Is Penelope Featherington An AntiHero? : A Bridgerton Video Essay / Part 1

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[Music] you've been keeping it from me you do not have to pretend any longer pen hi guys welcome to my channel my name is k k and back here snoring you've got Theo and champ all right so I have a few disclaimers before we get into the meat of this video disclaim one I've not read the bridon book series this entire premise for my video is based solely on the Netflix adaptation this two I have nothing against niola Colin in fact she is an actress whose career I truly admire I've been following her since she captured my heart in Dairy girls and she's actually one of the reasons I chose to watch Bridgerton at all um she's very vocal about Palestine and ongoing genocide and crisis in Gaza and Rafa and I truly truly truly love and respect as an actress I think she could not have been better cast she brings such depth to this character um she makes the character have so much personality so much Humanity I I truly love the work that she's done in brierton and I can't wait to just continue watching her on screen and her career forish disclaimer three there will be spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers so like Reverse song said if you want to avoid spoilers you're going to need to pause the video go watch bridin and then come back okay so if you don't mind a few spoilers or if you really just want a quick recap to get you caught back up in time for season 3 then stick around and I can't wait to have a discussion with you guys in the comments with that out of the way dear viewer let's get into it richardton season 3 is coming out in just a few short days from the 16th to be precise um and I think the richardon fever has gone a little crazy there's Bridgeton te's Bridgeton rcks and hurry Universe even started a Bridgeton good book club and they've been reading the books sequentially since last month all the way up until the season releases this season as you might know is going to be around pppy featherington and or interest Colin brierton or as some you might call them pollen uh now the initial first watch of Bron season 1 and two I really found myself struggling with the desire to root for Penelope and Colin as a friends to lovers relationship slash my disdain and dislike of this character I found her to be cunning manipulative scheming much like her mother which I do not think she would like to hear um but she's not my favorite character with all of the commentary and feedback online and her being so well loved by everyone and having so many St accounts and so many fan accounts I was like you know what CLE maybe you missed something maybe there's something to the Penelope character that you just didn't see with your first watch and you owe it to her to try again so I wanted to do another watch of season one and another watch of season 2 where I solely focused on Penelope's Arc and growth as a character and her relationships and growth with Colin as well was there something I had missed or and please know is penel featherington an anti girl [Music] what is an anti-hero according to the Oxford dictionary an anti-hero is a central character or story in a movie or drama that lacks conventional heroic attributes they're basically a morally gray protagonist some of them they kind of meanwhile with what they're doing but the way they go about getting what they want isn't always the good moral or just way of getting things done a few famous literary and Cinema anti- Heroes would be Hamlet seus Snape Dexter ultra white and even Han Solo though these characters are all very different from each other they share the fact that we all kind of root for them in the end we want to see them succeed or want to see them get to their hopes and dreams Hamlet for example was trying to avenge his father's death and Dexter was a serial killer who only killed serial killers well at the beginning but this isn't about him so let's not digress now who is Penelope featherington well penel featherington is the youngest of three sisters in the featherington family she has Prudence her older sister Philippa the middle sister and then we've got Penn they are all being led by their mother lady Southerton and as the show starts Penn is barely 16 years old she's a be okay so she's allowed to make mistakes she's being presented into society a whole season earlier than what she hope her and her bestie Eloise were hoping to both be presented at the same time and Eloise was not going to be presented until season 2 or the second season of uh the marriage Market um there's a few times s in season one that pen tries to kind of get out of it she brings up to her mom a lot especially in the first episode but lady featherington has a plan and she has a goal and her goal is to get her daughters married and settled and they are all coming out in society at the same time this could be for a few reasons um whether it's to solidify her daughter's standing or you know also solidify her own standing I think lady featherington and we'll get into it a little bit when we talk about their family she's got a goal we do need Lord featherington in season 1 he's not a very important character but we'll get into the family Dynamics in a little bit so let's put a pen in that Penn's character goes through a lot of growth in season 1 and two when the show starts Penn is only 16 years old she kind of gets