Is It Possible to Beat Sonic Adventure with Only E-102 Gamma? (PART 2)

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hey everyone this is part 2 the challenge if you haven't checked out part 1 yet link is in the description to do that otherwise I hope you enjoyed this video on with show so after the absolute tragedy that was Sonic's story we finally get to move on to everyone else's story which you know doing these challenges really makes me say things I never thought I would say like oh wow I'm done with sonic story thank goodness but we move on to tales us through which is probably the easiest out of the bunch the thing is the reason why these challenges have to be split into part is that you have to realize that there are 11 stages in Sonic Adventure and out of those 11 stages sonic visits 10 of them not only that but each level is like section in two parts and Sonic practically visits every section of each stage so Sonic's story is very beefy and that's something I didn't really notice until doing these challenges usually characters like Tails knuckles gamma everyone will like visit the same stages that sonic does but they only visit the one section meaning that their stages are way shorter you know like big twinkle Park I can beat in like 30 seconds whereas Sonic's twinkle Park takes me two minutes easily even like if I'm going as fast as I can the first thing tails has to do is fight to the egg Hornet which again we all know that gamma can't do to begin with so I just tried to speed this up and do it as Sonic but the first stage that we do get to tackle as gamma is tails is windy Valley and yeah I still have big in the partner character slot and you might think that that's unfair but there's a couple things you have to consider about that one I'm not just racing against the rival you know I'm not just racing against a Sonic slash big in this instance I'm also racing against the clock and even if I were just racing against Sonic slash big he waits for me anyway so there's not much of a challenge there to begin with but this is where the jet booster comes into play and it's indispensable I think for tails is play through mostly because like if we didn't have this jet pack I don't know how feasible a lot of these challenges would be I'm just floating around until I can find the accurate geometry and just land on where I need to land but he can go through the green rings just fine he can flow down to other sections just fine in fact like windy Valley just seems appropriately because it still this first stage it feels like the most simple stage to navigate even if I didn't have the jet pack just because the second part of the stage which we all know that he can do by himself anyway without the jet pack and next we have casinopolisbort that gamma was probably about as slow as big was this is why something I started to notice and I don't know if this is just a computer I'm assuming it is something that it would do was like go into its broadcasting animation and then like jump forward I doubt that's a thing that I as a human player can do but otherwise that makes casinopolisbort out that that's even possible for a human to do but maybe as you can see I'm kind of struggling with getting gamma up this ledge or the of this slope because again he's not a very fast character but he does carry momentum so the jetpack helped a little bit and trying to get my way up the slope otherwise I would have had to go into my running animation to get up there but there's not a whole lot of room to do that even going down and here's another issue with the camera the cameras now outside the bounds of the stage and even when it gets back in bounds it's still really you know just weird and not centered on gamma at all so I can't really see what I'm doing but I just need to keep going forward because I have like half a minute left a thing to kind of remember with tales of stages especially early on is that there aren't a whole lot of enemies to attack so I can get back more time and aside from speed highway there also aren't checkpoints because the stages are already pretty short to begin with I have to do tails of stages in one go but here's where I realized like because I died I respawn in the level with only a minute left meaning that even if I do the slope at the beginning perfectly I still have only enough time to get to the end so I figured I am not gonna be able to do this so I just had your exit stage and then go back in instead of just restarting it but yeah casinopolisbort more easily because of the jetpack I think the biggest challenges in casinopolisbort the intro part with the slope but if you spawn in and you're hovering above the water you can just have enough momentum to go into your running animation immediately and the camera which was just so annoying to have to deal with because you're practically running against it and you don't see what's going on in front of you or where you need to go sometimes then there's this part which much like emerald Sonics emerald coast you kind of get stuck with and you just have to hold the control stick in one direction to get out of it and somehow Sonic caught up to me or like big caught up to me I guess just because like the computer respawned him to like halfway through the stage in order to catch up with me I doubt that he did that legitimately at all oh yeah tails