WordPress Speed Optimization 2021 - How To Get Better Scores In The NEW GTmetrix

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wordpress speed optimization has definitely changed web vitals are going to become a ranking factor in may 2021 gt metrics came out with lighthouse recommendations in the performance and structure tab and i want to make an updated video to show you how i not only got really good scores but also a fast time to first bite a fully loaded time of 0.8 seconds and that is really good considering the post that i ran it through is very very long it has so many images on it and over 500 comments and even if you click through my website you can tell it loads super quickly so once you know it this post is about wordpress speed and i will leave a link to this in the video description it has all the topics i'm going to be going over in this video but i also created timestamps in the video description so you can jump to certain sections at any time i'll be going over testing tools hosting page builders plugins bear with me and i promise you will learn something and you will get your gt metrics report a lot better gt metrics is definitely my favorite tool because you can quickly see your time to first bite your fully loaded time and the core web vitals that google will be using as a ranking factor these can also be found in your google search console report in the core web vital section the structure tab which gives you more specific recommendations but the waterfall tab is probably the most useful because it shows you heavy css or javascript that loads on your website so if you notice these take a long time to load i bet you might be using a slow page builder like elementor or divi if you notice your fonts take a long time to load it you might see some font families weights or even fun icons are being loaded even when they're not being used so you really want to be minimal with your fonts post them locally but just know that the waterfall tab is really good for finding specific elements on your website that take long to load for testing your mobile site i recommend it think with google because it uses a 4g connection instead of the 3g connection and page speed insights key cdn's performance test is really good for measuring time to first fight and 10 global locations and finally for finding slow plugins on your website use query monitor just be sure to delete it when you're done and i will also get into this a little bit later but those are key tools i definitely recommend hosting is by far the number one factor in the wordpress optimization guide it's also by far the most affiliate based biased topic about wordpress speed because we all know how many affiliates are trying to make commissions including me but i'm at least going to tell you to join the wordpress hosting facebook group and get unbiased opinions from knowledgeable people in that group you're going to come across conversations facebook polls and migration results of people moving away specifically from lower quality shared hosting to faster cloud hosting and i would skip shared hosting altogether especially if you're using elementor divi woocommerce or any high cpu plugins on your website cloud hosting can just handle that a lot better do your own research and you will see trends like people moving away from siteground to cloudways and that correlates with backlinko's tests where he found cycron had some of the worst time to first bite out of all these hosts i performed my own speed test and this also concluded that cyclone had a slow time to first bite eig brands like bluehost and hostgator are not good i didn't test lightspeed servers or grid pane which i want to do in my next one but even just by browsing through some of these sites like cloudway's digitalocean versus siteground grow big you can see a huge difference in how fast they load so yes choosing a faster cloud host it will make a huge difference in your load times so i just encourage you to do your own research and look at some of the polls that were taken in some of these groups it's usually one of the faster cloud hosts so who do i recommend i basically dug through all these polls as well as looked at trends on who people are migrating to ran my own tests and i personally settled on clottaway's digital ocean so these are the ones that i recommend cloudways digital ocean or vulture high frequency lightspeed servers are very popular kingsta is still very fast and they have awesome support but i don't think they're as fast as cloudways or grid pain grid pain you don't see a lot because they don't have an affiliate program but it's owned by patrick gallagher who is heavily involved in this group and i have not seen one bad review about grid pain it's similar to cloud ways where you sign up and set up a server like digital ocean or vulture high frequency and they provide you with the panel and support a2 hosting is good if you're on a budget but i would still lean towards cloudway's digital ocean or vulture high frequency light speed or grid pain if you do sign up for cloudways i have a promo code omm25 that gives you 25 off your first two months and it does credit me the sale which i do appreciate but i at least try to provide you with honest hosting recommendations and tell you to join these groups so you can stay away from the other affiliate traps page builders got crushed in the new gt metrics update once they started incorporating lighthouse recommendations and that's because elementor and divi specifically add a lot of css and javascript to your website so you'll see a lot of people moving away to oxygen builder generate press cadence theme genesis framework is also lightweight and gutenberg are all good alternatives but i can tell you