I Spent 3+ Hours For This INSANE Ranked Lych Score... (Bloons TD 6)

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so let's see uh let's jump into ranked here so you see my current time is only at 83rd dropped quite a bit but i have a more optimized run to show you that can get pretty low maybe not low enough to get 311 but it's definitely sub four i'm pretty sure i skipped forward all the way to round 38 skipped all the uh min maxing i want to make a correction on the run i did a few days ago where i said you can't afford perma-spike for tier one in fact you actually can and very easily on top of having extra income at the end so this is what i had i spent a bit of time min-maxing the first 30-something rounds and i'm going to show you how i can get a premise bike right now by selling all these farms so basically i'm going to use that flavor trades extra sell back to afford perma-spike like get more money from the farms and you see the money's there for a 205. now i'm going to go for top hat because you got this update apparently some people crunch the numbers and top half per spike is one percent better than ot5 on top of being cheaper so i'm going top half but yeah also you might notice that i incurred a 0.01 second penalty very unlucky i'm gonna be very mad if that cost me like a placement but anyways we're gonna go so you don't need to build up too many spikes for around 40 here it only has 14k hp so just starting at round 38 should build enough spikes to one shot uh lich so apparently the minimum time to beat each tier is roughly 35 seconds or so because because lich has an invulnerability you can't decrease the cooldown of that at all like you're forced to basically spend at least 30 seconds on each boss [Music] so just watch it should be around 38 seconds from what i've tested that's the fastest time you can kill uh lich in see how quickly the bar goes down to each skull there's only so much you can do here and permaspike is the is the way to go and you see 38.3 now we're going to sell perma-spike to get a bank and farms now how is this a greeting blazer trades braf two banks and yeah that's with buying a perma spike for around 40. okay so last time i messed up the uh tier 2 boss because it didn't get overclocked fast enough this time for round 57 i need to have perma-spike and overclock ready so basically i should stop farming but i'm gonna add on bottom path because higher sell back means you can kind of sell it last minute if that makes sense so banks are full i do this 19k and hell i'll borrow a central market because again i'm gonna get a lot of sell back from it this sells for 95 of the price versus 85 of these these farms but i think those towers will be enough to one shot tier two hopefully at least i'll also add a jungle drums and a half buff but i'll sell the output quickly so that the amd runs out before it gets around 60 if all that makes sense so what i'm gonna have to do is after this round i'm gonna have to back out of the game because i need to pause around to optimize things take not optimize things and even if you have auto start off in bosses the round just keeps going but this update they added a thing where if you back out and continue you can pause the round so you have time to think which i guess i like but it's also very annoying i have to back out every single time to it uses to your advantage as you can see we can't afford it that's why i have this thing i can sell but is that the thing i want to sell or can i sell the this and this oh nice but the money is barely there hmm you probably buy bigger stacks very soon no biggie right yeah just start the round get the crates bam attaboy also jungle drums don't forget so like this tier four that shoots spikes faster we just gotta get rid of it so that the amd also runs out on top of that i think we also want to go for an embroiderment plus one damage i don't know if we need a brittle but if we do i'll just spend the continue money to reset tier two because you can keep doing that if you don't like your time you just reset from around 60 and try again let me just see if this is enough okay round 60 here we go just do 38 times two that's 76 seconds if we have a enough of a spike file if not gonna have to reset but let's watch do i need to get a brittle or something else because i can easily do that as well if you see the money is very much there and yeah it's not even close not even close okay i don't think this is enough to save us you might have to reset the run brittle gives a good amount extra but i don't think it's enough to get us all the way there let's watch gets us down yeah not not much better the spy pops pretty much gone so we messed up here let's go back actually you know what fine i'll just do it i'm just gonna restart 35 36 37 oh that was actually lower than 38 how see it's gonna i don't know why it's random like that but you see we did it faster this time i guess that makes up for the 0.1 seconds that we uh lost so yay so basically this time around i don't want to sell this so that these can survive like keep pops from getting to the premise bike it'll help a little bit so i'm going to sell that without losing too much money okay let's get rid of the alpha now and uh yeah let's just see what happens round 60 if it's not enough i will be surprised because i i did a lot but if i need more i'll go homeland next please be enough for 52 and a half again the heal no big deal no big deal it's worth it in exchange for a strong swipe out earlier on come on it looks very healthy to me more healing must be another tower but also the spikes for this nice that's an insta kill so 116. yeah if you do the math that's about the same amount of time as uh tier one about 38 seconds oh also yeah i forgot to sell the output on the saw but again it didn't matter we still one shot it without losing too much income that's perfect we have a perfect first two tier so far now i need to continue farming like a madman so i need to sell the premise bike and everything else sell sell sell for a farm here i can't do it i want to get six of these guys under monopolist but i'll wait for this these banks to fill up and then i'll replace it with uh facilities afterwards what time is eighth place by the way i see quite a bit of people like around 3 30 which is what i think