Is The KOTOR Remake RUINED?!

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He’s hilarious

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/AhLibLibLib 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

I appreciate him clearing up the infamous KOTOR tweet, but he didn't nearly go hard enough on the grifting idiots (Quartering for one) making a huge mess of the situation and making things up to discredit Sam Maggs.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

Video contains spoilers.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Loyalist77 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2021 🗫︎ replies
we face the greatest sith in generations oh my god okay it's happening everybody stay calm this is not a drill repeat [Music] what's up everybody this is the act man here and today knights of the old republic remake has been announced impossible i can't believe that it's finally been revealed to the whole galaxy this is outrageous statement am 47 is hyped as [ __ ] master i don't mind him that's just my protocol droid observation master it appears you have a horde of useless meat bags in your comment section query shall i commence assassination protocols nah nah only do that if they haven't subscribed yet and click the notification bell bruh i cannot wait to see the new animations and cut scenes darth malak is just gonna be like you cannot hide from what you once were revan recognize that you were once the dark lord and know that i have taken your place so the remake was announced a couple weeks ago during the ps5 showcase and i couldn't have been happier with the teaser trailer jennifer hale returning as the smooth and sexy voice of bastila sian revan's iconic mask officially revealed it was also perfect do you hear that disney revan is canon now and so is everything that happened in knights of the old republic but what is this feeling inside of me i feel like i can just be hyped about an upcoming release for once in this modern era of gaming without any catch or caveat it looks like oh observation master it seems the meat bag fanboys have already started complaining about one of the writers for the remake i believe they used the acronym sjw to describe her do you do you not know what that stands for expletive damn it master i am an assassination droid not a dictionary but before all that this video is sponsored by world of tanks ready to roll down world of tanks is a free-to-play pc multiplayer game for real men with chest hair there's over 100 million players commanding tanks on the battlefield it's a strategic game of cat and mouse careful positioning 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the description guys check it out and now let's talk knights of the old republic were it so easy that a kotor remake would go off without a hitch but alas interesting enough the remake is being handled by a company called aspire a spear ass pair whatever if you're unfamiliar with them congratulations so am i from my understanding they play the role of publisher more so than developer having published over 190 titles that shows some experience they are also responsible for porting kotor 1 and 2 to mac android and ios showing some familiarity with the series already both are good signs so aspire there's one thing i need to ask of you please don't ruin this i can think of so many ways to [ __ ] this up and i want you to do none of that plans are fragile things and life often dashes expectations to the ground so that's what we're here to talk about how to not ruin the star wars knights of the old republic remake and how to make it awesome i'm not sure if you gain dark or light side points for not involving bioware with this at all but it's being reported that many people who worked on the original are coming back for the remake it would have looked nice for bioware to be involved with this although with the quality and performance of their recent titles do you guys remember anthem neither do i what was that mockery a poorly designed game also important electronic arts has nothing to do with this thank the maker and is it any coincidence that ea lost the exclusive rights to making star wars games in january and eight months later the first thing we get is a kotor remake is this good for the player ah but as one trained in the force you know that true coincidences are rare the future of star wars games is looking bright i feel i should address the loudest sirens going off in the background before they get too loud and you can barely hear what i'm saying that being sam mags as a writer for the remake before i tell you who she is some people are convinced that because of her involvement the kotor remake is now unsalvageable it's ruined burn it with fire there is no hope left in the galaxy all i gotta say is bro get yours together this game is at least two years from release if we see gameplay and it looks like it sucks then by all means lose your mind you might remember sam from that news segment on grand theft auto 5 and how it contained well you know this is virtual rape hackers rewriting code some folks have done their due diligence and unearthed many controversial tweets from sam many of which are indeed cringe it's curious why the developers would hire someone who has been so openly hostile towards the fan base they're trying to make money off of it seems counterintuitive however there's one tweet of hers that seems to cause the most buzz and it has been taken out of context isn't kotor your favorite star wars game no looking at the thread this is clearly a sarcastic joke saying that yoda stories was her favorite star wars game i'm just trying to keep it real folks sam mags being a writer is reason for concern i don't believe it's a reason to boycott or lose all hope no man look up at the sky with hope you know i think it'll be fine unless they try to introduce a bunch of new subplots like how revan and malik's conflict is a sign of the patriarchy in the galaxy and why we need to destroy it yay revan's a feminist i don't want to see none of that crap don't lecture me obi-wan i believe in you aspire please don't give me trust issues like carthonassie mockery oh master i do not trust you i cannot trust you or anyone ever again although when you say we're remaking kotor for a modern audience what uh what what does that mean what does that mean anakin remaking for a modern audience could mean anything from my point of view that means it'll be woke well then you are lost no this isn't 100 confirmation that kotor is being made with a woke you know politically correct approach there's nothing politically incorrect in knights of the old republic we'll just have to wait and see for ourselves you know sometimes people like sam mags can undermine the goal of a project and this is the last game i want to see that happen to all i can say is you better