DID ANGELS MARRY HUMANS? "The Mysterious World of Angels" With Doug Batchelor (Amazing Facts)

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[Music] today we're going to be talking about a subject that is a Bible subject and it's the subject of angels the mysterious world of angels now I remember when I was a young man that I could you know I was amazed with the the television how pictures and sound could be reproduced from one place in another place in this box of course it was plugged into the wall and so as a kid I figured something's happening in that wire but then my father got an am/fm TV a little black-and-white you know the screen was only about that big and the TV still worked with no wires and I was dumbfounded I thought how does that happen how can these images and these messages in these stories go through the air well you know now you and I sort of take it for granted that we are surrounded by an unseen world all around us there are microwaves and x-rays and sound waves and even wind that is invisible and we don't think much about it but the fact is there's a lot that we don't understand think about how much we have learned about invisible rays in the last hundred years and so when God tells us there is a whole spiritual world that we cannot see you know I don't know why scientific people would doubt that today look at how much we've learned about the unseen world already the Bible is very clear there is an unseen world there's an invisible world jesus said John 3 verse 7 do not marvel that I say to you you must be born again the wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it but you cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes so is everyone who is born of the Spirit there is a spiritual world that is a little bit mysterious and sometimes difficult for us to understand you read in Colossians 1 15 and 16 he Christ is the image of the invisible God no we all believe in God God's invisible he is the firstborn over all creation for by him all things were created that are in heaven that are on earth notice all things created visible and invisible there are some invisible things that were created but whatever they are they're made by the Lord whether they're Thrones or dominions principalities or powers it was an amazing story in the Bible the prophet Elijah was sort of the secret weapon for the king of Israel every time the king of Syria wanted to launch an attack on Israel he wanted to ambush them he'd have his spies find out where the king of Israel was gonna be traveling and try and get him through some narrow canyons so he could surprise him but every time they tried to launch these surprise attacks it seems like the king of Israel found out in advance and the king of Syria was so frustrated he said to his servants one of you must be a spy how else can the king of Israel always know what my secret plans are and one of the servants for the king of Syria said it's none of us we're not betraying you he said it's Elisha the prophet in Israel he knows the things that you say in your bedroom which would make any King nervous he said well we can't have that where is he I said well he's staying in a little town called Dothan Dothan by the ways where Joseph went to look for his brothers it means wells to Wells so the the king of Syria says let's get the army together and a great army came and during the night they surrounded this little hamlet of Dothan where Elijah was with some of the people and his servant early in the morning his servant wakes up to go to the well and get water and he looks over the little walls of dothe and they were just big enough to keep the cattle out and he sees the glimmer of armor and hears the snort of the horses and his eyes get adjusted and he realized they are now surrounded by the Syrian army in a panic he runs and he shakes Elijah awakens his Abbas master what will we do Elisha doesn't look one bit troubled he gets up and he walks to the door and they walk outside to the city walls and he prays a prayer second King 6 verse 17 and Elijah prayed and said Lord I pray thee open his eyes that he may see and the Lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha you've heard that expression shariats of fire and when Elisha saw Elisha taken up to heavens when he got his first glimpse of these chariots and horses of fire these are the ministering spirits of God I don't think that God is galloping around up in heaven on an Appaloosa you know this is to the biblical terminology to talk about you know it says when hellacious Elisha was caught up chariots and horses of fire you sing the spiritual it says I looked over Jordan and what did I see a band full of angels that's good theology that's what they were these are angels of God that they saw protecting them and I wonder if our eyes could be open you ever pray that you say Lord show me an angel if I could just have my eyes open and see that world someday you will I promise but right now our planets got a disease called sin and we're somewhat quarantined and very few people have seen angels I do believe they do still make an occasional appearance originally God created people to live in four dimensions you know we've got the typical depth length breadth but there's a spiritual dimension Adam and Eve could talk to angels but then after sin right about the time there are robes of light evaporated and they saw their nakedness it seems they lost their perception of the spirit realm they could no longer see it God says your sins have hidden the Lord from us and that's Isaiah 59 so we're basically like we're in enemy territory and through these ministering spirits