WEIGHT + FAT LOSS Q&A ft. Omar Isuf

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three two what's cracking guys Oh Mart oh I always sorry can we do that again line cut line my big bro been with me since day one oh my god actually ice box two nine one still smashing boxes wait you already know what good hey guys welcome back to another video today i am back with omar esau totally another day just another day yeah not the same day as the last video answer your questions about Paulo thanks for having me on oh no the whole thing so we're gonna go on your Instagram we're gonna see what the questions are right now you're currently in a strength fat loss phase that is correct you've been consistent for the last five weeks also correct forming the habits for success five weeks and bring me over those questions that you guys yeah yeah so basically as he just said I posted on Instagram because obviously this guy is very very knowledgeable and he has a lot of information that he can share with you guys also guys before we hop into this video if you guys are enjoying these style of videos with him make sure to LIKE the video comment below what you would want to see us talk about next and we will make that happen for you guys but you have to like the video if you don't like the video then I'm not gonna know can we get this video to five hundred and sixty-five thousand likes I've been done before let's go say five thousand seven hundred thousand likes and we will make sure to drop our second collab third collab Kolob we didn't know what you say that was a joke from us lab 2013 my boy Chris Jones 700,000 like zero dislikes and we will get that we'll get that going for you guys alright for now we're just gonna go ahead and jump right into this video first one as a beginner Bobbie gal Jeff says can I lose fat and build muscle I was just kind of talked about that in the last video yes build muscle and lose fat at the same time absolutely as a beginner yes yeah and I think as a beginner you need to frame what your goals are unless you're excessively overweight or you feel you need to lose a certain amount of weight I think trying to gain wait slowly so it once again if you're male I assume most of the audience your audience but is actually more female or what do you like 80% female yeah so for the women out there you want to slowly try and gain weight if you're in lean mass pad you're trying to add once again where hourglass figures so let's say glutes hamstrings quads also a little bit upper body people have to keep in mind to accentuate that hourglass you do want to build a little bit it once again it's your own choice but the side deltoids and also your upper body so aiming to gain maybe about half a pound per month to pound a month depending on how tall you are how lean you are so that's about six pounds in a year I'd attract and while you do that you actually might notice if you're sedentary individual you're adding muscle mass at the same time as leaning out have you ever smoked crack what are these questions SB zero two four said I want to lose you might ask that question ice box two nine one smashing SP zero to four I want to lose thirty pounds in body fat but want to gain big muscle what should I do a guy who go ah this is a male okay so you wants to lose thirty pounds and get big muscles yes everyone has the same goal which is I think yeah is this Idol is just something that's innate within us where I think for males they have a certain physique and once again if you look at history the Greek ideal of what aesthetics meant towards the golden age of bodybuilding there are some similarities as well as differences but I think for most people they want most guys they want a certain amount of muscle mass and then they also want to be lean right you can't do both in one so you have to decide on your goal to build muscle takes time I don't want say it's easier for women for the process of building muscle just takes a lot of time for a guy to look like how he wants look we'll take at least probably three to five years men minimum I think for a woman who is intelligent that is consistent with their training it has a realistic goal as long once again you're starting at a healthy body fat percentage you could probably accomplish the goal within two years to answer his question he's not prioritize what you need if you have thirty pounds you need to lose the weight maybe start at first and then go on a one-year two-year lean mass phase I'm gonna have to kind of go on a longer bulk licky I don't know how to pronounce that but she says does birth control affect that some people do report when it comes to birth control some numerous issues water retention yeah yeah and so that's something you definitely should talk with a medical professional over I think the big thing I would try and emphasize for everyone out there is that fat loss really is in order priority your calories then your macros micros hormones definitely play a role if you feel that from Al's of birth control you're on is negatively affecting you your outcome how you want it looks you can speak to a medical practitioner about that sure I agree Charlie Nguyen is Omar still bulking what are you trying to say I'm a-looking sake I did lol after ouch let's move on to the next question I should been