The Devil's Deadly Dozen: Satan's Secret Plans to Neutralize the Remnant with Doug Batchelor

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[Music] hello friends we'd like to welcome all of you to a very special Friday night live program that we're doing right here at the Granite Bay Church and we have an intriguing title pass today it's called The Devil's dirty dozen now for those of you who are joining us live we're in the second week of a new year and it's always a good time at the beginning of the year past that I have to kind of stop and evaluate maybe look at your own goals and sometimes people make their new year's resolutions it's good to stop and look at what we believe and it's true individually personally but it's also true in the life of a church and so that's some of the things we're gonna be talking about this evening but before we get to all of that we'd like to welcome those who are joining us I know we have a number of folks joining us on Facebook on pastor Doug bachelors Facebook page and also on the amazing facts Facebook page we're also doing this event live on a of TV so we want to welcome all of those who are joining us on a of TV as well and also those who are here in person we got a great group that's joined us this evening and we are delighted that you are here joining us as we looking at a very important topic but pastor Doug before we get to all of that let's start with the word of Prayer dear father we thank you for the opportunity that we have to gather together and open up your word and then look at some important truths we know that the devil is gonna do everything he can to try and deceive and if possible even the very elect and you've warned us of this Lord and we pray that we might be firmly grounded in your word so bless our time this evening for we ask this in Jesus name Amen amen well pastor Doug The Devil's dirty does and that's probably getting people's attention they wondering what is that all about that's right well we are being a little bit deliberately provocative because it's a very serious subject and some issues we're going to talk about tonight and that may be pastor Ross at the beginning I should mention that if you are tuning in friends I sometimes your programs are geared more for outreach and evangelism and then sometimes there's programs that are more in reach and you encourage the church towards revival this would be in that category in fact I think we have a free offer we're going to make available to anybody that sort of encompasses the theme for tonight we have a free offer and it's entitled compromise and conformity and courage and this is our free gift to any of those who are joining us if you'd like to receive a copy of this book and it goes along with what we're gonna be talking about you can text the word courage to the number four zero five four four and we'll send this to you'll be able to get a digital download or you can call the number eight seven seven two three two two eight seven one and ask for offer number seven seven four and we'll send this to you in the mail again it's called compromise conformity and courage a book written by pastor Doug and it deals with a number of the things that we gonna be talking about this evening that's right now as pastor Ross mentioned this is not only the beginning of a new year but in the Adventist Church we're in the midst right now of ten days of Prayer just like before the Holy Spirit was poured out for the Apostles they had those ten days in the upper room and there was some repentance that happened they are they'd been arguing who was the greatest and fighting for position and Peter denied Christ and and they humbled themselves and they put away their differences there was some confession there was reform and then came the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and you know we just really believe that if we're serious about wanting revival then we need to address real issues the seventh-day Adventist Church is not immune to certain cultural forces as all churches all people are in fact I think a pastor oz has a letter that was written by one of our general conference presidents I think it was his parting message to the world church was it elder Robert Pearson that's right maybe you read a few words of that and it'll hear a little bit of this obey with me but it's it sets the stage and I think it's very significant just to give you a little background this was elder Pearson he passed away in 1989 but this is from a speech that he gave at annual council in 1978 this was actually the final speech that he gave to the leadership of the world church there was also the staff of the General Conference as well as the employees of the review they were all present and this is what he had to say he says this will be the last time that in my present role I will stand before the world leaders of my church your church our church and I have a few words to leave you with and then he goes on to say they say that a movement is often begun by a charismatic leader with tremendous Drive in commitment and that it arises as protest against worldliness and formalism in a church it is generally embraced by the poorer the rich would lose too much by joining it since it is unpopular despised and persecuted by society in general it has definite beliefs firmly held by zealous members each member makes a personal decision to join it and knows what he or she believes there is little organization but there is few buildings but a commitment to the mission he says the group has strict standards and controls on behavior preachers often without education arise by an inner compulsion there is little concern about public relations and then he goes on to say and then it passes on to the second generation with the growth there comes a need for organization buildings as a result of industry and frugality members become prosperous as prosperity increases persecution begins to wane children born into the moon but movement do not have to make personal decisions to join it they do not necessarily know what they believe they do not need to hammer out their own positions these have been worked out for them preachers arise more by selection and by apprentice apprenticeship to other workers then by direct in a compulsion he said the third generation organizes develops institutions they're established the needy scene for schools to pass on the faith of the fathers psychologists are established members have to exhort to live up to standard while at the same time the standards of the membership begins to be lowered the group becomes lakhs about disfellowshipping non-practicing members missionary zeal cools off there is more concern over public relations leaders study methods of propagating their faith sometimes employing reward as motivation for service or membership youth begin to question why they are different from others and they begin to intermarry with those not of their faith he then went on to say in the fourth generation there is much machinery the numbers of administrators increase while the numbers of workers at the grassroots level becomes proportionately less great church councils are hold to define doctrine more schools universities and seminars are established these go on to the world for accreditation and tend to become secularized there is a reason a ssin of positions and a modernizing of methods attention is given to contemporary culture with an increase in the arts music architecture literature the movement seeks to become relevant to contemporary society by becoming involved in popular causes services tend to become formal the group enjoys complete acceptance with the world the movement has become a church and then he says this brothers and sisters this must never happen to the seventh-day Adventist Church this will not happen to the seventh-day Adventist Church this is not just another Church it is God's remnant Church now of course there's more but don't have time to read all of that if you'd like you can look this up and read the rest of his speech for yourself but I think pastor Doug he does an excellent job in kind of describing a movement as it moves from the first generation to the next and the next and how that zeal that commitment that sacrifice that you see at the beginning of a movement begins to wane today we find ourselves as seventh-day Adventists very much in that fourth generation and we can see a number of these things that he spoke about beginning to take place even amongst us and we need to be careful yeah the only thing that can really stop this natural progression of a movement into just being a denomination or organization is the people need to rediscover the passion the fire of the founders and you know we named this The Devil's dirty dozen because I just have been studying for a few years and watching what's happened to other churches I like history and and I see it some of those things being replicated in our church and I thought you know sometimes you need to identify something before the woman at the well could experience revival Jesus had actually put his finger on something specific in her life say go call your husband I don't want to talk about that let's talk about what mountain we're gonna worship on and you know sometimes in the church I think we need to be specific and I've identified twelfth is probably more but twelve high points that I've seen in my years 