casinopolisbort Stein for what is possibly the most interesting stage in tales of story as gama ice cap and if you'll recall it's just the snowboarding section in sonic story which we could not do because there just wasn't enough time but because it's tails a story we start off in this section and we start off with like three minutes so I'm thinking like okay this has to be more than enough time for me to actually reach the end because I know that it's possible as gamla the only thing that makes it impossible is the time limit but if we have two more minutes to spare then it's possible I could reach the end I think it is really funny just to see big going ahead of us walking at a leisurely pace and just destroying the ice while walking there's nothing that can stop big he's just a beast so one thing I remembered from a speedrun I saw a while back was that if you can somehow manage to get out of bounds with Sonic I don't remember exactly how you do that a sauna but if you manage to get out of bounds you could theoretically just fall onto the platform that you need to do and I think this works for windy valley as well but I figured it's gonna be easier with gamma because I can just float on top of some of the structures I just have to hover around until I see geometry and that definitely was difficult because sometimes I was far away sometimes like the skybox would spawn in but I wouldn't know where I was and I was pressed for time so who knows if I would have made it anyway and that three and I say that this is the most interesting level entails a story as gamma because I am convinced that there's no other way to beat this stage given the time limit if I try to do this legitimately I definitely would have run out of time but because there is a way to bypass the geometry and sort of land on that last part that I need to it is possible it's just difficult to because I don't know the stage well enough to know where it is I have to hover - or where I need to land even though I knew it was possible this one still took me a few tries just because I had to learn the layout of the stage to know where I had to hover and even then it was still kind of a close call because even though I sort of knew where I need to go I still was racing against the clock to get there and I got there with a considerable or like a comfortable amount of time left but not as comfortable as you would think I think it was still like 38 or so seconds left on the clock and I was just like wow even knowing where I had to go it still felt like I just barely beat the clock after that we have the knuckles and the chaos for fights which again as we know gamma can't do for some reason so we're gonna have to skip those which is then immediately followed by sky chase act 1 again nothing is different about this riveting I know but afterwards we have the sandhill sub game which is much like ice cap in that it's a snowboarding level sand boarding in this case but I figured why not just do what I did for ice cap and just hover over the whole stage because again I'm still racing against the clock and because of the snowboarding mechanics and the camera it's definitely gonna be very wonky I know that for a fact because that's what happened with the big challenge as well so I figured it probably will just be a lot easier if I just hover over all this the advantage of that is that it gives me a really cool look at the rock snake which I've never really seen in full before like you only see it hover over you so I thought that was cool something else I found interesting was that these large like structures that fall off the side of the mountain actually have collision on top for some reason and I don't really get why considering that there's no other way you could get on top of those in game but I mean that's still cool to know like I don't know why they would have coated that in but I figured I'm at the end of the level anyway it's like the last stretch and I have about a minute and a half to spare so I'll just do this last part on foot so to speak and you can definitely see what I was talking about with the weird snowboarding camera and controls and then we have sky chase act - nothing different but then we have my favorite stage Skydeck but this time with tails so we're only doing like the first half of it and I made some interesting discoveries here going over to the left there are these pillars that you're supposed to grab on to and I figured like well what if I just hover over to the next platform and because they're in the way I'm convinced that's because they're in the way and not because there's too much of a gap between the two but the pillars do slow you down and so you've hovered down a lot faster meaning that I'm not able to get to that other side but then something that I didn't really expect happened which was when I try to do it again to see if it was possible to maybe like hover around them I guess the collision of the pillars made me float up so I'm convinced that you are able to abuse that and get to the other side not no problem because it is very difficult to do like be incredibly difficult to do because I kept hitting the pillars anyway and I kept floating down as a result like it kept like sticking onto me and I kept floating down but something on those pillars just makes it pushes me upward meaning that I can hover horizontally for a longer