iRacing 2023 Beginners GUIDE - Don't Make These Rookie Mistakes!

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so you want to get into eye racing in 2023  congratulations there's never been a bit of   time to get into eye racing it is for me the most  complete simulator on PC and it's better than ever   but it doesn't make it easy to work out where to  start does it maybe you want to end up somewhere   like this is like a 50 car Grid at Daytona in  Formula three cars maybe you want to be doing   the Daytona 24 hours but where do you start as  a beginner in eye racing how do you get up the   ranks how do you increase your licenses where  do you have the most fundraising in this video   I'm gonna let you know my recommended route into  wire racing in 2023 and hopefully hopefully you're   going to find this very very helpful let me know  in the comments if you do right let's get into   it because when you're downloading this online  racing you're only going to be able to do these   two series that's it at the beginning in terms  of road racing you've got the MX-5 championship   and you got the formula V Champion now in my  opinion these two series lead up to the Pinnacles   of Motorsport in two different areas on the right  formula V that lead it's up to F1 so an eye racing   to do the Mercedes W13 championships and the MX-5  that leads up to GT 10 top racing and ultimately   the Le Mans hyper cars so that's what you got in  these two championships now if yours if your thing   doesn't look at this at the beginning all you want  to do is make sure you tip rookie because if your   screen looks like this you're going to have a load  of events that you can't even do yet I'm going to   show you in this video how you get these events  but we're going to start here with the rookie   ones which wants you to do now my recommendation  is start with the MX-5 and I'm going to show you   right now right here we go everyone welcome to  Mazda MX-5 rookie racing in eye racing this is   my recommended pathway into IR Racing I recommend  you do this to begin with why I'm gonna let you   know the master is such a fun car to drive I still  drive this car at the highest levels now racing I   drive it in the advanced smash Championship I  drove it in Jimmy broadbents 23 hours as well   which is a lot of fun but it's also a very very  very technical car to drive it's actually quite   a difficult car to extract all the pace from and  if you can Mazda if you can Master the Mazda then   you can pretty much Drive anything in IR Racing  now the first rule is it gonna sound controversial   the first rule of Mazda MX-5 Ricky racing is get  the hell out of Mazda MX-5 rookie racing because   the racing in these championships is utter  utter Carnage you've got to remember you're   with a car that's very difficult to drive very  technical and basically there's going to be a   lot of Carnage and you can have more fun with the  master in different championships so I know that   sounds counterintuitive I just said said this is  my you know preferred pathway into eye racing but   it is just that a pathway so how do you get out  of Mazda MX-5 rookie racing right well there's   two ranking systems now racing you've got your  eye rating which is basically how fast you are   as a driver and you also have your safety rating  which is basically how safe you are as a driver   now if you saw that when it went wide a little  bit earlier I got instant point it popped up at   the top so you've got one instant Point those  instant points determine your safety rating   and the way iRacing works out is it sort of knows  what the average incident points for a lap is so   maybe on a lap you should be getting 0.3 instant  points or something and if you get more instant   points than that average your safety rating will  go down and that's all we care about in eye racing   definitely at the beginning but also generally I  would say all the way through because your safety   rating is what determines your license and if you  have the license you can go and race faster cars   online not just faster cars but also racing sort  of championships against day for drivers which   is what we want to do and the Mazda ms5 Rook as  you can see I'm having a great battle here with   my friend Nils it's not really my friend I've  never met him before but I'm great about here   that's a great thing about eye racing but you  can imagine this in an actual race with about   30 of these cars oh my word and we're having  all sorts of problems they see that I've Got   a Car contact zero x i erasing determine that  contact as not consequential enough to give   an incident point now normally not erasing if  there is contact between cars both cars will   get an instant point it's not like other games  like Gran Turismo where the penalt system will   try and determine who's to get a penalty so we  want to get out of rookie racing and we want to   get into the next classes what happens if you do  that what happens if you do enough of these races   and you basically don't pick up the penalty points  and you progress into the next class what can you   do as a d licensed driver well I'm going to show  you right now so we're back to the menu here and   we were