Is it possible to beat New Super Mario Bros. Wii While Carrying Luigi?

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[Music] is it possible to beat an entire Mario game while carrying a lazy luigi on our backs this is a twist on the whole luigi wins by doing nothing meme that you're probably familiar with except instead of Luigi winning Mario Party minigames he actually saves the princess by doing nothing today we're gonna go back in time in the year 2009 when your Super Mario Bros Wii was released and we are going to try to beat this game in a different way the rules are simple we are going to try to beat New Super Mario Bros Wii while playing as Mario but we'll add a second controller playing as Luigi the thing is I'm playing this game alone and I am NOT Sakurai I cannot control two controllers at once so we'll actually have to carry a non-moving Luigi with us at all times while carrying green Mario some of your abilities are restricted such as Lal jumps or to use fire flowers as your hands are already full we also cannot carry Luigi around while swimming underwater meaning we'll have to avoid those levels at all cost dropping Luigi is allowed to go through some narrow spaces and obviously we cannot use the bubble ability as this would be quite lame now that everything has been set let's find out if we can actually beat the entire game with Luigi doing nothing whirl 1 - 1 is our first stop obviously and as you can probably tell this won't be much of a problem because this level takes place in a peaceful Mushroom Kingdom the level gives you a propeller mushroom in the very first question block and catching it with Luigi will allow you to use the propeller ability so you know this makes the level super easy except if you get hurt and that happens oh well oopsie I guess Luigi is stuck there forever now 1 - 2 is next and this one takes place underground so this means you'll have to drop Luigi from time to time as some areas are too narrow for both Mario and Luigi to fit into this by that you can clear out pretty much every obstacles without getting hurt well besides that red pipe over there near the end 1-3 marks the return of our buddy Yoshi and in this quest Yoshi is actually quite useful the rules were simple we have to carry Luigi with us at all times but I did not specify how though hop on Yoshi and then eat Luigi and you can complete this stage like it's nothing but make sure not to get hurt though because when Yoshi gets hit he spits out poor Luigi and this can happen Oh No Mugi oh that is quite tragic one - tower is next and vertical levels are the ones we're carrying Luigi gets quite annoying there are lots of spots in this tower where you'll need to drop and push Luigi because the two of you cannot fit in there together plus some of those jumps can get really difficult as you're constantly hitting Luigi on the ceiling preventing you from actually making the jump you'll have to be strategic and throw him many times of course if you manage to get your hand on a propeller suit for Luigi then this level becomes a piece of cake the bus fight against Larry Koopa is super easy and will be done in ten seconds with that tower out of the way we can move on to whirl 1-4 which according to the world map will take place on a bridge above water except when the level starts off you quickly realize you'll be going down to that pipe and it leaves under water Oh as I mentioned in the rules we can't do anything with Luigi while being under water we can push him but that's worthless we can't pick him up or make him bounce on Mario's head so yeah this level is actually not possible for this quest thankfully world 1 has a beautiful cannon that could prove to be helpful for this quest we just have to find a way to get to it and that way is in world 1-3 which as a secret exit basically grab a Yoshi eat Luigi and make your way up to this point then do a flutter jump on top of the platform here and you'll find a secret pipe up above leading to a secret exit nice this cannon actually leads us directly to world 5 world 5-1 is a level that contains a lot of plants we have to jump over but that's quite easy you'll soon reach out some vines though and if Luigi grabs onto one of those vines there's nothing we can do for him he'll be stuck on them forever if you throw Luigi he will not grab on to the vines which proves to be quite helpful but there are lots of plants waiting for him on the platforms down there and there's no way we can be fast enough to just grab Luigi back in between all of the throws we'll need something to defeat those plants you know something like a fire flower let's go back to whirl 1 and enter the mushroom house to play the mini game and hopefully we'll get what we want except the thing is you can't actually do that this game gives you turns to hit the panels for the mini game so when it's Luigi's turn well then nothing happens oh boy let's just go back to a level we've already cleared before like you know 1-2 and get a fire flower there now the trick here is to either use a spin jump to defeat the plants or to simply drop Luigi and feed them as Mario once the platform is cleared throw Luigi and join him using the vine yourself these Luigi throws are quite scary especially this final one where you have to throw him quite far thankfully it is all possible those vines prevent me from playing 5-2 right now so let's just go to 5-3 and this level is the home of those weird spider enemies that I disliked in my new Super Mario Bros u playthrough and they're even more annoying this time around as you'll have to defeat them to complete the level and you know what don't try to hide under them while carrying Luigi as you'll be way too tall for that and he get her the vines are now out of the way so off to 5-2 we go and this level is home to lots of wigglers we'll have to jump and bounce on tons of them throughout the stage the second part which takes place underground is super fun and will force you to drop Luigi to avoid wigglers and to do some impossible looking jumps in very narrow spaces it's a super fun level 5 - tower is up and once again climbing up on a tower while carrying Luigi on our shoulders makes it a little bit more challenging but if you're being careful and dodging all of the various enemies and stage hazards you'll soon reach the bus Iggy Koopa who's very easy to beat 5 - 4 is a level where you hop aboard a floating platform and enjoy a relaxing cruise on the poison waters of this level ok so there's actually tons of enemies attacking the raft so it's not really that relaxing especially the final parts where piranha plants are falling from the sky protecting Luigi amongst all those hazards is not the easiest task but it is possible 5 - ghost house is up and it's your typical ghost house basically meaning it will be filled with fake doors dark hallways booze and so many ways to go turning it into a maze carrying Luigi doesn't add any difficulty whatsoever thankfully 5-5 is up and this level is actually an easy autoscroller taking place in the sky you'll have to jump on those flying stingrays and you'll need to dodge some bullet bills along the way this level is not very difficult it is just long really long 