God is sending messages to us and every now and then they breach the barrier now the reason we're talking about angels today is it's a Bible subject they're mentioned over three hundred times in the Bible indeed you'll find over a hundred and eighty references to angels in the New Testament and they completely surround the life of Jesus but I'll say more about that later there are typically three terms that we find being used in the New Testament it's usually angel means messenger Angelus and the Hebrew you've got malach or Malacca if you say it with the Jewish pronunciation you've got the Serafim a serif is one Serafim cherub is one Shara meme would be two and these are the ministering spirits literally sarahfey means the burning ones and the malach is there like deputies they're the people of authority it's also translated messengers and so there seem to be different levels of angels different ranks of angels and there are an organized servants of God you read about them in by the way where cherubim means minister more precisely Hebrews 1 verse 14 speaking of the angels are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit eternal salvation God has his army of angels that watch over us to minister Psalm 103 verse 20 bless the Lord you his angels who excel in strength who do his word heating the voice of his word bless the Lord all you his hosts you ministers his who do his pleasure these are ministering spirits sometimes in the Bible it calls it the he's called the Lord of Hosts so there you would have the Lord of angels one place you can see where he's called the Lord of Sabaoth that doesn't mean the lord of sabbath it's a completely different word it means the lord of armies it's an army of angels they're called sometimes his holy one sometimes the angels are called saints sometimes they're called sons of god and that word son of god can be used interchangeably but sometimes the angels are called the sons of god when the world was created in job it says all the sons of God shouted for joy you read in Daniel 7 verse 10 a fiery stream issued and came forth from before him a thousand thousands ministered to him in ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him and so you've got just thousands of ministering angels in the earthly sanctuary just to illustrate this earthly sanctuary is a model of the heavenly it's obviously a very miniature it would be like you know the difference between a matchbox Jaguar and a real one it's probably not even a good comparison I mean the dwelling place of God in heaven you know instead of being a thousand feet across it could be a light-year-across we don't know just you've got a Bible says the mind can't comprehend what God has prepared for those that will inherit eternal life and so in the earthly temple there were two physical golden cherubs that were on the mercy seat sometimes thought of the dwelling place that Shekinah where God reveals himself now in heaven does God have two golden angels or real ones you read in Isaiah chapter six and the year of the King as I had died I saw the Lord High and lifted up and his glory filled the temple the Train of his robe filled the temple and there on the right and the left of the throne of God were these Seraphim these burning ones I got six wings and they look at each other and they cry a holy holy holy and so this is a picture of these angels that flanked the Lord in heaven saw something interesting if I thought about it I would have put a slide on the screen but every now and then you'll see a picture of the Pope in st. Peter's Cathedral and he sits on this great throne and on the right and the left of the throne he sits on our two golden angels which makes me a little nervous because for some man to enthrone himself between the cherubim or the Seraphim it would be like someone's sitting in the temple of God showing themself that they are God but that's where they know exactly what they're doing that's where they get that picture it's a picture of the throne of God and then what was the wallpaper in the sanctuary in the holy place it was golden wallpaper engraved with angels and the veil had angels engraved because surrounding the dwelling place of God are clouds of angels when Jesus comes it says he's coming like he left how did he leave he was caught up into this cloud not h2o but a brilliant cloud of Holy Ones burning ones the angels and when he comes again it says he will come with all the Angels he's coming in a cloud of angels you know we looked through the telescope and we see these nebulae and we call them nebulous clouds but as we get a little closer what we thought were cloudy images we find out these are actually burning Suns and they just looked like clouds from a distance and so when Christ comes he's coming with clouds of angels now I probably should say right here you don't want to worship angel see there are good angels and there are bad angels you can read about the fall or maybe I'll pause how many angels are named in the Bible three you've got one that is Gabriel and where Gabriel means man of God you've got Lucifer which means light bear or a shining star and then you've got Michael who we we've talked about Michael the Archangel which is another name for Christ christophany before his incarnation but there are good angels and they're bad angels there was war in heaven that great dragon the serpent was cast out who deceives the whole world he was cast to the earth and his angels Satan means adversary he's gone from Lucifer to adversary they deceit who deceives the whole world he was cast to the earth and his aim Jools were cast out with him you read in second