Is ELITE LYCH Possible With NO PARAGONS? (ft. Aliensrock & Superjombombo)

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anyways i'm going to start the match should we click right right or what are we doing exactly uh let's i clicked ranked last second i don't know if it's going to register for you guys well you can't tell because you didn't have a timer right now we can use power so who did not do ranked oh yeah rip so we are going to try to beat the elite lich without paragons that's the goal where you need your expertise on farming strategy uh well first off we can't start with a farm in fact we have like nothing they nerfed a co-op actually yeah yeah they don't boy no free dart monkey i have mine no military knowledge wow i no we have we have knowledge i think you do you have military yeah oh that's funny you you are not in ranked mode i'm in ranked mode there are no powers available for me wait what what what the hell is this game i think i have to do the last minute you want to restart and do ranked or what no no let's just run with this this is funny all right all right well maybe it'll count as rank because you were the host so yeah maybe yeah yeah tell us the timer every once in a while yeah i will oh right you how do you usually start your ranked matches i say for the normal i did well you can if you microwave your door monkey you can afford ben while not incurring a penalty but yeah if it's if it's co-op i think it's just too complicated to do all that micro hassle with the delay so you guys don't see a timer right nope i see 13 14 15 6 and 17 seconds how are we going to farm this ice app i should probably find this out right now well do you want the hyper efficient high-end is it me okay this uh maybe the ranked issue yeah i bet you it's gotta be something oh god it's ranked yeah i keep the time right now yeah maybe won't disconnect i think it could be done isab was telling us before that it can't be done did you say why it can't be done asap too much help yeah because you can't really buff your other towers and you you kind of need them to be strong temple buffs yeah i don't think it's good enough because you miss all right double money yeah double attack speed of ultra boots double attack speed of uh homeland and perimeter buff but that's made up for having three true sun gods yeah well i don't have any three shoes on i don't think so you don't think so we need a lot of money though uh what are you going for next farm yeah like what's the best farming strategy uh well banks but i don't know if you want to micromanage that but we're not going druids uh if you want actually they'd be pretty good for a defending defender yeah i think we should go for a jungle spotty first also i think it should be better in the middle because it's gonna mess up that top arm ah crap okay well i'm just gonna buy it here okay i really only fit three yeah three splines three is good yeah oh so now we show up great farms i guess i guess i'm going to path i mean okay with collecting bananas i suppose nice are we getting a um oh though all right and then we need to worry about how we're going to pop the moabs because that's still tricky even with sticky pumps yeah what did you guys do for her he's up let's hear one last time uh i spammed monkey aces fighter planes fighter planes what do you recommend i think nothing beats sticky bomb i did two of them for my single player elite although it's kind of sketch because uh yeah i was gonna say we lost the three sticky bombs wow that's the point oh no we lost with two we couldn't get the third one up fast enough oh was it yeah okay well here somebody get another sticky bomb at the very least yeah okay i'll go for in the middle ish middle rightish he's already about to pop so if we get there fast enough too we won't have to deal with too many elites okay got it monkey aces no no are you sure three stickies isn't good enough well i guess you only have one sticky at a time so that's kind of a problem yeah this is taking longer than expected it's not lit that's the problem it's the zombie yeah this one right here right yeah yeah all the reinforced one oh crap dude oh crap quick to play maybe chris and i saw something truly disgusting during one of our runs a zombie regular mod transformed into a zombie fortified mob have you ever seen that i have not what does that even mean i don't know if it was it like was a regular mob and this was randomly came out it might actually oh like that oh yeah i thought i'm seeing it now that is strange [Laughter] i don't like that i don't like that it transforms up like maybe the zombie is on it for too long and then it like turns into that i don't know sure all right let's get back to falmouth yeah we're good with three stickies right i think i don't think so well we we kind of committed to that yeah i'll sell the ball we're taking our get that camera [Music] oh my god that actually might change everything no i won't don't worry i looked at the stat they uh there's some data might stats of glitch apparently tier one doesn't heal that much but if you still wins tier five then you're screwed yeah i bet so it's based off tier not cost uh yeah tier i believe it's one percent for uh tier one so again 420 hp no biggie oh that's so scary if he sneaks past that last ninja