CRAZY 3 Month Transformation: Step-By-Step How I lost 23 lbs and 10% Body Fat

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This is fantastic, Thanks for the in depth video!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/NanakiX3 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2017 đź—«︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's up guys in today's video I'm going to be showing you exactly how I was able to achieve the transformation I previously showed and how I was able to do it while working a full-time desk job and more specifically I'll be going through the weight routine I use my diet and also my party routine that I use for this transformation keep in mind that I've been working out for several years now so although it may not have look like it I've had a lot of muscle hiding under my fat when I was at 18 percent body fat I just need to get it rid of that fat to reveal the physique that was hiding under all that fat so if you're in the same situation then I highly suggest that you watch this video and implement the protocols that I go through because your body will look amazing once you get down through the low enough body fat and you'll see all the muscle that's been hiding under your fat but with that being said dropping your body fat by 10% in just 12 weeks is really hard to do and it's especially hard if you're working a full-time desk job like added or if you're a full-time student and pretty much state all day however if you implement the tips and protocols that I'll be going through in the I'm confident that you'll be able to get shredded pretty quickly before we get started if you haven't already please make sure that you hit that like button and hit that subscribe button I'll put a lot of effort into this video so I really appreciate if you support me by subscribing to my channel anyways let's get started with the video so the first thing I want to talk about is my weightlifting routine which is pretty straightforward you'll sometimes hear people say that you need to switch up your lifting routine when cutting by lowering the weight and lifting with higher reps well this is pretty much the opposite of what you want to do all it's going to do is make you look flat and it's going to make you lose a lot of muscle because when cutting your main concern should be to maintain as much muscle mass as possible and to do that you need to continue lifting heavy weights I kept my lifting routine pretty much the exact same when I began my cut which was a push-pull leg split twice a week I focused on letting heavy and using a rep range of around six to twelve reps for most of my exercises and I try my best to not let my strength drop especially on compound lifts and I was able to pretty much maintain my strength on my pull and leg day but my push day lifts definitely got quite a bit weaker which is usually the case for most people now let's get into my diet and cardio routine but first one important thing to keep in mind is that getting down from 18 percent body fat to around 10 to 12 percent body fat is much easier than getting down from 10 percent body fat to 7 to 8 percent and I'll go through the specific changes I had to make in my diet and cardio routine in order to get below that 10% body fat barrier so let's get started with the diet that I used of course as many of you already know you must eat at a caloric deficit in order to lose fat at the end of my bulking phase I was eating around 3200 calories with a maintenance of around 2900 calories so for the first week of my cut I used a 15% caloric deficit which brought my cutting calories for the first week down to around 2500 calories from then on I would gradually drop my calories throughout the 12 weeks but I wouldn't go below 1,900 calories so on average I was further dropping my calories by around 100 calories every two weeks and this was just to prevent reaching a fat loss plateau but I adjusted this based on how fast my weight was dropping my energy levels and my strength in the gym if I was losing weight too quickly for example over 2 pounds per week or my strength was dropping too quickly in the gym then I would adjust by slightly increasing my calories on the other hand if my weight stalled and I didn't look any more defined in the mirror from the previous week with slightly lower my calories as for macros I keep it simple and I try to get at least one gram of protein per pound of body weight around 15 to 20 percent on my calories from frat and the rest of my calories from carbs so my first week of cutting I was eating at 180 grams of protein 50 grams of fat some 320 grams of carbs and every time I draw up calories after this I was mostly drop my carbs and leave my protein and fat relatively the same I also utilize intermittent fasting whenever I cut as I find it really helps me with losing my stubborn fat due to the increased catecholamine levels and it also enables me to have larger more satisfying meals I use a faster protocol with a 16 hour fast and an 8 hour feeding window so I would eat from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. and fast for all hours outside of this and this protocol was basically just the easiest for me to maintain and that's for exact foods I would eat for the most part I eat lots of fruits and vegetables chicken eggs fish rice peanut butter potatoes and I also use if it fits your macros as well so I tend to fit in a lot of the foods I enjoy throughout the week and one more thing I want to