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in this video I want to talk about seven things that pastors need to stop doing I may get in trouble for this one but that is coming up today on the beach him a friend welcome back to the beat my name is Alan Parr thank you so much for tuning in if this is your first time here it's a pleasure if you want a free ebook click the link in the description box below if you enjoy this video consider subscribing hit that little Bell notification so you won't miss a beat okay so if you are a pastor watching this video I can already assure you that the title alone has probably got you thinking who is this guy that's just about to tell me how I need to run my church but I pray that you would not receive this message in that way but rather you would just receive it from somebody who has been in church serving in a variety of positions at times in my life I've been just simply an attender for the past 25 years these are some of the things that I've experienced as well as some of the things that I've observed as well and at the end of the day my heart is that we as leaders as pastors would simply do Church better and care for our flock better so that is the spirit in which this is intended with that being said number one we need to stop showing interest in people only whenever they can further our ministry vision you know the Bible says don't look out only for your own interests but take an interest in others too so let's say somebody comes to your church and they've got a totally other vision or ministry or hobbies or things that they have going on in their life and whatever it is they're doing is not necessarily negatively affecting or taking away from their service to your church whenever you don't show interest in those things it makes that other person feel as though you are simply just using them in order to accomplish what you want to get accomplished but you don't really care deeply for that person as as a whole and so oftentimes OH you're not necessarily getting the most out of that person they're just doing their service to you because out of respect for your position or whatnot but internally they don't feel like you really genuinely authentically care about them the best thing that you can do if you want to get the most out of people is to support the things that they are doing outside of your church until it becomes a problem whenever they are not able to continue or carry up the same standard of excellence in terms of their service in your church number two and this is a huge one stop thinking that you own the people that come and serve at your church you know I'm reminded of the Apostle Paul who would oftentimes go to different churches and he would serve and plant at these churches sometimes he would stay there for weeks months or even years at a time but at some point it was time for Paul to transition to the next season the next assignment the next church that he was going to be a part of and those people didn't curse at him on the way out the door they didn't become angry with him because they felt like they owned him or that he should stay with them know oftentimes they would support Paul emotionally spiritually but oftentimes financially they would bless him because they understood that Paul was on loan to that church for that particular season and you know oftentimes as leaders it's easy for us to get offended or to get our feelings hurt whenever people leave our ministry whenever their season is up when they go down the street and go to a different church and even when the person that's leaving gives ample time where you're able to find a replacement and all of those things the way we should handle it is to celebrate their success we should celebrate the fact that God gave us an opportunity to pour into this person's life for a season and God trusted us for a season to help set that person up for their next season of ministry but often time's that is not what happens people get blacklisted people end up being feeling guilty or maybe made to feel guilty rather because they're leaving and going to a different church and my friends all this does is it compounds the pain that they're already experiencing because whenever they leave a ministry that is oftentimes similar to the emotional feelings of a failed relationship and so they're already experiencing anxiety as a result of that the last thing that they need to experience is to feel that they are disappointing or letting their pastor down or that their pastor is angry with them simply because God is transitioning them to the next season of their life number three and this is a huge one stop surrounding yourself with yes-men you know the Bible says in proverbs 19 20 get all the advice and instruction you can so you will be wise the rest of your life elsewhere it says this the one who refuses correction despises himself but whoever listens to reproof acquires understanding and once again from my experience what I've seen in many different churches is that pastors will oftentimes surround themselves with board members or leaders who basically see everything the way they do who are timid and afraid of actually challenging that pastor and and and helping him see certain things that he may not be able to see because he has blind spots and any sort of challenge and any sort of disagreement threatens that person's leadership and so they end up getting rid of that person removing them from the board removing them from the leadership team because they don't want to be challenged and they only want to surround themselves with people who will agree with every single thing that they say my friend that's just not wise it is wise for us to have people who will challenge us and it's an up to us to be humble enough to receive whatever it is they're saying and not get offended and really see if there's any truth to that and to remember the principal disagreement does not mean dis loyalty number four stop creating new ministries without solidifying the ones that you have you know as a pastor or leader it's very tempting to go to a church leaders conference or Leadership Conference or look at the church down the street and get some idea because you're saying hey it's working for this church down the street and so therefore if I transfer it over to my ministry then it's gonna work for us and oftentimes what happens is we have ministries that we're still developing and we're still growing and you have twenty percent of your leadership or our team over here trying to compensate for the eighty percent of the people in the church that don't do anything but before this ministry over here is even developed we've now added an extra idea if you will to our ministry vision which we're not quite ready to take on because we don't have all the resources and so now in order to do that we've got to borrow resources from all of these other ministries and now the twenty percent of the people that are doing all