Is KANG Actually Dead? Victor Timely's Loki Return EXPLAINED

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hey welcome back screen Crush I'm Ryan Erie phase five of the MCU has officially begun with Ant-Man and the WASP quantumania this movie introduced us to the Multiverse saga's big bad Kang the Conqueror but is this the same tank that we're actually going to see take on the Avengers and Avengers the King Dynasty and then Secret Wars and if so where did he go after being sucked into his power core in quantumania well we think the second post-credits scene may have just revealed that information we think that Kang who did not die and he's hiding on Earth in the early 20th century are you talking about that Victor timely guy from Japan's credit scene that's right in this post-credit scene for quantumania we saw a scene from Loki season two this scene featured the Kang variant Victor timely and after this scene the screen reads Kang will return now sure this could be in reference to one of the moony variants that we saw in the first post-credits scene but I don't think so I think this is in reference to this specific Kang from quantumania now in the comics Victor timely is a Kang that traveled back in time to the early 20th century this was after he suffered an embarrassing defeat in Avengers annual 21 Kang travels back in time to 20th century Wisconsin and it is there that he establishes the town of timely he becomes the mayor of the town and creates an impressive and Innovative company that rapidly advances technology specifically his time traveling technology which he seems to be giving a presentation for in the post-credits scene he's got a real Thomas Edison Vibe about him and that's because the whole thing is a facade you see in the comics Victor timely isn't really a variant of keg the Conqueror he's a disguise and how so we think we're seeing something similar play out here in the MCU following an embarrassing defeat by Ant-Man and the WASP Kang finds himself falling through a Time Vortex and crash landing in the early 20th century Avengers end game confirmed via the quantum realm one can travel through time and universes Tony Stark's time machine gave the Avengers the ability to control where they go but with Kang being sucked into his power core he could have landed anywhere in the time stream now keep in mind that his power core when paired with his chair gave King the ability to travel through all of existence the power core is what provides the power and the chair was used to dial in wherever he wants to go like the quantum suits and end game in the comics timely Wisconsin is quantum entangled with Kang city of chronopolis chronopolis being what inspired Kang's Quantum realm Kingdom that we see in quantumania so with these two places being entangled in the comics I wouldn't be surprised to learn that they're entangled in the movies as well this quantum entanglement could have been formed when Kang was sucked into the power core and he randomly landed in 20th century Wisconsin this could have left behind a Quantum connection between the two places similar to how Scott was linked to the quantum realm and Janet after he went subatomic in the first Ant-Man movie we think when you were down there you may have entangled with her heck I would never do that I respect you too much quantum entanglement Sky per person I thought when Ken got stuck to that power cord he he oh buddy there's no way he's dead he's confirmed that he survived and our credit scene we get the MCU debut of the Council of Kings we meet characters like immortus Rama Tut and maybe the scarless Centurion we've actually got a video breaking down that post credit scene so be sure to check it out anyway in that post-credits scene we hear Rama Tut ask are you sure he's dead this is the second time the movie questions of Kang really died just a few minutes earlier we hear Scott eerily ask himself we did beat him right I mean yeah that's what happened he was getting out and he didn't get out I think but even if these scenes weren't in the film I'd still be certain that Kang wasn't dead because when a time traveling multiversal villain gets sucked into a power core meant for multiversal travel he's not dead his journey has only just begun and then when the filmmakers go out of their way to make sure the audience questions whether or not Kang really died you know they're setting up his return plus we've got Avengers the Kang Dynasty coming and sure they could introduce another variant of Kang that goes by the name Kang but what fun would that be we've already met this Kank they've developed this character we've seen his motives and his disdain for his variants the grand groundwork has been laid for this Kank to have a Revenge filled return hey Kang who was banished by his variants and seeks to burn them out of time a Kang who will have a bloodlust for the ant family and I'm calling it now Kang is going to return and he will brutally murder either Scott hope Janet or Hank almost immediately and I think it's really important that despite the MCU existing with a vast Multiverse with infinite versions of every character it's important that they don't allow that to take away from the stakes having another king be the villain of Kang Dynasty to me would feel like the quantumania Kang was just a waste Mr Wayne didn't want you to think that he was deliberately wasting your time just accidentally wasting it getting somehow accidentally now in the Loki series we met he who remains another Kang variant a variant who