there i mean we got nothing i think it takes two sticky bombs though to kill a fortified zombie if i'm not no i think like five stickies oh get the fourth here farm five stickies yeah oh wait just reese why did it just un bought my brf i don't know if it was just same on your end you on brfs your farm how would you guys have felt if they didn't tell you that alchemist buffs and random buffs like that killed your tower or healed which well they didn't tell us i saw the heel thing happening i got so freaking scared yeah i'm gonna leave mine up we still need more damage we're kind of almost dead right yeah we have almost no actual real damage what do you guys want to get like a you guys want to get like a boomerang maybe we just have uh we just need more damage because the jewish jungles they uh they are blue damage oh moe bob oh we're not doing any um yeah ceramics good call good call yeah we can go to the farming this is good okay yes that's good to know we want mad for second tier right yes i think that's good that's good i'll just go for red and blue all right here we go yep we need another few thousand yeah i'm getting real close yeah i'm just gonna feed you money yeah making like a dollar every few seconds that's how sad my money is yeah he's hard to steal all the money guys i should use a village buff you got a microscope oh god okay let's slow it down it was really fast yeah how about you sell the jungles bounties and then you just go to the office oh i like it i like it oh oh oh i should sell right now at the tight village spot i mean if you want to that's what i've been doing uh right don't worry about the hp come on yeah you're right i thought it was gonna sell for or heal for a lot more but it really wasn't that bad just don't sell for tier five oh we kind of suck against this round hey all right you sold the druids um i'll go boomerang crap uh-oh fine that was tight all right opposites nice nice there we go i still haven't named any of my monkeys i don't know none of them have you bought it oh does that cost trophies is that that's probably why i haven't done it i think so i'm still trying to buy the new the all the um soundtrack songs with my trophies i barely have any yeah man you gotta do those odysseys races yeah and bonarius are pretty good trophies too yeah the my only trophies have been from boss fights okay we don't need that anymore okay what do we have to defend then uh what exactly do we have it's a perfect defense maybe one more baller yeah i'm sure yeah why not although i can only place it here i don't know if you guys want to put it in the front uh i have no money right put it in a decent spot up here let me go for a banana central i guess right now oh should someone else farm yeah uh who wants the farm go chris okay i'll farm up the wazoo oh crap are we dead no we'll be we're dead fine lord all right lord i get a little bit of money okay oh double glaive oh let's go oh holy crap i'm going to keep my gladlord all right yeah i'll sell mine i got the flavored favorite trades and i think it's my turn to farm now yes yes so uh here's what i think we're gonna do for the tier three uh three enmities yeah that sounds good yeah all right we're slowing this down let's get that out of the way yeah 1.7 million next up i'll give it the eyes that i thought oh my god yeah yeah yeah it's huge okay you got to stop doing the bent ability on the m80s this is actually bad uh i don't i don't like my face can i drop an avatar around does it really not give more damage it gives one more damage compared to 750 that's not it makes them stop attacking that's not worth one more damage all right i'm dropping it after our wrath i like a good call or about halfway yeah this is kind of bad we should not be halfway we should be more than halfway can i get some money for an avatar yeah yeah yeah i think two apps are wraps then we're good we need to get that temple for the next yeah yeah temple we're going to even place it because their forms are like everywhere oh in the middle how about that how about that damage well maybe what i'm thinking is that chris gets one temple isab gets one temple in their respective corners well then i'll then mine will be at the bottom middle oh so top left top right bottom middle but we can build them pretty close together but don't you want to temple buff the temples because yeah i mean won't they get big enough range once you upgrade the range afterwards yeah yeah you just make sure not to put it too far away i guess yeah yeah the other temple so like middle top right middle top bottom okay we can even build our three dart monkeys and just make sure that they're not in range of each other i feel like we're farming much better because we can do like multiple two fives yeah all right there we go there we go sell this stuff what do you guys want to do to actually pop things though avatar wrath i guess yeah i'll just buy a midfield i'll sell the mat too so who wants first temple should we do first temple top left chris is temple uh the forms are in the way i think i guess my space would be fine yeah hmm is this gonna be a vegetable or a normal true sun guide vengeful all right oh and we might want the vengeful in the middle straight up in the middle and then i could build my temple kind of further over the left