time it gives me more distance I didn't find a way to take advantage of of that but if someone can find a way to do that I would love to see it and just to show you how convinced I was that this is possible I tried it plenty of times because I was just like this needs to work I need to show this off but the pushing me up was kind of inconsistent I think you need the third pillar as well to push you even higher but then you have to get around that and the camera just does not help with that at all but assuming you're able to make it over to the other platform that I'm trying to get to there's a set of monkey bars right next to the ladder that I'm supposed to go up and I'm almost certain you can't use this ladder and I don't know why I think it might have something to do with the set of monkey bars itself because gamma can't grab on two ladders in this stage it's just finicky but here I found it was like impossible to do that wait is there a platform over on the side oh I think there is isn't there why don't I just use that I've never even noticed it yeah is how did I never notice it there is a little platform behind the pillar that I didn't notice so I didn't use it but you can take that to get to this other platform I did change two tails almost immediately so I could get to the next checkpoint and not miss out on that for Gama but after that there is a booster pad that is meant to send you to this pillar fortunately I did find a way that you can bypass that just by the jetpack and if I didn't have that this would be impossible behind that pillar is another booster pad that sends a sky rocketing and we all know what happens when we have that I just phased through the floor for no reason so that's fun but if you manage to jump you can bypass that and get to this other part of the stage and because we have the jetpack we can just bypass a lot of this a lot more easily now it almost makes me want to go back to Sonics sky deck and see like how easy it is for him now but I really didn't want to torture myself what like doing it once was enough for me with the jet booster tails the sky deck is actually I'd say 95 percent possible if you know what you're doing the only thing that you can't do I know this for certain is the opening where you shot out of the cannon onto the pillar because even if you have the jetpack you can't activate the jet booster fast enough to activate it to float to the other side so you will fall down but aside from that if you're able to do the pillar thing that I said at the beginning it's probably like 95 percent possible which i think is super interesting because I'd really didn't think it would be especially after the way sonic Skydeck went so again we have the gamma fight which I'm not gonna even bother with because it crashed the game on me a couple of times when I try to do it in sonic story so I'm not even gonna try it I mean hell it crashed on me after I beat the fight and I didn't even do anything I was just tails the whole time then of course we have tails his last stage which is speed highway in Sonic's version we got through it with a little bit of difficulty but it was 100% doable so now that we have the jet booster I can only imagine how much easier this is gonna be and yeah you can bypass D much the whole stage with the jet booster which i think is just fantastic because it's almost like the game is giving me a break after all the crap and made me go through with Sonic it really was pretty much just a straight line to get two tails his final section of speed highway unfortunately I could not float the entire way to the end so I do have to do this laughs platforming section quote-unquote platforming section as gamma fortunately unlike big gamut has just enough height in his jump to be able to use these platforms but the last jump from the platform to the ending of the stage was a little finicky I had to like get a little bit of momentum before I was able to do it but you can do tales of speed highway pretty much no problem I'd say that tails's story is about 90% possible not counting the bosses because spoiler alert gamma can't do any of tails's bosses and I was so hopeful because I figured you know I was able to actually defeat the egg viper so maybe I can defeat the egg Walker too and no dice I got to the egg Walker tried homing in on his feet couldn't do anything I tried homing in on Eggman himself that didn't do anything so that was disappointing to see that none of tails as boss fights are actually doable as gamma but most of the stages are so that's sort of it's a give-and-take I think right there but that of course leads into knuckles a story and our first stage here is speed highway so we're ending tails with speed highway starting knuckles up with speed highway but he starts off in the at dawn section where as tails never goes into the at dawn section so again a give-and-take and as I mentioned with the big playthrough the biggest thing with knuckles of stages is the placement of the emeralds for example on this first try there was an emerald that I saw that was on this ledge up here that you would normally get to by either spin dashing with Sonic or climbing the wall as knuckles and I knew like okay that's impossible there is no way I'm getting that emerald because I can't climb I can't spin - I can hover yes but I can't really go higher than what I can right now as