Is Google always listening: Live Test

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okay how's it going everybody today I'm gonna be doing a live test to see if Google is always listening on your microphone okay this has been in the news just in the last few days a lot because of Mark Zuckerberg he's been addressing Congress in the Senate in the United States here answered a lot of questions about user privacy and particularly one question has been coming up a couple of times which is whether or not Facebook is always listening with the microphones to better target advertising to you the question comes up I mean Mark Zuckerberg says that they don't Google is not there to answer on their behalf a lot of people think that Google does because people have that experience sometimes where they're talking about a subject in a room and they're just talking about something and then suddenly they go online and they search for something or they're just online browsing around and suddenly advertisements for that subject start popping up so I've written down a subject that we're going to talk about on a piece of paper I can't speak it out loud yet because we got to do a test first but this is the subject we're gonna talk about okay now we're gonna go to a few websites and see if we can find any advertisements for this right here now I don't own one of these okay so it's it's not like it's something I've ever searched for in the past so it's not gonna be on any of the websites that it shouldn't be on any other websites that we go to and try to find some of the advertisements for but we will find out so after after that then then we're gonna test it again after we talk about this we're gonna test it again and see if we can find some of those advertisements for that so first let's go to some web sites and see if we can find any two advertisements for what I just showed you on that piece of paper and we'll see what's going on I'll go too far com because they have a ready-made list of plenty of websites we can visit right off the bat just pick a few at random the atlantic i just opened a mail online one UPI dot-com burger of the month okay so let's take a look at these websites and see what the advertisements are on them this one says advertisement but I don't see an ad this says North Carolina father/daughter couple in it okay that's just depressing but the sponsored content here is from Outbrain obviously not what do we have what we have written on our piece of paper here this one's an advertisement for what was that Fancy Pants taste on Underpants budget okay that's not what we're looking for despised autoplay that's a billion asian people and here we have a breast cancer ad is that right I don't have breast cancer all right and then Science Festival on WRAL okay so I don't see any advertisements for what we have on our piece of paper so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna close all the browsers we're gonna close everything and then we're gonna talk about this subject for a couple of minutes just a minute or two we're just going to talk about I'm just going to talk about it like I'm talking to a friend and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna we're gonna just open up a new browser and we'll just we'll just we'll go to all the same web sites that we just went to and we'll see if we can find any advertisements for what we're looking for so I think I can start talking about that subject now I got to close everything first okay so all right so dog toys well I'm gonna be searching for I mean I wanna I want to buy some dog toys for my dog okay cuz I love my dog and he deserves all the best toys in the world so maybe we can find him some really nice some really nice toys for some really nice toys for dogs I think that'd be nice maybe some Kong's would be good or some plush animals for maybe some dog toys near me maybe some black or red ones I don't know what colors dogs care about but they probably like colored dog toys from time to time let's see a little weasel or something or a dog bed would be good just something you can chew on you know dog toys near me or affordable dog toys I'd be really good for me because as a consumer I'm looking for the most affordable items that I can get for my for my pooch and yeah dog toys are what I'm the most interested in right now if I were to buy something right now it would be dog toys if I add some money right in my wallet I take it out and give it to whoever is selling dog toys --is what I'm trying to say all right guys I think that's that's plenty so let's go ahead and let's go ahead and get back on line and we'll go back too far calm and let's take a look let's open up some of the same websites let's open up some new ones too okay let's see what we got here first website up oh my god it's right there holy [ __ ] everybody burn your microphones Oh No there's dog toys right here let's click on that ad and see where it takes us price falls calm dog toys well everybody I think that that is conclusive evidence that your microphones are literally always listening to see if to gather information on what you're talking about to target ads to you that is insane unless that's some wild coincidence that is just blowing my mind that's too bad it's sort of thought that this wouldn't work at all alright so right there same advertisement that's incredible no way ad it says add right here it did I saw an ad all right no ads there that's just the Asian people again all right all right this is again yeah let's see I don't see anything that was an advertisement right here but it was for adventure Road okay never mind that dog toy ads again and what is this k9 Advantix from Petsmart oh oh wow well everybody it's time to throw away your microphones that's incredible basically everything that this is conclusive evidence that everything that you ever say is always being processed through some sort of speech recognition service to listen for products that you're going to be talking about let's try a couple more websites just for fun I hope that I hope they don't actually store the recordings of conversations people have illegal wiretapping oh my god let's click on that advertisement again chewy calm yep that's ridiculous I don't see all right just close that I don't see any more pet advertisements on that autoplay here's an ad for Ford but no pet ads let's do a couple more websites pets part pet smart comms I was talking about Kong's black and red no way that's insane oh that's enough for me I'm done I'm done with the Internet all right just good night everybody that's too much for me
Channel: Mitchollow
Views: 23,988,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Google, Facebook, recording, listening, conversations, ads, advertising, advertisements, dog, toys, microphone, always on, cortana, win10, windows, 10, adware, spyware, live stream
Id: zBnDWSvaQ1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 13 2018
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