Gym Bros Attacking My Workouts... why..

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i'm gonna have to barter with you chloe apparently there's some controversy that she's a fake eater having what some of her work out i think it's gonna be easy so can you guys do my workouts i see that ask all the time so today we're gonna explore that we're gonna check out some jim bros trying my workouts to be honest i'm a little bit terrified because as you guys know there are a number of people bashing my workouts flashing my look bashing what i eat okay i'm gonna be brave today i'm gonna check it out so you guys subscribe give this video a hundred thousand likes okay we can do it just do it for me i'm gonna start the first video i'm not scared i'm not scared i'm not scared it's fine it's fine i was gonna have to start doing one of these try videos to get views but that's what youtube fitness is becoming the entire platform is about trying now for this channel to grow i might have to do the same thing so time to take drastic measures and i will be performing a chloe ting workout so i can unironically say for the first time that i am doing gym tings she's got 19.2 million subscribers i'm gonna have to barter with you chloe okay we're gonna go shark tank here i'm seeking five percent of your subscriber base why five percent no if i could just get five percent of your follower share i'll give you a big shirley and the whole kitten caboodle that's the name of my squad rack big shirley so respond if you like the offer i'm not that influential i'm not james charles i'm not pewdiepie i can't tell people what to do and also how are you gonna send that big shirley to australia and i don't really want it anyways i don't want your big shirley i have my own shirley it's called sean okay let's just check out his channel all right if you like his stuff maybe subscribe i can't tell you what to do i don't know anymore these days everyone says to me but i like that he has videos about body dysmorphia for guys and that's what something people talk about all right let's take a look at this menu and see what she has we can do the 15-minute hit workout to burn calories we got the 10-minute cardio no grow a booty without growing the legs 10-minute sexy arms and back small waist and round butt workout all right let's stick with the bread butter we're going to try her 11-line abs workout let's go let's go i don't know what that accent is i was going to say australian wow we got like the same color scheme on i literally didn't even plan that bro sure for sure you definitely plan it i have trust issues i can't believe you okay what's with the angle i'm just seeing your feet oh what the hell do it i don't even know if i can do this whoa really great angles wow popping dude you i have no flexibility at all blame it on flexibility sure this looks like when girls do this thing on the leg press i still don't get what's going on [Music] this looks ridiculous what is she doing crunch do it stop flailing okay at least they're keeping me entertained oh my god wow see guys we we are strong okay we drills are strong she's not very motivational to me i'm not okay again not to feed again this is not easy yes it's not that easy i hate that people always think that it's just a girls workout it's like they're trying to invalidate a workout that was actually harder than i thought it would be i haven't done a workout like one body part that's a bro split essentially just ab exercise after ab exercise i haven't done that style of training in years people that are new i mean i'm experiencing this was pretty difficult if you're new this will probably put you to sleep but hey it's better than nothing man so i believe that that was a guy and he did my workout and he found it challenging so stop asking this question he actually seems like a nice dude so check out his channel give him a little watch leave him some comments too hi everybody will here welcome to the video today my mom and i are going to be following chloe ting's diet not just her regular diet her fat loss diet so everyone listen up including you when do i have a fat loss diet it's just seo man it's obviously just a title this is why youtube sometimes what about my kawaii dai why don't you try out my kawaii diet apparently there's some controversy that she's a fake eater secret's out guys i'm a fake either i just don't eat i'm a robot i don't know you know what i don't think so yeah i mean the portions are big she's five foot 110 pounds and the reason why mom's in the video is i mean i love her and she's beautiful but also she's so mom is really crazy kind of like a nice weight you know how you feel i have a good appetite yeah you do she does yeah luckily she actually has all of her recipes posted on this website so shout out to my website thank you very much will i'm liking you a little bit more now first recipe of the day we are making our healthy fluffy waffles and i love to start my morning off the waffle they are just the perfect canvas to express yourself um they look actually beautiful i feel like this video is gonna be more about like making instagram worthy looking food than actually cooking it i know because she likes pink i do like pink a lot oh some nice b-roll reminds me of my old videos when i actually put in the effort wow that actually looks identical really nice i actually want to eat it now so let's go in for a taste test here i'm excited i'm going to be harsh on it because we spent an hour cooking it you spent an hour cooking it because you used it to film it's not bad don't be wrong it's not bad i mean it's actually damn it's good it's not bad but it's good this guy can't make out his slime some barbie what are yours to fill the sauce that's why mine is dry look at the inside of mine so since you're on youtube you know you can't really enjoy your food because we're gonna time lapse this whole thing in just a second because we ain't fake eaters here we don't spit who the hell steal time lapse on youtube that's so 2018 all right and this is where she stopped in her video directly down to the center so what do you make of that like what do you think here that she just stopped halfway very sus okay you got me i'm the imposter so portion wise is this like within your ballpark realm mm-hmm yeah honestly when i was watching like the video doing like my research on this i was kind of surprised people were saying she's a fake eater because it doesn't really make sense to me it's literally not that much food and it seems like a lot of volume of food but