gamma so there's no way for me to get this emerald so I did have to quit the stage and then go back in I'd say it really is a luck of the draw which emeralds you get and that's going to affect how possible it is to do as gamma but then again I think that can be said about pretty much any character the first emerald was simple enough to get but unfortunately the second emerald was inside one of these metal containers which I figured like Oh what if I can shoot these the same way that knuckles can defeat the e-series robots as we saw in the big challenge but I can't lock on to them meaning that knuckles is the only one who can destroy these metal containers which really leads me to wonder why it is that knuckles can defeat the easier is robots at all I really don't get why that is then the last emerald was on this ledge right here which made it easy for me to grab again I think it's just a luck of the draw which emerald you get and where they are I don't know if there's always going to be an emerald that's inside the metal container if not then it's possible I like to believe that it is possible it's just you have to get lucky with it knuckle the second stage I got a crashed knuckle the second stage is casinopolisbort and where they are because I feel like if I had gotten an emerald shard in the golden sonic statue which nine times out of ten I personally get then I wouldn't have been able to do it cuz I don't think there's a way for Gama to actually destroy the golden sonic statue but fortunately two of them were in places that were kind of just out in the open and one of them was in a robot so this was definitely the easiest stage to do as gamma and Knuckles stages after that we have the chaos to fight and I want you to take a guess on whether or not we can do this no sir we cannot I did however try this fight as a me and found something that is probably equally as interesting for some reason when I play as Amy chaos 2 will always shield I don't even think that he gets stuck in his shielding animation it's just that for some reason he just wants to keep shielding until I turn away and I'm too far away from him the only time I can really hit him is when I'm doing that I'm facing away from him I'm far away from him and he's doing one of his attacks when he's doing that he's locked in that animation so that's my opportunity to go in and whack him with the hammer and honestly I think that was something that I liked the most about these challenges was like trying to come up with new ways despite the fact that the AI is the same and theoretically like the boss fights are the same ones you have to figure out new ways to defeat them because they're unintended boss fights you know with chaos for you face them as Sonic Tails and Knuckles but you have to fight him in the exact same way he doesn't do any new strategies he doesn't do anything that's inherently new but because for example chaos 4 was never meant to be fought by anyone but Knuckles you have to come up with your own strategy is a me to beat him because he behaves currently with a me but after that we have knuckles as Red Mountain which I was sort of interested to see how that would go mostly because I knew how it went with big and I knew that it would probably be in my best interest to go to the highest point first and then just hover down from there and I'd be able to get most of if not all be emeralds that way and I was trying to figure out if there was a way for me to do that and it turns out that there is that I should have actually like tried that with big because there's a rocket that takes me to the highest point in the stage the only thing there is that I wouldn't have been able to hover the same way gamma does so I probably would have falling a rock anyway but doing that we're able to hover over to another plateau get our first emerald shard which I would not have been able to do as big at all again it's great that you guys told me to probably use the power-ups or get those out of the way before I tackled any of these stages because I would not have been able to do this if I hadn't had his jet booster first it definitely makes navigating Red Mountain a lot easier I finally managed to see what the second emerald was so I had to find a way to get back up to the top but I figured you know it's probably just easier if I kill myself and restart the state unlike Sonic Adventure 2 taking a death in a stage does not respawn the Emerald positions they're still in the same place to restart the Emerald positions you actually have to quit the stage and then go back in so that respond me at a higher point in the level where I was then able to fly down and grab the second piece the third short though I did eventually find out was underground and I'm almost a hundred percent sure I could be wrong about this there will always be an emerald shred that you have to dig for in Red Mountain because that's the level right after you get the shovel claws so the game is pretty much encouraging you to use them or like teaching you how to use them so I'm pretty sure there's always going to be one hidden underground so that really puts well no that's not true because I didn't I do the big challenge without digging okay so yeah that that means that knuckles is Red Mountain as gamma should be 100% doable you just again have to get the right luck with the positions then of course