Introduction to Shared Events in RootsMagic

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welcome in this short video we're going to provide a brief introduction to a feature called shared events in rootsMagic now a shared event is basically an event and as you know you can go and add any number of events to a person such as birth marriage death and burial one of the great things that you can do with these events in rootsMagic is share them with other people in the same file now this is particularly useful for things like a census or a residence where more than one person in the file actually used that same fact or that same event so for example you might add a census event to the head of a household and then instead of having to go into his spouse and then into the Edit screen for each of his five children and add that exact same information each time you could just simply add that census event to the head of the household and then share that fact or that event with those other people so that they're all sharing the exact same piece of information one you don't have to keep typing it in over and over and two if you need to change it you can once you've changed it it changes for everybody because it's a shared event so let's go ahead and kind of give you an idea of how this might work I'm gonna go in and I'm going to add a census event or a census fact to James Smith here and when I do that it's going to ask me for the date so let's go ahead and say this was the 1870 census and it was in Avon Polk County Iowa and I could do any of my regular old event things so I could say this is an event note and I could add a add sources to the to the census event I could add media I could do any of those things that I would normally do with an event let's go ahead and save that and I now have a census event saved for James Smith I'm gonna hop out of here and show you that if I go to his wife Ruth Ann Mills she does not have a census event if I wanted her to have a census he dad I couldn't do it the old-fashioned way and come up here and click fact and select census and go through those exact same steps that I just did to add it to her if I go to their son Howard you'll notice he does not have a census event and again I could do it the old-fashioned way and go in and just add the exact same information and hope I get it right by when I go in and re-enter that but I'm going to instead go in back into James and I'm going to select this census event we just added and I'm going to say let's share this fact I'm going to share it with other people now I can add one person I can share it with one person or I can share it with multiple people at a time I'm just gonna go ahead in this video to show you how to add it for a single person I want to say add a person and rootsMagic says okay are you wanting to share this census with somebody that's already in the database or do you want to just type the name of the person and not and share it but not ever add that person to the database and that could be useful if there's somebody you wanted to share it with but you didn't actually want them in the database but I'm gonna go ahead and say I want to choose the person from the database brings up a list of everybody and I'm going to go ahead and select the select his wife Ruth and Mills that was his wife's name I'm gonna select her and rootsMagic is saying okay you were about ready to share this census event with Ruth and Mills now there are a couple of other pieces of information that it's also going to want one is what is Ruth Ann's role in this census okay now every fact type is going to have one built-in role called witness but in this case Ruth Ann was not really a witness to the census she was the spouse in that in the census and so I'm gonna say I want to add a new role type so I'm gonna add this new role type and I'm just gonna call it spouse I could call it wife if I wanted if I wanted to be more specific and then rootsMagic wants me to enter a sentence template for this role now we don't really have time to cover how sentence templates work if you look through the help you'll be oh there's an entire sec on how to put together a sentence template but I'm going to show you a basic template and I'm going to put a field in called this person now anytime you're editing a role in other words a role that somebody has in a shared event this person that field will just be replaced with their name so in this case this person is going to end up getting changed - Ruth Mills okay this person appeared in the date and I'm actually going to put date : plane and that's so that rootsMagic doesn't throw the word in in front of it so it doesn't say appeared in the end date and so plane just says just put just the date appeared in the date sense us in place plane and again that's just so it doesn't put the word in or of or from or any of those kind of things in front of it in the household of person now you'll notice there's two different fields we used here we used this person and we used person person is always going to refer to the primary person in other words the one we originally added the fact to okay in this case James Smith because we went in and we added the census to James Smith this person is going to be considered the shared person the person we're sharing it with so this is actually going to change so that when this gets printed in a book it's going to say Ruth Mills appeared in the 1870 census in Avon Iowa in the household of James Smith okay now we go ahead and click OK now I could enter a note I could put this is Ruth's note about the census okay so this is specific to her appearing in this census I'm gonna click OK and I've now added this or shared this fact with Ruth in so let's go quickly and I'm going to add this also