not rewrite bastila you will not take it from me star wars knights the old republic is one of the most important games of the last 20 years watch my review if you have any doubts it's the highest rated star wars game collectively amongst everyone pretty much on metacritic most publications it's in every conversation about the best games of all time so the stakes are high the fact that a remake of a 17 year old game can cause this much buzz in conversation should tell you just how important it is people haven't forgotten trask ogo's beautiful face i'm crass golgo you know when i think of knights the old republic i think of terrace and being able to explore all these different star wars cities and locales and how different they are in the cultures and you run into tuscan raiders who you need a translator to communicate with the game was filled with star wars culture there is no emotion there is peace that's the problem with you jedi always chanting about peace and control never up for a good fight well except for revan i guess it made companions and romance options popular in rpgs every choice and line of dialogue felt meaningful with an all-star cast of voice actors that made it believable despite the now primitive graphics and animations there's a charm that hasn't aged at all once you've lived as many years as i have you'll have yourself a long long list of memories if you're lucky most of them will be good if you're not some will be bad if you're really unlucky some will be so bad you never want to be reminded of them again ever you'll go far away to a place that doesn't hold any memories at all and there you'll be happy just to forget and be forgotten so the obvious question now is what the hell do you do with the remake how do you make it better should aspire try to be as faithful as possible and change very little well it might be easier if i told you what not to do number one don't make the exact same game the demon soul's remake stayed true to its source material to a fault including all of the many flaws and non-existent pvp of the original with kotor i don't want to replay the exact same game with the same side quests identical level and enemy design same layouts before you yell at me let me explain knights the old republic 1 and 2 were and still are the most immersive star wars games to me like being able to take an active role in the politics of different worlds controlling the destinies of people's lives making your own choices that's what made these games so awesome the biggest tragedy is we never got to see them try this formula again after 2004. no i don't count the old republic we're not talking about mass effect clones you know i don't want to make all the same choices i've already made before knowing the outcome in advance i'm not saying change the rat ghoul subplot and bring in captain falcon yes but you know maybe add another way for me to complete that quest maybe do that for all or most of the quests making the levels thematically the same but larger more immersive more stuff going on make them wide open that's the route to go and i hope aspert is willing to take some liberties with adding in new stuff maybe an extra planet another companion additional romance options higher difficulties i want more and i know i shouldn't number two don't trample over the original art style we don't want to make our old pal this is any more blind than she already is right kotor takes place thousands of years before the films and while it looks and feels like the og trilogy its art direction is very distinct hence the name the old republic my main concern is with our two warring factions because the republic in this game looks like a hybrid of the rebels and empire the ships outfits cities all of it has to be consistent i want all the same color schemes and designs but just make that [ __ ] crisp yo since 2003 graphics have improved a little bit so i want to be blown away by the visuals not pissed off because joe lee bindo doesn't look like joe lee bindo the sith trooper armor is sleek and imposing i love the egyptian ruins of korriban the ancient architecture of rakata prime all the main character designs should remain exactly the same bastilla should still be super hot and maybe touch up juhani number three please god don't give revan non-binary pronouns since revan could be either male or female the door is open right why not add a third option well because the entire game was rewritten and re-recorded to accommodate two sets of pronouns that's a huge investment of time and resources i guess it wouldn't be such a big deal if it's an optional choice i just think the effort should be spent making the dialogue that's already there better adding a third option is not necessary for more inclusion add more romance options if that's what you want i don't care if you personally want to be referred to as they them that's fine but this is a story this is writing this is a video game and if it's not grammatically correct i will have an aneurysm half of kotor is the writing you need proper syntax okay they used to refer to two or more people them two or more people please do not write this remake bad intentionally number four don't rewrite the characters or the story i think it's okay to alter some or most of the dialogue but the original message and intent has to remain intact when you ask jolie bindo if he was married and he says you know another way to get a wife like i wouldn't mess with that at all you know keep those memorable quotes exactly the same listen you talentless organic meat bag one word from my master and i will pull you apart limb from useless limb i can describe each and every companion and villain with exquisite detail and by the time i finish the remake those descriptions should be the same if you try retroactively changing someone's personality we're all gonna notice that number five don't turn revan into a voiced protagonist i swear to god if you try to make this like mass effect and turn revan into a commander shepard with those stupid three options i'm going to lose it modern rpgs seem to forget how immersive it is to have a silent protagonist whose dialogue you only read not here it's because revan had no voice that we could all hear our own voice as we read the dialogue in our heads it's the same type of mystery that surrounds characters like gordon freeman link or master chief you cannot show us master chief's face under the armor ever that is off limits the same applies to revan's voice in my opinion it's why i find his portrayal in the old republic so [ __ ] offensive because hearing him talk kills the mystery he wants me to be darth raven again serve him as i did centuries ago making revan a voice protagonist would be the fastest easiest way to fundamentally ruin the game and disconnect me from the story number six don't change the voice actors if