i want to aim for also because i'm backing out i don't need to buy a monkey city for this because it the money gain is technically a bug so if you reset the round you don't get extra money from the oppos unfortunately so sell the sub i believe perform yeah it's a sub all right so here we go we're gonna use tax on defend the next 20 rounds and then i don't have to worry about you know spending money on defense i can just worry about farming as much as i can which again this looks very good i'm gonna get my office pretty much in one or two rounds again one more round of the banks and then we can unleash so full banks guys so what i do now is i get the 19k to sell both of these i go for two four two zeros like this that gets me uh yeah seven farms on the off list and as you see i just need a little bit more money i'll overclock 35k sell this makes me i need thirteen thousand dollars come on and then i absorb there we go round 64 opolis and now we go for well banana centrals again again i need the space for temples later i don't want to get rid of my income i'll just go bottom right i know it's gonna be two different places but it's what you gotta do man okay south south cell bam round 68 monkeyopolis or banana central this is what i call good progress so i'm putting these in the bottom right corner again because i need this middle space to not be absorbed by temples or rather if i put forms in here then yeah my temple's gonna eat it up and i don't want that so we gotta build a new form space down here oh yeah i should oc the um oh man they're so annoying without tech bots guys overclock the banana central again we're just gonna do this hard this hard work so that we don't have to do it later that makes sense so wall street now i think now we save for it okay reminder that the spike pile only lasts three or four rounds so i should only start building spikes on around 77 until then farm up like a madman 76 here okay so this round we start setting up look at that money a hundred thousand dollars all right so here we go for tier three again it's three rounds in advance so basically i have to have i have to overclock start overclocking this guy out buffing it and home landing three rounds in advance and then in another three rounds i should get a brittle and a group of moab for lich i did tier three insta-kill last time and that wasn't very optimized so i really shouldn't sweat that hard about this one but regardless let's begin i'm going to start by oh seeing and instantly home landing i'll get energizer for the cooldown as well i think this is the last home that i use right i'm not going to make any time for another one same with the overclock i think screw it one more overclock no more home landing right i'm done yeah i'm done i'm done i'm done so i think i'm about ready for a tier three yeah i sell the pro brew too now it's good time so you see when they sell this from brew all the buffs are lost on every tower and here we go tier three so crew moab nothing do nothing at this point uh if i do the math add 30 seconds to 116. that's 154 right or is my math wrong should be 154. it's actually it seems to be going a lot faster or no no it's going to be 154 looks like and again i shouldn't be too weird because i got it right the last time i'm just really worried about tier 4 and tier 5 because i need so much more spikes for that and just watch here easy 154 yeah that's correct so again this is basically minimum time so far so we know we're doing the right the right thing now i need to get working on a ninja paragon i think first off let me just start by getting more farms all over the map that will probably help things a little bit i'm going to keep the promise back around because why not we have so much money anyways so while i have the game paused right now i want to set up a support sample a max true sun god support i don't have to worry about getting eventual because i really just want to get the support buff okay the vengeful damage isn't really good anyway since i can't even buff it so yeah so basically you're gonna rush a true sun god get as early as can because it does give income too if i get the two support buffs that's 10k per round which is going to help a heck ton and i can worry less for the future here's my problem guys the ninja paragon is very good but the thing is the sticky takes time to pop like i think it's like three seconds i think for the bomb to detonate which is going to be a problem because well if you're on a speed run then three seconds is a long time to wait for each tier feel like it's not going to detonate or if it detonates it's going to be a while it's invulnerable so it's kind of a waste i still think getting the shurikens just the shootings alone it's worth it so you know what let's get pops on the ninja paragon hey should i go for the temple now yeah sure why not so there's a max tier 4 right here should be giving 5k at the end each round let me think about this actually ultra boosting the perma spike i know that lynch is going to eat up the ultraboost spot because if you sell the ultraboost it still stays on the premise flight sadly but it might just be worth it to build up a lot of spikes so let me go for that early and hopefully i'll have 10 stacks by round 97. i'm getting real sweaty hours here yeah again i'll sell the ultraboost you have 10 snacks now look here so i can sell this anytime you just use the normal overclock on this perm spike and i should be fine so let me sell this i have enough for juice on god which i'll go for now let me just make sure i have maxed everything all right so first off true sun god let's go for it so i have to worry about it later beautiful i'm going to give it one range buff so we can reach the premise bike awesome and next point of business is i want to get a perma brew for the perma spike again round 97 is when i'm going to start um boosting the f out of this perma spike uh just so i don't forget later i need a chrome moab and a glue storm which i'll put right here so yes just to be extra sure there is nothing i can do i can also draw a deadly spike because those also say between rounds i believe it lasts like two rounds or something it's obviously way weaker than a permanent spike but you know a little bit of damage does could add up over time so why not just add