Is George T. Stagg REALLY Better Than Stagg Jr?

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yep oh never mind people out then we got to pull people out you know I don't we were supposed to do the drawing for everybody um well client had an interesting text I'm glad I didn't read it out loud since we're saying it anyways um we were supposed to draw the bag winner from last week tonight but I don't have the name list yet from the people that we need it from yeah so we will do that next spring so five of them I just you know can't ever do anything right you know we didn't yeah didn't require the explanation but we appreciate the attack anyone you're like hey you guys ready to go on yeah you're ready Matt seemed writing you were made up middle of a conversation do you even think you're already I don't know he's ready what we know is the professional channels right are we're ready is all we know so those Michigan channels yeah yeah that's right I don't know if you all know we've been telling people that we are the only Michigan channel to see if anybody catches on everybody corrects us so far I like it hey take the crown run with it [ __ ] have it you know what I mean also what I wanted to point out was like guys do you ever think since Madison came here do you ever think that since you've left Michigan he's changed or oh totally changed different guy a way different guy that's crazy way for the worst oh my gosh real question how do you guys stream and stand up the whole time yeah well I can't sit down the whole time oh yeah I got a prostate thing yeah okay that makes sense all right I have one of those too what's your thing though like yeah let me send you a pic hold on all right yeah I've been that's all I had to do was say that I've been asking for pics for like three years you want to be outside you wanted the butthole pick oh yeah we can start wherever he's comfortable I don't this is oh I start on the inside and then bring it out or like maybe it makes it easier on you that's that's where my doctor started little nipples on his butt cheeks make it look like boobs and then work your way down here are Kira's jugs and then when you guys we're gonna be like that's actually my ass crack it's weirdly hairy but you're a successful just let it happen she's Mexican um so I don't have to label them dude did you get wait did everybody label theirs no he sent labels in the Box yeah like actual I know he sent them buddy seven samples is a lot for us yeah it's gonna it's gonna get messed up probably knowing Dan I don't shayla's lack of confidence in my ability to keep these glasses in a straight line all right so uh why hello because we're live yeah and tonight we're doing a collaboration stream sir Thrasher uh seven stag slash George T stag samples titled who's your daddy oh the game is as simple as figuring out which one is the George T sag out of the six there's six stag Juniors and there's one George C stag yeah there's Teflon tape underneath the electrical tape there map I almost mislabeled it I almost put G before F and then just went through the alphabet to see if I was right or wrong that's crazy foreign because Thrasher wasn't going to be able to be here yeah um tonight he said that he had a really close family member I'm just looking for the name really quick so I'll mess it up but all right monsters one of Thrasher's close family members passed away and so we have to do a cheers really quickly at the beginning of this two Thrasher's uncle Lenny just as like a shout out and I hope that they remember fun memories not shitty ones and like have you know as good of a time as they can possibly have with that but sorry that you couldn't be here we appreciate the fighting him getting everybody together and thank you buddy cheers I need the most like Uncle name I think is the most ugliest name that you've ever uncleen uncle Lenny for sure there's a lot of stories about uncle Lenny for sure decline himself here we go this one should be good yeah why don't you read it Matt Klein loves what the [ __ ] client punctuation Matt Klein loves Kira Mike Klein loves Shayla both of them love David and Matt and I don't even know the other two guys and not one part of it was a thing can I tell you the best part is if you put one comma at the beginning where it didn't belong and then [ __ ] commentary could have played this is this is how much sense freaking Klein makes today I got a text out of the blue from kleiners and he's like hey why aren't I a mad Madness no he did not are you serious why don't you have a whiskey Channel I said I said I thought I thought you were Peyton Manning I didn't know you were Tom Brady like with the cleats laced up in your shoulder pads like sitting on the sidelines like half in retirement I wasn't sure he is nine tenths in the retirement climb yeah uh so you might be 11 you know four into retirement at this point Nicholas Jones can polder get any better looking I don't think so I think he's at Max potential you know what he's you know what Porter's thing in his head you guys are about to find the [ __ ] out and if that's in Chad I apologize already so hey you know what she's a guest in your house tonight so I'm just saying mom that is like a really interesting we had people over and it was like oh this one's at my house I could do whatever I want here not whatever you want well like within reason okay when you're hosting I don't know where I put the sheet are you sitting on it someone asked uh which batches of stag Junior week oh I think I have it I have the answers but I don't know yeah so it is uh batches 12 through 17 without skipping any and then a 2017 George T sag there you go crazy all right the 12 was perfectly one of my favorite before we get into this who thinks okay Shayla which one do you think is going to win like what will be your favorite one of them well I've only had like two of these so I don't know you know what it's a safe bet stag uh batch 12 stag let's just go with that I like it damn it Shayla that's my favorite okay so are we gonna we're gonna assign them points like Barn night you know how like a barn night like this they give like the like a score one two or whatever and then the lowest score is the best is the winner will you do that yeah I like that a lot um someone else is gonna do the math like I don't have to do any math right so it's golf rules I was told there was no math you know that I can't do math this is the best part about being stupid somebody pitches a good idea and you go nobody's looking at me to take care of that one is there math involved that ain't my uh playground thank God I wasn't that kind of engineer you know you weren't an engineering okay we're having engineering degree I could figure out a train okay um uh Luke said a spreadsheet question mark always hey Luke what are your thoughts Matt wants to know if you'll keep track of those scores Matt said that I don't know I don't look if you're busy he said he was sorry for asking if you weren't busy though Matt said dude that'd be great get it together what what do you say no okay cool man no no no I'll Mumble something one time and that's it that's all you get oh okay we get one Mumble from Mumble rapper Matt oh is he hammered what is happening no he's mad at us who's mad at you oh God and I got it got all the commas in there that he missed in the first sentence or the uh apostrophes and [ __ ] uh seven samples stag Sean returns grab the cop we shall see there's a couch there is a couch I can sleep on the couch Chuck me a blanket I'll have a blanket but cookie will lay with you ever just eat garlic bread only with my pasta yeah of course and it's fantastic wait has nobody just eaten garlic bread that's not even a question that we're discussing of course like you just get home from work and you have one of those bake like the easy okay you're like you know what sounds great appetizer no no if you have an air fryer then you just literally make toast put garlic butter on it put cheese on it and you put it in the airfryer it's garlic bread and it's phenomenal it takes like five minutes you know I've done that before and David won't eat it he's like this is the most disgusting thing just go to the store and just get real garlic bread we live next to a store and they sell them before it goes bad it's bread it's not an heirloom we're not handing it down through generations it's bread okay the way you said it's bread almost implied it doesn't go bad which is not how it works at all I don't know if you know that holy [ __ ] he's like we dry age our bread over here we've got a bunker of garlic around it a little smoker that's cool and it's the best I hope Sean reads this there you go Julie your wishes come true the best I can't hit him with the oh gases it's so good every day whoa Shayla what I like it I know I'm not supposed to but it was a masochist then uh the left you start on the right I guess we're pouring I'm just pouring them I don't we don't have to do anything else but it's weird 30 minutes all right have you guys ever seen before this or what I can't hear you over Matt oh sorry are we doing that full of poker chips I didn't want to like say what it was because I didn't know if we were spoiling any surprises so are we doing this oh okay hey Matt did you [ __ ] keep it down in the back dude she's obese man this is yeah I'm not exactly sure we'll get back to it but you know what well I don't know what the [ __ ] we're all doing here we might as well just rip this [Music] wait a minute what is that oh that's like some bitter girl [ __ ] Maddie yeah I don't think you want that lemon and apple you're pre-gaming you're pre-gaming endless Stacks like an Applebee's amount of endless tags with that oh my listen have you ever drank seven stack Juniors before guess what they all taste the same No One's Gonna figure this out it's a shijo I've done this twice it does it's I'm making a paper plane all right and I'm gonna enjoy it paper plane listen we got time Matt's still making cocktails so uh uh paper plates is a good name for a cocktail that looks about right yeah give or take oh she had Dan here to strain it for me that was a [ __ ] oh dude you always listen I don't even if you don't use your hand you gotta build your immune system up dude that's how you live for longer foreign I've been tongue-tied all day so everybody cover your ears this is a part that gets lost apart hahaha Matt can we get a replay of that oh yes now you can use your hand s dude this is why I use my hand because it can't come off it's incredible Dan like taught me how to use this thing wrong that checks out that makes sense that was like 40 for the stack Junior oh my God yeah but have you tried the heirloom small bath garlic bread that Nana left in the family dude the worst garlic Bread's pretty damn good so yeah it's hard to mess up yeah some Galligan I'm also drinking a paper plane spent Sunday at side morning it was amazing okay second one is great I don't know what's in the paper plane but well Matt put apples all or whatever that [ __ ] is he put sag Junior in there he put a lemon and a whole bag of ice it's Amaro aperol Bourbon and lemon juice so is it super bitter because it sounds like it's super better that's good hey buddy I feel like the ratios might be a little scary [Music] the thing that you put in before the Stag Junior you put like a [ __ ] ton in yeah it was a bad that was that was the mistake the Amaro it's a it's a it's a bitter lover yeah I came knocking oh you put so much of it in so may I have to stag beforehand I think he did there JD stand no super chassis weebs I am soaking wet right he said I didn't put eat in my super chat with weeds I asked if you ever just garlic bread did you ever just garlic bread garlic bread and that's way more [ __ ] up of a question it's a shooter with the 50. thank you he said cheers all enjoying some b520 blue spot in Disco four to celebrate the start of a new chapter of my career congratulations Blue Sky that's funny it's [ __ ] phenomenal shooter are you are you not an engineer right now with a new title might be an engineer that was equal parts it was equal parts all right equal parts it wasn't do you want to come over and do it bubble bath bourbon you want to come over and do it now I'm a bitter lover just show up yeah decline his ass just kicking the door okay listen um so I think what Shayla was going to ask earlier was Cara when do when do you want to play the game through this game um or do you want to play it after this game whatever is more interesting I would say we do it during and we just kind of I speak early let's go through our own ranking of stuff all right so it'll be a version of like the Newlywed Game okay so obviously Dave and I because we're married okay that's why legally that's [ __ ] crazy all right we're basically married and then we have the two best friends Shayla and Matt so we're gonna that's how we're gonna split it up I feel like this is unfair I feel like it's I feel like The Newlywed Game should be like we're just mixing things up a little bit you know what I mean do you want us to laugh you want to Wipe Swap it yeah that's got an upside down pineapple in the back Yep they're a little chair I feel like the only way I do with Maddie but I don't by the way do you think bubble bath can make I'll try my best nope in details no you're [ __ ] muted for us goodbye oh my God both said thanks for making me pay my 4.99 to get my member Milestone chat right you're welcome [ __ ] all right appreciate you love chip said I'm halfway through pulling 24 hours straight and all I've had is the Sagamore can cocktail tonight's gonna be one of those nights I guess hashtag teamshayla hashtag team Porter hashtag teamdan hashtag the other guys what the well hey here's the thing fruit Sean wasn't even on that [ __ ] list which is maybe the best part for Vietnam how was it oh God he said Team Dan did he yes you can't read either huh you are stupid why you put the other guys then wouldn't it be the other guy Mudkip has had apparently a Sagamore can cocktail in 24 hours here are the other guys dude you're gonna have to take this out with Joe off stream what the [ __ ] man this is what I think I think Sean's been traded to us for nothing and we'll gladly take it all right enough I'm out see you guys on his way oh now Matt's pouring other [ __ ] randomly at without measuring in the background I like it it's Kentucky coffee doesn't care tonight how much pre-gaming is needed for seven stacks listen I'm just trying to make something that tastes good all right okay seven Stacks sounds like a porno yeah sorry guys hold on well somebody just subscribed thank you Jimmy hold on this did you just pour coffee into your paper that's not a pit you said you're making a paper plane now there's Kentucky coffee or some [ __ ] in there it's a coffee Kentucky oh in that yeah that's what he poured it into I thought it was a separate glass I'm questioning your judgment tonight man Bruce it's literally better they're pulling out trulies all right read that super chat I don't know what's going on already and it's phenomenal Jonathan pet us hey guys Felicity and I is saying hi for every other week live checking love seeing ADHD and the other channels sharing the screen with you guys appreciate the Super Chat I hope you and Felicity are doing well still literally the greatest name I look like you really enjoyed that flavor there uh Kira I hate truly why'd you drink it because it's better for me than water it's what I've heard they look like murder in her eyes when she drinks that just that was a really interesting take on how healthy water is for you it's okay it's decent at best okay the electrolytese what percent juice is water none what percent juice is truly one that's a 100 increase in Juice intake wow yeah wow that's an exponential increase that's why Dan and I are Engineers my mind is a little bit blown right now 100 this is so true I've never been more on your side right now was he exponent okay yeah because it's a zero give me that credit I'm a genius say it say it with your mouth that can be whatever you want to be that's true he's trying to find a notebook probably yeah he's getting new pants you know what the best part is if I removed yeah shoot logo right there that's Trey is back there we don't need this up yeah fix that [ __ ] ashtray put it upright that's so good at this there we go oh Matt climb wow uh Matthew Klein said love for Sean and then in parentheses period period and then he's my favorite again in parenthesis wrote comma next to David in parentheses comma Kira and parenthesis comma Matt and parenthesis comma Shayla and Princess drama and everyone in chat so you just left me out yeah I see what you did there client really appreciate to use the Oxford comma so good for you sir which is uh what's an Oxford comma the last one after saying or before saying and you still comma it yeah that's that's that's dude it isn't necessary but preferred I use it tonight we're talking about grammar and math I hope you guys grammar it's crazy how educational you're supposed to put the two things together but the Oxford comma isn't needed because in a list format like that it's already differentiated as something different when you say and I don't believe in Oxford uh Gary franchise said a coffee plus paper plane Matt made a morning flight oh [ __ ] Christ that's good that's a good name dude how to taste Matt did it get better with the coffee no no just substantially worse yeah I'm pretty bad I'm with you randomly pouring [ __ ] into that glass yeah dude eventually turn it into whiskey and then it tastes good all right it was better than hidden barn and um uh that um Okay so here was kind of explaining this earlier there's a newlyweds game and we're playing it and we're gonna play it while we do our ranking of the seven actually are we ranking maybe we just rank what our favorite like two are top three all of them awesome I think we just do top three because I think it's gonna be so confusing for everyone you want to do Podium only yeah I think we do Podium oh for the sake of chat you're saying yeah because there's 28 samples we'd have to go through everyone's got seven it's too much well no we'd have more because if David hasn't changed if you have a spreadsheet okay I mean let's actually I'm not trying I'm not trying to be like this but one two three four five six seven if we did that like five times would that be really be a deal breaker I mean wow and I could even do it if nobody else can like do it I can do it at the end and I'm really bad at math but we'll figure it out wait was Luke um was Luke tracking it or not that's that's the question because I do think Luke responded and then I don't recall his answer I think he said Matt can go something like that but oh yeah yeah I get that I like that I think he actually said he would do it format because he loves matters I think his actual wording but okay I don't want to put words in Luke's fingers yeah I mean he's trying to make it easier Matt's saying like [ __ ] your [ __ ] no Matt had that really good idea earlier that we basically all agreed to and then we then I completely forgot and we moved on so we steal the podcast [ __ ] let's just do it let's rank him and then if we need to do top three we can do top three but just just rank them let's do it all of them for ranking them yes figure it out when we're drunk guarantee I'll be the first one done and while we're ranking them what would you like to bet on that sir huh and while we're ranking them we're gonna play Newlywed Game yeah that I believe here came up with questions and so I take no responsibility for any words set on this stream past this moment right now that works my way I think we still have to have some responsibility don't take any responsibility YouTube's gonna be like you know what yeah no so I did try to be on my best behavior so my daughter put a bunch of questions together so those are PG right and then I have a little game called late night Family Feud where I'm just grabbing a topic yeah and that could be where it gets a little spicy I love that it won't be graphic I promise it'll be nice okay here real quick so I think Dan and Julie were playing this late night Family Feud the other day on their stream like two weeks ago and Dan asked a question and my brain went like because it's like after hours or late whatever right I wanted to be a little naughty I went so extreme on how inappropriate it was and I respond I'm like I refuse to type my answer and chat I would no I'm not even typing it and then Dan answered it and it was so much less inappropriate and I'm like wow I have an awful like this is not a safe place for like even inappropriate it was very bad not a safe place for children or for sure this is not a safe place it's just not yeah not safe for Life yeah all right that's the tag I'm gonna rank all these like that's right uh you know what there's gonna be some winners and loses here and uh they all are gonna taste and smell like steak real quick before we go deep into this and then people stop making up rules right because I'm a makeup rule right now we do have to claim before any rankings are are done individually which one we think the George T stag is okay yeah yeah everybody does have to say which one they think it is at the end or at some point good news one in seven shot yeah yep I mean it's almost as much as you made the a squad by e [Music] that smells like paper plane it's