Is 5e the LAST Edition of D&D?

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obviously a lot of people are very curious how is this going to be compatible with fifth edition yeah these books are a continuation of fifth edition by having an extended conversation with uh the broader d d community well it's time that we decided what the heck to finally call the 2024 version of the core rules of Dungeons and Dragons at least that's what's being said in this latest video from Wizard of the coast titled what are the 2024 fifth edition core rulebooks this is a great question obviously a lot of people are very curious I also want to point out I don't blame this guy at all I don't blame Todd Kenrick at all leading this interview here and please excuse me if I seem like I'm rambling because I totally am I'm just kind of going off a couple bullet points here because this is just a confusing topic and mostly I'm just trying to gauge the community's opinion on this and elaborate a little on a poll where I've already tried to gauge that opinion and and really see what people are thinking first we had the next evolution of DnD roll clip of Ray wininger calling it that uh you know I can actually reveal today that we have earlier this year we began work on the next evolution of Dungeons and Dragons uh new versions of the core rule books which will be coming out in uh 2024 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons this was when wizard the coast first officially announced that they would be in fact doing something some rules update for the 50 30th anniversary of DnD which is this big event right coming in 2024 it's worth celebrating the timing makes sense let's do this and sometime after that was when we finally got that first official announcement for one DND and enter this announcement because now here's where people got confused but in this announcement they said that one DND is the umbrella term for the rules update the vtt which was like this whole huge announcement oh my gosh look at this three-dimensional virtual tabletop and the big push of kind of everything just going on DND Beyond not that we were going full digital that a lot of people misinterpreted that but all three of those initiatives were under project one DND but this term quickly got confused and went from being this General thing to being a much more specific thing because every time a rules update on Earth Arcana would come out we like I and others would say like oh one DND rules update let's check it out and we'll go through the PDF and look for all the fun changes and you know maybe a couple weird changes that are in there but we were all calling it one d d and it's not totally our fault here because even in that official one DND video that first one that really announced they'd be doing the changes making the vtt ETC we can remember here that they said we're going Beyond additions now and that this game is Just D and D that I'll play the clip of that too we are no longer in the position where we think of DnD as an addition it's just D and D now toward the end of the video we're actually going to talk about how that could be a good thing if done the right way I'll give a great example of that but for now we're really focusing on Dungeons and Dragons and how they are handling it and most recently as in this video and actually back at the watsi Creator Summit in January when did that happen April no that was April ogl was January Jeremy Crawford again very nice guy even said and I'll play the quote of this if I have it I might have a little recording from the summit this is the big secret of DnD and it's it's an Open Secret fifth edition is actually sixth edition because 3.5 was fourth edition and the reason why I say that is because 3.5 required you to replace all your books and so for me by definition that's a new addition uh new versions of the core rule books and I can tell you as the person who converted every one of those monsters that was a new addition and this is why I'm saying this with like experience From The Trenches you will be able to open up your cursive straud and run it with the new core books you can also make a character with the 2014 Players handbook and the options in Tasha's cauldron and xanathar's guide and have that character at the same table as a character made with the 2024 books so this is why I say what we're doing has not been done before for the game but so that's why it can be difficult to find like well what do we call it we've just been calling it is it's just it's just fifth edition but it's 10 years older now and so we are we're revising it and we want to fill the new books with exciting stuff so that people are getting them not because they feel they have to but because you want to basically the conclusion in this video was that for now they're going to call it the 2024 rules but once 2020 4 hits and those books are out they're just going to call it the player's handbook and then I guess if you had to reference the old one you would say the 2014 player's handbook but I found this kind of confusing and I know I'm not the only one because then I made a poll about it and a lot of people responded with some different answers so ignoring the three percent of people who chose to comment with their own term for the addition the smallest group of people six percent said that they would call this new version of the core rules 5e plain and simple meaning only six percent of this You Know sample size are actually complying with What wizard of the coast wants to call the rules now right above that eight percent we have a group of people saying 5e but like phb2 and this kind of makes sense to me because okay we can probably get away with calling it 5 v as long as we're clear that at least this is a new book right that's what they did I think in third or 3.5 definitely in fourth edition there was player handbook one player's handbook two I think there was even three and maybe Beyond I don't know but they kept printing players handbooks on its face it makes sense that this could work the next group of people 18 went with eh it's all just D and D anyway it's just