Why Kadence has the best blocks for Gutenberg

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what's up everybody patrick from wp builder helper and in today's video we are talking gutenberg blocks and specifically we're going to be talking about cadence blocks and that is because i think the cadence has the most advanced block builder that's on the market currently and i think that they're doing a lot of things to take and promote that and make it way more viable than probably what it is with all the other gutenberg builders that are on the market so in here we're going to talk about cadence blocks and why i think it's such a good product and why i think that it's beating all the rest of the block builders that are currently on the market plus we're going to do a little bit of an overview and go through their starter templates and kind of break them down and everything so if you're ready let's get started what's up everybody so here we are inside of the cadence wp and i want to talk about why i'm so impressed with the cadence blocks you know a lot of people like the theme and the theme itself in in essence is i think similar to other themes it is a bit faster than other themes but i'm not here to debate any of that i want to talk about the blocks because to me their blocks are where the real strength of this um this lives i think that their block builder is better than almost any other block builder that's on the market probably one of the only ones that come close if we're actually taking and we're looking at everything um is probably is probably i'm thinking you know if i had to take it i had to guess gutenberg blocks let's see what we have that's in the the repository if i had to guess uh uh if i could spell gutenberg right um gutenberg blocks if i had to guess which one i would say is close you know it's such a hard decision there there's a lot of other block libraries that are out there obviously female has their own blocks i think this one is pretty popular but i you know look at the number of reviews not that many reviews most of these block builders don't have a super amount with the exception of the brain force quibbly's got you know some some active installs but when you look at you know quibbly compared to cadence cadence's block builder is pretty brand new and it's got way more installs than quibbly and i'm going to talk about quibbly because i actually have an uh subscription to them uh atomic blocks is nice it's it's a nice free collection stackables real nice but once again you know only 30 000 installs you know and then there's some there's some other ones there's genesis blocks uh there's i think if i'm not mistaken there's uh generate press has its own blocks so skipping all of this and just jumping straight in let's jump straight in and let me show you what makes gutenberg so incredibly interesting with cadence blocks specifically so cadence has a really really nice system with their blocks so the page as you can see is we're on it if someone's starting out with gutenberg for the first time what they're looking for that i have yet to find in other block systems that i think needs to be addressed is they're looking for something that is fast they're looking for something that's efficient and they're looking for something that basically mimics mimics that of a page builder and cadence to me is the closest one to that and the reason why is because they have a lot of similar features to page builders and as a matter of fact some of the things i've actually emailed and wrote post to the actual developers and some of the things that i think that they need to fix they're already working on so that's the good news the good news is they're already working on a lot of the stuff that i really didn't like about gutenberg that i think needs to be addressed and one of the biggest issues to me which i've talked about in several other videos is their mobile responsiveness gutenberg has never been a uh something that is very mobile responsive and cadence has already started crushing this with gutenberg and i mean i just think it's one of those things where them doing this is just going to make everything better so for example uh if we took two columns and we added some images to them you'll see that uh you'll see that that gutenberg in itself is uh let's let's grab some as you can see i was uh photographing some stuff that's here let's grab this this is groot we were uh we were photographing some stuff to put on ebay so that's why this is up here but uh let's grab some more images let's grab some more marvel characters and uh we're going to put this we're going to put this on and we're going to see how it acts in this so we're going to we're going to save this let's call this test page and this is just straight this isn't even cadence so this is why i want to show you why this is so if you go to preview you get these little tabs well one of the things i had issues with is when you go to mobile now it's working good here but when you go to mobile in most cases this doesn't actually show what the mobile page looks like and as a matter of fact if we really wanted to go to mobile and we really wanted to test it the way we would have to test it with most block builders is to go to this page and then go to something like chrome inspector or developer tools and then clearly set the page to this and then you can kind of see what it looks like so as you can see this page isn't even really like just looking at it it isn't even really what they said that this was and you know i reached out to them and i said so you can see we have a gap here just just to showing you some of the problems but there's also other things you're not seeing the background you're not seeing any of that which you clearly get that with this so we can see these images are closer together on the mobile view and just everything is collapsing and everything so i reached out to the the the guys behind cadence and probably women and i said hey look this is a problem and they reached back out to me and they said look we already know we're working on it because essentially gutenberg has been or not gutenberg but wordpress themselves have been dragging their feet on this preview panel and i think that in order for gutenberg to advance as a builder you've got to get this to where it works correctly if it doesn't work correctly then you've got an issue and i think that this is one of the biggest problems with gutenberg