"Is He Worth it?" - Ben Stuart - Breakaway Ministries

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howdy you're listening to the breakaway podcast a Bible study recorded on the campus of Texas A&M thanks for listening and enjoy the talk let me begin with a principle and it's this that commitment is costly commitment is costly and the higher the cost the harder we contemplate whether or not it's worth it you see this at the grocery store if you go shopping on the day they're giving out free samples many of you that's the only day you go shopping because hey free meal right Sunday's you show up at HEB and that adorable little lady is sitting out there her little table would you like to try some sausage yes I would right low commitment sure I'll take a moment and hang out with you sweet lady and eat some of the sausage on this tray right but then when she hands you a coupon and says but would you like to buy a package of this sausage then you have to go whoa wait a second I don't know how into this I am like it free good great you get a moment of my time but you're asking for my money where's this relationship going how into this am i and I don't know if I want to commit money to this product right you see it in dating ladies for some of you you might be dating a guy and you've been together with a while things going great fine but you go out with your girlfriends sometime you're hanging out one night you're all having fun and maybe some really cute guy that is really amazing got a lot going for him shows an interest in you and you got to shut him down and as he continues to make advances you go I'm sorry I'm with someone else you just move along and maybe you do that and maybe you stay in strong until that guy you go off but at the end of it you go whoo that was hard right that was hard to turn down and you may have done it but I promise at that moment you're going to sit there and go so where is this relationship going because I just took a hit for this guy how serious am I about this relationship because that just cost me an opportunity right or maybe some of you guys you're dating a girl she's nice sweet it's fun all right but it's a month stack-up you're starting to notice more and more of your time is spent with her less and less with your buddies you don't get to go hang out and play football whenever you want to go watch a game whatever you want to know you're not going to go see the opening of Thor with your buddies because she wants to see a different movie with a lot more kissing and emotional drama and you're having to do these sorts of things and you're realizing this takes time it's taking my energy I'm having to talk about my feelings which I never do and now as Christmas approaches you realize it's about to cost you money and you're going to have to be creative like a gift cards not going to cut it and as you sit there and go oh my gosh I have to like think about a present in a romantic way to express it and if you just think about the cost some of you go so where's this relationship going you know what I mean like is this the one because the buyers are cost the harder you start thinking about the commitment how deep into this am i right relationships are free but intimacy is costly and you start to analyze is it worth it I'll tell you as a person who talks at camps I see this all the time with high school kids as I speak at camps and talk about Jesus you'll see a lot of kids towards the end of a camp get excited about Jesus and they get fired up about him and for some of them it's fired up about the person of Jesus like I'm presenting him and they're realizing he's amazing I want to know him I want to be a part of what he's doing and that's awesome some of them it's not so much about Jesus it's just that kind of like Jesus was people they sort of like his house the music there's cool the food's pretty good they just kind of like hanging with this people and yet for many of them they'll be in a camp setting and going I want to belong to Jesus I want to be his and yet as they contemplate going home and some of you maybe experienced this in high school then as you contemplate going home maybe you go okay if I if I really do commit to him man that means when I go back I'm going to join a Bible study and I'm going to get involved in church and you know what I'm going to face a little bit of ridicule some of my buddies back home I've been hanging what they're going to go so you becoming one of those whole people now you're going to a Bible study like really like who do you think you are and you're going to get some pushback on that or if I start making some decisions based on that like I'm not going to go be at that thing that night I'm not going to partake of this I'm not going to joke like that because of my allegiance to Jesus and when it starts to change your life it becomes not just a little bit of ribbing and tickling for some of you it might become rejection that some people say I don't want to hang with you you've changed and I don't like to new you and I've seen students when they contemplate that a commitment to Jesus might cost me something you see them start to contemplate how into this sama is this really worth it some of you are there right now that's your college experience that some of you you've come to know Jesus maybe four years maybe just here in college and you're his in a relationship with him is free it is a free relationship but that intimacy of knowing him becomes costly and for some of you as you're into this relationship with him things start to happen where you get advances from someone who's interested in you and you know you can go places sexually that would be exciting and fun and you shut it down for no other reason than your allegiance to Jesus and I've seen people and watch people and been in that place when I was younger of going okay I shut down some opportunities for you Jesus man this better be worth it