this i made the mistake of designing my website in elementor and had to hire wp johnny for his page builder removal services and he started by removing my header menu sidebar and footer and i could tell my website loaded way quicker after that even if you don't plan on removing the page builder completely at least hard code those areas because it will make a huge improvement i will leave a link to wp johnny's services in the video description just know that he is super busy if you do plan on sticking with elementor they do have optimized dom output and improved asset loading in their experimental section so they are releasing these new performance enhancements just whenever you update your plug-in check the change log for a performance enhancement if they released one then make sure you take advantage of it if you plan on sticking with your page builder you can also use perf matters or asset cleanup to unload unused assets created by the page builder so if you don't use elementor animations or swiper share link dialogue or sticky then you can disable them and finally if you do plan on using divi don't use the divi rocket plug-in it's not very good i would generally use another cache plug-in which i'll cover later just stay away from the slow builders there's been a lot of tests confirming this and i understand it's easy to pump out websites for clients but if it's your own website or you actually care about your client then do them and yourself a favor and at least optimize the page builder or start removing it we all know plugins can slow on your website so i'm going to go over some less obvious tips the wp hive chrome extension lets you search the wordpress repository and tells you whether a plugin has an impact on memory usage or page speed i also have a list of common slow plugins to avoid most of them include page builders chat plugins statistics social sharing sliders portfolios some plugins are pretty infamous for causing high cpu so try and look for lightweight alternatives i have a short little list for backups updraft plus is good for seo rank math is definitely less bloated than yoast and comes with more features if you haven't switched i definitely would or seo press is also good ssl and redirects you really shouldn't need a plugin for and there's a few alternatives here if you would like to check them out if your plugin has modular design then you should disable the features that you're not using finally use query monitor to find your slowest plugins all you have to do is install it go to a page on your website go to queries queries by component and then find the source plugins on your website new relic also does this and i believe godaddy did update the p3 performance profiler plugin but just try and stay away from slow plugins and be minimal if you can and focus on those lightweight plugins caching really comes down to three things which cache plugin are you using how did you configure the settings and are you using things like server side caching from your hosting company i generally recommend wp rocket if you're using a lightspeed server i would use lightspeed cache plugin and for siteground use their sg optimizer plugin instead of wp rocket since they made a big update to it and it basically now includes every single feature in wp rocket lightspeed and sg optimizer also use server side caching which is faster than the file based caching done by other cache plugins in all other instances i would usually go with wp rocket and the main reason for that is because it has a lot of features built in that most cache plugins do not have so for example database cleanup css and javascript optimization delaying javascript posting things locally like google analytics or facebook pixel preloading links and fonts prefetch and preload heartbeat control there's just a lot of things that it has that many other cache plugins do not so that's why it was rated very highly in a lot of facebook polls and is also the plugin i use how you configure your cache plugin also has a large impact so i have tutorials on most cash plugins on my website i know most of you are using wp rocket so i'll quickly go over the settings but just know that i will list some alternative solutions if you're not using wp rocket otherwise you can just simply copy my settings one thing you want to look at is the file optimization tab so this is where you minify css files and javascript and combine files if minify gives you trouble and breaks your site then you'll want to view your source code find those problematic files and exclude them here one key feature is the delay javascript execution so this lets you delay heavy javascript that loads below the fold it can be adsense it can be your comments like gravatars and wp discus but any heavy javascript that loads below the fold consider delaying this will save a lot off your initial load time if you're not using wp rocket you can use flying scripts to do this the way wp rocket works is it delays it until user interaction while flying scripts sets a timeout period and seconds until the javascript is executed the next tab is the media settings wordpress 5.5 and up has lazy load built in you always want to make sure you exclude your logo and any above the fold images from lazy loads since those are critical and need to be loaded immediately missing image dimensions fixes the specified image dimension errors in the legacy gt metrics report this basically adds a width and height to your image attributes which can sometimes fix cls issues and page speed insights disable wordpress embeds is pretty much similar to cloudflare's hotlink protection where it prevents people from copying and pasting your images on their website which sucks up your bandwidth you usually don't want