unfortunate when I drink too much I just wanted to thank you for having us on so yeah well when Matt was like I hadn't responded yet okay so I missed did everybody misread the initial email like I did and be like oh we're just like everybody's just doing a random live stream with the exact same theme at first yeah so yeah you so you and me thought the exact same thing yeah Yeah well yeah I started seeing like um you know people like responding and I'm like oh [ __ ] I'm stupid you know and then here we are so I'm glad that you guys could hang out we could do this together oh I was just I was just kidding it was a joke it wasn't it I mean I'm not I'm just literally I can sit here and not make senses all day that's what we're gonna do I mean Mass have a lot of paper airplane that was just a joke sorry he's had a lot of coffee and a lot of asparillo or whatever that shit's called offers downers he's mixing it it was asparillo that's what it was that wasn't the first time was it the first time I threw a lemon today either and the indoors he's been throwing lemons indoors all day today I just I love the idea that he threw it in somewhere near Matt is a squeezed lemon laying on the ground leaking out you know what I mean just rotting dude once you start tasting them they all run together yeah don't worry about it I just smell all of them and yeah I couldn't even I can't even tell you wow it's delicious I figured you know like that that smells like a dishwasher [Laughter] oh Jarrett was in so we had a little get together last Friday and um because we bought a thing with a person and he was up here from a state that's a long ways away and it's a very large State and um and so when we were hanging out and Garrett who was just in chat was like sorry that all your glasses smell like pipe tobacco now oh that smells good though Piper Dragon smells phenomenal come to find out I haven't smelled like uh pipe tobacco like that smell and I don't know how many years my dad used to go to a computer shop the guy smoked a pipe and I was like that's gross and now it's an adult I'm like damn that smells good that smells so [ __ ] good like cigars [ __ ] that [ __ ] and tonight's live stream brought to you by the smoke one I love let's go for Alex Bradley dude these smell I mean they don't smell the same but they smell pretty similar I mean they've got like little differences but I don't know if I okay I'm gonna just shot the 2022 Georgie stag that [ __ ] is [ __ ] wild yeah that is the most like that doesn't match up to any of these in any way shape or form I think if he would have just sent us these seven and said just play a game with him like here's a scoring system I wouldn't guess all of them were saying Junior so that would have been a [ __ ] problem there's no way there's no way you out think yourself there's no way you would do it yeah 100 Matt you should just send everybody the exact same whiskeys different batches and just watch chaos happen you know from Apple I mean it's definitely happening for sure so should we get this newlyweds game going while we're sipping and snow yes yes we have to write our answers now for that right for newlywed right there so make sure I have a board I got a shark I got a piece of paper piece of paper or something do you need a Sharpie Maddie take some of that resolved today because I knew this was coming just ignore him we're going to like I'm gonna ask a question and then we have to decide which one we're answering for okay so don't write like what you always think is going to be another person so like if I say okay what's your favorite color I'm gonna be guessing David's favorite color and he's gonna be writing down what his favorite color is and then so I'm writing the answer I think Dan will say yes yes that's the strategy and then we'll flip it and then it'll be he's all right the answer what you think yeah okay okay but it's easy as hell I won't get one wrong now if you say the wrong thing for yourself that's on you I'm gonna go with the dumbest most obvious answer every time work that should fit I don't know what you're worried about I'm just letting you know the strategy I'm a simple man all right we are simple a lot of Dan this is a good song something easy okay so she and Matt who are you guessing for are you gonna guess all guess format so Matt write down what you what your favorite color is and I'll write down what I think your favorite color is or what like whatever the question is no so here's the question it's an easy one okay okay so who do you think your partner uh would be if they were a Spice Girl which Spice Girl would they be can we get the Spice Girl like as can we get all of them laid out here yeah I don't know them either I don't know spicy sporty I know like two of them there's English English girl that's not me she was scary yeah you got sporty all right sorry say them again here sporty scary posh baby and ginger okay I'm ready all right so I'm ready to write down what you what your Spice Girl is yeah myself this is too this is probably too obvious I thought this was easy when I was like everyone knows Spice Girls okay sporty spicy ginger ginger spicy spice damn they're spicy spice all spice don't forget about that one so anyways okay okay give me them one more time no last time for real okay they're Sporty Spice but you can just forget about that one and then they're scary uh Ginger baby and Posh which means it's fashionable so you could probably forget about that one too this is actually difficult all right which one would he say for himself all right I got it okay all right so I said one and you're guessing which one I said I'm guessing which one you said okay I'm there I'm ready so I think David picked Scary Spice and then you have show me your answer because you can't change in your mind that's why you wrote it down I didn't pick that I personally think that gingers are funny and then I also remember having big boobs so I threw I threw some boobs on there down at the bottom and it's not his [ __ ] that that did was boobs I will draw that for you next okay all right all right so Maddie you ready yeah I was ready as soon as they mentioned everything I was so ready I feel like this is wrong I feel like you're gonna say something else but I baby duh all right I suck at this it's okay no hold on I'm I would have done the exact same thing Shayla just did why baby are you still looking at you I was thinking I don't know I was thinking sporty or Ginger I didn't know but I was totally totally wrong Ginger feels obvious because that's what I said I was like this is probably too on the head you know it's probably this is probably wrong so Juan Matt's head literally Matt has red hair and shayla's lights make her look like a ginger it couldn't have been more obvious either direction yeah oh my God hey hey Dan can I ask you a question yeah um if if if you were I don't know if you were a girl would you want to look like [ __ ] Sasquatch or would you want to look like it's maybe something different than you already look like hold on dude I wasn't taking into consideration that we were transitioning into I didn't realize that I was gonna be a woman hypothetically you are really good you work on this this was a surface level question and I don't know what that was you know what I mean do I do I wanna listen if if I'm gonna be a spice girl I'm not gonna be gingers like I'm already Ginger Spice yeah if you were a spicy girl okay hold on when I show you my sheet yeah it's what you would be I need to change it I wrote what I thought Sean would be this question was for you I did write baby just for the record I thought Sean I knew you were gonna [ __ ] write that dumb [ __ ] what's 11 dude which other one are we picking I don't know I'm a strong 24 okay all right I'm gonna write down my real answer okay damn it I should well I wasn't gonna I think I was gonna go sporty so I don't even Dan said sporty for sure I did not what did you say I wrote scar crossed it went Posh said [ __ ] it you think you're an athlete everything however many there are only issue right like it's some horses which one was the giant one of them was way bigger than the rest of them scary I think it was they're all like [ __ ] five foot five one's like six foot tall Google it I need a fact check here why didn't you know all of them so I can't even yeah but one of them is going to be five foot eight and the rest are five foot two you're gonna be like giant you know what the best thing is I don't even write the one I wrote three basically I didn't even write the one you guessed or five that's crazy this for Sean next is that yeah you guys gotta get better at this though though I love it I should have answered that one because I knew you'd say [ __ ] baby a spiteful [ __ ] none of them fit you as well she rolled out two off the rip you look young you know I do have like red that grows in this awful facial yeah I wouldn't go dude John what facial hair exactly you look like Bill Berg like Bill Burr went and got his face waxed and then he he hid himself in a dark room for three months on a water diet just to audition for Pinocchio what exactly is a water diet this is where you drink water right thank you holy [ __ ] man the first three are phenomenal yeah they are all three of the first ones thought they're all George C stag it's gonna die I don't know oh I know where Jordan I'm gonna have to revisit I know which one's not George T stag like 100 so oh come through I've had tiny sips of the first five I'm liking them I'm like in the middle of the pack right now I really am um interesting I wonder if he sent us us them in different order for him oh that'd be [ __ ] diabolical almost impossible to [ __ ] track via points well until until the reveal then we could you know spend more time doing math yeah in which case I will apologize because of course that would be more difficult but I'm surprised I'll see if my answers are different than yours all right I don't even know man I don't even know I just I just love that Matt just didn't even feel the need to say anything back here at that point that was a better old-fashioned he's looking at the lemon on the floor contemplating life yeah Matt's like I wish I was that [ __ ] lemon literally so I was like I I wouldn't say beautiful but I was sexy hey man I think he pulled it off confidence is key and one of my tits came out so I don't really like multiple times one of the nips did flip and you know what the first time that it slipped I looked down and saw a head slip I thought to myself I swear to God I thought at one point I've always wondered how like these like wardrobe malfunctions happen on red carpets that I thought I literally thought to myself wow I feel bad for them they have no idea when your tits out you just don't even know sometimes depending on like the Wardrobe it's crazy what's funny is some of these remind me of like a Russell's what yeah I get like a weird carry off a couple of these hey man you want to Sean out of Matt Madness what's the day after the Matt Madness he's on 24th 25th he's out huh all right go in we had a good run Dan you have a long wait you're in the quarter finals so you have a weight my friend you're not you're not even in a tournament until April scoop me in dude scoot me into the quarters why don't you grease it why don't you just pull yourself why don't you throw yourself into the play-in stage get knocked out what I'm gonna do I earn my [ __ ] spot grease earned his first spot yeah um I will say this one of my favorite mathematics contestants of all time Sean you last year in like the second or third round whatever round it was that you did three or four flights before the live stream yeah that was my absolute favorite you were absolutely there was a cat that you had trained during the stream you were commanding the cat to do tricks and you were just beautifully slammered I loved it you were like I'm good I trained a cat I'm here on that man it's real easy when you're at home yeah yeah I love it dude absolutely my favorite Peppa cat full Madness and you're counting and they have letters on it I know but I wrote numbers down number a number B okay so you're gonna put letters on them count by numbers and then rank them how by numbers or well I'm Roman numerals no no this is we all had our own methods okay I'm currently discovering which one is George C stag which is not okay that's all I'm doing right now then I will rank them after that I pray I listen there's a reason I'm in the freaking Corners hey Zach Jones I'm not starting anything with Zach Jones by the way let me just let me just make that very clear oh okay I love you Zach Jones so let me answer you it's all right don't worry about Zach he's out of here anyway that [ __ ] guy um he can't talk anymore so you got 300 seconds no all the finalists from last year went straight to the quarterfinals finals Cameron's in the quarterfinals quarterfinals and I guess there's a blank spot in the quarterfinals that I'm gonna have to figure out if Klein can make it that day or not jackass oh holy [ __ ] do you guys have any confidence on finding the Georgie's Dad I think yeah number D is really gross really so that really large I have DP low right now me and Karen are on the same I don't think I don't know if I would say it's really gross but I do not love it I have D in my bottom two right now I don't even have them ranked I was just trying to find the Stag yeah but I don't know what I'm doing so um I'm I'm writing check marks if I think they're good and no if I think they're not good and so I've gotten three check marks and two notes so far I'm gonna do an X like you are all over the place you just don't like my message because clearly because I beat you and everything because you have letters already on there then you wrote numbers and then you're like I do a check mark right which is a normal yes or no and then you're like and then I just write out no if I don't like them it knows only a little bit more than a check mark if you think about it I mean you could just do an attack just quickly and still a mill that's not a no to me X means go so here no means yes the reason that Thrasher sent us this flight was because he's notoriously notoriously sent us [ __ ] bottles like he sent me Miracle bourbon back when I lived in Muskegon um in 2012 during like at the beginning of the pandemic he's like here have this and I'm like we're gonna have that for a bit aren't we and we're still sticking around um he sent us some stuff that hasn't been great so he said he wanted to he wanted to make it squares these and sent us a fantastic flight a ridiculous flight yeah you know I didn't even think about it until Steve just pointed out when Kira said she's she didn't like d and I said I have D in my bottom too [Laughter] to finish my point because you know what Sean I think you and my and my wife Carissa are basically the same you just can't you want to marry me I'm gonna stop I'm gonna stop for five seconds and you know that my sentence isn't over but you just can't help it this might be over but anyway what if what if uh Chris sent us all stag Juniors on accident because he bought a shitty bottle of George tag and he can't figure it out either foreign but no match to your point I mean yeah Thrasher not only does he regularly send us um cans of refried beans from Amazon uh the big cans but he also sends us Pepto-Bismol because he started by sending us an entire flight of bottles of peanut butter whiskey which actually caused the now Infamous brownout where Kira literally doubled over during the stream almost shatter pants and had to leave for five to seven minutes and then come back that was bad food oh listen this this is a I mean I drank all of them now this is a really good fight you know what I mean it's a fantastic flight but are you in the same boat as me and it's got a hole in it and you're about to sink because you're gonna fail like I am yeah because I think three of them are Georgie stag I don't yeah I literally put question marks near the ones I think might be and there's five question marks no no that's probably none of them so you want to hear something really gonna piss Sean off for the ones I thought maybe I wrote a tilde [Music] like I kind of the inner workings of your brain like that's what that means in my head I think Dan is creating his own language over there 100 full of check marks and exes what is it called well when Dan does it it's called hygraphics someone tried to teach them Roman numerals and now he does Romanian renewals I thought we were doing ramen noodles I like how Shayla busts out a banana during this just straight up like like I'm gonna enjoy it throughout the flight banana she's cute is that your first banana or more has there been this is my first one I'm just taking tiny bites do you have a banana in your bottom too yeah oh okay thanks got him hey yo okay hold on oh Matt what made you ask if that was the first one as if she had eaten several already well I just noticed I saw earlier I didn't I just saw out of the corner in my eyes that she was enjoying up an hour earlier yeah and it's fine I've never seen a banana last more than seven seconds in this house including my own normally it would normally it would uh it would not last this long but I'm I'm trying to yeah yeah two minutes and Heaven is better than one minute am I right David can you pass out a cucumber for us A Little Cucumber action from David and organic possibly one of them that comes in the plastic wrapper so you know that it's good you know hey Matt that's a really good looking notebook that's the only way I like with cucumbers guys there's no [ __ ] way because that was a pile of whatever that is with the lemon you're making a pile of things for later I'm did he just throw his notebook oh my gosh everything's I've ever seen in my life you didn't have like a home book from God Squad first and then through it the Lord's Force oh more I'll just memorize my rankings he ripped it in half yeah now it's just like a walk of shame you know what I mean it's like a [ __ ] I regret that oh awesome it's like it's like throwing a hammer into the drywall and then having to go get it out that was phenomenal that was uh I very much appreciated that moment Matt that's right um all right let's do another uh let's do another question while I look at my tildos can we do a different question because the the Spice Girls is gonna [ __ ] me up yup yeah there's a new question each time so now you're gonna switch so Matt you're gonna guess what Shayla would do or whatever she would do yeah okay oh okay so I do what I did the first time yeah you have to write what I would say all right so I don't actually have the right now what would your partner do if a cabin in the woods that doesn't make any sense that's like there's literally so many options exactly exactly there are so many options okay you do have to write it down I don't I couldn't hear anything as cookie what would you do if you saw a cabin in the woods is there a river near the cabin sure okay you paint me a picture the other way around this would be a good question there's a cabinet it has a river near it you're guessing all right okay what would oh dude what would I do it's almost so like banjo Backwoods like it's [ __ ] crazy like what basically your question is like what would you do if you just went home um like so many things build a fire uh you find some rope I don't know I want to say Burn It Down exactly how you would feel about what I do yeah this is different this is a feel slash so we're gonna vote on like if you're close enough you know yeah I think okay this is the last time I make any sort of funness okay it won't be she reminds me every day with all kinds of things it never happened um there's no way I'm ranking these it's I'm gonna get real real effed up if I try to rank these that's the point okay man I think I have my my GTS guest down to two oh wow I think I'm there what's the uh confidence rate on those guesses uh I'm gonna try f and g again they are what I think they are the confidence rate between those two hi to it's it's hide I don't know whiskey so for me hi I also like Fireball whiskey from the malt beverage or the whiskey I like the fireball that's not being sued right now I watched your videos today great video great video it's a shame that you two just got immediately like YouTube saw YouTube and they were like how about We're not gonna let anybody see these two you guys have like a thousand views per video and they're like nah no no subscribers it's fine it's good clean fun one day I was talking with David I was we were talking one day and now he's this is when they changed their name from shelf turds to uh whiskey and which is also kind of a pain in the [ __ ] to like actually search for yeah or to at you because there's an exclamation point to it which why but anyway you know I don't think YouTube likes the fact that we're called turds I think they flag it and I was like how about every other video is called bottle porn you literally have porn in the name of all your videos we did and we we wrote a whole song about it it was great um I did a whole bottle of staggy J out of my pants in a music video that's still online you can still find it so um but yeah no between all the bottle porn and then like turds actually has to be approved as a comment so like in our live streams our own name our own at shelters have to be approved so we figured we would just change it to the most