Peter 2 verse 4 for God did not spare the angels who sinned yep there are angels who sinned you know what that means about angels in order for you to sin you must have a free will angels are unique an individual if God doesn't make two snowflakes the same and if every human on the world has got a different iris and fingerprint then why would you think that God has a big cookie cutter factory where he makes his angels and he just stamps them out they're all the same I'm sure these angels are unique they are created not born they're created by God to live forever and they're probably I don't know what they're you know they part their hair differently and they got different idiosyncrasies I'm not sure but they've got their unique personalities yet their holy the good ones and you had the fallen ones and Peter says for if God did not spare the angels who sinned but he cast them down to hell and he delivered them into chains of Darkness to be reserved for judgments they know whenever Jesus was a cost of these evil spirits said we know who you are they knew Christ before the incarnation Jude 6 and the angels who did not keep their first estate their proper domain but they left their own abode he has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness Bible says that one angels going to come down and change Satan these chains are they are chained to our world they cannot leave they're not free like the other ministering spirits and everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day angel said to Christ fallen angels have you come to judge us before the time they know their judgments coming Satan's come down with great wrath because he what knows his time is short God's fixed the DHing which he'll judge the world and Satan and his angels the Bible says depart you cursed into everlasting fire prepared for Satan and his angels so there are some bad angels out there how many I don't know I can tell you the percentage it's a satan when he was cast down he drew a third of the stars were drawn in the the wake of the tail of the dragon a third of the Angels followed Lucifer in his rebellion against God we don't know how many that I'm guessing billions because if God has guardian angels for each person and their eight billion people roughly in the world then there's got to be a lot of good angels and we're not the only world that they take care of look at how big the cosmos is I'm sure they're going through the whole creation of God so there are billions of angels I would think I says they're numberless but I'll get to that in a minute Ephesians 6 verse 12 we do not wrestle only against flesh and blood but against spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly and the word heavenly there means in the spiritual places there is wickedness in these spiritual places and unfortunately there are still the good angels just want to read you Psalm 103 verse 20 bless the Lord you his angels who excel in strength who do his word heeding the voice of his word now the good angels I think are stronger than the bad angels because first of all greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world and I think the Lord fortifies them they believe in the health message and they're stronger they're good angels they eat angels food the Devils angels devil food cake that they're not near as healthy as God's angels now I talked a little about the number how many are there Matthew 26 53 jesus said do you not think that I can pray to my father when he was in the garden Peter thought I'm gonna deliver Jesus with a sword he said put away your sword don't you know now I can pray to my father he will provide me with more than twelve legions of angels time of Christ the Roman legion could have anywhere between five and two thousand five thousand people so that would be maybe sixty thousand angels would probably be all he would need at that moment to save him from the mom look at what one angel did to a whole army and the whole Assyrian army was dispatched 185 thousand of them one angel so don't ever think you can box with an angel you read in revelation 5:10 then I looked I heard the voice of many angels around the throne the living creatures and the elders and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousand in Greek the highest number you can go to is ten thousand they didn't have the numbers like we have of Google and I know there's bigger numbers and that but so their innumerable there's a lot of them which is good to know now can angels fly yeah Isaiah six I read to you it said that by the right and left of the throne were the Seraphim and each one had six wings with two he covered his face with two he covered his feet and with two he flew so angels can fly Daniel 9 xx is a verse I love Daniels praying at the beginning of Daniel 9 for God's people he's reading his Bible he's praying and before his prayer is done it says while I was speaking in prayer the man Gabriel who I had seen in the vision at the beginning being caused to fly swiftly reach me about the time of the evening offering it's good to know that an angel can get all the way from heaven to earth in the time that you're praying now you know we have different ways of measuring speed you've got your speedometer in your car some of you guys pedometers that tell how fast you walk and then if you can fly about 700 miles an hour you've got the speed of sound the sr-71 Blackbird could go Mach 3 three times the speed of sound because that varies at different altitudes what that actually is but they have aircraft now they can go 3,000 miles if you start talking about space some of the craft that we have swung around