on the mouth and you can build um for you you can build yours kind of anywhere in the bottom of the mouth yeah yeah i think this is going to be not a bench ball yeah i think like the vengeful be right in the middle of the mouth oh so you want to build the vengeful yeah probably yeah okay okay so if you're cool i'm gonna build a yeah two one two two and then your event will give you two why should i get a i know i said that i should but i i'm just kind of curious uh why should i get a um two two two one temple oh uh for vengeance rather than two one two we're gonna give chu sun got buffs to your mini avatars anyways i think as long as you don't put it too far low too far down okay i think i got the math right i just need the 500k which i have right now so i guess we're going for it true sun guide all right let's go so no upgrade range right now right yeah keep it at five zero yeah oh crap that's not gonna do much for tier four then because it's so you can get why can't you get range wait can i get rid of yeah it's supposed to happen we're gonna we're gonna suck up things around us not effective right rights maybe get one range see where the thing is my support will give your guys super monkeys more range oh yeah that's the only thing yeah you can do one range i think it won't touch my super monkey yeah i'll do one range because i think it's already gonna hit tyler's yeah you might be able to do the second range yeah you can actually do the second round all right fine let's do it this is not doing much damage no it is not oh oh yikes okay we're kind of suffering then huh we are definitely suffering tier four has been bad yeah this is this is more hp than the tier four of regular elite lunarius isn't it two four no it's a little bit less eight million versus six percent but i think lich goes faster yeah it's definitely it's like it has the invulnerability phase right there yeah boys there we go all right so now i need to get the village on it we should be good now with this i was trying to say a minute earlier uh we should have gone for an adorable because she doubles the damage of all our temples so oh yeah that would have been smart we would have won if we got it no so now i'm not well wait is that is that an aura no it doesn't it's hero orders don't count towards early chilling okay so yeah yeah but the three bend play was pretty big chris takes a lot of money i think two benz would have been just fine i think this might be doable like we were pretty loaded with temples here we're going to beat tier four very easily but yeah five okay it's gonna have like 30 million health it's going to be close i think again if you're at a dora you have to build your temple fast chris get started on your temple okay good luck i think i'm going to get going on some of my own support stuff like the mad we should make sure to sell all our farms before which comes in so we have all the money or actually i don't know i think we should get um make sure we get three avatar brands challenges close to each other yeah i'll put one here get some mads oh my god it's already coming some big rounds one round yeah yeah we have so much damage just bye bye i'm gonna sell my farms except for the central i'm gonna keep my two good ones i think yeah i'll keep one i'll keep the monkeyopolis uh make sure you guys got let's get all three ice towers and snipers if we don't have yeah i got mine well i don't think they stack though well snipers they can still hit separate from each other well we want them to all hit lich isn't that the the idea oh my god i got a glitch on the screen i got a glitch on my screen here we go look at that glitch on my screen here we go i think we can do it 100 without adora i think we lose adora we are missing but we are doing pretty good right now we already got a million down and plus there's still more to go are there any abilities that are worth it oh glue storm oh yeah yeah yeah oh my god we could just triple up that glue storm all day yeah we could i'll get an energizer sub well i can't fit one i can do an energizer all right we got one skull you guys yes hey i'm hoping we can get it like down hey it's not over yet let's glue storm this up this is ridiculous actually like i cannot tell where my mat is and or did i not build a mad i might not have a mad right now okay this is gonna be halfway what else could i have what else he's about to make the halfway turn sun avatars are looking pretty good but they take a lot better than the is it is it better than the dark champion uh it's close oh i didn't get some the ray of doom is that one no it's bad shotgun don't do that what about buckshot uh maybe it's meh it's man but like what else we got at this point i did not oh sh i'm so sorry what'd you do sold rip yeah i think i bought the wrong upgrade and i'm like oh i'm just gonna replace it i hope this doesn't lose us well that was the finest five percent of 33 million i didn't wait i think the the game glitched it back oh yeah i don't i don't i don't see it as any more health yet how much health does it say for you 16 mil 59 15 18 mil okay well i was saved all right oh i never bought a tax zone if i attack something yeah well it's good mine's got 300k already oh boy yeah nobody knows what that's actually going on i think i just lost let's be