to enable webp caching and for preload you usually want to activate link preloading means if users hover over a link that page will download in the background so by the time they actually click it it loads pretty much instantly you can also use the flying pages plugin to do this i believe perf matters also does this prefetch dns request lets browsers anticipate external resources and load them faster so you can find your third party code and tt metrics or page speed insights this might be google fonts analytics youtube facebook so find which third-party code is loaded on your website and add their domains here pre-loading fonts can be done by viewing your gt metrics waterfall report copying your fonts from the fonts tab and pasting them into a wp rocket you always want to test this to make sure it actually has a positive impact on your load time advanced rules you pretty much you don't need to do anything there database cleanup schedule it once a week or so and install wp optimize once in a while because that lets you further clean your database and delete unused plugin tables cdns i usually recommend cloudflare especially with their apo or bunnycdn is also good and highly recommend in facebook groups disabling the wordpress heartbeat can be done through manual code and wp rocket and a lot of speed plugins do this the add-ons tab lets you host things locally like google analytics and facebook pixel configuring the cloudflare tab for image optimization i usually recommend short pixel otherwise that's the wp rocket settings the last step is to enable server-side caching in your host this usually doesn't come with shared hosting and is only with cloud hosting but many cloud hosts have options for memcached or redis and varnish if you do have those options in your hosting account definitely enable those because it will make a big impact and is faster caching than your cash plugin cdns are good if your visitors are far away from your origin server and it's recommended in the wordpress optimization guide but if your visitors are local then you usually don't need a cdn it can also help offload bandwidth which can reduce cpu there are three cdns i generally recommend which are highly rated in facebook groups and those are cloudflare especially if you use their apo bunnycdn is consistently performant or if you're using a lightspeed server use the quick cloud cdn all are rated pretty highly in facebook groups if you're using cloudflare there's a few extra steps i would do create a cache everything page rule which caches dynamic content otherwise it won't if that gives you trouble you can also try the wp cloudflare super page cache plugin and finally try to use their apo it's five dollars a month but it uses cloudflare's edge network even if you don't use cloudflare for anything else their dns is much faster than godaddy or namecheap or any of the other cheap dns providers so if your dns is still hosted there then i would definitely switch it over to cloudflare fonts can release load on your website if you have a lot of fun families and weights and even fun icons and like elementor then those are all going to slow down your website go to the google fonts website and only download the font families and weights that you actually use try to be as minimal as possible the next thing you can do is host your fonts locally so instead of being served from fonts.gstatic.com or font-awesome you're hosting them locally on your server this can be done using the omgf plugin or you can also use transfonter be sure to use the woff2 format if you are doing this so the next thing you can do is preload fonts how you do this you go to the fonts tab in gt metrics waterfall copy your font urls and paste them into the preload font section in wp rocket you can also use plugins like perf matters to do this or do it manually through code the final step is to make sure that fonts remain visible during web font load or text remains visible basically you install this plugin by jijo but if you want to do this manually this is what it does it just adds a font display swap in the css and that will fix the ensure text remains visible during web font load and psi third party code is anything that loads on your website that has to load from another website google fonts google analytics tag manager adsense embedded youtube videos or even social sharing plugins and gravatars can all impact your gt metrics report i'm going to be going over these step by step for google analytics you can host them locally either using wp rocket or flying analytics facebook pixel you can do in wp rocket this is the only way i know to host facebook pixel locally grow by mediavine was rated the number one fastest social sharing plugin by wp rocket for comments if you have a lot of them you can use the wp user avatar to upload a custom optimized locally hosted gravatar image to display in your comments so anyone that doesn't have a gravatar image will use this one in wp rocket they also have an option to replace a youtube iframe with a preview image and lazy load iframes which can help fix youtube errors another trick you can do is to pre-fetch your dns requests i mentioned earlier to minimize the third party code you want to review which host names are loaded on your website and compare them to this nifty little list from luke i will leave a link to this in the video description but if you are loading google maps or fonts or any of this third-party code there's some also listed in the comments here then you can copy these urls and paste them into the prefetch dns request section you can also prefetch manually or using perf matters wp discus or other common plugins take a long time to load there are some ways to optimize them so just be sure to configure