"Is Sunday Really Sacred" with Doug Batchelor (Amazing Facts)

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[Music] good morning praise the Lord always so happy to see young people making those decisions for Jesus and for eternity and I know there's some others that are on the verge of that that are studying now and we just continue to pray for our young people have the next generation commit their lives to the Lord you know as I was praying about what to share this week the Lord impressed me to talk about something that is very basic and foundational but I think it's good for us to be reminded of these things now there's a few things that are more important than the 10 commandments you know there's one Jesus one Bible one Holy Spirit but unfortunately there are hundreds of different Christian denominations and the different denominations argue about different theological points I'm sure there's some that would disagree with us with a lot of them disagree with each other over everything from the you know mode of baptism whether or not you need to speak in tongues if you receive the Holy Spirit whether or not the wine during the communion should be fermented or unfermented whether or not you should do it every week or once a year this is just a whole plethora of different doctrines that churches debate and argue about and some things are more important than others even within our church you'll find some difference of opinion on who comprises the hundred and forty four thousand and understanding the seven trumpets and Daniel 11 and you know there are some things that maybe are not essentials but if there is anything that is an essential to understand I would think it would be Oh what God's commandments say what is sin these things are our priorities they're very important issues and so this morning I thought I'd just remind you of something that is an obvious departure from what I see as biblical truth if Jesus should come to the Sacramento area this morning and walk up and down the streets of the city and see the different churches that have the word Christian on them he would find 90% maybe 95% of the doors closed on Sabbath and I suppose that would grieve him because the Sabbath is one of the Ten Commandments so our message today is Sunday really sacred and we're going to begin at the beginning some of you know the story of the Trojan horse the Trojan horse is a story and some of it we believe is based on truth there may be some myth mixed in there but according to the story the city of Troy was being besieged by the Greeks the city of Troy was somewhere in the Dardanelles straits there in Turkey and for 10 years the Greeks tried to overthrow Troy but they could not get through their big walls and they were able to withstand a siege so someone came up with a clever plan and they made a gigantic horse from some of the wrecked ships that were on the shore big wooden horse they put it on large wheels and they said it was an offering to the god athena they were retreating from the battle and during the night they pushed the horse up to the gates of Troy as an offering to Athena that for to forgive them that they were not able to conquer the city of Troy and they pretended to withdrawal the ships sailed away they actually just sailed around out of view and one man was left with a horse that was tied up he was supposedly a prisoner it was actually one of the Greeks he said yeah they made this great horse as an offering to Athena to get her favored they knew it would be too big for you to get inside your city and that's why they made it so big well that's a tall - Big D inside we got gates big enough to get this horse inside well what they didn't know is that the Greeks had put a small force of elite soldiers half a dozen soldiers inside the horse and they said we want the blessing of Athena on our city and so they thought maybe if we get their blessing of their gods inside our city then we'll be safe in the future and so they brought the Trojan horse inside the city and close the gates well that night the Greeks came back and there was a signal given by the one supposed slave who had come along with a horse he's shown a lot a light the soldiers were released from the horse they went and they opened the gates of the city in time for the Greeks to come in and show a fell because of the Trojan horse now the moral of the story is sometimes we bring in something from the enemy and we think that it's gonna be a blessing it really contains a curse it's like you're receiving a virus into your church or into your city or your nation by adopting something from the enemy and that will make more sense as we go along starting at the beginning Genesis chapter 2 God made the world and six days no really seven days because he wasn't done creating until after the full week he made one more thing he made a day thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the host of them and on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made and he rested the seventh day from all his work which he had done and God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it made it holy because in it he rested from all his work which God created and made he did not make it holy for himself he made it holy for a man to remember the Bible says the Sabbath was made for man it doesn't say the Sabbath was made for Jews the word there is on through apples it means mankind humanity and it's first time also you're gonna find the word 7 mentioned 3 times it says 777 it's a number associated with God the seventh day the seventh day the seventh day very specific he get to the last book of the Bible it's got another number so you see there with man who was made on the sixth day and it's 666 so you got this contest between the worship of God and the worship of man that goes on through the Bible now you go to the Ten Commandments you find them in Exodus chapter 20 verse 8 remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy six days you should labor and do all of your work but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God in you shall not do anywhere your son or your daughter so forth but it's very clearly says do all your work six days seventh day holy time this is one of the ten commandments spoken by God's voice there not ten suggestions there not ten recommendations God spoke with his own voice wrote with his own finger his eternal law moral law for all his people for all the world for that matter so which day is the seventh day some people say well you can't really know just using the Bible well start with the dictionary that's not the Bible dictionary seventh day Saturday seventh day of the week you go to the Bible tells us that Jesus was crucified on the preparation day which we know to be Friday then it says they went home and they kept the Sabbath according to the commandment the seventh day and then he