Athey Kids TV - September 11-12 2021

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[Music] oh i like what you're making that's a pretty sunset thank you i love using all the colors where the hell do dog and beverly and the youngins are here too oh hey quick draw hi kids daddy and i were just painting oh i see that you've been working hard look at these glorious masterpieces yeah we just saw colorful glass pictures at church and we wanted to make some pictures too oh yes i've seen a few of them stained glass windows myself they were put there to remind us that god is glorious although sometimes i don't think people remember that part they look at the beautiful art and they forget that god is glorious oh i want to remember that god is glorious this reminds me of a story in the bible when solomon built the temple for god jumping jellybeans i forgot all about that story why don't we watch [Music] when solomon was king he began to build the temple he used the plans set up by his father king david he hired 30 000 men to help him build the temple he commanded the huge stones to be chiseled out in a courtyard far away when they were done these giant stones were pushed and pulled to the temple giant trees were also cut down and hauled all the way over to the temple the temple was huge the inside ceiling was 180 feet long 90 feet wide and 50 feet tall the highest point on the temple was 20 stories tall or about 207 feet it was also beautiful and since all the carving and cutting had been done off-site you couldn't hear the sounds of building when the temple was being built everything was quiet after seven years the temple was completed then god spoke to solomon he said concerning this house which you are building if you will walk in my statutes obey my rules and keep all my commandments and walk in them then i will establish my word with you which i spoke to david your father and i will dwell with the children of israel and i will not forsake the people of israel when the priests brought the ark of the covenant into the holy of holies the glory of the lord came a thick cloud filled the house of the lord the cloud was so thick and powerful the priest couldn't even stand in its presence god had come to dwell in the temple the glory of the lord came what is god's glory the glory of the lord is the beauty and power of the lord that we can see have you ever been to an awesome place before like the grand canyon or crater lake or an amazing waterfall those places are different than ordinary places there's something glorious about those places there is beauty and awesomeness that you can see those amazing places reflect god's glory just like a mirror reflects your glory we can see god's glory all around us we don't make god glorious when we sing or we give god glory it's not like we're having to make up something about god we're not just giving him fake compliments god is glorious whether we believe he's glorious or not god is glorious regardless of us if we stop what we're doing and really pay attention we can see the glory of god everywhere and if we think about it we'll realize that god is completely worthy of all of our praise and glory no one goes to the grand canyon or crater lake or an awesome waterfall and says man i'm glorious that would be ridiculous it would be ridiculous because you're not glorious the grand canyon or crater lake or the amazing waterfall are glorious in the same way we give god glory because he is worthy we see god's glory in creation we can also see god's glory through redemption redemption god can take broken wretched sinners and make them look like himself that's glorious it's glorious not because of the sinner but because of the savior god saves sinners and when he does it shows his glory second corinthians 4 7 tells us but we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that the surpassing power belongs to god and not to us we're not glorious he is when we recognize that god is glorious we can be like david in first chronicles 16 24-25 he said declare his glory among the nations his marvelous works among the peoples for great is the lord and greatly to be praised and he is to be feared above all gods how can we glorify god we glorify him by loving him and keeping his commandments and laws give your life to him and glorify god today [Music] wow solomon built a beautiful temple for god did you hear all about that gold and stones they spared no expense all because god is so glorious this reminds me of a verse in first chronicles hold it right there if anyone's gonna find this verse it's gonna be me after all i'm the fastest bible slinger in the west let's have a contest between you and the kids grab your bibles kids we've got ourselves good old-fashioned bible draw all right when donny here says draw then we start flipping and no cheating now i'm looking at you mister the verse is first chronicles 16 24 through 25. on your marks get set whoa here we go oh fast finger [Music] here we go it says right here declare his glory among the nations his marvelous works among all the peoples for great is the lord and greatly to be praised and he is to be feared above all gods