those settings and finally for google analytics as well some types of traffic tracking codes load slower than others it really depends on what features you need in google analytics but if you really just use it for basic features you can enable minimal or minimal inline which is a smaller tracking code than some of the other ones you can also disable display features using the perf matters plugin this prevents a second request to double click and that will also eliminate an entire second request from showing up in your gt metrics report just be sure to view which third party code is loaded on your website try to avoid them when possible and optimize them if you can there are probably a lot more ways to optimize images than you think short pixel actually does a lot of these they compress them serve images in next gen formats which is the webp option strip exit data and they also have a short pixel adaptive images plugin to resize images for mobile devices that will take care of a lot of things properly sized images means you need to resize them to the correct dimensions i know my blog width is 680 pixels so i resize them to 680 pixels if you're using chrome to take screenshots the zoom chrome extension it lets you take precise zoom levels so i can take a screenshot pretty much of the exact image i want to get without having to resize them and lose quality but make sure you're following the correct dimensions like your logo sliders sidebar full width blog images they all call for specific dimensions defer off-screen images means you need to lazy load them serve images and next-gen formats is the webp i talked about in short pixel or you can use the webp converter for media plug-in to also do this if you're not using short pixel efficiently encode images just means you need to compress them and try to strip the exit data combine images using css sprites if you have like a featured on section where you have a bunch of logos or decorative images you can actually combine all those files into one single css sprite using a css sprite generator and that will load all these images into one file instead of say the 15 files that they were initially loaded on you only want to do this with decorative images because it can really hurt your seo if they're important and they have alt text and so forth so i'll be covering a few other ways to optimize them the gt metrics legacy report shows you a lot of different types of things surf scaled images is the properly sized images item in gt metrics but the legacy reports actually shows you the specific dimensions they should be resized to while the new report does not it also shows you specify image dimensions errors which is not included in the new gt metrics report and that just means you need to add a width and height to the image's html that can be done using the add missing images dimensions and wp rocket or it can be just done manually by adding a width and height to the html also make sure you are serving your images through a cdn if you're using rocket cdn or funny cdn cloudflare does not do this but any cdn with a cd on url you want to make sure images are served through that instead of your domain and this usually requires a cdn rewrite perf matters does this and it will basically rewrite all your image urls to include the cdn url instead of your domain finally use adaptive images that will resize smaller images specifically for mobile devices disabling hot linking can be done in cloudflare or wp rocket and that prevents people from embedding images on your website on their own stripping exit data is usually done through short pixel or whatever plug-in you're using downgrade quality for slower connections i think only optimal does this but if users are on a slow connection it basically reduces the quality of the image so the page loads loads faster if you're embedding youtube videos on your website make sure you lazy load the iframe and video replace the youtube iframe with a preview image you can also use wp youtube lite for self-hosted videos you might want to offload them using amazon cloudfront or digitalocean spaces wp offload media can help with that and finally if you're using elementor adam from wpcrafter has a nice video on embedding youtube videos pretty much without sacrificing any performance so be sure to watch it optimizing your database is usually done in your cache plugin but i definitely recommend installing wp optimize once in a while because it actually lets you go through your individual database tables and delete tables left behind by old uninstalled plugins so if you ever installed a plugin and then uninstalled it it will leave behind these tables which you probably don't need if you never plan on using that plugin again you will see it as not installed and wp optimized and you can remove it of course i always recommend taking a backup but the main things you want to do are schedule database cleanups about once a week and then especially if you install plugins and then delete them install wp optimize once in a while and clean your database from those old plugin tables some plugins css and javascript load across your entire website even in areas where they're not being used unloading assets will disable those in certain places and reduce the amount of css and javascript on your website the main plugins that do this are perf matters and asset cleanup asset cleanup also has a pro version so the main difference between those is perf matters first of all cost money it was developed by kingsta and i think it's very lightweight and it's also very user friendly it's the one i use just because i think it's way easier to work with asset cleanup is free but there's too much going on in the plug-in in my opinion asset cleanup pro it