35 years now in this conference as a pastor and that are concerning and I think that the members need to recognize it in our own lives and in the church and do what they can to push back against these forces now I'm going to quickly read you what these are then we're gonna back up we're gonna go through them together and we'll talk about them and I think that we're inviting those who may have questions on the content tonight that you can comment on the amazing facts or Doug Batchelor Facebook page pastor Ross is going to get those questions via phone from our studio so we might be able to interact with our viewers a little bit I'm going to quickly read through what these twelve points are that are sort of high points The Devil's Dirty Dozen by the way the subtitle for the program tonight is Satan's secret plan to undermine the remnant church number one no longer believing in the infallibility of God's Word - doubting a literal six-day creation account 3 denying the divinity of Jesus and personality of the Holy Spirit for doubting God the doubting that God can save us from the power of sin we're not just talking about the the penalty of sin we're talking about sanctification 5 denying the inspiration and authority of the spirit of prophecy 6 doubting the sanctuary message in the significance of 1844 7 rejecting that the seventh-day Adventist Church is the remnant Church of Bible prophecy 8 rejecting biblical principles of modesty and dress and adornment 9 rejecting biblical distinctions in the roles of men and women 10 replacing reverence in worship with a more casual and charismatic worship styles and music 11 neglecting the health message or downplaying it as legalism and finally 12 laxness and keeping the Sabbath holy more of a holiday instead of a holy day I've just seen that in churches that begin to drift and become irrelevant they often shrink as far as evangelistic growth you can almost find a lot of these points maybe not all but many of these points start to manifest themselves and it just leads to sort of a downward slide you'll notice that in elder Pearson's letter he talked about that evangelism starts to subside in the places in the countries where these problems are the most prominent there's the lowest amount of evangelism in places where it's still grassroots the church is exploding and though it seems like the more administration you get the more shrinks I know it's like I'm we're preaching ourselves out of a job by saying that but but it's true so I don't have any thoughts on that but I'm I'm gonna start marching through some of these and I absolutely might as well pass the duck let's begin at the very beginning we got to have a firm foundation and that of course is in the Word of God absolutely I think of the movement of the Adventist Church in the early days of the Miller preaching in the early avenues they were known as the people of the book they always had an answer thus saith the Lord they were able to quote from the scriptures they knew their Bibles yeah they would go line by line through the scriptures matter of fact just before we came over tonight Karen and I were listening to some sermons by an old Adventist evangelist lived to a hundred and he was preaching at a hundred we actually carried him into the sacramental Central Church at 94 was the last time he preached they carried him up on the platform preached an hour and a half used about a hundred scriptures never opened his Bible 94 years old they called them the walking Bible Byron Spears and if you ever want to hear this you can just go to the amazing facts website you can download his stuff for free thank you to the family it's called the trumpet of the Lord these people knew the word Karen I were just listening at home on our way here and scripture after scripture long text not one mistake all from memory people knew how to defend their faith back then and now sometimes the only Bible people get is once a week whatever the pastor happens to use and that might be one or two verses in a whole sermon the Bible tells us in Psalm 11 verse 3 if the foundations are destroyed what can the righteous do of course we know 2nd Timothy chapter 3:16 we all know John 3:16 is the second Timothy 3:16 all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction and righteousness that the man of God might be complete thoroughly equipped for every good work and in our presentation tonight we're also putting in a few quotes from the spirit of prophecy that I also think still has Authority and relevance in the book great controversy the Holy Scriptures are to be accepted as authoritative infallible revelation of his will and so one of the problems you see it creeps into the church or any Church they begin to question the absolute authority and infallibility of the scriptures as a message from God you know sometimes a person thinks the devil I've heard of once it this way we expecting the devil to come marching into the church like a herd of elephants just knocking down the pillars of our faith but he's a little wise in there Matt he comes in as a swarm of termites destroying the very foundations upon which Apple as a base and that most important one is how do we understand the Word of God if we believe it's authoritative is it relevant for our time is it relevant for our culture these are important things that I think individually we need to we need to make that firm decision how I'm gonna go by the word Amen I heard an evangelist a one time motorhomes don't get termites because they're always on the move and if you got a church involved in evangelism it can often push back on some of these common problems now one more quote this is from the book I'm talking about the Word of God Acts of the Apostles page four seven four as in the days of the Apostles men tried by tradition and philosophy to destroy the faith in the scriptures so today and if it was true in her day how much more true is it today by the pleasing sentiments of higher criticism evolution spiritualism fiafia safely pantheism the enemy of righteousness is seeking to lead the soul into forbidden paths to many the Bible is a lamp without oil because they've turned their minds into channels of speculative speculative belief that bring misunderstanding and confusion the work of higher criticism in dissecting conjecturing reconstructing is just destroying the faith in the bible as a divine revelation it's robbing god's word of its power to control uplift and inspire human alliance friends you know Yale Oxford Harvard were established as schools based on the word to teach ministers and they began to dissect the Bible where they got where they didn't really believe it so much anymore and now you're almost scoffed if you pull out a Bible on those campuses now happens a little by little you know the amazing thing about that is when people begin to question the Word of God not only do they question God's revelation but they also begin to question the Gospel message that's found in the Word of God that Christ can save and he can save absolutely is you know like the quote if the son sets you free he shall be free indeed Amen so if you set aside the Bible you're setting aside the power of the gospel really in the Bible and there's a lack of direction and purpose in people's lives yeah happens little by little people say well you know you can't really trust this verse and that person wasn't a hundred percent expired i sat across from a pastor I won't tell you any more than that but I was shocked when he said to me a brother Doug you know Paul said a lot of things were just plain wrong and I saw commentary from another denomination when Ecclesiastes when it says the living know nothing the living know that they'll die the dead don't know anything and he said well don't pay any attention to that Solomon was depressed and they started going through little by little and saying oh you don't can't really believe that or they were too heavily influenced by tradition that part isn't inspired as soon as you start picking your Bible apart like that it's like breaking the glass and just shatters everywhere we've better move on we got eleven more to go one of the other things that we see is very big problem in our culture today is doubting the literal creation story and in particular a six-day creation account and you know more and more we're finding even in the church people are saying well you can't totally believe that those six days were literal days that Moses wrote Adam and Eve and and Noah that's all an allegory Tower of Babel those are allegories we know from archaeology and science now that can't be trusted and I don't know it says in the Ten Commandments for in six days the Lord made the heaven and the earth and I believe that and Jesus repeats it and you know what Jesus said for if you believed Moses you would believe me for he wrote about me but if you don't believe his writings how will you believe my words of course Moses wrote the first he wrote all of Genesis those first 11 chapters that people doubt Jesus said if you don't believe that you don't believe me and so I would contend that people that say they're Christians and pastors and evangelists and say well we don't take those stories seriously well I hope you don't read Jesus at all because you probably don't believe it and you're just going to abuse it well if you can't believe that God created the earth by his