because that was hard or some of you you decide I'm going to go for it and really be his and you got your Bible on your desk in your dorm room and you wear the Christian t-shirt and you say I'm associated with him and you're excited about it and what you run into you in your dorm is rejection and some people make fun of you and you've been taking hits all semester because of your allegiance to Jesus and you're sitting here tonight going you know how into this am I because this is costing me or maybe some of you you're not committed to Jesus but you're thinking about it you're at a place like this thinking about it and you're evaluating the cost and you're going okay if it's going to cost me to be associated with him how deep into this am i because commitment is costly it is and you say we've been why are you bringing this up because this is where we are in the Gospels right now if we've been intersecting with this story if you read it we're coming in where the disciples have been walking with Jesus and for the first couple years it was pretty fun they're rolling with Jesus and there's a little bit of rejection some religious leaders don't like them but the truth is for the first year or so they're just moving from miracle to miracle from mind-blowing sermon to mind-blowing sermon and the crowds are getting bigger people are starting to get onto the Jesus thing and being part of his inner circle it's kind of awesome Dyke yeah I know him we hang with he knows my name oh Jesus sorry I gotta go Jesus is calling me alright it feels kind of awesome to be his and they're rolling with him and they're having a good time and he takes them away on a private retreat here in Luke chapter 9 and he gets into a serious place with them relation and says okay you guys have hung with me you guys know me who do you think I am exactly and they lay out to them for the first time directly I think you're the Christ of God I think you're God's official representative on this planet that's who I think you are and Jesus said that's right now let me unpack for you what the Christ is about what I'm here to do he said I'm here to accomplish God's mission and guess what we're going to Jerusalem and I'm going to face rejection there I'm going to suffer there and they're going to kill me and let me tell you something if you're associated with me then when you walk with me there's going to be suffering there's going to be rejection there's going to be death so let's ride who's in and you see him present that to them and their responses oh man some of the other Gospels show us that Peter reacts strongly like no Jesus I don't want a story of the Christ that's like that I want it to be fun and happy and great and life-enhancing I don't want suffering I don't want rejection what are you talking about stop doing this and they get to a place where they realize if I'm going to stay committed to him it's costly and is this a road I want to be on and some of you I just feel like this is where you've been the semester at this moment and so I wanted to bring us here because as they're looking at this moment you go man what is it they're going to need in a moment like that what do you need from God when you realize that walking with him is hard and some of you your commitment to him has created in turn struggles that you fight against immorality sexually you fight against some things that all your buddies are enjoying and you don't some of you externally it's cost you relationally and you've just been taken the hits and you're wondering God is it worth it what does God has for us tonight is it worth it and what you see in this moment as Jesus takes these guys and he takes them up a mountain and he walks them up there and it says they get up to the top and it says now Peter and those who are with them were heavy with sleep Jesus gets him to a place where he says this is hard and so they're discouraged and then he walks them up a mountain so they're exhausted and so when we meet our disciples here tonight they're discouraged and exhausted which i think is where maybe a lot of you are at this point in the semester and Jesus gets them there and he they fall asleep and it says as they do that Jesus prays they sleep and it says as he was praying the appearance of his face was altered and his clothing became dazzling white Jesus begins to shine with glory just to give a little glimpse of what he's like now the interesting thing about that is Jesus begins to shine but they don't see it they're still asleep and yet in verse 32 a couple verses later it says but when they became fully awake they saw his glory if you're sitting here tonight and you're struggling without God is it worth it the cost of discipleship is it worth it can I tell you something what Jesus gives his disciples is not a three-point plan to have happy little religious moments he gives them what they need the most if you're contemplating if this relationships worth it let me just show you me and he begins to shine and the crazy thing is he's shining whether we see it or not and yet in verse 32 they become fully awake and get to see his glory so my hope tonight as we look at this last sermon of mine for this semester to you as I thought about this moment I'm just praying oh god you are shining oh Jesus you really are glorious and we're wondering are you worth it sometimes but you really are and so my prayer for us on the lawn tonight is that God might open our eyes that we'd be fully awake to see his glory because the commitment is costly how can I keep pressing on when it's hard I look at the one I'm in relationship with and see is he worth it and so there's a lot we can touch down on I just want to show you three things about this man were associated with if we are Christians and the first thing you see is that Jesus Christ is the hero of history he's the hero of history Jesus begins to glow dazzling white and in verse 30 it says and behold two men were