obviously stupid thing that we could the whiskey Channel I think that if you just deleted whiskey and started fresh and you started it as like ABC drinks or something like that and you just like stood there and you made some sort of jokes you probably just blow up you're being great no no I'm you two are very talented and funny true your little child is kind of the devil but who will forgive her oh yeah I think so her makeup is straight up German Mexican and then just white so it's a problem all right so David if I was at if I saw a cabin in the woods I would probably go inside that's not what I had what did you have so mine wasn't so much an action but you're like when it comes to people like Sean people like Sean make you nervous I was scared of the white people living in the castle oh yeah actually I would yeah so Woods white people are not that is not that's why you live in the woods and you're white people what friend Woods white people are not friendly people generally there's two different there's two different sides there's the extremely nice where you have to kind of be like is there a reason that they're this nice and then there's the really mean but either way caution is well deserved oh for sure 100 yes okay okay Maddie ready yeah go fishing yeah there's there's a river ADHD fishing oh damn it what did you say I thought you were gonna say it yeah and I said you sleep under a tree you never ever go in the cabin duh that's why I was asking if there was a river and she said yes and then I said Mac you know but that's okay I just thought that you wanted that you wanted me to round so no do you want me to tell you what do you you tell me what you would do and then I'd like no no you you have to go first okay ready yep breaking and piss on the chair in the corner while screaming poor gases and weeping okay I said live there squatters rights baby oh I think that's why am i Fishing in the corner at the cabin it's got a bathroom you don't know that and you just get your markings your territory that's what they do until the ghost in that cabin that's that was his chair and your thing is out of all of them I was the closest like actually 0.1 points that's what I would give ourselves point one oh because both of us in our answers went inside the cabin and you're living there now you pissed on the chair you're squatting and yeah only in your storyline of my pissing in the corner living there you scream poor gas you've three in three different ways marked your territory pee tears and a screech like those three things mean that the cabin is now yours dude uh so when Sean closed on his house he did the same thing you know what when you closed down to your house I did it in your house this is just this is yeah yeah okay I'm down to two I think I'm down to two let me know when you're down to one and when you lock in an answer I will review my answer to you vidster so none of us have a single point huh this is crazy them boys just got a point yeah them boys I give us 0.1 points [Music] hey buddy what's up buddy oh did you miss anything did I miss everything who won was there supposed to be a winner yeah whoever got into George's second right oh I'm this is my second time going through sorry same yeah I've just been standing here staring at all your faces you have not missed it we've been hanging out having your time hold on he did Miss a lot of Matt Porter there was the lemon throwing there was the phone book torn in half Throne there was the mixed drink with random color of the course yeah treasure he made a whole cocktail poorly like it was incredible yeah 1.7 behind this whole thing um okay I do have it okay I haven't narrowed down to two then I think our George C stagged up for real I'm pretty sure I know which one it is I like Mass confidence what'd you say Shayla I think I might know what it is but you know I've had one and it was like two years ago so no idea I love that if you subscribe to it's Dan like in a floaty by the way like with a cigar it's holding a Banette he's holding a banana and yeah it's pretty that's phenomenal oh man how you doing that I think are George um my palette's so trashed already I can't even pranking them is gonna be okay on all of them except one wait is the banana the ultimate palette cleanser I don't know is it it does a pretty good job also flour tortillas yeah I can see that that's fair they help a little bit I don't know Matt uses uh cocaine and coffee airplanes do you guys want to go see cocaine bear have you heard about that movie what double date no I and I'm not saying no to the double date but no because I don't know what you're talking about this bear is in the woods right because that's where they live and cocaine Falls from an airplane and the bear is eating all the cocaine and he goes crazy and he starts attacking people but it's based on a true story so there was this drop spot where they would drop the cocaine and this bear got into it and then I think they took some Liberty and some license with what the bear did from there but the true story is a bear ate like a kilo of cocaine and then tore some [ __ ] up well the true story is how cool would it be to watch this movie the true story is that's where that old bear band from Disney World came from that story the banjos the guitars it was cocaine Bears The Cabin in the Woods they're in there and bear Doyle enters chat and says that happened to my cousin now he's addicted so God damn it bear Doyle I'm so sorry to hear it man good luck man because I heard cocaine's very cheap and Hyper addictive so well he's a hell of a drug oh yes yes yes are hibernating except for cocaine Bears up there talking to the birds about business plans thank you all right Kira I think we need a new question yeah we need to pull one I gotta answer for Dan MattyB serious this time now what was that okay no I'm gonna give you in the cabinet okay sorry I'm gonna give you a you get to choose out of three all right so now it's not so wide just three sure so who does your partner like the most Mike Meyer Jim Carrey or Adam Sandler oh this okay Adam Sandler you're not going to get this right no I'm not I'm looking at least if I'm wrong I'm gonna [ __ ] you'd be so ahead if we just switched from the first question what would I have done with the cabin you in the cabin what would I have done with the cabin you said this is easy what would my move have been leave 100 look in the windows 100 look in the windows there could be hey there could be chicks in there save somebody's life you could find something cool there are a lot of options here because I think we have two if we went the other way though I think you would have answered both right for me yeah so far because I would have said baby because of you guessing baby would have been spiteful yeah it was funny but yeah spiteful funny whatever yeah yeah different words same [ __ ] potatoes this one you would have guessed right for me okay oh yeah yeah I guess Adam Sandler you're the guest uh Jim Carrey okay now we got that out of the way yeah I'm hanging in the corner in the cabin weeping yeah just like this ah oh how do you peace Ricky said you better not be peeing keeping told me Daniel what's that word people tell me if you start toming Ricky's gonna be pissed you better not be ping toming Daniel hi Ricky that's gotta be a sex move tonight you can look in the windows of a random cabin ET it depends if it's like run down like there's definitely like dirt on the Windows no one's living there freaking haunted abandoned Cabin in the Woods when I think cabin you're walking I didn't read that until cabins in the woods just leads to him walking around with just his shoes on yeah I consider all of my neighbors homes to be cabinets yeah if there are if there are people in a house with lights on and curtains open guess what binoculars there's binoculars you're from the U.P this is this is fair okay are you guys ready yes oh look they're using the Himalayan salt tonight and bougie is my cook all right so I wrote I think out of your the three I think your favorite is Jim Carrey and I am happy to reveal that whether I spell it right or not big fat Jim Carrey what's up people too long yeah it has one heart yeah your favorite one is the one you don't know okay I will bet you any amount of money I can misspell the other two as well that's fair oh that's fair I'll give you that I did initials Adam Sandler is not how it sounds you guys would be surprised you go um Daniel don't get this wrong what'd you say Mike Meyer it's not even close because please tell me why freaking Austin Powers some of the best movies ever made yeah but I figured oh my gosh you have that Mike Myers I was like why are these how are these three related because I was thinking Mike Meyer like from Halloween that's Michael right so it's like Adam Sandler Jim Carrey or Jeffrey Dahmer so which one yeah I I'm wow that was you know sometimes the question the third one was fictional no I yeah oh my God I forgotten my kids movies and [ __ ] like grown-ups with a child in my life ah question but yes Matt I don't wanna I don't want to do this but I'm pretty sure that you said Mike Meyer and not Mike Myers let me see have it make sure we didn't get the point yeah but I guess it in my opinion yeah it's okay I'm gonna change your answer Halloween though yeah right I'm shocked you went with that my awesome powers some of my favorite movies ever made anyway I'll be right back I need to go tuck the kids and take away their iPads I'll be right back all right that's fair 17 to 24 minutes okay divided by 15. Matt it was getting weird because you haven't left screen for two or three minutes so go ahead do you want to tell us what drum you think is Georgetown first yeah there yet oh my God mine drove down here I'll Circle it then that way I don't want to tell you because I don't trust you he Circle it comes back to it what he's circling it he's the only one that can see this [ __ ] paper it doesn't matter if you Circle it or don't no it's fruit I mean that is actually the only person in whiskey tube that when he wins things not a single person goes he was cheating just wins it yeah he's the only one I like how hungry [Music] like he's like no I am cheating Ricky said I need about 24 hours to put our kids to bed so you win Matt we'll bring mad back I can't believe you didn't say Sandler the only thing actually my favorite thing that Adam Sandler was uh the goat remember the goat song yeah Classics yeah also uh he was friends with Chris Farley big fan if you want to put Chris Farley on this list are you talking about like Here Comes Hanukkah is that what you're talking about no um The Old Man and the Goat yeah he did like the The Comedy album oh yeah it's like it was one of the last Oh I thought you were talking about Tim Brewer oh no man I'm back in the day when CDs came was like comedy and like you had like are they weightlifting or having sex yeah he's like oh man that old man used engine he beats me with a cane that one yeah listen David and Kira this is like right up David to hear his [ __ ] alley that goat thing is I'm surprised I'm saying there's nothing anything the Adam Sandler goat thing I said the way I phrases made it sound weird but that's Alexander skit with the goat is off your guys's alley those uh those the ghost kids around are good Chris Farley's like my favorite like ever period but Adam Sandler like Chris Farley hit I love Tommy Boy and black sheep but Adam Sandler's not really involved I let water boys I'm phenomenal yeah I don't watch like the guy what's the devil what a little Nikki Little Nicky yeah oh that's yeah called classic too yeah Austin Powers I wasn't allowed to watch it I watched it at Josh Rickett's house at my friend's house like 80 million times I didn't know this love it so I didn't know that phenomenal movies so Dan for real I'm no longer allowed to watch it because Presley and I love them and somebody does it so Presley and I watched all three of them like six times in a row and now we've been cut off well I love them but you can't watch them five times they're good movies like is old enough now to understand like the tent scene where like there's the shadow on the tent and the hand and the yeah understand why that's funny ah yeah yeah I uh I don't they came out when we were relatively Young yeah especially like the first second one I mean not that young we were still old enough to get a lot of the jokes Prime Middle School though my parents were like uh-uh definitely not like maybe late middle school early High School eighth ninth grade at bat okay I get that there's definitely hand going up that guy's bum I'm Fat Bastard the characters in the mic they're just some of the best I just they were the best and waivered sailor's the safest bet for sure yeah I mean someone said putting out gems uncut oh man that's so good though banana number two okay hold on really fast Austin Powers 1997. we were children damn no no that is that international Man of Mystery that's just the first one yeah yeah when was gold when I was in like fourth grade or something it seems like it was a lifetime is that just cheese oh that's tortillas those tortillas yeah I love that you're right you're you're a fat fellow yeah you are fat at heart yeah a seal a resealable bag of eggs is that a sharp cheddar or a colby jack I want to get my hand on some of that I have a cold Jack I just man if I could see a cabin and a little bag of cheese we're gone holy [ __ ] I mean the cheese set up at that cabin I'm in there eating that trap up he's a gaming just reminded me of like when when elf goes to the city and he starts pulling like the old gum off of the railing oh yeah man they got cheese cubes I'm good I'm golden I am [ __ ] dead though foreign I don't buy anything I I had the mouse over add to stream and it I couldn't see you yeah yeah that's that's the money here you go is he muted yeah he is I don't have the mouse clearly you know okay listen I need a new car do you have yours ranked oh yeah I've had mine rings I'm Danning this right now I'm not right that's a segmentation we've all been there yeah man Now's the Time to ask if she's on the first one still she's on the second nanner she had a tortilla in between was that corner flower I didn't see that flower all right you can't go corn tortilla what as a palette cleanser as a pure palette flavor I think I think you can go both no it's a taco I want a corn tortilla yeah I mean there's a superior option there flavors in one flavors on the other yeah tortilla I think that's weird Allison why is Sean ever allowed to have the mouse I thought Alec I don't know that's a good question um what's everyone's favorite meat in a taco um chicken carne asada yeah I'm sorry pork it's like that really red and it's like in a cone with pineapple on the top yeah that's what I made was al pastor tacos um well the smoker that sounds phenomenal I I love a good pork taco man whatever spree indiscriminate whatever's free is what matches some steak I would stage like carne asada or a bakery should be fantastic anyways it feels like everybody here has more money than me Doritos Locos Taco whatever meat goes in a Doritos Locos Tacos how is that cheaper than free dick much have you gone to Taco Bell lately guess what you're like I'd like a I'd like a chicken quesadilla and they're like eight dollars we're like we'll have your total out the window and then there's a guard standing by with a sawed-off shotgun so you don't run away it used to be a dollar it's not anymore is the McChicken really 2.99 now if that's true I quit I can't hear you should be adult I gotta make chicken just wonderful but it was like 9 . that's my gangbang yep it is yeah yeah I think it's called the mick gang ster far more appropriate name yeah for sure more appropriate but it's not that it's what dances yeah it's definitely that in college this is called gangbangs cool I almost said we just call them gangbangs yeah that's a whole thing so I saw your eyes light up a little bit that was interesting you should do oh dude we should make a gangbang at Taco Bell which would have just sent like talking about gangbangs is not a segue Daniel not once not ever YouTube Look At That speaking of gangbangs we should all get to know each other better dance I'll give you guys the address for the cab in the woods later you'll hear the streak from about two miles out you just hear me pissing in the corner screaming poor guesses oh my God Daniel that was that was something you know [ __ ] happens gang bangs happen you know wasn't me buddy it's probably dessert one Sean either I'm not allowed to touch the the mouse can we not see gifted Subs in this thing Tommy said you gifted 10 memberships and he got timed out for it we've been talking about it makes you feel better I don't think we can see it no that's the stream yard you're a piece of [ __ ] that's your dumb [ __ ] all right we almost have stream Labs streamlabs is fine stream yards stupid all right you guys have like a Jerry mat you guys stand on the whole night uh we have like one of those padded mats yeah I'm really concerned about this aren't you I know what a Jerry man because it's weird guys that's why that's what they're called wait there's so many more activities we can run around like that we haven't in front of our like our uh sink so like when we wash dishes you just stand in front of him yeah that's what we got right here it's called the kitchen mat I don't think you can call things Jerry anymore yeah you can't say a jury it's just a map oh okay I did everything tonight that's what we're gonna pause on oh no I'm giving you [ __ ] for saying when we wash dishes we have to stand on a padded mats can't handle horsing dishes anymore buddy right and then my hips were like did you just get the padded mat no no we've had them exactly yeah let's not pretend walking was the problem you guys have rugs in front of your [ __ ] no padding still rug it's it is carpet why don't you upgrade yourself because I'm not 97 dude they stand for three hours right there that's why that makes sense you stand and wash dishes from us in about 15 minutes at a time oh no way more than that matters hand up listen I gotta say this uh a mat to stand on some that's some Jeezy at least I almost said [ __ ] ass [ __ ] but I just don't have to do it but listen let me let me play let me play The Advocate you know the old schmevel's Advocate and say this um Sean's standing on a mat and kind of he's hanging in there Dan calls it the PSS post Pas [ __ ] and he's got to go see a go see the doctor for his back like literally every three days son goes to the Cairo once a month it wasn't though yeah that's preventative that's preventative medicine I tore down a chimney hurt my back do it tearing a chimney out of my hands you know what I mean like a dummy with my hands like that okay hands right yeah it's [ __ ] Jimmy Sean has to have a mat to wash dishes I don't know guys what are we [ __ ] doing here do you guys have your order yeah I'm sorry God damn it I'm getting there I'm getting there it's closer wait you're pointing it out Matt didn't what you said this is man's fault and then point it out let her finish her [ __ ] foreign this situation right now worst huh okay what Shayla almost died yeah she was on the wrong pipe okay if it did you'd be back yeah it almost went down the wrong pipe pipe it like it was right there and then I got it to go down the wrong the correct one but okay let's do another question you have time to play some I do believe you and Matt are in first place right now pretty sure we're tied yeah or in last yeah all right why don't you do another easy one this or that let's do it okay let's do an easy so it's for me so for you I think I'm guessing for you on this one okay so backwards this time for me yeah all right so do you think your partner like Savory or sweet oh you're answering for me Maddie this would have been easy so I have to write this down for you no yes we did the last one for me buddy oh you're writing down for me yes we're good I don't know this is very it would have been this was easy either way I'm still writing my initial thought I don't give a [ __ ] what your stupid face says we would have like nine points if it's backwards this that's the easier for me like you don't even barely have to know my life to know the answer to this question for me do I love a donut yeah I love a lot of donuts dude they eat donuts Tim Hortons do I love a dozen donuts we're trying to go 15 donut holes oh do I love a nice coffee dude yes especially in an Elsa dress uh but no no you think then three when you're wearing a dress dick my dick was out dude it was oh dude it was so hard to edit that video like I have a little nothing without gaming I feel like cropping it up cropping it up I think my nipple was out I got buddy the amount of minutes your nipple was out you don't even notice there's no breeze on them I was gonna say like how much that nipple is yeah strapless dresses before and I can tell hold on with tips what tastes like dance no it's not gonna Embrace with other pairs of jugs there's a lot of Breeze happening on them a lot of dudes breathing on those whoops foreign tunnel that just like Freight refreshes my face if I get in the right direction oh David's saying there's a lot of dudes breathing on them got me oh yeah oh yeah I think I have my rank it's absolute trash but literally I don't even care anymore so okay what's everyone's whiskey Gator hey whiskey Gator I wanna make gator my [ __ ] one time I watched [ __ ] sure that I got it David how are you feeling uh you said earlier you added down to two I felt like I was really good I'm still in those top two and I picked one of the two but my confidence level has plummeted down a lot so I know I know what I think it is it was part of that too but I'm no longer confident here how you feeling about it well well I picked the right one man as a man who's been through a stag blind like this yeah I've done this twice and I am 100 sure oh yes of course I'm wrong and your name would be cam all right Shayla what was that oh I I don't think it's I don't think it's good actually eating a banana just no I don't think so not even a percentage she just said basically is that a tortilla are you just eating a tortilla holy [ __ ] tortillas what is wrong a tortilla banana I'm double fished in it now at that point in time just [ __ ] be efficient you're eating both you gotta caramelize the tortilla then you can manner it no you caramelize banana and then put in a tortilla no the tortilla doesn't add anything you need to absorb the caramel sugar tortillas don't have sugar I'm fat trust me okay what's your kind of straight uh I said 64. 