Is Horse Soldier Bourbon WORTH Your MONEY?

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Dale my name is Kurt and I'm here with Trenton welcome to SLB basement bourbon bar and happy Memorial Day to each and every one of you out there yeah I hope you're able to get away from work at least a little bit spend some time with family and friends maybe some cookouts or whatever you want to do I you know Trent and I think we should probably cook out a bunch of hamburgers or something you know I don't like burgers I don't need hamburgers I haven't had a burger and okay I can't say that I haven't I probably had two burgers in the last how old am I 26 19 years when did that start it was something I got sick off of a cold butter burger that's right and I have not that's right yeah and you've held that Grudge this long yeah hey are you serious baby your soul same thing with like puffy Cheetos and those like ice cream ice sugar cookies with like the ice the colored icing on it don't do those three foods you should have told me all that next time you come over for a cookout it's going to be hamburgers puffy Cheetos and sugar cookies toss it in the fire if we have a fire that is all right all joking aside boy we just want to give out as many props as we possibly can to our vets that are out there that are active non-active all the ladies and gentlemen that have served or are serving for our country and especially on Memorial day here today as we as we honor our fallen soldiers I mean it's just it's something Trenton honestly that grips me every time I think about it and I know it's a cliche but Freedom isn't free buddy you know Freedom isn't free took a lot of people to lay their lives on the line so we could even be doing what we're doing here honestly yeah so well said Thank you to each and every one of you from the bottom of our hearts thank you thank you so Trenton I have saved this video for quite some time okay I've had a lot of people ask us to review horse Soldier burp really yeah a big number of people and we're gonna I was going to get it together I actually bought this bottle from from Harry a little while ago too to finish the core releases from horse Soldier but I thought you know let's do it on Memorial Day this this particular company was started by veterans oh cool yeah and I'm going to read a little bit off my phone because I want to do it just as fast guys and I don't want to try to remember details and things like that but I've got some on my phone that I saved here but yeah we can put up on the teleprompter if you want do we have one no we don't need teleprofit here's the telephone yeah but I want to give these guys props and I don't want to butcher it you know what I mean and I know if I try to remember things and somehow I'm going to butcher it so it'll only take just a few seconds so bear with me please in the days after the events of September 11 2001 a group of Special Operations officers answered their nation's call to defend it these officers soon found themselves riding horseback in a Green Beret insertion in Northern Afghanistan to fight the Taliban these men are honored at the America's response monument at Ground Zero and have been given the nickname Horse Soldiers that's really cool pretty cool yeah that's a cool story yeah so these guys started this company they have a Distillery uh America American Freedom Distillery okay all right now they are distilling some of their own product I don't know whether where it starts and stops at but I know they're also sourcing from the West okay so I don't know of all of its sourced from middle west yet or if there are some that's there or some that's not but they do have a pretty big Distillery going on where is The Distillery you know it's in Saint Petersburg Florida okay quite bad I should have mentioned yeah St Pete yeah my bad my apologies I'm trying to remember everything here it's been a long night last night yes we did yes we did we're not going to talk about that so I hope you did all your homework because I I was actually given a bottle of one of these bottles from one of my buddies and I believe he gave me the like the copper one what is this like 80 87 proof I think he gave me this one yeah excuse me and this was pretty on early on in my bourbon journey and I honestly can't say that I remember a whole lot I know it's in a box somewhere I got down to about half so I must have enjoyed it enough to to actually drink a little bit more than the the neck good but it's been probably a couple years since I tried it well I'm excited I'm excited too because I haven't been in any of them so I haven't had none of it you're gonna be already choked down too much grass so they wear your moon yeah got up my eyeballs my hair my throat that is bad but what they've got Trent what their offerings are is they got their street bourbon small batch and um Barrel strength okay okay so let's start with the first one the little one I'm gonna go with lower proof first which you said is 87 proof uh the bourbon here is between two and four years of age okay so the least two years they say between two and four uh this is not like yep all the glasses are rips I'm trying to keep consistent I'm trying to do it this is a high ride this is 30 Rye okay so it's a high ride Mash bill I don't think I've had many high-rise bills that are at like a lower proof like 87. true so that'll be interesting okay another good thing I like about a Trenton's non-shell filter and I believe all of them are correct me if I'm wrong on that in the comments but I know this one States it on the bottle I'm not sure I found it on these two how much is this but I think they're all nine chill filtered that one there is going to run you about 50 bucks give or take I think it was a few bucks less just 46.47 in here okay that'd be Liquors smells pretty nice it's a little light a little light sure yeah a little light on the nose you know you got 87 proof light sugar yep sugary a little bit of caramel and they're like breathed I like shot all the air or the nose air into the glass and then trying to inhale it back again and it didn't