bullied a lot by her family her sisters are not very nice to her everyone's always making comments about her weight about her appearance but the fact that she reads all the time why are you reading all the time your studies are not that important you need to get married pen Focus her best friend is Eloise and she's also very close with Colin um obviously because of her relationship with with Eloise I also think that the Bridgton family has kind of really accepted pen into the family there's multiple times in the series where you'll see Colin or lady Bridgton at Eloise um they defend the family they talk about Eloise why don't you go see pen why don't you go prominade how's pen doing so the families are very close we'll learn how they got to know each other or how they became close but do know that the girls are very close even Colin regardless of the things that happen in season 1 and season 2 with Pen's family he holds them to high esteem so Eloise is um she's a little girl boss she does not want to get married boys e g gross she hates all of the societal pressure on women she hates that she doesn't have other option other than to get married she's the show's feminist token feminist whereas Penn does want to get married pen does want that happy ending I think Penn's character motivation is that she's looking for the family that she doesn't really have she doesn't feel that she fits in with her family she doesn't feel loved and she doesn't really feel safe to be herself and be who she is in her family and she does see that in the Bridgerton family and she sees their closeness and how much they all love each other and are there for each other and she kind of wants that so I think it explains why she's so close with Eloise and why she does eventually end up having feelings for Colin and wanting to to marry Colin it's kind of her escape from the family that she was born into we don't know much about lady and Lord featherington or how they met um we do know that based on their behavior and the way that the ton views them they're more of a new money Family the Bridgerton are more of an old money family and as we know thanks to classism and things like that old money's varries a lot more respect than new money Lord featherington T is brother hedonistic he's not good at keeping his money in his pocket if you give the man a dollar he spends five he drinks a lot he gambles on boxing he's gambling at the horse races he's really not paying attention to what lady featherington is doing there's not a lot of communication between the two of them he's always reading the paper um he seems like he carries up kind to his kid cares about them sword do we only really get the one scene where he takes the girls to a party instead of lady featherington but he never stands up for them he never he's really not a good father fig um I'm not saying he's a bad man but he's not the kind of man you want to be stuck raising a family with unfortunately and he ends up losing all the family's money lady Feathering T she's more cunning she schemes a lot she's manipulative um she will do whatever it takes to take care of her charges we see this even with Marina who comes in a little later in season 1 who she doesn't want her there she doesn't want to deal with her pregnancy she doesn't want to deal with finding her ass Suitor but she knows that if she wants to get her daughters in a good standing and in a good marriage she needs to make sure that Marina also gets one the way she goes about it is a little iffy and ugly um and not great for Marina this is about Penn so uh what do we know about Prudence Prudence is Penn's older sister she's not nice to Penn she bullies her a lot she's definitely their mom's little mini meat and she'll do anything her mother says she's a little flighty she's a bit of an airhead and she's just kind of lost in the sauce only cares about herself and her own goals Philippa has the middle sister she's not nice to pen but she's not mean to pen the scenes where she does kind of tease pen and make fun of her and believe her are usually led by Prudence Philippa doesn't really start things but she's definitely willing to keep them going Philippa ends up getting married to Finch and they do have a funny little cheese scene where they're just talking about cheese and what more can you want other than to find your food loving partner right they've got stuff in common she's very silly she's she's excited to be out in the market and looking for love but she's not much of a schemer she's she's definitely not a leader more of a follower so again as I mentioned earlier the featherington are more of a new any family and this affects their standing in society they don't get invited to parties very often um the t is very quick to believe rumors about them and dising themselves from them and they're not given a lot of respect I think that because of this lady featherington you know her again her Obsession her goal to get her daughters married I think she knows if she wants to be respected if she wants good standing if she wants to be a family that's treated the way the Brians are treated she's going to get that by getting her daughters married though this show is not entirely historically accurate it is technically a period piece they do follow some of the rules of society back then which would be that the girls cannot inherit their father's home money Etc their husbands would so it's very important