the food is so calorie like like it's not that calorie i like it yeah it's not that much food like it's a lot of fiber a lot of volume because it's a lot of vegetables as well but in terms of calories it's not a lot okay guys so we are about to do one of chloe ting's workouts her most popular workout on her youtube channel 316 million views so i don't know if i had that i'd be if i'd be happy or scared like i actually don't know but i think you need that many views to afford the waffles that we just made because those were expensive the ingredients were like a couple hundred dollars like it cost me like 75 bucks are you kidding me costing 75 bucks to make that your house look like a mansion you have like pretty chandeliers i'm pretty sure you can't afford come on come on that was actually much harder than it looked to me like there was no actual there's not much rest but i can totally see why people like it because it's very organized and it's very relatable to everyone there's like minimal space little to no equipment and you know um it's only 10 minutes yeah so i mean i can see why she blew up very very quickly during quarantine because we all need stuff like this i'll pay that invoice that you sense if you watch them that you like on youtube they show you guys full day of eating and it shows you this many calories and you're the exact same size and weight that does not mean it's the same calories that you should be eating because you got to factor in other things in life like your workouts how often are they working out how intense are their workouts and how many steps are they getting so many things so you look at chloe ting she's not very big but it seems like a lot of food but we don't know what she's doing off camera we don't know she's getting like 20 000 steps i say this all the time and i'm gonna say it again do not compare your calories to my calories because we're gonna burn different amount of calories first of all and also my weight is different from yours and my body composition is different maybe i have more muscles maybe i have less muscles and also if you need help with your diet see a dietitian just see someone i don't think that anyone looks at my video and follows it to the tea like that doesn't make sense people normally adjust it based on their appetite but sure whatever it's my fault misinformation i'm a fake eater i'm a scammer let's just keep blaming me for all these hypothetical things that fitness experts made about me online all right this is outrageous the size of this thing and she actually says this is a small portion i mean i respect it you know that's to say that's a small portion and low carb yeah that's pretty crazy so it's 60 grams of carbs per serving and the calories per plate are 693 calories 39 grams of protein 60 grams of carbs and 33 grams of fat i mean that's i mean i i'm not complaining about it it looks beautiful yeah like it's very appealing yeah so i mean no oil on the veggies you're just playing with the sauce on the side so it's good always good to have sauce inside because it's better to have it and not need it it's right like i don't think that there's that much fat in this dish by the way he said that it's 33 grams of fat but i think he's just taking the upper extreme if you don't use all the sauce then it's going to be a lot less it's starting to catch up to me right now wait i don't know how this fits in her belly like this there's probably ways more than her probably is bigger than her it's just not big i don't know i i don't think that was a big portion because it's mostly vegetables okay so this is the workout we are doing today the 10 minute butt workout great thumbnail don't you think mom i think it looks pretty good reeled me right in so a lot of people give her flax saying that 10 minutes is not enough for a workout and i tend to agree that's not enough but she actually doesn't promote that you do one every single day she actually promotes that you do multiple and i think that's great oh man i gotta say i really appreciate this guy thank you for being so truthful and real i wasn't expecting this because every time when i look at videos like this people always take things out of context and say things like clothing only promotes 10 minutes workouts but if you look at my schedule you can clearly tell the average workout time is not 10 minutes but haters just gonna be like you know 10 minute workout stupid chloe thing is stupid they just wanna they just wanna hate me so yeah well thank you i appreciate that there's a lot of nice b-rolls i don't know how she keeps a straight face when she does this stuff do you what you're talking about dude i have a straight face really you remind me of dan humphrey in that show you then i'm free what's his name you look super intense i can feel the blood flow in my butt holy the glue pump right now is real we're making the scallop and shrimp zoodles which is zucchini noodles that's good really good this is good this is the best thing all day for sure wow all right so that is gonna wrap up the full day of eating how do you feel gracious too much food too little food just right i'm gonna i'm gonna do like a goldilocks just right that's right i mean too little for me obviously so the total calories for the day was 1 745 141.5 grams protein 172.5 grams of carbs and 54.5 grams of fat i mean there's nothing crazy there i totally think that she's not a fake eater i don't know what greg was smoking that day he filmed that video i don't i don't know either because i don't i weigh the true mature and i could eat it yeah too much artificial sweeteners man it's probably it's getting up here you know i think she's great super cute super cute voice i love she's so cute and then i got this t-shirt because she was wearing it so then i got this like you know yeah so i think she's awesome i think she's awesome i like her yeah great workouts i think just add as many as you want wake up you say i think i'll do an app and i'll do upper body and i'll do a booty and just there you go i think she's great yeah so overall i don't think she's a fake eater at all you know no you don't think so either i think i liked her a lot and i liked it i enjoyed it thank you i'm so glad that you like my recipes and enjoy my workout i really appreciate it so there you go guys i believe that will is a guy too he's got a mom and she can do my workouts too so yes mom and guys can do my workouts and also check out his channel if you like his intense dare i haven't actually watched any of his videos so i'm not sure what it