planets are going like 25,000 miles an hour relative to the earth that's not a real accurate way of measuring then you got the speed of light 186,000 miles per second angels travel the speed of thought I mean you know if God's throne is um somewhere off through the nebula Orion and that's you know hundreds of light years away it's good to know that angels are fast that means if you're like Peter and you're sinking and you say lord save me God can send an angel and catch you before you hit the ground so always pays to pray yes they can fly revelation 14:6 and I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven by the way you might wonder will we be able to fly in heaven what do you think so they will mount up with wings like eagles they will run and not be weary they will walk and not faint you know the song Rock of Ages we will soar to Worlds unknown it's not the Bible but it's in the song we will soar to Worlds unknown it's one of my favorite verses there's a lot of misunderstandings about angels which is why we're talking about it today typically when people see pictures of angels they see fat little babies on clouds looking extremely bored more times than not if you type angels in the internet look at pictures you're gonna see they look like Greek goddesses or their ladies our angels male/female or babies now typically when angels appeared in the Bible it says they appeared as men and says when the disciples saw Jesus ascend to heaven there stood by them two men in white raiment at the tomb says there are men when the angels came for judgments on Sodom says there were men there is one vision in Zechariah or he said I raised my eyes sakurai of 5/9 and there were two women coming in the wind with wind in their wings for they were the wings of a stork and they lifted up a basket this is an apocalyptic vision so I never says they're angels it's really a vision typically they appear as men but don't take that too far because angels don't have gender like we do Jesus made it pretty clear in mark 1225 for when they arise from the dead they neither marry or are given in marriage but are like the angels in heaven angels do not procreate like humans sometimes people read in Genesis chapter 6 and the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair took them wives of all they chose and you know some Bibles you might even have one here translates that these fallen angels married humans and had babies that were giants that is one of the goofiest teachings I've ever heard angels do not procreate with humans Jesus is very clear about that that verse the sons of God are talking about the children of Seth Adam and Eve that were faithful they were still worshiping God they were offering there at the garden at the gates of the Garden of Eden and then you had Cain that didn't he departed from the Lord and they had two separate groups of people and Cain was in us children of men they weren't the sons of God how'd he become a son of God behold what manner of love the father has bestowed on us that we should be called sons of God when we believe we are adopted in Jesus said God said there's son when he was Baptist this is my beloved son and when we're baptizing we accept Christ we become sons and daughters of God so it's when the children of Seth began to intermarry with the daughters of Cain then wickedness was great in this world because of the mixed marriages it had nothing to do with angels marrying people they don't have gender that way and you might be saying well why does it say that the children they had were giants that's something called genetic vitality it's very common do you know if you marry a lion and a tiger you get a liger and the liger will be bigger and I always like to use John McCain as an example of genetic vitality John's mother was Filipino about 4 feet tall is dad for six feet they got married and John is 6 foot 3 it's it's actually very standard thing in science it had nothing to do with these monsters that were born and ruling the earth and all kinds of stories about that angels do not procreate with humans angels are created they're made by God he makes him uniquely and Lucifer may have been one of the first of his angels so what did the one of the angels do angels guard and protects are their guardian angels I was watching some studies on this and some churches say oh that's heresy I believe it's very clear in the Bible Jobe 1:9 Satan was angry with the Lord he said does job fear God for nothing have you not made a hedge about him and about his household around all that he has is a hedge of bushes or was he hedged in with the Lord Bible says the angel of the Lord psalm 34:7 the angel of the lord encamps round about those who fear him you know when you're in trouble you dial nine-one-one don't forget Psalm 91 verse 11 when you're in trouble for he will give his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways in their hands they will bear you up lest you dash your foot against the stone I've got a few quotes that you might enjoy from the spirit of prophecy book great controversy a guardian the angel is appointed to every follower of Christ these heavenly Watchers shield the righteous from the power of the wicked and I think I've got another quote or two here yeah look spiritual gifts God knows how Satan is working and sends his angels to watch over his children to protect them from the devil's power and the battle is constantly going on between the angels of God and the Devils angels the angels of God are clothed with a complete armor the panoply of heaven and all those surrounded with deadly foes they fear nothing for the doing the will of their