you know if you're taking and you're looking at it this is an issue this is a problem when you're trying to go in here and you're trying to do something to you know to make sure that it's mobile specific and it's not specific so anyway long story short they are in fact working on it and i thought that was a great thing so that's one of the things that i found about cadence over the other block builders that i really like they have an idea of what they want to do and they're working on it so that's awesome a lot of the other block builders that are out there and not all of them i mean specifically if we're going through i think stackable's done a good job of keeping their stuff up to date um quibbly you know they push updates out every now and then but i'm going to talk about all that later and why i think cadence is over them overall in my general opinion that's my opinion some people are going to say general uh generate press or some other block builders out there probably better so when you get to cadence the row menu which is this is actually the best friend of you so you can see there's a lot of pre-setup selectors on here this is what makes it great for building pages you've already got a layout that you can basically go through and you can pick whatever layout you want they basically have almost every layout you can think of i like this because if you're actually playing with the columns between columns you'll notice yes you can kind of go in and you can set this yourself i think there's ways to actually go in here and it's probably in the settings in the page there's some way that you can go in here but if you're if you're someone who's used to page builders you're going to say well i want to take and resize them like this i want to do it like myself i want to resize them how i want to resize them and they work fairly well but they're not they're not 100 percent you know you can't go in here and select them you can't you know you can't go in here and just you know press a button so cadence has already kind of solved that issue which i think is awesome and i think the fact that they've done that is uh is good because i wasn't really a fan of the way columns worked especially the columns that are just regular gutenberg columns but inside if we go in here and we'll browse all to see you'll see that they have a ton of different options for expanding the already regular gutenberg blocks now i will say that i have had to in some occasions match gutenberg blocks with cadence blocks to get the effect that i want just because cadence has it but sometimes it's easier just to use a gutenberg block for something so you know in all honesty they have most of the things that most of your page builders would be looking at including a modal and video pop-up which is something that's pretty unique to the gutenberg um the gutenberg arena a lot of people do not have this they also don't have forms there are a couple of i think quibbly may have a form but to my knowledge i believe that their form does not work very well it surely doesn't work as well as this does and so i've been impressed that they've actually and i mean they've just got a ton of different options here even if your form building isn't in here you could use a simple email you could use a redirect an autoresponder database entry a database entry is like the bare minimum for form and the the fact that it can do that it just makes it so much easier because it's one less form that you would need and it's got email settings it's got basic check and anti-spam and all that so my point here being that there there's definitely enough advancement in this for you to do what you need to do to take and start building pages you include the fact that their theme itself if you have the whole entire package has header footer builder in it and you start to see that there's a much bigger um chance of them taking over and wiping out something like a regular page builder because a regular page builder is just they're just going to suffer like for instance i can't understand like right now in today's time why anyone would use a back-end builder if they have something like this i can't get it i can't get behind it because if you've got this and you've got these cadence blocks well now all of a sudden you can take and you can drop in you know headers and you can have a header that has you know something that is in between it so for instance let's say you wanted to make an advanced header you have the option to go in here and select highlight settings which is really cool and you can go in here and select your highlight so you could select which part of this header you want to highlight this is a minor thing that most people would say oh well that's that's not very interesting i mean okay yeah you can highlight something but who cares but it's interesting enough that they added it they've given this header uh you know the ability to have something that's a little bit different than the normal header and that's what makes cadence stand out a lot compared to the other builders that are out there guten um you know gutenberg is taking the hand that it is going to be a full theme builder one day it is going there it's going to happen so the more that you have more of these blocks where you have the ability to go in and do some you know some crazy things where you can change header colors or change colors just really makes everything a lot easier and i think that when you have this it's it's just something that's different you can't do this with the normal gutenberg block and so they're adding in little things here and there that i think make this block builder just that more much more interesting even their icons so you can go in and i believe if i'm not mistaken that if you go into the back end you can drop your own icons in once again is it revolutionary no it's not it's not even close to revolutionary but the fact that you can go in and you can drop in your own icons if you want to have your own icons just makes it all that much better i mean you can literally go in here and you can pick whatever icon you want for somebody who's building a website for the first time they're going to be looking for those type of things so that they can have all of the things they want and there's a lot of gutenberg builders that just don't have things like this in them video pop-up is something else that's really really crazy you can select an image in here you can