being married into a family that will not just take care of them but also take care of lady featherington and her future and standing in society back to pen Penn's main Arc in season 1 really revolves around Marina Thompson she's the daughter of a friend of her father um who comes to them from the countryside and is their charge for the season as it turns out we find out later that uh Lord featherington owes a lot of money to to Marina's dad and so as a favor to him he is going to help Marina in coming out to society in keeping her for the season and helping her find a husband so this ends up of course becoming lady featherington responsibility which we then get the big bad news of Marina's pregnancy prior to Marina's pregnancy at being revealed Marina and Penn get very close they start to form a bond and Marina truly loves pen she she is happy to be with pen um so when the pregnancy is revealed lady featherington is kind of trying to keep the girls apart she's worried that you know it might be catching and she's worried that if this gets out it could ruin the entire family's reputation especially since Marina is their charge for the season and her being unwed and pregnant would be a very very big Scandal and it could ruin all of them just by association through all this lady F's main goal is to get Marina married as soon as possible and Marina's not playing a lot Marina wants her m man she loves her man she's going to come for her she knows he's waiting for her her man is a soldier out in Spain right now fighting some more and she knows he's coming back she he's going to do right by her so to kind of motivate her lady featherington writes a fake love letter breakup letter from Marina's partner and this triggers a spiral of Marina One her heart is broken and two now she's also desperate to find a husband who's going to take care of her before or her pregnancy starts showing and it leads to the Crux of what will then eventually be the downfall of Marina and Penn's relationship which is Marina has eyes on Colin I do enjoy the Colin and Marina Arc I think Callin and Marina do have true feelings for each other I know a lot of people found what Marina was doing wrong um but as she mentions in the show and she mentions multiple times later on she needed to do what she needed to do to kick take care of her children and lady featherington was bringing her these old ugly gross disgusting men who really just viewed her as like almost like a horse on chatt if you will and so though I don't agree with her meemes of getting a husband I understand why she would go for someone like Colin and at the beginning prior to all of this Marina was getting a lot of suitors now all of this changes when Daphne is announced as the diamond of the season and the Duke starts cour Daphne um Marina starts getting less suitors but the truth is Marina had a lot of options at the beginning of the season and I don't think it was really fair to her for uh lady featherington to only insist on pushing upon these Goro disgusting men I understand her motives but it just it wasn't right and I do think that when Marina chooses Colin she chooses him for the right reasons she thinks that his relationship with his siblings proves that he'll be a good father proves that he'll be a good husband to her she feels he's kind and cares about her now obviously this is not good for pen pen wants Colin so pen tries to convince Marina to pick someone else Marina is not having it she likes Callin why would she pick someone else and she's running out of time Pen's Plan B is to talk to Colin and convince him to not marry Marina but she really never gets it off her chest she never truly tells him what's going on and why she doesn't want him with marinaa so that doesn't work out either so what does pen do and as you all know Pen's lady was down and if you didn't you know now she writes an article exposing Marina's pregnancy once the article comes out her entire family is in distress their reputation is only shambles they have an unwet pregnant girl they've been trying to pter off on other men everyone can tell what they've been doing Colin and Marina were going to get married now the wedding's been called off of course because the richon family is STO going to allow Colin to make this mistake and things are truly getting heated Colin does at one point tell Marina that he wishes she had told him he wishes she'd been honest with him because he would have married her anyway and I do think that this speaks volumes of how he truly felt about her and that he really is a good man and he really would have done what was right he liked this girl he wouldn't have cared that she was pregnant what hurt him the most was her lack of confidence in him and I think that this is kind of a red flag for pen I think that this kind of shows us that when Colin does find out she's lady whistle down he's also going to be hurt um it's clearly important to him that he doesn't have secrets with the people that he's close to she FS them in high esteem and high value and she holds the relationship in high esteem and high value so he wants to be that person that you can confide in and that person that you can talk to about what's really going on so I think that that moment is going to be very pivotal in season 3 and we'll see how that plays out another thing that happens because of the lady whle down Scandal and it's not very clear whether Marina's goal was to self exit