5 - castle is next and this one starts off with a big problem you actually have to climb on those fences in the background in order to clear out this big lava pit but the thing is we can't do that while carrying Luigi and even if we could luigi would be stuck on those things i had the idea of maybe trying to use a propeller suit from world 1-1 to try to glide above the love but it was no use I kept hitting the ceiling or you know just touching the lava but eventually after lots and lots of tries I found out that if you are small Mario and propeller Luigi and do a pixel-perfect spin jump you can actually land on top of this thing here to then glide to the next one and so on you need to keep the propeller suit at all times to reach the end as there are tons of very dangerous gaps full of lava and you can barely reach the other side with a perfect propeller jump this was intense but it is actually possible to beat it yes and after that the bus is not very easy as you can only attack him when he's down there as you know trying to jump on him on top is impossible while carrying Luigi and with this done we can now reach world 6 and 6-1 is home of those ledges we need to grab on to the problem is if Luigi grabs on to those he can't get out so we'd have to avoid them all I went back to world 1-1 to get a propeller suit once more and I could clear the first couple of ledges but at one point there's way too many of those to dodge and the propeller suit just doesn't cut it anymore yeah this level is actually a big problem thankfully we can head back to world 5 in the spoopy ghost house to get a secret exit leading to yet another Cannon and this one leads us to world 8a - juan starts off with a level featuring some volcanoes in the background shooting some hot lava rocks right at Mario and Luigi they come from the top part of the screen so obviously as Mario carrying Luigi you're a tall target for those things so you'll have to be extra careful there's also a lot of pillars of lava that will force you to stop and wait for the perfect time to go this is a very stressful level but it's not that hard if you take your time a - - takes place in a dark cavern that is full of spinning circular platforms there are lots of spiky boulders rolling on those and if Mario gets hit by one of them he'll drop Luigi and this guy will also get hurt so you know you have to be super careful 8-3 also takes place in the dark cave but this time there are some huge lava waves near the bottom part of the screen so you'll have to use precise timing to make your way to the very end of this stage but you know what it's kind of easy let's go to a - tower and this tower features lots of fire bars and platforms that appear from the walls this will force you to pay close attention to the timing if you want to be able to climb up there there's this one part near the end where you can get squished by the moving platforms if you're not being careful this part is actually very stressful but you can thankfully drop Luigi in that safe space there only to grab him back quickly to go back up the boss fight against kamek is a little bit annoying because you have to stand on those moving blocks but they are so close to each other that fitting in between all of them with Luigi is far from being easy stay near the top part of the battle arena and make sure to quickly climb back up after attacking kamek and you'll be all good next up is world a - 4 and it is an underwater stage what seriously Nintendo a water level in a lava world what's wrong with you well I guess this is it guys it is the end of the quest or is it there's actually a secret exit in world a - - so let's go back there quickly and epically make sure you are small Mario and Luigi if you want to fit in that secret wall and then you'll reach the secret pipe this leads you to a brand new stage 8 - 7 now this is a fun one because it involves a super fast skeleton rollercoaster that you have to ride while dodging lots of lava pillars on your way to be fair having Luigi on your shoulder doesn't really make this level more difficult so if you thought this one was easy it will still be and if you had trouble with it you'll have the same troubles 8 - airship is the next level and this one is not too difficult although you'll have to drop Luigi sometimes in order to spin the screws required to move on to the next area after a lot of platforming on those moving things you reach Bowser jr. and to defeat this dude you need to do some ground pounds on the floor to make the moving bum bounce on juniors Koopa clown car this forces you to drop Luigi to do so which leaves him defenseless so you know make sure he doesn't get hit by Junior's fireballs and you'll soon defeat him and there we go guys we have saved the principle oh well I guess not turns out there's a huge castle hiding over there welcome to a - Bowser the final stage and it is a very classic castle stage at first having lots of fire bars and lava bubbles you know nothing out of the ordinary you'll soon reach those falling platforms which will force you to drop Luigi with very precise timing in order to make it alive after going down this vertical room that is really reminiscent of New Super Mario Bros two's final bus fight you'll reach Bowser and defeating him is pretty simple as usual as you just have to wait for him to jump and then you just go under him and hit the switch and there we go we have saved the prison oh well I guess not again introducing big Bowser the final boss of this game and it's more of a level than it is a bus fight you'll want Bowser to spit his fireballs to clear out the path for you and Luigi and this is especially important in the final parts where it's literally impossible to fit through the path without dropping Luigi first and you know dropping Luigi is really scary above this whole lava pit eventually you'll make it to the final switch and there we go we have saved the prince did we do it we did it for real it's not a joke anymore ah finally so is it possible to beat New Super Mario Bros weed while carrying Luigi and doing anything yes it is possible we actually had lots of problems with underwater stages first off in world one and then in world eight and we also had the very difficult castle in world five and the impossible ledges in world six but thanks to the many secret exits and cannons we made it to Bowser and defeated him like a true epic gamer thanks a lot for watching this video guys I hope you enjoyed it make sure to subscribe entry hit the bell to be notified of when I post a new video and smash that like button for more challenges if you want to see more videos like this one tap the cards on screen right now and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Nicobbq
Views: 681,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New Super Mario Bros, New Super Mario Bros. Wii, New Super Mario, Carrying Luigi, Luigi wins by doing nothing, grab luigi, luigi on shoulder, challenge, is it possible, nicobbq, nicobbq coinless, New Super Mario Bros Wii, Mario Bros. Wii, Mario Bros Wii, Super Mario Bros. Wii
Id: idgXlOH7Fvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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