talking with him Moses and Elijah now that is incredible and I don't know if that really lands on us how amazing that is we can kind of read that and Jesus began to glow and Moses and Elijah showed up up up up and we're reading that I just don't think many of us realize how mind-blowing that would be to a Judas Jewish audience that Moses and Elijah who've been long dead just showed up at the left and right hand of Jesus all right Moses and Elijah you don't get to bigger celebrities in Jewish culture than Moses and Elijah all right and they show up to celebrate Jesus this would be mind-blowing to a Jew okay I'm contemplating whether or not to walk with Jesus and Moses and Elijah the two great heroes of our faith just showed up to give him an amen that is mind-blowing how do I even get my head around that what do I compare that to as I thought about it I remembered from my childhood Christmas you know we're coming up on Christmas it's on its way here I remember for me as a young child maybe many of you were the same Santa was amazing right and I don't know if you remember back in the day when people are unpacking to you and you're trying to get your head around you like okay this guy takes requests manufacturers toys flies through the air and delivers them across the globe in a single night he's going to drop into this house know what I want put that out there and leave mind loan unreal Santa Claus was incredible and yet for me like many children I'm a little torn because I go okay what's Christmas about and everyone's unpacking Santa Claus how amazing is and they're saying oh but it's also about Jesus and his birthday and the fact that he was born and no one would let him stay at his house and so he had their like knock on a bunch of doors until he was born in a barn and you're like okay so what's Christmas about it's about Jesus being born in a barn this guy delivering presents and as a kid I'm like how do those connect at all and I'm trying to put them together and you're trying to feel as excited about Jesus is about this guy but you're like but Jesus is arising on the scene but this guy's giving me toys and you're like but I feel like I should be pumped about literally how do i reconcile whose holiday is this who really owns Christmas right and I never forget from either day I walked into my grandma's house and I'm a little kid I walk in and my eyes are about coffee table height you know and I remember walking in and there was a little statue on the coffee table and I'll never forget it was an image and it was Santa Claus on his knees with his head off exposing his bald little head and he's clutching it to his chest with his head bowed and he's he's worshipping at the feet of little baby Jesus in the manger and I remember for me you know III didn't know the whole story of Saint Nicholas at that moment and how amazing his conversion was and that he was someone who'd been transformed by Jesus and that made him generous I didn't know all that history that came later but for me as a little kid just seeing that I'm like this amazing person Santa boughs at the feet of this more amazing person Jesus that's how they relate that he falls at the feet of Jesus that was huge to me and that's what's happening here that they're luminaries Moses parted the Red Sea Moses who went up on the mountain and talked to God face to face Moses who got us to slavery and into the Promised Land Moses is hanging with Jesus Elijah the great miracle worker of the Old Testament it's here at the left hand of Jesus they're celebrating Jesus they're with him there and mending him it would be like if you're running for yell leader and eqing Gil came back and said you guys think I have Aggie spirit this guy's next level and you'd be like wait what who wouldn't vote for that guy and they come in and you see that they're not just here amen in Jesus that Jesus is their hero I mean Moses at the end of his life and the book of Exodus doesn't get to go into the Promised Land God says it's not for you to go in at this moment you're not going to lead my people into this land of promise now here generations later in Luke chapter 9 his feet stand in the promised land because he stands with Jesus Jesus hooks him up and in this moment these disciples who are wondering is Jesus worth following is he really worth what it's going to cost me socially relationally is he worth it they look up and they see their heroes in history and say these historical figures Jesus is their hero he's worth me following - and can I just tell you something I just spent a day or two just looking back through history and reading about all the luminaries that have bowed at the feet of this King I mean Charles Dickens wrote a Christmas carol wrote a letter to his kids wrote him a whole work called the life of our Lord and he opened it my dear children I'm very anxious that you should know something about the history of Jesus Christ for everybody ought to know about him no one ever lived who was so good so kind so gentle and so sorry for all people who did wrong or in any way ill or miserable Goethe perhaps the most famous German author wrote Faust said I esteemed the Gospels to be thoroughly genuine for their shines from them the reflected splendor of a sublimity proceeding from the person of Jesus so divine as kindness only the divine could ever have manifested on earth Shakespeare at the end of his life said I commend my soul into the hands of God my Creator hoping and assuredly believing through only the merits of Jesus Christ my Savior to be made a partaker of life everlasting Webster the dictionary Webster wrote in my view the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children under a free government ought to be instructed William Colgate and you're like where do I know that name because you brush your teeth with Colgate he says the only spiritual light in the world comes through Jesus Christ and the inspired book