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I always love you how I do let go of a prayer for [Music] hello everybody my name is Rami and today I'm gonna be showing you guys how to create a point cloud and manipulate it into a 3d program that you want to use such as Unreal Engine or cinema 4d or unity as you saw in the beginning I turned to my neighborhood and my backyard into a 3d space and manipulated it with dynamic lighting fog volume metrics different colors whatever you want to do with it this is also possible in video games if you can scan around the world through the theater mode like csgo or Call of Duty okay so the first thing you guys want to do is record a video of the area that you want to scan so ideally you want a 4k camera you want a wide-angle lens you just want to get as much information as possible and as much quality as possible into the video so whatever so I'm trying to scan my backyard here you want to slowly move around the backyard or the area and look around objects slowly and just make sure you cover the entire area you know you can be out here for 30 seconds so the video can be as long as you want you basically just want clear frames of the area just walking around like as if you were doing a 360 pan around every item that you want in I'm shooting with a high shutter speed that way when I move I get crisp images each time if you're at a low shutter speed you know it'll be blurry as you move this is on my front yard scan as you can see I'm 3/16 around not I don't I don't care to get the back shot of this brick here I just get this angle right here and I know that me doing this is gonna scan all all sides of this and I'll get enough detail for that as you see I'm going around every angle every side that I want to capture I'm pointing the camera at so as you can see I'm circling on these trees I'm getting all three sides of this brick I'm getting the right side of the car here I come back around I get more detail of the back of the car the side of the car in front of the car I circle around this just in case I wanted to use it for more detail you know the background my car this right here I went too fast you're definitely gonna want to get a more you want to back up before when I get shots like this this isn't gonna scan well right here but stuff where you can kind of like your evenly moving around an object it's gonna scan really well and that's pretty much what you want to do here's another shot I'm getting the rest of the neighborhood here this is a really easy way to get a lot of detail I'm scrubbing through fast but I'm walking slow and like I said I'm shooting in 60 frames so it's really crisp shots and I walk around this car I get all three sides of that exciting I don't want this side of the car getting the trees getting the houses it's pretty much gonna track the camera so as long as you get a smooth track circling around objects you should be pretty good okay so once you're done recording and you're happy with it drag it into your editing program I'm using After Effects so basically what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna ask some contrasts here because I shot and log you pretty much just want to make the footage crispy you don't want it to be blurry at all maybe add some sharpening if you want it'll it'll be better when it scans into a point cloud so I'm gonna add some color and I'll be right back okay so that's pretty good I didn't make it too contrasted I just like having a little bit of detail in the highlights and the shadows are not completely black but they're they're dark enough for the scanner to pretty much pick everything up and have it be different throughout the entire video also a quick note don't add too much color or lots or color crashing whatever you're gonna add just leave it pretty much how it would look like in real life it's just a little bit more contrast because you can add color in the 3d program so once you're happy with it go ahead and pre comp the layer I'm gonna change the composition settings of the pre comp and make the FPS - so this is a preference I like to FPS I think it's a sweet spot to have the the video just kind of like bounce around everything and it's gonna pick up most of the clear frames you don't want thousands of frames in this because that's just going to be too much if you're walking a decent speed kind of like have it how I have where I'm walking around a decent speed and it's kind of cutting in between but you're taking a picture just walking around it pretty much so I'm happy with two frames you can you can make it higher just remember the higher amount of frames you have the longer it's going to take when it scans okay so once you're happy with all that go ahead and added to the render queue you go to output module PNG sequence JPEG sequence if using other program just export as any image sequence you want and I'm rendering in 4k so each picture is going to be 4k and this is going to give you the highest result but if you can't do that 1440p is your next bet 1080p is gonna give you not as good quality scans as 4k would and it's actually pretty significant so I recommend taking the time if you're gonna do this to render in 4k or 1440p okay so everything's done rendering I have about 400 600 frames here which is not too much it's actually the amount you'd probably want for not to last too long and everything's 4k it's pretty crispy quality it's not too crazy my lens isn't too sharp the sharper the lens is for the quality like I said the better result so you're gonna want to download a program called add yourself and Medisave I had the standard edition right here it's gonna work just fine so go ahead and download that links in description okay so once you open up add yourself to go ahead and go to workflow add photos find