Is Reality Real? The Simulation Argument

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We humans are unable to experience the true nature of the universe, unfiltered. Our senses and brains can only process a fraction of the world. So we have to use concepts and tools, to learn about the true nature of reality Technological progress not only widened our knowledge about the universe, it also made us aware of unsettling possibilities. In the future, it might become possible to simulate entire universes. But if this is an option, how can we know that it's not already happened? What if we are not creators, but creations? Is it possible that we are not real, and we don't even know it? If our current understanding of physics is correct, Then, it's impossible to simulate the whole universe, with its trillions and trillions of things. But we don't actually need to, anyway. We only need enough universe to fool the inhabitants of our simulation, into thinking that they're real. Who needs billions of galaxies? We only need the space our subjects are allowed to explore. The vast universe could just be a flat projection, and they would have no way to know. What about small things like cells or bacteria? We don't really need them. When you use a microscope, what you see could be instantly created. Same with atoms the chair you're sitting on right now does not need to be simulated with quadrillions of atoms. We just need the outermost layer of it, it might be empty inside, until you decide to break it open. Your body might feel like it's filled with bubbly things, but it might be empty, until you open it. The minimum requirement for our simulation, is only the consciousness of our virtual humans. Our subjects just need to think the simulation is real. Okay, so are we being simulated? Well, maybe, but there are a few conditions that need to be met. Obviously, we have no authority over this topic, so please take everything we say with a grain of salt. Based on a modified version of the original simulation argument by Nick Bostrom, we have five assumptions for you. If they're true, you dear viewer are living in a simulation. Assumption one, it's possible to simulate consciousness Nobody knows what consciousness is. For the sake of argument, let's assume that you could generate consciousness by simulating a brain. Brains are pretty complex. If you count every interaction between synapses as one operation, your brain runs at about ten to the power of seventeen, for one hundred million billion operations, per second. Let's generously assume we need ten to the power of twenty operations, to simulate one second of human consciousness. But, we don't want to simulate just one human... We want to simulate all of human history at once, so we can skip around. Let's say we want to simulate two hundred billion humans, with an average life span of fifty years. One year has thirty million seconds times fifty years times two hundred billion humans times ten to the power of twenty operations. So we need a computer able to handle million, trillion, trillion, trillion operations per second. More operations than there are stars in the observable universe. The computer like this is just impossible. Except, maybe it isn't. Assumption two, technological progress will not stop anytime soon. If we assume that technological progress continues in a similar fashion as it has so far, then there might be galaxy spanning civilizations, with unlimited computer power at some point. Beings on a technology level so advanced, that we could barely distinguish them from god's. A computer that can handle a million trillion, trillion, trillion operations is serious business, but there are actually concepts for computers, which could handle this. The Matrioshka Brain, is the theoretical megastructure, made up of billions of parts orbiting a star, feeding on its radiation. A computer of this scale, would have enough power to simulate many thousands, if not millions of humanities, at the same time. Other technologies, like high-end future quantum computers might lower the size drastically, so it might be possible to do this with a structure the size of a large city, or even smaller. But, only if there's still someone around to build the computer. Assumption three, advanced civilizations don't destroy themselves. If there is a point at which all civilizations destroyed themselves, this whole discussion ends here. Looking into space, you'd expect to universe filled, with millions of alien civilizations, but we see nobody. the reason for this might be, Great Filters. Great Filters are barriers life has to overcome, like nuclear war, asteroids, climate change or a black hole generator. If life is inherently self-destructive, then there are no simulations. We explain this in more detail, in our Fermi Paradox video. Assumption four, super advanced civilizations, want to run simulations. When we speak of posthuman civilizations, we don't know what we're dealing with To think we know what beings as powerful as gods want, is pretty arrogant. Imagine the smartest ant on earth living next to an amusement park, It's curious about what humans are up to, so you try to explain. Unfortunately, the ant just doesn't understand. The concept of rollercoasters and standing in lines and holidays and fun, doesn't make sense to an ant living an ant life. It's the same with us and a posthuman being, compared to them, we are ants. Running simulations for fun or science, might be an absurdly stupid idea to them. But, if they do want to run simulations for whatever reasons and assumptions one, two, three are true too, then the chances are not zero that you are living inside a simulation. Assumption five, if there are a lot of simulations, you are probably inside a simulation. if there are simulated civilizations, It's likely that there are a lot of them. After all, we assume that post human beings have access to practically unlimited computing power. So if they run simulations, it would be convenient to run millions or even billions of them. If there are billions of simulated universes, there are probably trillions and trillions of simulated conscious beings. which would mean that the vast majority of all conscious beings that will ever have existed, are simulated. So, for every conscious being made of flesh, a billion simulated ones exists. Since we have no way of knowing if we are simulated or not, in this case, the chances of you being one of the nine hundred and ninety nine million nine hundred and ninety nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine simulated ones, are pretty high. So, what you consider reality, might not be real at all You really might be... simulated. All of this is based on a lot of assumptions that we can't really test right now So many scientists disagree with this whole thought experiment. So don't burn your house down to test if there will be glitches. If you are simulated, not that much changes for you you might be on a small planet speeding through eternal nothingness, or a simulation inside a computer. your existence does not become more or less scary and bizarre. All we can hope to do is try to live good lives, and have a good time. And hope that if we actually are simulations in a supercomputer, nobody trips over the power cable. Oh, oh, oh no, I think I just unplugged the simulation But what if that doesn't matter, what if we are in one right now? What if you are simulated? Jake, over at Vsauce3 is looking into that. Click here to watch his video and subscribe to his channel. Why are you still here? go over to Vsauce3 watch the video and subscribe, we promise, it's worth your time...
Channel: Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell
Views: 9,886,076
Rating: 4.8464499 out of 5
Keywords: simulation, reality, world, life, humans, elon musk, simulation argument, nick bostrom, vsauce3, jake roper, funny
Id: tlTKTTt47WE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2017
Reddit Comments

One more thing that could make this hypothesis more realistic:

If our universe were a simulation, the universe running our universe might not have the same physical laws as our universe. This could make a very complex simulation in our eyes, insignificant for universes with other physical laws.

