Is SML Being SUED?!?!

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all right logan let him know what's going on yeah my voice is so gone all right guys so i'm gonna tell your story about why you can't be happy in life so let me tell you real quick my weekend was the most amazing weekend in the world i go to the super bowl tom brady wins blows out the kansas city chiefs i meet antonio brown he gives me a super bowl game-worn jersey his super bowl touchdown ball from tom brady life's good but i was in my hotel room and i kept saying i'm too happy something feels wrong i literally kept saying it i kept saying something feels wrong i feel too happy and i feel like i'm not allowed to be this happy and i just couldn't figure it out and my mom was texting me and she was like you have a certified letter and i was just like ignoring it cause i was like i always get stupid letters so i drive all the way back home from tampa happy but i'm always like why am i so happy and i even posted on my instagram i'm so happy i did that that was the problem you admitted it i did it i was happy and god said what and god put on a scroll paper towel i can do this today because he said to monetize no demonetized already did that twice he was like what can i do wrong and then he said got it and found it he's like beyonce take another guy the super bowl did that yeah he's demonetized uh he's like i got to it i can do this and so i get home i fall asleep i wake up and i'm about to film today and i already have my video idea i'm gonna do broken guy becomes rich because tom brady won the super bowl and my mom says call me and i'm like so i call and she's like you have a letter here from a lawyer and i'm like i don't know i immediately thought the worst and it was true and i said open it read it for me and she's like it's a letter from a lawyer from nintendo and it says they want you to stop using their characters and i was like so i first i i started freaking out but i said wait a minute maybe it's a fan because i've gotten emails from fans trying to be nintendo and so my mom starts reading it and the more she reads it i said hold on i'm coming so i drive all the way to her house she hands it to me she was certified she had to sign for it and they sent it to her address because that's the website that's the address that my was registered under and that's who they've been trying to contact and in the letter it's from a real lawyer it's legit it's not fake it's real it's from them and it says we represent nintendo of america and then the purpose of this is uh because we've unauthorized use of the nintendo brand in conjunction with profane offensive content on multiple of your youtube channels named after iconic nintendo characters such as super mario logan super luigi logan super bowser logan super daisy logan super i haven't used those yet but they want to stop it so here's the thing they're not suing us it's like the seasoned assist letter it's saying stop it or we will sue you so it's basically like uh basically you better stop using our characters or we will see you and they're worth they're a billion dollar company you listen to them because if we just ignore this then i'm gonna be super homeless logan and it's gonna be really sad that youtube channel is gonna be made immediately so let's explain what they want here's what they're asking it says at the bottom it says one rename all of your youtube content to omit the use of nintendo's trademarks in the channel or video titles so they want me to change my youtube channel to not refer to super mario in any way so i changed it to sml if you go look right now supervillager logan has changed to sml because that's our new channel and i'm going to rename all the accounts to just acronyms it says to cease all use of nintendo's intellectual property to promote and public publicize the content on your youtube channel included but not limited to titles meta tags keywords and thumbnails so that one means we have to stop using mario in our thumbnails which game theory uses it and they refer they found out luigi's pee pee size and i don't think that's perfect i don't think that's nice to nintendo but anyway uh we need to stop using mario in our thumbnails we can't use any nintendo characters in our thumbnails and in our past thumbnails i have to go back and take out all the mario characters like junior and stuff out of the thumbnails so i don't know how that's gonna work but they're not telling me to delete the videos so i think i can keep them up but i can no longer make any more videos with nintendo characters this has three otherwise cease unauthorized use of nintendo's intellectual properties in your videos nintendo reserves all rights remedies and defenses under federal law and then names off the laws so it says basically stop it stop it we make the nintendo brand look bad it says because multiple people complained we don't represent what nintendo represents but here's the thing i never we're not owned by nintendo we've never claimed to be and i think a lot of parents and families have gotten have thought that there might be a few families out there that think we're correlated with nintendo we work with them nintendo never works with us they've never paid us nintendo's never said keep making your videos it's been 13 years on youtube and they finally are saying don't use our characters well here's the thing i was prepared for this two years ago because when we first got demonetized i thought this could happen so i created the human puppets through juniper our merch website yeah but you describe it that's and i wanted to start using this but then you guys said i don't like them they're ugly i hate them and so i said okay i'll keep using nintendo and now this happened but this was going to happen regardless it just took till now so now we have to use these characters which they're the same voices jeffy's staying the same chef peep he's staying the same