64. I give it up to a 70. I think I'm only like uh forty percent I think that's fair I think that's also a fair wow I I think I have a better like half that I think it would be oh okay yeah yeah I would say that I'm 80 sure I could guess the halves that was correct oh like if you said well I guess there's no half here but I mean you know what I'm 100 sure I could tell you which one it's not how about that I have one glass that I'm 100 sure it's not George T's hair yeah one glass yeah that you can pick out so one in seven odds that you're picking the one that isn't is not I'm better at picking which is not than I am yeah and we'll do one the best time on it is Luke actually don't believe so perfect okay here's here's what okay let's well we got to do we have to do I have to know which one Sean picked we have to do our newlywed answers first oh yeah what was the question Savory or sweet so David what did you think I would choose uh I guess sweet and once again turn something into boobies oh wow I would do something with salt on it you love baking and eating cookies yeah but if I had my choice between like mashed potatoes or cookies I would eat those mashed potatoes my bad well David did you take into account her menstrual cycle and where she's at currently great I lost that what's important you pointed it out I lost that it was important I'm in big trouble because now that I'm thinking about it you can there's clearly only one option here oh I got it right Matt and Sheila get together oh okay we haven't got one right yet or last you think you got it right though yeah well I was half right because I said Savory unless it's sweet [Laughter] Matt I don't know if anybody ever told you but that you're not allowed to answer questions that way it worked it worked at Jack Daniels didn't it question the same way that Matt answers every question it's this one unless it's not unless it's not all right Daniel I'm gonna I'm gonna do Matt Madness like that for me Avery you're sweet Savory 100 it is Savory 100 . I knew this one 100 if I had to go Dan it's sweet 100 dude I need 45 Donuts a day if I could but I still love a good Savory donuts donuts are are oh my God yeah you know what I should have I should have reconsidered once I heard Shayla talk about the meat on the taco and she's she went into pineapple yeah I should have kind of swayed me towards this weekend but then again I wasn't thinking so my bad damn it he's gonna be very sweet yeah the BJ's got two points shame may have one and you and I have one no we have one point one yeah I'm gonna give us point one on that cabin yeah oh we were close on the cabin yeah how many about point one okay we have 1.1 according to Sean whose game this is not no I I don't give us a full plan on that that's not fair Dan said some [ __ ] that's what I would it was squatting and Kevin would be what do you do in the cabinet if you're spotting it yeah if you're never gonna pee or cry in the cabin you said pee in the corner and yell poor gases could be argued to do both at some point okay unless the bathroom's not in the corner what if you got drunk you're like oh I should piss here and you did it I don't know okay you're arguing a very weird standpoint on this I give a 0.1 because it was like the closest you could interpret like an answer interpret interpret an answer because of that stag Junior talk yeah it's like I've drank a lot of high-proof quiz kitchen dude I'm gonna be honest I feel completely [ __ ] fine right now really you suck I drank a lot of water and all my samples are not except too I feel like a problem are we gonna guess stag first and then rank yes let's do that okay okay he's going first don't even care what do you think the Stag is individually each person competes on their own here yeah so I have mine clearly marked on do you want to go first let me go to First you go first I think G is the Stag oh okay George T with the G that's interesting no if you have to even guess that then it's definitely not it I'm not good at Whiskey so that's why I'm 80 sure that it is number a okay that's my my top I like it Matt how you feeling there's a man who's been through the ringer done this a couple times oh look we've got some insight I've never done it with with a George T stag before and this is kind of eye-opening because it's like oh is it really you know it should it should stand out like a sore thumb it should right I said c for Chris definitely wrong I I said f oh okay so we all have we all have different answers so far I only have one check mark in my entire book the one that I want to correct but the one that I was 100 willing to say I was 100 sure that was not George she said was f um yeah I guess see I also guess sample C oh man my second was um I the other one that I thought might have been was a it was C between C and A for me this is one so I wonder if you have any c left take the sip of C okay and then just and then just wait for it to finish like it goes on it has the longest each one right that's it just it doesn't go away that's what I was thinking I thought she was the oldest for sure um I've been wrong before I went with c as my answer as the Georgie sag like right off the rip I went ABC and then when I think George C said I could see went through the entire lineup and go I don't think anything changed my mind I only have one check mark it it was like the one that really competed with C for me honestly oh really from from a standpoint of B did it for me do you think it was my second favorite but I thought that a initially was George C sag and I kept going back to C and I'm like I think she's the oldest one which would give it a size are like around nine-ish and then Georgie stack is 15. yeah and I don't know the proof on I don't know the proof on like George she said 2017. so that's not helpful but well it's right here it is uh right in the middle of the pack at 129.2 okay so it doesn't matter that's literally between all the other Stags here who's gonna tell us that David's right and we're the us we were wrong um well we Jamie Faye shout out she goes I feel like Sean has to be the best of this one um that is a kind happening but I think Luke said he was it's not you're making fun of me did Luke say he's here for it do the tallying of the total okay does everyone have theirs ranked first to last so don't get the answer why no no I feel like I feel like we should go through our full answers but Luke tally it we can do another question or two oh let's see which one wins yeah and then Luke can tell everything and then we'll figure it out let's do it yeah how would you like us to tell you the answers buddy like one person at a time yeah probably what was the other option I don't know like an idiot like we go everyone's first place everyone's second place and just throw chaos at him wow that was even more shorter than what happened in my head I said one time I thought other options we all Sarah was the exact same [ __ ] times that happens that dude that's so I don't know man that's I don't know all the same time sounds fantastic dude yeah this for everybody on the stream watching will get it and understand exactly 100 okay is it [ __ ] incredible that this is kind of pretty much our jobs like 100 like and we're this bad at it like holy [ __ ] hey you don't know what you mad at it yet I mean oh there's still room to improve in being worse dude that's crazy okay okay Luke did say one person all at one time best worst oh he included he included my all at one time thank you for doing that all right I'll go first how about that I'll I'll take it upon yourself all right lead by example I think we're talking about I think we're top left though I don't know what the [ __ ] we are senior orders I think we go clockwise it really doesn't matter Matt looked like he's writing so I was going to give him a minute okay why does someone think I'm in a bad mood I'm in a fantastic Jamie Faye what the heck I'm in a good mood not bad you are Dude tell him [ __ ] I'm I'm having the time of my life if you think I'm done with this then I'm done with you so suck on that and inhale it and hopefully it doesn't hurt you because gosh knows what's out there these days that's [ __ ] beautiful it's crazy all right I love you so much okay I'll do mine listen I just I'm just not gonna interrupt every like you know what let me start doing what everybody would like me to do let's proceed Matt I want you to go first I don't even really understand what I like about C I think C is great and it could be George cheese tag but then again I could be wrong man I want you to first because I agree with you I think C is Georgie stag so tell me your order to the people so Luke you're listening to whatever that little girl just said what I want to talk about is how my deep freezer is set to the maximum setting and I don't give it a [ __ ] you know what I mean it's like what's electricity and who cares Matt do you have your order first laugh yeah I do first to last foreign a lot what do you mean that bounced around a lot I'm just looking up and down yeah this is the alphabet that's a good laughs it bounced around yeah all right oh [ __ ] I will go I have e g a f D B that's my order in case anybody out there thinks I'm in the bad mood and I want to repeat it for the third time all right okay hold on Luke will you tell us if we're like will you let us know if this we're going too fast if we move on to the next person c e g a f e b I don't I don't know if that's the issue buddy computer someone too fast oh my god I've had way too much do we have a we have a Luke definitely looks like I got mats okay I'm gonna go oh okay sure why don't you go buddy no no I don't actually care who goes I'm like you sounded eventually we're all good that's the best part of the day okay right I also have C is first I think C is George we need rankings okay four whatever the [ __ ] man I didn't do it like that real quick Maggie is over nine times no one cared it's like phone number why don't you go [ __ ] yourself with an ice pick Luke isn't keeping notes on why one of them's first he's keeping track of which is first yes I tried to give him a little bit of time okay in between all right we got 20 minutes for Sean's take on why which is which okay I have uh CBA F way too fast go ahead you were upset when it took too long on the first time I didn't know if you were gonna explain seven samples I thought that's a lot no I was just saying I put C first I thought it was George he said this is worked so well right here this is why the Newlywed Game works so well I said I said one started talking about dingo's we ain't got time for this we already knew we've been through that all of us have answered that question Fair what's your second place and why it was eight seconds and then you were like hey eight times seven is go ahead engineer I got you buddy engineering because the computer does it for him 24 one so I can't even [ __ ] say anything Engineers work with tolerances and 54th without being interrupting I have C be a f e g d There You Go why'd you put d-last for real I mean I didn't like it I didn't like it so when you put D last would you have stated confidently it wasn't George II second or no uh because of the way you like the amount you didn't like it no uh it was stuffy it was really high proof nothing felt like it uh came together that's how I felt about it so like is that some magic spoon yeah ADHD use coding ADHD at checkout save five dollars off your pick a pack or pick a sack whatever I don't know all I'm saying is Magic spoon does a lot of things that I can't say because like zebiotics you can't say the things you really want to talk about I can't say hangover right um don't [ __ ] say that this video is sponsored by them yeah but we both took it yes I like it or not oh hey Matt you owe us a thousand [ __ ] dollars for that anyways who the [ __ ] is going there wait you want to go out of our pain is it Luke well I was gonna say we skipped out of Matt's pain but Matt was the only one in his pain yeah um Super Chat you want to read that I'm looking for Luke he's probably acting like trackhawk owners all right you go down I'm assuming Luke probably has Sean's actual answers I would love to say oh I didn't write mine down they're just in order okay from first to last I went wait wait see B a g e d F which one do you think was George's tag C oh we didn't need a long explanation no I didn't give it though that's the thing I didn't I said I think George's tag is C and then you were like wow why are we talking about this and then when I got done you asked me what it was I would love to stab you I just it doesn't work like this Matt what are you is that your backbone pick I just poured some so Shayla you know what I have not poured it so honestly honest all right there's the Corey and you pull the cork out no I haven't been thingy off Matt ow Shayla it's so good I know I mean that whoa but maybe don't drink it after like a flight of static Juniors and George she said definitely drink it then it's that damn good um it's freaking delicious stream oh is he going live hello well hey climb what are you doing in there when I see you I want to give you a big hug and then we should arm wrestle left-handed oh you need that that slap line why what did he do then 19 times he called you the other day I didn't know anything about that I thought something was wrong I was walking through JCPenney with two arms full of clothing and shoes and my phone would not stop ringing and I'm like what is happening I look at I like I look in my pocket and I see Klein called six times and I'm like oh God climb that so I'm like hello and Klein's like [Applause] I was completely sober when he called if you couldn't tell no I didn't know anything about the first 19 calls that's a real sword David literally I am horny and hard and very excited to see that I won this because I beat the [ __ ] out of Sean and blind and now it's mine I had to just bring it out as protection I'll take this where's that don't dive eventually we all do all right Shayla I think that Luke probably yeah also we need rapid fire newly wedged [ __ ] because I feel like I could smack I'm just saying oh I'm not I'm ready I'm seriously after it speaking of smack this [ __ ] um where am I oh so I see so I was like totally [ __ ] oh wait no oh yeah yeah yeah CF b-a-d-g that's where we're at oh George she's dead well I thought that F was George T sag but I thought C was the best so it's probably George T stag because I have a really bougie palette that's interesting I don't know see yes okay well David weren't you between G and F uh I liter I was between David's currently between A and M also between ass and mouth no between G and E and uh I end up picking G I originally thought it was a but then I was like No And I don't know f just like playing the one the Stag that I had was kind of like softer and I don't know I felt like f was softer C kind of punched me in the face and was delicious which is why I put it first but I didn't I don't know I don't know Shayla where did you put e like what place [ __ ] hold on um I can repeat mine while we're waiting sorry oh Matt what did you say I was just gonna repeat mine while we're waiting c-e-g-a-f-d-b for me yeah mine's so [ __ ] up guys I gotta say I yeah okay so again e f b a d g e sorry I don't know how to do letters apparently our d and e and f are relatively close yeah so what did you think was the Stag see I thought it was C Matt thought it was C Shayla put C first but didn't guess it was C right uh uh David Kira you're between from top to bottom I think he wants to know what yours I don't know what was what was the one that you thought was uh the Stag I thought so I guess g was stag yeah and I guessed a and I can't wait for it to be e H yeah well he was my second place because my worker was c e g and it's ripped in half I missed the rest oh there's that there's such a differential here all right so um Luke has shayla's so David or Kira listing them off from the best of the worst yes so I think C overall came first for like all of us all right so I think maybe you should wait till David and Kira give theirs because literally like two-fifths of the equation still ready to go I didn't say that don't look at me also known as two sixths but it's okay engineer so I actually had c as number five I don't count myself believe it or not so I had g e f c b a d oh a cue in there so should I do a mat and just do another one here so g e f c b a d in dead last well I'll agree on D and Deb laugh but God damn that is a huge flip to everyone's list I'm also bad at Whiskey so I don't know Different Strokes different folks man it has experience is different yeah what's the for a long time okay okay all right so Luke you ready I have got a B G C f e and D okay D is can't wait for that to be the George tag everyone's list is very low that's my dead laughs like that's your six I think that was David yeah wow that that backbone pick smells really floral after the um yeah it does holy [ __ ] yeah sweet as [ __ ] yeah let me try it because I didn't pour it uh Zachary has uh Kira all those little ABCD it was ABC Matt Klein he said I still wanted Kira to say a b c d e f g I thought that's where you were headed with it and I was gonna giggle too yeah but you said ABG and I was like well she wrecked it already well Dan had to learn if G was behind F today yeah cause it's damned it's like good right after his dad too oh yeah it actually comes really nice off of all that staggy Buffalo Tracey goodness at 122 in there actually probably beat some things out here uh that backbone pick does beat some of the SAG Juniors what I was a sidebar I go I think that actually beat a couple things out here today Max it's one of the best balance picks I've ever had it's weird because like a lot of times single Barrels have some form of like a like an outlying note or something oh like a harshness somewhere like a dickle or they're missing something that one like tastes like it was Blended correctly yeah I asked them to blend it correctly for me that makes sense they did a good newspaper if you were like hey you know what why don't you do this right um cursor the bottles are stank Juniors and then there's a George tag some Bunch so for sure probably so let me ask this question does this prove how good stag junior is yes or does it prove how overrated George T stag is if we literally all disagree on which one is I would say this and nobody cares actually you know if it's C then I guess we all like three of us chose C well and I chose c as my first but didn't say it was today but I'm also not like super like oh my gosh I would I would pay Sean's left arm for it right exactly so I would hope now I wasn't looking for age I was looking for enjoyment and then whatever one I enjoyed the most I just said was that because I think I've only had one stag prior to this yeah but everything it was so confusing down the stretch Matt I would go with the latter it proves that I mean George T is good it's good right but is it that much better than a staggy j I don't know that it is I think when you I think if this blind were like three or four would be significantly easier though yeah right let me say this damn damn let me say this though if it is in fact C then when by the time we tasted C we only tasted two other whiskeys before it C should have been like oh my God that that's it yeah I know but I thought that about CNA yeah but the point is like if you think stag should be that apparent it should be just as apparent in seven as as it would be in four that's not at all what matters are saying um that's that's Matt was saying the opposite because we had only had three by the time we got to see and we think it's C right yeah so in theory that would have been the three flight like blind instead of like a seventh blind you know what I'm saying but I don't know I I think if egg was that much better like you would really point it out in seven in the same way that you'd find in four or three or whatever you want to say that might be true too what we've been saying is listen George T stag is worth a thousand dollars but you gotta drink it first before anything else yeah no here's the thing I think if it is actually I the the problem is is the batches of