beloved commander they enter the darkest places to rescue the children of God from the snares of Satan and their presence causes the evil angels to fall back as the evil angels are defeated they utter terrible imprecations against the injustice of God and against his angels yes there's a battle going on God's got angels watching us all the time and we only know a fraction of the times we've been delivered a micro fraction of the times his angels are watching out for us from the book faith and works we do not realize the thousand dangers that our heavenly father has kept us from we do not realize the great blessing that he has bestowed on us in giving us the guardian angels to watch over us and we just had a children's dedication here's a neat promise for the parents parents can do much by earnest prayer and living faith they may bind their children upon the altar thus secure the watch care of guardian angels through prayer the guiding hand of God will lead them through the perils of the last days and bring them off victorious over every foe we need to lift our children before the Lord amen and pray for and pray for their protection so the angels are there to guard not only do angels guard us angels guide us Exodus 23 god said to Moses behold I'm sending an angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place that I have prepared and again on reading Christ's object lessons we know not what the results of a day an hour or a moment may determine and never should we begin the day without committing our way to our Heavenly Father his angels are appointed to watch over us and if we put ourselves under their guardianship then in every time of danger they will be at our right hand when unconsciously we are in danger of exerting the wrong influence the angels will be by our side prompting us to a better course choosing our words for us and influencing our actions I've sensed that thousands of times have you you sometimes you just I remember one time you all got your stories I posted I was gonna preach about angels today online and all these people started telling me their angel stories because I things really neat and don't build your theology on Angel stories when someone says I had angel spoke to me you got to be careful it might be an angel that spoke to them you know there's a lying prophet in the Bible he went to a prophet of the Lord God told that prophet after you pronounce your judgment on King Jeroboam you do not eat bread you do not drink water in this place you go home you do not pass go well he was on his way home and his false prophet said God told me you're supposed to come to my house an angel of the Lord he says told me disregard what you heard earlier I got a message from an angel you're to come to my house he listened to that false prophet who had an angelic message and he died and so it got to be very careful when people say an angel told me I mean people have angel experiences and I believe that don't base your theology on someone's angelic experience but they got all kinds of movies and TV programs and people talk about this and they'll say yet angels were talking to my dead relatives in heaven and so there's a lot of bad theology that has come through that corridor of people saying and angel told me but I do believe angels guide and I remember one time in particular I was driving to Central Church and I always have to cross several streets where there's lights and I'm an aggressive driver and if the lights green you know what that means go fast and I'm going along and I'm coming up and the light is green and I felt the strongest urge to hit my brakes on a green light and I hit my brakes and slowed down somebody ran the light went right through they would have t-boned me they were speeding right through and I knew right then that an angel had said hit your brakes because everything else in my world would have said go and have you had experiences like that it just it was uncanny that's like a voice told me so often when we say the Lord did this for me or the Lord did that for me it's not generally the Lord the Lord works through his agencies usually angels God gets the glory but he often works through his angels and he's guiding them and people will say well the devil made me do this and the devil tempted me it's typically not the devil matter of fact the devil doesn't know most of us our God knows all of us but the devil he's not on he's not omniscient he doesn't know everybody it's usually his fallen angels that are doing these things and so I just the Bible says a lot about it it's probably healthy for us to know what the word says so you've got these angels and they guide us God told Moses I will send an angel before you to keep you in the way to bring you to the place that I prepared angels Dook and we asked for it I think the more inclined angels have feelings now you have a guardian angel but I don't recommend you try and talk to him and I know some people they say yeah I've given my angel the name Wilber and I'm always talking to Wilber so you got to be very careful you might think it's Wilbur in it could be some other wicked danger named Ernest so nowhere in the Bible are we told to talk to the angel the angel might appear to us but you know to Nick talks about worshipping angels that's forbidden in the Bible the angels loathe that John fell on his knees John revelation 19 to worship the angel an angel says see you do not do it and Daniel and Ezekiel and they all saw angels they felt inclined to fall down and worship the angels always pointed the glory and the worship back to God because it's a sin to have any other God besides the Lord right