goodman's staying the same it's just they're puppets now they they talk yeah and so a lot of people like well i don't like the way they look well at the end of the day our true fans will stay with us i mean you guys have watched us change channels twice you've seen us you've been with us through all the hard problems and now we are going to continue making content using these characters yeah it's just another it's just another problem that we have but it's not preventing us from making content so you guys will still get content it's just now it's got to be with these characters it's the same context the same jokes and if we push away from nintendo like they want us to do we might be able to go back to being a little bit of cussing and a little bit of funny you know we had to be family friendly because we were using nintendo characters we're not allowed to use nintendocade i know a lot of people are like logan we want you to we can't we actually can't unless one of our fans is like a millionaire billionaire and you guys want to just take care of us for the rest of our life yeah contact us yeah like if your dad is bill gates or jeff bezos if jeff bezos has a kid and you like our videos just slide us a smooth billion we'll keep doing it smooth billion a quick billy and we'll we'll break it up between all of us and we'll do it we'll do whatever you want yeah yes but yeah no i know what you're thinking show us oh but we're not going to because we understand that you guys will go to battle for us and as much as we love and appreciate that we don't want like like there's some of it yeah there's there's we don't want to show you the lawyer's name or the phone number because you're going to call him yeah and as funny as that is we don't do that because we have to get a lawyer to answer him and ask exactly what they want because if we don't have to delete the videos it's fine because that's how we live and trust me i'm already robot chicken has used mario before no i don't understand that i don't understand how they got away with that if i can't get away with this yeah um there's other youtube channels that use mario characters if you're a mario plush channel and you're trying to make a living stop it stop it yeah you can use something else don't do it don't even there's no point in trying if you're gonna get i think i think i'm the only channel to do with this yeah because it is it's it's so good he uses mario and everything and they've said mario's insane and a crazy person but nintendo gives them money and promotes them yeah my only thing is we've helped nintendo sell millions of plushies because they've watched our videos in which kids said i want that i get fan mail all the time saying where do you get your mario plushies and so even though i did a meet-and-greet in new york and i was swarmed by thousands of fans and they all had a mario plush they had just bought the nintendo store at the other day i've loved nintendo my lamborghini is rap mario that's coming off i'm ripping that off it's just don't cause it's you paid money to advertise for them and this is what they do at the end of the day it's fun because i like mario games they're fun but for nintendo to do that it's kind of just like and they're saying that our our content was offensive the old content like we don't i mean we still make jokes but we don't they reference one of our new videos mr chef peepee had which was family friendly it's a long thing so anyway guys we can no longer use nintendo characters ever again like literally ever again we'll get the lawyer to talk to him maybe we can work somehow but probably probably not literally probably i don't ever think anything good will happen always assume the worst and then when the good things happen then you can be happy and surprised whenever your life's going too good no there will be a fall yeah there's like checks and balances it's like stalks it's gonna peak it's gonna come down anyway we have to use the human characters our videos are still gonna be funny and still the same and if you guys are upset please i'm upset yeah but keep watching it hurts logan's wrist show what you have to do whenever you're doing this thing i see i was going to use regular mario uh for the video and it's fun because you get the shake up see now i have to do this and my wrist is like this now when i play them and we just filmed an entire video and my wrist hurts and so i'm trying to figure out do we get him made as a plushie and i can just i don't know what to do yeah i mean that's that's more things to go on sml merch but i like the puppets because you can tell when they're talking so i'm trying to think of like you know those little like claw things that you like those little dots yeah little dinosaur claws i can get like a little claw thing and talk with him like this like oh funny well that's how jeff dunham does his puppets like he has little uh little thumb lovers in them but broken guy is not changing chevy's not changing jeffy's not changing goodman's not changing but junior junior joseph and cody are changing in mario and rosalina like literally if you just think about it those are the ones changing oh and bowser and but if you stop watching over those characters changing i don't understand but these are changes that have to be made if you don't know what's getting sued means google it just imagine the computer you're watching on right now gets taken from you yeah yeah that's getting sued that's what sued is that's as soon as if you have all the money that you have right now in your wallet gone yeah you know the jokes that we make where goodman slips on a on a wet floor with no wet floor sign that's sued i'm gonna make a video about this like in the skit it'll probably be literally the next video i'll think of junior doing something where he gets sued and he doesn't understand what he did what did i do you did this everyone else is doing it well that's another thing i hope nintendo