d and d and this idea that it's all just d d is something that I've really opened my eyes to as I've been experimenting with and reading many more new systems and realizing that as long as you are rolling a D20 trying to roll high and you're using strength Dax con you probably have some Fighters some Wizards maybe a cleric maybe a sneaky guy there's Spells at different levels and you're fighting dragons and Owl bears and goblins you're playing Dungeons and Dragons and maybe that sounds like sacrilege to some people because oh that means that Pathfinder is Dungeons and Dragons and like Dungeon Crawl Classics is Dungeons and Dragons yeah like the creators of those games were pretty open but the fact that they did base it off of the ogl like heavily inspired by Dungeons and Dragons so part of me does reason that you know maybe we don't really need a new name for it because the changes that are being made appear so small and so minor compared to what makes DND DND and that is all those things I just mentioned which have stayed the same over 50 years and stayed the same in numerous games that have evolved from DND since but then the largest percentage here 65 went with 5.5 e 6E or 1D and D it's a new addition and it makes sense to see that result here on YouTube myself and you I guess if you're watching this we're part of this group that really cares about like how this game evolves because it's such a big part of our Lives to some of us when we've invested months or years into a character that does a certain thing a certain way when that's changed it means a lot and so to us it does feel like this game should have a new name now you know at least a new edition call it 5.5 because it's clearly built on 5th edition but different maybe just call it 6E because it's gotten a little too far from 5e or we just call it one DND but let's start with a quick reality they can't call it one DND anymore because one dnd's name got dragged through the freaking mud during the ogl controversy so now they just needed to like cut that off and get rid of it but to an extent I would actually be okay with one DND as a term because it does separate it as something new something different and under that name one DND they could take the approach of just releasing minor updates online and then changing them in new printings of the book as they come out and to highlight why that could be fine here's this game that I've talked about a decent amount on this channel over the last couple months Dungeon Crawl Classics this is the ninth printing of the DCC core rulebook which was first printed I want to say in like 2011 or 2012 so in 12 years we've had nine versions of the core book but really it's pretty much the same people are having fun with it and there is a whole like third party Community producing stuff for this game too so when they do new printings it's really like they've fixed the typos over the years they create new covers that people might want to buy so I'm trying to say that model of hey we just make minor changes forever can work it's been working for over a decade for this game DND could do that I just don't think they are doing it and my main evidence for that I'm sure like everyone watching this has seen this to some degree as well I just finished a little campaign of lost mine a fan Delver and one of my player when they hit level three was a fighter and chose the Rune night subclass from Tasha's cauldron of everything and oh my gosh this guy was invincible like it was fun it was awesome but if we had somebody also playing a champion fighter they would have looked like such a dweeb compared to him so what I'm saying here is that fifth edition is barely even compatible with 5th edition anymore the player experience being so different between these two ends you know along this timeline of 5 8 it is a different game I can't pinpoint exactly when it happened probably somewhere around Tasha's you can also make a character with the 2014 player's handbook and the options in Tasha's cauldron and xanathar's guide and have that character at the same table as a character made with the 2024 books but at the same time one other thing I have to throw out here is that as a third-party publisher of DnD materials myself check out my patreon where I publish a new 5V one shot Adventure every month really fun themes designed for super easy prep each one comes with a new monster new magic item and a really detailed NPC also like notes on how to role play the NPC and how to run the monster in combat it's great stuff I'm really proud of how we have it all laid out but what I was trying to say here is if you're a third party publisher who can't say my book is made for Dungeons and Dragons you have to say 5e compatible calling at 5e this new version just continuing to call it 5e is actually really helpful so with all that in mind I think we've covered the full spectrum of why one d d makes sense why 5.5 or 6E makes sense life IV can make sense to a degree let me know down in the comments what do you think because ultimately we the community are going to be the ones who decide what this next Edition is actually called oh and definitely share this video because I really want as many people as possible to be weighing in on what we need to call this next Edition and with that in mind I highly recommend you do check out this video where I discuss how I've been home brewing 5th edition to be more fun at my table and consider joining the Bob World Builder patreon Community who really directly supports what I do this channel this whole community and get a lot of cool rewards each month but thank you for your support and keep building
Channel: Bob World Builder
Views: 39,883
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Keywords: dnd news 2024, d&d, how to play d&d, dungeons and dragons, bob world builder, dungeon master guide, dnd 5e, 2024 dnd books, wotc content creator summit, wizards of the coast summit, dnd beyond, dnd vtt update, one dnd, dnd 5.5e, dnd 6e, dnd 2024 players handbook
Id: zzMb0QUulsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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