Why I switched to the 11-inch iPad Pro!

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okay um I never thought this would happen if this t-shirt looks dirty it's because I've just been to the recycling center and got most of the recycling on myself but who cares let's talk about iPads and I've done it you can have such a go at me in the comments I've sent back my M4 13in iPad Pro it's gone back to Apple it it wasn't a review unit it was a proper purchased unit by me and I sent it back within the return window if you're wondering why I've done this it's not because I'm thinking oh the M2 version which is this one here is absolutely fine I don't need that M4 Edition it's also not because I'm about to say oh that M4 chip you can't do anything with it it's too powerful yada yada yada even though I've kind of said that already the real reason I've sent back that 13in M4 iPad Pro is because of this I've gone with the 11-in version I've switched I've downsized from the 13in to the 11 in and the reason this is weird is because for for a long time and if you've been watching this channel for a little while now you'll know this I've been the guy who's been saying I don't understand why the 11-in iPad Pro exists because the iPad Air is just as good in fact the iPad Air is better because it's cheaper and this means I've got some explaining to do but first a very quick word from today's sponsor which is paper like and paper like has two jobs the first one is to protect your display so your expensive iPad display needs it's protecting because it's expensive the second job it has is to turn your iPad display into a surface that feels like paper and it does that incredibly it's very very difficult to get this over on camera obviously trust me it does feel like paper it's sounds like paper it's mesmerizing and if you use your iPad to take notes to draw to sketch to do calligraphy whatever it is that you do that's creative with the iPad Pro or your iPad Air that they have them for all iPads by the way whatever doing with that apple pencil and your iPad you need a paper like and if you're worried about the colors dimming or becoming less vibrant and saturated when you apply a paperlike screen protector don't be unlike most other screen protectors it doesn't do that and I'm the sort of person who never used to put a screen protector on his iPad because I just didn't see the point and then I got my hands on a paperlike and then I realized that's the point and if you're worried about the application process don't be it's so so easy if I can do it you can definitely do it I only ever accept sponsors on this channel whose products I genuinely love and use myself and paper likee is a great example of an accessory that immediately becomes a mus have for any iPad so a big thanks again to paperlike for sponsoring this video and if you want to find out more just click that link in the description just a quick one um I went for the Black version of the magic keyboard and it gets so smudgy so quickly don't want to keep sending stuff back it's not the right thing to do but should I go for the White Version let me know in the comments anyway let's talk about my prior disdain for the 11-in iPad Pro let's open it as well so we've got it in front of us I did not get this iPad at all it just did not make sense to me whatsoever because compared to that fantastic iPad Air it just didn't make sense you got a better display yes the camera system was a little bit better you got face ID and that was about it and also the M2 version of the 11-in iPad Pro didn't have the top end display that the big one had and that is why I always said if you wanted an iPad that is this big just get the air because one you'll save money and two it will last you for a long long time the fact that they then put the M1 chip into the iPad Air made it even more of a no-brainer and for me that just made the 11-in iPad Pro a pointless product to the point where where I was thinking Apple will discontinue it surely because it can't sell can it however whenever I mention that in any of my iPad videos several of you okay loads of you took to the comments and said no the 11-in iPad Pro is fantastic and then you gave me a whole bunch of reasons why I was completely wrong I may have argued with a few of you I may have just I didn't delete your comment I did not delete your comment I promise but I definitely vly disagreed I just could not work out why anyone wanted the 11-in iPad Pro and that's why whenever I buy a new iPad Pro it's the big one I've always had the big iPad Pro I've never had this size the M4 version was no different as soon as that came out I just thought if in fact I didn't even think about it it was just 13 in ordered bang delivered sent back and the reason it was sent back is because Apple got in touch I get quite a lot of questions about where all of the Apple stuff that features on this channel comes from you know do I buy it do Apple send me it do people give me it do I find it lying around on the streets in bins no I buy it in fact most of the Apple stuff that you see on this channel has been bought by my business it does get expensive yes but it does also mean that I can get as much stuff in front of you as possible and give you proper buying guidance occasionally Apple gets in touch and says do you fancy a review unit a review unit that's so hard to review they say do you want one of these things that we've just launched to review and my response without fail is yes please they did that with the M4 iPad Pro so I'd ordered my 13-in one and just after I'd ordered it they got in touch and said def fancy checking out the new M4 iPad Pro and I said yeah okay and obviously I asked for the 11 in version because I had the 13-in version in the post they both turned up at the same time I got them both out of the box and immediately fell in love with this size although truth be told it wasn't the iPad at first I mean the iPad Pro the 11in version is it's a lovely thing it really is I do like this space Black Version it was the combination of this and the magic keyboard as soon as I put the 11-in iPad Pro on there everything just clicked immediately I suddenly