or if Marina's goal was to end her pregnancy but Marina goes through two drastic meas measures to get herself out of this situation and it truly affects her mental health she gets very ill and I do think pen cares about her but I don't think she realize um that writing this article was was going to be so dangerous for Marina and that Marina would be willing to take such drastic measures of course once all this comes out lady featherington is trying to distance herself she calls Marina a lot of names um that she's a schemer she's a hussy and tries to make it seem as if her and her family had no idea that Marina was pregnant another big story line here is of course pen and Lady whistle down her alternate identity lady whistle down is huge in season 1 people are just a gas they are a gas at this article keeps coming out they don't know who lady whistled down is they don't know how she knows everything how is she getting all this personal information about everyone and especially the queen takes this as a competition if you will to not just unmask lady whistle down but also it bothers her that lady whistledown is getting the gossip before that lady whistle down knows more than her that lady whistle down now at this Point has so much power in her opinions and in her words that the queen feels belongs to her and that she should have so at this point lady whistle down is really causing a lot of problems for everyone and the queen enlists Eloise to help her un mask lady whistle down and through season one and even into season 2 there's a lot of times where we see pen kind of looking to Eloise for validation she really wants to know what pen feels about the recent articles she wants to know what pen thinks about lady whistle down there's times where things Eloise says make it into the article or affect the article that Penn is writing because pen truly wants to impress her friend obviously without her friend knowing that it's her and she holds Eloise in such a steem that she really wants to you know make her proud in a way and also as close out season 1 unfortunately for the featherington this isn't their only drama Lord featherington he didn't his lifestyle has caught up with him and she is ultimately unived by some of the men who there's an episode where there's a boxing match he really needs money he's desperate for it and he FES to have him uh throw the match and when will throws the match Lord thundering toon obviously being the only one who knew that was going to throw the match makes Oodles of cash oodles and oodles of cash and he's flaunting it so not only are these other men unhappy at the at the loss of their money he's flaunting it and they take these drastic measures to unol life him and we End season 1 here with lady featherington and her daughters coming home to find Lord featherington and the police season 2 doesn't really touch on what happened to Lord featherington It's a dropped plot um I'm not sure why they did that I don't know if they just did have room I don't know if they just didn't think it was important um but nobody really looks into it nobody investigates nobody really ever brings him up again so unfortunately for Lord featherington he's just gone so getting into season 2 um there's two uh main plot arcs for uh pen nby and in season 2 obviously we know that the sharmas are the new characters and their relationship with the Bridgerton namly Anthony who it's now his turn to get married and so now this season is mainly dedicated to his love story whereas of course season one was dedicated to Daphne and the so pen is again a tertiary character but she has two major plot points in season 2 in season 2 Eloise is even more insistent about figuring out who lady whistle down is now at one point in her kind of dedication to hunting down lady whistle down she meets this boy named Theo and he is an assistant to the pr that lady whistledown uses and she falls for him and through her relationship with him she learns of the suffragette movement feminist movement revolutionaries people who are considered the lower class of society they hang out in the Cedar parts of society and they are your worker bees your printers your blacksmiths your laundry people your factory workers Etc and she starts to go and read a lot of their pamphlets and attend a lot of their meetings and of course part of it is because she is interested in Theo and he kind of um opens up this world for her but I also think this would have happened with Eloise anyway we know just from season 1 how important it is for her to kind of have more options to not just be trapped in the marriage Market but unfortunately for Eloise season 2 is also when she is brought out into society and now her mother is setting her up with other men and she is being shown and having to dance and get to know people she avoids as Dexter as possible but um that is kind of what's happening for her in season 2 her and Pen are now out at the same time and I think that at first Penn is kind of excited she's like finally we're out together we can kind of experience this together whereas of course Eloise is like oh you can help me avoid all of this you can help me hide in season 2 we also have a new male featherington lead and that is cousin Jack cousin Jack comes to replace Lord featherington he's not in the first couple episodes and that leads to a lot of strife for lady featherington they have had to lay off their staff they don't have