miraculous power then how can you believe that Jesus rose from the dead how can you believe that Jesus performed any miracles if somehow God can't perform miracle and create the earth and create everything that we see you know a quick answer I don't want to get too deep in their evolution creation science but one thing I think it's pretty clear when God made Adam he was made with a certain amount of AIDS built in Adam was not created as a baby crawling around and the trees were not made as little saplings he made full-grown trees so when people look in the archaeological record and they see a period of time God can build that in people say oh well we know it takes millions of years for the light of stars to get to the earth what prevents God from creating the stars with a light already in route so people can see it and so they're just basically it's a lack of faith in God's power that is and but this is one of the trademarks you'll see and I'm sad to say I've sat in churches and sava schools in our faith where they scoffed at these they crazy you know pastor like we also see amongst Christians now an idea to try and rationalize the creation accounts six literal days with some kind of theistic evolution where it's not six literal days but they say there's six long periods of time and of course when you do that and it's not six literal days then what is that - the seventh-day Sabbath yeah it destroys it a little quote here from patriarchs and prophets and this is page 112 by the word of the Lord where the heavens made and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth for he spoken it was done he commanded and it stood fast the Bible recognizes no long ages in which the earth was slowly evolved from chaos of each successive day of creation the sacred record declares that it consisted of the evening and the morning like all other days that have followed these are 24-hour days they're not ages and I believe that I think doubting that is one of the devil's deceptions that we've been talking about all right many thoughts where we go to point number three we're ready for number three denying the divinity of Jesus and the personality of the Holy Spirit and this is a scene in in what we sometimes hear is the anti Trinitarian teachings and and you know I I've got people that I would respectfully disagree on this subject I love them and and I know there have been a number of leaders in the church Uriah Smith I think had some issues with this but I think that it's very important to continue believing in the divinity of Christ Jesus is not created he's a create he says from everlasting to everlasting all things that were made were made by him he is the eternal God he's the Alpha and the Omega you start saying that Jesus was created he then is not the creator dying for the creation he's a creation and it doesn't matter if you use the word begotten or created if you're saying he did not exist and he was brought into existence he was created and so the Bible is very clear that he's from everlasting to everlasting and also that the Holy Spirit is not an it Holy Spirit is a him these are the words of Jesus I've got a few you'll see here on the screen Christ said in John 14:16 and I will pray the father and he will give you another helper that he might abide with you forever the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him but you know him for he dwells with you and will be in you there's so many statements like this where Jesus goes out of his way to use all the the Bible says the spirit feels the spirit guides the spirit does everything that we do but he doesn't have a body like we do and so I think that's important and you just jump in if you get any messages for it from our studio where people have questions or comments and we'll try to fit those in let me give you a couple of quotes from the spirit of prophecy book evangelism 6:17 the Holy Spirit has a personality that's they're as it can be else he could not bear witness to our spirits with our spirits that we are the children of God he must also be a divine person else you could not search out the secrets which lie hidden in the mind of God for what man knows the things of a man save the spirit of Man which is in him even so the things of God knoweth no man but the Spirit of God and so she was very clear on that and then there's a statement about Jesus that in desire of Ages 5:30 in Christ is life original unborrowed under I've he that has the son has life the divinity of Jesus Christ is the believers assurance of eternal life he's a divine Christ is not a creature you know past along those same lines we have somebody that sent in a question we want to thank you for the questions that are coming in we're getting quite a few but this person has to ask the question he says what about a new light or new truth that'll come in the last days will there be new truth absolutely I study all the time and I hope I'm the one that will discover it but I don't believe that you know I always wish I could find Carlsbad Caverns first but I'm too late I don't believe any new truth is gonna contradict old pillars so you know any new truth is gonna be an expansion or an adding to it of existing principles of truth another question that we have related to the Godhead or the Holy Spirit we noticed the significance of the Holy Spirit in the beginning of the Christian Church what about the significance of the Holy Spirit in the last days of the church or it talks about the the latter rain is it important for us to understand the Holy Spirit and the Godhead absolutely well you know we need the latter rain Joel chapter 2 I'll pour out my spirit on all flesh it happened in the days of the Apostles Peter quotes from Joel to in his sermon and it's gonna happen again I think in even a grander way just prior to the second coming if Satan's work is going to increase in the last days do you all believe that Bible says where sin abounds grace stuff much more abound I believe God will compensate by pouring out his spirit and mighty way leaves on his church at that time absolutely we need the Holy Spirit in a special way I think we're ready for our next point doubting that God can save us from the power of sin now you know I in grace and as soon as you start talking like this people think you question the role of grace but sometimes I think people believe that grace means that God is just going to sort of brush off disobedience the reason he gives us grace is to obey but I often hear grace used as it is basically it's like the subtitle for pardon I believe in justification we come to the Lord just like we are but he not only saves us from the power of sin the Lord wants to save our from the presence of sin not only saves us from the penalty of sin but he saves us from the power of sin when he comes we'll be saved from the presence of sin and so Christians are not just forgiven we should be living holy lives and it should be demonstrated a few verses on that alright here's actually a quote from the book Acts of the Apostles the Savior overcame to show man how he may overcome all the temptations of Satan Christ met with the Word of God by trusting in God's promises he received power to obey God's commandments and the temperature could gain no advantage it says that yeah well let me see here's we have a true sanctification this is Acts of the Apostles page 565 true sanctification means perfect love perfect obedience perfect conformity to the word will of God we completely surrender now I don't believe in perfection except as we should have the kind of faith the Daniel had when he went to the lion's den and that Shadrach Meshach and Abednego had when they went to the fiery furnace where they said I'd rather dive into so big God's people are gonna need that in the last days when the mark of the beast is out agreed yeah so that's I think we need to be practicing obedience now and you know that was one of the early truths of the F and movement it was good news that Jesus can save he can give us victory old things are passed be all things can become new and that's good news for a fact our question that somebody same thing kind of goes along with this and it says how do I know if I will receive the seal of God talking about victory yeah well we're preparing our hearts it says the hundred and forty-four thousand follow the lamb wherever he goes and if we are following the lamb wherever he goes now if we're surrendered then we're gonna be ready to receive the Holy Spirit you know if we're empty of self we will be available for the filling of God and so I believe we need to come to the place where we say not i but Christ not my will but his will because Jesus gives us that beautiful example in the Garden of Gethsemane where he prayed and said father not my will be done but thy will be done they have the seal of God is to have that carry to that devotion that commitment like Daniel and the three were these willing to face death then knowingly deny the Lord and we got to pray for that kind of faith that's the experience that God wants to give us and especially for our young people that are out there I know that I frequently get the question pastor Doug and my loss I'm afraid I wouldn't die for my faith right now well if you're following Jesus in the little tests now don't worry about what you'll do then just be faithful and if you do fall don't get discouraged and say I'll never