad, iPad vs iPad Air m2, iPad 10.9 vs iPad 11, iPad 11 vs 10.9, iPad Air m2 review, iPad Air 2024 review, iPad 2024 review, iPad Air vs regular iPad, iPad or iPad Air, iPad Air 13 inch, iPad Air 11 inch, iPad Air 13 vs 11, best iPad 2024, iPad buyers guide 2024, iPad Apple Pencil usb-c, iPad Air Apple Pencil pro, iPad Air keyboard, iPad keyboard
Id: NiluOTiOKbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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