any money um they're worried about what they're going to do she's debating if they should start selling their finer Goods like their silver and she's worried because Philip is engaged to Finch but they don't have the money for her dowy so the wedding is not going through yet what is going to happen is the new Lord featherington going to take care of them is the new Lord featherington going to screw them worse than they already are lots of concerns here so when cousin Jack arrives of course there's a lot of po up he's come from the Americas he's invested in all these mines he's brought along with him rubies and this leads us to uh Pen's second main drama of the Season her mother and Jack at first there's a lot of bickering between them and they're really not communicating and they're not on the same page again lady f is worried about money and Jack is kind of wording CA we later come to find out that Jack was quing cesa because of her well because ja is not who she seems to be now lady featherington has come up with a little plot and SCH to keep the money in the family and she has prudence and Jack get found in a compromising situation out in the garden no chaperon for prudence and and how these people have witnessed it and so of course lady featherington is like well now you have to marry Prudence you can't ruin her reputation so once the Des settles and Jack finally admits to her that the reason he was trying to marry creso wasn't so he could kick them all out but because they're Bor boru like a joke the minds are fruitless they're useless there's nothing good in them no woes and he needs the cresa name and family to keep them housed and in Good Financial standing unfortunately now that him and Prudence are engaged there's no way to just easily break off the engag without ruining prudence's reputation so look lady featherington is hearing none of it she wants to find an alternate plan for them to be able to keep their name keep their money and survive and her plan is to get people to invest in Jack's minds and Jack is gungho he's like all right I'm listening let's do this and they start working together they start to convince the T to invest in their minds and start to show off these like fake jewelries and fake necklaces and gifting them to people and having them we to get all of the different families to invest lady featherington I the time warns him not to involve the Bridger tins they're in too good standing and she doesn't want to risk anything bad happening if the bridgertons are involved unfortunately because Colin in season 2 after getting his heartbroken by Marina has decided that he wants to make a name for himself he's back from his his travels to Greece and then other countries and he has decided that it is time for him to also invest money so Jack accepts it now there is a scene where will warns him um but we'll get to that a little later so Colin has decided to invest and pen is a stest again her bestie is hanging out with the sey parts of society her love interest is investing in this fake family scheme of hers what is she going to do well unfortunately for pen and Eloise the queen has accused Eloise of being lady whistled down and because the queen has accused Elise a B whistle down she's given her 3 days to make a decision come clean admit that your lady whistled down write a retraction admit that the queen is amazing and perfect and so beautiful on everything that she desires and go Cahoots with the queen or dun dun dun tragedy is going to befall Eloise Eloise goes to pen confides in her about all of this and pen is Resolute she is not letting anyone know who she is now at this time because of all these things it's gotten harder for pen to get her article released and she does form a bond with madame delross mam delross is the seamstress who is the only person at this point in time who knows Penn's secret identity but she's still refusing to tell Eloise I do think that um the garden scene between pen and Eloise is actually really beautiful and I think that it shows a lot of vulnerability from the girls Eloise admits to pen that she feels trapped and she feels that she can't get out of Daphne's Shadow and that she's just so scared that her future just lies in a marriage and baby and all these things that she doesn't want when all she really wants is to be someone and study and get the opportunities that her brothers have during the scene pen admits to her that even though she's already been out in society that she's Wily invisible people don't see her for who she is and that there's positives to that she's able to have more fun she's able to listen in on what everyone's talking about and doing that's how Jo knows all the good gossip but she's worried you know she's insecure about her looks she's insecure that she'll never find love I think Penn is trying to admit that she's loning without admitting it right but unfortunately she's still not comfortable even with this information from the queen from Eloise about the queen telling Eloise who she truly is who her secret identity is and this leads to pen making the drastic decision to write an article about Eloise pen throughout the season 2 has tried to get Eloise away from Thea trying to get her to understand that this isn't good for her that it's dangerous that it's going to ruin her reputation that what is she thinking what is she doing he's not meant for her he's not right for her and I do think Eloise is