rose they came to the tomb early Sunday morning the first day people call it Easter Sunday so you can even look in the Bible it's pretty clear in a hundred and it's not this way in English in English we call the seventh day Saturday but in a lot of other languages Spanish how do you say Saturday sabado Portuguese sabado Russian sobota I got some Russians here and a hundred and five languages of the world the word for the seventh day of the week what we call Saturday is Sabbath day isn't that interesting so why is everyone going to church on Sunday a Sunday sacred where did that happen some say well the calendar was changed well there have been a couple of changes to the calendar here's an example of one when we went from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar in 1582 you'll notice what happened they added 10 days to compensate for the seasons they also put in leap years so they'd keep things on track and you went to October 1 2 3 4 15 so I did it change the calendar yes did it change the weekly cycle not at all it went from Wednesday Thursday Friday 7 Saturday the weekly cycle has never been changed by the calendar someone wrote a letter to the US Naval Observatory they said have there been any changes in the calendar through history that have affected the weekly cycle they wrote back and they said they don't know of any record of any change to the calendar that has ever affected a continuity of the weekly cycle and so when people say man with a challenge we don't know what day Saturday and Sunday really are anymore because the calendar has been changed I think it's always interesting that they never have a problem with a calendar until they learned the Sabbath truth then they say the calendar was changed we don't know and if you don't believe that then you've got the evidence of 15 million 16 million Jews around the world and I could see that some of them might be shipwrecked on a deserted island and they lose track of the time and say you know we don't remember what day is Saturday anymore but for the whole nation to forget is very unlikely so with that in mind what day is the Lord's Day now many Christians will say well you've got the Sabbath day which is what the Jews kept and then you've got the Lord's Day which is what Christians teach and they get this from Revelation chapter 1 I'm sorry yeah Revelation chapter 1 verse 10 where John says I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day and I heard a voice behind me like the sound of a trumpet so this is the beginning of Revelation let me say see that's the Lord's Day but there's not a single verse in the Bible that says that that is referring to the Lord's Day in fact it's the contrary John was imprisoned by Rome on the Isle of Patmos where they had mines and the prisoners were required to work in the mines but John refused to work on the Sabbath day and that is when the Lord gave him the vision it doesn't say anything in the text that this is now some new different day of worship for the children of Israel or for the Christians what does the Bible say as the lord's day isaiah 58:13 if you turn away your foot from the sabbath from doing your pleasure on my holy day what day is the lord's day sabbath day look at this 1 X to the 6 we just read the Ten Commandments six days you should labor and do all your work but the seventh day is the sabbath of the jews so what it says Saturday's is the Sabbath of the Lord and Jesus said the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath all things that were made were made by Christ will that include when he wrote the ten commandments yes so if the Sabbath is the Lord's Day why do so many people worship on Sunday you know this was in our scripture reading Jesus said all too well you reject the commandment of God that you may keep your tradition sunday keeping is not based on Scripture it is based on a tradition I'm going to prove it to you from the Bible as we go on here and from history some of you heard this interesting story from history where I think it was earned Nicholas he looked out of his palace walls one day and he noticed that this guard had always been standing at this obscure place on the wall there's no gate there was no door and one day he was walking in the garden he went up to the garden he said why exactly are you standing here when the guard was very nervous and he said well I have orders to stand here your majesty and said do you know why he says no we've just always had someone here 24 hours a day so he went to the captain now the Czar was getting very curious and he said why do we always have a soldier standing at that particular remote spot in the garden there's nothing there and he said well we've it's just been a standing order for years we've always had 24 hours a day a guard has to be stationed there it's been mandated it's in the archives so the Czar went to look at the archives to try and find out why is there a soldier there and the archives had said a hundred years earlier Catherine the Great was entertaining guests one of her guests came a dignitary from another country and gave her a gift of an exotic rosebush they planted the rosebush and she said I don't want this to be trampled have a guard guard my rosebush well the rosebush died five years after they planted it but at that point they were in the half of the guarding that spot and so for a hundred years a guard was standing there without questioning why he was standing there it was a tradition and there are still traditions a Christians gar that there is no rhyme or reason for except that it's a tradition there's no biblical reason for it so some of the other scriptures had explained this Ezekiel 22 verse 26 and verse 31 her priests have violated my law and profaned my holy things they put no difference between the profane and the holy they have hid their eyes from my Sabbath's and I am profaned among them therefore I poured out my indignation on them you know one of the reasons I was convinced of the Sabbath truth is because after I first learned these things I went to my pastors I used to go to church on Sunday I was so into Christianity I was going to several different churches one church said we'd have a Wednesday night Bible study I'd be there then I go to another denomination I'd be at their service another one would have a special early morning service I went there I was going to four or five different churches studying with all these Christian groups in Southern California I was just hungry I couldn't get enough but when I learned the Sabbath truce I'd asked the different pastors I'd say oh so why do we go to church on Sunday and if you ask 10 different pastors you would get 11 different answers a one would say these are just a few examples Doug we're no longer under the 10 commandments we're now under grace I said well what does that mean does that mean that we don't need