first chronicles 16 24-25 that verse talks about how great and marvelous god is god is glorious that's right quick drawing kids can you read it for us one more time kids say it with us declare his glory among the nations his marvelous works among all the peoples for great is the lord and greatly to be praised he is to be feared above all gods first chronicles 16 24 and 25. god is glorious there's no way around it he deserves our praise i understand that god is great but how do i remember that every day that's a good question beverly it's easy to forget how glorious he is oh grand idea just pop rob there in my noggin why don't we watch a bible quest that helps explain things yay i love bible quests alrighty prayer dogs it's up to you to remember these three reminders keep your legal eyes peeled for them on your quest number one we don't make god glorious number two god is glorious regardless of us and number three we give god glory because he's worthy have fun on the bible quest we'll see you soon okay [Music] greetings young life forms i'm captain john burke and welcome aboard the uss jazzercise where we travel through space and do space things but enough work today we're on vacation i've got a full vacation schedule first we're going to have a ping pong tournament then go swimming in the deep blue nebula then we will zoom across the galaxy to get the best ice cream then we will hike all the way up the tallest lunar mountain sounds like a busy schedule whoa whoa whoa hi logical bro i need some relaxation yeah let's have some peace and quiet cue the vacation music wow oh yeah oh that's that's nice totes hmm vacation times yep okay now i'm bored fritz where's the most exciting thing on your schedule oh it's probably a tie between space snorkeling and taking a tour of the stars tour of the stars that sounds interesting yeah tell us what is this tour of the stars bro it looks like you have a pamphlet can i see it bro sure oh comedy that was a good one fritz it says come take the tour of the stars to enjoy glorious sights your breath will be taken away but by the magnificent nebulas and the stars enjoy a peaceful excursion connecting with space and at the end you will receive a complimentary double decker scoop of ice cream oh you had me at ice cream yeah let's do it all right that's worth taking the tour of the stars let this vacation begin welcome young and old to the tour of the stores as you see we are our first stop the glorious mint nebula take a minute to soak up the beauty and remember no flash photography this is amazing see how the gas is swirling all around creating a smoke effect it can only mean that the temperature of the sun is i need to soak it in oh yeah that's beautiful you know all this beauty reminds me of how glorious god is excuse me this nebula is glorious only because of the amazing sponsors on this tour now because of god wait a second you voice you it was god who made this nebula glorious no actually god isn't glorious the tour of the star-sponsored foreign nebula for business highly illogical you can't make a nebula this nebula is cool because god is glorious and his glory shines through his creation it's not about sponsors remember we don't make god glorious the bible says i am the lord that is my name my glory i give to no other nor my praise to carved idols isaiah 42 8. god is glorious and anything glorious is from him our works or praise don't make god glorious it is simply who he is god is glorious we don't make god glorious well i don't think you're right but we'll keep going keep your hands and arms inside the ship at all times while we travel to our next destination captain this tour guide is making me a little nervous relax luna remember we're on vacation go up and down okay on your right you will see our second stop of the day the richly colored rainbow nebula science boy is about to explode with all this beautiful space that's nice anywho now as we travel to our next destination here is a message from our wonderful sponsor hello to you taurus who own the uss jazzercise wow this tour is so personalized five stars for service this tour is brought to you by the magnificent and glorious empress grimmie her passion to steal your ship and get glory for herself was the birthplace of tour of the stars this dream was blossomed and she's now given over five minutes of tours thank you for joining the tour of the stars wait a minute captain did i just hear every grammy's voice it's a trap empress grimy yes it's me i've tricked you all into joining our tour now just hand over the uss jazzer size and you can go enjoy the rest of your vacation grammy uh didn't we promise a confidential double decker scoop of ice cream at the end of the tour they can get ice cream elsewhere i i wanted some too but please can we finish our tour and then take the u.s exercise ah reebert you are really trying my patience i guess we can finish the tour but mark my words cadets i will get the uss jazzercise at the end after ice cream okay i thank you you most wickedness i love being a tour guide oh we will not give glory to god and he won't be glorious because of it i will give glory to myself