make it get back up again you look through the Bible the heroes in the Bible often have records of up and ups and downs but they kept getting up absolutely maybe pastor like just add one more thing we've been told the closer we get to Jesus the more we get to see our I see I need of Jesus so we never get to a point where we think oh he made it you know I'm perfect well anyone that's walking around saying I've made it I'm perfect well what if they tell you they're not perfect it's like the story you told pastor Doug of the man who got this medal for being the humblest man in town but that to take it away because keep wearing it everywhere so yeah I was gonna use that over free tomorrow okay talking about Nebuchadnezzar's pride okay I'll use it again yeah tonight when we came into the program pastor Ross thought everything was fine when he left his home but he sat down under the lights he said man look at all this in my suit that's right when the closer you come to Christ brighter things get you're gonna see more things and that's actually a sign you're walking towards the light amen so you don't get discouraged by that um are we ready for the next point yeah denying the inspiration and authority of the spirit of prophecy now I know if there people out there listening now and I'm sure there are that are not seventh-day Adventist if indeed you guys are putting the writings of Ellen White on the same part of the Bible no we don't know there may be people out there that do that but it's not approved there are Lutheran's would probably put the writings of Luther above the Bible and they're Methodists that probably put John Wesley above the Bible but that's just their problem Ellen White said the final authority's Word of God our teaching is the Bible in the baptismal vows that we've gone over with people thousands of times it says that the Bible is the only rule of faith and practice for the Christian but God still uses the gifts of the Spirit and he speaks through prophets and prophetess and in our church we saw the evidence biblical trademarks of the gift of prophecy in Ellen White's work and there's authority to that dismissing that we see I've often seen matter of fact by the way this list is dirty dozen they're not in sequential order of priority necessarily I've often noticed one of the first earmarks of a church that is slipping is they're being dismissive of the spirit of prophecy pretty soon they're not a lot different between it's just the seventh day evangelical pretty soon and just in my observation that's what I've seen now of course revelation 12:17 I was gonna mention that the dragon was enraged with the woman went to make war with the remnant of her seed those who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus testimony of Jesus in Revelation 19:10 says it's the spirit of prophecy and one of the gifts that God gives to the church both that you can read about in the early days of the Christian Church the first century was the gift of prophecy and we know that before Jesus comes you're gonna have another special outpouring of the Holy Spirit you'd expect the Holy Spirit to give the gifts that he has promised one of which is the gift of prophecy and we can see that in the movement the Advent movement from the very beginning we can see God leading through the gift of prophecy the Ministry of Ellen White every time God has done something significant in Bible history he's set a profit in advance whether it's Moses before the Exodus or Jeremiah before the Babylonian captivity John the Baptist before Jesus coming it would seem strange before the climax of the Bible history he had no unique message of a prophet this is not to add to or take away from scripture the Scriptures are complete separate a sacred volume but God still gives the gifts of the Spirit and Jesus said in the last days watch out for false prophets he never said there would be no prophets he said watch out for the false ones which means somewhere there must be the true ones and Paul says the gift of prophecy 1st Corinthians 14 is still a gift in the church long after the resurrection so Oh everyone is loath to say somebody's a prophet because he automatically they're suspect because there's so many false prophets but I don't spy the the Jehoshaphat said here his prophets in cross prosper yeah absolutely and of course you test everything that a so-called prophet has to say by the Word of God I'm reminded of Ellen White's last sermon to the General Conference the world session and the story goes that at the end as she had finished her her sermon her discussion and she turned to walk back to her seat and then almost as if she she remembered something she turned around that she came back to the podium and she had the Bible that she was preaching from and with the trembling voice she held the Bible up to the leaders there gathered of the 7th avenues Church and she said brethren I commend to you this book and then she repeated it I commend to you this book she wasn't holding of her book no she was holding up the Word of God and a true prophet will always point back to the Word of God yeah they don't exalt themselves and if you ever read the step book steps to Christ that's one of the greatest books let me read something she said though mourning us about the last days on this subject and we're under point number 5 denying the inspiration and authority of the spirit of prophecy the very last deception Satan will be to make of none effect the testimony of the Spirit of God where there's no vision the people perish Satan will work ingeniously in different ways and through different agencies to unsettle the confidence of God's remnant people in the true testimony and you know it's it's almost a diabolical the supernatural effort that has gone into the Internet in creating anti spirit of prophecy websites and I look at the information they've got and it is just totally bogus but people looking for the first time don't know that and they've been misled and discourage folks come to an evangelistic meeting and they're just so moved by the teachings and then they run into one of these websites and and it's not always on the websites sometimes it's actually members that say oh don't worry about that don't pay attention to that and it's a downplayed that's something an area where I think we need revival you know pastor like let me just interject a question I think it's an important one maybe it's a good time for us to ask this somebody wrote in and asked what about the backslidden Christian is a too late for me oh no I think until probation closes that very fact a person's asking that question seems like the spirit might be moving on their hearts it's the Holy Spirit that even brings conviction and so you know when the plagues start to fall probation probably will have closed at that point but until then then yeah I believe the Holy Spirit God is so much more patient than we are sometimes we would have given up on ourselves long before and we think how could God still after repeat failing with failure over and over again how could he still have mercy on me and he's very merciful you know for those who might have just joined us along the way we mentioned this at the beginning we do have a free offer that we're going to encourage folks to take a look at a book entitled compromise conformity and courage and we'll be happy to send this to anyone who calls and asks let me give you the number I know we're not done yet but just in case somebody just tuned in if you'd like to receive the book you can text the word courage to the number four zero five four four or you can call eight seven seven two 3 2 2 8 71 and asked for offer number 7 74 past that I believe you can also read this right now online at the amazing facts website yeah it's under the free bookstore section absolutely what we're about halfway done pastor Ross number 6 is oh I already read this one number 6 doubting the sanctuary message and the significance of 1844 a seventh-day Adventist Church is rooted in a particular truth of the the work of Christ our high priests in the heavenly sanctuary this is a biblical truth I never had problems seeing it in the scripture coming from the outside all you've got to do is read Hebrews and and Leviticus and a number of other passages it always made sense to me if Christ is giving out rewards before when he comes then there's some investigation before he comes Bible says be holy come my reward is with me tells us judgment must begin at the house of God and the Christ is our high priest and that there are different phases in that work so I I believe that the the message of the sanctuary is actually pivotal well you look at the first angels message and that message that is to go to every nation kindred tongue and people saying with a loud voice fear God and give Him glory the hour of his judgment has come it's a time-sensitive message we find that to be fulfilled based upon Daniel 8:14 the 2300 days and of course this is not something that that's new it's been studied and been examined and been looked at for over 150 years we've seen that without a doubt Jesus is doing a special work of ministry for us in the heavenly sanctuary matter of fact the book of Revelation opens with Jesus wearing the high priests robe doing a work of ministry so at least we understand that Jesus is our high priest he is ministering for us and he wants to do a