stag differentiate right so some batches of stagger significantly better than other batches to say every blind we've ever done with static nine or twelve has one every blind that those two are in ever yeah so I think that there are some batches of stag that would compete with some George T Stags and there are some batches of sag that are not even I think if you put like overall the least favorite three with a good George C stag I think the George C stag stands out right yes I think if you take the best batches of stag ever and then put them with the worst George T sag the Stags might just win yeah I don't think anyone argued that 12 to 17 or whatever we have here we're bad batches 12th and 13 are both phenomenal yeah or even an average batch of JT versus a great batch of of the staggy day I think a great batch of stack of Jay can hold up to a I hate Colin George she said average or run-of-the-mill but not one of the exceptionary years yeah no I I 100 agree there are times Sean and I blinded was the low for 2019. yeah 2019 George Street against so much shade it lost to everything in blinds right and then you have it by itself not against other stuff you're like no it's actually really good but yeah next to all their stuff it sucks or it's not it doesn't suck but it's just not great whereas like some of the Stag Juniors blind against freaking you know wlws and Jordan whatever's but let's say this do you think that let's let's say this were I mean I know it's a different flavor profile so that it it's different but if if king of Kentucky were in this flight I know it's a different flavor profile so it would stand out like that that makes sense but like to me personally I think the king of Kentucky's just on a different level where you'd be like oh that's a different level bourbon than than any of them um the age comes across very different like 100 yeah the Asian King Kentucky feels like age where the age in George T bubble Trace just ages stuff incredibly well right so 10 years is like [ __ ] phenomenal and like contractions king of Kentucky's that's not a word did anybody on screen realize that what I said wasn't a word because yeah but I just rolled with it I was like wait hold on what was the wait there was there was one I really wanted to freaking what was the nine word oh nailed it exceptionally sir franchise himself franchise himself I read this comment as Matt was speaking I read this I thought you know what 100 I love it though 100 hey you know what it is it's engineering it's 100 and that's why you and I get it yeah I mean Engineers by trade we gotta you know we gotta be here for everybody dude he's an engineer [Laughter] ing to something I just I T [ __ ] you know it wasn't like that it was real necessarily that was actually my title so just okay what is engineering so hard [Music] I said I think it was a show that while there is a difference it shows they can get very close if not but if I was better with the Juniors understand listen some of the best stag Junior batches are some of the best whiskey like they actually are but just happens that way okay Luke said first was C with 30 this month this is overall so first was C with 36 points tie for a second we're A and B with 27 points third was G with 25 points wow fourth was F with 22. fifth was e with 21 6 was D with ten I hope D is your key stag the dead last that was literally everyone's worst it was I oh yeah it was like it's bottom two for almost everything yeah all right ready come out see that you got a limited throw wait hold on let's go from bottom to top real quick before we like spoil it for everybody and chat because I'm wondering I'm wondering if these are all the fires are the same flight let's put them on there he did not ask Thrasher and he did not say anything different I would imagine they are all right I could picture him standing in the shower Slammer just thrashered in the shower giggling like hold on let me put that when you put loose back up please that one right below that right below that one okay yeah cause I can read them yeah okay so dealing with 10 points which is overall last is about 17 Staten Junior same same flight okay uh in fifth place with 21 points was batch 16 say junior with 22 points was batch 14. G was third place with 25. G was batch 13. second Was A and B which is a tie a was batch 15. really and then uh the other two which would be first and then the other one time for second B which is time for a second was batch 12. no kidding and C was 2017 Georgetown we nailed it it's just the age thing that's like okay so we we actually came in and we said what do we think would be up top in stack 12. we both said that and it came second I mean it tied but it came second overall good for it stag 12 is one of my favorites 15. 15 was really high 15 was the one I thought was George C stag next to C really it was only 15 we're good it was only between 12 and the actual stag for me yeah so especially for everybody that picks C here which is not me was it Far and Away better or were you and I'm curious because I've only had one stag prior to this were you looking for the age and that set it apart I think that it was actually I it felt like it was more complex like I had more on the back end than the other one I thought was George T stag so the the fact that like when I drank it it didn't just light my esophagus on fire there was so much more that came with it I mean it's not a low proof um it was still like 127 proof like none of these were low but like you drank that Stag and it was like it smells older it drank so much more complex this cat is definitely in my shoulder okay that's good um well real quick what were your like top three Podium um I had uh stag let's see stag senior okay first I had about 12 seconds okay and then bash 15 which is a uh holy [ __ ] oh you and I just switched 15 and 12. 15 with the same order we just switched those two yeah what did okay Shayla what was your question top three so so my Podium I did ideas number one um and I put three arrows normally I just do two arrows if it's really good but it was it was three arrows so I probably should have guessed that that was that but that's okay um save some arrows you know yeah I really liked um Jennifer Lawrence for some reason and then batch 12 was my third but the 15 was fourth so it was it was close but okay Matt what was your podium uh so this is actually kind of funny because it might have been last week or the week before I did uh a different flight of stag Juniors like two weeks ago and my favorite stag Junior between I think batch 11 and 18 was batch 16. that was the one that won wow really my favorite stagger Junior tonight was batch 16. really just so it's like that stayed consistent so it was George T Stagg then batch 16 then batch uh 13. okay holy [ __ ] and then after that was oh yeah but I mean it's it's weird though because that that's that remained consistent at 16. for some reason stood out to me as it was just like that all the ones that you liked I think were like uh like way darker in the palette maybe that's my thing like they're way heavier on the finish uh than the ones that I think me and Dan both I don't know Dan's order actually it was the same as yours just swap oh then like the the ones that we like were like way sweeter fruit eater uh more on the front end of the palette and you liked a lot of the ones I think that were more back end palette more finish wow we didn't none of us liked 17. the only thing I put below 17 was 14. and you were wrong for doing that apparently holy [ __ ] I don't know why well also yeah my palette's just trash so it's fine well we did seven and the lowest was 128.4 yeah so oh yeah how do you guys um so actually uh for me I was I was the the back three so I had uh batch 13 is number one I had batch 16 as number two and I had batch 14 is number three I liked all that dark profile I really enjoyed that a lot whenever Matt has a pick and usually give it to me blind I go did Matt pick this just because I know I just like you like that Darkness 13 14 16 I thought all those were I thought they were better than the actual George T really really Oaky they're like Anna no okay just like all that that Barrel flavor and all that those dark bourbony notes that are coming out of those batches I thought those were better when it comes to these things like I didn't think age was a huge differentiator well it's nothing but a number it able to number uh we're eight years apart so um but no I I really liked 13 14 16 another phenomenal that was an R Kelly joke okay okay too soon oh my God what were your top three okay so batch 15 was number one then that's 12 and then 13. where did you put the Stag overall um four okay you know what so we had a pretty similar order you just switched the Stag and the 13 with my order I would have guessed it um Bachelor team would have done better like overall so 12. I guess I got 30. out of this order like I said was uh selfishly my favorite number one 13 right here well I know but overall it did mediocrity you know what I mean like because because technically a little pack for everyone well yeah because technically I know it's only like it's out of seven but we only had up to six because there was a tie for second sure so technically that one was fourth you know what I mean I would have guessed that match 13 if you would have just show me a list would have been top three like across the board come to find out they're all just good let me ask you guys this if we did the same exact flight tomorrow night do you think that the order would be even remotely close or do you think it'd be totally different if it was if it was mixed up I think a top three would be because it was like I don't know I thought it was the but the rest I don't know I I actually um when I went through I only put one check mark the entire time for the George she stag because my first taste through I went that's the Stag I only tasted a b and c and gave a checkpoint to see I didn't even taste through the rest of them um I really thought that was a stag right off the bat uh the rest of them it just kind of landed yeah until later like the second taste through yeah same I I wrote check marks for a b and c and then went through again and wrote no on a couple and then put check marks on a and b were just so good for me I was like there's no going out from here yeah you know what's funny we are not okay so D did pretty poorly but it yeah he was one we tasted right after George she's dead yeah I'm not a doctor but I threw him back or it's way better than 17. yeah it's just like yeah it was after stag we all would have thought 12 was something like no one can even see them just petting cookie he is so dark you're just rubbing your eyes I didn't know that you named it cookie that's pretty cute like dashes or if I'm not sure literally cannot see this cat yeah there is an entire cat right there as opposed to half of one yeah not just a quarter one or a third of a one there's a whole cat right here clung the [ __ ] out of my leg I'm gonna be honest though um D was uh the first one I wrote no on immediately I didn't write anything but no do you have any other like notes in there it was astringent and Woody did you write that right after you tasted C that's the question yeah I mean over whatever you know period of time but yeah I mean it followed C obviously so right but so I just noticed all of them first I'm like these smells kind of funky and then I went through and as soon like I literally tasted D and just wrote now because it was astringent like compared to at the time thinking a which was 15 was George C sag and then I thought the D was astringent but he was really funkin I know less less refined but my initial note on D was just hot just hot yeah nothing to go with it yeah yeah no I agree I agree like finish I I don't know that Dee wouldn't have done better like maybe you know three whiskeys later or two whiskeys before but what you got there man honestly D was like do you seemed like not good not as good and we all want the d we always my bottom except for both of us who have headaches and I said both the only one and two of us will have it what do you have Maddie it's the the my the review that came out today it's the boulder the one that Fred Minick had for number 10 on his list is full of [ __ ] yeah we I messaged him today because we were talking he asked me if I was excited for asking I was like Hey listen super sorry funny as hell though I mean but that this is really good like it is really so I want to taste it after snack Juniors to see if like what it tastes like when you uh when you were like we're gonna see a Fred minnick's full of [ __ ] I was like oh my gosh and then you were like me in front of friends I was like oh he [ __ ] threw it in there not anymore well no I said we're Pals we're not friends we're Pals I don't it's a sandwich method right yeah listen oh yeah that's different it was [ __ ] hilarious how you phrased it and you were like hopefully people click on it I watched that this morning and I know the thing is it's a really good bourbon but zero people will click on a video that says Boulder Castle Suburban review and for something that good they honestly deserve some some recognition for it like that's really good like for something that's five years old distilled and produced and aged in Colorado there's personally there's not a lot of great Colorado whiskeys there's a lot of inaugurated laws yeah so when someone does it good it's like hey how do I get people to actually watch this and appreciate it I'll just call Fred Minnick a liar in the thumbnail and we'll just go from there and title and it was fantastic day when you texted him he said no one ever talk to me he did not respond okay though busy guy he'll hit you up you know in a few days when somebody's like hey dude this guy called you a [ __ ] liar why'd he get a c and d on my [ __ ] uh front doorstep [ __ ] man that was a good listen it's not even click it's not clickbait because there was a question you phrased it with a question and you said is Fred make full of [ __ ] and then you started the video with I just want you guys to click on the video and you know see what the whiskey is I don't know maybe but I also wanted to find out if he was full of [ __ ] because sure I mean I I shot the video before I opened the whiskey so I said that again he's not you know look at them chatting down there to themselves who you guys talking about what you thinking Kira so all this whiskey stuff got kind of boring can we do some more games yes yeah I'd love to let's do it most of his dance suck and Dick at this I I actually suck a dick at this too like I've got a family point all right wait wait the only points Oh I thought you meant the whiskey dude we should have did you like this for me and Sean we would have gotten all the points so far I knew there should have been Sean's partner this whole time I hate this oh Maddie what was the other one yeah hey let's not talk about yourself if you're zero for zero like Sean said I was sucking at this game yeah I'm the only one who has this on the scoreboard right now I've been corrected I apologize that's crazy my bad that's crazy talk my bad you're correct deal with it later all right you're guessing for me yep and then it's what what is it what Mass thinking or what Shay's thinking it's what Matt's thinking what Matt's thinking right you answer for me this time yeah so it's what Dan's thinking yeah yes yeah okay so all of the men what the men are thinking and then Sean whatever Daniel B is thinking come on ladies let's go all right shot in an empowering way empowering yeah all right let's do it so how would your man get out of getting a traffic ticket oh we're not getting this point dude how would you get out of getting your traffic okay hold on I do want to clarify am I getting out no I got traffic ticket as a man or hypothetically as a woman no as yourself as yourself you dumb [ __ ] I was supposed to be hypothetical earlier I'm really hoping we're on the same page here if you're if we're not then geez Louise we should like this is pretty obvious what is that what is it oh my God hey Thrasher thank you Thrasher thank you so much buddy there's only one right answer here buddy all right I agree real quick Thrasher like David was just saying what up buddy thanks for doing this everyone please pour one and cheers the memory uncle Lenny who's an awesome guy awesome uncle and loved enjoying some bird with me cheers buddy hey thank you so much man and thank you for sending this I'm sorry that buddy I really am man yeah that's friggin Thrasher you know what you know what hey do you guys have the shitty bottle he sent you kept it no no ours is somewhere I just don't know exactly where which one oh what the hell it's in the email s it actually was a mess oh buddy it was it was quite some time ago so I think I think our peanut butter whiskeys began to crystallize and we got rid of them and then the we actually used many times until it started to curdle and we got rid of that too yeah it was the one with dick a lot of Dickel in it let's see if the cork stays in it oh the court got better since it's very originally you need to press something special America should I go looking for I think we we have to look for it yeah I know but mats is round mine is America's Finest bourbon so real quick Thrasher I offered to go search all of the whiskey areas for the peanut butter whiskey and Kira told me no don't get you guys foreign the haircut is looking very fresh I would just like to say oh I get a cut today yeah he Styles it wildly different than I do I like the the line you know oh he goes straight back on it it's good me and Dan had this conversation off camera the other day I can't say what you're going to say you well no I can oh okay you you were like in front of the camera I was framing everything like setting up the camera dang goes I think my hair is longer than yours I go no it's not buddy that's close my hair was styled that day he goes I think my hair is longer than yours no all right pull down he goes I have it to right here and he had like in between his eyes I go here you go it like went underneath my nose and I'm close you're just one under your nose when I went to here on my nose in between your eyes hold on you haven't cut it you've got it right here on my nose pull it down you can cut your hands you don't think it goes to there on my nose no all right goes in between your eyes what do you guys talk about when you're older yeah this is what we do oh onto my nose look at that oh barely oh you have the longest hair one of them just that one hair that one here the rest of them and about here yeah they won gloves so the reason this court fits now is because it's a different cork that literally replaced the cork oh well that makes a lot of sense yeah can I tell you what this is this is America a small batch Bourbon whiskey America's Finest bourbon uh whiskey made with pure American grains the the best part is it says America bourbon whiskey is probably made in Russia America with the finest American grains using a patented revolutionary process to offer you the cleanest smoothest and best tasting whiskey you ever had no aged a minimum of six months you gotta like that's baby age you gotta do it in weeks right yeah it's like it's like those um uh like the people who get busted for murder the interrogation where they're like slowly like unraveling their story where they're like well maybe it's not the maybe yeah maybe I mean I wasn't there maybe I was in the neighborhood self-defense oh 37 weeks your honor why did you set that down you're not gonna drink it just I wouldn't put it to your lips more your mouth or your nose sorry I had a a cookie is one at the door no it's not wow he's actually not he's sitting by a chair access you know what I'm ready to drink some whiskey for uncle Lenny so I'm gonna do that too all right let's do it everybody no all right this one's for uncle Lenny Thrasher to your Uncle Buddy we appreciate you appreciate your uncle celebrate his life right here let's do it hello everybody thing dance Frozen wow wow Frozen oh no you figure out who got points that is some of the tear most wow I feel like we need to ask like favorite ice cream place or something you know these are a little bit too difficult oh we can do that oh I forgot we still had something to go I wrote down an answer of how I would get out of the ticket because I've done this before actually no we haven't I wouldn't why would they patent that process that's so it paid something that's a stupid idea can we do some easy questions like I haven't answered this one you would do like when you see a cabinet so cure it for me first yeah how I would get out of it how would you get out of a ticket this is not a sex-dependent question I flirt with men and women equally [ __ ] I would flirt with the cop I wrote hey big boy oh shut up there make sure that people can see it David that's phenomenal you guys should damn near get like four points for that that's crazy that's pretty good I've literally done it while I mean long story but uh this is back when I had my um my well the conceal non-concealed weapon license whatever the [ __ ] that was yeah a guy pulls me over I was texting and speeding in a school zone and I didn't announce that I had a gun or didn't have a gun on me while I had that was wrong here and uh I flirted my way out of it and the guy remembered me because