successfully burned his variants out of time and won the multiversal war a Kang who organized the Multiverse into the sacred timeline by his own design which is exactly what the Kang in quantumania aspires to do we even got a glimpse of what could be his plans for a sacred timeline which gave me real death star plan from Attack of the Clones Vibes every sign points to Kang the Conqueror and he who remains being not merely variants of one another but the exact same variant in Loki we hear he who remains say I've been dubbed many names by many people a ruler a conqueror and when he who remains presents Loki and Sylvie with the choice of replacing him as the rulers of all time or killing him and allowing the sacred timeline to break into chaos he says you either take over and my life's work continues or you plunge your blade in my chest and an infinite amount of B start another multiversal war and I just end up right back here anyways we think that quantumanius came to conqueror is the king who will end up back there anyway and become he who remains only this time it's likely The Avengers will stop in before he can become he who remains or we could see him successfully win the Multiverse award defeat all his variants and the Avengers and then become he who remains and then Loki and Sylvie can lead the Avengers to him at the Citadel at the end of time there we'll find he who remains beginning to piece together the sacred timeline and pruning variate timelines from existence including the problematic Universe 616 the main MCU and the Avengers just can't allow that to happen so Richard that got through his fifth or timely well we think the Victor timely could be just the beginning to Kang's conquering of the Multiverse if Victor timely is King the Conqueror then that means that he escaped from the quantum realm and will hit the ground running with his plan to conquer the Multiverse but with him being limited by the Technologies of the 20th century it will take time for him to gather and create all the necessary elements he'll need to begin his Conquest and he doesn't even have his time chair or the Kang suit both of which play a major role in the creation of his Quantum Kingdom and quantumania who doesn't even have a box of scraps right so we could see Kang spend the next Century on Earth preparing for his takeover pretend's just a man how can he prevent himself from dying of old age well I'd assume that one of King's first projects will be developing technology that uses his understanding of time travel to keep himself young similar to what the Avengers did in endgame when testing their time machine let me guess he turned into a baby it's the epr Paradox instead of pushing Lang from time you might have wound up pushing time through Lang It's Tricky dangerous somebody could have cautioned you against it won't people start to wonder why this guy does not age great question and that's actually addressed in the comics as decades pass King eventually abandons the Victor timely Alias and moves on to Victor timely Jr Victor timely son now we theorized in this video that as the 21st century approaches we could see Kang abandon the timely Alias and take on the Mr Griffin Persona Mr Griffin being the CEO of Kang Enterprises with which we saw a hint at in the Loki series meaning that Kang or Mr Griffin is likely the mysterious buyer of Avengers Tower and Spider-Man homecoming Beretta how can you have Avengers Tower if variants didn't exist from Spider-Man homecoming took place hork said himself that Travelin to the Past does not change the future that's right traveling to the Past does not change the future it creates variant timelines so back to the future of the language and Spider-Man homecoming takes place before Avengers end game which means that it takes place before the Avengers created a variant timeline where Loki escapes with the Tesseract that means that there shouldn't be any King variants other than he who remains in existence when Spider-Man homecoming took place but if Kang the Conqueror Victor timely Mr Griffin and he who remains are all the exact same variant then perhaps their presence has been a constant and the sacred timeline and they were never pruned because they don't lead to the variant Kings who threaten the timeline they lead to he who remains reincarnation I'm just the six rainbow candies in the glove there's definitely were simpler times but don't worry we here at screen Crusher here to help explain everything the best we can to provide lots of fun theories along the way so let us know do you think Victor timely is quantumanius Kang and are they both destined to become he who remains let me know in the comments below or you can add me on Twitter and if you're new here please subscribe smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan Harry foreign [Music]
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 246,287
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Keywords: kang actually dead, kang actualy dead, screencrush, heavy spoilers, new rockstars, vcitor timely, loki, ant man 3 post credits, kang actually daed, kang actualy daed, did kang die, who Is victor timely, loki season 2, marvel, mavel, mcu, cinematic universe, screencrush arvel, kang videos, who Is kang, screencrush ant man quantumania, screencrush she hulk, screencrush quantumania, screencrush thor love and thunder, screencrush wakanda forever, heavy spoilers she hulk
Id: KrKLGhf9ysE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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