Building Effects with Niagara and Blueprint | GDC 2019 | Unreal Engine

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>> Hello, everybody. My name is Chris Murphy, and I am an Unreal Engine evangelist. I handle Australia, New Zealand, and southeast Asia, and my job is supporting developers across the region. So, I head between different areas, and help wherever I can. For this presentation, we are going to be focusing on high-end effects using Niagara. Niagara is Unreal Engine's new real-time visual effects system that we have been working on for quite a while. It is currently available in Early Access, and if you want to use it, you actually can do it, even though it is not officially released. You can go to your plugins menu and literally just type in Niagara-- Niagara, and enable it, okay? Now, for today's session, I want to stress something ahead of time, okay? And this is really, really important. My aim for today is for you to understand what is possible, why the tools are set up in a certain way, and how to start going about it. But I am not going to be doing a very slow, step by step, 'Here is what you need to do' kind of thing, because for me, it is much better that you understand what you can achieve from GDC rather than just an intro tutorial that you could probably look up on YouTube at some point, okay? So, if I seem like I am going at a million miles an hour, it is a combination of me being both over-caffeinated and me wanting to kind of get to the good stuff, all right? Now, for today's session, we are going to be going ahead and we are going to be creating a Niagara system. And my idea here is we are going to get some particles spawning in a cylinder around this, and eventually, they are going to ... a little drone outside. This guy. So, he is flying around, and I want to project a map from him in particles in the world. So, this is going to become a sick-looking holographic map. Now, to go about doing that, I am going to need to do a few things. I am going to begin by right-clicking and going to FX, and this is honestly ... So, this is one of those areas where people first make their mistakes. When they first load up Niagara, -- sorry, when they first load up their FX menu in the Content Browser, they see all of these things when it comes to Niagara, all right? And this is very confusing if you are first coming into it, and believe me, I totally understand why. A lot of people here are coming from a Cascade background, where you are used to everything being contained in one little thing, everything was Cascade. Niagara intentionally separates these out into different things, so it is much easier to extend, much easier to add new stuff, and much easier to share resources between different kinds of systems. Now, the things that we are going to focus on initially are the bottom one, Niagara system, and Niagara emitter. So, essentially, a Niagara system refers to something that is being added into the world and creating particles, okay? Now, a Niagara system contains Niagara emitters. And what I mean by that is, imagine you had an emitter for sparks, okay, and an emitter for smoke, and an emitter for, like, the boom bit of an explosion. There is a better phrase for that. A Niagara system would hold all three of those emitters to create the explosion, okay? Now, this would be really useful, because it means if I go to create another explosion, I can take the smoke that I have already got, I can place it in there as fundamental smoke for what it looks like in my game, and I can tweak those values for this specific effect. But it means I end up with consistency across the board in all of the things that I am doing. So, I am going to create a new Niagara emitter, and I am going to base it on a fountain. Now, I am going to call this 'circular spawner', because as I said, we want to create something that spawns particles around here. It is worth noting that I do not need to do this as a separate emitter. I could use the fountain from the get-go, but for the sake of demonstration, this is just going to be a little bit easier. So, this is Niagara, as its initial-- oh, hang on, there we go. So, this is Niagara. You can see here that we have got the viewport on the right hand side. We have modules. And down the bottom we have a timeline. So, essentially how this works is, over on the right-hand side, you will see that we have emitter update, particle spawn, particle update. If I scroll up, we also have emitter spawn. Basically, every single one of these blocks is called a module, and that is a series of instructions that is getting run at that point in the system. So, the very top, emitter spawn means when the emitter is first created, do this stuff. And then every single time the emitter is updated, tick by tick by tick by tick, those are the instructions that are being run as well. When the particle is first created, these are the per-particle instructions that are getting processed, and then every single time every particle is being updated, these are the specific things that are being updated for those. Now, what I want to focus on here is you can see that when the particle is spawned, it is given a velocity, which is that initial burst, and down the bottom, you can see that we have gravity force, drag force, and Solve Forces and Velocity. And this is called a post dependency, because if I get any node here, if I was to look at gravity, this is what the gravity node is doing under the hood. And this is the first thing to note when it comes to Niagara, and that is that every single module that you are adding is something that you can just roll your own Niagara modules and extend as you see fit. But here is the cooler part. So, you know how this is calculating force, and every one of those modules was calculating force over time and working it out, what this node actually does is it says, look