Is Magnifico Really A Villian?

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hi guys welcome to my channel if you're new here which you probably are cuz this is my first video please like And subscribe and today's video we're going to be talking about the other disappointment of wish Disney's latest flop um I'm going to be talking about the things I liked about the movie The things I didn't like and things that stuck out to me also I'm going to be answering the question if magnifico is really a villain if that's how you say his name and I know this movie came out a while ago but I just saw it a couple days ago on Disney plus so I thought I should share my opinion which is what I'm about to do so first things first things that I liked Asha is really pretty Asha is really pretty and I personally think that she's probably one of the prettiest princesses they ever made in my personal opinion in my personal opinion and I think I don't know if it's just her animation I feel like she's she just just she don't look like the rest like I I don't know why like there's nothing really particular that sticks sticks out about her like obviously her hair is probably the number one thing cuz she has the lemonade braids box braids which I think was a very great choice but I just really think she's so cute like she's really pretty like she's she's up there she's up there um with a lot of the princesses but like she really sticks out in my opinion so it is a little concerning as to why her clothes are so raggedy why her clothes like that her clothes are not eating they're not like they seem very much like she is fighting starvation in district 12 this girl is about to be reaped for The Hunger Games like I don't I really don't understand do y'all not feel like that like I really feel like asha's clothes are are very boring they're very raggedy like and they seem very out of place like Queen Amaya obviously she's the queen but she is eating the girl is eating like she's eating her outfit is eating so I I don't understand why Asha look like that why I don't know like it's very strange and do she not look like something look like somebody that's in district 12 in my personal opinion imagine her outfit was blue imagine her outfit was blue is that not giving ciss is it not maybe I'm tripping like maybe I'm tripping it's giving raggedy that's what it's giving in my personal opinion obviously cuz catniss even had a blue outfit on and it was short sleeve but is that not giving Asha is it not I don't know maybe it's not but I feel like it's definitely giving raggedy whereas the other princip princesses they go from Rags to Riches period and that's another thing why don't Asha have no costume change why does she not have a costume change throughout the whole movie she get like a little Cape at the end what is that she is not Alex tuso she's not a wizard I'm very much confused it was not given it was not and yeah all the other princesses most of them get a costume change um princess Jack she e at the end of her movie with that purple outfit um what's this woman name Why can I think of this Princess Aurora yes Aurora get a costume change she go from Rags to Riches for real for real B Rags of riches baby like what where is where is the rxs of riches where is this plot where is this concept why they miss that why did they miss that Concept in this movie Tiana baby perfect example Rags or riches snow Cinderella Rags or riches what is going on Ariel I guess she really don't count cuz she ain't really had no clothes but but I'm very much confused as to what is what did this H what why is Asha looking like that now here's another thing do y'all think Asha is a princess I had this question I had asked somebody this do y'all think Asha is a princess because technically she has no TI to the throne she has no TI to the throne and she didn't get married she like didn't have no love love interest which is fine but like where is the ties to the throne I'm very much confused as to how is she a princess in what way she is a commoner that's she is a commoner that's why I'm saying it's giving Rags like it it's given that like and so I'm very much confused as to why she is considered a princess I mean hey maybe maybe that's not you don't necessarily have to be royalty I guess but I did think it a bit strange cuz even like Moana she's the chief of the daughter or she's the daughter of the chief so technically she is royalty of her people you know what I'm saying pocah she she the daughter of the chief too so I'm I'm confused like it it just seems a bit strange also back to my first point Rapunzel she don't get no costume change but at least she get a haircut it's ugly but at least they switch it up whereas Asha looks the same the whole movie she don't get no hole in her clothes from running and falling and all of this stuff that she doing I'm very much confused like it it seems strange to me very much strange to me but okay next thing don't y'all think that's strange or it's just me it must be it must be me um next thing the I I personally I understand a lot of people didn't like Simon but I personally feel like he was the best addition to the story definitely definitely because Valentino that wasn't it that was not it why do they have her animal sidic psychic talking no it wasn't eting it was not eating and it I just thought why I OB I feel like they had to make up for the lack of another like Char charismatic character like with Rapunzel she got fing you know what I'm saying with bale she got the Beast with Jasmine she got a laddin you know what I'm saying these these these characters all have someone to kind of like keep the story going with whereas Asha don't have nobody she literally has star and he don't talk and that was another thing that I did not like why is he here but let me stay stay on Valentino for a second very much out of place very much out of order don't none of the sidekicks talk Moana hey hey chick her chicken did was not talking her Pig was not talking I just thought it was very very very strange I mean Ariel flounder can talk Sebastian can talk but then again Ariel is a fish so that makes sense you know what I'm saying Snow White her friends was not talking no no no Pascale was not talking I think the only exception is Milan with Mushu you know what I'm saying but he was he was