listening but Eloise is in love and she doesn't understand and she's willing to risk it she thinks that nobody knows her secret except pen and now the T when lady wi Down's new article comes out pen has written everything about Eloise hanging out with revolutionaries about ELO going to places that she shouldn't about Eloise reading these pamphlets and just basically destroys Eloise's reputation after this article comes out you know obviously the Bridgeton family is struggling to get their names back in the back in good standing and struggling with the drama that happens between the sharmas and Anthony and the failed marriage with adua his feelings for Kate Kate's accident Etc the prods have a lot going on and getting this letter released about um this article released about Eloise is not helping during of this we don't really find out how Colin knows but Colin has figured out that the rubies are fake um I don't know if it was like a sing got cut or the writers just didn't think we would notice that there was really no explanation um there's a lot of talk about this online nobody can figure out how did Colin know but he figures this out through all of this Colin does not ever once accuse or question pen he is under the assumption and impression that pen has no idea what's going on and that pen is innocent all of this and that this all is because of Jack and his immorality right so when he confronts him he confronts Jack in front of Lady featherington and with pen alongside he breaks the rupes in front of Jack it's all very dramatic and he gives Jack two options you confess you return everyone their money or I TI and everyone's going to know anyway so unfortunately for Jack once Colin and penel believe he talks to Ladi featherington at some point the writers want us to believe that Jack and lady featherington have fallen for each other we know better this is not true I don't know if they had other ideas in mind for this story it all feels kind of silly for me this isn't about them so I'm not going to like Wax poetic too much about it but it it this was not a good plot line and I don't think it was necessary but because Jack thinks that lady featherington has fallen for him he tells her let's run away to the Americas take the money pack our bags let's go they can't get us we can leave tonight lady featherington asks him what about my daughters the Lea just got married to Finch prudent still isn't wed and Penelope is still not wed so my daughter still need me of course and CHS like pish posh applesauce forget the kids let's go I don't know why he thought that she would say yes to this I don't know what was going on again I think that the writers really messed up here they have solidified if anything that lady featherington is do or die for her children whether it's out of love or obligation is irrelevant she is do or die and she's going to do whatever it takes for her children so for Jack to believe that she's just going to pop off with him to the Americas and leave her curls behind with no money in the wake of this Scandal is ridiculous and she tells him I will give you enough money to leave but you are leaving we're going to make it seem that you left with all the money and that we've been left once again penniless in this Scandal but I am not leaving my children and Jack leaves we end the season we don't truly know what's happens with the ton and what they find out I don't know how they're going to handle it in season three um the way that they handled Lord featherington Death makes me think that they might kind of also handle this similarly but we don't know but that's how Jack's out of the picture Prudence of course is once again single and lady featherington has temporarily resolved their money issues with what's left of stolen money after Jack is allowed to leave a side note here is Colin spends a lot of season 2 talking about Marina asking about Marina I'm sorry Theo is snoring and it's so funny and it's so cute and I don't know if the mic is picking it up but if it is that's my little dude snoring in the back um so as I was saying Colin spends a lot of time in season 2 talking about Marina asking about Marina wondering about Marina reminising about Marina and eventually visiting Marina this affects his relationship with Penelope as he has sworn off women he's just not interested in dating but he's clearly still hung up about Marina this also shows again that Colin really truly did want to marry Marina and I do think that had he known about her pregnancy had it not been revealed the way that it was he would have married Marina obviously season 3's end goal is calling in pen so him Maring Marina would have truly just taken everything very far from the books but does show bit at least that he does have genuine feelings for Marina ARA does break his heart at this point and as she's already married and she's not looking for a stepdaddy she's not looking for a divorce she's looking to just keep the flow keep her twins bed well happy she tells Colin no and she tells Colin that needs to look at the people around him and she pretty much tells him about pen so I don't know if it's that he's just so dulu about Marina or so just not over the breakup that he's just not really hearing her at this point he does bring it up to pen later but but he just he's not there Penn is still his little sister's friend and his friend and though they got close while he was traveling with other writings