cutting the last three months I'm Bolinas I've ever been I don't know why they say Alyssa says tips on minimizing muscle loss when trying to cut for a powerlifting meet also tips for losing fat I like that question yeah I like that too the longer you choose to do a body recom the more favourable be in terms of how much muscle mass you retain I don't know how long you have until you're paralytic meat but the longer you can space it out that fat loss that you want so probably for most competitive lifters they have anywhere between six to twelve pounds of these when they want to get into weight class and for most people to after they get too near their weight class they'll do within the last 24 hours last week but a water cut so they'll lose an additional two to three pounds but for that six pounds she needs to lose in terms of weight I would try and do it over a long span one to maintain your strength if you lose weight too rapidly your strength can go downs for women I would say any amount of weight that you want to lose double that by the amount of week so if you want to lose six pounds at least 12 weeks okay to be realistic you want to be realistic you want to arrive actually early you don't want to be panicking bringing the last three weeks of prep you're trying to yeah you're trying to peak your number so you're trying to get stronger and you're trying to rapper yeah it's not a good combination so slow and steady and that's why I recommend for everyone out there if you're a female competitor not being over ten pounds when you're competitive weight B or weight class at any one time Jani I leave this is a pretty cliche question but I understand it why are you having social no good this is like the most common question for no good I am I got the same thing there honestly no bad questions Ahmad there are this is not one of them easy ways to up your protein because it can be hard when you either don't want to have you know protein shakes all the time maybe they bloat you or you don't want to consume a lot of meat so what are some ways around that people sometimes get too caught up on complete protein sources and that's why they'll advocate whey protein right but really when you take a look at vegetarian protein sources so beans lentils over the course of the day where you eat you'll essentially have a complete amino acid profile so beans and lentils if you take a look at the amount of protein there before serving very very high yeah and once again for women every year 120 pounds 130 pounds and you're probably let's say around 20% body fat so once again maybe around 100 pounds of lean weight something along the lines like that that's just a rough estimate that's basically the amount of grams of protein you should be eating if you have a serving of beans lentils even Oh quinoa yeah buckwheat nuts seeds and if you eat your micronutrients or vegetables if you eat kale spinach and you take a look at that it actually probably adds up to 1 to extra grams of protein yeah ok so you add all that up together and it should be pretty easy to hit a hundred grams without you know externally supplementing with the protein source like a whey protein exactly and I will say for myself I just recently started making smoothies and the biggest thing for me was obviously to make sure that I was getting my fruits and veggies in and that's just a quick easy way for me to do it and with that I've you know Whole Foods has a ton of options I recently bought head protein and there's like 20 grams per 4 tablespoons and just like you said so when you're combining that with the kale the fruits oatmeal all of that in one smoothie you can easily get 20 to 30 grams of protein in smooth it's fine basically the sources of protein you enjoy the most again if you don't like beans and lentils cool there's a ton of other options yeah um okay this is a good question Kriya 55 I was a second time robotics I saw you cry of 5 4 4 I've got really big love handles but overall small body should I be in a calorie deficit or surplus again I think this is a subjective measure word you might feel and I'm not trying to insult you that your love handles are big proportional to your body if that is the case and you do want to lose the weight understand that you can't spot reduce fat it's just your overall body fat percentage so you wouldn't need to be in a deficit do you want to be in a deficit do you want to you know come to terms with the fact that maybe for a particular area and I'm actually in a similar space that one of the last areas for me to lose body fat is my love handles you might need to get pretty damn lean which means you might need to be in a foul taste for quite some time I will say like the only way that I was ever able to get rid of my I was forget what they're called saddlebags oh I hate that word but my saddlebags is when I got super lean and even then they were still there not to the level as they are now generally the places that you already struggle with are going to be the last area that loses fat that's just how it is and it sucks and one thing I want to emphasize just real quick is that muscle gives shape to one's body so even if you do have love handles by accentuating that hourglass so by building up your glutes the side of your glutes the upper body as well if you kind of