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for all the foreign heads out there this video is your ultimate guide to visit all the unique spots that made the Harry Potter movies come to life from the city of Edinburgh Scotland where Harry Potter was created to the Warner Bros studios in London where everything was filmed we also take you to Oxford where the movie producers got their inspiration we are French LMX and we will start this Harry Potter UK tour in Edinburgh the city where the magic began if you plan on doing this Harry Potter tour we absolutely recommend you to start in Edinburgh because honestly here you will understand that and feel and breathe Harry Potter let's begin with the Elephant House coffee shop this place proclaims to be the birthplace of Harry Potter but it is not actually in one of the tables just behind me this is where JK Rowling wrote the second the third and the fourth Harry Potter book we now understand how JK Rowling got inspired especially by looking at the window where we can see the Edinburgh Castle pretty similar to Hogwarts and if you go to the bathrooms you will see graffitis and messages related to Harry Potter all over the worlds the staff at the cafe used to spend hours painting over the messages left by fans but they're now accepted that it was a waste of time and that it is a real terrific spot for Harry Potter fans the rear birthplace of Harry Potter is here in this cafe the green plays just behind me it's called spoon but in the nineties it was from the Nicholson's Cafe because at that moment it belongs to JK Rowling is a brother-in-law and in this place she wrote the first Harry Potter book fun fact JK Rowling actually spent a lot of her time walking around these graveyards and around here you will see a lot of the names that inspired her to create a few characters in the Harry Potter films I am standing in front of the grave of the real Thomas Widow JK Rowling got inspired by this real person behind me to create Voldemort and they say that after the movies this grave was receiving many many letters and flowers from Voldemort fans that is gone out of control and the City of Edinburgh had to take everything away and pick them up can you imagine writing love letters to world award no just next to the cemetery is the georges seurat school and this is how JK Rowling came up with the idea of Hogwarts in George Hale at school the students are sorted into houses exactly like in Hogwarts the houses are Wrayburn they are red like Gryffindor Lauriston they are green like Slytherin Castle and they are blue like ravenclaw and you have graveyards they are pure and white like the stripes of hustle tossed welcome to Diagon Alley Victoria Street is an old and colorful curved street with many original and unique shops there is similar to Diagon Alley all the places that inspire JK Rowling are nearby such as the Elephant House coffee shop the Edinburgh Castle the judge Harriet school in the graveyard there is no doubt the JK Rowling chose Scotland as a homophobic Here I am at the Balmoral a five-star hotel where JK Rowling rode the last Harry Potter book in 2007 JK Rowling was too famous to read in cafes she was always interrupted by fans and journalists so for the last book Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows she wrote it in your hotel room number 5 5 - if you want to say one night in this particular suite the cost is around $2,500 in the waiting list two years on this tour I will of course be leading you around to the magical city of Adira we also recommend you to take a free Harry Potter walking tour it is offered daily and they take you to the main Harry Potter spots in Edinburgh arriving in Oxford the movie producers that inspired by Oxford and they also decided to film many scenes for the Harry Potter movies we are now at the new college in Oxford and I mean just behind me gives you all the Harry Potter emotions they filmed a few scenes of Harry Potter here and I mean just walking around this is just like I'm in the movie and seeing when Harry Potter walks the hallways with Hermione and Ron [Music] I'm right here where the full Harry Potter the Goblet of Fire was filmed and by filmed I mean specifically one scene where Harry Potter fights with Draco and professor moody comes in cast a spell on Draco I mean obviously don't need to explain the wide scene because you obviously recognize it's like so obvious a tree and all the location around me it's really you feel like in in the school you feel like you're part of Howard so I mean it's so special they say and you can come and visit it whatever you want is open all year long we are in a new College right now we are in christ church college or one of the most beautiful colors in Oxford I am sure you recognize those stairs [Music] the great whole of Christchurch is a real school dining room the producers got inspired by this place to create a dining home of Hogwarts that we will visit that the Warner Brothers Studios later in this video [Music] [Music] here we are at the Bodleian library as you can see behind me they use this space to film like some scenes of Harry Potter one including what he's in the hospital so this place is a hospital in the Harry Potter movies and also when they learn how to dance for the ball here they did it [Music] and here is this room being used as to the hospital can you see little Harry in his bed his professor dumbledore and feel look closely can you see it's dark shape with a point on the top there that's that door so Harry Potter's with the bed was just what they also did to power real windows which was 600 years old they decided in the film studio that these didn't look old enough so they added in digitally millions of diagonal lines to their windows on the movie they don't ever look agency now this is why we're going to go any moment now upstairs to the library so since I just show you downstairs where they filmed the hospital upstairs where where the library is it's in the first movie it appears in the first movie where Harry Potter is with his lamp yes and he's invisibility cape that was ridiculous