Hey Ford! This is Why Your Customers Don't Trust Ford Dealerships to Fix Their Cars!

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all right ford listen up this is why your customers that buy your vehicles do not trust your ford service departments at the dealership to work on the vehicles whether they're in warranty or out of warranty so here's a little backstory in this one right here so this vehicle right here as it sits is a 17 explorer it's absolutely beautiful look at it uh the guy really takes care of it any little thing he wants it fixed on here all right 17 explore with about 70 71 000 miles on it currently as it sits okay so are under the warranty the 560 powertrain warranty the water pump went 3.5 liter naturally aspirated engine they all failed eventually this one was kind of early lucky for him he got it changed under warranty about five ten thousand miles later he noticed there's a leak in his driveway brought to another ford dealership because there was the first one was on strike through the union contract blah blah so he brought to another one with a non-union shop a ford dealership and they said your rear main seals leak and that's what's stripping all of your driveway you're out of your warranty now so you need to pay us 2500 for a rear mainsteel league rear main seal leaks really aren't common on the 3.5 liter engines pretty much at all all right so he got fed up with the bouncing back and forth back and forth we're gonna warranty or not so you brought to me an honest ford independent mechanic to take a look let's see what we find all right it's gonna blow you away so brought it in put up in the air first thing let's start an inspection well he's got a leak so let's look under the power train here for a leak all right very first place i look since he said his coolant is now low is right behind the ac compressor here there's a weep hole up behind the alternator that comes down and it drips all over like this okay and you can see it's coolant coming out of here but the water pump was just replacing i ever placed tons of these water pumps on these engines dating back to when they first came out at the dealership and not my shop i've never had a repeat failure especially not in within five ten thousand miles what's weird about this one is hey there's a lot of cooling up inside of here and right here but this coolant is like sticky it's weird almost like he has league stop in it they threw league stop in there it's really weird it's all coming from behind there okay then so i started looking around did they ever change the water pump does it look like they've ever changed the water pump did they touch the bolts in the front cover how is the sealant on here like i said i pull a lot of these apart i can tell when the factory has seal these engines up their bead their millimeter size bead of sealant is very exact so it comes out just about perfect so let's take a look at it on here you can kind of see it you can see it right through here so i'll zoom in for you all right so the first thing you notice is right here is a t joint between the head the block and the front cover very common weavage point as you see here very common especially on this side of the engine it's all still nice and dirty even the bolts match what are the chance to put the bolts back in the exact same spot after pulling the front cover to change the water pump that's odd i see no witness marks on any of these bolts saying he pulled the front cover on here not one bit this is all kind of starting to scare me all right so i'm not seeing any evidence on here that they actually pulled the front cover and changed the water pump out i feel they put leak stop in there worked for a little bit and now it's starting to come out in this goopy mess and get oliver's driveway and he brought it back and they don't want to warranty it and now they're trying to sell them something else all right let me try to get here's a good example right here it's right in our face you see how perfect that squish out is on there of the front cover sealant bead that is a factory sealant bead if i've ever seen one before in my life it's like absolutely perfect like i said i pulled a lot of these apart all right that's an issue now is there an oil leak indicating a possible rear main seal leak on here why yes yes there is it's starting to come down get a little wet but is it coming from the rear main seal like i said it's not common well oil leaks just like anything else cool anything else come usually from up top and they seep down and they form drips at the lowest point of the powertrain and this is the same case here so you can see like in here we're starting to get a little wetter a little wetter you get up in here i know it's hard to see the lighting and all stuff it's a little let's see you can get up in here yeah it's hard to see but you start getting more and more well it's all collecting right here where the rain rear main seal leak is at all right but the other indication here is though you see it's all wet here here here it's coming here coming here kind of centering dropping off our rear main seal leak would make this whole cover right here what this inspection cover right here is dust cover and it'll come through and come out that hole right there once it forms enough inside of there it makes strips and comes out right there all right so i don't trust that diagnosis let's look a little bit further