Is Bricks the Fastest Page Builder on the Market?

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what's up everybody patrick from wp builder helper and in today's video we are finally going to dive into bricks there's been a lot of people covering bricks i did a quick capture of it and it wasn't too deep it didn't really go into it there's been a bunch of other youtubers who have kind of gone into it but today i'm doing something a little different i'm diving into numbers we're going to start looking at the numbers we're going to find out how fast is bricks how does it compare to oxygen what things do i like about bricks how do i feel about it all of those things we're going to deep dive into it in this video and at the very end i'm going to give you my overall impressions of what i think with bricks and if you should buy it today or not alright so let's get started all right everybody so here we are we're inside of bricks or looking at the bricks homepage and they made kind of an interesting um an interesting accusation where basically they were they were pretty fast they they showed here that so fast your visitors and google will love you when i first came out with the comparison and started looking at what bricks was doing there was a lot of negative feedback going on about bricks well guess what i did a real life example you guys have been asking for normally most youtubers bury this stuff at the end but i just couldn't do that i had to take and actually physically see if this page builder was actually the fastest page builder that's on the market currently and so what we did was we went in and we created a page as you can see here we have a page and it's a simple page it's very very easy it's it's got a heading it's got a picture and it's got a button whether this looks like a button or not it is actually a button so we added these things and then we went in and we ran the test we ran the test for uh gt matrix and we ran the test for um page speed insights so if you're interested um in trying to run these tests you could obviously do it yourself but i'm pretty sure many of you already know about these tests so it won't matter anyway so if you remember back in the day i had actually done a uh an ultimate page builder test and i basically recorded the data and i went in and i was looking using cadence as a base and then basing that on each and every page builder and everyone seemed to really like this test it was really really useful and sorry i'm scrolling so fast but you'll find this information i'll link it i'll link both the video and the test down below and i'll also link the video at the top so if you want to see it you'll be able to see it and see what's going on with it so anyway in this test you'll see we have two sets of numbers there's these set of numbers here and there's these set of numbers so the first set of numbers is the desktop mobile and score which is uh it's page speed insights so if you run page speed insights you'll get these set of numbers these set of numbers is from gt metrics which is the rating the lcp the rating again and the blocking time so it's the it's different sets of numbers for each and every um each and every one so if we're looking at these you can see very quickly that these numbers right here uh are indicating you know that page builders kind of have an issue this at least this is what i found out from doing my testing page builders in general do not fare well in this this category they don't fare well in mobile not the blocking but the mobile their mobile rating in usually this in this category is very very slow and so if we look at the base of how long it takes cadence just the base of cadence nothing in cadence just the bass just basically straight gutenberg in cadence you can see it took about 2.1 seconds to load um using the page speed insights and it got a mobile rating of 97 which i think is pretty good it also got a mobile score of 98.99 now as everybody knows it also got a desktop score of 0.8 seconds now as everyone knows these scores at least the the actual scores themselves are vanity uh metrics they're basically metrics would don't matter percentages don't matter desktop scores don't matter what really matters is the load time so anyway what really surprised me was i ran the test for bricks and i gotta tell you these were the scores they got and right off the top it immediately killed uh the cadence theme i mean it did have this one test that was like 2.1 seconds which puts it about equal to cadence up here but in all reality this kill let me do this let me bring this let me just copy this information just so you can see it i'm going to copy it and then i'm going to go here and i'm going to paste it right next to it just so you can see what it looks like so once again this is just the base now these all above it are gutenberg block builders so this was with cadence blocks and you can see they add a little bit of uh mobile blocking whenever i mean not mobile block and they add some time to the cadence base when you're looking at just this right so if we're looking at just this just this one base just the mobile you see very quickly this is a fast page builder it's much faster than i expected and as a matter of fact i'm eating my words now because i thought that when it came out it was just another me too clone and this has got speeds that are somehow faster than even live canvas which as you remember was even faster than oxygen on mobile and once again this test all it is is a heading a picture and a button that's all it is there's nothing else that's included in this test so i don't know how they're achieving speeds this fast i don't know what they did to customize bricks but thomas the creator has obviously done a very good job and it's very very good it even scores on um gt you'll notice the percentage down here it was getting millisecond times for the page now i'm guessing that part of the reason behind this is because it's not loading a theme brix doesn't use a theme it uses its own custom theme so it's like a it's like a theme builder and page builder in one semi similar to the way that divi is with how divi works so it's no different than divi in how divvy's got its page builder built into its theme although it does have a secondary page builder that you could use with any theme bricks is just going all out for all and nothing and in all honesty i think it's helped them a lot because in this case this this page is lean i mean it is as lean as it gets these right above it are some of the more i would say some of the more impressive uh gutenberg page builders look at this four seconds five seconds five seconds seven for stackable six for stackable it loads two 2.2 seconds on mobile 1.1 1.4 1.5 1.8 for this this is still i mean what how is it loading i don't understand