your PNG sequence and highlight them all from beginning to end I'm going to import them okay so this is where you're gonna turn your photos into a point skin so this part really depends on how good your PC is this is these are my settings this is just giving you limits to how many points it creates in how detailed the actual skin is medium is pretty much the lowest you want to go usually defaulted it's like this you can go ahead you can do that um these are I forget what the defaults are for the key point limit in tile limit if you want to have a result similar to mine I would do numbers similar to what I have here I don't go to higher highest it's gonna take you and I'm not getting it's gonna take you days to to scan it like actual days so medium for me it's probably gonna take 15 minutes just to scan this and changing it to high were to actually change it to hours to days so leave it on medium if you really don't care to way to days but the difference is not going to be that substantial really it depends on your footage so I would do these settings or lower go ahead and click OK once you have your image is selected in your settings correct and it's just going to go ahead and detect all the points okay so you're probably needing the errors the images in align correctly just say okay and you're gonna you're gonna come up something like this and you're like what this this is not good this is like not dense at all it's not what you want so you have to do one more step and that's going to work flow and you're gonna click build dense cloud so I always leave this on medium like I said if you go too high it's going to take forever you know this should be default depth rotating mild cocky you definitely want to calculate point colors and if you want to go high you can it still it's gonna it's just going to increase the time way more than you need to everything medium looks pretty good so go ahead do this on medium lower if you can't if your computer can't handle it and just click OK it should take about 10-15 minutes okay so once it's done it's probably gonna tell you that everything didn't align correctly just click OK and you can ignore that um you're probably in there was nothing changed you're going to click up here to dense cloud so this is what its gonna look like more than likely in your 3d program when you import it you can adjust the points here if there's some stuff flying around that you don't want like over here if I don't want these points over here just go to the freeform selection or the rectangle selection go ahead and highlight them you can delete them and you can do this with anywhere you want if your computer can't handle it or you just don't want them in the final the final result okay so once you're happy with the result go ahead and go to file export expert points and you can save it wherever you want the file type I like to saving it as a she points it's readable by most programs if you're using a different program you might have to do something else but I'm gonna just for this sake this tortoise like I'm gonna do as you points okay and you're gonna want to make the source data dense cloud I don't remember at the defaults Bart's just make sure it's on dense cloud and it's a fun colors is checked and click OK okay so for this tutorial I'm gonna be using Unreal Engine you can download it on the epic games launcher I'm using a version 4.2 for one you can also use unity they have it there's a really good plugin that I'll link in description for unity I just don't know how to use unity and it requires you know code and compiling and all that stuff and I just haven't gotten into that but there's a very powerful program for point clouds in unity so if you if you are familiar with that I would recommend using that ok so the use point clouds in Unreal Engine you're gonna need the lidar point cloud plug-in I just I'll link you to this website you just click free download I click download here open epic games launcher and it'll bring you to the page right here and just click installed engine mine's already installed ok so once you've installed Unreal Engine in the lidar point cloud plug-in go ahead and launch Unreal Engine if it's your first time launching it's gonna take you a little bit so just be patient with that ok so once you're on the new project screen go ahead and click games next blank you definitely want to make it blank and click Next so ray-tracing needs to be disabled for this to work and you just leave everything else default I'm gonna go ahead and make this point cut and create project ok so when it opens it's gonna say new plugins available if it doesn't go to edit plugins and you're gonna see installed here and you're gonna see light up one plug-in so go ahead in and you're gonna need to enable that before you do anything and click restart now ok so once you're back in we can get started so I'm gonna go ahead and delete all of the elements here in the project and import your Ashi file so when you import it's going to recognize that you're importing a point cloud just go ahead and click import it's gonna take a second to import it alright so once it's done you can go ahead and drag it onto your window ok so the easiest way to move around in Unreal Engine is holding down right click and WASD you can move around up scrolling up and down increases and decreases your speed okay so you're probably notice that your point cloud is rotated incorrectly so you can go ahead and click it in your layers and change the rotation down here and your transform properties go ahead and try to make it as flat as you want if you don't want too flat that's that's your choice but I'm pretty happy with this result here so as you can see you are flying around your skin in a 3d space okay so the latter point cloud plugin gives you a few