to keep the 10 commandments they said well we're not under the law so what we let me help me understand that is it okay now to kill well no still no I know commit adultery no what I really meant is there's one commandment you're not supposed to remember anymore that's the Sabbath I said but isn't that the one that says remember so that didn't make sense and so I talked to another one he said dumped because of the resurrection Jesus rose in the first day of the week and so it is the new Christian Sabbath I said that sounds beautiful said where is the scripture that tells us that well there is no specific scripture but we've had a long-standing tradition as though there's some value in that and then I had another friend he was the most creative and he said Doug back in the days of Joshua you remember Joshua prayed in the Sun stood still Saturday turned into Sunday thank you and I said well that's interesting I said except why did they continue to keep it on the seventh day for another 1,500 years after that and he couldn't answer that and they were all giving me differences they didn't agree with each other I said something's wrong they are hiding their eyes from a very obvious truth because they have counted the cost of what will what will it mean if I take a stand for this biblical truth I'll lose my congregation I'll be very unpopular I know pastors that have taken a stand and it cost them I know some pastors took a stand for the truth and the majority of the church followed them in the Sabbath truth and so it's always better so what we're gonna do now if we want to know why why would it any Christian keep Sunday instead of the Sabbath the first day instead of the seventh we're gonna look at every reference to Sunday except you realize the word Sunday does not appear in the New Testament sometimes you'll hear the word sundry if you're reading the King James sundry it's not Sunday sundries means different God in various times and sundry manners spoke to the prophets in time past that means different manners so if you look at every reference to the first day of the week which is what we commonly refer to as Sunday you might find if there's a change there's eight references in the New Testament and nobody's gonna argue the Old Testament because it's very clear it's the seventh day there so we're gonna take them one by one does that sound fair and we'll look at them and see what the Bible says look at the first four references are simply historical they are talking about the time of the resurrection Matthew 28 verse 1 in the end of the Sabbath my friend Harold Camping I say that a little bit sarcastically I apologize Harold Camping was the founder of Family Radio good radio station I listened to them but he used to answer Bible questions and he would always when people asked about the Sabbath he would go to this verse you say see what it says right there the end of the Sabbath that means the Sabbath is now over you don't need to keep the Sabbath anymore that's not what it's saying it's saying that that week after the crucifixion after the Sabbath was over it's saying that they came early in the morning on the first day of the week you tried to build a whole doctrine I told you there's 11 different answers if you ask 10 different pastors the reason why as it began towards the first day of the week now is that a new command to keep the first day do you find built into that anything that says now we have a new Sabbath day it's on the first day no it's a simple historical record now did was it important that Jesus rose on the first day of the week absolutely does that make it a new Sabbath where's there anything wrong with the seventh day where God had to now change it no was the seventh day Sabbath chosen before or after sin before sin it's part of God's perfect plan there's nothing wrong with it did God do important things on Thursday was the Lord's Supper important that's Thursday does it make it a new Sabbath how important is the crucifixion what day of the week was that Friday is that any Sabbath not for us it is for the Muslims so the Lord does different things but he didn't command us to keep any other day than the first day that would be like saying I made a mistake with the seventh day now it's the first mark 16:9 very similar reference now when Jesus was risen on the first day of the week he appeared first to Mary Magdalene do you find built into this verse that it's there's a new commandment no there's nothing there's simply the record of what happened John 20 very similar the first day of the week comes Mary early while it was still dark she came to the tomb and just again a historical record there's no new voice from a mountain no new finger writing new law in stone saying now the first day is to be our new Sabbath nothing of the sort mark 16:1 and to now when the Sabbath was passed Mary Magdalene Mary the mother of James and Salome brought spices that they might come and anoint him now this to me is actually proof that the seventh day was still important if Jesus had taught the Apostles that they didn't need to keep the Sabbath anymore or the seventh day wasn't going to be important it was not going to be meaningful for them why was it so important to the disciples that they would not finish embalming his body on Friday when the Sun was going down they knew Jesus would not be pleased with that there is a lot of work involved in and they said let's wait until after the Sabbath is passed that's why they waited because the Sabbath was important you know Jesus even kept the Sabbath in his death he died Friday rested through the Sabbath rose after it was over and so the idea that it's been done away with it just doesn't hold water no new commandment here okay oops I got I got to got a backup one all right very early in the morning on the first day of the week they came to the tomb when the Sun had risen again it's just telling us what happened there and then the next reference is in Luke Luke 23 verse 56 says they returned and they prepared spices and fragrant oils they rested on the Sabbath day according to the commandments so they prepared that was the preparation date they got everything ready that's what we would call Friday they they kept the Sabbath according does he say the Jewish law Luke was a Gentile he says the Sabbath he states that like every Christian will know about this and he's writing his years after the crucifixion he could have said the old Jewish Sabbath he says according to the commandment not the old commandment it's all stated as though it's still in existence now on the first day of the week very early in the morning they came to the Sepulcher the tomb is there anything in here that says and God established a new Sabbath day so we're looking at all the references to the first day we're looking for that commandment and the one evangelist was very dramatic when he would