a rookie driver I just wanted to show  you look how many splits there are of Mazda   MX-5 rookie races here and then when you compare  that to the formula V the formula V just is not as   well populated which is part of the reason why I  recommend doing the master Championship now if we   get enough safety rating I'll show you here how it  works this is my license you can see my eye rating   here this is my driver rating and you can see  my safety rating here now if you get your safety   rating to 3.0 or above at the end of that season  you will get promoted to the next license or if   you get it to 4.0 you get promoted immediately  so I recommend at the beginning of eye racing   getting your safety rating up to 4.0 and you are  going to get promoted to d-class and you are now   going to have access to all of these championships  now there's a recommended pathway here for me but   now you can start having a lot more fun now my  my recommended pathway here is this a Ferrari   GT3 challenge GT3 rating in eye racing is really  one of the temples for me it's where you can have   so much fun not just in Sprint racing but also in  endurance racing as well and this is an absolutely   fantastic pathway through now you can do other  stuff as well you can do the 283 GR8 86 racing   this is at the same track we were just at in the  master this is also a free car you can see this is   very very popular so I'm going to show you that as  well but my recommended part 3 is a Ferrari G3 fix   this week you can see it's at Laguna Seca that's  another free track in our racing or included in   your subscription and I'm going to show you what  this is all about so here we go Ferrari fix racing   just one progression on the license and we're  now able to race in actual GT3 cars this guy's   pulling over not sure why let's crack on my guy  let's crack on and um oh now Ferrari GT3 racing   also has a reputation of being a little bit crazy  and that again is because we're still in the D   licenses here and we still got drivers who have  just progressed out of rookies but this is the   pathway and here we're driving an attitude through  this car now why do I recommend this well firstly   the Ferrari is pretty much my favorite GT3 car  in the game it handles absolutely superbly again   this is my preferred car for me when I'm racing  at the top of the game and it's a great car to   learn in because again it's all about dabbing  the brake getting in the car to rotate inducing   that rotation Trail braking being gentle with the  throttle on the exit oh I've stood the car here   and again we're going to get some of those instant  points and this is a fixed Championship as well   got to be careful about the rejoins this is  a fixed Championship what that means is no   messing around with setups there's a whole other  side to wire racing with setups that we're going   to get into in this video but you do not have  to worry about that in this video in this uh   Championship because the GT3 fixed Championship  is a fixed setup Championship so you don't have   to worry about people having a better setup that's  absolutely great and again it goes on some of the   free tracks we're on free track today so all you  need to do is buy the Ferrari GT3 car if you can   prove yourself in this Championship that you are  a clean racer then you will progress and you will   race with with other clean drivers this is still  sort of like a sorting championship for me but the   fixed setup aspect is absolutely huge don't need  to worry about setups at all you can just log on   and race I'm struggling with this corner here  right so this is a Ferrari F this is a Ferrari   G3 fixed Championship my recommended pathway  having a lot of fun here in the gravel even the   windscreen wiper is going mental even though  there's no rain in racing just yet now what   can you do once you progress from the Ferrari  G36 this is where it gets really really really   really really interesting let me show you so  we've managed to progress in the Ferrari GT3   fix it was very difficult but it was worth it  and we're now Class C what are we going to get   in class C all of this stuff this for me is now  you're in iRacing to be honest you don't really   need to get past Class C to have a lot of fun in  eye racing why because you get this this is the   endurance racing in in I say branches in iRacing  this is for me where you have the most fun on the   weekends you can see here it's a Saturday today  seven o'clock today there is going to be a three   hour endurance race people are going to enter  with teams you can enter in all of these GT3   cars this for me is probably the best weekly  experience live racing you can get so I really   really really recommend that you do that that's  a spa this week now these circus often are at   Big Boy circuits that you have to pay for and by  the way if you're looking to get into wire racing   I do have a affiliate code which will be in the  description I think that gives you some discounts   and it definitely gives me some high racing credit  so if you do sign up please do use it and let me   know if you use it so I can thank you but you  can see here these are the circuits that is going   around this season