make everything blended and what was love handles before why she just turned into a curvy head can you lose weight simply walking daily and a proper diet $7.00 says can you lose weight simply walking daily and a proper diet I say yes I think for a lot of people out there especially the women watching this video the question has to be why strength trainer why do any loaded barbell movements at all and that is once again because if we want to give shape to your body muscle is important in order to build strength is one of the easiest ways to accomplish that but if for yourself you don't really care you're not interested in building a specific physique you just want to lose overall weight is it necessary I think it's important for the longevity of your body for your joints for how you feel in terms of all those cause of hormones where you know you lift you get that your fourth feeling when you come for something I think I think it helps build dedication a lot of other positive qualities but if you're just like man I want to lose 30 pounds you can reduce your calories and then walk more I actually think walking undercover is one of the best ways to expend calories without thinking about it because when you go for a run you think yourself aw man I really just trained hard now I gotta replenish my food or I gotta get more calories you feel like you did something and therefore it's like why maybe I got a reward myself go for a walk so true that be walking out like boom Betty 20 chicken wings it's just a walk way yeah sure Pied Pipers how can I lose weight while recovering from a sports injury hmm so I don't know if that's the best time to lose weight but I understand if you have a certain injury let's say it's like a shoulder injury so you play baseball um now this shoulder is banged up you can't use that shoulder pain you still lift absolutely you can do lower body movement I think you should be focusing it eating at maintenance while you are injured until you can move again if you are someone that is overweight and so you're on a weight loss phase you're on a journey you're attempting to lose fat and this somehow just made you stuck and now you can't lose any more weight I think being in a slight deficit is okay but or priorities right you don't always have to have the exact same goal you can't take what they call diet breaks so a diet break for most people it's a psychological break where people prepping for a show the prep may be for 16 weeks then they might have a four week diet break and then resume for eight more weeks so the same idea and actually research is very favorable for everyone out there that's curious of diet breaks and their efficacy so as someone that does a fat loss phase for 24 weeks so half a year straight versus an individual that does it for eight weeks takes a weeks off a weeks on again a weeks off a weeks on so it's same 24 weeks of attempting to lose weight but the results are actually more favorable for the person of spaces it out no little things but also just get better stop hurting yourself sport injuries are no good life lessons with jazz stop hurting yourself basically everything omar is giving you guys information wise good but also just stop hurting yourself next question Ollie Benham says if you're someone who is skinny fat should they bulk or cut first I know you kind of already touched on this but nikodem is there one that you would say is better for your overall body composition it depends on how comfortable you are with the long term journey so when people say skinny fat what that means is that in clothing they might look fine but when they take their top off they sent you have a higher body fat percentage so your weight your actual weight your absolute number might be pretty low but your muscle mass is non-existent people have different definitions honestly what skinny fat is yeah there are some subjective measures but when it comes to your body composition your fat levels too high despite having a lower overall weight I would say if you could resist the to go into fallow space getting acclimated to weights and getting stronger so you have a better base yeah more muscle mass with yeah it will give you also the shape so I think for women in particular worse guys being a skinny fat position issue of body fat percentage when you need to lose that weight and build some muscle for women if you build more muscle it gives you a more favorable by traditional standards physique right so accentuating certain areas so you say I'm skinny fat like oh I have I don't like the shape of my butt or this nice thing you add some muscle mass to your glutes and your glutes overall will start to look better though yeah stop looking like a skinny fat individual worm I guess the phrase will be saggy and in terms of being more plump then as a result of that muscle mass a year lean mass pays just to really build up that dedication the habits diet once again we talked about the overall concept I'm just learning a track and then you can move on to into the V V and then from there begin to lose weight yeah and it is always way more fulfilling when you've lost the weight and the the muscle is already there because then you don't feel I don't know it's not always about fulfilling when you are at that skinny fat phase and you just automatically