we have the fight against Sonic and chaos for which we can skip and now we hadn't Tunick his lost world which takes place in the room with the light-up panels the walls that you can walk on and fortunately we know how we can walk on those making a lot of these Emeralds obtainable unfortunately there was one emerald shard that was just too high for me to reach his gamma though knowing what I know now I'm convinced that if I'd gotten another set of emerald this would most likely be doable another thing about lost world as knuckles is that the timer is almost a non-issue mostly because there are so many boxes that for some reason count as things that I can lock on to and can gain time from even though they're not enemies so I don't know why that is it's the weirdest things that gamma can lock on to I don't understand why you can lock on to boxes but not bosses especially when gamma doesn't even go to lost world so it's not like you can say oh well it's because you know the bosses are things that gamma was never meant to base but he was never meant to go to loss world either I don't think yeah this last emerald shard was just so annoying because I was convinced that even where it was I would be able to do it if I just was able to hover in the right position if I got a good running start if I was able to just hover from where I was to that last emerald I knew that I could get it and after about like 20 minutes I just gave up I was like you know what that's fine it's Paul it's probably doable anyway I just need to get them in better positions but whatever it's fine and then of course we have what is my favorite absolutely my favorite stage in all of Sonic Adventure god I despise the stage knuckles of Skydeck and I'm pretty sure I must have gone on a rant in the big video when I did this level too because but it's somehow worse this time around and I did not expect that it's as if the stage tilts more with the gamma for some reason and I don't understand why you get asinine emerald positions positions where it's just like it's impossible I don't know what I have to do in order to get the emeralds as this character I know how to get them as knuckles for sure but it's meant to be gotten as knuckles you know and yeah I know that most of these levels have that mindset where they're originally meant to be obtained with another character or meant to be done with another character but because of the way Skydeck is designed to tilt no matter where you are and it tilts in different position matter where you are regardless of how you have the thing tilted yourself because you if you get to another point the stage it tilts more or it can tilt less and that makes absolutely no sense because nothing has changed the the lever that you have to switch in order to change the angle of the egg carrier so that makes this practically I wouldn't say impossible I still think that there is a way for you to be able to do knuckles of Skydeck as gamma it's just infuriating because you're not fighting against the enemies you're not fighting against the Emerald positions you're fighting against the stage itself and especially because of where the emeralds are hidden sometimes sometimes they can be hidden in the cannons that gamma can't destroy for whatever reason so you have to get godly luck and get those emerald shards in positions that are just easy and even then they will not be easy to get again because of the way the stage actively works against you you could get the best emerald location you could get like the speed or on emerald locations and it would still be a challenge for gamma because the stage is just so annoying even when I managed to somehow not fall to the side at the beginning of the stage I could not interact with the stupid lever and that I fell anyway and now I fell onto this thing which I can't I mean I could escape from I could jump off of but I want to go to where the lever is so I can push it and give myself more lenient with this stage because it's it's just and then the camera doesn't work on certain parts of it and just Oh God looking at this footage back is giving me agita again it's giving me absolute anxiety and frustration and I hate this stage I hate it so much I don't think I don't even remember if I got a single emerald shards gamma in this stage which is astounding to me how this game works with gamma and other stages that aren't his I do Skydeck again oh my god yeah after a while I just gave up and I just did the level as knuckles I I was mentally checked out of Skydeck at that point I was like this has taken this has sucked my soul out of me I am so done with this stage I hate the stage and what do you want to see after a stage that was just the most annoying thing to do ever a boss that you know that you can't beat so that's fun I had to do chaos sixes knuckles as well whatever it's fine so yeah what a travesty knuckles was right because yeah maybe you could do most of the stages you just gotta get like super super luck which I'm surprised I got more as big than I did as gamma and again that affected the lighting engine really don't understand why that happened I thought that was just a fluke with the big challenge but it happened again regardless I need a break from Knuckles the story so thank goodness we're doing Ami's because Aimee's is short and sweet it's so much easier she has three levels which