does let you disable custom css which perf matters and the free version of asset cleanup do not once you choose a plug-in and install it you should enable the script manager once you do that you can just go through your website and you'll see the script manager at the top your job is to find which scripts are loading in places they shouldn't and then to disable them you're going to need to go through different parts of your website and go through the script manager to do this because my blog loads my comments maybe a social sharing plugin this little email form right here and the sidebar so different parts of your website are going to load certain things that's why you need to go through different types of content and find the scripts that are loaded in places they shouldn't be so to do that enable the script manager and click it and you're going to find all your scripts that are loaded if you don't use something in certain areas of your website then you can see you can disable them everywhere but posts or everywhere but pages using regular expressions to disable them everywhere except certain urls current urls there's a lot of options for example i don't use wp discus my comments plugin on pages so i disable it everywhere but posts for my structured content plugin for faq rip snippets i only use that on post so i would do the same thing you can also do the same thing for social sharing plugins and other type of content that is only on your blog same general concept for pages elementor specifically you can usually disable elementor sticky swiper dialog share links children swiper animations which can be very heavy and elementor icons if you're not using them then disable them this will require a little bit of time and testing but it can really help you reduce the amount of css and javascript on your website there are a lot of things inside your wordpress dashboard that you probably don't need and disabling them can save you server resources and make your website slightly faster to do this perf matters is definitely my go-to plugin inside the settings it lets you disable all the bloat that you really don't need just be sure to test each feature i'll leave a link in the video description to perf matters and my tutorial on perf matters for the settings that i use but you can hover over the question mark to get a description of what each option does and it just lets you disable things like the heartbeat api limiting post revisions you could use five but you really don't need 30 which will clog up your database increasing the auto save interval to save on server resources changing the login url so bots don't hit the default admin and login urls just a lot of things in there lazy learning woocommerce disabling woocommerce scripts and styles and cart fragments a general bloat removal plugin but it also has other optimizations that a lot of cache plugins don't do like doing a cdn rewrite and making sure your images are served from your cdn hosting google analytics locally and choosing the script type so some of these are smaller scripts than others or disable display features which prevents a second request to double click a lot of miscellaneous things and this plug-in like pre-loading and pre-connecting database cleanup and does the script manager to unload assets the lane javascript can really improve your website's initial load time if you have javascript on your website and it doesn't need to load immediately then it can be delayed wp rocket has a default list of javascript they delay in the plugin so if you're already using that it is automatically added to the delay javascript execution setting most of these are third-party code like google adsense tag manager hot jar but you can also do this with gravatars wp discus and comments and social sharing plugins so make sure if you have javascript that is loaded below the fold and can be delayed that you at least test it out wp rocket does it upon user interaction so when users scroll down the page it will be delayed or in flying scripts this is a free plug-in by wp speed matters this works a little differently where the javascript is only loaded upon a timeout period which you set in seconds it really just depends on which one you want to use but i would definitely test out delaying javascript prefetch preload and preconnect are all types of browser resource hints that basically tell them to download something ahead of time prefetch you basically just want to look at your gt metrics or page speed insights report find out which third-party code is loaded on your website like google analytics or google adsense whatever you can also use this list of common domains to pre-fetch i'll leave a link to this in the video description and what you want to do is copy the ones that are loaded on your website and paste them into the prefetch dns requests and wp rocket if you're not using wp rocket you can also use perf matters pre-party resource hints or you can do it through manual code make sure you are doing a dns prefetch to the third party scripts on your website next is the preloading so this can be done with links you can use either wp rocket or flying pages by wp speed matters does this if users hover over a link it will download the page in the background so by the time someone actually clicks that link the page will load pretty much instantly you can also pre-load fonts what you want to do is go to the waterfall tab go to the fonts tab copy your font urls and preload them in either wp rocket right here or in perf matters or manually or pre-party resource hence pre-connect establishes an early connection and should really only be done for uh cdn urls or fonts so if your fonts aren't hosted locally and they're pulling from fonts.estatic.com you