What Are Your Most Awkward Experiences?

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what's more Awkward than staying at a friend's house and waking up before them thinking somebody rang the door to your apartment and say you opened the door but nobody is there except some guy walking down the hallway and he happens to be walking by your door and you make eye contact with him then close your door their parents fighting parent beating the crap out of your friend while you are still in the room or Worse your friend beating his elderly parents disabled sibling getting your period at a friend's house in the middle of the night staying the night with a friend in her bed was just a twin so we decided to share her older brother's bed which was a queen he wasn't gonna be home well I started my period in the middle of the night and left her stain on his sheets I heard about that for the next couple years in high school I work at a pool I did the locker room check and saw my ninth grade teacher naked we locked eyes he recognized me then in full nude started a conversation with me we talked for 10 minutes before I managed to leave that conversation nothing happened aside from us talking for all of you with dirty minds he was asserting his dominance staying at a friend's house and waking up with them sitting in a chair by your bed and watching you sleep lol this was my college roommate so creepy being out of everyone's conversation then you try to join in and there's further awkwardness with a brief silence clogging a toilet in a public bathroom at a friend house or at a parent friend's house clogging a public toilet isn't too bad I once clogged a toilet at work the log wasn't going anyway and I was actually quite proud woke up to my friend's parents both naked their mom was naked on the couch smoking a cigarette and playing Tetris the dad came walking out of their bedroom naked and went to the kitchen and made himself breakfast I just turned around and went back to the room and went to sleep just like nope not ready for this wetting the bed at said friend's house I did not need to be reminded of this having their little brothers and sisters wake you up and then realize three things you are on your back you have no blanket and you have an erection I've had a friend's younger sister get into bed with us we were sharing a double bed and pee where I was sleeping my friend didn't wake up and no one else noticed except my friend's brother who was waking up for football practice I had to get dressed at 5am and the brother let me sleep in his bed LOL their mom asking if you're hungry but you declined even though you're starting to feel hungry then you can't ask for food because you already declined so you wait for your friend to wait up and have breakfast together it's even worse when you're shy strongly relate stayed at a friend's house and woke up around 7 30 in the morning went to use a bathroom then walk out and has his mom asked me if I was hungry I said no then my friend wakes up 30 minutes later I decided to have breakfast with him but on the inside I'm dying from embarrassment I was very shy around new people or if I wasn't comfortable with the situation having a little kid stare at you through the crack in a bathroom stalled or who then cries after you say bro never experience this and I don't want to that's creepy as frick your friend being yelled at by their parents and the parents trying to drag you into it friends parents I've absolutely had enough of your behavior Taylor this is just ridiculous look for fee Murphy you're his best friend what do you think of all this everyone looks at you you oh I don't know really desperately avoiding all eye contact peeing your pants while someone is tickling you I had bladder control issues as a kid this made me uncomfortable if seeing someone you don't know waving at you in a crowd so you wave back then realize they weren't waving at you but someone behind you starts awkward ends worse being at a friend's house while your friend's family is in the house and your friend is not this is why I like to try TK get to know my friends families that way it turns into a different but equally delightful experience rather than an awkward situation when you hold open a door for someone completely misjudging the amount of time it'll take for them to get there yay I do this and people always say just let it go I'm so stubborn though that I just hold it saying goodbye and then walking in the same direction that's why you always let them start walking away first then you go in a different direction even if it's the wrong way for you saying hi to someone you're just acquainted with who is scrolling on their phone and they don't hear you you now you're thinking are they ignoring me BC they are doing something important on the phone did they not hear me at all for the same reason do I assert myself risking that I may annoy them it would look so much worse to not follow up at all in front of all these PPL who just saw and are secretly waiting to see how this awkward social situation will turn out in fifth grade Eric put my hand in a warm glass of water at a sleepover in the hopes of making me wet the bed at some point in the night the glass was upturned and Spilled to soak my t-shirt from the stomach down he claimed to the others that I pee myself but nothing smelled of P everyone acted disgusted when I asked them to smell my shirt to prove him wrong it was to be a bad year at school Eric is currently doing two years for assault in the southwest Frick you Eric you may have convinced everyone I had a weak bladder 23 years ago but at least I didn't wreck my life over some little bus bat having someone stay over at your house and waking up after them probably what's worse than both are staying over at someone's house and sleeping in significantly later than them nothing I hate more than waking up and everyone else is busy doing other crap and as soon as you enter the room they all stop and say look who's finally up good morning sleeping beauty or some variation this freaks me out because my friend and I could be doing some fun crap but I'm being boring and sleeping then I have to go through someone else's house half asleep just to find everyone bonus points if everyone else is dressed as well when my dad and stepmom first started dating I got along really well with my stepsister we wanted to have a sleepover after their first official date the next morning we were eating ice cream and I finished and then asked her if I could have another Bowl she threw a fit at I was eating all of her ice cream her mom told her I was a guest and that there was always more ice cream then my stepsister cried out well when is she leaving yep I'd say that was significantly