special work of cleansing and judgment in the church are we gonna miss out on that true blessing that God wants to give us it's not a fearful message sometimes you think of the judgment or that's scary but in reality it's Jesus saying I wanted a special work of cleansing in you mm-hmm while they still time amen because the time comes when Jesus says he that's holy let him be holy still he that is filthy let him be filthy still probation closes and it's too late so it's a message they needs to go to all the world and Jesus is willing and ready and doing a work of cleansing a work of judgment yeah and some day Michael will stand up Daniel chapter 12 and time of trouble when he stands up that intercession is over and you mentioned revelation Isaiah is in the sanctuary chapter 6 Ezekiel's in the sanctuary Daniels in the sanctuary this is a biblical message and so when people say oh you can't find the sanctuary teaching in the Bible I go what Bible are they reading so but some even in our church are dismissive they say well nothing happened in 1844 oh yes it did the Lord not only started cleansing the sanctuary in heaven in a unique way there's still a sanctuary on earth his church and the birth of the Adventist movement in 1844 he brought together people that believed in the core teachings they learned the Sabbath truth truth about salvation by faith baptism the literal second coming so many things that had been lost all came together in that body of believers and that's actually gonna lead to another point in a minute let me just share this from letter 208 1906 the correct understanding of administration in the heavenly sanctuary is the foundation of our faith and another quote real quick it is those who by faith follow Jesus in the great work of the atonement who received the benefits of his mediation in their behalf while those who reject the light which brings to view this work of ministration are not benefited there by the Jews who rejected the light given at Christ's first Advent and were refused to believe on him as savior of the world could not receive pardon through him rejecting this is very dangerous alright point number a matter of fact here's some of those quotes I just gave matter of fact there's one I left out here let all cling to the established Ruth of the sanctuary if the theory is that they're Ballinger that's j fox Ballinger presents were received he had rejected the sanctuary message there would lead many to depart from the faith and some of those same sentiments are being disseminated today all right let me ask a question when we go to number 7 here somebody emailed in and kind of goes along with this it says can you close your own probation well heaven forbid if you commit suicide that would close your probation but you know Bible says that it's appointed unto man once to die after that the judgment mm-hmm so excuse me it's yeah it's the unpardonable sin at that point and so yeah that would be okay and you lose all your options so don't even think about that but otherwise don't underestimate God's mercy but if you continue to if you continue to resist the conviction of the Holy Spirit it's like the volume goes down on God's radio where you don't hear it anymore you lose your capacity to repent and that we've got a book on what is the unpardonable sin that explains that more absolutely all right shall we go on yes rejecting the seventh-day Adventist Church is the remnant Church of Bible prophecy now I think it's just very important for us to understand that this the seventh-day Adventist Church when I first joined I went to several other denominations before I became an adventist and to me they were that when I ran into the seventh-day Adventist teachings I saw it as a worldwide movement I believed that people from all over the world are being called into this movement it's composed this last week our pastors were at a worker's meeting together there's a guest speaker from another Church and he said I've never seen a church that was so diverse so you've got people from every tri stripe and type of society that are here he said this is wonderful and it's like this around the world it's people who are being called out of Babylon these are the churches that have been mixed up in the false teachings of the Dark Ages are being called back to biblical truth there's a polarizing than the last days everybody will have one of two marks the seal of God of the market everyone's gonna be shaken into one of two camps and the idea that we are just a denomination I don't accept that and I think that that's one of the hallmarks that's one of the devil's dangerous doctrines and that we're just it doesn't matter all rivers lead to the ocean doesn't matter what church you're part of I don't I think that's a mistake you know fads like that's such an important point the three angels message you know the first one talks about true worship second angel says babbling he's fallen is fallen the third angel talks about false worship and talks about receiving the mark of the beast now what I've noticed which is interesting the first angel in Revelation 14 is preaching with a loud voice fear God give him glory the third angel speaks with a loud voice if anyone worships the beast or his image receives these markets with a loud voice but the second angel in Revelation 14 simply says Babylon is fallen is fallen now for it's interesting the first is a loud voice the third has a loud voice the second angel doesn't seem to have that loud of a voice but then when you go to Revelation 18 it talks about a fourth angel coming down from heaven and the earth is illuminated with his glory and he cries Mike Lee with a strong voice Babylon is fallen is fallen so the message has to be given there is a false teaching in the world spoken of in Revelation is babbling and in the last days God is raising up a remnant people to call people out of religious confusion yes it's not a popular message but it's a message that needs to be given come out of her my people when the message is given then you hear a voice from heaven in Revelation 18 come out of her my people so to downplay that God has a particular particular group of people in these last days is to really take away this fourth angels message of Revelation Shep 18 yeah and if we're being called out of Babylon they're being called in to him am his foe jesus said I've got other sheep there is sheep there is children they're not of this fold but they will hear my voice and they'll be how many folds one full and one Shepherd he's calling his people back he said all nations will know that you're my disciples by your love for one another there's gonna be a unity there's gonna be a love and the power as he brings people back to his in the last days absolutely all right well and I think yeah here's here's a quote from what is that GC bulletins July 1 1900 and statement that I make to the church that not one in 20 whose names are registered upon the church books are prepared to close their earthly history and would be as verily without God without hope in the world as the common center there needs to be a revival friends and this is what she's pleading even back then you wonder what those percentages would be today it's just the world is encroaching in the church and you see this creeping compromise of course pastor like these questions are coming in we haven't seen them before but I like this one maybe you can talk to it just real briefly that says what is the investigative judgment in layman's terms we just spoke about the sanctuary and this investigative judgment yeah well there's a judgment in the last days that is going to be happening and while it's begun actually we're in the last days now the church entered this last phase of church history in Revelation the seven churches the last Church is called what Laodicea Laodicea means a judging of the people and that's when Christ in the beginning of that age which we believe was 1844 as an interesting year is the birth of communism Karl Marx wrote his communist manifest the voyage of the Beagle the formation of the theory of evolution by Darwin just a lot of things happened you know the first electronic message ever given 1844 by Samuel Morse you know what the message was what hath God wrought he quoted the Bible first digital message so that was a very significant year in history and Christ began going through the names of those who have claimed to be his followers the professed followers to evaluate if it's genuine it's not for his benefit because God knows everything but we're going to be reintroduced to heaven all these unfallen beans and angels say you're gonna bring them here and God says I'm gonna show you from the books that they're really transformed you wanna yeah just add a little more also we need to recognize that Jesus not always gonna remain in heaven as a high priest the time comes when he removes his priestly robe when he puts on his kingly robe and Jesus comes back as king of kings and Lord of lords and it's not going to be a time after Jesus finishes his high priestly ministry for sins to be blotted out to be cleansed now is the time as the Bible says to send our sins beforehand to the judgment now is the time to confess and we can't say well you know tomorrow tomorrow no the Bible tells us Jesus is coming soon now is the time and for the last hundred and fifty plus years that message has been going