can pre-connect that or if you're using a cdn url like bunnycdn or rocket cdn then you can also preconnect that wp rocket does not have an option to pre-connect so you'll either need to do this manually through code through perf matters or through pre-party and those are browser resource cents and can really help speed up your website if you have avoid landing page redirect errors or any redirect errors on your website double check to make sure you're serving the correct https or non-httpbs version and the www or non-ww version of your website and make sure all your assets including your images are being served from the correct version other than that redirects are usually caused by plugins that create redirects and i would just try to avoid slow plugins or ones that create redirects in general and to review my common list of slow plugins to avoid wordpress has a pretty common issue with bad bots they'll basically crawl your website and usually collect statistics like ahrefs or amazon.compute.aws and consume server resources by crawling your website at no benefit to you so you really want to block them to do that check your bad bots in word fence live traffic report you can filter by crawlers which are usually the culprits and to block them you can install black hole for bad bots by jeff starr is highly recommended and has good reviews or you can use the bot protection if you're using clod waves you can also block them individually using cloudflare firewall rules but that is a little more time consuming you can only block up to five host names so i generally recommend either black hole or cloudways bot protection if you are using black hole just be sure to look at the installation instructions because you will need to copy a code and paste it into your robots.txt file i would also move your wordpress login and admin page a lot of the times the bots will target those specific pages and if you leave them as a default then they will constantly hit those pages and consume resources so by moving that the bots are usually not smart enough and they will just run into no page at all you can either do this using a plugin like wps hide login or if you're using perf matters they also have an option to move the login page there are a few specific optimizations you can do for mobile but before you do that i would definitely make sure you take care of the desktop optimizations first because those almost always carry over and make your mobile website load faster too if you're using heavy page builders or cheap shared hosting or heavy plugins just take care of the desktop stuff first and don't worry so much about your mobile load times until you've at least done that otherwise the specific optimizations you can do are serving smaller images to mobile which can be done using an adaptive images plugin like short pixel the optimal plugin lets you downgrade quality for slower connections if they detect your users are on a slower connection they'll actually reduce the image quality by 40 percent obviously make sure mobile caching is enabled if you aren't using a cash plugin that has mobile caching then switch to one don't use amp it can make your mobile site load faster but kingston did a whole study on how their leads dropped 59 it completely changes the design of your mobile website and it's honestly a pain the one thing i can't stress enough is to make sure your website is actually mobile responsive even if your theme is responsive it doesn't mean that you don't have mobile design errors even if they don't show up in search console you really need to hire an experienced developer to review your mobile website aim for a really simplistic design on your mobile website if certain things don't need to load like social sharing plugins or heavy javascript on mobile then take it out of your mobile website and just make it load as fast as possible woocommerce sites load extra scripts styles and they typically require more plugins and they also load cart fragments to optimize these you can use the disable woocommerce blue plugin it has really good reviews once you install it just lets you disable all the bloat caused by woocommerce including disabling woocommerce scripts and styles on non-ecommerce pages probably the best thing you can do to optimize woocommerce disabling cart fragments and widgets but that is a really good plugin in fact that has more disabled woocommerce bloat features than perf matters does perf matters has a few of them but honestly this free plugin does a really good job otherwise go easy on woocommerce extensions and plugins in general i understand they usually require more but just try to go easy and choose lightweight plugins skip shared hosting altogether there's no reason you should run woocommerce on it if you're running an ecommerce website you have ten dollars or more a month for cloud hosting so just try to avoid the shared hosting page builders other optimizations in this tutorial obviously you should keep wordpress core theme and plugins updated but you also want to make sure you're using the latest php version in your hosting account php 8.0 is coming out pretty soon once it's released in your hosting account be sure to at least test it out and use it if you can if you're using cloud hosting make sure you're using the latest mysql or mariadb version whenever a plugin like elementor or divi or wp rocket or cache plugin releases a new update make sure you view the change log because they're constantly releasing new features that can help improve your site speed so elementor released improved asset loading and the optimized dom output wp rocket is constantly adding new features as well divi is trying to add new features but it's right now only focusing on their admin instead of