thought yes I'm an idiot this is brilliant they're the only brand I think on the planet that can do that so well that kind of immediate and unexpected love you can have for a product just by attaching it to something else and thinking whoa and that happened so fast with the 11in iPad Pro to the point where just before filming the review of the big one I was hurriedly looking at the the return window and trying to work out if I could send that one back and panicking about it and and then I started thinking what if the 11 in is too small what if this is just a kind of fling a kind of immediate you know love at first sight thing that is just going to disappear after a couple of weeks what if what if I'm doing the wrong thing in getting rid of the 13-in version and that is the big question I've been asking myself for the last two weeks last week I headed to Taiwan for compex and normally for that kind of big trip I'd take where is it this which is the four 14in iPad still jet lagged it's the 14in MacBook Pro and it's brilliant in terms of travel you know I I switched from the 16in to the 14in and it's made a massive massive difference however it suddenly struck me that for this trip I wouldn't be doing any heavy lifting I wouldn't be doing any video work any audio work it was just regular email writing maybe a few calls with the team that was it so why on Earth take that and equally why take an equally heavy it feels is it the same way it feels the same way I'll put the weight down below in terms of the you know the difference between the the MacBook Pro and the the big iPad Pro I didn't want to take that either cuz it's just heavy and you know whereas this so this was the only computer I took to taipe and it was absolutely fantastic one of the biggest strengths of this while I was traveling was the fact that for the keynote stuff where I was basically basically sitting there taking notes during a keynote presentation I could sit there with this on my lap Tap Away in Apple notes obviously and then if I wanted to you know to take a photo of the stage take it off take the photo embed that photo into the notes BOS you can't do that with that particularly when your daily driver phone is now an s24 ultra because if I take a photo with the s24 ultra getting it onto that is a bit of a pain I also did all my normal kind of writing on it with ulyses did I do a few team I didn't do any team calls to be fair but I did appear on BBC Radio Scotland via FaceTime I did that on this in the hotel room obviously no problem all of my email my admin that was it really but and again I'm not pushing the M4 chip with any of that and yes I could use the iPad Air for this and trust me if I was a regular consumer I would use the iPad Air I wouldn't buy this but the most interesting thing and again you're going to absolutely Hammer me in the comments for this the thing this makes me me think about is hang on the iPad Mini I've been saying for ages now that I want a new iPad mini and one of the biggest things that I want for the iPad Mini that you know the next version of it is a magic keyboard a mini magic keyboard how amazing would that be when I put the 11-in iPad Pro in here because I'd come from that great big 13-in iPad Pro this felt like an iPad Mini by the way the new magic keyboard isn't very easy to open this suddenly felt like a like an iPad Mini with a magic keyboard this probably isn't making any sense at all but I did see a few people in the comments a couple of videos ago saying the same thing that this is the iPad Mini Pro that we've been talking about and I'll be honest guys I'm really starting to wonder if we're going to see an iPad Mini 7 and if that's the case then well this is the form factor for a a small portable and lovely writing admin type iPad thing basically this is what I've been looking for I just didn't know it and if I think about it one of the most common requests I've seen for the next version of the iPad Mini is a pro version and that would have a better chip promotion and it would have face ID that has all of that stuff and it's just it's quite a bit bigger it's just a bit bigger yes it's expensive but then so is the iPad Mini it's one of the most expensive iPads given its size an iPad Mini Pro how much would that be I need to wrap up this video I need to say something really interesting to finish this video off hang on before I sent back that 13-in iPad Pro I asked you lovely lot should I keep it or get the 11-in version the overwhelming majority of you said get the 11-in version the big question is will I miss that big screen possibly the only thing I can think where I might miss it is logic pro I'm slowly getting back into logic pro on the iPad Pro I think that bigger display size might be better for music production but maybe not and equally that is isn't the main thing that I do on this that probably accounts for 5 to 10% if that of what I do on my iPad Pro so is it a big sacrifice probably not and once again should I just have the 11-in iPad Air yes absolutely please do not treat this video as buying guidance if you're thinking about buying the iPad Pro the 11in version please take a look at the air you could save yourself a huge amount of money this video is just more me kind of it's a bit of a an apology letter to every one who told me that the 11-in iPad Pro was fantastic you were right I was wrong it's immediately one of my favorite ever iPads and yes we've just had WWDC I did a live stream following the WWDC keynote so if you want to check that out if you missed it keep watching for a link
Channel: Mark Ellis Reviews
Views: 78,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mark Ellis Reviews, Mark Ellis, 11 inch m4 ipad pro, m4 ipad pro, apple pencil pro, ipad pro, new ipad pro, ipad pro m4, m4 ipad pro review, ipad pro oled, ipad pro m4 unboxing, apple m4, ipad pro review, ipad pro m4 review, ipad pro m4 vs m2, new magic keyboard, new apple pencil, oled ipad pro, m4 chip, ipad, ipad air, which m4 ipad should you get, ipad pro m4 vs ipad pro m2, apple, 11 inch vs 13 inch m4 ipad pro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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