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Hey guys, This is a video request.  And the question is this: Is the law  of attraction - or the secret - real?  And how should Christians see it? So for those of you who heard about   this for the first time, let's take a closer  look, just so you know what we're talking about.  According to the law of, the  secret of the law of attraction is this:  In a universe brimming with boundless  possibilities, the law of attraction   is a powerful force waiting to be harnessed  by anyone who wants to create their reality.  Sounds like the word of faith movement, right? Name it and claim it?  At the heart of our teachings is the concept  that like attracts like by cultivating positive   thoughts, fostering a clear mindset,  and radiating high frequency energy.  You can effortlessly draw  abundance and joy into your life.  Now, if we take a deeper look at this, we see  that in a nutshell, it is not a new philosophy.  Or the secret as some people term  it, but it is actually something old.  Packaged differently and made as if it is new. It is basically new thought and it will surprise   you that it is even being taught in  churches today, especially America.  The so-called prosperity gospel,  the word of faith movement.  But now, the Bible does talk about  how your emotional state influences   your life especially even your health, your body. [Proverbs 17:22] Now, most of you who are in  medicine, you know that this is true.  If you work in the health department,  you understand that you know there are   fighters - people who who want to get better - and  then there are some who might be depressed or very   negative, you know, and it might take them a lot  longer to heal of a certain illness or an injury.  But the law of attraction in the new  thought theology, as we can probably   term it, is not as simple as this. And it is not biblical at all. says the secret, also known as  the law of attraction, is the idea that because   of our connection with a universal energy force. We know that God is not just an energy.  God is a person. Our thoughts and feelings   have the ability to manipulate this energy  force to our liking according to the secret.  Our thoughts and feelings attract  corresponding energy to ourselves,   if our thoughts are negative,  we attract negative things.  If our feelings are positive,  we attract positive things.  The essential message of the secret is that we  all have the power to determine our own destiny. You see, here comes at the heart of everything. It is about the self life.  I am God. Then it says we can   all create our own reality through fully and  consistently applying the law of attraction.  We can be who we want to be and  have everything we want to have.  This is exactly the same as the  preaching of the word of faith movement.  Name it and claim it, You just have to speak it into existence.  Use your faith. They think faith is a force.  Like I said it before in another video,  like almost something out of Star Wars.  You know, you have to use the faith  force to try and create your own reality.  That's what these people believe. And this speaks to the core of the   sinful desires of humankind. Because we want what we want.  We want prosperity, we want  health, we want luxury.  And so these people will say  you just need to be positive.  Don't speak negative into the  air, into the spiritual realm.  Speak positive thoughts and speak what you want. So if you want to be rich and   a movie star it will happen. This is really what they believe.  So in other words, you are God and you  determine your own destiny instead of   surrendering to the Lordship of Jesus Christ  and following His will and plan for your life.  This is the same lie of Satan that started  with humanity back in the garden where   he said that you can be gods. Now let me give you some facts.  The new thought movement is based on the  teachings of Phineas Quimby from the 19th century.  A self-proclaimed healer and a  follower of Mesmer, the hypnotist,   the dangerous teachings of Christian  Science were founded by Mary Baker Eddy,   the founder and she was a patient of Quimby's. Now Quimby believed that if a person's mind was   corrected of wrong thinking, the body would  be healed of all its diseases and problems.  And so the law of attraction was mostly spread  by Quimby's writings, teaching people that their   thoughts can bring things into existence. New thought teachings.  Preach that true human self hood is divine. In other words, we are gods.  It is exactly the same lie that  Satan used with Adam and Eve.  And they sinned and since then it never stopped. Lucifer himself, he wanted to be as God.  He wanted to elevate himself above the most high  and now he tries to talk to humankind in different   ways throughout the ages to let us believe  the same that we can create our own realities.  You know, that we can have power  and name and claim whatever we want.  Our sinful desires instead of submitting to the  Lordship of Jesus Christ, and following His will. [Romans 8:7] So it is the exact same lie that  Satan used with Adam and Eve.  You can be gods.  Many people still believe it today. You create your own destiny instead   of listening to God and following His will.  Unfortunately, there are many Christians who   fall for the law of attraction, or the word  of faith movement, and who believe this.  And who practice this, not  realizing it's not Christian at all.  And the reason for that is because today more  than ever people do not read their Bibles and   most people want to believe this because  their sinful flesh wants these things.  They want to be prosperous. They want to be successful.  They want to have a lot of money,  live in luxury and be healthy.  They don't want to endure hardships that we know  is necessary for God to work within us and to to   build our faith. No.  The human nature just wants to live  in pleasure, but Proverbs 13:11 says: [Proverbs 13:11] [1 Timothy 6:8] Now, let me just explain this because of course if  we trust God's Word, His promises, we cling to it.  We trust Him as we move forward. Because we don't live by what we see, right?  