she amy has the least amount of levels in Sonic Adventure and I don't understand why because of Amy gamma and big I think she might be the most capable Amy's first stage is twinkle Park which I immediately felt like okay this is gonna be fun because it's really just platforming except I have a time limit now I almost knew from the get-go I wasn't gonna be able to touch zero at all because again he needs to be hit with a close-range attack and gamma doesn't have one of those doesn't even bother like trying to attack him yeah Twinkle Park fairly easy in fact I'd say that it's like way easier as gamma just because he's a little bit faster than amy is and you know he can hover so he can like just go over a bunch of stuff and ignore it he can grab the balloon as well so yeah 100% doable so I figured like okay well there's no way I can't lock on to the whack-a-mole minigame right nope you can't even big can do this gamma can't I it's it's incredible to me the amount of things big can do but gamma can't like it's astounding to me then of course right after that we have hot shelter as gamma and oh boy oh boy so as I previously discussed in the big playthrough only Amy can really turn the crank so I was kind of not surprised there that's pretty disheartening but whatever it's fine gamma can still bypass a lot of the level which i think is pretty cool like he can just go over this water section like it's nothing normally you would very easily fall in as Amy but gamma doesn't need to do anything there other than hover and then we get to this part with the stairs the first set gamma can go through so easily it's fine it's whatever then there's a second part which for how I said in the big challenge that I normally just like use the hammer to get through I don't even use the stairs at all or if I do use the stairs I just jump into the thing that's what I plan to do with Gama and I was like okay that I mean that shouldn't be a problem except I start getting pushed off the stairs for whatever stupid reason I'm like okay well that's more trouble than what it's worth that's more of a hassle let me just push the stairs the same way I did with big and guess what a robot who should not have any limitations in terms of their strength cannot move the goddamn stairs this is such an on thing this is such a non-issue for a me for big but it is the biggest challenge in Amy's hot shelter is gamma and that's stupid it's idiotic that this is the hardest thing to do in her stage this should not be difficult at all but the opening is so small and gammas model is so large that it's torture to do this eventually I managed to get through but guess what my time was running out and I'm like no problem whatever if I get to the next section it's technically a checkpoint anyway none of the game crash after way more annoying and soul-sucking attempts I finally managed to get through got a switch to Amy again for the other crank this section with the gear is not the worst especially since gamma can just like lock on to the little switches again does he need to not really but he can even though he should be able to lock on to other things but whatever I guess you know it's fine and then I come to this part of the stage which I have to do with either the stairs or the crank so I take the stairs and fortunately didn't give me too much trouble but oh boy what what a choice what a Sophie's choice I had to make there surprisingly the colored cubes puzzle quote-unquote puzzle is not very simple with gamma because he's so precise in terms of where you have to leave the cubes and I really have no time to waste because at this point I still have like half a minute after I place the cubes so I have to do the cubes as quickly as possible so I can get the other checkpoint after which there is another the cubes puzzle which even if I run out of time which I did I'd have to do in a minute and it's not the easiest thing but it is possible so all in all Amy's hot shelter as gamma is about as doable as it was with big Amy only really has to turn the cranks but it is far more difficult with gamma just because of the things he's required to do and especially because the game just kept crashing on me at every turn and I never understood why it wasn't like I was doing anything special sometimes I was just going to a different part of the level and it was just like a crash but then I head into not another stage but the Echidna tribe map to advance Amy's story well you have to turn around so that you can go meet to call and I noticed like wow I am right next to call and the cutscene has not triggered why is that am I wrong did I have to go somewhere else first do I have to get another powerup first and I think you do because during the whack-a-mole mini game section as gamma I was allowed to leave the room and head into hot shelter just fine but as Amy you're not allowed to until you play the whack-a-mole and win I didn't know the whack-a-mole part was mandatory and for some reason I guess the game just doesn't have that flag or that checkpoint it doesn't have the got the powerup flag meaning that it can't advance the story so I am stuck in the past I cannot advance the story and oh boy do I wish I had known that I figured whatever it's a powerup I don't need it to finish the story but apparently I do and so there was just nothing I could do and at that point Oh was I