go too well you know you're lucky you got glasses have you ever done that where it came back at you and your eyes start watering a little bit I've done that yes even with glasses on it'll like it'll like flow around the lens I've done that plenty of times that seems pretty nice all right he said they might be sourcing for middle west or is that like actually I knew they were I know they were okay because I read it I just don't now don't know currently if they're sourcing and using their distillate or if it's all they're just distillate now I'm not sure where it stops and starts at but I know middle west was involved what do you think you know I don't think it's bad at all for an 87 proof yeah um you know it's a it's a small operation at this point I would assume yeah so you know I'm I'm you know how I you know how I operate Trend and I'm thinking a price point yeah you know it's a tough sell for me for the price point it's a cool story and I know that again like we've said this before this sourcing is not cheap so that's if if they are sourcing two year and also getting a an operation off the ground is also not cheap yeah they're pouring like hundreds of thousands if not Millions to starting something yeah so that's cool it's and I'll let you actually talk about what you're tasting first because I have uh I'm not as good with the low proof stuff and I'd be interested to kind of hear what you're yeah I am getting a little bit of caramel a little bit of vanilla but I'm also getting some young grains you know there's some young grains I don't really find a super astringent Oak note in there but there's a light astringent note in there for me a light one I don't get any any deep and dark flavors which you wouldn't expect right from that proof point you know hopefully we'll find some of that in this Barrel strength over here you know but I think it's rather Pleasant for what it is yeah I think I think it's pretty well balanced there's not a ton of like you said well not a ton of flavor development not a lot of dark flavors kind of in your face very well balanced my only my only kicker or my only issue is the price yeah past that like I probably wouldn't if if I was at somebody's house and they were like Hey try this right I would drink a decent amount of yeah but it's not something I'm gonna go buy after this video just for the price it's a little too much for for what you're getting in my opinion yeah and I I can't disagree with that good good attempt though yeah oh yeah yeah I think it's pretty good let's move on small batch all right this one's going to be roughly about 60 bucks I think Harry's is a couple bucks Less on this one too if I'm not mistaken 95 proof all right all right so you're you're bumping up and proof a little bit too you're getting closer to that 100 Mark do you know what like what their definition of a small batch is do they do they state that like one barrel two barrels that kind of thing I don't know okay not in the information that I read that doesn't mean it's not out there somewhere wow does it say do you know the like the age on this oh it's a little bit more uh kind of in your face yeah I like it on the nose for 95 crew I really I really my first whiffed there I got a really nice custardy vanilla note custard even I really do custard babe what's a custardy vanilla note it's like more of a rich vanilla what do you even eat Custard with like what is that like a little whip in the middle of a big old Donut oh that's terrible right she's even given a face I'm not with you on the custard it it smells like a nice rich confectionary type thing yeah I don't know what custard it is I'd even go with like a vanilla buttercream icing too yeah sprinkled with some like Oak shavings or something I like this I really do this nose is reminiscent a little bit of the uh last year's mark one mark one I used to work for him it was a company mark one it was a construction company we're talking about bourbon not construction Maker's Mark how about that okay that's more like it one of their uh Wood Finishing releases oh okay last year I don't remember which one but the one that had the nice vanilla icing type nose it's almost identical for me all right in here um like uh-oh no no well that got really Oaky on the palette very very yeah it's uh Oak and Oak and yeah I'm gonna take another sip of it right now it's hard to find it I'm a tad bit disappointed because the nose is really nice in my opinion but I I had a hard time even finding any notes past Oak at this point I'm working on it I honestly can't it tastes like a young Oak to me I would have to imagine that it is even though there's no age statement on it um this is at 60 bucks close Okay okay I think that you get more flavor out of this on the palette for less money and less proof than you do honestly yeah I'm with you my second sip I did get some hints of some dark fruit in there of some sort Maybe maybe a colon note possibly but I thought you said colon no no I'm gonna ask how you got how do you know what a colon tastes like I could actually see a little bit of a cola situation in here if Coca-Cola was like really Oaky well that's the thing yeah I'm not gonna lie about it I mean the oak is dominant yeah the oak is dominant I'm searching for those couple others yeah yeah you have to I feel so all right let's move on to the last one here but let's see what this Barrel strength gives us right now you're talking my language I don't I know you grab that faster than you know anything else so far today all right this Barrel strength trend is 110 proof and it's going to run you about 75 bucks okay so we'll see what this offers you know I apologize I forgot to tell you which I thought was was different but kind of cool too remember I told you this is a high right here yeah this is weeder and this is a weeder oh okay I apologize I didn't tell you that really yeah this is uh this one here has 20 weak this one has 22 percent wheat in the mesh bill so it's still still a three grain even sweet even with the wheat in here it's not sweet really at all interesting yeah yeah I unfortunately you're