Intrusive sounds in English ! English pronunciation

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hi guys how you doing this week native English speakers that sometimes link words together when they speak and it's called connected speech this exists also in some other languages for example French where it's called the liaison now when we speak English fluently we add some extra sounds between the words to link them together and by doing that the language sounds much more fluid and less robotic and it's those intrusive sounds those extra little sounds that we're going to look at today so stay where you are and we'll get started in just one moment [Music] [Applause] the biggest problem when working on pronunciation is that when you start thinking about the sounds making the right shape with your mouth and putting your tongue in the correct place everything becomes tight and tense and nothing comes out of your mouth the way it should so it's important to relax before starting this come on relax your neck relax your shoulders take a few deep breaths okay let's start talking about this intrusion the first thing you need to understand is that it doesn't happen in all English accents and while some people say that it isn't of the correct way to speak you will hear this especially in British English when one word finishes in a vowel sound and the next word also starts with a vowel sound we tend to insert an extra sound between the two words as our mouth passes from one sound to the next now this phenomenon happens naturally when our mouth passes from one cell to the next the act of adding a sound during the transition is what we call an intrusion an intrusion and there are three possible cells yeah whoa and right the intrusive you just a quick note before we start if you are not familiar with the phonetic writing the year sound is represented by a symbol that is the same as the letter J but it isn't a sound for the letter J it's a year sound like you get in yellow or yes listen to the sentence are you always eat breakfast are you always eat breakfast I always becomes I yours did you hear the subtle year sound you don't need to add a full year because as I said before the mouth does this naturally as it changes shape between I and always when I say I the corners of my mouth are wide apart and as my mouth changes shape to produce the next sound always the corners of my lips move closer together and I natural Apanui produce the years out I your I always are you always good you give it a try ie always again well duh okay when one word ends in an I like by II like tree a like play or boy like boy and the next word begins in a vowel sound then we make the link between the two words more fluid by adding a small yeah sound here are some examples now I'll save them twice and then you repeat them after me are you always eat breakfast I always eat breakfast I climbed the tree in the park I climbed the tree in the park they are late again they are late again the boy is mad about the girl the boy is mad about the girl now cut hey but I'm sure you did really well we also use the linking year when the word sir is followed by a vowel sound because we pronounce the V so you get the ant the elephant the incredible teacher that's me the only one the umbrella the intrusive were listen to the sentence can you do it can you do it this time did you hear the subtle work sound between do and it can you do it do ends in the sound and it begins with the e sound a vowel sound when one word ends in an O sound where the corners of my mouth are close together and the next word begins in a vowel sound you can just about hear another vowel sound oh sorry another sound between the words and that sound is like a whoa I said like a word because it isn't a full work it's very soft so do it becomes do it do it this is the intrusive what again it's a sound that happens naturally when our mouth moves from an ooh sound to another vowel sound here are some more examples and again I'll say them twice and then you repeat them after me no entry no entry she wants to eat she wants to eat who are you who are you really good you're getting the idea the intrusive run I'm sure that many of you know this television program Lorin order Lauren order did you notice that I didn't say law and order listen again Lauren order repeat after me Lauren order okay in fluent speech when any word that ends in this vowel sound like order yeah like yeah ah like car or or like door and that word is followed by another word beginning in a vowel sound is inserted between them even when no final letter r is present just don't forget that the sound is very light once again this is a sound that happens naturally when we connect the words together yeah it makes the language flow better and sound and less robotic it's much easier to say Lauren the order than law and order here are some other examples for us to try together now I'll say them twice and you repeat them I saw a film today I saw a film today a sofa in a chair a sofa in a chair America is a great country America is a great country now be careful because there is also something called a linking R sound a linking R up if a word ends in an R like car and the next word begins with a vowel sound like engine then the R is pronounced in connected speech so we say the car engine the car engine also the computer is broken the computer is broken remember back at the beginning I mentioned that not all English at include intrusive cells and this is true for the sound English accents that follow the silent aural where we don't pronounce the R in the words include most accents in England Wales Australia New Zealand and South Africa although not all accents in England because for example in the West Country in the southwest of England a large number of speakers pronounced their arse like the majority of native English speakers in America Canada Ireland Scotland India and Pakistan who all pronounce every written are now to finish a useful way of practicing the intruding were here and rip sounds is to study phrasal verbs and to say them aloud now here are three to get you started one go away to see you three sawed off did you hear that work between go away the year in Sein and the room in sore off yeah I'm sure you did you're getting good at this now I hope you enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up if you did hit that subscribe button down there ring the bell for notifications and follow me on social media please thank you so much for watching you take care now and I'll see you next time bye for now [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: English With Rick
Views: 417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: intrusive sounds in english, intrusive sounds, english intrusive sounds, british english intrusive sounds, english pronunciation, british english pronunciation, intrusive r, british intrusive r, intrusive w, intrusive j, connected speech, connected speech in english, connected speech practice, connected speech practice exercises, british english, speak english, spoken english, english lesson, english speaking, english lessons, english conversation, speak fluent english
Id: tsQjNm2JR9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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