preach on this subject he would you know bring a thousand dollars and he put it up upfront for everyone to see it and he said I'm gonna give this away to anybody tonight that can show me this missing text in the Bible what I want from you is to show me one commandment in the Bible to keep the first day as the new Christian Sabbath of course everybody's very quiet because it's not there and he always got to take his money home so he was happy doing that now we'll go to the sixth reference text referring to the first day of the week and it talks is it a new Sabbath day this is talking about the day of the resurrection it says then that same day at evening no wait what day is this first day when does a day begin and in the Bible so when it's talking about the same day that Christ rose first day of the week evening it's getting ready to turn into Monday see what's happening when the doors were shut the disciples were assembled for Todd to inaugurate a new Sabbath is that why they're assembled it says they're assembled for fear of the Jews the Jews were saying the body was stolen they thought they were gonna come looking for them and Jesus came met with him said peace to you now you'll also look later I think it's verse 26 in the same chapter it says eight days later he met with them again this time Thomas is there what is eight days after Sunday 7 days after Sunday would be what Sunday eight days after Sunday is Monday so he also meets with them on a Monday is that a new Sabbath so the idea because Jesus did something and met with the disciples he met with him by the sea when they were fishing it obviously if they were fishing there wasn't the Sabbath but he met with him then too he met with him over a period of 40 days after the resurrection does this 7th passage say that Sunday is holy and that passage is 1st Corinthians 16 verse 2 we've only got one more after this but this is one some people use they say this is proof that the disciples were now keeping Sunday has a new Christian Sabbath Paul says on the first day of the week in the way it actually reads in the original on the beginning of the week let each one of you lay something aside storing up as he may prosper that there be no collections when I come is on his way through Asia he's on his way to Jerusalem to take a special offering from the churches in Jerusalem he's making haste there's a famine they're hungry and he said look at the beginning of the week these two get their accounts in order in the first of the week everybody set something aside when you've done your bookkeeping so there is no church offering when I come it's actually seen the very opposite this is not talking about passing the plate Sunday morning he's saying the beginning of the week plays something aside so that we don't have a collection when I come it's ready to give to me and I'm making haste and I'm on my way does this is this the new Sabbath commandment does he say anything here about now do not work on that day make sure that we gather together for worship on that day and as it's just a practical recommendation that they set aside an offering for collection purposes all right does the 8th is question 7 this is the 8th now in the final reference to the first day of the week that you're gonna find in the Bible and people work real hard to make hay out of this one is it saying that Sunday is a new holy day let's look at it together it's acts 20 verse 7 if you've got your Bibles I recommend you turn their acts 20 verse 7 Luke is telling a remarkable story I will find out why he's telling the story now on the first day of the week yes that would be Sunday when the disciples came together to break bread ah there you got it they came together to break bread they're having a communion service they're gathering on the first day and they're having a communion service this must be evidence that they now are worshiping on the first day it is the new Sabbath I respectfully disagree I don't think that's what they're saying at all says Paul is ready to depart the next day he speaks to them and he continues his message till midnight now when does the first day begin sundown so when it says that they're meeting on the first day of the week and it's an evening meeting what this is is a Saturday night meeting and why is he talking so long because he's not he's beginning a journey the next day if sunday is a new Sabbath why is he beginning a journey let's keep reading first of all the scholar Horatio Hackett said the Jews reckoned the day from evening to morning that on that principle the evening of the first day of the week would have been our Saturday night by the way this scholar is not a member of our church he's just being honest the Apostle held his last religious service on Saturday evening and consequently resumed his journey on Sunday morning commentary on the book of Acts so acts 20 it says a young man named eutychus was sitting in the window whose sinking into a deep sleep he falls down from the third storey and he's taken up dead because paul was long in preaching which is a good recommendation for pastors not to preach too long because it can be lethal when that happens so Paul goes down he embraces the young man he says his life is still enim eutychus is resurrected Luke is telling this story because he's saying a resurrection took place notice what happened when they came up after Eutychus is resurrected they broke bread now they're breaking bread again they eaten and talked a long while even till daybreak they stayed up all night long they eat bread twice and then Paul depart the next day oh by the way breaking bread in acts 24 46 so you only break bread on what does breaking bread mean is it always a communion service so continuing daily with one Accord in the temple and breaking bread daily in the temple daily breaking bread from house as Jesus had give us this day our daily bread breaking bread did not always mean the communion service it meant eating you remember on the road to Emmaus he went in and broke bread with him they were eating and that was a Sunday night which would have been Monday so it's not saying anywhere in these verses that Sunday is now a new Sabbath they ate their bread with gladness simplicity of heart the next day Paul said goodbye to them he began a journey that would have been Sunday would that be when you begin a long epic no the prior day Sabbath he spent with him all day and that evening he preached Eutychus fell out the window he's resurrected that's why Luke is telling the story he's not telling the story to say a new Sabbath was inaugurated in Acts chapter 20 wouldn't God have told us if one of the Ten Commandments had been changed what do you think how many of you heard that they've changed the law now highway 65 you can go 80 miles an hour isn't that exciting did you hear that how many of you believe me nobody believes a pastor