for the variable called physics force. and if that does not exist, set it to 0,0,0. And this is the first little cool thing, because everything works in name space. Everything can be arbitrarily created. If I wanted to start adding some modules that just used a variable called heat, there is nothing to stop me from doing that, and then having a bunch of other modules that are looking for the heat value to do something else. I can also feed in that heat value as an instruction for other things again, which I think is pretty exciting. Now, if I look at the gravity force here, it has actually got itself a post dependency. See this required dependencies? This goes ahead and says, I need something that solves forces and velocity. And down the bottom, you can see that we have actually got that. Because basically, this node says, look, I am adding force, but eventually I need some sort of node that says, can you do me a favor and add the forces to the object's position itself? You know, work out that velocity change. So, having predependencies and post dependencies is a pretty cool thing. And you can make up your own chains to say, look, this is an important part, but it is kind of this much bigger system that I expect this kind of emitter to have. Now, after saying all of that, I am actually going to go ahead, and I am going to strip out everything to do with force and velocity, okay? And you can see that we are left with just a ball of particles. Now, I want to also get rid of this sphere location, which is currently just spawning them in the very tight sphere, and instead, I want to add a cylinder location to my particle spawn. Now, it is a little hard to see what is going on right now, so I am just going to crank this number up. You can see here that the particles are spawning inside of a cylinder that we created, okay? Now, remember that what I want to eventually create is something that is going to fit in a ring around this mesh in the world, okay? Now, to do that, what I need to do is make sure that the measurements that we have here are something that works. Now, I can go up to my viewport, and a nice little trick that you can do that most people are unaware of is, if I was to look at the orthographic viewport and hold down the middle mouse as a button, this actually becomes a ruler. And I can see that this is roughly 570 centimeters in radius, okay? A lot of people are just unaware that that is a thing, and that is fair enough. It is a little hidden. So, I have gone ahead, I have seen where that is, I see that it is 470, so I am just going to read that in as my default value. I could override this later, but I am just doing it. I am also going to go ahead and shrink this cylinder down. Now, I do not want these particles spawning across the tops and bottoms. I only want them spawning around the outsides. So, if I enable surface only, this will now only spawn them on the surfaces of the system. And if I disable end caps, we are now left with something that is doing this, okay? So, see how it is spawning all of those particles in a nice ring? I am going to hit save at this point, and I am actually going to go ahead and work on it from this point as a Niagara system that I am going to call 'holographic map system'. Okay? Now, if I was to drop this into the world, I would want to set its position to the same as this. So, I am just going to right-click, copy, go to you, paste. Okay? Now, if I open up the holographic system, we can see that it is working. So, the first issue I have got is those particles are pretty big, but that is okay for the time being for what we are doing. Now, what I want to do is eventually project a texture. I want to have these particles all representing a point in a texture, okay? I want them to all take that data. Now, to do that, I want you to imagine that I have got a texture, okay? The coordinate of this point in the texture is 0,0. And the coordinate in this point of the texture is 1,1, okay? So, X and Y are from 0 to 1. Everyone is with me? Now, I want every particle to have a value. So, what I am going to do is, I am going to assign every particle on spawn a random value between 0 and 1 on the X axis, and a random value between 0 and 1 on the Y axis. And to do that, all I need to do is go to particle spawn and say, hey, I want to have a new Vector 2D, and it is going to be called particles.uv. And I want that to be set to a random value between 0 and 1. Now, we cannot see that doing anything yet, because at the moment, this is literally just an arbitrary value that is being stored. Now, one cool thing you can do is if you go to your attribute spreadsheet and hit capture, this actually gives you a listing of every single particle that currently exists, and every single value that all of them are storing. And if I were to scroll across, I would see that the UVX and UVY values are actually being held right there, which is fantastic. Now, with that in mind, my next thing to do-- excuse me, my next thing to do is to go ahead and just view them in the world, just so I can see what is going on. And a nice way for me to do that is if I wanted to, I can actually go ahead and I can set the position in the spawn directly. So, if I was to set the position, I actually can override this with anything I want. But one really nice little thing here is if you use HLSL, if you do not want to roll a full-on node graph to do something very small, or, like, a dynamic input script for something small, you can always just literally type straight HLSL into this and say, I want this to be a three-dimensional position between particles.uv with 0 on the Z axis, multiplied by 400, and I can then assign all of those values to their position in space. For anyone that is wondering what just happened, what happened was, if they have all got a value between 0 and 1, if I multiply that value against 400, they