lose the weight because you're not really gonna do anything that's gonna change you you decide to go and like I said Josie or hoes the I don't know what those are you know but if there's an I in there which person right here oh yeah well they asked what do you both think on a four day fast just water I have seen a few people doing this no anyway so this is an example where people conflate research with what their goals are so they'll see a study and then they won't read the entire thing maybe just the abstract or there'll be a headline we're in the headline generation I think for everyone out there your goal right now I'm guessing Hosey Josie Jose into Pussycats I'm guessing your goal is to try and get a better body composition and for that a body recon it's not necessary whatsoever okay yeah just simply just simply put okay yeah I I think people need a healthy habits when it comes to eating that is not one of them yeah cuz then probably someone thinks to themselves oh I do a three day fast cool the goal there's a little bit of weight why don't go for a fast a five day fast it losing water in four days like you're not you can't be actually losing more than a pound in that four days of actual it's not the solution for your long-term weight loss Laci Leah says I've been in a 500 cal deficit except for weekends and special occasions for month but I haven't lost any weight okay so Laci is the name what you need to look at is your average daily caloric intake so here's what we mean but say door maintenance is 2,000 calories so you're saying you're eating 500 calories below maintenance Monday through Friday that's 1,500 calories each and every one of those days that means by time Saturday and Sunday happens you're 2,500 calories in the negative which is good to lose a pound of fat there we're just going by absolute numbers here as an example it's 3500 calories so you're pretty damn close but I'm assuming on the weekend you have to be eating you're making up that lost amount so that 2500 calories instead of eating 2,000 calories in that day maybe you're eating 2,500 maybe you're eating 3,000 so if you look at your average daily caloric intake it's probably around 2,000 calories so you're good throughout the week and then on the weekend you splurge we want to take a look at that average and what I would say is I would actually have you eat more calories every single day but have it more you know chloric its culture every single day is more identical or have one day where you eat 300 calories more a refeed and a refeed means different things in this context but for an individual's average daily caloric intake that will influence things and also just remember everyone out there especially women that when it comes to tracking calories sometimes we underestimate so we think we're 500 calories in a deficit and we're closer to 2 to 300 and when you multiply that over 5 days 7 days a week an entire week it can make a huge impact and I didn't even think about that one you do you know when you are in that toilet or when you are in that 2,500 calorie deficit it is so easy to immediately get 12 an additional 1,200 calories in one day an additional 1,300 calories the next day in just basic things like burgers snacks going out with your friends more drinks in your duds exactly it's so true yeah even just alcohol like it's so easy and on top of that alcohol slows down your metabolism so that's also probably not helping right yes I think I think a moderate alcohol consumption can actually be okay but it's just that I think you make sloppier choices when you drop yeah and then it's easier to go to McDonald's and topic salad yeah that's definitely what it'd be cool so guys that is going to be it for this fat loss Q&A with Omari self Thank You Omar for being in this video who's this guy together who are you then posture thank you so much for watching this video I really hope that you guys enjoyed it if you did make sure again to throw the video a thumbs up I will be leaving comment down below and pinning it so that you guys can just respond with any other videos that you would like to see from us in the future make sure to check out on Mars YouTube channel and his Instagram I'll also leave his phone number home address and all about and a social security linked in the description box for you guys so you just hear that person miss Bentley I don't know if you can boost the audio but when you hear someone myths like they're all called really let's go bro and pay you to save 10 seconds Layla oh you probably didn't hear that but it was great alright that's it I'll see you guys in the next video [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Jazmine Garcia
Views: 82,324
Rating: 4.9443116 out of 5
Keywords: omar isuf, omar isuf arms, fitness, abs, weight training, jeff nippard, arm day, workout, training, weight, arms workout, powerlifting, lose weight, mark, arms, arm workout for mass, faster, actress, haircut, muscle mass, arm workout, big forearms calisthenics, performance, bodybuilding, men's physique, high frequency, exercise routine, fitness motivation, arm training science, body transformation, jazmine garcia, jazmin garcia, jasmin garcia, jasmine garcia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2019
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