possible veiled threat if the designers wish to alter my vocabulator they will have to do so after taking several blaster shots to the cranium as of right now the only confirmed cast member is jennifer hale as bastila and i think the following people should return in their respective roles unfortunately ed asner and john sagin are no longer with us lord bless their souls they are one with the force tom kane is also not able to do work because of health issues so i would like to nominate clancy brown for candarus put your hand on that wall but if you can get jennifer hale you should be able to get everyone else revan having no voice is just as important as these characters having the same voice so that's my piece on what the remake should not do before i tell you what aspire should do we have to talk about the combat i put maybe 600 hours into kotor 1 and 2 combined i still have no idea how the combat works all i know is i spam flurry and i spam force lightning the combat needs to be revamped in some way you have two options either make it more action oriented kind of like a tales of game with the focus being on combos and that's where the strategy comes from or have a similar turn-based style where you can pause and like set actions for your characters where the strategy comes from preparing the different battle tactics i realize the combat is a d20 system like dungeons and dragons so whether a force power affects an enemy whether you hit miss or crit with your attacks all that is determined by stats and dice rolls that we never [ __ ] see kotor's rpg mechanics are great they just don't tell you what they are like the defense stat how much does one point of defense affect my ability to dodge i need to know that whatever you end up doing just make sure you improve the ai and make the game fun and challenging now for the fun stuff the part where i give you all the best ideas in the world well some of them knights the old republic may be a masterpiece but parts of it have aged in many ways kotor 1 is outclassed by its sequel which improved everything given that it's a remake i see no reason why all the innovations made in the sith lords should not be implemented here like number one make skills useful in the first game skills fell into two categories persuade and everything else many skills didn't feel impactful throughout the game thus taking some fun out of leveling for example the security skill is quite literally useless because you can just bash open any door or container without consequence obsidian worked on new vegas and you should do what that game did make speech or persuade the main skills for getting those juicy dialogue bonuses but add dialogue checks for every other skill you know if you're talking to some guy about medicine you can convince them to use this with enough treat injury that sort of thing each skill should open up new gameplay opportunities blaster builds should be viable number two bring back the upgrade system let us upgrade all our [ __ ] that'd be really cool thanks for coming to my ted talk rpg mechanics are great number three the return of influence i'd say write the game in a similar fashion to dragon age origins where having high or low influence will open up new dialogue options where they'll like be like hey you're a pretty cool guy or like hey you're a piece of [ __ ] what what the hell's wrong with you i love that you're rude you don't listen and you seem to lack respect for anyone other than yourself unlocking new dialogue exploring the different relationships between you and all these characters and the characters between themselves it's all part of what made it so amazing back in the day i am once again asking for you to expand on that and make influence a stat so i can see where i stand with my buddy zalbar number four make non-jedi companions viable one of my biggest problems with kotor 1 and 2 is you have all these amazing companions but you only use the jedi because they are objectively better they they use the force i think you should give every companion some unique characteristic and encourage people to try different builds or maybe make it a four-man squad and lastly here's the bonus stuff that i'd like to see make you thorough band a recruitable companion you thorough was a sith apprentice you met on korriban who had aspirations to kill her master and rise through the ranks of the sith however you can convince her to turn away from the dark side and embrace forgiveness in the light all the things i wanted to do all the wrongs i wanted to write i haven't done any of it they just get farther and farther from my mind all i've cared about is power and myself ah you might not have known that you can find her on dantooine where she seeks forgiveness from the jedi order it's one of the best subplots of the game and explores the idea of you know what happens to a dark jedi when they go back to the light side ethera has as much character development as any of the other companions she kicks ass has a unique design please give her a spot in the squad maybe add a post game you know after the showdown on the star forge we could have a follow-up story that shows revan's exploits in between the end of kotor one and the start of kotor 2 would be a great way to fill in the gaps and give us all a chance to say goodbye to these characters one last time and last but not least please remake kotor 2 as well so that's about all i can think of you know there's a lot of ways aspire can screw this up royally but they also have a huge opportunity to improve and maybe make something that offers more than the original and i think that's the goal of a remake while there is cause for concern with sam mags as a writer i'm not going to let one person get in the way of my hopes in dreams if the kotor remake comes out and sucks ass then at least i will have been happy up until that point but what is your perfect vision for a knights the old republic remake let me know in the comments below like the video if you enjoyed it and subscribe to the act man for more awesome content once again thank you world of tanks for sponsoring this video check the link in the description guys alright everyone that's all i got for today this is the act man signing out peace
Channel: The Act Man
Views: 666,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars, knights of the old republic, star wars kotor, kotor remake, knights of the old republic remake, star wars knights of the old republic, sam maggs, playstation 5, gaming news, act man, the act man, act man kotor, kotor 1 review, act man kotor 2, kotor 2 review, aspyr, aspyr kotor remake, bastila, carth onasi, jennifer hale, star wars news, sam maggs kotor, star wars kotor remake, revan kotor, lucasfilm games
Id: y9t12V0UII0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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