now all have a value between 0 and 400. And if I set that value between 0 and 400 to be their position in space, we end up mapping them into a nice little square. So, that is the first thing that I want to do. And the next thing that I am going to do is I am going to go ahead, and I am going to go into my particle update, and I am going to sample a texture, okay? Now, sample texture requires two things. It needs to know the image that is being assigned, and it needs to know the UVs of that position in space. So, to do this, I am literally just going to go, UV is the variable that we just created. Particles.uv. And the texture is going to be the-- it is going to be the texture of whatever we want to have there. So, if I were to type in demo, demo logo would do. Now we're not going to see a result immediately for two reasons. One is for anything to handle texture data, we need to go ahead, and we need to say to it, you are being processed on the GPU. So, I am going to scroll up to the top, and I am going to say, you are no longer on the CPU, you are on the GPU, okay? Just select that. Now, the next thing that I need to do is I am going to scroll down, I will just keep you running. The next thing I am going to do is I need to scroll down and I need to actually set this to be the color. This is one of the mistakes that a lot of people have when they are coming from Cascade into Niagara. What they often do is they assume that if they drop a module, it will just do something related to what it was, because that is how Cascade had to work. Sample textures should just be setting the color, right? No. Because we could use that data for all sorts of things, and we do not necessarily want it to override color. Instead, if I open up sample texture, you can see that what it is doing is it is setting the value of sampled color and sampler UV. So, it is actually getting that information and storing it inside the module so that anything else can go ahead and interact with that. The reason that is really useful is that if I get this, and I look at my system, if I move this above the color setting, there is nothing to stop me on the color from overriding that with the one that we just brought in, right? So, if I said access sample color, this will now sample them according to the texture that we are looking at. It is going to bring the R, G, and B in. All right, that is kind of cool, but let us do something better. First off, if I bring in any colored texture as well, you can see that it is going to bring in all of that color data, too, right? Okay, that is kind of interesting. But, remember that drone that I showed you earlier? So, that drone that I showed you earlier, this guy, actually has a render target stuck to the bottom of him. And what that means is that if I look at this, that is an image that is constantly being created by the drone as it flies around. Come on, buddy. Start moving! There we go. So, you can see here that that has actually got a drone flying around, capturing that render target, okay? So now, let us get A and B and, like, put them together, all right? So, let us look at this Niagara system that we have got, and say, hey, what if the texture here was actually the camera texture, okay? There, do you see that there? I am going to enable real-time, so it is a little bit easier to see. So, it is a little hard to see, but see the yellow dots that are starting to appear? The blue dot here? As the drone is moving, it is actually updating the texture according to the information that we are seeing, okay? Now, this is going to be more visible if I were to go ahead and shrink these particles down. But for the time being, I just want you to understand it. Because here is what we have got now. We now have particles representing a texture, okay? And RGB of this texture are the color data. But, here is the cool thing. Alpha channel, the alpha channel represents the depth. So, the alpha channel actually represents the distance that every pixel is away from the camera. Here is why that is cool. If I know the size of the-- if I know the kind of lens we are using, there is nothing that stops me from re-projecting that color back into world space by saying, you are at this angle, therefore, you are this far away, therefore, your particle is at this location. Everyone with me still? So, that is really cool, because if I go ahead and do that by going particle update, I want you to now re-project the camera. First thing it wants to know is the depth value, okay? Now, the depth value is going to be how far away the pixel is. And we know this already, because we know that there is a value that is being stored in the linear color. We know that it is in the alpha channel. So, I can say, pull the alpha channel from this arbitrary thing that we created, okay? The next thing it wants to know is the FOV, which is default to 45, and it also wants to know the position in UV space, which is again, simple enough, just the UV data that we created. Now, the final thing that it wants to know, and you can see, it starting to take effect in the distance there, is which direction to project it in. It does not know which way the camera is facing. So, all I need to do is tell it to project downwards, okay? And to project downwards, I literally set this to -1, 1. Oh, and I forgot to zero this out. Now, it might be a little tricky to see, so I am just going to crank up the size for the time being. I am going to turn this up to, say, 20. Now, see down the bottom there? What we are starting to see, here, I am going to make you way bigger. There we go. What we are actually seeing down here is the world is getting recreated in particles that are equal to their position in space, okay? Now, that is a really kind of a weird way to show it, but we are going to make it cooler in a second. I just want to start here. So, the next thing that I need