options to mess with your point cloud so if you click on in your layers and scroll down to performance and appearance you have your point budget this just it tells you right here determines the max amount of points visible on the screen so if it's a little laggy on your computer you can go ahead and turn this down but it will change how it looks you can also change the point size I actually making like making it just about where you can barely see through the points so this is a little too too small but right here right here is pretty much where I like it cuz when you get close it just looks a lot more detailed you can also change the color source it's usually on data this is basically taking the RGB data that it's scanned in your point cloud so this is pretty much what you want to have it as point shape there's square in circle circle it looks a little goofy to me but if that's the effect you're going to going for you can definitely do that okay so if you are already familiar with Unreal Engine you can probably take it from here and do whatever you want with this if you're not I'm gonna go and show you guys my workflow for making this into a video I'm gonna show you guys how I did my stranger things flip and yeah okay so at this point of the tutorial it's pretty much all preference there's probably different ways to do this I'm pretty new to Unreal Engine so if you have a better way of doing this you know go ahead and do that but this is how I'm gonna do it so if you want to follow along and you know make it your own way and in the future if you want to do different styles I mean this is just a good way to learn so this is how I'm gonna do it okay so first things first I'm going to add a post process volume it's just going to go ahead and surround the entire area of the point cloud I'm going to make the location zero zero zero and then scale everything up by 500 so that way it's just pretty much around the entire area that I'll work in and I don't have to worry about that I'm gonna go back into the point cloud scroll all the way down to the color adjustments and go to gain and I'm gonna turn the game all the way down so this kind of looks a little more realistic to how it did in real life the game that one looks a little too bright this kind of brings it's a little a blue color temp weak change out later but this looks a little more realistic to how did color wise in your life after I changed of the gain to a zero I'm gonna go back to the post process volume I'm gonna search an exposure I'm gonna check on min brightness and Max brightness and make both of them one I'm also going to search the GI and the indirect lighting intensity I'm gonna enable that this is pretty much just gonna make your your scene black or white not black or white but excuse can make the this is the best way to adjust your lighting levels after you did everything else previously enabling the gain to zero pretty much allows you to have dynamic lighting throughout the scene when you add lights there'll be shadows throughout the point clouds and this is you can adjust this is like your fill light so they I'm gonna leave this at 0.7 for now just so I can see everything I guess now I'll add some spotlights so an issue that I've found with I don't know if it's the plug-in or is the amount of the fact that there's 14 million points in this project but when you have a spotlight or actually any light and you make them show up it kind of splits it in a half so really quick before you have any problems with that you want to change your source what is it the source radius I think way higher so just make your source radius bigger than the cut there and that'll fix the problem so if you move your spotlight over to a point you can see that they're not creating any shadows so you want to go back to your point cloud scroll down to shadows and click cast shadows so now it's going to cast the shadows and it hardly looks really cool how it's you know manipulating the the world with the points and creating the shadows so I'm gonna go ahead and create the rear the rear lights like I did in the stranger things thing so I'm gonna go ahead and change the lights to red that's a decent rear light red and an easy way for me to encode the lights is to go ahead and pilot it this is really lazy way to do it I'm just gonna go ahead and put it there to rotate you just hit E then you can rotate everything in the back to W to the location okay so I like it right there it's already looking pretty realistic I'm gonna change the the outer cone angle probably just rotated it a little more like that that's looking a little better oh it's you can change the distance for that like I said guys I am NOT a professional Unreal Engine I actually started using this program three days ago from my first time so everything I learned it's very recent I'm sure like I said there I'm sure they're way better way better ways to do this and if you know those ways just use those instead but this is definitely a viable way to do this I'm gonna go ahead and duplicate this light and there we go right there so now we got some rear lights it looks pretty good obviously these aren't lit up my my solution for that was just create another spotlight and twist it around decrease the outer cone angle and just pointed on there so those kind of fill there is a way I believe with um I don't have it enabled but Niagara is a plugin add-on that's built into Unreal Engine there's a way to turn these point clouds points into particles and select them individually I have not gotten to that and I'm sure it's really intensive you can probably look into that to get more creative scans in here and you know adjust colors and sizes of certain points in here but I'm not gonna give in to that right now I'm just gonna show what I did for the