I was in his uh wife's High School class he was a teacher yeah it was a rough time but uh man am I good at flirting yeah it sounds like he's such a lot of dick to get out of that one knee pads knee pads and everything oh my gosh oh my God now I flirted my way into a Jeep Wagoneer back in Tennessee last month I did it I'm sorry he did but it was because it was because I got into a car accident like I got into a car accident but the last time I went to the car and then they were like you can't rent cars anymore so I went with a different company and I was afraid that he was gonna find out that I was bad so I said I just saw the starburst The Starburst jelly beans on his desk and I was like those are the best if you and he's like I'm so sorry I've got to give you my favorite car and I was like all right I think I got this wrong dang it okay yeah go ahead Maddie oh if how will I talk my way out of a ticket oh sorry have to poop so bad I thought it was the kids are sick my little ones in the back she's got like a salad that's good I'm super smart super smart okay that's actually smarter than math that's why I said is it about people that like heart-shaped sandwiches but you didn't it's fine wait what did I scratch off up there use your vids kids that's okay that's okay that looks like a V yeah I said use your kids I scratched it off use the vid I got code fans videos use your only fans videos to get out of that ticket I got it Daniel I said for you yeah how would you get out of ticket said ignorance offer a ZJ I didn't know the speed limit if you can't you don't know what it is you can't afford it that's all right CJ offers EJ what what's a ZJ if you don't know you can't afford it dude that's just how it works I don't know how to elsewhere to explain it it's from Deer [ __ ] Fest or whatever oh it's from beer faster DJ or is it Super Troopers is it beer festival you gotta ask can't afford it oh dude in the back of the car is [ __ ] phenomenal it's ignorance always with you are you guys no it's not no I always admit it um he goes you know I pulled you over why 45 and 35. you're speeding them like my bad you were like I don't know it's 35 here I have no idea oh I never said that oh no no I had no idea no I usually try to be respectful how's that work for you depends on the cap most of them like it one cop in Midlands like hey why don't you [ __ ] yourself here's the seven tickets is everyone tied at one now seven tickets he was like here's your tickets anything else for them to do so I lost my very damn lost his license when he was 18 17. oh one time I got polar for speeding a speeding ticket and a tent ticket same stop [ __ ] it two tickets One Stop dude you're doing 140 so I was literally doing nine over it's like it wasn't even an asinine amount it's just yeah I don't know what it is Dan it's your soul patch you know no I didn't have that in high school I just had my really long chin that's underneath of it and so they were like wow that's even worse and so they gave me more [ __ ] tickets like that's what it was it's [ __ ] crazy dude literally he was like changed look on your face or I'm gonna give you a ticket you're like no sir this is my face he's like another ticket yeah iron them off you give me a fixing ticket and an actual ticket all at once you're still the only person I know that has he gave you a fixie ticket for your face that was his first attitude correct my attitude back then was definitely bad because it was the same I got like seven points from the same cop in the city swear to God oh nice piece of [ __ ] with men oh my gosh I got a ticket and they changed a sign because of it well I mean that wasn't why they changed the sign because I'm sure the same ticket you got no no so if you leave our high school and you turned out um no there was no sign that pointed inward to that road that showed the speed limit I got a speeding ticket under a school zone but it's not posted so they took one of the signs ripped it up turned it put it the other way they're like no it's definitely posted don't worry about it two stories time now says no dumbasses allowed says Steve Szymanski that's how they changed it for you that's really fun for you you said that you said you got to change for you you said that the only thing I heard from appropriate so I heard from that is that Sean's no longer allowed in school zones that's all I heard not because of that sign but yeah you know I also got that ticket at uh 7 59 and the school zone ended at eight that cop was a dick who was the dick hey how many kids run late because their parents are lazy [ __ ] a lot wait I was driving to work that day I had to pick up something go to work I co-opted as a senior they're like no not cool man that cap was out for me man Michigan schools suck how about another question yes I would love one okay hold on hold on let's do that do the Family Feud game let's do it okay I want to get into some of these questions I'm interested okay ready I got a Jack Daniels Apple from Mary Bobo's yes drinking yeah suicide juice don't drink it no I'm doing that I'm putting it in this [ __ ] oh man what the [ __ ] notice it has the word whiskey there what is your lens that's the gas station one it's the gas station one but this is one has Whiskey on it look at that that costs a dollar too much David that is correct so check out my lens good sir okay it's also a Panasonic gh5 or G7 or some [ __ ] mine is a Logitech something something webcam so this is a Sony A3 okay bougie [ __ ] I literally talk to both of these boys in the upper left when we bought this thing out in the flood and I got that Sigma 1.4 non-zoom okay that makes sense yeah I was like man the [ __ ] Christmas on that when you just [ __ ] throw that out there it was like whoa what one day I'm gonna upgrade my camera and everyone's gonna leave man everyone's gonna get horny when you upgrade that man they're gonna see you for the the real life oh wow oh wow oh no okay stop no oh that's what we'll wait you soon all right so let's do Family Feud style let's get rid of those newlywed stuff because everybody sucks at it right yeah okay so now this is we've sampled a hundred people and these were their top answers okay all right so we'll do clockwise so Dan Sean Shea David and then Matt so we'll do that okay so Dan Sean first yes okay they're individual people at this point go [ __ ] yourself okay I mean good luck surveys all right so name something men usually think they're better at than they really are oh it's done man I got it I got it can I go yeah sex that's the number one answer is I I mean I can't even give an answer because I just lose yeah so I can't give the number the greatest I won't go first next time but I'm the greatest this round for sure there's four more answers past or play Dan I can't give an answer that's better ready cooking yes that is an answer yep three more answers okay there's two in between um I I know one for sure and I can't wait to steal up from yeah I don't know how the game is played for all the points all Sean and Gabby Doo is sit and watch old [ __ ] game shows that's all they do so Jeopardy whatever um is sexual acts included in sex yesterday yes yes it is okay just I'm just asking questions exactly right 100 um okay romance romantic gesture something like that is this really this different than this David stop doing weird no keep doing it that's an ax okay so then you go wait how are you doing this I don't know anymore maybe we should do teams this is good though we would have to do teams you two are on a team um with Shayla yeah and you weren't teaming that okay okay Matt we're in trouble what are the teams I'm the best at this this is crazy you and Dan me and Kira and David and Maddie yeah so so it's just us first you guys there's three families yeah it's a three-way yeah it's three family day my brother's name is David so I'm already locked and loaded perfect my middle name is Matthew oh if we get it like wrong how did it go to the steel so we it's got to be a two-team thing okay and you get mad oh okay all right fine yeah yeah hold on so far I think Sean's in control and I agree with Sean being in control of all of us there's not the bossy lesbian push you around David I try so one person that's in more that has more logic at this point than anybody else and it's Sean you sure so there has to be two teams it can't be three because if someone gets it wrong the other team can't steal I like playing phones yeah so we'll take things yeah we're gonna throw my microphone well I gotta get over there dude it's a long ways away you almost touched her breast just Sean's doing so well that Dan should invite him on his channel okay so Dan already has an X for us yeah well I also like it you've got two okay so I'm part of your team now can I say one yes I'm gonna say one so I'm gonna go if you can go ahead I'm gonna go with driving yeah that's what I was gonna say that's a good one good answer good answer good answer that's a good answer one more answer right you have two more two more was it correct or no no it was correct it was correct okay two more top five answers yep top five so yeah two more what is something that men usually think they're better at than they are yeah mechanics you can't you can't answer it you know you can't tell her this is not the team moment no okay okay oh [ __ ] guys I'm gonna [ __ ] us up um I'm gonna say something about like no that's gonna be correct though like mechanics or something like fixing things oh yeah as long as me fighting does this count I'll be the judge it is a sport okay you win I would just say sports what is it of course I would have said sports sports sort of thing really that's just a sweet for us interesting okay you know what I consider some other things Sports but nobody else would so how many points we get 20 000. one one point for all that I mean actually there's a lot of work for one point I don't know I get one point I mean I like it but how we answered like nine things we got one point but you know so all the points are right here with added up okay oh my gosh it's too hard yeah okay no if you get listen if one point per answer correct that'll make it very simple right I love it Five Points okay we got five okay that sucks okay so now you're asking this question Matt and I on our team you you can't help exactly sure it's okay Matt and I don't need any help we're that good all right pass out just pass it up to Shayla foreign people only eat a piece of also oh wait say that again name something people only eat a piece of pie CE so now there's the other team get a chance to steal it they do okay wait did you get it wrong we didn't answer the number one answer in steel because you didn't get the first answer Pizza oh oh nobody says we're in buddy you want to play oh we're playing this [ __ ] okay all right so okay name something people only ate a piece of and so far we have pie and pizza and you have three more answers [ __ ] pizza was my answer um well no people eat way more than one piece of pizza but people don't eat more than one piece of candy you eat one piece of pizza at a time dude okay I'm gonna say you don't you know [ __ ] pizza at a Time cake you dumb [ __ ] oh my gosh dude when I think of a piece of something it's always Pizza nothing else it's like the dumbest answer it's not it's on the list yeah when's the last time you ate a piece of pizza no he eats all pizza at a time every time I eat pizza what hey Matt what's up a piece of cake dude hey buddy you eat eight pieces eat a piece of candy [ __ ] never dude I don't ever eat one piece of [ __ ] anything ever you need to Continuum until you cut your own cake get the cake I get a fork and I [ __ ] shovel it dude none of this is a peace thing but it is but just like dude yeah a piece of candy or where that's a t you're teasing me with a piece anything at this point and you should know all the answers here I I pretty oh no I would have gotten them all right just I didn't have the order correct yeah 100 coach cake was number one and you said Pizza all right assistant you guys still have to get a couple right we have three answers there's two more left Matt and pizza oh my gosh I'm I don't know whether to go with candy or ass I'm gonna say a piece of ass oh [ __ ] of gum yes it's a good answer yeah that's a good one number five and answer you know what that's actually the only time I'd say that a Piece One Piece is solid that's Jane looked at me and goes it's definitely Pizza though at one time I eat one piece of pizza and I ate a second piece of pizza and a third piece of pizza dude yeah the pizza was gone yes we got it we don't eat you don't need you here one at a time yes what people eat what you nobody just eats one piece of cake either like that's the other thing you only eat one I eat the cake it's just an object dude I don't know a different way to put this I just I don't get it whatever you're saying might as well be fat at all and that is a window in the dam oh oh no I eat a cake one more you got to come through with it buddy I'm gonna go with I'm gonna go with the piece of candy I didn't either okay and they have four points is that right it's because Dave has been chewing Nicorette since he was seven it's true man okay so now I'm trying to find things that are like five or more I don't think it matters we're just having fun okay okay you guys got four we have fives that correct I think we have six and they have four right no do we get one for getting a one right oh so do we not get a point for pizza no no we don't since they finished it you know they get all right category because they ran they have the higher point question let's look at five so they get to run the category they got them all right they get five okay okay got you sorry about that so with this fun funness that we're having what happens when you all have like eight to answer eight top eight answers I think you get one per thing you get correct I think is how we should do this yes and you could choose to pass okay one person no but we don't get them right we don't get the one that we chose is right if we don't think it's a higher point one and they ran the whole category they didn't they didn't run the whole category because we got one right yes so we put the number two answer on the board they put the number one sure and then got the run the category so they get the one they win exactly if it was already on the board okay I've you've never watched the game no no we're not playing the rules of the game right now we kind of normally we would add up the points talk to him like you're Steve Harvey let him have it wrong before we get [ __ ] canceled thanks Matt uh so anyways you're just wrong no no we we agreed we don't get the points for us getting it right but they didn't sweep the category if they put one on the board that's how it works so if we so if there's eight yes and whoever finishes it gets eight points we said the number two answer yes sir I just need a yes or no yes yes okay all right we said the number two answer they said the number one said they got the option to nobody I'm I'm I followed everything except my one question that's good whoever finishes the eight gets eight points yes okay we're good then I'm 100 on board without a doubt if we put the number 40. I do as the last one gets all the points that's all I need to know yeah we're good then I'm 100 in there wait until you we don't unearth all the answers we get what is already answered all right just whatever all right deal we figure it out that's more and more [ __ ] cereal all right brought to you and your friend magic [ __ ] spoon dude they make a lot of cereals that are keto friendly as long as you don't put [ __ ] milk in them and they taste a lot like fruit loops Cinnamon Toast Crunch Kellogg's Fruit flakes uh and Fruity Pebbles this month special is yeah fruit flakes what is it called [ __ ] me in the mouth with ADHD whiskey next thank you order okay all right I brought Dan's snacks he should be good now okay okay the question wait round third 50. hey this is eight though she said yeah sorry I chose a different card name a food that usually winds up getting all over a person all right David loses this [ __ ] immediately foreign that's a shitty answer this is a terrible category can we skip and this is after dark [ __ ] like a whipped cream that's not on the board at all right that's not called Lip Cream All right so Matt if we get it right we can play it through back to them will you call whipped cream all right magic spoon okay Maddie's just eating cereal and he doesn't give a [ __ ] anymore all right so I it's the food that gets all over you right yeah so to me and Matt I I think we I we can we can talk during this right yeah um I'm gonna say the lobster who the hell just goes and eats Lobster Lobster crab cracker for the lobster thing dude I think children David you have to think children what do children oh the correct answer is Magic spoon okay no you all got it wrong except Jamie yeah it was spaghetti mom's Old Spaghetti was in the wrong answer that's where I was headed how come wait a minute okay all right we're gonna try to steal all right another one wasn't ribs it was cool whip no it was ribbed honestly I wanted to steal that one it's eight answers they're gonna [ __ ] it up so did you we just have to come in clutches all right Shayla you're up oh are we skipping Kira we're skipping we're on the next one right yeah yeah okay yeah okay let's go [ __ ] let's go all right nobody got any points that's yep correct because Sean said cool whip hey buddy they didn't get anything on the list either so [ __ ] fracking of the lobster it was so close you crack lobsters like you do crabs number one right number two you think you do you never actually went through a laptop have you you'll cool up on yourself a lot in your life but nobody else in America has if you're wondering so anyways these questions were answered after dark and nobody thought it's like that okay ladies I know yeah right you have to explain me the idea of the game I get that you said cool whip they said zero people said cool whip here up go okay go ahead buddy what is the toughest part about sharing a bed because you know the [ __ ] this and that all all night yep the covers that is number three years that's number three that's because number one is snoring oh snoring is number two so you guys are higher all right so Pastor play Matt we should pass it back [ __ ] let's go love it okay so Dan there are two more answers to this what is this part about sharing a bed snoring is already on and also the covers in the blankets like trying to mess it up oh blankets is Undercovers oh my gosh why didn't I think of this that's obvious yeah hog in the bed I'm gonna count that as space and that is the number one answer that's fair come at me all right one right there you finalize this category for the team you wrap it up like a champion we get all the points there's one answer left do we have space we have space we have blankets and sheets all as one yeah and then we have snoring is the other one I have an idea let me uh you know you know Steve what I what I thought about was the fact that uh Sean literally [ __ ] nothing he thought he could even be so Matt and David get a chance right now well no that's only one ax and you both have another X oh okay so you guys both have another answer dang I was gonna say temperature shoot um me too um well you're sharing a bed it is oh okay I was gonna say something kind of dirty but I don't think that would be good it's after Dark it's like you know don't say Cool Whip like that'd be an even weirder you're snuggling and the guy you know he hey you wanna ah boner yeah yeah is every time sexy time let's do it wrong [Music] um my guess was your guess I no shayla's guess was my guess oh temperature was my guess temperature was my guess that's what I said well you after Shayla said yeah but space was my guess okay so we got sheets we got bed hog we had our space we have snoring third okay last one has to be without a freaking shadow of a doubt what are you rather complaints to people what did I ever do mattress comfortability I I would have guessed that one but no but no it's wrong what is it for you so Matt and I get together Matt you got it dude what is it so you guys are thinking about the sleeping and not the waking it's the alarm clock in the morning the first person to get out of bed is like oh [ __ ] they're up and I'm not ready to be up but it's like they're up and we got to share the bed so everyone's up huh okay I'm gonna go no well let's let everyone think about it I like that answer because the answer is restless or moving that's not I was wrong okay I'll give it back oh and I want to say this absolutely none of us have restless spots you are Matthew I am I'm the Restless spouse and I cannot believe I didn't answer that like I'm in trouble when I was little this is not I'm not joking when I was little my brother and I shared a room and we sleep in separate beds and he would say chubby if you move one more time before I'm asleep I'm going to beat you with my shoe okay my bed like creaked and so every I would like flip around like this Jesus Christ you move a lot in your sleep I got I got beaten a lot yeah man the [ __ ] man I never would have guessed that one you could have given me 20 tries I wouldn't have got that yeah I'm giving you three the fourth one didn't count right so yeah three you're you're the Restless we get eight now yeah you're