angels are co-laborers with us now people the Bible tells us that we are made a little lower than the Angels we do not have the same power and strength and knowledge and connection with God that angels have but humans are made in the image of God and in some ways we have advantages one of those is something that really bothered the devil humans like God made in the image of God are able to procreate in our own image through an act of cooperative love the devil can't create life and it really bothered him that in this world these humans could procreate an econ it and so in some ways you know we've got blessing but angels have emotions I already read to you where it said all the morning stars sang together and they shouted for joy Jesus said Luke 15 likewise they'll be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance so if it's true that angels can feel joy when the Lost are saved how do angels feel when people are lost do angels feel sadness what do you think the Angels did when Jesus was on the cross where they strumming their harps or is it like Psalm 137 where they hung their harps in the Willows how can we sing the song of Zion in Babylon and the angels it's like when Daniel was in the lion's den it says in the king's palace there was no music brought before him and the angels were sad they've got feelings they've got emotions even good angels can be devastating they're very powerful they can be deadly Psalm 78 49 he cast on them the fierceness of his anger wrath indignation in trouble by sending angels of destruction among them first chronicles 21 16 then David lifted his eyes this is when David numbered Israel and a plague was going through the land david lifted his eyes and saw the angel of the Lord standing between heaven and earth having a drawn sword stretched out over Jerusalem you know we've sometimes heard about the Grim Reaper you've heard the expression the Angel of Death many times in the Bible these Angels of Death were not diabolical there are actually good angels that were sent with judgment and David prayed and the angel put his sword back in its sheath I already quoted to you where Hezekiah prayed they were being attacked by the enemy God said you're not even gonna fire an arrow an arrow in this battle I'm gonna send my army and it says it came to pass on a certain night that the angel of the Lord went out and killed in the camp of the Assyrians 185,000 and when the people arose in the morning they were corpses that always strikes me as very funny that they arose corpses the way is where it says behold they arose and they were dead that means when the other people got up they saw 185,000 Acts chapter 12 King Herod was trying to wipe out the church the beginning of Acts chapter 12 Herod the King kills the Apostle James he sees it pleases the Jews he says I'm going to kill and you see a battle going on a spiritual battle a great controversy between the Word of God and the devil working through Herod the King Herod's are typically not good in the New Testament they try and kill the babies in Bethlehem and you know what happens at the end of the story David escapes sorry Peter escapes from prison Herod then makes a speech and they say oh it's the voice of God and he doesn't give the glory to God Herod wants to be God like Lucifer says and the angel of the Lord struck him because he did not give God glory and he was eaten by worms and he died by the way Josephus actually mentions that very event in history so be careful about taking glory on yourself they're not to be worshipped I've already talked about that angels their principal job is to bring glory to Christ and then as we begin our message this morning we notice that throughout the life of Jesus we see angels angels are there talking to Zachariah announcing the birth of John the Baptist angels go to church they met Zechariah in the temple angels come to church here and every time I think a bad angel sneaks in he's like pinches a baby or something right during an important point at least I always think the points are important you see angels not only there for the birth of John you see them there telling Mary about the conception of Jesus angels are then there announcing the birth of Jesus angels are there then guiding Joseph in the deliverance of Jesus and I'm sure they were with Christ all through his youth every time in the life of Christ when the devil would try to destroy him you remember in Nazareth well first of all they wanted to kill him as a baby in Bethlehem he was delivered through his youth I'm sure angels regarding Christ can you imagine how vulnerable Jesus would have been as a child and a baby if it was not for angels that were guarding him and then when he began his ministry he fasts 40 days in the wilderness you know it says after he fasted it says angels came and ministered to him I believe they did for him what the angel did for Elijah when he was hungry I think they fed him at the end of those 40 days and then in the Garden of Gethsemane when Jesus everal times through his life they tried tried to kill Jesus you know they wanted to throw him off a cliff in Nazareth it says and he passed through their midst who do you think part of the crowd so Jesus could pass through I think the angels of God said this is not his time other times they took up stones to stone Jesus and Jesus was protected and in the Garden of Gethsemane when he prayed and he wept three times and said not my will they will be done you know at that moment it may have been Gabriel I we don't know who took the place of Lucifer it may be Gabriel Gabriel may have already been in one of those positions but I think