said you're doing this you better go after everyone i'm talking even the little two-year-old that's playing with this thing all of them no i want them to go if i now that i have the lawyer's number i'm going to go everyone's a video that are offensive forward it to them this guy offended me they said they were they did math to figure out how big luigi's pp was in mario tennis and that that doesn't represent the brand yeah unless you make luigi's pee pee sized cannon and it flops in the games that's bull that is absolute bull but anyway we got to use the human characters now so we've gotten demonetized twice and now the big boy's coming the big boy three strikes you're out this is where you all leave because it's three strikes um so keep watching the real fans will stay and the other fans will be like i don't like them they're ugly and if you get the crib you can design a better character you start sitting on me yeah our fans are so cool because they i'm sure they're sitting behind the keyboard right now wanting to go to battle for us calling the lawyer but y'all can't because that'll just get us in trouble okay but real quick for the people there's gonna be some fans saying i don't get it just ignore it sued yeah you can't do it because we do this for a living this is our job so if they sit there and sue us get a real job oh my god okay all right well then i'm retired the other nine million people who watch us would be sad to quit no i don't understand they love jeffy they love brooke and they love goodman they're not changing yeah it's just look also he talks and he looks look that's my face not all the time starting now this is me that was me when i saw him of course of course he's not right with zuma i'm happy you won't be able to do logan gets haircuts anymore because he's gonna start building like mario yeah right i don't understand my life yeah well anyway i had a great weekend no i had a great i had the best weekend in the world and i the the funny thing is the letter actually came the friday before the super bowl my mom just didn't tell me about it so my weekend could have been ruined but i'm you know god let me have my god said i'm going to let you be happy until until you're not the worst case scenario that they tell us that we have to delete all those videos because then i'm like oh man that was going to be a bad super homeless super homeless logan coming i know well we're still going to make two videos a week we might have to make more because how poor we're going to be super poor logan super poor logan super have to sell my lamborghini logo well that can already be sold anyway because it's mario all over it yeah ripped off people tell me it looks like a speed racer why i'm mad i like i don't know what that looks like yeah but anyway guys so we just want to give you that update because i i'm sure that you saw it on uh youtube whenever logan was changing some things he's also gotta change the banners and so i gotta change all the so guys if you go back and look at like uh jeffy's parents it's gonna be just jeffy without marrying rosalina yeah i don't even know if there are no they aren't actually i don't change that one nice one down how am i gonna change the ones that junior joseph and cody are in i would just put the human ones even if they're humans yeah because that's still representative of your brand so guys old videos i'm going to put the human puppets in the thumbnails even if they're not in them there's going to be a whole idea you know yeah god that's why it would take me forever to recreate all those thumbnails right now we're going to have photoshop parties yeah a photoshop party yeah we're gonna call photoshop together and watch movies and tv shows what do you think super mario logan that channel's dead it is no mod it's not monetized i haven't logged into it in probably a year but you don't want them to sue you for anything i have to log in and do that one too and oh my god because that's the biggest i'm tired how long do i have yeah they didn't tell you that we gotta get in contact with this guy because we think why don't i call him well apparently if i call him i might say something wrong yeah no he he'll intimidate you that's what lawyers did so nintendo we brought you so much money by people this is how you thank us you're welcome you just what wait no but what did it what final complaint did it the straw that broke the nintendo's back there was that one there's probably they got offended when we saw the nintendo switch in half that was years ago well they did they they've been sitting on that one they're they're mad what happened what happened to parody and free use and comedy and there's no point finding them they're billion dollar company they can't do that yeah but anyway guys so yeah that's the update so the main point of this vlog is uh whenever you're happy just realize that something bad is going to happen you can't never do that no one's ever too happy like right now like you get home from school your mom's like i bought you an ipad why well your cat got hit by a car no no way except that like something you still got an ipad to me mine's like logan i got you an ipad and the cat got ran over and the ipad got stolen all right well that's it [Music]
Channel: Lance Thirtyacre
Views: 3,630,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeffy, sml, sbl, sll, lance, lance thirtyacre, lance vlogs, Logan thirtyacre, funny, hilarious, tiktok, funny videos, SML, sml jeffy, silly, SBL, SLL, SML Logan, funny voices, BTS, behind the scenes, SML behind the scenes, SML BTS, prank, funny pranks, SML jeffy, trending, trendy, sml video, vlog, best friends, funny vlog, SML Drama, SML puppet closet, sml logan, surprise, SML movie, jeffy breaking stuff, funny sml, challenge, sml challenge, food review, funny food review, deleted scenes
Id: R5Nl4q0DkSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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