a couple of these here and there okay very hectic setup but let's go now we start giving this thing a massive start you see how fast the shooting so many spikes now 97 lasted didn't last a long time so that kind of sucks again we're gonna kill the round fast because we have so much damage so we're not gonna have that much time for a strong spike pile which kind of sucks not much i can do i gotta use called arms after uh homeland has ended for more spikes i'll stop prone brew on 99 i'll also i've got to overclock crap homeland hopefully the homeland runs out uh when 99 ends if not i messed up badly oh god i don't i think the homeland timing is bad cell prone brew now um 100 there we go you see it the buffs are still active please run out please right now before heals if it heals i back out it didn't heal yet there we go we timed out perfect i should glue storm five zero two please please please i'm watching the spy pod looks pretty healthy halfway two more it still looks pretty healthy to me still looks pretty healthy okay i think we got it i think we got it guys a perfect tier four kill nice nice nice now how do i insta-kill tier 5 because i can't it's 2.4 million hp i don't know if i can do that but i'll try right now we got to build up a ninja paragon we got the first four tiers pretty much minimum time so that's really good no no no we're not using a glitch there is a glitch working on multiple heroes but i'm gonna do it legit because i am streaming and if i use an exploit i'll be under very much scrutiny so now that we're back here we need to work on a ninja paragon so i need like 30 sabos again i'll do samples over here i know flash was more expensive but i need to keep track of how many abilities i have it's easier than dropping flash mods and counting also i should mention as well i do want to go for a dark paragon i think i have so much money that i can afford them so let me do just that all right so round 11 we want to go for a ninja paragon because i gotta get working on the dark prairie one too so uh 600k and let's see what degree it's probably 30 something 32. it's fine don't worry about the degree now i just want to get a dark paragon so we got to get 250k of uh fan clubs so now i get everything set up so let's go for the dark paragon can't afford it so i'll sell a few towers like the farms so apex sponsor master what degree is it 43 epic and right now what i want to do is i just want to get rid of the farms because i don't want to have to worry about selling them later on and we just want to go for raw damage i'm going to even do this as well epic range get as many deadly spikes as possible around this radius mad oh my god how to get a mad sky spreader good choice oh yeah elite defender why not uh century paragon is okay oh sorry century champion they they changed his name rip flagship carrier sure one last thing we go for a beds so i can't afford the mob right now but i will after selling uh this and the perma spike okay those are the things i want to sell now let's go immediately let's go i can sell the office too and i guess i'll do that so look at all those spikes look at them 119 started so overclock or sorry uh homeland i don't want to sell right now let's just go for the now five zero two i'll sell the per improve right now we got everything oh crap i forgot i brittle man this stacks with brittle so yeah uh p mentoring for range expertise why not 120 here we go all right how fast is the scale oh crap i didn't sell the perma spike it's fine it's fine it's fine the buff already got taken away from it so it is what it is all right what time do we get guys is my perspective still alive i think it is still alive i think it's still alive guys all right again whatever i buy this point does not really make much of a difference in damage just gotta keep using glue storm and you see the spikes are all worn out so you see it's not it's not like a quick um bum rush of it it's a little bit slow oh okay okay can we do the sub 330 though sub 330 come on come on sub 330 mad ability as well 321 322 it keep my got to finish the round as well so this could keep dragging on wait what okay i think okay let's pause here let's pause here round 121 started right as the lich died so i think i gotta beat the entire round a bit to count i have to reset now this is a bad thing because it resets all my deadly spikes which means this is gonna be a worse run but at least i have 200 thousand dollars that i can work with right carpet corporate spikes spike storm yes yes yes oh the thing is not under a temple range i should get under temple range what am i doing all right we're just gonna go okay we got a lot of spike factories three two one play carver's bikes glue storm this this first strike again the spike should still stay the premise like that is i lost the deadly spike but i think i can make up for it with spike storm look at this actually you know i should time it so that it they don't despawn right while it's invulnerable or does it not matter more again it has to go faster than what i did for 121 like i i can't have that round start this has to be better either way we have abilities coming again so with 22 more to end it all off i think this is slower dang it this is slower come on come on come on 323 i think that's slower guys watch the round tick yeah i can't i think this run is bricked guys that's so annoying that i have to end like 121. so it's not a sub 330 but it's close but that's basically how you do it as you can see definitely improvements that can be made let's see we were on the leaderboard eighth place not bad but as you can see there's uh definitely more seconds i could shave off 332 that was hectic because it definitely took a lot of energy too muscle off this run overall over two and a half hours of doing this almost three actually you
Channel: ISAB
Views: 506,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bloons, bloons td, btd, btd5, btd battles, isab, gameplay, strategy, btd6, bloons td 6, bloons tower defense 6, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd 6, btd6 best strategy, btd6 tier 5, btd6 round 100, btd6 chimps, btd6 5th tier, btd6 isab, btd6 best hero, btd6 mod, btd6 glitch
Id: OVbt38AyD2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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