how it's loading this fast i don't get it but bricks right now definitely takes the title normally i would take and bury this to the end bricks is fast i mean it is really really fast and i know that a lot of you wanted to see this and you wanted to know how it compared to something like oxygen well let's look at it and let's compare it to oxygen because a lot of people right now are looking at oxygen and saying you know do i need to switch to this builder um and i don't know i don't i mean that's that's a case-by-case scenario and let's do this just so we can have some separation here we'll insert um just a top bar just so you can see it so compared to oxygen oxygen was scoring 98.98 now once again same setup a heading a picture an optimized picture in a button that's all it has oxygen was scoring 98 which you know once again doesn't matter but it's scoring eight seconds higher i mean four seconds higher than what this is scoring it also has a much slower uh mobile i've noticed the mobile and that's pretty par for course for page builders for the most part they are slow on mobile it seems to be the one place that almost all of these even gutenberg at some some respects are slow but if we look at divi divi's like four seconds live canvas did very well uh beaver builder did okay they weren't too bad you know elementor is pretty slow thrive architect really slow brizzy not so good on mobile i mean it's just one of those things you take and you look at these and the developers don't want to admit to it but this page builders killing it speed wise so good for them good for the bricks guys they obviously know how to put something together because this is very very fast i'm curious to see how it goes in the future because it is a brand new page builder but let's go from here and dive into an actual page building uh session and i'll show you what i like and what i don't like about it all right so here we are in front of the bricks page builder and we're just looking at the basics of what's going on with this and uh you know if i take you to a page all it's got is a hello world post and that's it because it's basically loading up um the default stuff so brx unlike other page builders is actually built using a theme rather than a plug-in so if you're brand new to page builders you might be interested in taking and going to go look at the plug-in section because you're going to be thinking that it's there but it's not it's actually a theme and some other youtubers have covered this covered the differences so i'm not going to go into the deep details of how it works as a matter of fact there's another youtuber who did a very good job his name stratos and he did a very good job going over the details of you know all of the different things that bricks has in it so in this section we're just going to take and we're just going to build a page with it i'm going to take it i'm going to look at it i'm not going to build a header footer i want to go over the main differences and the main things i both like and dislike about this page builder and there are a couple things but you know stay with me until the end and you'll see what i finally think of this page builder so starting off first it's got a very elementor-esque uh setup it actually for being a virgin point one has a number of different options for to use as a matter of fact i think he said it's like 50 it's very impressive starting off to have this many options there is just literally everything i'm sorry once again i'm scrolling so fast that's my fault but there's literally everything so right off the bat is one of my favorite features and i do not know if this is actually in other page builders but i love it you can go into a something that you're using like let's say you're designing something for a client and the client uses a bunch of dividers you can pin that divider and now that divider is pinned to the top as a matter of fact before i even go into that let me say that the ui of bricks this back end is fast it's one of the fastest ui ux combos that they have out there it's very impressive it loads fast it's responsive you don't have any issues with it i mean it is fast you click on stuff and it goes straight to what you're going to i love the way that this was designed it's done very well i love the way it does mobile it's one of the few builders that actually even has this mobile landscape that's there most of them include uh computer tablet mobile they don't include this this is very interesting is this a different setup than this i like the fact that bricks included that but this is a fast builder super fast builder so let's just get that out the way i really love the way this works it also gives you the option for i think a light and dark builder or something like that like there's like a light or dark you can choose either or and on top of that this actually can go smaller or skinnier and i think at some point it can even be pulled out if you want to so you can pull it out i don't exactly know how i haven't played with it enough to pull it out but i love the fact that you can take this apart like this this is really really useful uh for just organizing everything if there's something that you're not going to use socials you can obviously collapse it which is very good i think that that's cool the way that these are all divided i'm i'm impressed just for for a 0.1 builder meaning a basically a brand new builder it's an impressive layout i would expect this to be a lot clunkier and it's just not it's done very very well and i enjoy the fact that it's actually done this way so let's take a look at some of the inside of bricks and what i think about this so like i said there's other youtubers who have covered this so i'm not going to go in too deep into this but let's throw some things on a page let's use some of their templates first so the templates section is um i mean for starting it's actually got more i wonder if they added templates because i do not remember seeing some of these templates they must have added templates because i was going to say a while back it didn't have as many templates as they currently have this is much better than i thought i'm pretty sure maybe i just wasn't looking at it right maybe i didn't see it but let's go ahead and add this like this header basic let's look at this so this is a basic header as you can see and it's got the logo right here it's got your menu and then it's got search icon so right off the bat one of the things that i ran into an issue with and it's more of my fault not another person's fault but i believe in making things as simple as possible was in the structure pain when you go to click on something with the structure you don't actually click you actually just hover over it and then all these options pop up this is more of an