briefly mention is that after about week 7 or 8 once I was down to around 10% body fat I started incorporating refeed days in which I would eat at maintenance calories or a bit higher by increasing my carb intake and decreasing my fat and protein intake for the day I had about 1 refeed day a week and then as I got leaner throughout the next weeks I increased the frequency to about to refuse per week and the main purpose for this was just to help me satisfy cravings that I had and also to get my metabolism a little kickstart to get rid of that last bit of stubborn fat now finally that's getting to my cardio routine so for the first six weeks I actually perform very little cardio I would simply play a little bit of 10 or some other sport 1 to 2 times per week a caloric deficit I created through my diet was enough to bring my body fat down to around 11 to 12 percent so cardio wasn't really necessary yet but after this point I needed to start incorporating cardio to continue seeing results as many of you know I'm a big fan of hit not only for fat loss but also for its cardiovascular benefits it's my approach when it comes to cardio is to overload your cardio routine every week by strategically using a combination of low intensity steady-state cardio and hid so for example in week 6 I perform one hit session per week and one low to moderate intensity cardio session per week something just like 20 minutes on the Stairmaster along with whatever sports I was playing for fun and every week after this I would either add more cardio sessions per week or I would increase the volume of those cardio sessions and by week 12 I was performing hit twice a week as well as three 20 to 25-minute moderate intensity Stairmaster sessions per week which honestly is quite a lot but was necessary if I really wanted to get shredded while working the desk job another important point I want to mention is that after week 6 I tried to make an effort to increase my activity level while I was in the fasted State as I believe it really helps me lose that last bit of stubborn fat and research seems to agree with this but starting work at 8 a.m. for five days a week made this kind of difficult so for two to three times a week I would try to get in my workout and cardio session at 5:30 a.m. before work while I was still fasted and I would just supplement with BCAAs and on the work days that I didn't do this I would use some of my 30-minute work break to take a long walk outside before I had my first meal so I was still in the fasted State basically I was always trying to somehow increase my activity level while I was in the fasted State and if you want to learn more about why I do this you can check out this video I made on the topic so basically it is sum things up what I recommend you do is the following one star with a caloric deficit that is around 15% less that of your maintenance calories to use a weightlifting routine in which you lift heavy within 6 to 12 reps focus on maintaining your strength every week know that some strength loss is to be expected but you shouldn't be drastically dropping the list every week 3 implement intermittent fasting and refeed days to help you get past that 10% of body fat barrier and will also help with food cravings for use a combination of hid and low to moderate intensity cardio and gradually increase the volume of cardio you do 5 tweak all the above based on how your cut is going so basically adjust your diet and cardio based on the number of pounds or body fat percentage you lose per week you ideally want to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week and I just also based on your strength in the gym and your overall energy levels that's basically it guys when it comes down to it fat loss is all about exercising more and eating less but the key is you want to do it in a way that prevents your body from reaching plateaus and enables you to get down to really low levels of body fat and you constantly want to tweet things based on how your body is responding so what worked really well for me may not work as well for others so we want to do is just constantly monitor your progress and adjust your diet and exercise routine accordingly I believe me the process is not easy but it is a hundred percent worth it well make sure your attention you get in the comments you get above your body is nice but what's most rewarding is the personal satisfaction you get when you see what you're truly capable of if you push your limits you work hard and you put in the work even on days that you don't want to I hope this video inspires you and I hope it helps a lot of people please don't forget to hit that like button and hit that subscribe button and let me know that in the comments below if you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them I'll see you next time
Channel: Jeremy Ethier
Views: 2,038,489
Rating: 4.9536791 out of 5
Keywords: 3 month transformation, 3 month transformation fat to fit, crazy 3 month transformation, shredded transformation, fat to fit, fat loss transformation, 12 week transformation, body transformation, 3 month transformation bodybuilding, 3 month transformation male, 3 month transformation body, gym 3 month transformation, bodybuilding 3 month transformation, best 3 month transformation, my 3 month transformation, getting shredded transformation, jeremyethier, hiityourbody
Id: f8-UmPT9tpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2017
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