the work oftentimes feel burned out and it can also lead to people feeling discouraged because the ministry vision is always changing it's always expanding and the ministry team can feel like man we're trying to hit a moving target this is unattainable which oftentimes leads to having a low morale on your ministry team we need to remember that every single idea that we see or have or come across may or may not be for our particular ministry and if it is it may be that it's not meant to be developed at that time number five stop being insecure now I know I'm gonna get in serious trouble for this one but hear me out all of us have insecurities I have mine and I'm sure if you're watching this you actually have some as well but the issue is to make sure that our insecurities are not slowing the ministry down and causing pain in other people's lives and what I mean by that is this whenever people go and visit another church encourage them to go don't be insecure that oh if they go to that church and maybe they're gonna like that church better and they're gonna leave that church I leave our church and they're not going to come back or if you have people that want to go to another Bible study at another church or you have leaders and they want to go to a conference at another church don't be insecure and be afraid that if they go and do this that there's that some sort of strike against your church or maybe they're gonna leave your church or whatever encourage them to do those things and be secure and what God is doing in your ministry and along those same lines if you have somebody at your church that is gifted to be able to communicate the Word of God don't be insecure in thinking that Wow maybe if I put this person up my membership is going to prefer their preaching over mine and I don't want to deal with that and so as a result I'm gonna suppress this person's gift and fear that if this person's gift is fully released then people might prefer that person over mine all of these are issues of insecurity that we as leaders need to deal with because if not it can severely slow down the ministry and also the growth of other people in your church number six is a huge one stop seeing other churches or ministries as competition one of the things that just bothers me so much and I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say it is that we just have too much competition too much territorialism going on in our churches and it's a result oftentimes of leaders being more interested in building an empire rather than building the kingdom and so it comes out in ways where we're only focused on what is going on in our church ie our Empire but then when there's things going on outside of that we are threatened we're insecure or we're not able to celebrate what other what God is doing in other ministries we're not able to celebrate when the church down the street has more members then uh so we're not able to celebrate when some of our members are actually leaving and helping that other church or whatever and there's too much territorialism because we are competing with other churches instead of collaborating with other churches and celebrating with other churches what God is doing outside of our own church so we need to be careful that we're not building an empire but rather we're always remembering that we're building the kingdom of God which may be in our church or outside of our church and we need to remember that at the end of the day we're all on the same team serving the same God fighting against the same enemy and number seven stop elevating your ideas above Scripture now what I mean here is this I'm gonna do another separate video on seven things that preachers need to stop doing but one of the things that we need to be careful is that we don't present the Word of God at the beginning of our sermons we read it but then it's kind of like the national anthem we hear it at the beginning but we don't hear it anymore after that and it's because oftentimes we have this idea that we want to preach from and so we forced that idea into some sort of text that may or may not be all about what we wanting to say but we feel the pressure as a pastor to have to use Scripture and fear that people will accuse us of not being a preacher or not using enough scripture but at the end of the day it really is more about us getting our ideas out there through the pulpit rather than it is about actually preaching the Word of God because whenever we read the scripture at the beginning and we make a couple little ancillary thoughts about it but then we don't return to it for the entire sermon it communicates the idea to our congregation that the scriptures aren't really not as important as we say they are and our ideas are elevated above Scripture oftentimes this comes from the idea within us that says I don't believe that the Bible alone can change people's lives so now I have to use a little bit of the Bible and the rest of it needs to be my own these my own ideas and earthly wisdom and worldly wisdom and that is what's gonna change people's lives my friend it will it has been and it always will be God's word that will change people's lives so my friend I know that this was a very controversial video and maybe some of the things that I've shared weren't some things that you may have wanted to hear as a leader or as a pastor but I pray that it was received in the spirit in which it was intended and I pray that if there's nothing on this list that applies to you will then praise God I salute you I celebrate you as a pastor but if there's just one thing on this list that you felt in your spirit that the Spirit of God was trying to talk to you or just deal with in your heart I want to encourage you to take that to the Lord take that to your ministry team and see if there's some things some changes that need to be made as a result of our leadership because the stakes are very high and the flock that we are shepherding is at stake and they're following us and God is entrusting us to Shepherd them with integrity if you found this video helpful in any way feel free to share it with a friend also if you haven't done so already I would love it if you would subscribe check out some of the other videos on this channel thank you so much for watching I'll see you next time on the beef
Channel: THE BEAT by Allen Parr
Views: 165,393
Rating: 4.9330411 out of 5
Keywords: how to be a better pastor, how pastors can improve, how pastors can lead better, how to tell your pastor you are leaving the church, how to leave a church the right way, how to leave a church as a pastor, pastors conference 2019, calvary chapel pastors conference 2019, good pastors to listen to, how to lead a ministry, how to lead a church service, how much should pastors be paid, the beat allen parr, 7 things worship leaders need to stop doing
Id: SwufUqiJn9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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