annoyance but it took me a second because those three little dots always have meant to me click it and i'd go to click it and then it would go straight to that and i was like oh my god why is it doing that so it started doing that because of you know what was going on but it's just the way he does it so you you scroll over and then you get the option for for you know seeing how this is set up and then it also gives you a breakdown of how this is all structured so for instance if i wanted to move the logo i would move it here and now the logo is in the middle menu here and here so so far so good we're doing pretty good with this i mean this this seems very much like a typical page builder experience uh there's some nuances to it i love the fact that you can hover over stuff i wish that this would fall a little bit below whatever you were hovering over so that it wasn't impeding your view of whatever you're looking at but overall you know not a big deal i don't find that i had the issue that elementor had a long time ago where with when an object is too close to the edge you can't click on this as a matter of fact you can click on it and you can have almost no issues clicking on it it's very very easy so i've enjoyed the fact that that works that way there's also this preview mode which i think is cool where basically it'll move everything off the screen so you can kind of preview it normally if we had all of this set up you would be looking at the bricks website itself and kind of preview it and then with one click you can go back to the builder or you can go to the front end i also like the fact that you don't have to so other builders there's a couple of other builders that are out there when you drop let's say this on the screen let me see if i can get it to work so this is a column let's add another let's add another section so we can drag and drop an element here i like the fact that you can just drag and drop and other builders do this too but there are some builders that when you're you're doing this they sometimes have an issue with the drag and drop interface this seems to handle it pretty well it's it's very easy to navigate like i was saying before it's easy to figure out which is in what because it kind of highlights these in these colors i really like the fact that each one has its own color and you know exactly when you're over something or something else you know exactly where you're coming from so that's very cool it also has this unique section with shape dividers transforms it has a bunch of this the stuff that you would get from most other page builders which is also very good because i don't feel like this page builder is playing catch up currently i think they're doing a good job and i'm very happy with the fact that they've included things like gradient shape divides shape dividers transforms box shadows all of that's already included and so for someone who's just starting out and just wanting a page builder to build maybe a relatively simple page or even something more complex than what you're maybe used to this has got all the functions in it it's got all the css stuff that you can include it's not like some other page builders that when they're their 1.0 first came out you didn't have certain things included this has got a lot of it also like the fact that during some of the the text elements so for instance if we go into the content you could go into style and there's a way let's go in here typography you'll see that the typography has a lot of different stuff i especially like the fact that he included text decoration and text transform something that was missing from other page builders that once again uh you know i'm not going to mention any names but they know who they are they were missing some of these options and this is a very big thing people need these type of options you also got line item line height line spacing and all of the regular stuff so um you know so far we're doing good this is good this is really good i'm feeling good about this page builder then something happened that brought it to the next level for me and i'm not sure that this is the way it works so please take this with a grain of salt in the templates section you have this ability to save a template and then import a template now as i understand this right we can export our templates and let other people use them i've been asking so many page builders to do this and there's always an issue that comes in where they say oh we can't do it we're trying to think about it how we'd like to do it divi's had it for ages and it works really well it allows you to create a community as a matter of fact that's why i think divvy's community is so strong is because it allows you to create a community where people are literally going to share their content in their work with other people i'm going to do it i'm going to be sharing templates with people because this allows you to actually share templates with them and the template system is not horrible so i can take and i can go in here i can save as a template i can name it i can just call it my template and then you could set a template type i love this fact we can set it as content and then a template bundle and then you can save as a new template and then if you go into my templates here's my template awesome amazing the fact that you can build out a template and then you can go as far as sharing it is it's just it's just excellent and he's using the same thing that they use for divi which is the json file which i recommended once again for other page builders he's got it included from the start let me tell you something about that that is a huge game changer even if you do not realize it yet it's a huge game changer having the ability to move your templates around and not necessarily have to uh have them forced to be on a site live where you could just move them from from website to website that's a huge time saver because you can literally build out a set of templates for yourself save them and then use them on other people's websites however you want to like let's take for instance the designer motif which most people are here for so if you're a designer you can take and you can build your own set of templates with bricks today you can take that template and you can use it wherever you want to you can build like literally wireframes so that you can build websites quicker for your clients this is how it's supposed to work and i don't know why so many other page builders get this wrong i just don't so i just i i don't get it it's one of those things that's always eluded me and i've never understood it but i'm really really enjoying the way that this is working i'm enjoying the way that it's working itself in it has a lot of the stuff that you would already want it even goes as far as including