says so you just gotta figure it out yourself hey guys my name is jamie i am a personal trainer from london and today i'm gonna be going through three of chloe ting's workout three okay so i've got to be honest prior to today i hadn't heard of chloe ting but having watched some of her workouts i think it's gonna be easy no jokes aside i think it's gonna be tough i am looking forward to it okay time to give chloe ting's minute leg and booty workout a go i'm gonna start with the bandwalks with my lovely pink band couldn't have given me a more manly color okay all right let's go down and pull 10 seconds in my legs are absolutely on fire on fire now i don't end up looking like the kardashians after this is it time here oh my god okay legs are literally shaking right now right now it's the lateral well i think our resistance is probably really strong i'm never going to slay people who do booty classes this is absolutely brutal two exercises oh my god do not skip late days guys higher higher another exercise i do all the time obviously when you guys do this i've never seen anyone any guys in the gym do this i've never seen you guys did it right definitely time for the other side's gotta be higher tighter bands and less crikey guys if you're watching this you think it's easy you definitely gotta give it a go it's absolutely brutal okay that was hard as you can see i'm sweating i would say these exercises are very good for glute activation but are they gonna build your booty probably not the exercises i would suggest if you're going to be doing them at home would be a bulgarian split squat which is where you're going to kind of have your back foot normally elevated you can have it on the floor in the hinge of the hips and drop that back knee down i say that one is very good for building this and you can also stick with things like a romanian deadlift with a band to wrap the band underneath your toes you know that's the problem people tried one workout and think that's it that's the clothing workout she sucks she did not use squats she did not do lunges she did not do romanian deadlifts she sucks okay we're going to try chloe ting's two week ab challenge which is no doubt going to get these abs sizzling yeah engage that core your chloe puts these workouts together it's so much harder probably got my t-shirt riding up i'm gonna watch this back later i'll be like oh my god what's going on with my form well i'd love to say that was easy but it was actually your form was good okay so those exercises were really effective for building a six-pack and strengthening your core planks are probably some of the best exercises that you can do and there's quite a lot of variation there okay so in terms of effectiveness i would give the workout a solid nine out of ten in terms of difficulty i would give it a solid 11 out of 10. my abs were on fire doing that so definitely recommend this in terms of strengthening and this workout is actually not as difficult as some of my new hour workouts though for those of you guys who have done my abs workout or my hip workout you got to give yourself a big big pet here because you guys have done well very good okay we're going to try chloe ting's two-week shred challenge but we have a special guest ariana thank you so jamie has convinced me to do the workout with him after much coercion so you can do them faster okay let's go are you talking about dying speak for yourself oh my god this is going to be absolutely horrendous it's not going to be that bad come on you guys are strong let's get on thinking this is like another dance thing isn't it you can do it so jamie as a pp how would you rate that workout uh very effective absolutely brutal i mean i tend to do weights three to four times a week not that you can tell and that absolutely killed me it was very very challenging my workouts aren't magical or super tough or super easy it's really dependent on your fitness level and also i have so many workout videos there are some that are quite easy some are more difficult and some are even more difficult than the two weeks stretch challenge so i do have mostly body weight workouts but i also have weighted workouts for upper body for legs for booty for abs like and also it depends on what you're more conditioned to like if you're more conditioned to doing body weight workouts then you'll find it easier and if you do weighted workouts with a longer rest time you'll find these self workouts a little bit more difficult and if you are someone who does body weight workouts you'll find some weighted workouts more challenging it depends on what you're adapted to and that's the reason why you change it up to make it a little bit more challenging it's really hard to please everyone in one single video and that's the reason why people like to i guess bash me based on one or two videos that i've seen or five videos whatever it is they create a false impression of me or they could take it out of context and i think that's all i want to say but overall these guys are really nice i was expecting the worst because i i don't want to expect good things anymore but thank you guys so much like i said in my previous video if you have not watched my previous video my q a video please do watch it some people just want to hurt me just want to see me suffer sad but it is what it is i don't really let these things bother me so i'm generally okay i'm really happy and also really thankful that these guys are being truthful and not jump on the bandwagon of just hating me because after all a lot of gym bros just despise me it's really refreshing to see content like this instead of the negative ones so thank you guys so much anyway i hope you guys enjoyed today's video because i did and do check them out don't forget to subscribe and like this video because you know that it will help me out like and comment both please boys and i'll see you guys in the next video a new program is coming out soon in a week in a week in a week so check it out in a week on my channel you'll be live live yeah see you guys in the next video bye
Channel: Chloe Ting
Views: 1,752,969
Rating: 4.9403276 out of 5
Keywords: chloe ting, chloe ting workouts, chloe ting results, chloe ting reactions, i try chloe ting, i tried chloe ting, trying chloe ting, tried chloe ting workouts, chloe ting workouts for guys, guys trying chloe ting, can guys do chloe ting, home workouts, home exercise, chloe ting vlogs
Id: g1GrkZkE9f0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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