Why I can't leave Apple.. I tried

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I'll go over the sticky ass ecosystem that feels like magic my use case on paid production work the amazing fart button how I Justified the 15 Pro for YouTube content creation and other small details that make owning an iPhone feel gangster you see the only way to truly experience this apple cash trap is by owning a few Apple products grabbed some airpods a Macbook then a watch or two you're paying Apple tax for life including me I can't leave Apple at one point I decided to quit all Apple devices for 30 days quit Apple the one thing I learned through this experiment was that app developers really love the iPhone I actually had the opportunity to film The behind the scenes at an app development company so check it [Applause] out yo John I'm just about to publish on the App Store yeah sounds good buddy and boom wob hold on everyone yeah um you you forgot about the Android app oh all right give me a [Music] [Applause] sec all right that'll do yeah publishing on Play Store yeah all right let's go home if you haven't checked out the video of my wife trying Android for 21 days you should check it out I'll link it down below the like button the only complaint that she had was this app optimization and after my experience of quitting Apple for 30 days one positive thing I got out of that was Android phones are actually very fun to use so so delete that guy done I'm I'm sold so if you're wondering my left pocket has my 15 Pro awesome Case by Ander and in my right pocket I've got the flip five I am so into these flipping folding bloody phones eh guys in order to make videos for you guys I need to feed these fat babies are you fat baby no a fat baby what's this don't eat it don't eat it yeah [Music] before I get to the apps I use for work another huge benefit for iPhone is the accessories you know accessory manufacturers prioritize iPhone if you're into leather accessories you need to check out Anda these guys sent me airpods Pro case sent my wife a backpack oh that's nice oo that smells like a proper cow and also sent me this awesome leather watchband which I've been wearing for the last couple weeks now they did not send me this case but because I loved their other products so much I went and bought this myself and I absolutely love it it has maxafe compatibility by the way my wife has been using that bag every single day so let's go and see what she thinks about the bag this bag very nice it looks good it looks good since I got this bag this nipp that I take yeah they do have a backpack for guys and I might actually purchase that really soon because I I just love their products this is not and uh this is not part of the sponsorship but it's like a 3 in1 charger you can slap your phone on there Max saave okay you rotate it okay you got a spot for your airpods which does charge with this Ander case and then you got a spot for your Apple watch as well so you can charge all three things this is absolutely game changer for my desk Des I have a white one here I've got the exact same thing a black one for my bedside table and I've got this set up I absolutely love it this is by a brand called BS I've also got this portable version of the same thing that has a 10,000 mAh battery built in so it's perfect for travel the cool thing about the flip is check this out because it's so small you can actually Chuck it on there and it will charge that's pretty cool I'll leave all this stuff in the description check it out and uh thank you once again for sponsoring this video I love your products and I'm going to buy more oh and I know for a fact people are going to ask me about this cup um that you keep seeing in the shots it's it's the Ember smart cup don't get it it's crap okay before I tell you guys why I can't leave Apple let me tell you some things I love about Android and why there will always be an Android in my right pocket first it's just way more fun to use there are flipping phones folding phones phones with 17 cameras see-through phones with glyph lights on the back phones that take better photos heck we even have phones that look like iPhones and talking about flip phones I got this mental shot the other day we Chuck this phone onto the spinning thing smile at the camera that's mad bro that's pretty cool which took a bunch of selfies on this I'll just stick it on a table stick it on some book and we took Awesome Selfies by the way everyone there I think is an iPhone user and they were just like that's mad there are certain things and actions that can be done quicker and easier on the Android over iOS want to open camera double tap what's up want to copy paste something to a friend you copy something you go over to your friend's chat oh it's there as a suggestion come on Apple this is something that you guys should have done ages ago and also there's a copypaste draw which is mighty useful you plug your phone in first of all tells you it's slow charging it's fast charging it's super fast charging and it also tells you how long it's going to take to get to full charge come on I could probably code that into iOS but there are a few reasons why this iPhone will never leave my pocket especially when it comes to real paid work this is it I'm bringing this thing I'm editing this video right now I just got booked for a job this Thursday so let's actually take this phone to the set and I'm actually going to hire someone just to film me using the phone and showing how I'm using it on the actual set I'm I'm hoping that the client's not going to realize I'm making a YouTube video on the set but actually let let's go I'll see you on the set and welcome to the set this is not the set it's still my house because the client cancelled for the second time I'm just going to pretend the house is the set so time lapse let's [Music] go now the set has been set all the audio is run through this thing this thing is controlled by my phone can you see it will start recording can you see that and as soon as I stop it will stop let me show you something gangster okay so I I would set this monitor up where the client sits so that they feel gangster so this is the client monitor now I've got another one this is the director's monitor so this is for me and my crew to see another thing okay this big ass light here okay so now I can just look at this Monitor and I can say huh it's a bit too bright I'll just I'll just make it a bit darker bit too dark make it be brighter make it it be brighter you know oh the color temperature is off needs to be daytime so I'm going to just change that these apps are I actually use on a day to-day when I'm shooting and it's not available on Android and the godo app is available just won't connect another thing I should have mentioned the app that connects this wireless transmitter to my iPad it's actually available on the Google Play store okay but the reason why I don't use it is number one it does