Redemption and forgiveness of sin alone through Christ without his presence and the teachings of the Bible we'd be enshrouded in moral darkness and despair Mary Todd Lincoln was asked after Abe Lincoln died we celebrate 150 years after his Gettysburg Address today Mary was asked the moment before he was shot what was he talking about what was on his mind and she said this she said he wanted he said he wanted to visit the Holy Land and see those places hallowed by the footprints of the Savior he was saying that there was no City he's so much desired to see as Jerusalem and with those words have spoken on his tongue the bullet entered his head and the soul of the great president was carried by the Angels to the New Jerusalem Theodore Roosevelt said my great joy and glory and occupying an exalted position in this nation is that and I am unable to preach the practical moralities of the Bible to my fellow countrymen and to hold up Christ as the hope and Savior of the world Harvard University in their Charter said let every student be plainly instructed and earnestly pressed to consider well that the main end of his life and his studies is to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternal life and therefore to lay Christ in the bottom as the only foundation of all solid dirt knowledge and learning we could go on and on I've got pages of quotes like this from artists to historians from presidents politicians the famous and the infamous throughout history saying there was no one like this person Jesus no one changed this place like him and so let me tell you something for me in college I remember being in moments where I just felt like I was taking hits for him I felt isolated I felt alone my freshman year I remember I was so hard to find Christian community it's hard to get yourself out there and man I just felt like there were so many people getting to indulge in things that my commitment to Jesus was keeping me from and I'm like Jesus I'm getting a whole lot of nothing here what have you got for me and let me tell you something as I begin to read CS Lewis and brother Lawrence and Oswald Chambers and men throughout history that held on to him when it was hard and he showed up in their lives and it was worth it the more I saw that Jesus was the hero of these great men in history the easier it was for me to follow him even when it was hard are you finding it difficult to trust him he's the hero of history put your faith in Him you're not just a part of a little story playing out in your dorm room you're part of a bigger story that runs through history and yet he's not just a hero of history he's the son of the Almighty and it's fascinating in this moment Jesus begins to shine his face shines a cloud and shrouds them God speaks over him you get this moment coming around that sounds exactly like when God met with Moses in Exodus and you really see this is a repetition of cyanide basically Jesus is like Moses and in this moment Peter does what a lot of people in that moment may have done you see Moses Jesus Alijah all this glory and he goes this is incredible Jesus is on par with Moses and Elijah and so Peter says let's build some huts I'll build three of them each of you will get one we'll hang out here and you guys are incredible and we'll just celebrate you guys and Moses Jesus Cuse me Peter third time's a charm does what a lot of people do with Jesus amazing guy right up in par with some of the greatest religious leaders that have ever lived he's incredible and so Peter says you are on the same level it's like a Moses or Elijah unbelievable and as Peter presents this idea Luke says and Peter didn't know what he was talking about and that was sweet of Luke trying to defend him Luke's like he was tired and he just didn't know what he was saying right and why does Luke say that because Peter was missing something that God decides to straighten him out on and a cloud begins to descend on the mountain which is always a symbol of God's glory and God Himself speaks from the mountain and he says Peter this is my son my chosen one listen to him and the others dissipated and it says in Jesus stood there alone and God Almighty quotes Deuteronomy 18 he quotes Moses where Moses as he was leaving and had done all the preaching he could do to his people he said there will come a prophet like me in the future listen to him follow him Moses with his last breath says there's another one coming leap in behind him and God looks down at Jesus and says that's him and he's not just a great religious figure he's my son he's my son Jesus is not just a fantastic moral preacher he is the son of the almighty shining with the very glory of God when I love the way Hebrews chapter 3 says it it says for Jesus has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses as much more glory as the builder of a house has more honor in the house itself for every house is built by somebody but the Builder of all things is gone now Moses was faithful in all God's house as a servant to testify to the things that were to be spoken later but Christ is faithful over God's house as a son and we are his house if indeed we hold fast our confidence and our boasting in our hope the writer of Hebrews says it this way God is building a house and that house is called us the people of God and he said Moses was great Moses was faithful but Moses was like a really Rock and servant he was like a killer lawn guy at the house of God great job Jesus is like the son the son of the house the one who owns the house I mean it would be amazing if you met the president's assistant I mean he's probably a great guy I don't know who he is he could be awesome but there's something totally different meeting the assistant of the president and meeting the guy who actually has the power over the free world right that's a different power altogether and God says Moses is amazing there's a lot of spiritual leaders that are incredible