right it saddens me to say that but yeah I I'm gonna play that on repeat can I actually can I set that as my ringtone what I don't have my phone so what is your ringtone you saying I'm right nobody really tells me I'm right ever so you're right all a lot of times oh that's so nice I try to be nice once in a while all right this smells pretty phenomenal it does on the nose there's a lot there's a nice butterscotch note on the nose for me right now custard custardy butterscotch yeah it's like you gotta cut butter Scotch custard it's like that it's nice though it really is what do you say 110 yeah all right go first uh you gave them all right it's one of those things where the nose is so good and it just doesn't transfer as much as I would as much as I would hope right again in this one there's still not a whole lot of sweetness and that Oak is still like kind of front and center with with the palette it is but I honestly didn't get really much oak on the nose either so it was kind of surprising a little bit jarring but hey how much was this 75 bucks definitely plenty of Oak I'm searching to find a butterscotch note in there I think I'm getting again I'm really I'm really wanting to find a fruit note in there but I I haven't yet it's it's sort of like a bitterness that you might find in like a dark chocolate like a high cacao dark chocolate okay maybe some like a really faint uh like a dark cherry or a black cherry kind of note of something because there's some Sweetness in there that is actually quite pleasant when you can kind of sift through all that Oak that's up kind of like up front in your face all right not and I will say it's not as good as I was hoping on the palette based on the nose well what I'm what I'm sensing Trenton is a lot of this a lot of this distillate is youthful yeah so it's not a mature Oak it's a you know Slappy in the face kind of an oh yeah and I will say though I have I've bought bottles that are around this age that I've had that are worse no yeah like that that are just you can tell yeah definitely just on the nose that it's that it's not going to be too good right and I honestly I I I would like you just said if you're over somebody's house somebody poured that I would drink it without oh yeah without hurting or complaining about anything it's not that at all we just have to be honest in our reviews and that's first and foremost and so between the small batch and the barrel strength the oak is the dominant note but I don't find it to be super bitter no or funky Oak it's just it's just Oak yeah and that's the dominant notes that that in both of them unfortunately I I'm going to kind of go out on a limb and this might be a little bit surprising for a lot of people but the lowest proof option is my favorite real taste I think it's very well balanced it it honestly is is tough to to pick up really any openness one I find compared to the other two and especially with the other two being weeders I would kind of I would expect a little bit more sweetness from the wheat but again when you're dealing with like a youthful Oak kind of note that can be difficult to mask or it can be difficult for other uh flavors and other different grains to kind of shine through that that shoulder up because it's soaked it's so dominant when it's when it's young right and even when it's old too so I understand that yeah but what would be your first up here your face well I'd have to say I'd have to agree with you for sure it's really not even much of an argument per se um the in the only Reasons I'm saying that is is spoken before the the oak is just very dominant in in both of these two so I would say this is a pretty good bottle for a beginner oh yeah the only downfall is the price there's quite a bit going on in there yeah especially for that proof yeah and I also searched online a little bit too Trenton and I did find where you can possibly get it for the 45 or maybe even a couple bucks less okay so you know it's I just always want to be the safe side when I throw the numbers but I think if you get the right right price on him he might be 42 44 45 bucks it makes team a little bit more you know palatable for the for the purchase if you get this for like 35 40 bucks I buy it yeah I would yeah well I was glad to be able to do it anyways yeah I mean this has been this is a great story in much respect to everybody that works for this company American Freedom Distillery yeah you know that that's the most important thing one thing too I didn't mention Trenton there's there's some money that's given um on every purchase there's a little bit of money and stuff no they they use it to help take care of the uh Monument that's there oh that's cool Ground Zero so they could that's really good so there's a little bit of money that's given I mean great company I'm sure they're great people and maybe somewhere down the road here and maybe they have some special releases that we've never tried that have a little bit of age to it because I think they have a great start here I think there's a good foundation yeah if you get something maybe a little more age you know I could see it be really being really good four year marker or higher so yeah that's all we have for you today as always we ask you to please drink responsibly and we'll see you next time right down here with Trent and I in a good old basement bourbon bar see you later [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: SLB Drinks
Views: 23,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bourbon, whiskey, whisky, overpriced bourbon, worst bourbon, worst whiskey, overrated bourbon, overrated, worst, overpriced, blantons bourbon, weller 12, best bourbon, is pappy worth it, four roses, terrible bourbon, bourbon review, whisky review, whiskey review, four roses review, allocated bourbon, cask strength, beginner bourbon, best beginner bourbon, best beginner rye, beginner whiskey, worth it, horse, horse soldier, horse soldier bourbon, bad bourbon, sourced, terrible
Id: OiKxCrRqzv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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