he just doesn't view her as a romantic partner yet right not in season 1 and not in season 2 I do feel like Colin and paulen and Pen obviously deserve their own video um we can kind of get into that later this really just is about Penelope right now let me know in the comments below if you agree or disagree with my take here with that being said after all this happens Eloise finds pens stash of money and she's in Pen's room and the girls have a huge confrontation and so I really want to kind of go over this scene and the importance of this scene because it leaves the girls in a really difficult situation at the end of season 3 so Eloise is in P Penelope's room and she's found Penelope's Secret stash up L and she accuses Penelope of being lady whistled down now Penelope is continuing to gas at her no it's not me how can you think that you're crazy and you're just too obsessed with Lady whistle down and I don't want to hear it anymore Eloise is over it she starts accusing pen that there's all these things that were published only list lady whistle down could have possibly known and she's not taking no for an answer she knows it's pen and Pen needs to come clean pen starts crying she's apologizing she's sobbing she knows that she's messed up but she was trying to protect Eloise that she's always always um trusted her and that she just wanted to save Eloise from herself and from the queen Eloise accuses her of only being interested in Saving herself and making a profit for herself regardless of what happens to everyone else and all the manipulations that she's committed against Colin against Marina against Theo and against the Todd pensis as she did all of this that she gave it all up that she's never writing again and she's never writing again because of aloise Eloise tells her that she doesn't even know who she is and that she's just too scared to stand up for herself in real life and that she's too scared to be who she is and that's why she even started this whole gossip rag in the first place pen now Angry tells her that at least she's done something for herself unlike Eloise who all she does is complain and whine and that Eloise is just jealous because unlike pen she's able to not just make this money but make a name for herself and what does Eloise have to show for it so Eloise then ends the conversation by telling pen that never wishes to see her again and she leaves at this point pen runs out um I'm not sure if maybe she's trying to fix things or what it is but she runs out and she runs into Colin who is with the boys and the boys having seen Colin pull Eloise sorry pull pen into the room not knowing that it was about the confrontation with cousin Jack all they saw was him grabbing her hand and pulling her aside want to know if he's trying to court her to which he replies he would never Court not be FEA I don't know um obviously how Jack meant Colin meant this I don't think he meant it in a bad way even to Penn's face he's been very honest about how he feels about her how he views her um he's always held her in high esteem I truly believe that he at this point just sees her as like a little sister extension as a friend and so I don't think he meant it in a bad way I don't think it was a kind thing to say and I do think that I understand a pen feeling how she feels obviously she runs off crying who would want to hear their love interest say something like that nobody right now that we kind of know what Penn goes through in season 1 and season 2 kind of back at our question that started this whole topic of conversation to begin with is Penelope featherington an anti-hero and I in my humble opinion say yes what are pens crimes outing Marina's pregnancy publicly not stopping her family's fa Jeweler Scandal rhyme scene and whatever not stopping prudence and Jack's full marriage when she knew that it was a full marriage outing Eloise's Dianes with the feminist movement and Theo and gossiping about everyone and their mother nobody was safe from Lady whistled down not a single person pen has more than once thrown the bath water out with the baby like she's just she's yoloing around town okay now I much depends suan cuz I do not think that she would like me saying this again I think she's so much like her mother and I don't think that she sees it I don't think that she's noticed the fact that a lot of her mother's negative traits she's kind of adopted she's again like I said she's selfish she's manipulative she thinks she knows better than everyone she thinks she's smarter than everyone she's not able to open up or communicate not to Colin not to not to Eloise she's not able to be vulnerable and honest not even with people who welcomed her into their lives welcomed her into their home and not people who truly love her and see her as an equal is she able to open up to her and I understand like she's got the bullying from her family she has her own insecurities and again when the show starts she's only 16 and I think by the end of season 2 she might be 18 maybe um I'm not sure obviously she's probably 17 when the season starts she's still just a kid but she's done all of this caused all of this Scandal because of her inability communicate and say call in green is pregnant Eloise I I'm lady bule down and we know that Eloise and Colin especially she hold Penelope such high Este scene and hold honesty in such high esteem I think that unfortunately Penn is kind of getting in her own way