honest here this is actually like a a ridiculous amount of colors this is way worse than just going vegetables like what are yours i bet the people watching this stream are you having a wonderful time trying to decipher cd6 what am i watching beautiful colors it's an artwork that's what it is is good here um not really i would say what about elite defender i got one let me check the pops uh hundred 200k i think it's decent yeah and tiny too all right yeah tiny is good i wonder if we could do it if we reset i think we can if we reset just keep on going less than six mil or less than seven mil this is not trigger less than 36 million that's for sure i'm gonna buy a random apache just to get that over there i need something i couldn't find my ice power to move it up what happened to my apache prime i had one i can't see you okay we're gonna die to the the balloon aren't we yeah we are god oh if we have a legend we won't do we won't die who is a legend i don't i do i have one yeah but dude this is this is too close it's turning it's turning the vent i think it's over i don't think we're gonna hit it no 4.2 mil i'm gonna be honest i was closer than i expected okay who wants to okay i'll do it i got 120 okay monkey money i'll take the hit well at least we'll know because i mean we made some different plays this time we were fast definitely made some different plays a lot faster money spent quick yep damage out quick there is an unupgraded super monkey on the right side from player three uh yep let me get a avatar i can't see that's the problem oh yeah i didn't know crazy it don't upgrade it i swear i bought that for it probably did yeah this game is just defender why you beat sniper 2. come on what the hell we're fighting against not just the balloons but the game itself yeah there's another reset i think uh yep there it is reset i didn't lose as much this time yeah oh i lost oh yeah i lost much i lost my sky shredder this looks a little closer i mean we're we're a smidge better than we were last time we are yeah it looks better but just a smidge and last time we lost with 4.4 mil so i don't know if that last balloon just leaks through again nothing we can do there's also if you kill us faster than that that thing that takes away lives won't be at the exit when we hit the skull oh yeah oh yeah it's on the bottom yeah i think it's closer to the bend but no i think we're good yeah i'm just spamming two different snipers in any pocket right now i can't believe that this is what we have to go through to beat the elite without paragons i know right this is insane like i do think that kiwi like planned for this like think somebody will try to do this well they definitely heard people from going no pair guns that's for sure okay why do i have 40 dollars does anyone need money i'm good uh i have forty thousand dollars too i'll check to see what got unsold don't lose i'm giving y'all i'll give you all my money i don't know what to do with it i lost some shinobi's okay we're at 4.2 mil i think we beat this is where we lost last time it didn't turn the bend yet so i think we got we got this give it everything you got everything you got didn't have like eight million when we were to defend every single ability that we've got here guys do not i'll use my phone i will but not my biohack guys i don't think our time is bad enough to get last place [Laughter] guess we'll have to see yeah six million oh man this is really close like we still have a chance of losing this is so close no i'm all my billy's about to pop though i mean my words i think we got this god anyone need money at all no no i got nothing i'm just watching i'm aiming i'm just aiming i'm buying snipers if i can eight hundred thousand oh my god we're gonna lose i don't know i think it's enough i think it made the last turn i think it's made that last turn come on it's definitely made the last turn yeah i made it turn come on come on ventral is aiming straight up 100 100 come on come on hey yes yes oh my god holy wow we did it can you believe it wow that was stressful i'm sweating i am sweating i am super sweating this has to be a record for the most amount of towers placed in a boss battle ever this must be the first no paragon elites like yeah probably gotta be do you think we got last place on the loop nah let's check let's check it out yeah that's gonna be seven minutes oh we just thought how low okay he's actually pretty low no he might be last because there's only 29 in four players there's no way they cut it off but we're not on the leaderboard oh oh maybe you're right that's weird just can't get that many people on there there's like 100 yeah it's 100 people but 40 groups all right well thank you guys for playing i'll see you guys next time i'll talk to you later chris see you guys [Music] [Music] you
Channel: ISAB
Views: 508,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bloons, bloons td, btd, btd5, btd battles, isab, gameplay, strategy, btd6, bloons td 6, bloons tower defense 6, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd 6, btd6 best strategy, btd6 tier 5, btd6 round 100, btd6 chimps, btd6 5th tier, btd6 isab, btd6 best hero, btd6 mod, btd6 glitch
Id: MY7RhU4O2Ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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