go in here and you can select your image like let's say this is the image and then you can go in here and you can actually tell it um what the video is like point it to the video url and you can see that it's vimeo video press and youtube or you could even self host once again just something that's really really unique to um to just this it's just cool that they have this type of capability that you can go in here and you could have a video so if we go to youtube and we grab a demo video let's grab a demo video demo video we'll see very quickly that if you grab that open your eyes and we'll mute this and we'll paste it and we'll update it and let's preview we'll preview in a new tab and we'll change this to regular mode now you've got this video that plays literally in the well it would play probably some reason why it won't allow it to play but the point is is that it would play in the background all these things are really really unique and make cadence way more viable than i think the regular builders are now some people are going to come out and they're going to say well i don't understand because there's a lot of other builders that are out there and they do a lot of the same things well that may be true and you may be 100 percent right there's still a lot when you're comparing cadence to say something like elementor there's a lot of stuff that they're still missing if you're really comparing apples to apples but you can't really compare cadence to elementor people are trying to and i think that it's going to get there eventually it's not there yet but the point is is that they're trying to get there they've got gradients they've got drop shadows they've got all this they've got excellent background colors that you could come in here and do whatever you want to do i mean there's there's good reasons to pick cadence right now over something like elementor just for the speed reasons but more than that there's reasons to pick it just because if you're trying to build a very basic website then it's a really good basic website to use this this can make something that's really really basic and if we want to let's abandon this page all together and we'll go and we'll take a look at some of the pages so you can see we've already got sample pages set up and everything like that but let's go look at the cadence blocks i think it's in appearance they're starter templates so the starter templates are all the templates that are built with um built with gutenberg or elementor now i wish there were more builders in here but specifically i will say one of the things that frustrated me a little bit was this is the first membership template that comes out i hope that they fix this i don't know that they're gonna fix this but i hope that it's in the works i'm hoping these templates eventually make it over the gutenberg i know it would take a lot to customize them to get them that way and that everything doesn't work that way and sometimes you're just gonna have to use elementor but i'd really really like to see it where you know if you want to use this you know and it even tells you what blocks you need so it uses some cadence pro blocks which that's a little bit weird and it uses elementor so it's using the free version of elementor but for me i'd really really like to get away from elementor if i could i think cadence blocks is much much faster and i'm i'm i'm happy with this being installed i don't necessarily want this and that's where i'm getting to in the long term like i just i you know some people are starting to move away from page builders i think there's still a good reason to stick with them currently but i think that in the long run i think we're gonna see more people start to go towards these gutenberg block builders especially when you're building stuff that looks so incredibly nice like some of these i mean some of these they did their designers do a really good job with just subtle things like the little borders and things like that you know nothing is particularly uh outstanding on these blocks like these are just standard blocks they don't have a lot of stuff but the design of them looks fantastic even the subtle nuances of these photos shifting in a way where they're using spacers or whatever i think that's pretty cool and just the line here and just just little things that make this stand out and make it look like you're building a professional page and that's what people are looking for they're looking for pages that are professional you've got the completely transparent uh header up top here you've got social icons and social navigation and all of this i mean it just looks professional and then you've got some some options for colors so if you want to pick color scheme you could pick this color scheme or this color scheme and it'll go through and it'll specifically change it to match whatever color scheme you're using which is just fantastic this is the kind of stuff that people love it helps them stand out just a tiny bit more you want darker you can see they did darker here i love this i wish they were more darker options i think that that's really cool that it's got some light and dark i think it should be split with some dark options but i know that a lot of people wouldn't pick dark options so i'll settle for this but i think that this is really cool i think the fonts are really cool too because you can go in and they kind of have already set font families so you can go in and you can kind of pick which font family you want how do you want the website to look all of this is going to push people more towards cadence where you have you know one lifetime price and you pay for it once and yeah that price is a little bit more expensive than what you're used to maybe it's not the elementor price but at the same time when you're taking and you're looking at the price of this the price of this is not bad 59 for something that is much much cheaper is really really good as a matter of fact it's so good that it's it's unlimited it's much cheaper than uh elementor would ever be because elementor i think for elements where you get one website for fifty nine dollars granted it doesn't give you everything with the pro theme but even with the pro theme you know you get a lot more with it so to me the blocks by itself are totally worth it if you get the pro theme which you get basically everything which i think is part of cadence you're looking at i think 4.99 or something along