The FASTEST Way to Grow Grass Seed: Pregermination Secrets REVEALED!

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pre germinating grass seed is hands down the fastest way to grow grass and I'm going to prove it to you in this video my grass started growing in less than 24 hours it was crazy and you won't believe how tall it was after only 7 days this pre germinating method saves you time money and gets better results than the conventional seating methods that you've tried before I'm a naturally very skeptical person and when I first heard about this method I was like no way that actually works but boy was I wrong the incredible results at the end of the video are going to make you a Believer too to get started you need a five gallon bucket and I'm pretty sure you already have one mine of course is orange as a symbol of my undying love for the Home Depot next you'll need some paint strainer bags and they can be sourced locally but if you want the exact ones I'm using in the video I got them from Amazon and there will be a link for you in the video description you want the kind that fit over buckets they'll have elastic around the opening and generally come in packs of 10 or so finally you need your favorite grass seed I'm using Black Beauty Ultra by Jonathan Green but you can use whatever you like oh and you don't want to use the coated seed from the big box stores for this method so anything that says coated seed or is touting less watering or something to that effect or the seed is just a different color in general like blue for example that's a nogo you want pure unaltered grass seed for this aka the good stuff one of the paint strainers over the end of a bucket and grab that favorite bag of grass seed quantity depends on how big of an area you're actually seating so just pour in whatever you need now for big seating projects you might need multiple bags and multiple buckets remove the strainer from the bucket and tie it off on one end so none of those little ceds can escape fill your bucket full of water but leave just a little bit of room at the top because next we'll be submerging the bag of grass seed for 24 hours you do want it fully submerged so you might have to add weight to the top of it to keep it under the water mine sunk to the bottom after getting wet but sometimes they like to float so again you'll need some sort of weight to put on the top just to make sure it stays underwater the absolute hardest part about growing grass seed conventionally is keeping the seed wet for that first week I've spent hours and hundreds of dollars moving sprinklers adjusting timers using various ground cover like Pete Moss and straw to hold that moisture in and keep that new seed wet the pre germination process shortcuts that whole situation because I'm doing the hardest part before the seed is even in the ground by pre-soaking the seed for the first 24 hours and then continuing to dunk the bag every 12 hours thereafter I'm starting the germination process early and I'm shortening the time it takes for the grass to start growing once the seed is planted it's science and on top of all that I'm increasing my germination stats significantly more of my seed is actually going to sprout and grow into grass using this method now how long do you continue to dunk the bag every 12 hours what a sexy question it'll at least be a few days and it depends on what type of seed you're using but you do need to keep an eye on it because it will actually start growing in the bag and if the water starts getting really gross change it out for some fresh stuff you'll see tiny little white Roots start to pop and when you see that it's go time if if you look closely you can see that some of the seeds have started to pop in this clip that is perfect timing but the window doesn't stay open long so you need to move fast if you wait too long the grass will continue to grow and quickly become a tangled mess of roots and grass blades growing through the strainer bag and the whole project will be ruined and you'll be sad I had to make an extreme example of what happens and as you can see even though it's really cool that a bag of seed can just grow into grass it's obviously not ideal for what works trying to do now back to the project grab a wheelbarrow and get that bag of seed cut open now wet seed tends to Clump together and it's not really going to spread very well by itself you can add Morganite or humic acid as a carrier of sorts and mix it together with that wet seed to kind of break it apart and get it to a point where you could put it in a broadcast spreader and have success with my Morganite all mixed in I could actually spread this seed a lot better now and it's a little more workable but for my project I'm just going to be spreading it by hand because it's a relatively small area I'm doing three separate test areas the first one is an area in my lawn that I've air rated and done some leveling work to the second is an outdoor planter where I can easily monitor results and because I don't trust the weather in the fall in Minnesota I did a third test in an indoor planter tray now each of my test areas features pregerminated seed planted next to seed that hasn't been soaked in water all three tests utilize the same dirt and the same prep method the same brand of seed taken from the same bag the same light conditions the same watering schedule literally the same everything with the only variable being that some of the seed is pre-germinated and the other isn't I couldn't believe it but in the first 24 hours I actually had Sprouts this is largely due to me timing things because as soon as I started seeing those tiny white Roots start to show through the bag I quickly cut it open and planted my seed by doing that I was able to hit the timing perfect so that the seed was just about to pop as I was planting it into the soil so we are off to the races and sprinting meanwhile no action from the regular seed next to the pre-germinated seed now that whole fall weather in Minnesota thing that I was worried about that I mentioned just a minute ago quickly came into effect because of course it did temps plummeted below freezing and we actually got snow in OCT October which for even Minnesota that's super rare and in case you didn't know uh snow on the ground isn't great weather for growing grass but look at the results from the indoor planter trays within the first week the first seven days the pre-germinated grass seed is thick and tall and looks like it's just about ready for a trim now the regular seed next to it is coming in okayish I guess but the difference between the two planters is shocking remember the testing conditions are identical and the only variable is the pre-germinated seed in one planner compared to the seed that wasn't soaked in water in the other planter I didn't think the results were going to be that different but boy was I surprised and now I'm convinced that this is the way to plant seeds the fall temp stay cold for my outdoor tests but I still have clear results that are consistent with the indoor testing the pre-germinated grass seed outgrew the regular seed in all three tests Outdoors indoors it didn't matter pre-germinated actually dominated the regular seed and it wasn't even close I'll definitely be pre- germinating all of my grass seed projects from here on out if you like this video and I hope you did think about subscribing to the channel I've got more great content and testing coming soon and if you've used the pre-germination method before let me know how it worked out for you in the comment comments well see you later
Channel: Suburban Acreage
Views: 1,387,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grow grass, grwo grass, grow grass from seed, grow grass fast, grow grass in shade, grow grass on hard dirt, grow grass in sandy soil, grow grass in summer, grow grass at home, grow grass on dirt, grow grass in bare spots, grow grass in clay soil, grow grass in backyard, grow grass in sand, grow grass from scratch, grow grass indoors, grwo grass from seed, grow grass fomr seed, grow grass form seed, grwo grass fomr seed, grwo grass fast, grwo grass in shade
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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