out Jesus is coming soon Noah preached for 120 years and and a lot of people probably thought they might get on the ark but finally when he made the last appeal it was just his family that got on board and the Bible says the door was shut life went on outside for seven more days but their destiny was sealed probation was closed and that's gonna happen again before the second coming all right all right here we go number eight you ready rejecting biblical principles of modesty and dress in adornment well you scarcely hear about that anymore but you know the Bible has a lot to say about Christians and their apparel we are to be wholly inside and out and boy if you have the audacity to preach what the Bible says about Christian attire and that there ought to be modesty in and we should be our avoiding artificial adornment and not looking like the world then you call the Phanatic matter of fact Ellen White said you're gonna be called a fanatic in the last days if you believe the Bible help acid our adventist the the first ones to preach about the importance of modesty and dress for the Christian you know if you go back and look at the Protestant teachings Lutheran's Methodists were the Puritans you'd think well that our standards were I tell you a quick story I went to public school in New York City and what a lot of schools but among them I went to public school in New York City and I remember walking to school with some girls that lived upstairs from us public school in New York City the teacher sent one of those girls home and said you're not modestly dressed to come to school and thinking back now she wasn't but what she wore that day would be allowed in most Christian schools that was a public school in New York there used to be some standards and you know let me give you some verses here you know the Bible says that in Deuteronomy chapter 22 verse 5 a man shall not put on a woman's garment and he shall neither shall a woman put on a man's garment for those that do so it's an abomination to the Lord there should be a distinction in the dress not to mention he says what don't put on first Peter you're gonna lift your output a dawning B and the gold and the silver and the pearls but rather let it be simple clean modest hidden man of the heart and so I just think that's a sign if we start looking like the world we ought to look different I know the outward appearance we don't are not saved by that though but if there is a change on the inside it'll start showing on the outside and beginning to act and look you know you have I have to you you've met someone you've never met them before or maybe just in a public place but you look at the person and you can you get the sense by the way they dress that they were Christian I was in a restaurant in a town in California years ago with another believer and saw somebody there and I just said to him I think she's a Christian he said I thought the same thing later that week I was at the property title department and there she was across the counter and said can I ask you a personal question I said are you Christian she said yes I talked her a little more few seventh-day adventists she looked like I just both of us thought that right there was just something there for one more quick thing there in Revelation you have a description of two woman I wanted subscribed in Revelation 12 as you know the others revelation 17 and without saying which or what their beliefs and which one has the true belief just by a description of what they are wearing you can decide whether this is God's true church or whether this is the counterfeit Church just by the way they dressed they never speak except with what they're wearing and that's how we know from the Bible good point so error let me give you a little quote on that I've got here it says having before us a picture of the world the demora the demoralization upon the point of fashion how dare professed Christians follow in the path of the world Lane shall we appear to sanction these demoralizing fashions by adopting them many do adopt the fashions of the world but it's because Christ is not formed within them the hope of glory luxurious living extravagant dressing is carried to such an extent as to constitute one of the signs of the last days so it needs to be a modesty I've got a question on those same lines important one pastor dark how do we show our teens the love of God with so much worldly influence even in the church well there is a example example example you know the example of every believer and parents in the home we need to just demonstrate what that looks like young people will argue with their elders but they'll never fail to imitate them mm-hmm you know I think it's parents we shouldn't be afraid to from time to time have a pleasant but serious conversation with that kids especially as they young when they small telling them why these things are important what are the principles the biblical principles of why we as Christians need to look a little different than the world our priorities are in a different place and the Bible says train up a child in the way that it should go and when he gets old he won't depart from it doesn't mean at times they won't question it but you laying a firm foundation when they're young and that's important for parents okay especially Christian parents train them in the principles in their love for God love for your fellow man you want to follow those things all right number 9 rejecting biblical distinctions and the roles of men and women take a deep breath I think most of us have seen the news at the time of this recording last week the Methodist Church announced that they're going to be splitting because one contingent in the church was advocating for same-sex marriage and clergy to be able to perform it and clergy being able to be gay or homosexual clergy and the traditional biblical methodist said that bible doesn't support that they just could not reconcile those beliefs they split that's because they're living in this culture where they're being bombarded by these influences we are in the same culture we're being bombarded by the same issues and I expect as time goes on we're gonna be faced with those same questions well you know the two institutions that was given before son ever entered the world marriage and the Sabbath what do institutions in particular do we think in the last days the devil is gonna try and distort and destroy of course he's been doing that for the Sabbath for a long time but it just seems this attack upon marriage biblical marriage and the family it's it's amazing how quickly this has happened several years ago there was a vote that was taken in California and the question was whether or not to permit gay marriage in California and I don't know this maybe eight years ago maybe more and the vote was was no in California but you asked yourself the question if that vote was taken today with the impact of the media in our society how much different the results of that vote would be yeah the majority vote was the language is very simple that marriage was to be between one man and one woman and the majority of Californians said yes agree it passed but then it was overthrown by the Attorney General later became governor mm-hmm so the will of the people was not followed and it's almost like there is a radical militant group that is trying to push different values on our culture and if you believe traditional values you're called sick they call it a phobia but it's actually a biblical value yeah and these these trends are impacting yes--you voters one more thing seeing that we their pastor die we might as well mention this to the latest thing isn't just what marriage is but it it's gotten to the point now where individuals even children get to decide whether or not they male or female and that's a frightening thing not only is it undermining the biblical model of what marriage is it's even undermining that God created them male and female and it undermines parent authority yes it's if parents should dare it to say to the children all you've got to do is check your chromosomes and your mirror to know what you are the state will call it abuse and they can even take the children away and that's why I said it's just it's actually gone to insane lengths and for those who are watching some are watching on a-f-t-v right now we just like to remind you that we do have the freedom to maybe go a little over whenever we're done we'll resume our normal programming of course that won't matter on our Facebook pages alright I think we're ready for the next one okay well let me see here I was gonna you know I better not read that number well I already read this one he made the male and female Genesis 1:27 in the image of God he created them this is part of his plan that they're separate and I read Deuteronomy 22 that God even said it's an abomination for men to dress like women or women to dress like men I don't get mad at me go take it up with the Lord and with Moses this is what the Bible says if we're gonna be Bible Christians it's what the Bible says and he wants those distinctions to be so clear and so manifest that he doesn't even want us being vague in our clothing hmm but fashions today so you have to take a double take all the time to figure out what somebody is is it just me number 10 replacing reverence and worship with more casual and charismatic worship