Is Hogwarts from Harry Potter really a CASTLE?
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Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 503,897
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Keywords: hogwarts, harry potter, castle, school, witch, wizard, magic, review, realism, castles, shad, shadiversity, great hall, tower, griffendor, knight, sword, game of thrones, fantasy, literature, movie, books, dnd, dungeons, dragons, rpg, medieval, history, lord of the rings, skyrim, game, video
Id: PIdYn3L2_0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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You know... If you only take the books as gospel, there's no reason it can't look more realistic.
Granted, real castles built as defensive structures are generally boring and utilitarian in contrast to the perception of castles. I believe it was Walt Disney who merged the castle with the palace, turning it from a stone residence/barracks/grainery to a lavish government center as well.
Hogwarts is also comically oversized for both the number of occupants and intended purpose. Hagrid never needs to hunch down to get around in Hogwarts, meaning that every door must be at least 9' tall and ceilings are usually another foot above or more. given the construction type, floors must be at least a foot thick, meaning 11 feet per story. Assuming every floor is the same (especially ignoring the Great Hall , library and classrooms) you get pretty tall. But wait! The Gryffindor tower starts on the 7th floor and has one dorm per floor starting above that, meaning that there are 15 floors at 165 feet, and the astronomy tower is the tallest point, so it gets even higher.
Given that this applies to roughly 140 students and 16 faculty, it's hardly surprising that you hear the phrase "an abandoned classroom" frequently. Come to think of it, in the 7 main floors, you have the library, kitchen, Great Hall, Entry Hall, trophy room, grand staircase, infirmary, bathrooms and lots of presumably empty rooms because only 7 of the 12 classes actually take place in that room block
Granted, I suppose it's all moot because space expansion charms are a thing.
17:49: "So if you put a gate house on this, you know, open area in between the walls here, and gate houses on the bridges that lead to the main entrances of Hogwarts, Hogwarts would have actually qualified as a functional castle, a fortified functional castle. Which is such a pity because it's so close. It's almost there, and with these natural defenses as well it could have been really, really good. But it doesn't have it! It breaks my heart!
"And then there is another big blunder that also ruins Hogwarts' ability of being a functional, proper castle ..."
I think there should be a definite difference drawn between the movies and the books as well. Sure artistically it could be similar, but until a movie is made it's just a concept, an idea to be filled in by the reader. We're a more appropriate explanation given in canon to explain the castle, maybe it would confirm/deny architecture. We shall never know.