okay we've got the ptu right in this area general area they like to puke up topside here okay so what they'll do is they'll puke up topside here the ptus will try to get in here the ptus will puke up topside here drape the whole ptu with oil and it'll come down that exact same spot this one is okay all right let's look higher up here you go hold that light so let's look higher up like i said it usually comes from higher up and then it comes down collects together and forms drips sure enough there is the valve cover which again they just pulled off to do the water pump because you gotta pull the valve covers intake front cover all that stuff for water pump and it looks like it's never been touched obviously leaking again this is a pretty common leak source from a weavage standpoint because the exhaust is right there and it hardens the seal and it makes it leak okay so this is another common leak point seepage point and it's never been touched either but this is what's actually leaking which should have been taken care of during the water pump job because all new gases could put on cleaned up all that good stuff and it was again never touched so not only are they not according to what i could see they didn't install a new water pump because it's a pain of a job i'll admit it all right but you do it if it leaks you do it you don't put stop leak in so they didn't put the water pump in according what i can tell and now they're trying to sell him a 2500 rear main seal leak job for a valve cover leak that should be taken care of with the water pump job it's it's unbelievable this is two different dealerships jerking this guy around let's go up top side and see if there's any more evidence showing that this was never taken apart for the water pump replacement all right moving along up top side here let's take a look at it and see if we see any witness marks or anything like that that would indicate uh they actually pulled the valve covers intake and all that so they can pull the front cover and get to the water pump now i've been in this vehicle before in the past um for tune-ups and stuff like that so some of these bolts like on the coils on if they've been disturbed but when you pull the valve covers and everything else off you need to pull the harness off too and there's always little push pins like you see right here and most of the time no less vehicle has a little mileage out of it most of the time dealer attacks will know it you go to pulls out even the cat claw nice and even and a lot of them break and just about every one of these that i've seen so far are nice and secure never been disturbed the other thing that's a little worrisome too is you see this little ground right here it has like this coating on it and i can't see it too well my focusing ain't going on here you see that little like uh like oohs coming out of there from the heat shrink there well that lines up a little too perfectly where they put it at from the factory doesn't it yeah it's a little too much not to mention look how dirty it is between the valve cover and the gasket sealing surface on here you see it all down in there oil leaks like crazy like that moisture that takes a while to build up and then the dust attaches to it it's all over in here where it meets the head look at it so there's a lot of indications here that they were never in here changing anything out i mean none of this was disturbed on here and the coolant bottle looks like they might have put some stop leak in there i don't know just looks a little bit dirty for 70 000 miles especially when the coal has been changed a couple of times in here already it's just stuff like this like the ground bolts stuff like that all the stuff you take off when you um pull the covers in the front cover to get to the water pump so it really doesn't matter if they changed it or not it's the fact they're not standing behind the faulty let's say they put it in perfectly and it was a ford product and they put it in they're not standing behind the part to change it out again which again i've never seen and they're also blaming an oil leak seepage that turned into a leak down below from the right hand valve cover they're blending that on a rear main seal so they can make money off of that whether they actually go in and do that or not who knows and i'm not blaming all dealers and technicians let me make that perfectly clear okay but i know it's really hit or miss when you go to a ford dealership it i'm not even get started it's hit or miss so some techs are real shady and other ones do stuff by the book um and this one this guy got the worst of two dealerships on the same vehicle and someone needs to stand behind this whatever they need to do to go in there change the water pump out do it do it right torque it down do it right when they do that they're going to change all these gaskets during that job which will take care of the oil leak too so yeah this is kind of scary this is why a lot of people as soon as they're out of warranty they run to the independence because they do not trust the dealership technicians to do quality work on their vehicles that's all for now i'll see you guys next time
Channel: FordTechMakuloco
Views: 1,751,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FordTechMakuloco, ford, fix, problem, repair
Id: 83EA9SOeq5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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