the front end but keep an eye on those change logs for performance enhancements there's a few extra optimizations that didn't really fall under any other category so i'm going to go over those really quick protect your login pages i kind of covered in the block bad bot section move your wordpress login use broadly instead of gza because it's faster cdn rewrite if you're using perf matters considering enabling this so images are actually being served from the cdn defer non-critical javascript using a cache plugin auto optimize that is a really good plugin for advanced control of defer and async don't enable yoast indexables it has pretty poor reviews on their blog most people are using rank math anyway because it's more lightweight to combine or not to combine css and javascript wp johnny has an article about this but sometimes he should sometimes he shouldn't he says smaller sites usually should and larger sites shouldn't but you can read his article if you want just know that sometimes it's not always right to combine css and javascript files if you're looking for a full list of really good speed plugins i did create a blog post about it i can go over some of these really quickly but i won't consume the entire video on this oxygen builder really good plug-in it's a theme builder very lightweight alternative to elementor divi wp rocket lightspeed and sg optimizer usually the cache plug-ins i i recommend lightspeed if you're using lightspeed sg optimizer if you're using siteground otherwise in most instances use wp rocket perf matter is an asset cleanup for unloading assets auto optimize for deferring or asyncing omgf for hosting fonts locally or you can also use transfonter short pixel and adaptive images optimal is good especially for downgrading image quality on slower connections it also has really good reviews wp optimize once in a while install it to clean your database because plugins like wp rocket don't let you go through individual plug-in tables query monitor for finding slow plugins and different queries on your website swap google fonts to ensure text remains visible during the web font load or you can do that manually g joe from wp speed matters i hope i pronounced his name right but he has a lot of really good plugins on his website or you can just search the wordpress repository for them like flying analytics flying pages flying everything also it's coming out with a cache plug-in although it's i don't think it's quite ready to be compared to wp rocket or any light speed plug-in yeah breeze by cloudways i probably wouldn't use just because wp rocket has a lot more features wp fastest cache all these um you really shouldn't need unless you're not using wp rocket because most cache plugins don't have these features like wp youtube lite lazy loading videos harpy control pre-party some of this can be done with manual code and you don't need plugin for obviously you don't want to install a whole bunch of speed plugins that's why like wp rocket and oxygen or light speed i mean you really should only need those and maybe perf matters and an image optimization plug-in you don't need all of them your cache plugin should honestly take care of most of it wp user avatar is really good i use it on my website for hosting gravatars locally so that's basically the speed plans in a nutshell if you have specific items in page speed insights or gt metrics you need to fix i did make a list of all the ones that page speed insights have i basically just copied everything from thank with google and paste it into one little screenshot i also did my best attempt to make it specific to wordpress on my speed guide and have some optimizations there but honestly i would just do a search in facebook groups for your page speed insights items so if you have avoid landing page redirects search the groups because there's a lot of good information out here and many people have already answered these questions you can comment on my blog if you want but i will not answer to specific recommendations unless you actually search the groups so please take advantage of this if you're looking for resources either to find information or hire somebody to help fix your website then this section is for you facebook groups i recommend wp speed matters is good wordpress hosting is good wordpress speed up is good but hristo from siteground is an admin so if you post anything bad about their time to first bite you might get banned or the post might be deleted gjos plugins are all really good wp johnny offers speed optimization services and more specifically page builder removal services but he is amazing i hired him and can't speak highly enough about him but he is very busy so i'll leave a link to him in the video description if you want and if he's too busy you can also hire i've been working front with pronaya for many many years um since 2012 i believe and he still does speed optimization i don't think he works with elementor he has his portfolio i think he needs to update a little but you can always reach out to him too and i'll leave a link to his profile in the video description well that's it for wordpress speed optimization i gotta get back to playing rocket league new look also wanted to be in this video so hey look we're famous how many views did we get if you have any questions drop them in the comments otherwise i really am gonna go play rocket league peace
Channel: Online Media Masters
Views: 14,563
Rating: 4.909502 out of 5
Keywords: wordpress, speed optimization, gtmetrix, google pagespeed insights, wordpress hosting, wp rocket, mobile speed, woocommerce, elementor, divi
Id: 0eBeb9Hi_hs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 53sec (2633 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.