How to fix an Ugly Lawn, Tenacity herbicide challenge. diy tenacity pre emergent

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welcome back guys pester lunges and this is my dance teacher now here's brief overview for all those of you at home are too lazy to go back into playlists and check it out from episode hi we've got this project lawn here we've got 6,500 square feet roughly somewhere between six thousand sixty five hundred square feet we add a lot of less desirable grasses we have bunch of tall fescue Johnson grass orchard grass and a few others that I can't remember off the top of my head we've got some nut sedge broad leaf we've got some clover dandelions and a couple other really hard to do weeds the tenacity did pretty okay I wouldn't call it a lifesaver let's go through and do a brief overview on the lawn all right here we go and as you can see right off the bat we've still got a ton of Johnson grass here kind of pushing through the grass overall needs a kickstart needs a boost we had a really heavy winter here a lot of died out and as you can see here it's just not quite awake yet a lot of brown and so I'm hoping to fix that getting it into the lawn we didn't over seed with tenacity my biggest regret is we only got one application as you can see a lot of died out we peel this back let's take a quick look here as you can see we've got new grass so that's all new so that's good news and let's go over all these pieces over here all this orchard and Johnson grass last year started to turning white so I'm interested to see if we can get a couple of applications on this lawn to see if by applications I mean to Nash the applications see if we can get a little bit better die out and die back over here we had some bunching tall fescue that was actually affected by it which is right here and you can see we got a lot of dye out to it but it's not all the way dead so I'm hoping a couple applications will solve that problem too I want to give tenacity the best review that I know how we had a lot of broadleaf weeds as you can see they haven't emerged yet but we start seeing as we get closer down here that we've still got this real woody plant and I actually discovered what it was the other day and I forgot to write it down but it didn't find out exactly what it was so I brought a little friend to help out with it today coming to the back let's stop for a moment for the view oh my goodness so good-looking pretty cool back here this property is just amazing anyway back to the line here we go all right now this was our huge broadleaf patch we have a lot less but we've still got issues they're really really young at this point not sure if these are a biennial or an annual but I'm hoping that we get some dye out on this but you can see they over wintered and now they're starting to merge and they're pretty much everywhere through this section and then we have that real woody kind of kind of plant here with the picnic roots still having that issue right there coming up the rock wall to the end and this is our best section I did did the best but I dare say this had the best watering - and as I said in the past watering makes up for about 70% of the service so guys there's 6,500 square feet of fun now as you can see we've got a lot of work to do first things first we need to wake up the grass give it a good jumpstart we had a lot of good germination on that seed that we put down last fall so the game plan is let's measure the soil temps figure out where we're at we've got good enough soil temps and we're within the range then we'll do in 10 ask the application today okay guys got my trusty Bed Bath & Beyond meat thermometer let's see what it says as you can see we have a lot of dead grass I'm gonna suggest that the homeowner do a light breaking we don't want to do anything aggressive since we just have that new and that new grass seed germinate but we need to get there now as you can see we're pretty close to 55 degrees ground temperature so we're gonna be into crabgrass country here real quick so with that said let's make some decisions for a couple of degrees off from crabgrass germination we're 53 degrees crabgrass germinates five days of 55 degrees so with that said I think it's safe to say we're gonna go ahead and apply some tenacity today now we've got a couple of decisions to make we've still got a lot of weeds which tells me are you've probably got some sort of calcium imbalance or the calcium is either low or it's tied up my guess is tied up in my region I know it fairly well we're in a moderate zone for calcium too high depending on the area so I brought a few products for that however we need to control these broadleaf weeds now they're gonna start taking up space and we want those Ryze Matas tendencies in the new grass now luckily we planted this grass last fall normally I don't like to focus on over seating and weed control at the same time because it raises the salt index and kind of messes up the newly germinated sprouts however with that said we did do all this last fall that should have given enough time over the winter to really root and to take so I'm thinking we attack of bulk this is a tenacity challenge so let's just do it let's get her done all right let's get this lawn jump-started now I really wanted to focus on feeding the roots like a plant because we planted that new seed so high phosphorous high potassium the phosphorus in my area tends to be bound up and so I really just want to make sure that we have enough it's gonna take a month or two to really get into the soil the only problem that I don't like about this 12% nitrogen it comes from urea so if I wanted