to do is this. I have got particles that are way down below where my emitter is. Now, the reason for that is this, is when I re-project the camera, what I am actually doing is, I am putting the particles all the way down to how far away the surface was from the camera itself. So, I need to move it upwards. So, I need to offset that position by a certain value. Once I have got it around the emitter, I need to scale it inwards by the size of the lens, and then scale it outwards to the actual size that I want it to be, okay? Now, I could do this in a number of different ways. If I wanted, I could just be crafty with HLSL, but let us say I wanted to use a node graph. All I would need to do is right-click, go to FX, and create a new Niagara module that was called 'adjust camera projection', okay? And this is where I can just start to roll my own additional solutions to this stuff. First thing I need to know is some sort of vector that is storing the position of the particle. The next thing I need to know is another vector that stores the offset direction. The next thing I need to know is the distance away that that currently is, which is going to be called 'offset distance'. Finally, I am going to need to know the angle of the lens, and the size that we want this to end up as, okay? Now, again, this is the most boring section of this presentation, but just give me a second and we will get there. So, we have got all of these things. Now, if I want to offset its position, all I need to do is multiply the direction that we want it offset in against the distance, okay? And I am going to put in some default values here, just so that they are seeded by default, and the direction is going to be, it is currently offset downwards. Okay, now, if I was to plug this in, there is nothing that would stop me from just getting this, putting it into there, and putting it into there, okay? So, if I did this and just quickly applied it, I am just going to add this to the particle update at the end, okay? I am going to add set position-- oh, no, I want to add camera projection. So, adjust camera projection. And if I move this, we are now going to see that this is moved up, but it currently does not know the camera's position. And the reason for that is I need to set the default values for here as 45, and the current position is just going to be down to the variable that we have from that camera projection. And when we do that, we can now see that it is creating it around the origin of the system. And because of that, I can actually shrink these down to be a little bit more visible. And if I wanted to, I could crank up this spawn rate as well to get something pretty cool. Going to hit save. Now, if I look at that in the world, let us go back to this a minute, and I hit play ... Ooh. One moment. Have I missed a variable? Sorry, one second. 45, opposite direction, -1, 7,000 scale is irrelevant right now, position is camera projection. Okay, I will work this out in just a moment. I am going to move you outwards so we can see you. Okay, that is working. The particles are just too small to see. Good job, Chris, you scaled them down too much. So, I am going to set these to 5 for the minute, just so we can see them. There we go, maybe 20. Okay, we are getting something a little more interesting. But see how I can actually see the environment? And as I run that drone so that it is driving around, I can see the actual system changing to compensate for the surfaces of that environment. Next thing I need to do is scale it down into itself, and then scale it out again. And that is actually as simple as getting this position and saying to it, I want to transform this position into local space, so that you crush in on yourself. So, we are going to get that, and I am going to transform position. And I am going to say you go from world to local. Okay? I am then going to divide this by a size. Because if it is 5,000 units across, and I divide it by 5,000, it is now a value between 0 and 1. So, I am going to divide you by a size, and the size I am dividing it by is actually rather simple. At the moment, the distance is the ground to the lens, okay? Which means that the distance from here to outwards, from the lens angle, is equal to the tangent of this angle multiplied by the distance, all right? I know I am busting out the high school math, but let us just roll with it. So, I am going to get the tangent of this. Oops, sorry, tangent in degrees. Multiplied by this distance, is what we are dividing it by. And then we are multiplying it by the scale of this to make it as big as this scale. Because if we bring it down to a value that is between 0 and 1, and then I multiply it to a value that is say, between, like-- if I multiply it by a value of 600, it is now going to be a value between 0 and 600, okay? So just punching that in. Excellent, and now we need to do one last thing, which is convert it back from local space into world space. Plug you in. And in theory, in theory, Alright, just a second. I am going to load this up, I am going to scroll down. Now, the scale is currently, not default, there we go. So, I am going to delete this and just look at the one inside. This is now what we are looking at. It is super bright. Give me a second. Let us go ahead and fix that up, okay? Now, there we go. So, we can now see that we are actually starting to create a pretty interesting interior holographic map. You are not allowed to grin yet. We can make this look way cooler, guys. Come on, bear with me. So, we have got this spawning as particles that are just doing their thing, all right? And that is kind of interesting. But remember the first thing we did when we created that cylindrical spawner? What about we go ahead and do that? What about if I go here and I say, be gone with you, HLSL that we created. Instead, I want this cylindrical location, and instead