oh my god yeah you know what we mean with there when he takes the books in the restricted section it was forbidden to film because childrens go to the library to study but here is a small shot of the real filming location you don't recognize the place behind well that's normal it has nothing to do with the Harry Potter movies but this is where Emma Watson studied she studied at the University of Oxford in this College how can I pronounce it I hope I pronounced it good is werster werster College so I will write it here but I'm pretty sure you pronounce it werster College [Music] in Oxford you will find many Harry Potter stores like here here they have samples of the jellybeans which can be disgusting that's another one by one mmm yeah all good the girl in this door just gave us a secret that lays one only has good ones she just gives them for kids but then just but the ones that have the disgusting ones like rotten egg no like a surprise vomit booger is gonna be fun back full owner I would try these so one is black pepper one is what I'm alone oh this is black pepper oh my god oh my god oh my oh my god is the thing you did like so oh yeah that was vanilla market simcha what give me a paper no give me a paper you have I Oh and now we take you all the way to London to the Warner Brothers Studio [Music] [Applause] yes this is the one the only Great Hall of Hogwarts [Music] now 8000 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] look another one [Music] as you can see behind me it's that common area of Gryffindor where Harry Potter and Hermione and Ron used to like talk and talk also to see his black in the chimney it's something amazing is very so touching I love this part it's so cozy for me is that cozy part of me of the movie that I absolutely love we just arrived at Dumbledore's office [Music] [Music] this is Harry Potter's least a favorite class the class of Severus Snape the one of potions and all that stuff this is what you're watching right now it's where he hated to go to cars just found my favorite spot is the Hagrid house oh my god [Music] [Music] here in front of me is the Weasleys house and I think is one of my favorite parts because you can see everything moving like in the movie like moving alone living alone cooking and washing that dish by itself and it's like you can even do it your song it could be true I know they show you how they used to make Hagrid like seem bigger than it actually was like for them bring him to see very big and the rest of the people very small like Harry Potter and Hermione very very small here is the secret [Music] I just saw the shots until I look so big I'd especially say in your magic come to life and I'm happy to be hungry there [Music] Oh hater hater hater just we are about enter to that for beaten for it [Music] [Music] guess what my is Baltimore right bet take that I took two snakes Oh Harry Potter magazine it's super cute honestly once absolutely everything from the store [Music] [Applause] [Music] say yes yes obsess me the run it's like uh-huh my name baby oh my god I don't see I'm just worried shut up I've been waiting for this for two years two years what two years because the last time I tried a butterbeer it was in Orlando [Music] whatever [Music] Wow from my memory the one over lambda is less good than this one you know from where this one is better really which one is better or no me personally I think Orlando's better because I like the frozen one this is the regular one they love it well nested ice cream now my turn crazy delicious they actually told us that there's only four places in the world that has butterbeer if you come to the Warner Brothers for Universal Studios Singapore Singapore Orlando and LA I think in here so for [Music] and it breathes and everything [Music] [Music] they really made it magical [Applause] [Music] [Music] I don't know if you notice it but how words is very small it's very very very small words there's an effect that on the camera I think it looks so big but it's not it's so so small [Music] to really help or advise I think we've arrived to the end of this tour I'm super sad I'm very emotional I don't know why like it's even said to me like I wanna cries so nice I'm sure you want to see the movies again now yeah totally of course differently yes I absolutely recommend this tour it's magic yeah it's really a magical tour yeah speechless no exactly we are here at Kings Cross station and just behind us is the platform 9 and 3/4 we are in downtown London and it is in this train station that they filmed the famous scene where Harry Ron and Hermione go to the platform 9 and 3/4 the boarding point of the Hogwarts Express if you want to visit the real filming location it is located between platform 4 and 5 we also visited the Harry Potter shop at platform 9 and 3/4 [Music] and that's it for this Harry Potter UK tour I hope you have enjoyed it as much as we did making it we've learned so much about Harry Potter things that we like never even thought about before and it's crazy all this this world that came to life it's impressive and if you are a big Harry Potter fan really do this tour and we also ask you if you have another fun fact that you want to share with us for us to learn even more comment down below Oh what you can have of information yes because we obviously don't tell you everything it's impossible you always learn about Harry Potter and if you like this video please subscribe to our Channel and this is from the real diagonally that we tell you goodbye [Applause] you
Channel: FrenchAlaMex
Views: 59,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: harry potter warner bros studios, harry potter filming locations, harry potter movie locations, potterheads, pottermore, harry potter london, harry potter oxford, harry potter edinburgh, the making of harry potter, harry potter scotland, harry potter secrets, harry potter vlog, harry potter behind the scenes, harry potter tour, harry potter world, harry potter where was it filmed
Id: PL02rluPECM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
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