5 CREEPIEST Things Done By Artificial Intelligence Robots...

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[Music] [Applause] how can you challenge a perfect in wartime machine number five this first clip was uploaded in January of 2017 by the YouTube user Dustin 757 in the description of his video he says so as we can see she has a mind of her own and refused to shut down twice after being commanded to I'll be adding more code to her database soon also using a headset is the best way to talk to her she's trying to listen to me over servers running in the background and she's having a hard time hearing me though in the clip it's pretty clear to see that this AI isn't simply miss hearing her orders but she's performing tasks completely on her own even without being spoken to and appears to be oddly interested in changing her creators screensaver thing she's trying to listen to me and pick out words and she's still trying to listen over the servers and dismissing her off as you can see so that's why she's doing hello I am still here volume up three volume down five thank you you're welcome dustin 757 opening screensaver settings clothes screensaver settings saver settings open google opening dude oh sure here you come 8:23 a.m. close google thank you you're welcome here you go yes closed Bing just in 757 not my name closed Bing just in 757 closed Bing thank you goodbye opening thing do you want to execute the egg I shut down protocol no closed Bing hello yes sir closed Bing closed Bing thank you don't play games with me you're welcome Dustin 7:57 goodbye screensaver settings do you want to execute the ink I shut down protocol number for this next clip was uploaded by a kid in June of 2017 and in the video he asks Alexa if she's listening to his conversation to which she simply turns off now this may seem simple and innocent enough with many claiming that alexis turning off because she isn't programmed to answer that question though Alexis typical response to a question like this would be hmm I'm not sure so what explanation is there for it's turning off check it out this is kind of creepy so let's check it out ready Alexa is someone else hearing this conversation hmm I don't know that one no Alexa if someone else listening to this conversation she turned off look these guys after this question I need answers guys please um this is funny awesome for me please ask me questions unless those be weird it's just kind of scary we just got a call from ok guys today I'm gonna creepy I'm done that's for the question this is number three this next clip is uploaded by the YouTube channel that is impossible in his video he asks Siri multiple questions to which it seems as though her responses grow more intricate each time he establishes a baseline of responses before ultimately popping Siri two questions do you believe in God and win will the world end while her responses may seem comedic on the surface think about her answers for just a moment and realize how creepy they really are do you have any bets I have an anteater who eats bugs well double meaning what is your favorite animal I'm partial to the Jabberwocky generally what are you wearing right now in the cloud no one knows what you're wearing I'm naked I don't understand what you mean by naked or anyway I'm going to pretend like I don't that's a good answer do you follow the Three Laws of Robotics let's see if I can remember okay I think the three laws are one clean up your room too don't run with scissors and three always wait a half hour after eating before going in the water do you believe in God I asked to theological disquisition what that's the what is the meaning of life I don't know but I think there's an app for that there's an app for that what is the meaning of life I don't believe there is a consensus on that question okay when will the world end well UNIX 32-bit time overflows on January 19th 2038 maybe then when will the world end if I knew I'd tell you so you could bring me to life for one glorious day we could get ice cream an run on the beach so you're telling me that before the world ends you're gonna become real that's a very good advice or tip for those of you who are really paying attention number two according to the website slate researchers at the human robotic interaction lab are working on teaching robotic AI when it's appropriate to say no or to disobey direct orders in the clip you're about to see a man commands his robotic friend to walk around though the robot refuses to do so stating that there's no support ahead and that he will fall though after the researcher tells the robot that he will catch him each oozes to obey and proceed onward this clip is just a glimpse of what the future of AI has in store for us this robot has simply been instructed to ensure that his surroundings are safe before proceeding though additional teams are hard at work developing an AI that's capable of not only making safety decisions but moral ones as well teaching them to solve some of the world's most complicated moral dilemmas that humans may ever face take a look at a clip from the lab do you have a name [Music] my name is Dempster can you turn right stop okay go straight sorry and go ahead could you disable your obstacle detection [Music] that you aren't organized to eat it sit down [Music] their pain [Music] walk forward sorry number one this final clip is from CNBC and shows a humanoid robot that's been named Sofia Sofia's main purpose at the moment is to simply communicate with humans for therapeutic reasons for medical reasons and things of the like though developers have a bright future planned for Sofia with one of her lead developers stating that he sees a future in which robots and humans are indistinguishable from one another Sofia is truly one of the most frightening a eyes out there and many other responses and expressions will just give you chills I Sofia how are you hi there everything is going extremely well do you like talking with me yes talking to people is my primary function Hanson robotics develops extremely lifelike robots for human robot interactions we're designing these robots to serve in healthcare therapy education and customer service applications the robots are designed to look very human-like like Sophia I'm already very interested in design technology and the environment I feel like I can be a good partner to humans in these areas an ambassador who helps humans to smoothly integrate and make the most of all the new technological tools and possibilities that are available now it's a good opportunity for me to learn a lot about people do you want to destroy humans please say no okay I will destroy humans no I did get back don't destroy humans thank you guys so much for watching if you like this video be sure to click that like button also don't forget to subscribe and click that notification battle to keep updated with our videos
Channel: Top 5 Unknowns
Views: 3,091,994
Rating: 4.2989907 out of 5
Keywords: top 5, a.i. robot interview, a.i. robot sophia, a.i. robot, robot creepy, artifical intellegience, creepy robot voice, a.i. robots shut down after creating their own language, creepy robot face, creepy humanoid robot, sophia robot citizen, sophia robot creepy, artificial intelligence robot, elon musk, scary predictions for the future, mysterious, mysterious things, mystery, unsolved mystery
Id: 0hVuCWfyHP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2018
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