of saving this off to particles.position, what if I turned this into something called particles.projectedposition, okay? Now, if it is a projected position, this means it has just automatically gone off and created a new variable to store that that we can access. Now, the reason I might want to do that is actually rather simple. If we stored the projected position instead, and I disable the intrinsic calculation over here, we can see that the particles are now spawning as a cylinder, right? But see how some of them have little red dots and blue dots in them? That is because they know where they are going to go. I have just set their position differently, okay? Now, here is the fun part. If I go to my update loop, and I say, I am going to set the position of the particle, but I want to set it that over time, it is smoothly-- whoops, sorry, wrong one. There we go. It smoothly lerps over time from itself to its target value, which is the value that we just made up, what we are left with is this. Now, that might be a little bit weird, but what these are doing is, those particles are trying to make a map, but they are not fast enough to do it. They are dying before they get there. But I could just crank up my convergence rate. And now the particles are whisking away from where they start into their final position, all right? But we can do cooler than this. Because why do we not get this convergence rate and change it over time? Why do we not say convergence rate, you are set to a curve? And when you are first initialized, I want you to actually have a value, -- convergence rate of near zero, all right? That means that as the particles create, see, they are now chilling out for just a second before whisking away? That is because when they first start, they are not allowed to converge, and then they are. And what we end up doing is creating something that, over time, if I add this and I can change their convergence rate as I see fit, and I can scale the convergence rate max and mins, say to 10, here is the fun thing. Those particles are now going to dynamically move up and down. So, when the texture moves, they go, whoop, I better move downwards, whoop, I better move upwards. So, see, you get that really cool, like, flow between the particles as they move up and down. And the other fun part here is that if I were to throw it into slow-mo, if I were to throw this into slow-mo, you can physically see each and every particle -- let us follow this yellow guy over to exactly where it needs to be in the map. And then of course, depending on how much you want to tweak this over time, you know, we can do that without too much drama. I can change this, for instance. You know the color value that we set before? Nothing stops me from getting this color value and saying, hey, you know what? When you start, you are actually going to be green. And then I slowly want you to convert from green into the actual color that you are becoming, you know? Or, if I wanted, I could create a dual ring effect by saying hey, this curve that we created, what if we stop converging you at some point, so we do like a real close secondary ring, and then you crank up again? So, if I got this, we kind of did a little bit of a hop before eventually getting up there, those particles are now going to whisk out, slow down, and then whisk out again. I am just going to bring that in a little closer, and bring you a little lower. So, we should create a secondary ring in the process. And again, this whole thing is acting live based on a camera from this guy out here. Now, here is what I am going to leave you with, as we are kind of running out of time. What I am going to leave you with is this. Look, Niagara is a pretty cool system, and obviously you can do some stuff that you could not due in Cascade, but I really want you to consider what that actually means, okay? I am going to turn up the particle count so we have something cooler. What that actually means is this. I am not excited for the explosions that you will make in Niagara. I am not even excited for the beams or anything else, because you could make them in Cascade and you could do pretty well. What I am excited about is this. In any other particle system that we have ever had, or any other engines really had on this front, typically when an artist hit a roadblock in what they were trying to create, they would either have to get a programmer, or give up and do something different. And what I love about this is, any time you want to reach under the hood and change it, and warp it, and add to your, you know, extend it to whatever you want it to do, and add any sub-systems that you want them to have, you can do it now. It is not actually a limitation. And what I am excited about is, all of the stuff that people are going to do that we have just never seen in games before. Because this took 25 minutes while explaining what I was doing, you know? And normally, this would be an effect that you would fake with a 3D mesh and some transparency. And you would be like, I guess that is good enough. But when you actually have these things, there is nothing to stop me from spawning these particles from a character's skin, and literally turning the skin into a map, and then back into a character again. That is actually only a couple of nodes. So, I am super excited about where people can take this all, and I hope you enjoy the rest of GDC. Thank you very much for coming to this presentation. Stick around. We have got learning theater stuff all day.
Channel: Unreal Engine
Views: 134,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Game Development, Unreal Engine, UE4, Epic Games, Game Engine, Unreal, Game Dev, GDC
Id: etSfYfIIoSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 21sec (1761 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2019
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