but they're like servants in the house but there's one son who owns the house he's like no other his name is Jesus so let me tell you something when you have difficulty following Jesus some of us go man it's it's your religious commitment you're being a good church-going person no it's a commitment to the Son of God the son of the Almighty I remember one time when I was having a particularly difficult time trusting Jesus with my life I felt like I was taking hits from my allegiance to him I told it to a minister I was kind of complaining about how much I was suffering for God I just remember he said to me well Ben what are you going to do not trust God that was like the end of the story it was very non tender pastoral care that's really end the conversation I was like well thanks for a whole lot of nothing I appreciate that that was awesome and I left and I just contemplated what he was saying he was like well then basically you can trust God or not what do you want to do and I thought about that I could be a guy that says I don't want to trust God I'm going to do whatever I want but what kind of life is that if I want to know God is there going to be suffering yes but he said you want to follow me you connect to my son that's my chosen one listen to him so if I want to know God the only way to him is through that son and so following him is hard that's the only path it's worthwhile Jesus in John chapter 6 gave a tough message to people Jesus got a big crowd when he was handing out free bread but then he started talking about blood and sacrifice and hardship and I'll never forget in college I looked up John 666 because I thought whoo and John 666 said and many left him and followed him no longer and I was like who and what happened they said we like the Jesus handing out bread but if it gets hard we don't want to follow it and a lot of people left him when it got hard Jesus turned to his disciples and said what about you you want to go you want to stay and they said where would we go you have the words of life and I remember for me in college weeping at one time saying it's so hard to follow you Jesus sometimes it's hard but I remember thinking but where would I go you have the words of life we count our days by your birthday you are the center piece of history you have the very words of life you're the son of God no man changed history like you if I left you where would I go there's nowhere else to go where life can be found so if you're struggling he's the hero of history you walk on a well-worn Road and he's the son of the Almighty you're following the Son of God not just some religious teachings he's the best person to link your life up to because the last thing is he's our deliverer from slavery he's our deliverer from slavery Luke is the only one who tells us all the synoptic Gospels tell us about this moment but only Jesus tells us excuse me Luke tells us what Jesus and Moses and Elijah were talking about in verse 31 it says they appeared in glory and spoke of his departure which he was about to accomplish in Jerusalem and I love that because the word departure in Greek is the word Exodus Exodus and what Luke is showing us in this moment is Jesus is so much like Moses takes them up onto the mountain face shines in the presence of God the cloud comes rolling in Deuteronomy 18 quoted Jesus is like Moses and then it says when they came to talk to him they didn't talk about how great heaven is how neat Jesus is they talked about Jesus's Exodus Jesus is like Moses but he's greater than Moses he's the true Moses he's the Moses Moses was looking for he's the one who leads the big Exodus the one the Exodus we've been studying all semester mirrors and pictures and foreshadows Jesus was going on in Exodus you go what does that mean it says he was about to accomplish it in Jerusalem that Jesus was about to step out of this world and go through the very valley of the shadow of death he was to face rejection and death for our sin that he was going to journey into the grave for three days and then rise again and come forth that whoever once freedom from sin will follow him why do you follow Jesus when it's hard because he's the hero of history presidents from George Washington through today have cried out to him in times of need you follow a well-worn road he's the son of the Almighty he's the very son of God no one in history was like this man and he's the real deliverer that I don't know what's in you struggle with I don't know what difficulties that you're faced with but all of us have addictions and brokenness and sadness in us that you can't fix and no self health book can but Jesus is the true and better Moses who leads us on the real X it is that he's not just God Almighty he's God Almighty who has come close to us to take us from where we are to where we need to be that's what's so amazing about this moment as they see the glory of Jesus he's the son of God but he's the son of God who's come for us and come to journey into our pain with us to associate with us that deeply as I was preparing for this moment I I just thought about well the moment I graduated seminary it took me nine years to get out of seminary I don't know how long it's taken you to get out of college if it's under nine years be encouraged but I remember as I went through that it was so hard nine years of school is hard and I got to that moment and I remember my wife gave me a book the day I graduated from seminary and and I remember opening it and I was like you know I didn't want to make a big deal out of seminary whatever I didn't even want to go to graduation but I went and she gave me this book and as I opened it it was letters that she had had people write and a whole section of them were people that were just heroes of the faith to me a sound or a breakaway first guy who ever hired me and mentored me in ministry Louie Giglio all kinds of different people that were luminaries heroes in