not connect I got this on my iPhone if I've got crew 99% of my crew use iPhones they can just look at their own phone and be like Yep this is the live feed do you know I mean and if they were using Android phones and they were spending 1 hour trying to connect it bro forget about it so I can use this to monitor my screen to the light app control my light then I can quickly switch it over to my my zoom F6 control and see my audio controls I can do all of that come on the sticky ass ecosystem apple has a very nice Garden that they've built you know you move your mouse from your Mac over towards where your iPad is and then suddenly you're controlling the iPad and then you click on something and you can actually type stuff with your MacBook keyboard and then you grab something and you drag it over onto your Mac OS and you drop it and it just works like effing magic stuff like this is kind of doable on Android but for the life of me I am not going to change mic OS to Windows Universal copy paste is Bonkers watch this you copy that and then you paste it in come on that's freaking magic let me show you something more gangster let's copy that paste what's happening brothers and you can do that with everything like files PowerPoint presentations whatever you can copy here paste it on any Apple product check it out let's wake up my Mac which unlocks with my Apple watch okay hit paste what's up is your mind not effing blown the other day I had to enter a serial number onto the website for warranty I took a photo of the serial number copied the serial number in photos pasted it and Bob your uncle mate the ability to pinpoint my airpods Pro 2 I use that feature at least once a week where my fat baby decides to to take it and it somewhere it's like a game that she plays talking about pinpointing stuff right now so I've got the buds here you see but I just don't know where the case is um Samsung does have like a fine my thing and it's like it's somewhere in your house I don't know I don't know where it is I can't find it oh this is a good one the MacBook Pro automatically using the iPhone camera as the webcam when you launch a online meeting or whatever what I do is I just slap this guy on and then boom without any wires no setup the fact that it just works straight out the box uh the next one is shortcuts app I spent a whole week when I was rocking only Android I spent the whole week trying to install this button it's called the open butthole if I press that right now it will open the charge port of my Tesla press this button it preconditions the model why this is a shortcut widget right here let me just show you how freaking easy it is to do on on iOS okay you open shortcuts and I'm just going to look for Tesla right all this baked in I can select any of these and it'll do a vent you want a vent window button vent window choose which car let's vent window for Tessy okay put this on the home screen actually why not add what's up I pressed this button it will vent my window check this out there's a button down here in the middle called automation okay now here I've got a fair bit of automation setup so sometimes that lamp that you see in the background sometimes I forget to turn off the lamp and so it stays on overnight that's annoying so I've set up uh automation at 1000 p.m. just turn it off cool when I open Lightroom and I've got true tone on it's not the true colors so every time I open Lightroom it turns off true tone and then when I close Lightroom it turns true tone back on BR stuff like that can you do that there's this button here right here I can literally screen mirror this thing to my MacBook which is connected to this big ass monitor I'm actually looking at my stuff through the monitor app developers treat Android like crap take the Tesla app for example press the widget nothing press the widget it opens do you know what I'm saying now I I go down I tried to open the boot open a open the boot using the widget and it it just won't open I'll pull out my iPhone press the [Music] boot opens right away what the freak's that all about see it just worked so the Androids button that I pressed like 10 seconds ago just worked now that's why it closed they built the Android app out of their ass oh man this one's a good one they was a time I I was parking the car so the app is called Park and Pay Here's a classic ass example of what I mean by app quality okay over here it says download this app so you don't have to walk over there like a caveman put coins in and take a ticket okay and whenever I log in it says you're logged in but it doesn't log in I tried it three times it didn't work and I thought all right let's try it on the iPhone I tried on the iPhone I log in and boom it's logged in straight away whoever made this app made it for iPhone and just went H copy paste now on paper the s24 ultra spanks the 15 Pro if you compare the features you have a larger screen you got Spen 17 cameras Dex mode AI the list just goes on but there's only one issue holding the ultra back and that's app developer support oh all right give me a sec apps I rely on to get work done just doesn't work or aren't even a available on the Play Store no Innovative Hardware in the world is going to solve this I actually made a video when I got my first Android phone for business and I called it this is the best business phone you can get because it was on paper until I took it to a set and I realized it was absolutely useless other than jotting down notes which is uh pretty cool but I have an iPad for that we Tech YouTubers talk about these Android phones oh this s24 Ultra amazing nothing phone pixel phone all that including myself and we're not lying they are amazing devices okay but these guys are wearing Apple watches literally in the Android video that they're talking about including myself what happens is once we publish that video we crawl back and pick up the iPhone put the SIM card back in here and I'm just I just wanted to be transparent this is probably going to be my last Android vers iOS experiment I give up I am forever going to pay Apple tax also some great news we are officially fulltime now the reason why this matters so much to our family is because we are not just a tech channel it's our mission to use the skills that we have to fly to a third world country support them with photography video documentaries to help raise awareness and to raise funds for them later this year we're going to fly over to Mongolia and the crazy thing is I'm going to bring you guys with me I'm I'm going to Vlog the whole thing it's going to be exclusive content to my cofi members I'll link it in the description see you in the next one apple apple apple apple apple apple this is this is actually how it works at Instagram
Channel: Samuel Nam
Views: 142,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VhG_m9PDvps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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