frustrated I ended up going to another save file and just doing the trial mode so I could do amy's final egg and much like tales of speed highway that was like the easiest stage I had to do there's no point you have to switch over to Amy and yeah it's really a non-issue I think it's like the easiest stage again aside from tales of speed highway that of course leads into Amy's final boss which is zero and oh boy guess what can I beat him no I can't even touch him fun so fun so not a disappointing challenge but I figured you know okay I can't do this as gamma I figured as much oh let's try to do this as someone else I know I can do it as big but who haven't I tried it and I figured like oh what if I tried it with Sonic and surprisingly yeah it is possible the reason I say it's surprising is because like you would think that he can only be hit by a weapon or something but now you can just jump on them and it works same as Amy's hammer you can't really homing attack his button you actually have to like jump on top of it for it to work and Sonic's eyes are always locked on to zero so it's kind of weird I almost looked bug-eyed and that dear fellows and fellows is pretty much where the challenge ends because the last character we have to do is big I headed into twinkle park and as I mentioned before if it's water that you can go in gamma will float over it yeah there's no way I can actually go in there at all surprisingly enough though you do not need the fishing rod or the or the lure to actually beat big stages as someone else because I was curious and I was like okay is there a way that if I'm inside the water as gamma if I switch to another character go inside the water then switch to gamma is it possible for me to actually grab froggy and unfortunately no it's not because gamma unfortunately does not jump high enough to be able to grab froggy froggy is no longer like a thing that I can fish she's like an animal at the end of a stage her like an animal inside a capsule like that surrounded by that green orb but ya know no matter what I do gamma cannot grab froggy because he doesn't jump high enough even if I'm on this ledge his horizontal momentum will not make him reach it and if the minute I jump out of the water I start hovering above it again so I don't think gamma can do Twinkle Park as big and at this point I was checked out I was like I don't want to try this with anyone else no matter what I do I'd have to switch another character anyway so there's no point in me trying to find out if I can do it as gamma because I would know for a fact that I can't but I was able to grab him as sonic so you technically can do big stages as other characters the reason I'm not doing the last story in this case is because we already know that only super sonic can do it so there's kind of not a point and plus the challenge would have ended up big anyway because big is just straight-up impossible as gamma there's nothing we could do to I mean I guess we could switch to another character but that would automatically mean that it's not possible to do with gamma at all none of the stages would be because all of them required going underwater and I would have to switch to another character to go underwater I've said that like three times but I do hope that you guys enjoyed that this was far more challenging and I think it took me less time to do with than bigs challenge and yet it was far more annoying than I thought it was going to be I thought it was gonna be a lot more fun I thought was gonna be able at least I thought it was gonna be simpler than bigs challenge and it it so was not but I learned a couple of things here and there especially about the things that gamma is able to not do compared to other characters sometimes I learned how other characters worked as well much like in the big challenge but let me know what you guys think is there a way that I could have beaten one of the things that I couldn't beat in this challenge is there a way you would have done things differently is there another challenge you guys want you to do at this point I feel like any other character would be a lot more fun to do than gamma but you know let me know in the comments if you guys want to watch another challenge video I did one with my friend Athena bandy on his channel where we try to figure out if it's possible to beat all of Sonic Adventure 2 using only Sonic and I think that that's gonna be a really interesting one for you guys to see if you like videos like this so until next time stay safe and stay awesome this is charai v signing off [Music]
Channel: Charriii5
Views: 172,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Charriii5, Minus World, Is It Possible, E-102 Gamma, Sonic Adventure Challenge, Big the Cat, Sonic's Story, Nathaniel Bandy, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Adventure 2 Only Sonic, Sonic Adventure Speedrun, Sonic Adventure 2 Speedrun, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Challenge, sadx mods, Sonic Adventure Character Select Mod, can you beat sonic adventure with only gamma, amy rose, tails the fox, miles tails prower, knuckles the echidna, chaos 0, tikal the echidna, sonic adventure unused
Id: 1MW73zl1ank
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 16sec (2056 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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