We live by faith. The unseen promises of   God that we know are going to come true. Then we will always have peace and joy,   and that peace and joy will help us  in life to think clearer about things.  It will help us to make better decisions and  be healthier, and we will be more immune to   diseases because we are stronger. But when we don't trust God,   the opposite is also true. And if you have a crushed Spirit, it   will influence you healthwise, in your thoughts,  in your actions, the way you view the world.  It will influence your whole life. So you need to choose and say,   this is the day that the Lord has made,  I will rejoice and I will be glad in it.  We don't force things into  existence by using our brain power.  If you need more money, you don't wish  for it, you work for it, you plan for it,   you can also ask God to help you as well. But you know God doesn't like laziness.  He wants us to work. And when we bring it to Him,   when we pray about Him about  everything, then He will decide,   okay, I'm going to give this to Peter or  Peter's not yet ready to receive this so   I'm going to wait a little. God is God and you need to be   content with His decision. Read it with me again. [1 Timothy 6:8] You know, it is not God's will for everyone to be   good with music or good at rugby  or American football or tennis.  It is not His will for everybody  to be good at the same thing.  We are all unique and different. It is also in the same way - not   His will - for everyone to be rich. In fact, if a lot more people were rich,   there will be a lot more people  in hell because Mark 10:25 says: [Mark 10:25] Equality of outcome is not biblical at all. Each person - you and your family   members - you might have similar blood. But you're different people and under God,   you walk your own path here in life and your  journey is not going to be the same as your   brother - your sister - or your parents. It's going to be different.  And so it is not God's will for everybody  to be rich or have the exact same talents.  God decided to make David king  over Israel and not his brothers.  God decided to make Solomon rich and wise  while his will for John the Baptist was to   live in the wilderness and eat honey and locusts. Now God might also taste you with suffering in   the same way He did it with Job, allowing the  devil to cause pain and suffering in his life.  And he might do that to you  as well to test your faith.  Now Job, he could have tried the law of  attraction, name it and claim it, to speak   everything right that was wrong until he was blue. It would not have happened because God   is in control. He is sovereign.  Because there is not a mysterious supernatural  realm where we as humans can control everything   in a spiritual realm. There is only God and   His angels and the devil and his demons. And they influence not only the spiritual world,   but also the physical just like  God allowed the devil to test Job.  And even though Job had to endure pain and  suffering at the end God used it for good,   as He always does. Read it with me. [Job 42:2] You see, this is what Job says after  he endured the pain and suffering.  And where he had a lot of questions for God,   you know, like most of us do and then  God revealed Himself to Job and then Job   realized how ignorant he really is. The lack of his knowledge, wisdom,   and insight into everything that lives  and breathes into God, into the world.  His own life. That is why he said: [Job 42:4-6] Now, even as Christians, we know we can't just  name and claim any spiritual gift that we want.  Because Scripture clearly says  that the Holy Spirit gives   as He wills it. So it is his choice, not ours. [1 Corinthians 12:11] Now, you cannot create your own destiny. You can try - you can try to force doors   open that's not meant to be open - and then  God's blessing will not be on your life.  So you can try but you will struggle  a lot and even if you reach worldly   success in certain things there is  no way that it will be better for   what God had planned for you because He  knows you better than you know yourself.  You have a purpose and if He wants you to do  something - you walk within His will - He will   give you what you need to accomplish  His plan and purpose for your life.  And then you will go through ups and  downs in life, but God works it all   together for you if you always put Him first. That is why I have this merch design on today. [Romans 8:28] I hope you understand now that God  is not just a universal energy force.  He is a personal God that loves you  and wants a relationship with you.  There's much much more to Him than just a  spiritual force as these people focus on.  God is the Alpha and the Omega and He is  your father and He wants you to near Him   with a pure heart and He wants to show  you all that He has in store for you.  And you need to learn what it means to abide in  Him, He in you, you in Him, and if you love God   truly, you will obey His commandments, not because  just, oh, you have to because the the law and the   Bible says so, because you want to. You have now love in your heart for   God through the Spirit that is in you. You have received new spiritual life.  You are a new creation. There is so much more to being   a Christian than a lot of unbelievers believe. And if you still lack information on who God is   or even some of these false teachings,  then please watch these videos here.  Remember to subscribe so you don't miss  anything, and never forget that God loves you.  And I love you, too. Bye.
Channel: DLM Christian Lifestyle
Views: 44,550
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Keywords: law of attraction, the secret, law of attraction money, the secret law of attraction, the law of attraction explained, is the law of, is the law of attraction real, is the law of attraction biblical, what is the secret, is the law of attraction or the secret real, why you cant manifest things into existence, should chritsians believei n the law of attraction, the dangers of the law of attraction, manifesting money, what is the law of attraction, is the law of attraction ungodly
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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