what an absolute collection of  circus Monza Brands hat Spa Silverstone Daytona   you go into a lot uh that's something to log up  yeah into Lagos Bathurst and then finishing at   Le Mans what an absolutely amazingly circus here  I've done Seasons where I've done every single   race here racing on the Saturday or Sunday so I  really recommend that you get into that you can   also now start to get into some more of the faster  um single-seater cars so the moza F3 race I really   really really recommend this this is very very  difficult I'm gonna do a separate video on how   to drive the f3s this is where I start in Iris  and by the way I did a national championship in   the UK against Real World drivers we were all real  world racing drivers and then we went online and I   racing in f3s and I learned an awful lot here's  the advanced Mazda championship at Road Atlanta   this week now that's really really good quality  racing there that's absolutely fantastic you've   also got uh the formula IR this is a really fun  card drive as well recommend that as well don't   have at the moment but that is a fun card to drive  then you got the touring car races we have four   touring cars now which is also fun to drive I use  the Audi which is a bit of a weird car to drive   because it's uh it's um front-wheel drive and then  you have the Michelin Pilot I don't recommend this   one this is a bit of a weird Championship I don't  really recommend gt4's full stop my McLaren GT4 is   not eligible there weirdly so here basically you  can have a lot of fun doing the endurance racing   and that really is honestly some of the best  of it but I'm going to show you what happens   if you progress up to b-rank and what I recommend  there so now you have the Sprint racing this is   uh still a fixed Championship so you have fixed  racing there and I think you also have the Open   Championship here and they normally go to the  same circuit so basically you can alternate   between doing Sprint racing in your gt3s fixed and  then you can immediately go in and do an open one   as well and that's a really good Cadence to do  formula running 3.5 as well I've never driven   but that looks pretty fun the prototypes this  is a really really fun car to drive so you've   got a fixed championship for the prototypes that  side of fun and then you got proper imsa right   this probably is the premiere thing to do in eye  racing at the moment you've got the BMW hybrid   which I need to buy in review You've also got  your G3 cars and you've got the lmp2 there as   well so that's a three-class championship you've  got the games to Sprint and you've got the game   sitting serious I wouldn't do the MC pilot with  the touring cars and the gt4s it's all about   this one for me now if you get up to a class this  is where you get the Mercedes W13 stuff I think   don't you yes here we go Mercedes W13 stuff they  call it formula a now this is absolutely insane   um I have the oh I have the Mercedes W12 I need to  buy the W13 but those cars are absolutely mad to   drive and then you have the European endurance  races with just six hour races these are also   really fun to drive these are GTE cars there and  is it still GT is still you can drive the gtes   the GTS are going to leave our racing though I  imagine they're going to go Legacy they're not   going to be used in the mon racing from next  season I think they're going to be replaced   by gt3s again but the GTS essentially have no ABS  I think they have limited tractor control as well   they're a lot harder to drive you can see I bought  a lot of the GTS because I really really really   enjoy driving the gtus so that is my recommended  pathway in eye racing start in the Masters in the   rookie championship and get the hell out of there  as quickly as possible then go into the Ferrari G3   fix that will give you a taste of GT3 driving  then you can do endurance racing you can find   mates you can join our Discord you can do that  kind of stuff and then you can go to the Amazon   stuff then ultimately at the top of the pyramid  here you really have the Mercedes W13 racing and   you also have the uh the mon uh hypercar racing  at the moment with that BMW hybrid car that you   have in the imsa series and that will come to  them on I think next season as well so I really   hope you found this video helpful make sure to  subscribe by the way if you did it really helps   me out I just do this in my past in my part time  and yeah best of luck in eye racing 2023 honestly   there's never been a better time to get into  my race if that's 100 true and when they bring   rain and they may bring rain in this season it's  gonna go to the next level so it's a great time   to get in before they do that I hope you enjoyed  this and I'll see you see you next time [Music]
Channel: Kireth
Views: 84,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sim racing, iracing, active reset, iracing active reset, iracing reset, iracing new content, iracing update, iracing replay, iracting state, iracing review, simracing, simracing expo 2022, sim racing setup, assetto corsa, sim racing cockpit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 04 2023
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