swing of things flip okay so the next type of light that I like using is the point light these are kind of like these these work for like lamps and like area lights pretty much I'm just gonna put these over this lamp right here and again you're gonna have to up the source radius because for some reason they're glitched out in here and you know just add add some light you know changes to Kelvin if you wanted to make a more realistic like street lamps and stuff you know there you go and you can just control C and V these okay so before I add all the lights and finish up the scene I'm gonna show you guys really quickly how to make it the daylight scene instead of a night scene so go ahead and search a directional light and drag it onto your scene as you can see there's already a shadow as if there's sun shining up from above you can change the location the shadows with the rotation or the yeah the rotation here and you know X&Y is pretty much y&z here to make it seem like there's actual skin in a Sun in atmosphere look up is the atmospheric fog yes it's atmospheric fog and already you have an atmosphere but the big thing you want to do to see your son and make this the atmosphere more realistic go to your directional light search Atmos atmosphere and check the fog sunlight so now wherever your son is where is it your so whenever you change the rotation here it's actually going to change the Sun and the shadows are correlated with it so it's really realistic and you can know you can do anything you want with that so I'm gonna go back and I'm gonna go ahead and finish the lighting throughout the scene I'm gonna have the headlights and all and I'll get back with you when I'm done okay so I'm not gonna go too crazy with this you know I just I would the front lights the rear lights and these two lamps here of course I could have added way more in different places I could act like there was a garage lay right there or some lights coming from the windows and whatnot but I'm just gonna leave like this so I'm sure you guys really quickly had to add volume metrics to make this kind of like a dream state or a creepy night fog area so go ahead and look up height fog it's exponential height fog go ahead drag it on it looks already pretty good but there's no volume metrics so what you want to do let's go your exponential Haiphong scroll down to volumetric and go ahead and click check and from here you can just you know adjust your settings to how you like it the big thing is you want to change our your scattering distribution your view distance extinction scale and static light scattering intensity also you want to change your your fog dad's eating height fall-off I like the fog light fall-off to be about right there if you make it too low the volumetrics won't show up or if you make it too high we also want to show up so I'm leaving like a 1.7 change the fog density to like point zero four so your scattering distribution the higher it is the brighter the actual source of the lights are and it's also going to scatter them more so the higher the higher the number like if it's right here it's gonna scatter them specifically where the light is if it's all the way down it's going to pretty much be all over the place but I'm gonna leave it around point seven point eight so your synchronous scale is just gonna make it really foggy I like living around 2 butanol the way up because if you're far back they're not gonna disappear if you leave it down it's gonna look whoops if you leave it down it's gonna look really bad because it's just gonna come into view like like so so just leave it all the way up and then your scattering light intensity you know pretty much what it says don't make it too bright just it doesn't look good I mean if that's what you're going for go ahead but I'm gonna leave it about right in there so you still see your volume metrics there's a nice little glow around everything boy matrix there it's just it's really dream state like and it's just looks really nice so there's that so I'm not gonna add too much more I'm gonna add a little sky box here you know be peace sky sphere you can add this and then change the sun-hi all the way down and you have your stars I changed the skybox the other one should be a lot more clear with the stars this one was a little weird but yeah I mean you can already see you have a really cool looking scene here and it's literally what it looks like in real life other than the fact that I completely changed the environment you know it made it dark you made it night with fog and biometrics and everything else so now I'm going to show you guys how to make this into an actual video and with cameras fov camera movements and motion blur what not so we want to do is go to cinematics add level sequence name or whatever you want I'm sure name is main click Save and now you have a sequence ears so the first absolute first thing you want to do is create a new camera you can still move around this camera as you would originally in your viewer so the the fov is a little too much so I'm gonna go ahead and change the focal length a little wide I just like tied up with the Italian and also real quick I'm gonna increase the amount of frames in the sequence to like 1000 just so I have more room to work with alright this is a 30fps comp I'm gonna change it to 24 just cuz it's more film like obviously you can do whatever you want you can change the aspect ratio the the sensor size the actual aspect ratio I believe is in the okay yeah the actual aspect ratios in your when you finally go to render so I'm not gonna do that right now but I'm gonna leave that 16 by 9 right now and so it start keyframing your movements go to frame 1 and our frame 0 go to transform and so now wherever you are you know I'm let's say I'm gonna start I'm