why don't you believe me because you know that if the state is going to change a major law that would affect everybody's lives they are responsible to thoroughly announce that and advertise it to avoid accidents right everyone's gonna know about that now when God gave the Sabbath commandment he spoke with his I wish they would go 80 miles an hour and 65 because it is sure slow after church when you get out there by Pleasant Grove but after God gave the Sabbath he speaks it with his voice he writes it with his finger in front of an entire nation if he's gonna change that don't you think there'd be something in the New Testament there'd be some come with some battle look at all the argument that the Jews had with the Christians over circumcision you find that discussed all through the writings of Paul there is a great debate over there they had a great debate about whether or not you could eat food sacrificed to idols or not but you realize there's never a debate about whether or not you should keep the Sabbath Jesus spoke a lot about the Sabbath but he never spoke about whether or not it should be kept he spoke about how it should be kept it was always presumed it would be kept because it's one of the Ten Commandments God's not gonna change one of the Ten Commandments without making that very clear Paul said I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God now Paul is giving the whole counsel of God why did Paul never say anywhere by the way the new Christian Sabbath is the first day of the week none of them to say that and yet what does most of the world do could the disciples have changed the Sabbath even if they wanted to does even a disciple of the authority to do that no Paul said you shall not add to the word that I command you nor take away from it that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you in revelation 22 verse 19 if anyone takes away from the words of the prophecy of this book God will take away his part from the book of life we cannot change the Word of God some people think all the Sabbath thing you're making a big deal out of a little thing friends I disagree I think this is the biggest kind of thing that Christians ought to stand for it is one of the commandments of God someday we'll all be judged by the commandments so so do and so speak that those will be judged by the law of Liberty that's what James tells us Jesus said heaven and earth Matthew 5:18 will pass away before one jot or tittle passes from the law and then Christ said whoever will think to break one of the least of these Commandments and do so he'll be spoken of as least in the kingdom of heaven these are very important issues to God and my how do Christians remember Jesus death is it a new Sabbath day or did Christ give us something and Bible tells us that Romans chapter 6 verse 3 do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death has Christ given us something to remember his resurrection yes is it a new Sabbath no what is it baptism therefore we were buried with him through baptism into death just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father even so we should walk in a newness of life the death burial resurrection of the Lord is not replaced by a new Sabbath day it is memorialized by baptism is a reminder of the resurrection Colossians 2:12 buried with him in Baptism in which you also were raised with him through faith in the working of God who raised him from the dead his that clear say men your I think you're very quiet today so how does the Bible refer to the first day of the week is it a new Sabbath Ezekiel 46 1 thus says the Lord God the Gateway of the inner court that faces towards the east shall be shut during the 6 working days but the Sabbath it will be open the first day that week is called the what it's a regular working day now you may be in a country where you can actually be prosecuted for breaking what they call blue laws there are some countries where I know lady her father was put in jail in Canada because he was out working in his Phelan Sunday there were times where in you weren't allowed to work on Sunday now laws of men so if sunday-keeping isn't in the Bible and I think I tried to establish that where did it come from well it comes from just as the name implies Sun worship for years in Rome and they get it from the Babylonians and it goes all the way back to Egypt one of their principal gods was raw the god of the Sun and around the ancient world they understood something miraculous happened with photosynthesis when the days get longer and when the Sun shines plants come out life comes out the other animals and herbivores do better and all of a sudden everything springs into life by virtue of Sun they understood there's a mystery there photosynthesis is an amazing thing we even get electricity from sunlight now don't wait solar panels right so they knew there was power in the Sun but instead of worshiping the one that made the Sun they started worshipping the Sun and Moses said do not lift up your eyes and worship the Sun the moon and the stars like the heathen do by the time of Christ in Rome their Sun worship was one of their principal gods and what was gradually happening is as the church grew eventually by the time of Paul there were soon more Gentiles believing in Christ than there were Jews and pretty soon there are a lot more Gentiles in the church than Jews and the Gentiles wanting to reach their pagan friends they said let's make as many accommodations as we can to try to reach them and so for a while in Rome they actually they worship the day of the Sun on the first day of the week and many Christians they worshiped on the Sabbath they said you know we'll get a lot more of them to join our church if we will also recognize Sunday they thought they were being evangelistic and it came in like a Trojan horse the Jews were very unpopular you realize that 70 AD the Romans destroyed Jerusalem for the rebellion and it was a very expensive war you know the Romans had to fight three years against Masada and it was a very expensive war that the Romans were so tired of the Jews that when they finally conquered Jerusalem they decimated the people it was a terrible siege the Christians wanted to distance themselves from the Jews who had become very unpopular and they thought they were legalistic they said well we actually we worship on the Lord's Day and because Jesus rose on the first day of the week and he started to manufacture theology that had no Bible basis at all let me go on and prove this to you Matthew 15 verse 9 and in vain they worship Me teaching the doctrines of the commandments of men now I gotta say something right here are there gonna be a lot of people in heaven that went to church on Sunday millions millions and millions of sunday-keeping Christians are going to be there because they did not know are there gonna be people in heaven