a anonym uh he was strange altoe cuz he was a dragon or some type of lizard form thing he was what's that thing from Spider-Man an anomy an anomy i can't even say the word y'all but but yeah I I definitely thought that that was strange I did not like that that addition at all they should have took that out now back to Simon Simon was a good addition because I personally feel like though yeah oh he did something wrong that's a real thing that is a real thing that happens in reality when people are desperate they do desperate things and clearly Simon was desperate he didn't feel like he was his full self or at least his friends was telling him that he wasn't I don't know if he felt like that or if he was just taking on everything that people was selling him but he clearly did not feel like his full self and when you in that type of Mind state or in that state of mind you be doing stuff that you probably wouldn't normally do or that people wouldn't normally do or then again maybe he just a bad person I don't know but but I feel like that was a very good addition because honestly that was the best PL of the whole movie one of the even though it was a side plot subplot it it was like it was very real it was very real and he realized his mistake in the end and all that other stuff whereas Asha and magnifico they story lines make no sense at all like at all it it just it wasn't given it was not given and while we talking about magnifo why is Chris Pine so good at playing a villain do do y'all think that's strange Chris Pine be eating as these villains he be playing like a lot of villains or anti-heroes and I he really be eating he ate this R he did though magnifico is not really that scary or anything like that I do feel like Chris Pine did a good job but do y'all think it's strange that he play such a good it makes me wonder if he a villain in real life it do it make me wonder if he a villain in real life because he be playing these villain roles a little too good a little too well like sir I mean I know it's his job he actor but he he be really eating these rolls it it's a bit strange in my opinion do y'all think that or is it just me is it just me I I don't know another thing I want to say back to Star I know I keep jumping all over the place y'all probably like this she don't know what she want to do but I just have a lot of opinions so bear with me star is cute utterly pointless but cute you know that scene where he put He make that yarn into a mustache that is so cute I was cracking up like that was so funny to me and but everything else he was pretty useless I'm not going to lie he he really didn't need to be there and I did just think it was kind of strange like oh she made one wish and the star fell out of the sky what it just seemed a little too much even for Disney like and they be having real crazy plots so so I mean look at Rapunzel she she literally was captured like but the star falling out of the sky that that wasn't given that was not given I didn't like that and it like I said it seemed out of place it seemed like too much now let's get to the things that I did like or that I didn't like and that stuck out to me first of all why is Peter Pan in this movie why is Peter Pan in here I'm very much confused as to why my man Peter Pan is in this movie my boy Peter Pan is in this movie about 50 times no I'm playing that's an exaggeration but he is in this movie a lot they referenc him about three times literally one of the people one of the commoners they like like oh I want a fantasy land in the in the sky that is that not giving Peter Pan is that not giving Peter Pan obviously Peter Pan didn't have that in the sky but he had Neverland and magnifico literally says how about Neverland why are they referencing Peter Pan so much and then did y'all Peep In the End how Peter was there this woman Amaya the queen was like talking to some girl like oh this is my friend Peter girl Peter Pan I thought you could fly why are you here why are you here is this his origin story I'm very much confused as to why my boy Peter Pan is in this movie like it just don't make no sense and it's strange because Disney does do that they do drop like Easter eggs from other movies in their films but it's usually never that blatant it's never really in your face like that you know what I'm saying it's very vague you very you most of the time you don't even see it until you watch the movie over you never really catch it on the first time or the first viewing of the movie for example Doug from Ratatouille was in he was in Ratatouille and you didn't even see him you just saw his shadow Pixar they had the Pixar ball and inside out they had loto and up but they're very short scenes that you probably wouldn't even noticed unless somebody pointed it out whereas I noticed this the first time watching I only watched it once so so I'm very much confused as to why they keep referencing my boy Peter P even Peter in the movie got the Peter Pan hat on he got orange hair and everything what is happening why are you here Peter why are you here like Peter what are you doing here I'm very much confused like that I thought that was strange and they kept referencing Snow White too did y'all notice that they had her apple that like evil the Evil Queen's apple and the movie and it was very much strange it was very much out of place why does magnifico have this apple I feel like I'm saying his name wrong but whatever why do he have this apple in his in his layer for what and then in one of the songs he literally say or in some part of the movie he literally says mirror mirror on the wall who's the handsomest of them all why are you referencing the evil queen you is not that evil sir you not evil it's not given evil it's given that they put that in there because they knew that he wasn't giv evil like they kind of had to overcompensate basically they were overcompensating for the lack of for the lack of fear that the people did not have for this man cuz he is not scary I mean the viewers I guess the viewers the lack of fear the viewers did not have cuz this man is not terrifying in any way it it was very strange to me and I did not like that um on to the next thing I forgot to say this with the things that I liked the wish this wish is my favorite song that is the only song that makes sense in this movie