gonna start up here so I'm gonna start looking up in the sky and I'm going to transform so now you as you can see there's a keyframe created so I'm gonna just click play and kind of like think in my head when I want the next camera to stop so I'm just gonna play 1 - bah bah bah okay that's long enough come down E and Q raises your height I'm just gonna come down here and I'm just coming right here and then keyframe again so as you can see it's just gonna go boom and then I'm gonna go later on I want to just keep going up here maybe do that I love that get right in front of the lights or something like that so I'm actually gonna spread these out it's a little too fast to slow down a little bit I'm gonna spread them out equally so it's a nice little camera they're coming down and I already turned it into a Bezier so really smooth camera movements already and if you're familiar with graph for anything from After Effects or whatever you graph it and you can highlight then go to graph editor transform and you have all your stuff here you got your location your rotation scale rotation is really nice if you want to change where you were you're looking to the left and right you can change that if you want it over here and it actually it's a really easy way to you know smooth out your canvas but it was actually pretty good already so I'm not gonna change anything I actually like how it was so I'm just gonna literally leave my camera movement like that and call it done there so before you do anything else though I'm gonna go back to my post process volume and add some balloon I like I like bloom just not too much just a little a little bit and then next I'm gonna go to chromatic aberration I for some reason I really like unreal engines chromatic aberration built-in shouldn't make it on the edges it looks pretty nice so it kind of gives it that creepy vibe on the sides there I'm also going to turn on the shadows the gain on the shadows I think it's a little too gray I'm just gonna make a little more black like that that way I have a little more room to edit in after-effects for color grading so I'm pretty happy I'm pretty happy with this some quick things I want to note while you're making your scene if you accidently go out of it to get back in your camera mist go ahead and click on the lock connect camera actor from viewport and you come back into it and view it where it is and then to go back out of it you can do that so okay so one more thing I'm gonna do is go back to the camera here and what I did for all the other shots that I started off with the really zoomed in focal length and then when I just pans down it comes out so I'm just gonna keep her in that just like that so now I just starts zoomed and comes down to reveal everything with a waterfall going so yeah just like that I'm pretty happy with how this looks one quick thing is you want to set your frame out so I'll just you know cut it off right there at 3:12 just so doesn't render more than you need to another thing I forgot to tell you guys make sure your camera cuts are if it's one fluid camera movement make sure it's all the way to the end that way it doesn't stop mid render if they if it stops halfway through its gonna stop the it's gonna cut out of your camera view so make sure that's all the way in surrender you're gonna go to render this movie to video or image frame sequence I'm gonna do an avi and I'm not going to compress it the file is going to be huge just letting you guys know it is going to be huge so be careful or just know that you're gonna it's gonna write like 30 gigabytes 40 gigabytes if you don't compress it if you compress it it's gonna be a lot smaller I'm also writing in 4k so you can also render in custom render passes like scene depth if you want depth map I'm not gonna add any dolphin here right now but because it's such a wide focal length so I'm just gonna go ahead and render it as an avi just like that and click capture movie okay now that it's finished this is what it looks like as you can see the comp being set to 24 frames it automatically recognized that so that the shutter speed it has really clean smooth motion blur throughout the entire movement here I'm gonna go ahead and import this to after-effects and add some color grading and final touches since this is already 4k 24 I can just drag it down to my comp and I'm gonna add some color grading okay this is pretty close to what I had in my stranger things edit just comes down like that it's got some blue in the shadows highlights are a little d saturated it looks very you know eerie like I'm gonna add some audio that I made of course you can add you know sound effects to make him more atmospheric I actually have some crickets already downloaded I can just add drag in here all right so I hope you guys enjoyed the tutorial again my apologies this is my first tutorial ever and I probably talked away too fast throughout this entire thing but hopefully I hope to you guys out and you know you can apply this to anywhere you want if you were just recording out in your backyard or if you want to record this in a video game like Call of Duty or csgo if you apply the same concepts and the same method you can get the similar result and do whatever you want with it so yeah guys thanks for watching and I'll see you guys later
Channel: T3C™
Views: 92,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: t3c, editing community, editing, edit, tutorial, csgo, cod, bf, mw, free, skill, best, legendaries, main, united, community, point cloud, IRL THEATER MODE, irl, theater, how to, photogrammetry, photo scan, photoscan, cloud, ue, c4d, 3dmax, 3d
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 15sec (1635 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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