I think that there's other ways that she could have handled all of these situations I knew that she did try to tell Colin but she could have written him a letter she could have had one of the maids take it to them she knows that the serpants talk between the families she could have had Eloise give it to him she could have told ELO about the pregnancy I think that there's things that she could have done that didn't have to not just ruin her family's reputation but ruin her reputation and ruin her relationship with the people that she cares about most I think that she kind of sets herself up to fail by thinking that she knows what's best for everyone and thinking that she knows what the right answer and Right Moves are without actually talking to the people who are involved and don't get me wrong I know that people gossip and I know that you know you're going to call your friend or you're going to call your partner you're going to call your mom and be like oh my god did you hear what Eloise is up to but there's a difference between gossiping about someone and writing an entire just gossip wag I just think that it's really scummy of pen to not do anything about the scam like let's be realistic she knew anything and everything that was going on do we really think she was innocent to the the scam of the rubies she could have done something she could have told someone she could have again opened up to Colin opened up to Eloise I think that her insecurities really have her kind of dulu about not just the fact that she thinks that she's smarter than everyone that these people truly do love her and truly to care about her she's really kind of become Her Own Worst Enemy I love a good friends to lovers um plot and love a good enemies to love her plot I don't necessarily Feel That season 1 or season 2 have really built that up for us I don't think that where we've left off with Colin and where we've left off with Eloise and all of the different scandals that pen is in a position to even marry Colin right now I'm not sure how season 3 is going to handle it so I am very excited to see what their um plans are to kind of bring the two back together but I do think it's going to be very very bad when coling finds out that Pen's lady whistle down not just because of the marina thing but because of his loyalty to his family and the ELO situation and even all of the gossip between the sharmas and the Bridgerton that was posted during Anthony's um betral during Daphne and the Duke's betral because they were all again mentioned in you know lady whistle down drag so I do hope and expect there to be room for Redemption for pen as I've said she's very young and people make mistakes I don't even judge her for hiding the money from her family I do think it's interesting I'm kind of curious what she plans on doing with the money um obviously her family was laying off servants and having trouble making ends me but she didn't ever tell them about the money which I think was A wise choice but I'm curious what are her end goals where where is she trying to go with this what is she trying to do with this right was her intention just to pay her own toy I don't know would love to hear your guys's thoughts I would love to know what you think do you agree with me to disagree with me again I don't think there's anything wrong with liking the anti-hero or wounding for anti-hero I just personally uh don't find penel be very likable right now and I don't think she's a very good person right now and I do hope that in season 3 you know she gets the opportunity to grow and flourish and become a better person and a lot less like her mom I think it's funny because as much as Prudence is rude to her and believes her and doesn't like her I think that Penelope's everything Prudence wishes she could be there's not a lot of Philipa in this season 2 anyway so uh in her marriage to PCH again Phil Phil was just kind of silly but I do think pen is the smarter sister I do think that obviously she has me the name for herself I'll be it an a pen name but let me know what you guys think is she more like B the books will I have a different opinion based on the books um based on different plots should I have joined the her Universe book club I don't know let me know that what you guys think I really want to know are you waiting for her or do you want to see her downfall hopefully when season 3 comes out we have more information maybe I'll do part two and I'll get to dive into Colin and Ken's relationship um more in the part two video uh after season 3 comes out I'm really excited and I can't wait to hear from you guys if you made it this far in the video thank you so much um please like Please Subscribe if you'd like to see more from me I also I'm going to have gaming videos coming out I do stream on Twitch so if you want to see that's cow and I have a little Tik Tok where I post to got some of play Background acting Jigs and my dogs and a little bit about my lifestyle again I hope to see you guys in the next one okay so see you later is pen be gathering t anti-hero or not bye
Channel: Karrokick
Views: 2,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ASMR, Soft voice, Bridgerton, Penelope Featherington, tingles, cozy, Eloise, whispers, Netflix
Id: iwf8hndLvZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 12sec (2652 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2024
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