to be at one pound of nine that would be like 8.3 pounds but we lack the bacteria that's really going to convert the urea into ammonia and so realistically we're only going to get less than half a pound of n on this fast-acting urea which is kind of frustrating but as a backup I bought some ammonium sulfate and this is really good stuff it's gonna go in real quickly we're just going to use a teeny little bit I don't want to be more much more than about half a pound to 3/4 pound of N on this project I don't want that much salt to interact with the new grass that we put down now we need our carbons so and our calcium so I got a two in one bag with humates compost and gypsum this is gonna help free up that calcium and the sulfur ions that are naturally there it's rated for 8,000 square feet I'm gonna throw the whole bag down I'll probably go at application rate for the front and then put the additional in the back where the weeds are the worst [Music] [Music] now next on the list is our tenacity got a storm coming right now and I'm really hoping it's gonna pass over it's cording to Google whether it's not gonna hit so we're just gonna roll with the guys but brief overview with the tenacity it's not going to get all the weeds that we have down so I was reading the label according to the label you can mix herbicides post emerging herbicides with tenacity so what I did is I chose speed zones PPI Gordon product according to importance of nasty label the active ingredients of carpenter zone and the kanva acid and the mecca prof are compatible with tenacity so we're gonna go with that we're gonna take this challenge and we're gonna push it as far as we can go now we're gonna do a couple of tenacity apps this spring just to see how well we can push it see what we can get away with but calibration is key the lasts if you guys haven't watched the beginning episode where I teach you how to calibrate I'm gonna use my backpack sprayer which is a battery power to shape and backpack now I know a lot of you guys out there have had problems with misshapen part of the reason is is that for some reason the bolts where the pump cowling is end up coming loose and all you have to do is tighten these up so if you guys will just remove this little piece right there and tighten those bolts you're not gonna have any of those problems now as you can see here the gin just still calibrates everything he does I don't want to guess especially he's it's nasty plus an herbicide I put too much down I'm gonna burn too little we're not really gonna kill the weeds so let me kind of explain what I've done here I set up 200 square foot slabs so I can check my walking pace to make sure I'm getting even distribution you don't want to spray and pray you do that you're gonna be really upset at yourself now I went through this at 37 seconds now since that's two hundred square feet I want to know what my thousand square foot pace is which puts me at three minutes and five seconds if I just multiply 37 times five now I've got to see how much output is coming out of my backpack so what I ended up doing here is I sprayed in the backpack for 18 seconds so you're probably wondering how I got 18 seconds I took that 185 second pace for a thousand square feet I just divided it by ten so I could make the math really simple every 18 seconds have 16 ounces coming out I tried it twice to make sure it's consistent now I multiply that by 10 I have a hundred and sixteen ounces coming out of the backpack per thousand square feet so that means for every hundred and sixty ounces I'm going to end up having one well three-quarters of a teaspoon to a teaspoon of tenacity 1.1 ounces of speed zone and one teaspoon or I'm sorry three teaspoons of the non-ionic surfactant for the tenacity so that's how the math is let's go put it down on the lawn all right all you PPE mother lovers out there this one's for you oh yeah feel good [Music] all good to go about waterproof boots long-sleeve shirts it's go time [Music] [Music] [Music] it's an acid he's done man so here we are we got it all done I think we've done the right things we made some good choices now it's just up for the homeowner make sure that we come through and we do a light raking that's going to expose a lot of the new growth so it doesn't get choked out I don't want him doing that for about five six days so we can get this granular nice and wet if the granular in there so we don't remove it all Sun finally came out we know that it's not gonna get washed out at this point pretty happy with it lawn ninjas calibration is key don't guess don't do the the spray and pray make sure that you calibrate everything let's say it's another successful tenacity episode things are a little bit different it is April 2019 soil temperatures 53 degrees Hey tell me where you're from hit me up at the comments love to hear from you you guys have any questions or concerns let me know also don't mind answering those questions till next time guys see ya [Music]
Channel: Pest and Lawn Ginja
Views: 308,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pest and lawn ginja, tenacity herbicide, tenacity herbicide review, how to fix, diy, ugly lawn, best lawn, lawn care, how to fix ugly lawn for beginners, speedzone herbicide, aeration, barenbrug, best pre emergent for lawns, best pre emergent, pre emergent, chapin backpack, chapin 24v backpack sprayer, chapin rechargeable backpack sprayer, lawn care tips, how to fix an ugly lawn, fixing ugly lawn, how to revive a lawn, power raking your lawn, power rake
Id: fdpjKywuX4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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