that own slaves you don't want to say yes but you know it's true otherwise you just kicked Abraham out of heaven right and David and Jacob are there gonna be people in heaven that had multiple wives at one time yes God winks at the times of ignorance but when we know the truth we need to walk in the truth so yes there's gonna be this good I believe there are spirits little godly Christian heaven bound people in many Sunday churches that maybe don't understand these things sin is knowing to do good and not doing it the Bible says if we continue soon after we receive a knowledge of the truth Hebrews chapter 10 verse 26 there is no more sacrifice and so when we understand and then we say I'm gonna do what tradition says instead of what the Word of God says that's serious then the earliest recognition of the observance of Sunday it's a constitution of Constantine in 321 ad and acting that all the courts of justice and inhabitants in towns and the workshops were to rest on Sunday here's the decree of Constantine on the venerable day of the Sun is that S Oh ant like son of God or is it s un like Sun in the sky it's the Sun see Constantine knew the Romans still were involved in Sun worship first day of the week that's where it gets its name you know where Monday gets his name moon day in Spanish Nunez right which is a three-hit lunatic it's true they people thought with full moon people went crazy and the different days of the week were named after the different greco-roman gods and some where a Viking God got in there Thursday was Thor's day but Wednesday was Odin's day Friday was Frida Saturday Saturn and so they were named after they different heavenly gods and the pagan gods so he says on the venerable day of the Sun let the magistrates and the people residing in the cities rest let all the workshops be closed it was to be a Sabbath but they did give permission for the farmers to milk their goats and do their farm work on Sunday the church made a sacred day of Sunday largely because it was the weekly festival of the Sun for was a definite Christian policy to take over the pagan festivals endeared to the people by tradition and to give them a Christian significance arthur wiggle paganism in our Christianity the author of this is not a member of my church he's just writing history another example of that they started to allow idolatry because they said look the pagans all love their idols they got their idols of Venus and the feet what does it call Athena Mercury Apollo's Jupiter and so they just said marry Peter James John and they they gave him all Christian names they said well it'll make it easier for them to transition we want to make it easy so they compromise to try and make it easy for them to join the church and they started there pretty soon they gave up the Bible Sabbath and the church leaders say we will feast on Sunday made it very attractive to the pagans to come in but we will fast on the Sabbath now after a while of fasting on the seventh day feasting on the first day which day would you enjoy you can see that over time the Sabbath became very unpopular because first of all they said it was it's the Jewish Sabbath and and then they started to say oh we feast on Sunday and gradually it was abandoned by the fifth century so Suleman stated that most churches such as Constantinople met both on Sabbath the first day and Saturday evening but that in Rome and Alexandria met only on the first day Saturday evening and no longer on the Sabbath so you start tracking the history and the Church Fathers say that there was a gradual transition had nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus of the Apostles it is a man-made tradition that God's people have drifted from the commandments of God but in the last days we should be returning now here are some quotes just from church history this is the catholic insight e encyclopedia volume 4 the church after changing the day of rest from the jewish sabbath or the seventh day of the week to the first made the third commandment refer to sunday as the day to be kept holy as the lord's day now i took this picture this is a picture a granite copy of the Ten Commandments in front of a Catholic Church here in Sacramento if you look real close you'll see a picture of me and my t-shirt taking a picture reflected this is mazuma don't you to notice something here they don't have the second commandment the second commandment they make don't take the name of the Lord your vain that's supposed to be the third commandment they delete the commandment about idolatry it's totally not there they take the fourth commandment and they make it the third commandment and then in order to keep Ten Commandments they then take the tenth commandment and they divided they instead of dosh shall not covet they say don't covet your neighbor's wife and don't covet your neighbor's house and they should make a thirteen commandment don't cover your neighbor's donkey too they should have made a third one out of that but they tried to maintain the number ten it says the beasts power would think to change times and laws and they certainly did that what does Sunday churches say about this problem now friends stay with me I'm gonna do some reading here uh I'm gonna just read quotes from other churches scholars official statements so you know they know that something is wrong Baptists from the Baptist manual there is no scriptural evidence of the change of the Sabbath institution from the seventh to the first day of the week that's pretty clear amen no scriptural evidence another Baptist commentary this is called the lord's day in our day by William Owen Carver there was never any formal or authoritative change from the Jewish seventh-day Sabbath to the Christian first the observance it's not there Alexander Campbell one of the leaders in the Church of Christ I do not believe the Lord's Day was changed from the seventh day to the first day Catholic this is from the book Cardinal James Gibbons faith of our fathers you may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation you'll not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday the Catholic Church for over a thousand years before the existence of a Protestant by virtue of her own divine mission changed the day from Saturday to Sunday they freely admit that they were there the holy the holy day the Sabbath was changed from Saturday to Sunday the day of the Lord not based on scriptural authority but from the church's sense of its own power catch the rest of this people who think the scripture should be their sole authority should logically become seventh-day Adventists and keeping Saturday holy well they admit it I appreciate that Catholic services appeal 1995 from Kathleen st. Catherine Catholic Church st. Claire Boulevard you got one from the Anglican Church and where are we told in the scriptures that we're to keep