styles and music and all confess that these are my wording I'm sure they're not perfect wording I was trying to find out how do you put in words that there's seems like there's a dramatic shift in worship styles and and I want to preface anything I say I think we should sing new songs do you know every song you sing was once a new song had you thought about that and I don't think we should be afraid of even doing new things obviously in our church we're using new technology to spread the gospel but you don't want to lose biblical principles of sanctity and reverence and worship there in Isaiah the Angels around God see holy holy holy and before I ever became an Adventist Christian I like I said I worship with charismatic and Pentecostal Zand well I tell you I saw everything but it just something told me inside I can't picture Jesus being part of this and but now you can see some of the worship styles which to me hearken back to pagan worship are infiltrating Christianity and yes even our church and I think that's a concern you know when God appeared on Mount Sinai to give the Ten Commandments the Bible describes how there was the fire and the cloud and God gave instructions to Moses to tell the children of Israel that they were to put a perimeter around the mountain and that the people want to come up onto that mountain or cross over that boundary God was illustrating his glory and his power and his holiness and even though now we come to God he is our Father he loves us he wants us to come to him there still needs to be a reverence and a holiness when we enter into the presence of God you know when somebody prays and they are filled with the spirit and there's power in their prayer and his heartfelt geniune worship it's a humbling sober experience when Jesus prayed the disciples heard Jesus pray there was there was such a power that they came to him and said Lord teach us how to pray show us how to pray there there is that special reverence and that holiness that we don't want to lose sight of in the last days yeah I think the awesomeness of God and you can going back to the story you just mentioned there in Exodus 32 the children of Israel why God's giving Moses the Ten Commandments they make a golden calf and Joshua must be somewhere halfway up the mountain because he's not with Moses he's not with a crowd Moses comes down to meet him and Joshua says we better hurry there's a sound of war in the camp their worship service started sounding like whoa and Moses said no that's not the sound of those being overcome or those who are shouting for victory it's the voice of them that sing it had turned into a party but it sounded like war but it was called their worship service because they were modeling it after the pagans let me read something to you from the book Maranatha and this is page 234 the things that you've described the Lord has shown me would take place just before the close of probation every uncouth thing will be demonstrated speaking about in the worship service they'll be shouting with drums music and dancing the senses of rational beings will become so confused that they cannot be trusted to make right decisions and this will be called the moving of the Holy Spirit I've already seen that other places but I think I've actually seen it in our own sisterhood of churches and that's why I just it's a great concern we need to pray that we get back to the the biblical pattern any thoughts oh we better get a steer clear that one oh yeah okay all right number eleven oh and this is that court I just gave you from Maranatha let me see here neglecting the health message or downplaying it as legalism I've just I've observed that sometimes it seems like you go years in an Adventist Church without hearing a good sermon on what the Bible says about health and I'm not just talking about you know trying not to have too much sugar cholesterol in your diet I'm talking about the the real health message that you know encouraging a vegetarian diet and oh I think that PBS did a program on seventh-day adventists and they came up with the figures that 30% of Adventist follower vegetarian diet and I think there was an internal research and they said 40% that could be because somewhere in America somewhere overseas and they in Pacific Islands they may eat more fish I'm not sure why there's a distinction but in spite of that seventh-day Adventist lives so much longer and I thought well what if we one of a hundred percent of us followed the health message when did that shocked the world we were living 20 years longer than everybody else and but I sometimes go into church gatherings and they joke and mock those who are gonna eat their beans and who and they'll mock the vegans and they'll mock the vegetarians and and that's not a good trend because I I think it's a matter of life and death it breaks my heart when I see people shopping cart in certain stores and I think these folks are cutting their life short it really is a matter of life and death you know some people might say well what does that have to do with your spiritual life I mean there's a really matter what you eat well if you stop and think about it God speaks to us through our mind the Holy Spirit guides us in order for us to understand the Word of God we want to have a clear mind and what we put into our body affects not only the body but it also except affects the mind so does diet lifestyle have to do with our spiritual life absolutely you know why we're all in trouble today somebody ate something they weren't supposed to eat the book of daniel is a book of prophecy greatest prophecies starts out with the boys deciding we're not going to defile our self with babylonian food and i think if you're gonna see a revival in the last days of god's people we need to start trying to get back to the garden and eating like we plan on eating in heaven and let me just read a couple of quotes on that theme vegetables fruits and grains should compose our diet not an ounce of flesh meat should enter our stomachs the eating the flesh is unnatural our human bodies aren't designed for it for one thing we're to return to God's original purpose in the creation of man and that's from my counsel and food 380 and again same book 381 among those who are waiting for the coming of the Lord take a deep breath brace yourself among those who are waiting for the coming of the Lord meat eating will eventually be done away with flesh will cease to be part of their diet we should ever keep this end in view and endeavor to work steadily towards it I cannot think that in the practice of flesh eating we are in harmony with the light that God has been pleased to give us you know if we believe that we're people that are soon gonna be eating from the tree of life especially even in the world people are recognizing the benefits how much more should the church be champions of this truth and Jesus said that if we don't stand for it the rocks will cry out and that's what's happening others are picking it up for the Bible says no you're not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and in the Bible tells us whether you eat - whether you drink or whatever you do do it to the glory of God that's not just meaning say a prayer before you eat it means by what you eat but what you do how you live yeah we can do it to the glory of God a man just jump in if you have any last comments from the people online that are there watching we'll go then on to number 12 this is the end of the devil's the Dirty Dozen and I want to just remind you that these these are issues that the devil uses he's used for years same thing to undermine revival movements laxness in keeping the Sabbath holy becomes a holiday instead of a holy day now I remember talking to a lot of friends when I first became a Christian they weren't seventh-day Adventists and they talked about how their ancestors were so particular about sunday-keeping that they they kept if you go back 80 years into the typical Methodist Baptist even Presbyterian churches they kept Sunday better than some Adventists are keeping Sabbath and it's in our name and they said we had a certain set of clothes that we only wore on that day and they said we were in church from sunrise to sunset on that day our parents never had us plague we had and they talked about I'm not suggesting they said it was like torch we had to sit on wooden benches all day long but you just see the compromising now I used to preach in Sunday churches and I remember I was in this this one church I won't name and at the door on my way in one of the Deacons said you better be done by 12:00 because the football game starts and just the you know the atmosphere in those churches do we think that those worldly attitudes are not going to affect us it's already affecting us now this is supposed to be holy time and when people say you know after church let so go out and buy something to eat folks are going to the mall and I just think that the sense of holiness is being lost you know one of the things related with the Sabbath that I think we want to keep in mind and it's easy to happy but happened but we've been counseled to guard the beginning and the ending on the Sabbath sometimes we're so busy with things we'll look up all Suns already said the Sabbath is always here but I think especially when we have kids in the family when we families I even just married couples too to make