Gabriel came and it says angels ministered to him I think they were there to comfort him but you know at that moment in the garden as the angels left him he got up and he went to the disciples he said now is the hour of darkness and as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the fish the sufferings of Christ began that night God's presence God's angelic protection was withdrawn from Jesus for the first time in his life maybe the first time in history and the devil and his forces had their way with Christ he paid the penalty they tortured him they tried to extract all the suffering they could more than anything that wanted Jesus to sin because then the plan of salvation would have imploded and so they didn't we just want to kill him they wanted him to do something wrong to sin because then there'd be no hope for us and the Angels had to watch and they had to veil their presence just like you and I can't see him and Peter said Lord I'll save you and Jesus said don't you know I could pray for twelve legions of angels right now that means they weren't there helping him they withdrew from him they were watching as he hung on the cross they watched the whole scene they watched the mob they took careful notes you know angels are recording not only are they guiding jesus said in the judgment will give an account for every idle word that we speak and i think god's got these angels the angels are there when the books are open and i don't know if the lord uses a hard drive or how he does that there but he's got some way the angels record talks about books and the angels were watching and they were recording those who mocked Christ on the cross and they took notes when that thief said Lord remember me they saw when Jesus was laid in the tomb and the angels could not wait for Sunday morning when though signal was given that Jesus had paid the penalty of suffering and death he had fulfilled those three days and three nights in the hands of Satan the heart of the earth suffering for the sins of the world and God said okay go for it they came and threw aside the stone and angels were there to tell the women when he rose angels were there when he ascended to heaven and angels are gonna be with him when he comes again it's good to know you're not alone isn't it you know Jesus said I'll be with you always now Christ is at the right hand of the Father so how was Christ with us through his spirit and that same spirit is given God the spirit to the Angels and is given to us and a kind of it's it's reassuring to know that they're always here present it's lost a little sobering jesus said if you confess my name in this evil and adulterous generation I will confess your name before my father and his angels if you deny me in my name in this evil and adulterous generation I will deny your name before my father and his angels and you look in the book of Job and you see God confessing the name of job before the Angels that means that when we stand up for God in our daily battles the Bible says angels desire to look into the things that are happening this plan of salvation is being acted out on a stage that's a theater - the universe is watching so it's comforting to know angels are watching it can make you nervous to know angels are watching I hope it'll help keep you in the way to know that all things are naked and open to the eyes of him with whom we have to do God sees everything amen the eyes of the Lord run to and fro through the earth looking for those through whom he can show himself mighty and so God's with us his angels are watching we are never alone and that he wants us I think to rejoice in that truth you know Jacob had a dream one night he thought he was all by himself and he was sorry for his sin he'd lied to his father he betrayed his brother tried to steal the birthright and now he's leaving home with nothing it says but a staff in his hand doesn't even have a tent he sleeps with a rock for a pillow and he's feeling alone forsaken guilty but he's repentant and he has that dream that night suddenly as the heavens are opened and they blaze and he sees this ladder reaching from earth to heaven and the angels of God are ascending and descending on this heavenly escalator and he finds great comfort in it pours oil on the stone calls it Bethel the house of God you know later Jesus begins his ministry and when he sees Nathanael he says here is an Israelite with whom there is no guile and the FanDuel thinks we've never met how do you know me so I saw you praying underneath the fig tree says Master you are the Messiah of Israel Jesus and Nathanael are you impressed because I said I saw you under the fig tree hereafter you will see greater things than this hereafter you will see the angels of God ascending and descending not on a ladder but on the Son of Man who is it that makes it possible for the ministry of angels it's Jesus the cross of Christ is the ladder that connects heaven and earth and so I'm thankful for angels but I'm really thankful for the one who purchased the escalator the cross with his blood he made it possible for them to protect and provide and guide and and do all they do for us and aren't you thankful too [Music]
Channel: Doug Batchelor
Views: 299,869
Rating: 4.7271705 out of 5
Keywords: Amazing facts, doug batchelor, ellen g white, seventh day adventist, did angels marry humans, who are angels, are angels real, do angels talk to us?, who are the fallen angels?, angel stories
Id: bBaeZZcxMiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 18sec (2658 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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