the first day at all we're commanded to keep the seventh day but we are nowhere commanded to keep the first day the reason why we keep the first day of the week holy instead of the seventh is because the church has enjoined it I say it's something that church fathers did but they have no right to change the law of God is that God say I'll bless whatever day you pick or did he say you keep my day and he told us what his day is it's the Sabbath of the Lord is there any command Episcopal races any command in the New Testament to change the day of the week of rest from Saturday to Sunday none that's their manual or Christian doctrine Methodist Harris Franklin Rahl is a Methodist theologian take the matter of Sunday there is no passage telling Christians to keep the day so what does Apostle Paul saying in Romans 14 now here people and everything you learn the Sabbath treat they say well wait a second now we don't really need to keep any day and they go right to two verses Romans 14 Colossians 2 we're gonna look at them real quick cuz we're not afraid of any of these verses Romans 14 verse 5 and 6 Paul says one person esteems one day above another another esteems every day alike let each one be fully convinced in his own mate on his own mind so you want to keep Sunday you keep Sunday I'll keep Saturday you know I've never heard a Sunday pastor stand up and tell his congregation you keep whatever day you want to keep they don't ever say you wanna go Sabbath it's fine they do well there might be some but there are actually some Sunday Church is having services on two days a week now because more of them are learning that more their members are asking questions because they're watching amazing thanks programs I know one pastor that told me you're causing me a lot of problems but this is simply saying they're talking about the Jewish ceremonial law is that if you want to keep Passover the Jews that were very scrupulous about keeping the annual feces and look if you want to keep that day keep it to the Lord but don't make other people keep it I tell Christians that some people say you know are we supposed to celebrate Christmas I said look if you want to remember the gift of God giving a son that's up to you don't tell someone else they have to there's no scripture command if you're gonna do it don't do it for elves and Santa Claus do it for Jesus coming into the world so this you know it's up to you what you want to do that's how I would use that would God ever say concerning the Sabbath I realized I had a man stoned to death for breaking the Sabbath in the Old Testament but if you want to keep it it's up to you is that the same God no it's one of God's commandments sin is the transgression of the law he who observes the day observes it to the Lord he who does not observe the day to the Lord he does not observe it so what is meant in Colossians 2 verse 14 through 16 now we're gonna look at that real quick let me read it to you notice now you can look it up in your Bible want you to follow these words carefully because someone's gonna ask you about this having wiped out the handwriting of Ordinances notices handwriting of Ordinances that was against us notice the word against us which was contrary to us and he took it out of the way having nailed it to the cross having disarmed principalities and powers he made a public spectacle of them triumphing over them in it now what is he talking about when he says having abolished the handwriting and the ordinances look in second chronicles 33 verse 8 that you take heed to do all that I've commanded them according to the whole law and the statues and the ordinances by the hand of Moses you get two laws friends you have the Ten Commandments and the ordinances given by Moses Ten Commandments hand of God ordinances handwriting of Moses notice that distinction Paul and Colossians is talking about the ordinances Deuteronomy 4:13 so he declared to you his covenant that he commanded you to perform even the Ten Commandments that's clear right and he wrote them on two tables of stone in in addition to that the LORD commanded me at that time to teach you statutes and judgments that you might observe them those are the ordinances in the land that you cross over to possess they're written by a man's hand on paper second Kings 21:8 only if they are careful to do all that I have commanded them according to all the law that my servant Moses commanded them you got the Ten Commandments in the law of Moses two separate distinct laws God kept them separate you got the Ark of the Covenant what's inside the Ark Ten Commandments but what about the ordinances take this book of the law put it in the side of the Ark as a pocket on the outside of the Covenant of the Lord your God then it might be there as a witness against thee he says blotting out the handwriting of Ordinances that were against us so what's nailed to the cross the Ten Commandments or the ceremonial Sabbath that you find in the Bible Colossians 2:16 and 17 notice so let no one judge you in food or drink or regarding a festival or new moon or Sabbath's small less plural Sabbath's and he tells you what kind of Sabbath Sabbath's which are a shadow of things to come but the substances of Christ there were certain Sabbath's that came after sin they were annual feasts that were shadows foretelling the coming of Christ they were nailed to the cross the handwriting of Moses not the Sabbath that was part of creation Bible says in heaven we're gonna keep that one from one Sabbath to another all flesh will come and worship before the Lord it's the annual Sabbath that Paul is talking about and you know I just went through for my own edification last night I looked up these verses I went through all of the Protestant scholars Matthew Henry Adam Clarke John Gill Jameis is fosston Brown Spurgeon you can look at them all they all understand the Sabbath's that were nailed to the cross were ceremonial Sabbath's it's only recently that theologians are saying that one of the commandments was nailed to the cross none of the Protestant Puritan fathers believed that and so it's just a heresy that's come in those revelations say God's people will be keeping his Commandments in the last days why am i preaching this because before Jesus comes there's got to be a revival three angels message is calling people to return to the Creator right worship him who made that means if you're gonna remember remember the day he set aside for that revelation 12:17 that dragon was wroth with the woman and went to me war with the remnant of her seed that keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus blessed are they that do His commandments that they might have a right to the tree of God and they may enter in through the gates of the city and again it says Hebrews 5:9 and being made perfect he became the eternal author the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey Him you know all over North America there's train tracks we have train tracks you ever heard the train go by while we're doing the service right here train tracks right out there you know how why they are they are four feet eight and a half inches all across North America they've got to have train tracks the same size and the trains don't fit the tracks do you know why they're four feet eight and a half inches because when we made our trains in America they use the same jigs and machinery they use for the wagons so why are the wagons in America why were they axle length four feet eight and 1/2 inches because when the people came over from England that was the size of their wagons they used the same machinery the same measurements that were on their wagons some of them were shipped over and so they all made them the same length why were all of the wagons in England that length because all the wagons in Europe were that length why were all of the wagons in Europe four feet eight and a half inches because they found if they did not make them four feet eight and a half inches long the wheels did not fit in the stone ruts on the main roads in Europe and it would break them off because they were always fighting the ruts in the road and it broke off the wheels so they had to make them four feet eight and a half inches it's really a bad length for train you would like to have wider wheels on a train they want to tip over near as Lawson going around a turn too fast didn't we just lose a train you heard about it in England I don't know in Washington why were the ruts that size because the Romans built the roads and the Roman chariots were four feet eight and 1/2 inches the chariot wheels do you know why the Roman chariot wheels were that white because that's how wide they needed to be to accommodate the rear end of two chariot horses so the trains all over North America have been governed by the rear end of two horses it's interesting how you get stuck in something it's hard to change but if you should try to change them now you realize you go to China and Japan they're bullet trains you know why they're ahead of us on bullet trains because they don't follow the Roman chariot size and they were able to get to it faster than a stone so God wants us to continue obeying Jesus said Matthew 7:21 not everyone that says unto me Lord Lord will enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that does the will so it's one thing to say I know that that's very interesting pastor Doug but are you gonna be here of the word or a doer of the word what is the will of God I delight to do your will oh my god your law is within my heart when the law of God love for your neighbor first four Commandments is love for God last six Commandments are love for your fellow man that law is summed up in love and though if we love him jesus said why do you call me Lord Lord and do not the things I say he said if you love me do what keep my Commandments he doesn't want us to just be hearers of the word he invites us come unto me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest and he wants you to have the rest I want to read something to you I thought there was very interesting in conclusion here take my yoke upon you you will find rest for your souls Sabbath is all about enjoying that rest have you ever heard the poem of the crooked calf path one day through a primal would a calf walked home as good calves should but made a trail all bent to skew a crooked trail as all calves do since then 300 years have fled and I assume the calf is dead but still he left behind his trail and herein lies my zany tale the trail was taken the very next day by a lone dog that passed that way and then a wise bellwether she pursued the trail over Vale and steep and drew the flock behind him too as good bellwethers always do and from that day or hill and glade through those old woods a path was made and many men wound in and out and dodged and turned and bent about and uttered words of righteous wrath because it was such a crooked path but still they followed do not laugh the first migrations of the calf and through this winding wood they stalked because he wobbled when he walked the forest path became a lane that meant and turned and turned again this crooked lane became a road were many a poor horse with his load toiled on beneath the burning Sun and traveled three miles in one and that's a century and a half they trod the footsteps of that calf the years passed on and Swift this swiftness fleet the road then became a village street and this before men were aware it became a cities crowded thoroughfare and soon the central street was this of renowned metropolis and men two centuries and a half trod in the footsteps of the calf each day a hundred thousand drought followed that zigzag calf about or this crooked journey went the traffic of a continent a hundred thousand men were led by one calf near three centuries dead they followed still his crooked way and lose one hundred years a day for thus such reverence is lent to well-established precedent a moral lesson here this might teach why were named or called the preach four men are prone to go it blind along the calf paths of the mind and work away from Sun to Sun to do what other men have done they follow on the beaten track and out and in and forth and back and still their devious course pursue to keep the path that others do they keep the path a sacred groove along which all their lives they move and how the wise old wood gods laugh who saw the first primeval calf you get that does it starts with a calf meandering through the woods and then followed by a dog and then the Sheep and then a man cuz it's a little easier going down the beaten trail and then pretty soon everybody's winding along and their baby in this weaving road and maybe that's what's happened to the church is people are following a tradition of men and not the commandments of God what does the Lord want us to do abba lord i might be different and Jesus said you follow me you're gonna be different but how could all the churches be wrong well that's what they said about the religious leaders in Christ's time if he's the Messiah why doesn't everyone else believe in him you're gonna be a Bible Christian you need to follow the Bible follow the Word of God so is Sunday sacred now it's just another working day there's only one day in the Bible God is blessed that's the seventh day Sabbath amen you want to be a a doer of the word and not just to hear friends [Music]
Channel: Doug Batchelor
Views: 176,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Amazing Facts, doug batchelor, ellen g white, seventh day adventist
Id: ESqrgnSbIJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 8sec (3548 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2019
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