the rest of the spouse together right now yeah you do because Shayla answer first last time all right because it doesn't wake me up and it's I answer first but we have to find out who answers the highest actually all right you ready I'm ready name something you wish would never stop growing that's been a good night don't you for something that I wish would never stop growing I said well do I answer first you answer first because she'll answer first last time okay so I know I know what the the clear and obvious pants answer is yeah yeah but I feel like that might not be the right number one so I'm gonna go with like um wealth and or money that is the number two answering it there's that one number two okay boys I'm thinking you know dick that's not even on here okay it's the number one listen they pulled dude stop every dude said dick and they cut it out you never stop growing who cares grow really slowly Sean it doesn't have to be like an intraday Taylor well at least it doesn't have to be no it doesn't have to be oh okay you just kill yourself well if somebody else's turn all right I want to communicate with my partner real quick Matt when it comes to things that are growing would you like to pass or play how many are there I think that's five only one off the board I mean I I have I have a good one but I'm trying to think of other things and I'm having a difficult time but uh I think we should play because I'm gonna put the onus on you my friend she's a dick don't worry Dan took that one off the board I'm gonna say I'm gonna say hair number one answer oh that's fine when you bald your hair is not growing that makes perfect sense literally forever what the [ __ ] but if your ball that stops growing oh all right perfect so far hair money or wealth what comes after that I'm gonna say um it ain't dick it ain't dick it's not uh I'm gonna say um success or happiness well neither of them those are two different answers as I want them to grow yes nope none of them do we get to do like wait do we go right our first round okay um yeah realm knowledge or education knowledge or education I would love that but no I don't know who are they serving a bunch of dumb [ __ ] yeah wow oh I'm actually shocked by that okay okay so we have and she said no they have money we have hair things that would never stop growing I'm gonna say um height or tallness hey Jack the memes dog cause I love him here okay so now everyone can chime in Heights I'm gonna say no it's wrong it's wrong damn it no William Steele the taco can steal so tell me something you all can talk about it yeah I'm sorry I decided to play David my fault that was my bad no you were way dumber than I thought there are two laughs beautiful cereal munching son of a [ __ ] I love it there's two left is that right there's three left [ __ ] so now okay what are the correct answers so far wealth and hair and hair well and hair grow every day no girlfriend never stop growing not necessarily every day but never stop never stop growing the wording might be important that's the only reason I pointed out Beauty does that I think the word growing is throwing me for a loot yeah whiskey your age maybe your age like you're Immortal okay so never not like yeah okay age that is wrong so now you two get the points is here they're so weird I don't know this is like Nebraska people or something children damn it but I thought I never want my crops to stop growing that's the next one plants cubes food plants you didn't say plants like Miss America where she's like that because you finished it right no they only needed yeah oh they didn't you guys didn't finish it only whatever's on the board now I thought they shut it out right there no no no no they got the two that we said and then we all [ __ ] the bed no one got everything because they were like dumb answers agreed I want my crops to keep growing you know what at least love I can understand plants Is Wild children is the weirdest [ __ ] answer ever literally exactly that's age that's age well here's yeah you just [ __ ] water them like I don't yeah you know what they don't know they just water them [ __ ] more and it's just you can make your own wish come true it's like obvious thing just keeps [ __ ] growing as long as you water it I thought this was Family Feud after dark and I said dick and it wasn't number one you know what I mean preemptively apparently was like Hey not our Channel let's protect The BJs she's going into the protect the BJ's pile now okay boom wait no no no no no no inappropriate one in that whole box is there a black box in there I literally vetted out like 100 magic spoon yeah listen ADHD whiskey yeah [Laughter] yeah it does look like a little it looks like a machine and he's bleeding you you know yeah I was just about to say you know when you eat like really hard cereal and it cuts the roof of your mouth not good for the whiskey he does now you want to try that one question real quick before we get into double dare or whatever the [ __ ] we're playing do you guys dip your Oreo in milk or do you bite half of the Oreo and then like put milk in your mouth first off Oreos are bite size okay and you take the oil you get the whole thing in the milk you fully submerged and you slide it down through the Oreo and then you can submerge the entire thing okay and it has a delicacy is a whiskey treat you bite half of it you sip some whiskey you notice the the notes if this was an Oreo I know the shape's different but you just nip the little edge of her and you fully submerge and then the whole thing goes in at once yeah so if you take a fork right and you put it you gotta wait until it's soft now I know the method I have to set it down too much work and then you just every Oreo you got to pick up I have never been what are you doing I'm constantly eating this which is the most phenomenal thing I've ever seen on a stream is this goddamn here is some pool boy some cute pool boy delicious food she just keeps ripping up tortillas putting things on them you shoot your your channel from a restaurant uh [Laughter] uh you know Taylor we love you you keep having that pool boy feed you it's all good I'm eating whatever that doesn't look from a bag that looks so good what is it it's homemade chili it's really [ __ ] good yeah okay Ricky made some chili this weekend I love chilies mini pretzels it's got a home homemade she's like it's just homemade chili and tortillas I said fine Matt where's your lemon I'll get it and we got that hashtag ADD ADHD Whiskey in the back but hashtag [ __ ] lemon's gonna still be tasty I mean I doubt you got all the juice out of it hold up and you went straight to Shayla wow the lemon off the floor yeah I'm so sorry dude that wasn't me well no he's still doing well so there it is still good still juicing one of you had a way better meal it's better than hitting Barn homemade chili with tortillas all right next hold on next I'll do another Family Feud card if you have like another one please I'm ready I'm ready okay all right whose turn is it this time now bring us something else you read the questions man Sean go first on this the Family Feud thing ding ding baby bottle that bottle will do dirty things too it'll tie you up and make you beg for mercy what's your safe word oh it doesn't know it because it's a lot of whiskey my safe word is more do you remember my favorite yeah exactly let's do it pineapple Tangerine oh okay all right but Sean goes first okay name something you do on your knees so great all right he got to pray just to make it today the number one answer gave it to the other team all of them questions I just want to say are a bunch of liars can we just that wasn't our terms we need to be way more clear about whose turn it is that John you go first Kira said Sean you're gonna go first this time and you emcee hammered it and then imagine a song about praying oh that's phenomenal [Music] boosters are in this one a plan doesn't matter there's there's one so far left and is this a dirty one or no [Laughter] doing it okay we're gonna play but is it a dirty one or no yeah after Dark okay so it's shayla's turn and then my turn is that how this goes right no yeah okay praying is already on the board just say whatever um I'm just I mean you know get you know doing doing the nasty just giving giving some head come on let's let's go acid D can I get S D on the board um [Music] what are we doing it was 98. they went to a monk gathering for this one and uh yeah okay what are you doing your knees oral sex on the board what else can you do on your knees a hundred percent and I know this is from seeing people who do construction sucks dick is already on the board um like it's either carpeting or hardwood Flo like oh yeah it's something they wear knee pads while they do it I've literally seen people start hardwood flooring laying pipe flooring you do it right you need that lay flooring anymore no one does this not no what just because they have knee pads doesn't mean that doesn't work I've already been laid they have knee pads for it they also have knee pads for when you go through one of those like playground things okay so that's another answer then try that one next yeah you said I'm gonna take that as my next answer okay something what's so the question is something you do on your knees we have two more axes excuse me yeah pop what do you do on your knees I already said praying yep with s and a D well just oral sex in general yeah right I'm gonna go with um cleaning yeah no really that's above I got one and two babies I want to talk to you earlier about who's doing whom how often do you clean one and two here how often all the time I gotta get down to the knees or else I'm gonna blow back out let's go I I hope you just being in it I thought your sink frog would have finished we're correct right so we can keep going but Matthew is a general Kayla I have a general question one answer left I'm gonna do all the X's this week no more guesses listen hey it's February 7th 2023 I don't think that we've seen Sean kill a bottle of static Jr on stream in a couple of years so we got one I have to drive home I have to be an adult tomorrow all right so hold on a lot of us have to be adult tomorrow including myself and Kira but we are willing totally to take Matt up on his challenge let's all find a bottle that during this game we can put to rest okay is that cool yeah I just have to find the fullest bottle this is whiskey tubes we're having a blast let's find something notable that we can do this you're a bad influence David everyone's trying to get out of Washington DC we're the only Schmucks trying to get in memory you know what I think we have a low forward I picked one thank you a four gate Ruby Rye Springs has been dying to be killed for a while now look at that bottom half uh no I got one yeah Uber home Shawnee [ __ ] [Laughter] I help you help me out here it's um I thought the cap just broke into my hand because we did that it's like a Saturday Kira do you have a uh oh no don't finish one though David we do not need glasses oh wait are we just bottle chucking this I thought we were finishing it are we not hold on hold on real quick are the rules of bottle jug yeah is that the rules it's got to be all right here that's for you oh I don't show what's your foregate it's a ruby rice spring it's a little Chugger so here that's super shocking let me find something that I can jump right after all right yellow turkey first it better be at jwd enough for the turkey which one is the Ruby Rye is that 15 16 a while ago I think now it's time for your tagline that you're so it is number 11. so it's 113.4 that's a beauty right there please drink responsibly look at that lens that's a good point you should consume alcohol responsibly yeah cheers everybody you know what um well I have a sir Thrasher's Uncle hold on oh the Thrasher's uncle but can I show you guys something that I think we should kill tonight and actually cure might want to kill more than the Ruby rice Springs can I show you that is obtainium oh that's King of the North because we [ __ ] love you guys one of our favorite [ __ ] bottles there's more whiskey in there than you're thinking just letting you know um I have an Austin Nichols wild turkey like an old school Little Traveler yeah this is Elmer Dan with Elmer I have a healthy so that is there a lot in there it kind of looks like a healthy amount I don't know I think it's a light is it it's the light I think but it's a healthy amount oh no I mean oh I have this low it's fine it's 40 it's pushy [ __ ] [Music] I mean as I drink my 40 wild turkey she is right oh yeah so when when I kill a bottle I I should make videos like this but I don't do you know um shoot what the [ __ ] is his name God damn it dude the dude at the accent who's like oh yeah he does his recycled reviews I love those yeah well so this bottle was I shot a long time ago where I long poured it when I was slammered in Michigan and I poured it all over the floor and all over my microphone and all over the Airbnb this is the same bottle but it's what's remaining of Lost Monarch Redwood Empire that's a great biology yeah cheers to y'all thank you guys so much for coming on tonight it's been a [ __ ] fun an amazing blast we gotta do it again at some point absolutely let's [ __ ] kill these bottles Cheers Cheers shows my finger wow that's way better than the casket strength I just picked up into the exact same thing where I tried it was like no that goes to the battle I don't have in my hand how was the Lost Monarch 90 Proof 10 times better than the casket strength oh my gosh yeah it was more than I wanted at one time but damn wasn't good everybody said yeah everybody put your bottle upside down behind you yeah this is this is how everybody knows that you're into bottle sharing he's put it upside down behind you I don't think that things that means I think that's why sharing models into that chili I'm so jealous dude the chili is fantastic I'm just gonna say also like not too shabby after like really really oh David what Kira David has a headache does anyone I actually do for real I want all right eight to seven we up or down uh op one we call it right now you guys guys win you eat a great what the [ __ ] it quitter quitters I'm not a quitter I'm a forfeiter all right let's just bring more we're ready at least two or three more questions then we can write yes and we'll call it let's go yeah and everybody can go to sleep it's literally four o'clock in the afternoon that's fine it's fine nobody cares it's still brunch here dude is that the floor lemon yes 100 you dirty there could be covet on that there could be all kinds of hope it doesn't give him a floor it gets on the floor every day no doesn't it lands in there all the bodies that's a polio lemon hey Sean too close to home okay my mom my mom was hospitalized as a child with polio so too soon [Music] thanks buddy and the whiskey talks Super Chat we appreciate it thank you so much and then code Jeff said oh that Ruby ride's one of my favorites thank you so much and then we only have one four eight ride it's a Kelvin Rye uh River count or something I don't remember what it's called we don't have the Ruby I think that I'm relative we're relatively caught up all right more uh chaps than actual uh YouTube uh but you can't see gifted memberships that's a neat feature great I want that [ __ ] chili I just keep watching apparently Sean's starving death in the exactly um but I keep watching that chili I'm like okay what's really good around Dan's house is that uh so when you go out to whatever that main road is and there's a gas station you get the gas pizza oh yeah 100 my cousin owns that place [ __ ] fire yeah a Detroit Pizza can we just take a second better than New York better than Chicago everyone could suck a dick Detroit Pizza is the best I'm here for it listen Chicago pizza is a different food entirely like it shouldn't even be considered they do like the the ultra deep dish where it's like yeah that's not pizza that that's like Texas Bourbon and Kentucky bourbon yeah fair fair I mean like that we're oh for sure it's totally different which one's which yeah but like I'm not saying that they're the ones one and one's the other I'm saying that they're just that different okay I'm saying Texas Chicago [Laughter] Pizza is the gym Kayla Shayla listen me and the wife will take you up to a knife to a nice Lou Malnati's dinner in Chicago and you'll be like this was the longest wait I've ever waited for a pizza and it's yeah and then when it finally arrives we'll be so mad at each other we'll all yell you know what you're full of [ __ ] and then if we waited too long to eat you know what I mean and then it took an hour 45 to get the pizza guess what the cheese burned the roof of your mouth and [ __ ] that hurts and blisters for weeks but guess what Luma Maris is fantastic like giordanis or G giordinos something like that dude if you've got three hours for a pizza that's the [ __ ] spot comes out it's [ __ ] thick but it's fantastic if you [ __ ] don't because nobody does just go somewhere else you know what I mean real quick someone's oh sorry go ahead David and then no wait even with no wait it's an hour 45. like oh the pizza's an hour 45 years that's exactly it would notice Harrison whatever the [ __ ] your name is Detroit Pizza is the best Ranch on Pizza correct can I get an amen because fish is delicious and I'm not from the Midwest but I know that it's good so hey range from uh The BJs oh yes uh Dan Sean did you know who stole your jets Ranch yes Kira did it was in her first hotel room you hate it it's fine I [ __ ] hate Ranch that's not even allowed I like mayonnaise Jeff Ranch is no no no no I don't know Pizza you're like yeah I like mayonnaise white sauce perspective I'm amazed okay okay so stop mayonnaise on each other for a minute all right so when you guys ordered this shopping I was in the middle of interrupting you you should stop Vito and Nix Chicago South Side Pizza it's more of a thin crust they have carpet on the walls it's more of like a traditional good Pizzeria if you're ever in Chicago and you want to like kind of wonder what it's like to almost get murdered with the gun but also want a good thin crust pizza in a place with carpet on the walls Vito and Nyx that's all right good to go go ahead David I'm sorry that's okay so add at Poor's in the Park which is coming back very very soon I'll go six months ago it's super far away don't worry so far away is crazy whose channel is this right now it's mine so poorest of the park it's coming it's an outdoor event it's fantastic all right so distilleries are there the bourbon junkies are there uh whiskey Essentials there ADHD Whiskey's there but here's the big deal during the bottle share The BJs will drop 900 on Jets Pizza and when that happens there are random bottles of Jess Ranch around that you can just pocket and walk back to your room I'm just saying right now if you're into Jets Ranch and you don't know how to get 16 to 18 ounces of it I know how you can get it pours in the park that statement is get your six dollar bottle of ranch get your ass there show up at the bottle share say whiskey no thanks hey where is that pizza grab that 16 to 18 ouncer of ranch head back to your room and uh have a ranch Chasm yeah and if you're a delivery driver I'll tell you you might walk away with a hot 14 in tips holy [ __ ] okay love you guys dude the ranch though is like not even it's not even so for realsies though I know we're getting off off the track I don't even know there was a question anymore we're going to get to a question Sean for just for a minute y'all I know we talked about it before and that bad I mean months ago but like poor support it's so much fun you guys thought everything we're excited to go back we had we had accidentally scheduled a Cedar Point trip during that weekend we're trying to rearrange our Cedar Point trip to get back together Yoda [ __ ] hey I'm just saying this fourth in the park is worth it it's amazing it's pretty good Dem boys foreign lots of friends there that we hardly remember because of all the whiskey in the rain but I do hey I think I'm going to steal the ranch Luke stole so much that brand it was inappropriate random guy and I'm like hey Luke was Luke was like literally borrowing the people with full Jets pizzas outside of the hotel before they got into the hotel giving away bottles at the bottle ship listen dude so much fun we had a [ __ ] blast we're gonna be there again we're rearranging Cedar Point sure [ __ ] love you guys for sure if you can't make it if you can't make it to Poor's in the park I suggest 10 minutes before pores in the park begins there's another event happening in the same exact place just 10 minutes before it's called Porter's in the park and if you attend that you get free entry into the bourbon junkies Meetup it's called quarters in the park everybody's talking about it's gonna be a great time I heard good things nothing good things about it [ __ ] dude I mean [ __ ] it why not yeah I mean all right the tickets they're free they're totally free [ __ ] okay perfect that's [ __ ] perfect dude all right so let's we promise to do a couple more questions okay ready yeah hey that's one of us has had a lot of a lot of liquor tonight let's do it I'm ready I had to show everyone my triple chin it was fun okay ready oh no who's up now is it Sean I think it's Shayla bro okay so who goes first uh David wood yeah it's you be me