every other song seems very much out of place very much annoying very much don't like I just didn't like them now that other song at all cost it was not a bad song it just did not fit the movie it seemed very like I said very much out of place why it's giv romantic what why are y'all singing to these floating balls it it just seems strange it was not given this wish is personally the only song that I actually like from the film and I feel like it was the only song that fit in the film like what it it just wasn't making no sense in my personal opinion the songs were trash Disney really flopped really really flopped it it it was terrible but but hey whatever I guess you can't win them all and I know a lot of people saying oh Disney is failing and all this other stuff I mean they probably are but I seriously doubt that Disney is not going to make a banger eventually you know what I'm saying like they be missing the mark sometimes but I don't really think it's going to be like that forever like I mean think about Encanto think about Koko you know what I'm saying they be having and there was flops between those movies and it still and kto came out in 2021 that was only a couple years ago so Disney can't be doing that bad you know what I'm saying they they been they definitely didn't have some flops but I think I think we doing a little too much I think people are kind of over exaggerating but this movie for sure was terrible for sure period now to answer y'all to answer the question is magnifical a villain no absolutely not and I think y'all already knew I was going to say that no now yeah he he a little entitled but that's it's a lot of people like that that don't make them a villain like that does not make them a villain and honestly the people is really the villain they are Craig them I did not like them people the civilians the commoners I did not like them they are the villain how do y'all come to somebody's Island willingly by the way and then give up y'all giving up a part of yourself as if it's y y'all don't have free will I think when Simon I feel like it was very it was an accurate depiction that when you give up a part of yourself that is how you feel you feel depressed but they make it as if he took it from them when he didn't they gave it to him like they gave their wish to him willingly and then another thing they really cowards in my opinion they are cowards because instead of making their own dream come true they going to rely on somebody else to do it and then get mad at him if he don't what what this is this is a scam this is the biggest scam that I've ever seen on TV like no that's probably not true but this is one of the biggest ones this is this is really a scam they are scaming magnifical he is a victim he is a victim period I just don't understand how they could do that like they making him out to be the villain when really it's them it's really them they did not have to come to that Island they did not have to give up their wish no one's forcing them to do this like it was just ridiculous it was very much ridiculous and then I mean it just seemed a little crazy to rely on one person to make your dreams come true they're your dreams like that concept just didn't even make any sense in my personal opinion and see this is where although I do think Asha is pretty this is where she becomes very unlikable cuz she don't even come off just as like naive you know what I'm saying I feel like other princesses come off as naive like Pocahontas Ariel um Milan you know what I'm saying but they have other attributes that make up for that so like Milan may be naive thinking that she could fight a war but she still comes out as brave because she do it she still she does it and she obviously get caught which is the naive part she thought that she wasn't going to get caught she's being naive and thinking that but she still did it so that she's clearly Brave you know what I'm [Music] saying um what's This Woman's name Ariel very naive very naive to think that you going to fall in love in 3 days but it also shows that she's very um strong headed or um what's the What's the phrase headstrong you know what I'm saying and that can be a good attribute cuz you don't you have a mind of your own and you don't let people push you around you get what I'm saying so even though the princesses aren't necessarily perfect they have other attributes that make up for their faults whereas Asha just she has nothing she literally has no she only has faults she only has faults and it's she only has flaws it's very unappealing and it's very unlikable and I think that's what makes her so unlikable it I think that's what it is she's very annoying and that's why I'm saying like even though magnifico had unlikable traits like he was entitled he was arrogant it still seemed as though he had everybody's best interest at heart so you can have unlikable traits that does not make you a Villain Like You know what I'm saying but Asha is a villain or I don't really necessarily think she's a villain but she is the villain of that story because she has no likable traits about her she's really annoying she's she's she's kind of like obnoxious that's what the word that's the word I'm looking for she's obnoxious she's not even naive she's just silly she really silly she's she's on the borderline of stupid like she's on the borderline of stupid so yeah and there's not much else that is said about her they don't say she's Brave they don't really say she's adventurous she's bold she's audacious nothing no she just irritating like that's what it's giving it's giving borderline stupid and just obnoxious so yeah that's my take on it magnifico is not a villain and yeah I hope you guys enjoyed the video let me know what you guys think let share y'all opinions am I tripping please somebody tell me if I'm tripping about Asha clothes cuz it was just not giving like it just was not giv it is definitely giv she is starving she is fighting for her life in this year 12 in my personal opinion but let me know what y'all think in the comment section bye
Channel: HarshButTrue
Views: 4,354
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Id: rmJSxGk7d0s
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Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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