and me you're wrong empress scribbleton god is glorious regardless of us even if we glorify ourselves god still is glorious because of who he is exactly look at this verse the heavens declare the glory of god and the sky above proclaims his handiwork psalm 19 1 that's exactly what's going on here these incredible gaseous nebuli are pointing to god's glory exactly logical god is glorious regardless of us yep his creation speaks of his glory even if we don't that's right space cadets god is glorious regardless of us his glory is in all of his creation it gives him praise no matter what we do [Music] well i won't give you glory to god i alone get glory that's why you should hand over your ship once i get the uss jazzercise nothing will be stopping me from taking the galaxy the the galaxy is a lot it might take years or even centuries to take over the galaxy do you dare doubt me rebirth we birth the tour guide now and no no i do not doubt you most glorious evilness we have no choice crew we need to escape this tour of the stars random scotsman we need more power [Music] random scotsman did you hear me dramatically yell at you we need more power oh sorry i was just so amazed by the glorious rainbow nebula oh i said the parents that the ship needs to be warmed up we won't have a power for like five minutes all i see of the spinning circle of thing if i can that thing i don't i don't even know well we'll just have to face empress grimford and sons then face me why don't you just join me all you have to do is tell me i'm glorious and give me the uss jazzercise and sign this contract we will never give you glory because you are not worthy of it we give god glory because he is worthy that's the third reminder i think there's a verse on that worthy of you our lord and god to receive glory honor and power for you created all things and by your will they existed and were created revelation 4 11. what exactly does worthy mean it means to deserve something to be worthy of glory means that someone is so good that they deserve glory we give god glory because he is worthy he alone is worthy because he created all things and because of him they exist we give god glory in response to how great he is but you and prescribing are the opposite of great we will never give you glory especially because you are trying to take glory away from god and give it to yourself all right they come the ship's good to go it appears that we can jump to hyperspeed all right empress grimbleton we've had enough of your tour of the stars hoax yeah and we'll find better ice cream elsewhere amen remember space cadets god is glorious indeed commander we don't make god glorious god is glorious regardless of us and we give god glory because he is worthy the uss jazzercise has completed yet another mission oh well once we get our ice cream and finish our vacation then yes live long and thrive cadets now let's go do more space stuff aye aye sir no no no i hate it when they fly out into hyper speed well on my side we have our first tour guide of the stars review the whole point of the tour was to get the uss jazzer's eyes yeah well we only got one star the tour tried to steal our ship and we didn't even get ice cream for this day like me on the tour guide riebert you're a henchman not a tour guide let's go think of some more evil or something sounds good [Music] youngins you back already that was faster than that clementine spoon on pineapple did you find all the reminders oh i did i learned all about how glorious god is all right prayer dogs see if you can say your reminders with beverly reminder one we don't make god glorious reminder too god is glorious regardless of us and reminder three we give god glory because he is worthy ha-ho correct mundo god is glorious and god can be glorious in our lives too because now god calls us his temple we are his temple yes listen to this verse or do you not know that your body is a temple of the holy spirit within you whom you have from god you are not your own for you were bought with a price so glorify god in your body first corinthians 6 19-20 that's right we are god's temple when we ask jesus into our lives he gives us the holy spirit and his glory can shine out of us wow the holy spirit inside of me yes we can have the holy spirit in our hearts when we turn from our sins and ask jesus to come into our hearts that's the best thing anyone can do we can let god's glory shine through us remember it's not about us getting the glory god is glorious regardless of us i've learned so much about how glorious god is i want his glory in my life too i do too well unions it's been fun learning with you but i've got to go find some people to do bible draws with bye quick draw and we'll see you later kids bye [Music] you
Channel: Athey Kids
Views: 251
Rating: 0 out of 5
Keywords: Brett Meador, Bible, Church, Teaching, Study, Christian, Jesus, Oregon, Through the Bible, Elementary School, Grade School, Kindergarten, Pre-School, Sunday School, Lesson, Story, Show, Puppet, Junior High, Athey Creek
Id: V2GR5uFInSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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