stuff like dynamic content post title id time all of that you can have all of that so it's got dynamic content included before it ever came out on 1.1 ah i'm just impressed i'm impressed it's it's got a lot of the things that you need today to go out and build a website but not just a website a lean and fast website not a website that's going to slow down anybody not anything like that it also integrates with gutenberg blocks which means if for some reason you have a block in here that maybe you don't have that's in this this list of blocks you could use gutenberg to integrate with it but i'm going to tell you right now from what i've seen short of maybe a few things that i could think off off the top of my head that i thought that would be nice to have like maybe you know some tables or something like that because although they do have pricing tables but you know some tables and things like that this has got pretty much everything you need to build a clean website it doesn't have pop-ups so i haven't seen anything about having pop-ups on the page and i'm not even sure if it's if that's down the road i haven't seen anything listed to my knowledge if they're going to have pop-ups or not i know that uh at some point they were thinking about it or it's it's probably going to be one of those things that enough people get together and they say hey we want pop-ups and they're going to do pop-ups so it would be nice to get some pop-ups and stuff like that i know they're thinking about the mega menu which i feel like would have some of the pop-ups only because in order to get the mega menus set up you would have to have pop-ups some way somehow so i feel like you know you they're going to end up having pop-ups at some point just don't know what it's going to look like but they're going to have pop-ups it's probably going to be coming later on down the road i really like the way that he he did this um this section i don't know why these images it's probably because it's on a local host you can chalk this up to a bug that's probably why that's happening this is running on local and so technically speaking it's not on a regular host it's not just going to go download it but that's probably just a bug with localhost um they're still working out the kinks so you know one of the things that i really enjoyed was that thomas came out a while back and he basically said welcome to version 1.0 of this builder um i know some of you wanted this builder to be like a a more experienced builder and it's just not it's not there yet and i really enjoyed the honesty behind that and the fact that he went out of his way to basically say look we're not there yet come back in a little while and we'll see where we are and i i thought that that was excellent but just based upon what i'm seeing i like what i'm seeing the fact that you can go in here and you can edit everything and it's ready to go and it's just it just looks really really good i like the way that all of this is happening there are some bugs here and there that the community is finding but for the most part they're being squashed and it's being updated and it's being worked on so i mean you've got revisions in here you've got pages in here so you could move from one page to another that's cool now i had actually even wanted something like this i would like to see headers and footers i don't know if headers and footers are included in this i think it's just pages and posts so it's just these two right now i'd like to see templates included in this so that i can move from headers footers pages and if if i could do it all in one then that would be even more of a benefit to me because then i'm not moving from a post to a page to whatever to whatever i can stay all within the builder and that's definitely something i'm looking for so with that said let's go to my final word of what i think about this builder so what do i think about bricks if you haven't already guessed by now just from the speed the price and everything else it's kind of a must buy if you're in the mood for a page builder that is brand new that's offering more speed better options but you're also going to take and wait a little bit longer because it doesn't have some of those integrations it's got bugs to work out it's got stuff to you know get done with it but i think honestly if i'm looking at the whole picture of bricks not just one little subset which is version 1.0 it's got a really good future ahead of it i mean this could be the next page builder to take on all the rest of the page builders and it also might be the page builder that starts forcing some of these page builders to start looking at their speeds because if it can achieve these kind of speeds they can too it's just a matter that whatever bricks is doing it's doing it right and it's doing it well it's a hundred dollars less than most other page builders that are out there i don't have an affiliate link for it they don't have an affiliate program set up um but i definitely think you should buy it today if you're going to take and get into page building this would be a you know a no brain option at this point what it's offering the speed the thousand licenses for you know basically 150 bucks it doesn't make any sense it's such a good deal that i'm kind of even confused as to how they did it i've given them some ideas on how they could even sugarcoat the deal i don't know if they're going to take that up i doubt they would but i mean i put in my two cents just to separate the price and make it look a little bit better but it's already a good deal to begin with it's already very good this version 1.0 is maybe not i would call production ready per se you could build some smaller sites i wouldn't build a bigger site with it and obviously it doesn't have the woocommerce but we know the woocommerce has come in a little bit later but for right now it's really good for building some very you know small to medium sized websites i think it would be very good and i think this speed test like i said before speaks for itself so hopefully you've taken you you know you got some value out of this video and you're going to take a look at bricks because i definitely think it's worth it i'm impressed by the founders uh honesty and everything that's going on and i can't wait to see what happens in the future for it if you like this video go ahead and hit subscribe down below and i will see you guys next time
Channel: wpbuilderhelper
Views: 1,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bricks, Oxygen, gutenberg, page builder, wordpress, brick builder, bricks builder or wordpress, wordpress page builder
Id: dJ6BrJ5nXx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 30sec (1830 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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