something special about the opening of Sabbath I remember growing up I grew up in the Navitus home passes home and one of the highlights in growing up as a kid we always look forward to Friday evening it was just our family we'd get together mom would always make something real special for the meal on Friday night we had our Friday evening meal that she'd prepare and there was always an opportunity for us as a family to come together to open up the Sabbath to sing a few songs and to kind of catch up on what the Lord has done for us that week and some of my best memories growing up was opening Friday evening Sabbath and the Sabbath is to be a blessing amen and and we should look forward to the Sabbath and especially our children make it special not only the opening of the Sabbath but even the closing of the Sabbath one other quick thing we even had at times special bed covers for the Sabbath and as a kid I remember we'd have our Sabbath sheets it was a big deal Friday evening we get to get the new sheets put on for Sabbath make it special especially for children grandchildren it's an important thing yeah that's why they call Friday the preparation day is you get work make it special that's right for that day you know there's a quote here from my testimony so I think I have it on the screen far more sacredness as attached to the Sabbath and is given by many profess Sabbath keepers the Lord has been greatly dishonored by those who have not get the Sabbath according to the commandment either in letter or the spirit so it's also an attitude he calls for a reform in the observance of the Sabbath it's meant to be a blessing and if we're gonna go to the world and teach this and invite them to be part of our church this is a distinctive doctrine an area where I think we need a revival to show the beauty of it and that it is attractive and it is it is a blessing well there are you got the devil's Dirty Dozen I just see these are areas where I think that the enemy is trying to undermine our faith and here we are the beginning of a new year when we're praying during these 10 days of prayer this will give you something to specifically pray for that there could be revival and maybe in your lives and those who are watching or listening say we want to make some some changes you know I'll share a little illustration in closing I heard about a pastor that was flying on a long flight one night and and after they took off it wasn't long before the plane began to bounce a little bit and you know they've got different levels of turbulence and you got light and moderate and you got serious and you got extreme and at first it was a little light and then it got moderate and the pilot came on the area said folks we apologize for the rough air he said we're not gonna be able to offer the the drink service until it settles down a little while later he came back on he says folks I am really sorry but we've got some serious weather ahead of us we're not going to be able to do the meal service and then the pastor was looking out the window and he saw the clouds starting to flash and the plane began to bounce violently like a cork in a hurricane and everyone's kind of shouting with every lurch and and people are counting their rosary beads and they're crossing themselves and praying and you can hear him hooting and gasps and pastor Lee he looked over across the aisle and he saw a little girl was sitting and she was in a seat by herself and she was coloring and every now and then she'd listened to people shout in a hoot and she looked back down she kept coloring and changing crayons and she didn't look the least bit worried and he was absolutely amazed by that and finally the plane survived and as it landed he thought myself I've got to find out what her secret is so as they were getting off the plane he got in the line the aisle behind her and he said you mind my asking I saw when we went through that very rough weather back there you didn't like the least bit concerned she's it on no my dad's the pilot and I know he's just taking me home and you know friends I think we're gonna see some turbulence ahead but that doesn't mean we need to be worried because God's not worried and we know who the pilot is and he's going to get us through to the other side you know there's a verse I'd like to close with maybe pastor Ross you want to read this familiar path absolutely this comes from second chronicles chapter 7 verse 14 it says if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven and I'll forgive their sins and heal they'll and this is a good time for God's people to humble ourselves and pray and seek his face and the promise is he'll bless then he'll forgive us you'll heal our land and what we want is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit amen before we close with prayer you might mention those who've joined us a little late we do have a free offer a free offer is a book entitled compromise conformity and courage and we'll be happy to send this to anyone who calls and asks the number is eight seven seven two three two two eight one and after offer number seven seven four or you can just text the word courage to the number four zero five four four we'll be happy to send you the book and again you can read this for free online just by going to the amazing facts website as well you know pastor Doug I'm reminded of one statement that we've all heard before but it's an encouraging statement we have nothing to fear for the future except that we forget how the Lord has led us and our teachings in the past amen that's a good point and you know as we close the program we hope wherever you are friends if you're with a group that's watching or in your family you'll take a moment right now kneel down and pray and ask God to help you experience a new beginning we're still in the infancy of a new year twenty twenty new decade and it's a great opportunity for us to have a revival but we have to be honest but what some of the issues are we don't the devil - it's who as a Peter said we're not ignorant his devices and so we just wanted to be aware of what some of these in roads are and pray specifically that we could have a revival in our lives hope you know pastor Doug before we pray is there a possibility that if folks want to take a look at these twelve points and maybe some of the quotes that you mentioned is there a possibility that you can maybe put this on your Facebook or a link to your notes we could and I expect that the whole program will be archived but maybe what we ought to do is in the statement where we archive them we'll just put down these twelve again this is not Scripture this is this Pastor Doug's unofficial some of the things I've observed as I travel that are a concern and I just think people need to be aware that The Devil's trying to make us another statistic as a denomination I don't I don't think God wants us to be another statistic of a revival movement that just became irrelevant through compromise amen we want to thank those who are joining us on Facebook and on a of TV I want to thank you for being a part of our discussion this evening we'd also like to thank the many of you who have come out to join us this evening it's always nice to have real people in person that you talk new versus just those joining us online and around but I want to thank our media volunteers have crew that set all this up with very short notice sometimes pastor Ross and I get a bright idea and we just make a decision then we tell them and we want to thank them for all that they've done that absolutely would you maybe take us off the air praying for us tonight and that God will bless and bring revival let's bow our heads for prayer dear father we thank you for the opportunity that we've had to take a few moments today and just look at those wonderful foundational truths that are so important a Lord we are grateful for the wonderful messages that you have given to us as your remnant people our precious truths that throughout history people have been willing to die for the truth of your word and for standing up for these important biblical truths father we know that in the last days the devil is gonna do everything he can to try and distract us from keeping the main thing the main thing and Lord we just pray for your grace we thank you that we do have a a high priest a savior ministering for us and Lord maybe take full each of all of the Grace and the goodness that you want to give to those who turn to you Father we thank you for our church we can indeed see a remnant movement that you have raised up and we want to pray for the church we know this year is a General Conference year and we want to ask your Holy Spirit in a special way to lead us we have leaders that are chosen that you would continue to keep your hand over this remnant church this movement keep us faithful to you and individually Lord as Christians may we also be faithful in our lives in our families thank you for being with us this evening we ask this all in Jesus name Amen amen thank you friends god bless good evening and will we see you all tomorrow morning as well happy Sabbath [Music]
Channel: Doug Batchelor
Views: 160,882
Rating: 4.8323088 out of 5
Id: 56MV83ckxvY
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Length: 79min 15sec (4755 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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