right let's do it David gets off first always so it's fine he had already hit the the the sound effect and you were like I know that bowling was what [ __ ] triggered the joke in my head that was [ __ ] phenomenal all right BRB gonna go check on the kiddos we'll be right back all right so Dave is your first so your name a tight space you wouldn't mind being stuck in with your Hollywood Crush all right so there's a problem this is a big problem because I'm thinking of that line from clerks but I'm gonna go away from the line of Clerks and I'm gonna say uh a closet yeah number two answer okay Sean that's on you now buddy that's a really good answer are you gonna do number one yeah yep so name a type space that you would not mind being stuck in with your Hollywood Crush elevator oh elevator is number one no wait how close were those from like a poll answer thing yeah baby those should have gotten closer for sure yeah for sure yeah there are three so there's little Sean do you want to pass or play Dominick three more three more I think we can't do it right it's easy we gotta do it that's easy we're playing baby three X's yeah that's mine David what the [ __ ] dude three X's you guys can play it yeah we're playing it's shayla's turn yep damn dude okay I'm thinking like the back seat of a car but I don't know um I'm gonna Just Go With It Like backseat of a car I'm gonna count it I'm gonna it was car and yeah that's the number three answer she used to have four and five left 100 bathroom without a doubt oh Burger King bathroom more specific bathroom stall oh oh I was thinking like shower but okay oh that's a good one when I get this wrong elaborate on where this bathroom stall is oh public you want to be in a public bathroom you're like you know what what that's like exciting you're like yeah me and Jennifer Aniston we could be in my private bathroom but you're like you know what public baby you know we knew the newly elected question we shouldn't needed was like who's Dan's Hollywood crush and he just said Jennifer Hudson like we needed that yeah I got that all right uh also Jennifer Aniston like even for straight tricks I'm like she's tight you know what I mean it's wild that she's interference since basically a million um you want me to elaborate bathroom stall in the women's room bathroom how do I don't know how to elaborate that okay get an X what what it's not something like that it's a bathroom it's not oh but is it a shower no damn it oh you'll figure it out once I tell you the answer yeah no no it's like somewhere in that ballpark though okay what do we have on the board right now okay so you have elevator yeah closet and car there's two more where would I want to get stuck with my celebrity crush one of them is close to bathroom bathroom stall sorry one of them is close to the bathroom oh [ __ ] I can't say anything but you just did I didn't stop you're dead to me I didn't finish it I'm on your team [ __ ] still dead to me if I had to be stuck oh my gosh uh I'll say airplane oh it's paper planes that's the bathroom stall oh yes that's the bathroom salt I mean I'm I'm locking up number one I said bathroom stall I'm still hitting no I'm still completely do that answer that's true what yeah small bathroom airplane of course you're taking those click for years no I'm not taking credit I'm just hoping to leave it I'm your guy it was weird though those bathrooms are tight the whole time I was hunched over like the [ __ ] Notre Dame guy What airplane there are people flying on that they're like let's join them I get in one of those I'm like no I'm a small person this is a really fun movie that says like stop thinking two-dimensional cure you got to think three-dimensional or four-dimensional or four dimensions the bathroom is too small for two unless you're playing Tetris unless you become one I just have one more answer right yes and we have two more X's number five answers so I think I said four that was number five you said elevator closet car something and then it's airplane so you gotta fill it to something and it's j and you have One X so what is a small space let's go Shayla you wouldn't mind being let's go with your Hollywood think about it holy [ __ ] what I don't know if that's okay do you want this I'm kidding I'm kidding the jokes she made it okay but Jesus comes in with the the humping save you know what I mean holy [ __ ] maybe um dude I'm trying to think like uh I don't [ __ ] know man I don't either dude a telephone booth a telephone booth like no it doesn't even exist no that's it you know the answer yes 200 people okay I really don't exist some that was the answer this is a game for the elderly I was just thinking of two people we'll switch together and then that was like you know when the UFC are like they're fighting in the phone okay real quick did we sweep the entire category yeah oh let's go top team what do we get five four five let me say this yeah you can't brag about Sweeping in a category if we don't get a chance to do it all right we have 13. did you screw it up while I was gone dude I also left while you were gone I've never guess phone Boost you can think of literally Taylor just pulled out like a friggin yeah he's here focus is like saying plants for [ __ ] I want to grow forever like I just I'd grow corn forever [Laughter] so smart they'd be so rich that's the equivalent of them saying their bank accounts will grow forever that's why it works yeah but you're gonna be way better I'd rather throw this Gold forever though you can can you yeah I'm not giving you gold gold the gold that means they'll give you though they're doing that in labs and [ __ ] now grow my wealth right yeah why would you ever go with crops no they didn't they said plants which is worse than crops crabs would make more sense somehow I'm not growing the rainforest I don't give a [ __ ] that's heavy [ __ ] my wife and was pulled and she said that 100 yeah she said plans damn okay it's 13-7 and we're up I want everybody to know that oh all right come back buddy all right is this question from me or Matt the first one you got it [ __ ] no I think David went last time no I'm sorry David go first every time Shayla said that last time so this time it's Matt nice she went against David you did name something you think martians would be shocked that humans do I was just about to say that that was quick okay aliens probably anus anyway I think it's just have sex is that what you are thinking yeah yeah you've got number one answer the words in it yeah yeah baby 100 wait was that the number one that was the number one wow there are five more left the number D ude okay so now it's theirs to go oh I'm Matt it's just in the dark buddy how far away is your camera I mean there's no light near it so I just Matt do you have like a 35 millimeter camera nifty fifty it's more of a light issue than it is a it's more of a light thing you should have a 50. oh he's right he's so far away he threw it all right here's the thing good we're on everything now it's now it's David's turn yeah because he got number one Mega number one right yeah we can't go I mean Shayla didn't have the same thought it was the number one whoever went first got that one yeah this is a real after dark question thank God finally we're here so there's five more there's five more oh yeah martians would be shocked that we did it yeah that we do something okay and the first answer was I got it sex sex okay the second thing that martians would be shocked that we do there's so many things you know when I think of martians I think of District nine all right you give me a hint or you distracted me no I'm just talking here's what I'm gonna say I would love to talk about martians all day long if anyone would like that martians would be shocked that we have a military a government military regime all that [ __ ] a little broad here people I'm going broad it's a little too broad can you narrow it down something else no no we're narrowing it down um I'm gonna go ahead and say that inside of that category that we have nuclear weaponry guys I love you so much Maddie Porter whatever is a masters hey George Bush is so hard to support you on this side go ahead and just say hail I would say bombs goes along with that that's fine I mean it's literally yeah we'll allow it go ahead listen if someone said hey you can use one thing to kill as many people as you want yeah 100 okay all right so then that was the number two hello because they're like why do you kill people like we're all the same that's a martian martians are peaceful good to know I've seen uh attack on Mars yeah I mean I they're not used for anything else so I just all right so then dude how many do you guys have three left still correct no four left yeah they're talking about everything all right so why would you choose to play that's incredible was I given an option yeah but you guys weren't talking so I just did it fast oh [ __ ] man you're too late for that all right so Matt besides having sex and killing people what would martians be surprised that we do as humans an example Gamble no damage that's what my guess is I like that answer I like that answer I think more um low key low-key yeah your turn Okay low-key not gamble martians are surprised by throwing lemons killing people what were the other answer oh having sex having sex and but they're surprised by text oh I got one I got one I got one they're not surprised it's not your turn yet Porter I'm leaning on you buddy was that an X yeah yeah taxes come on martians taxes horses do not tax how do they make their steel drives I know they don't they're what Jamaicans no they're martians listen Porter okay David I'm I'm gonna tell you this David I'm gonna need you to pull your weight around here because what I'm gonna say is gonna be like obvious so whatever I need I need you I'm killing time well I'm giving you the opportunity to think about it okay yeah that's what's happening right now when I'm talking is I'm giving you the opportunity to think about something that's not stupid taxes but yeah right if martians looked at us they would say why is Kira wearing all those clothes I love it I love it and it is so wrong not clothing huh no that was three strikes oh aliens are naked we have a team yeah we come together hear me out exercises that might be a good one but eating might be I think it's gonna be like super [ __ ] broad okay hold on over exercising have you guys thought about eating a banana on a live stream I've not as strong needs another pretzel Okay so we've we've got it okay man so we can narrow TV to like entertain watching entertainment yeah so like everything that was said was super broad okay yeah it was sex it was it's the only one else flames killing they are very vague killing sex so re it is you know what's eating yeah go ahead yeah martians have to eat Martian this is my only argument either I haven't seen it it's got to be a broad category all right eating it Elon Musk looking pretty fit Kayla are you good with eating yeah we're good we're good all right eating number one answer was having sex yep number two is killing okay eating okay then pooping everyone's attention on this channel because I'm now the the king of it but Matthew Port is a question but here's the thing eating has to do with magic spoon magic pork we we're looking at these aliens like they're extra super smart and the number three answer is the aliens looking at people and going why on Earth literally are they doing something that they must do to sustain life which is eating [ __ ] idiot stupid aliens and [ __ ] here's the problem the problem is is you're asking people why aliens are saying something stupid no no you're not asking aliens why they what they think you're asking people why aliens think something this is super sorry about that okay here so it was it was sex killing eating entertainment what was the other one pooping and taking a shower sour cleaning pooping they're pooping after eating makes perfect sense because if you don't think they eat you're like hey what do these people do to just live yeah they don't really you just have to name that [ __ ] huh he eats so much where does it all go let's check his toilet that makes sense to me you know what's you know what's so crazy if they came here for real they'd be like why do people go to that place where they just pick that thing up and set it back down Zab Zab zap they kill everyone no no no they would say they just pick it up and put it back down and you're like yeah they're like why that doesn't make any [ __ ] sense you're like I actually when you put it that way it really literally don't ask questions so you're saying that is like an absolute it's not an absolute it's not even a conquer well not at all 100 right all right the same way there are like hey why are you guys picking [ __ ] up hey can I can I quickly change teams it's John's team because I'm into that zap zap life here we go he said zap zap not strap-on [Laughter] zap zap on all right and one more question okay listen score is currently 16-7 it's not good guys all right so hold on if Matt and I pull this out let's face it none of the men on the screen have ever done that yeah but if Matt and I pulled this out loud pull this out the guy with children that left yeah then uh Matt and I both win if I just pulled out okay I pulled this out if you pull it out then you win okay there we go I'm ready yeah if you if you sweep this with the three X's you win well unfortunately All or Nothing Matt left no he just gets three X's now he just keeps guessing until he gets three wrong any Colorado time zone that he wants to rejoin and he can rejoin yeah I think there's only one hey #engineer true all right cheers I get it I 100 understand yeah the only one here oh God [Music] last question then we're shutting the stream off last one you guys get this one you win if you sweep the whole thing though you gotta sweep the whole thing yeah I think Matthew and I are together the whole thing and if we if we sweep then we win all right wow so name so this is Scott seven things holy do you want me to do a shorter one do like five make it fair all right here we go guys remember I got a fiber here we go okay so you've lost it on for four hours that's nuts but what is something people only use once Matt you know I got one I got top three uh Clinton also the pervy mind oh yeah what'd you say wait wait a tissue like a Kleenex he's so peachy toilet paper same thing I remember to answer oh so you have one two three four to go what are we at with it just toilet paper is number two wait okay okay [Music] our turn right because if you don't get number one then we get to go yeah you gotta jump in here I thought y'all said that oh you said if they sweep the category they can just win yeah two more X's don't screw this up you use it once that's it feminine feminine hygiene products correct that is the number three Idaho we have one act so far Only One X here are you ready yep what was the X sorry what was the X Kleenex Kleenex bubblegum yeah no that's wrong David I did blow my nose twice in each Kleenex what did David say bubble gum yeah dude it's on you right now yeah the championship of all championships bigger than Batman once Daniel a Q-tip that's it's got two sides yeah it's not too difficult so I'm thinking condom right 100 holy [ __ ] you would that's a solid one right there that was number one oh my God yeah [ __ ] with it oh number one too wow condom Define condom and here's the thing is I wore one once out of the 80s can you use that in a sentence country of origin I like flavored condoms that's a sentence right okay if I put a multiple choice up and it was like who said this sentence I like flavored condoms Kira yeah anyone Shayla no one's picking [ __ ] Shameless you or I I'd say David said that 100 the thought of flavored condoms gives Kira a headache like three days ago so holy [ __ ] that's phenomenal I damn we won't buy a landslide that's crazy High Five Guys yeah 100 oh no this way yeah we [ __ ] nailed it nailed it clip it holy [ __ ] guys this has been amazing thank you for having us on Matt Matt this Direction come here buddy come on over here the other way yeah is it worth it it's just showing how bad we failed tonight letting me know my hands are up dude I'm not I'm not a part of that I love you guys thank you guys for coming on we appreciate it Matthew's a lemon thrower and a phone book Ripper but honestly it wasn't a phone book it wasn't you ripped your tasting buds we had a [ __ ] blast this has been amazing thank you all for having us on oh thanks for being here guys and this starts Friday this Friday 6 p.m Eastern the map Madness qualifying round start be there or be stupid like an idiot anyway [Music] you said six let's go oh six sorry my bad and they're literally so like we're building on last year's timers right so there's new timers there's Old Timers like we're working on this [ __ ] together if anybody's a participant you're probably gonna make fun of and like literally everybody north of me is getting made a lot of fun of in this year's night Madness so which is which actually legitimately which is legitimately like so with all due respect I take my [ __ ] earbuds out when I [ __ ] do mad Madness because [ __ ] you guys listen the music is catchy enough that you're like oh yeah man you look up you're like holy [ __ ] there's three seconds we're used to three minutes so we can enjoy a whole thing yeah you got 30 seconds and you have Dave and Kira just Whispering Sweet Nothing in Your Ear like what was that catching stinks yeah yeah Greece stinks my my favorite song I I texted you guys after it but it was the Train song with Jason and Fred that's one of my favorite [ __ ] songs that's ever been put together because I was laying in bed laughing so [ __ ] hard with one earbudden listening to that and my Ricky's sleeping and I'm like I'm gonna [ __ ] wake her up like I swear to God the first song in the blame that we did me U versus that was when I started taking my head back off because like the first one jamming and goes I'm not paying attention anymore I haven't even thought about what I've been doing for the last 25 seconds to leave your headphones yeah you should make that a rule or something anyway and like honestly that's what's cool about it everybody is like hey we can laugh about it but also have fun with it everybody here part of it obviously laugh about it then [ __ ] yourself exactly I don't know here we go clearly like one of these things where the songs are for fun Batman this is like one of the most fun like event things for all the boys YouTube for the whole year without a doubt the fact that Matt keeps doing it is awesome and I'm glad that he does because I know that Matt puts in a lot of work I know Shayla helps a [ __ ] ton and I know you actually do we have a uh reoccurrence to Shale about this year yeah perfect and then in like the the amount of time that like comes with from Matt Shayla and you got like the music there's so much [ __ ] time that goes into Matt Madness that nobody actually sees because it's all behind the scene planning and creative and and [ __ ] you know it's phenomenal for real it's it's the best it's so much fun no no just sell this [ __ ] idea to Netflix and he'd get famous then we'd all be fine hell yeah I just I just emailed you the that song the answers thank you I appreciate it oh dude play that song real quick if you have this point let's play it out yeah yeah if I only had a train that's the dumbest song I think you've ever done it's hilarious it's the best it's the best one ever how the [ __ ] do we share audio on stream yards all right so you got to present down below and then you hit just save it to your desktop and then present download download the video get it in a folder and then hit present then hit share file okay weird silly yeah and streamlabs this is like unhide the layer that you've yeah it was a [ __ ] presentation put this one on the top that one will play share screen yeah file we'll just do a video file it's got to be that video sounds better it'll work and there it is oh so nope [ __ ] Matt it's only a it's an audio file that hates that you got it it's not in the downloads no really you know we're gonna just share our [ __ ] screen and we're gonna shut the stream down as the song plays out I love you guys well that could be dangerous thank you guys sure oh share system audience right there do that one thank you guys for being on if you guys haven't checked out the other channel obviously check out Shayla at Whiskey Central check out Matthew portera himself at ADHD whiskey check out Dave and Cara at all on YouTube obviously wait which one we're putting it in here we're putting the singer up like this downloads close your eyes because there's a lot of crazy [ __ ] oh so much crazy porn and then here's the media player we're gonna use that to open the MP3 file got a whole set of these Jim Beam train set decanter are you going to be mad at me no I mean you could you could tell me what you think [ __ ] your trick I never thought myself [Music] well worth drinking if I only eat every night when I am dreaming I imagine it's a steaming on railways [Music] foreign
Channel: Bourbon Junkies
Views: 54,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: y5zC47H-Jh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 233min 4sec (13984 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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