the faith to me it was amazing to see in this moment of my journey of my story it's me going to seminary it's not their story it's about what they're doing but but they cared enough about me that they wrote this letter to me and as I was reading over this book and them saying they're with me and they're celebrating with me and they're walking with me I just felt this feeling of these great luminaries of the faith are drawing near to me and my story and I just felt this incredible encouragement from that that's incredible to me and I don't know if you feel that that is they're looking here they see Jesus and his glory how amazing he is and he says but I'm here to go on a journey on an exodus and when the glory leaves and shuts down Jesus didn't leave he remained to step off that mountain with Peter and John and James and enter into their story and to say I'm going to be with you in the struggle and I don't know what struggles you're in but Jesus is God Almighty who's come to be our deliverer to step into your slavery to sin and say I'm going to associate with you here I'm going to walk into your Egypt of addiction and you're at Egypt of fear and your Egypt of depression and sadness and hurt I'm going to be here with you and I'm not just going to sit here and weep with you but I'm going to weep with you and then I'm going to walk with you through the Red Sea of certain death through the wilderness of struggle and refinement all the way to the land of promise I'm going to walk with you Jesus is worth following young people why because he's the hero of history he's God Almighty and he is our deliverer that whatever you're in he wants to sit near you in your dorm room in your place of deepest struggle and he alone can deliver you from slavery to sin and into life trust him and I promise you when these when your days of this life are over you're going to be thrilled that you walked with the one who loved you like this it's funny George Patton the general during World War two was a pretty harsh man but as he was commanding the Third Army he gave them a great speech calling them into war and it's scary entering into war it's scary marching out to battle but on the eve of World War two as he spoke to his troops he gave a profanity-laced sermon that I won't repeat but I remember at the end of it he was telling these men that they're going to enter into hardship but it's for a great cause for the cause of freedom and as he ended his I ended in the funniest way he said and when you're an old man and your grandchild comes and sits upon your knee he said and they speak to you and say grandpa where were you during the Great World War two he said you will not have to say well I was shoveling dung in Louisiana that's how he ended the speech you know what a weird thing to say and what he meant was this and it was so beautiful he was telling them you're entering into a story you're associating with a cause that's going to have extreme sacrifice but I promise you when you get to the end you're going to get to that moment and you are going to be so glad at the glorious end that you stayed in it even when it's hard and you're going to be thrilled when we cross into that fresh hold of Liberty to say I didn't live some periphery story I stayed in the big story even when it was hard and praise God that I wasn't doing something goofy somewhere else when this amazing story was playing out of history and I have to believe that he was just paraphrasing the great speech of Henry the fifth from Shakespeare as Henry Shakespeare tells the story of Henry the fifth leading these English troops to fight to liberate the people of England that as they became weary and discouraged and broken and just trying to get home and as they tried to get home there was so much opposition and at one moment with their numbers dwindled they realized no one's coming to rescue us it's just us and we're going to have to go through a horrible battle to get home they were wondering can we even make it and Shakespeare says of this day that Henry the King steps before his people and as they are in the eve of battle he says this is glorious and they look at their injuries and their losses and the pain in front of them and I say how is this glorious and he says I promise you that all the pain will be badges of honor that this story good men teach his son that as Crispin Crispian day the day of their battle shall ne'er go by from this day to the ending of the world but we in it shall be remembered we few we happy few we band of brothers for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother be he ne'er so vile this day shall gentle his condition and gentlemen in England now Abed shall think themselves accurs'd that they were not here and hold their manhoods cheap while any speaks that they fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day he says I promised you a day's coming that if you link up with this battle when all the wars are fought your injuries will be badges of honor and all those who opt it out will find their manhood cheap when people tell the story of the battles we fought for our great came and you may suffer in the name of Jesus it may cost you socially it may cost you relationally it may give you rejection and suffering but I promise you he is the son of God our deliverer our hero our king and when he leads us into the Promised Land you're going to be grateful that you hung in there when it was hard in every wound every loss every scar will be a glorious reminder that I stood with the king and thank God that I was with him through the wilderness to the promised land
Channel: Sheila L.
Views: 67,303
Rating: 4.9208331 out of 5
Keywords: Breakaway Ministries, Ben Stuart, Exodus Series, Is He Worth it, Part 12
Id: 7VbSty-RPDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 20sec (2360 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2013
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