that they've got a discount that's going on right now but i think with the membership price yeah 480. so you save a couple bucks it's normally about six hundred dollars i think when you're thinking about all that together and you're thinking about the price that you would pay for say something along the lines of um something along the lines of what you normally pay for elementor even looking at the yearly access this is very affordable for a graphic designer who's trying to get into the field and trying to get there and break out for themselves and build websites and you could totally do it with this cadence package and that's what i think is is making this so viable i think that regardless of whether you're for cadence or against cadence i think the fact that you can you can take and you can do this and you can import a full entire site like this and in seconds have a full website up and running is the difference between uh people making and you can see i've actually already picked another website for this page so that's why it's not loading but this is why people are picking cadence over maybe other other builders or other pages that are kind of out there because i think that this right here is what people are looking for they're looking for quick and easy wins where they can throw something in front of their customer and say here i got something for you and then they kind of customize those to fit whatever their customer needs maybe the customer doesn't want this maybe they don't want this and there's different things that you add to it but the fact is is that they've they've already got this solved they've already figured this out and these little small nuances of changing just little tiny things and adjusting everything little by little just to make it look so much better is where cadence really shines because they've really figured out okay guys we we have to do this we have to make our stuff look much much better than what's out there and i think it does i think it definitely does just looking at the templates i think it's there the only thing that i would argue that they need some help on and it's one of the downsides but it's a downside nonetheless is if you go into the the pre-built library this pre-built library is pretty good but i don't know it just doesn't feel like it's as high level as some of the other library items i see in other builders and page builders and all of that a lot of this is really pretty plain but i get it maybe it's because it's not connected to a page or whatever and you could still build something using this but some of this just doesn't some of it looks great and some of it looks like like really like like some of it's just just not it's not there at least it's not there for me it doesn't look as fine-tuned as their starter packs do some of their starter packs just they look much much better than this and i'm hoping that this is going to get an update i believe it will get an update but you know this is just not my favorite but once again that's just my personal opinion you can feel free to take it or leave it however you want to i will say that in the future i am planning a whole video series that will be coming out shortly probably after this one where we're going to go over the basics of cadence blocks and we're going to build something with them so it'll be kind of like a beginner series where we'll be going over how we build a page and what we do so if you're one of those people who's struggling with cadence maybe you're looking for a little bit more help and you're trying to figure out if there's something that you're doing wrong or maybe something whatever hopefully that'll help out that will fall under the page builder academy portion and we'll have that set in there all right i hope you guys have enjoyed this video i tried to keep it as as uh simple as possible and just give you my feelings i mean for me cadence is definitely at least today and the way i see it it's a good buy it's uh it's not a bad buy for their for their plugins uh i i like the cadence block builder i think it's a it's a great purchase i don't think it's a terrible purchase if you're gonna build it the blocks are just they're on the next level for other block builders and some of the other block builders out there like i was saying they just there's things that i just don't like about them and i don't want to down on another block builder and tell them but one of the things that you know i just i can't get behind with other block builders is if you start going in your block builder specifically and you notice that they're using css to get some of the effects that are on their pages then that tells you that that block builder is incomplete because it should have a widget or something that's in there that you could adjust so that in order for you to have drop shadows or whatever you shouldn't be using css to do that and i've seen that on a lot of block builders and i don't want to you know point any of them out because i'm sure they know who they are but some of them are very unresponsive there's a lot of them that don't respond don't respond to comments or anything in their facebook groups and cadence has been one of the block builders that will actually come out and they will actually say specifically hey you know we we understand what you're going through here's how you solve this in here so i can't really i can't really argue with cadence they've done a good job with doing stuff like that and i think that they've they've made it a lot easier to be someone who is a designer and wants to have something that looks nice and so for me it's a win i think it's i think it's a good it's a good builder it's up to you to make that decision how you want to do it but you know either way it's a win for me so i hope you've enjoyed this video i hope i didn't go too deep into it or whatever but you know once again i think cadence is a win so you would not do badly today by purchasing them and starting to play with the block builder i think it's going to get there and i think it's only going to get there with time and once time gets in i think we'll be good so i hope you guys enjoyed this and i'll see you guys next time
Channel: wpbuilderhelper
Views: 4,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brizy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 22sec (1702 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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