👍︎︎ 1517 👤︎︎ u/Telefonmast 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2017 🗫︎ replies

the real person in this threw me off

👍︎︎ 3923 👤︎︎ u/BLYNTH 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2017 🗫︎ replies

You don't need to "render" the simulation in real-time. Think along the lines of multiple virtual machines with a single CPU. The hyper visor puts one VM on hold and gives processing to another. The "on hold" VM doesn't "know" it's on hold, it just is.

A hyper-spacial computer could very easily be rendering our existence, taking 5 seconds of processing power to "play" our world one second at a time. During busy times we might be on old 10-15 seconds while the computer renders 2 seconds of our lives. There is no way to tell. Everything freezes, no measurement could ever tell the difference.

👍︎︎ 1825 👤︎︎ u/gmerideth 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2017 🗫︎ replies

It amazes me that Plato conjured up that allegory all those years ago, and here we are expanding it with technology he could never imagine today.

👍︎︎ 3804 👤︎︎ u/PanecdotesJM 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2017 🗫︎ replies

This is a good video but it fails to touch on the main reason this idea is generally rejected: explanatory power.

What this video does (and to be clear, I'm a fan of Kurzgesagt) is present a philosophical concept and then addresses it with what scientists have to say. Well, the fact of the matter is that it's not a scientific question. It's inherently not based on observation. We need to look at how the philosophy of the idea checks out, not the scientific validity.

Besides, looking at it scientifically creates a circular argument because of the premise of the argument. It would be saying: "Suppose a fully simulated reality was scientifically possible, would a fully simulated reality be scientifically possible?"

So, to explanatory power. Philosophy tells us that the usefulness of an unverifiable concept is measured by its explanatory power. In other words, what things do we not understand about the world that this hypothesis would explain? What problems does it solve?

Philosophers conceived of the atom long before it was scientifically observed. This is because the nature of physical matter presented a philosophical problem - if everything could be broken down into smaller and smaller halves infinitely, nothing would have the building blocks with which to exist. So philosophers thought, "What if there were tiny, indivisible building blocks that everything is made out of?" In this case, the explanatory power of this idea was high, so it was kept around and thought of it as useful.

Just to reiterate, philosophers thought of this in the 5th century BCE and came up with the name atom, and it wasn't until the 19th century that it became a valid scientific concept. That doesn't mean that scientists were ignorant, science has its own important criteria for what it considers valid. What it means is that the usefulness of an idea is measured by more than its scientific validity.

Now onto simulated reality. The video presents this as a recent concern because of modern technology, but of course again, it's not. Philosophers have been writing about this for centuries, if not millennia. And there's at least two major responses to the idea.


  • The explanatory power of us living in a simulated reality is low. There's no major problems that just make perfect sense if we suppose we're in a simulated reality. In other words, we don't have glitches in the Matrix.

Occam's razor, and other philosophical concepts, tell us that if an idea has no explanatory power, it's not useful and should be rejected. Otherwise there's no end to the things you would have to believe. What if everything is a dream? What if reality started existing 5 seconds ago? What if you're the only real person with actual consciousness and everyone else is just unconscious robots?

There's no way for us to know these things aren't true, but they also don't explain anything more than if we assumed they weren't true. So we disregard them. The basic idea of this old xkcd comic comes to mind.


  • The question of if we live in a simulation or not is irrelevant. We live in a "simulation" regardless of whether or not we're in the "real world".

In 380 BC Plato wrote his "Allegory of the Cave", that tells us that all human experiences (by nature of being human experiences) are inherently illusions and not direct properties of reality. Your mind creates the reality around you. Everything your senses tell you is made up by the brain, usually in response to signals it gets from the outside world but we often know it's wrong and we have no way of actually verifying the times we think it's right.

You can't live in objective reality because you are inherently a subjective mind. You only see and understand the world as your brain chooses to understand it.

Edit: Okay, wow. I'm back from work and this got a lot more attention than I expected. I'm happy to try to address any questions anyone has, so if you're reading this and you still have something to say or a question to ask, I'm happy to take the time. I also want to thank everyone for the kindness they've been showing me, I appreciate it and I'm glad you found what I wrote useful or interesting.

👍︎︎ 709 👤︎︎ u/Hobodoctor 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2017 🗫︎ replies

Isn't a simulation still real? It just also happens to be a simulation.

👍︎︎ 156 👤︎︎ u/ClosedDimmadome 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2017 🗫︎ replies

i swear this channel has a fetish for dyson spheres

👍︎︎ 140 👤︎︎ u/Invokationz 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2017 🗫︎ replies

I feel like the whole "It's not there until you see it thing" is a bit less realistic to me. It almost seems easier (though would require WAY more computing power) to just simulate the Big Bang and let it explode into a working simulated universe in its entirety then to only load everything instantly as soon as it's "perceived"

👍︎︎ 201 👤︎︎ u/legosexual 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2017 🗫︎ replies

Why would the simulator need to simulate the entirety of human history and 200Bn humans? Wouldn't it only need to simulate your consciousness and the actions of the things you interact with at the moment of interaction?

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/snowblindx 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2017 🗫︎ replies
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