more Awkward that's just plain sad pooping in their toilet and then finding out it won't flush yeah we all poop or just needing to poop at someone's place and their toilet is right next to the living room or wherever everyone is I would say when you wait for the teacher to finish talking to another person so you can ask them to use the restroom when you really need to go basically would you rather just save up the embracement and just go back to your desk possibly resulting in somebody else going in the line to ask or do you just wait there awkwardly while the teacher is finishing up their conversation this is why when I was in high school I would just interrupt and tell them I'm going to the restroom and if they said no I went anyways I was polite about it but I'm not gonna pee my pants cause they are being dongs when it's 3am not sleepy anymore and there is no Wi-fi then when you get sleepy you have to get up getting caught masturbating while staying at a friend's house better than your mum catching you though staying at a friend's place and not waking up that's called Murder being the first one to walk into a classroom with a teacher in it since it's your class you can't just leave Once you walk in but you look like a lonely idiot with a teacher trying to make small talk with you until others come in as a teacher I just say hi to the student and sit there quietly unless they talk to me awkward small talk is the worst there's no way I'm going to force a student to suffer through that one night when I was about 16 I was staying over at my best friend's house I slept in her older brother's room because he was gone all weekend well lo and behold at 5am he comes home drunk off his butt goes to his room I wake up as he's stripping his clothes off and about to crawl into bed naked I couldn't even make words I felt so awkward I just said up basically the Tina groan and he just put his underwear back on and said oh my God I am so so right I I I very quickly got out of his bed and went to my friend's room when I woke her up and explained what happened all I hear from his room is sorry about that incredibly awkward but we were able to laugh about it in the morning I thought he was hot at the time so I can't really complain about him almost crawling into bed with me hearing their parents humping humping their parents saying the wrong answer in class with confidence and realizing it is wrong having a friend scream at their mum for five minutes about some small thing that slightly annoys them this happened so much that I ended up getting used to it and just carrying on with whatever I was doing at the time my ex in high school threw Tantrums a couple of times when she was hungry and the food wasn't ready yet she would lock the door to her room so I would kinda awkwardly hang in the living room while her parents would try to console her sitting in a public space for a while and realizing that your pants weren't pulled up enough leaving Euros crack visible it's even more weird when sometimes you'll get the feeling that you're a scratch is showing but it really isn't showing and you're just being paranoid replying all on an email thread that was definitely intended for only one of those people that scenario but naked that scenario butt naked trying to walk past someone on the sidewalk but you obviously underestimated their stride so now you're gasping like a walrus and you're doing it right next to them blowing the toilet up and someone going in immediately that's the worst and then watching them try to not have a reaction to it crashing at your friend's place and waking up to hear him watching pee especially if you stomp around and slam the bathroom door a couple times to get the hint but he just keeps on jerking it some classmates used to jerk off together when they hung out they wouldn't touch each other just doing their own thing on their phones next to each other I eat in really small intervals it's how I've always done it my friend's mother took us to Chili's and I got a burger I ate like maybe a quarter and I put it into a to-go box we get back to his house and I'm feeling mildly peckish so I go to their pantry and grab some fruit snacks his mother noticed a few minutes later he was called into the living room and was yelled at for about 15 minutes about how I'm grateful I was that I went into her pantry and ate right after her buying me some dinner Steve thanks for defending me but I'm sorry you got slapped I think I was in fifth grade I cried I know I was in the wrong should have eaten more of my burger but I never liked going to Steve's house after that either that or when Steve's PTSD ridden father pulls a gun on you at 2AM because you tripped the silent alarm taking a leak poor Steve sleeping over at a friend's house in a bed with all white sheets and waking up to find your period has started replying you two when the waiter told you to enjoy your meal I wonder if they have bets going for how many times they hear that a night accidentally shattering your friend's toilet a few years back some friends stayed over after a night of drinking my friend's girlfriend went into the restroom a couple minutes later a loud crashing sound comes from the down the hall and out she comes partially wet asking sobbing and you could tell by the look on her face she'd never been more embarrassed except the awkward moment when she asked for something to pick up what she had left in the toilet true story when you're in the bathroom trying to pee but there are two people having a full-on conversation and talking about gossip and crap on one hand you get gossip on the other you get extreme awkwardness when you come out of the stall it's really freaking awkward LOL this is golden staying at boyfriend's house and having to share a room with their parents most uncomfortable night of my life to add that my boyfriend was in a different room staying over at a friend's house and their parents are arguing about why you're in their house waking up before them going to the bathroom and walking in another their parents coming out of the shower then sitting with your embarrassment whilst only that parent is awakened your friend has no clue that's always why I lock the door if there is people that I don't know guests in my house you have been visited by the I.T lizard a vote or experience bad internet for a month like And subscribe you magnificent person foreign
Channel: UE Stories
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Keywords: most awkward moments, awkward moments, awkward experience, awkward, that moment, weird, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit stories 2023
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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