Iron Man After finding out Miles Morales was kidnapped and tortured

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probably all of us know that messing with superheroes is a bad idea so what happens when Tony Stark finds out that a villain once kidnapped Miles Morales subjected him to torture and nearly ended his life we are in New York City and we see Tony Stark eating sushi with Miles Morales so is there anything I can help out with you ever heard of a guy called the assessor miles recounts how he was abducted by this individual who subjected him to numerous tests to assess his powers he did what he describes being frozen shocked and even cut during these tests you know kid this guy does sound like someone I want to meet Tony instantly starts tracking him down and explains that he knows a thing or two about being kidnapped I know that feeling you're scalp bitching waiting for that bullet every day but I was a man an adult not a kid he manages to track down the location and without hesitation he prepares to confront him assessor a ess's guards start shooting at Tony but in his rage he swiftly blasts them away expressing his disappointment in them quit you're crying if Spider-Man knew the Punisher instead of me you'd have come off a lot worse he goes to the other room where he finds more guards with a machine gun but once again do you people not watch the news I am Iron Man but that's when Quantum shows up did he just teleport his fist into my helmet he grabs him and teleports him to the assessor the assessor addresses Tony as a subject which makes him even more mad and then proceeds to explain that he's going to put Tony's suit to a trial but Tony blasts through the wall only to find himself in an aerodynamics test [Music] room he manages to destroy the tunnel but that's when his suit gets put to even more challenges electricity water fire robots Tony's suit withstands them all just take a step closer and I'm going to destroy you after overcoming all the challenges Tony finally manages to reach him but Quantum once again attacks him teleport signature paired Tony manages to easily outsmart Quantum using quantum entanglement took a hell of a beating getting here assessor just to look you in the eyes that's when we find out that Assessor is only an AI model Tony explains that before all of this he deployed a couple of his electo units which destroyed most of Assessor's technology making assessor unable to broadcast himself out of this place go on try to broadcast your persona out and away from this body to safety you can't can you Tony slams him to the ground and explains that he's now his prisoner assessor starts yelling no but Tony simply raises his arm and downloads his consciousness [Music]
Channel: Comic Stories
Views: 569,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iron man, spider-man, marvel, DC
Id: KnRqXFoz9SU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 2sec (182 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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