to Howard that was the Sun and you'll notice when I click on the roll to select the roll spouse is still there what that means is when I add a roll to a particular fact type and create that sentence template I don't have to do that every time once I add a new roll to a fact it's always there and I can just select it from the list but in this case Howard's not the spouse so we need to add a new roll type and this one's gonna be called child and we're gonna do a similar sentence template we're gonna say this person appeared in the date plain census in place plain in the household person now again as I mentioned before this person is going to be replaced with Howard Smith the person that we've created that we're sharing this with and person is going to be again that primary person that we originally added this fact to so I'm gonna go ahead and click OK and I could put a I could put a note down here if I want I'm just gonna go ahead and skip that for now so I've shared this with two people now if there were other children it becomes easy to just go say add a person select that child and then pick that role as child and I don't have to re-enter the sentence template again for that because I've already done it the one time so I'm gonna go ahead and click OK and now when I look at this census in addition to the date and the place the note down here on share it's telling me that two people also share this fact and I can click on that and I can see who those people are but this is where it gets fun I'm gonna go ahead and close this out and I'm gonna go into Ruth Anne's edit screen and I didn't actually add a census event to her I didn't go into her and add a census event but since I shared it with her this event now shows for her including the date the place the notes if there are any sources or media for that event it will show up there as well but since it's shared with her since it wasn't her in there added originally to her that's why the word census is not bolded and why it has this little shared symbol as well okay now I'm gonna go back into James Smith real quick and show this census so when I highlight that roots MAGIX is showing me here's what the sentence is going to look like James Smith appeared in the census in 1870 in Avon Iowa okay if I go into Ruthann and select census you're going to see it's going to give me a different Ruth Ann Mills appeared in the 1870 census in Avon Iowa in the household of James Smith that is that sentence template that we created except it's now being filled out for her in in for this particular fact and again if I go into Howard he also now has this same census back because I shared it with him and again I could see all the information the notes and I can see Howard Smith appeared in the 1870 census in Avon Iowa and I actually I probably should have made that sentence templates say appeared as a child in the household of I didn't I didn't put that in that sentence template but that is what I may have wanted to have put it appeared in the household or appeared as a child it's up to you how you word those sentence templates okay but let's say you realize that this date was wrong okay let's say you're you're working with Howard the child not the person you originally added it to but somebody you shared it with and you realize that this was actually the 1880 census well I'm gonna go ahead and change this to the 1880 census and I'm gonna also say this is a modified event note so I'm going to change the note I could change sources I could change whatever from here go ahead and save this close and when I go back to James you're going to see on the 1880 census now that it has modified that date and it has changed the event note that's because these events are truly shared they're not just copied from James to his wife and James to his son they're actually shared so if I make a change to this fact in any of those people that I shared it with that change is going to be reflected with everybody else and if I make a change to this fact for James also it will be reflected on everybody I've shared it with okay it's it's a great way of not having to go in and make a change in seven or eight different people for the exact same fact type because since its shared changing it in one place changes it for everybody else okay so that's resinous real quickly go I'm going to pop in here to the let's go to a narrative report so you can kind of see this real quickly I'm just going to do a descendent narrative just so I can get James Ruth and Howard just those three and let me shrink this down so that you can actually view it here in this screen okay and so here it is so James Smith was born and then here's the sentence the census that we added he appeared in the census in 1880 in Avon Polk County Iowa this is a modified event note there's that note that we had added to it okay well then it goes and talks about the wife and it says Ruth Ann Mills was born okay here's her census sentence she appeared in the 1880 census in Avon Polk County Iowa in the household of James Smith and then this is Ruth's note about the census so it's letting me have a specific different note than the one that was attached to James's census event so that's what that little note field lets me do is have a very specialized version even though this census event is shared Ruth can have her own note about that census and then finally Howard Smith appeared in the 1880 census and the household of James Smith and so that is a brief overview of what a shared event is and how to use it
Channel: RootsMagic
Views: 7,584
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: RootsMagic, Shared Events, Shared Facts
Id: 6q7aQi8OGLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2013
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